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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Nov 1913, p. 12

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BTRATFORD WARKETS. _ STRAIFOXD, NOV. te, 1913. BERLIN MARKETS. BERLIN, NOV. 20, 1913 Flour per 100 Ths ... ._..3.170 Brea per 100 fbs ..... ...l.20 Middlings per 100 1bs. ...... Segeemings per 100 Hay per ton ......... lbl- Wood per cord .._.._.. ... 7.00 _ 8.00 Potatoes, per tbag ... ...1.00 _ 1.25 Fggs, per dozen ... ... .40 A6 Butter, per lb. . . _ ... .28 .30 Whaat per bush. .............._â€" .83 Battey per bush ... ... .. .60 .10 Ohts per bush ........ ... .38 45 Piéas, per bush. ............... 70 .80 Pbtatoos, per bag ...... ... Oats, Standard Wikeat, Standard mrn UOM ... v.ll2s 10.00 » , Special ... ... 2.80 Flgur, Juilet .. .220 .0 2.10 Brdn, per tom ... . > 21.00 Shorts, per ton ... ... 23.00 Chigkens each, ....... . Buttéf, per lb. ....... . Eg&s, per dozen ......... NEW HAMBURG, NOV. 20, 1913. WRERG ..cuss ccesice iss 1c B8 .89 Corn, per bushel ...... ..... .85 .90 KFilour, family, per ewy. 2.75 2.80 Flour, high grade ... ... 3.25 Bran, per ton ... ..> 24.00 Middlings, per ton ... ..26.00 _ 27.00 Batley ... u. .222 .202 +57 .81 O e . .40 RY® ......c ie seriee 60 .65 Buckwheat 10. .. 22222 22222 .58 .60 Hams ... ...._.. TallOW ... .....> Dried apples, pet lb Wood, first class ... Hogs, live, per cwt. Dictator flour . People‘s flout .. Middlings, per ton Butter, per lb. .. FEggs, per dozen ... CM Screenings Rolled oats ... . Barley . Hay per tom ... ........15.00 17.00 Straw, per ton ........... 9.00 10.00 Potatoes per bag .......... 1.00 _ 1.10 Spring chickens, cach ... .55 Pork, dressed ................. 10.00 10.25 Qua#ter beef, hind ...... 11.00 12_0‘\}_ Hog®, live Flogr, Agate ... ...... ...... 2.99 Flo#r, Seven Liliee ... ... 2.60 Dath c2l22222 2 2222202 38 POBB ..«ccue scectw en e 18 PPnnnnnd eever e eninools eaen 5 Bram peF ton ... ... 22.00 Cotn in large lots ............ .78 .80 Middlings, per tom ... ... â€"_ 24.00 Potatoes, per bag .. ... ... .85 1.00 Butter, per ID ...:..... ... .28 .30 Eggs, per dozen ... . .36 + .38 # ard maline t e 3% Apples per barrel Hogs, dressed ... Hay per tom ... Straw, pet ton . Wood, per cord Export cattle ... BHutchers‘ cattle . Hogs, live ve hogs EÂ¥, PE He l.....2 222222220123 ; per @osen .:.â€"::: ... .. , per 100 lbs. ...... .....> W*ines®® beamress qecres periee sesseguas â€" sensssenl)| Recssecnines semmedice ELMIRA MARKET. ELMIRA, NOV. 20, 1913. h on one oomtnne mm iess +898 GaALT, Nov. 20, 1913. , per lb. GUELPH MARKETS. GUELPIH, NoV. 20, 1913. stvemues Sevsceree eegergrnscnene t WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLCO, NOV . 20, 1913 en WhteeAiad® D 2c ancs wedees sertecben (haterser pevasibn® NEW HAMBURG. eeerersed MARKET seversges wersersenscssee GALT. Weagecnse endees ase wedeee wesectrensssnes scsssece0 eoctisiseses @80 weanneccare* ttemss 14 seseserere® ..... 5.50 ... 10.50 10.75 .... 15.00 _ 15.80 20 1500 ®&.00 21. 50 8.50 ocine .5 7.3% 12.00 .. 2.89 . 2.50 , 123 31 .33 12.00 12.00 .16 .30 35 40 30 .32 1.00 1.15 8.50 8.%5 .24 8.35 .10 .10 .18 83 2.25 2.50 2.50 2.15 20.00 § 22.00 .34 .38 , .38 .40 11e 110 21.235 1.30 .80 .90 35 .. W 3.20 .45 .65 .27 35 15 .04 .04 8.25 13.00 10.00 11.00 .18 .14 22.00 1.40 1.10 1.10 1.25 1j .35 .40 .65 .60 .95 .35 .25 8.25 18 18 .05 .05 183 A8 .30 114 13 15 .38 .36 8.85 .83 2.80 3.90 e.50 ‘ Scientific Opticians. 8 50 Stora neat Post Office. smounts to $4,160,000 bushels, : Thimpole ‘Rumele us thowlke Th m and last year an increase of 300,000 bushâ€" #is, when the total amounted to ll.lg.i.. ing .n" m we o r‘l‘n t :: ices were wer e openâ€" ing, rcf&tlu hculh An.r’&n visibte m. expected large Increase in the visible here and f~vorable weather reports mg Argentina. apened unchanged to %4 lower and 'I.aur advanced % to %, with less pressure are CHICAGO, Nov.\$.â€"Reassuring reâ€" ports from Argenti lowered wheat values here today 1%%c/ to 3â€"4¢ net: weakness in southwest markets deâ€" pressed corn to a net loss of 1â€"2¢ to 3â€"4c. oats declined 1â€"4¢c to 1â€"?%c. in sympathy with other grain, and proâ€" visions sank because of a decline at the yards, the net loss being a shade to Eggs, cold sturage ....... 6 27 Eggs. selects. coid storage 9 at 0 % Honeév, extracted. lb...... 0 10 60 WINNIPEG GBAIN MARSET. WINNIPEG, Nov. 18. â€"The opening & the local grain exchange was L‘TM, o% ing to higher cables from abroad. Price opened unchanged io Mc higher. bui ow ing to late unfavorable advices, a 1088 â€" % to %c was shown at the clyse, . Oat: barley and flax were in fl»r demand Qats closed c lower, barley lge. lowe and flax from 2%e to Zl%e down. Cash â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1. northern, $1%C o. 2 do., §2%%e: No. 3 do.. Mlige: No 4 16%e: No. 1 rejected seeds. SUVe; No. ° do., T§ke; No. 2 red winter, $4c, No. i do.. &ic. o e e oo es en t on ags UU., BIC Gatsâ€"Ne. 2 CW.. Sike;: No. 3 C.wW wilge: extra No. 1 feed, 38!40¢. No. 1 feec 3:;:; No. 2 feed, 31¢, rieyâ€"No. & &3c; No. 4, 40¢; rejected sa€. TeRT, ONC Flaxâ€"No. 1 FR.W.C., $1.134; No. i C wW., $1.114; No. 8 C.W., &1 14. * MINNXEA! L8 GRAIN MARKET, MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. _ 18.â€"Closeâ€" Wheutâ€"December, §$2%¢; May, §i%c¢ t 87%c; No. 1 hard, $9%e; No. 1 northern $3%¢ to §5Â¥%c: No. 2 do., 81l%e to 83Â¥%¢ No. 3 wheat, S#c to $1%e. Cornâ€"Nu. 3 yellow, s5¢ to §9¢, Ontsâ€"No. 3 white; 36%¢ to 37c. Flour and bran unchanged . DULUTIHI GRAIN MARKET. DULUTH, Nov. 18.â€"Closeâ€"Wheatâ€"Ne 1 hard, $0%c¢; No. 1 northern, n4%e; No 2 do., 2%%c to §3%c; Montana, No. i hard, b44,c; â€" December, #3%¢; May 87 %%¢. TORONTO, Nov. 18. â€"Receipts of live stock at the Union Yards were 65 carsâ€"1194 cattle, 690 hogs, 667 sheep and lambs and 9* calves. ; Butchers. Choice buichers sold at $7.2%9 to $1.15; good butchers, . _"‘:?,5,_‘“ _‘?2"“3‘2':"» 83.'.'? : nagudbecbndn tiy iitnediiadP af cern ie esn to $6.25, choice cows, §$6 to $6,60; T;od ut $4.75 to $5.50; medium, $4.25 to $4.75; cunners and cultters, $3 to $4.25;) chuice Ne oe o e e se ue buils, $6 to $7; butchers bulls, $5.25 to $5.75; bologna bulls, $4.25 to $2.25. Stickers and.Feeders, ® There were many fresh faces amongst the buyers of these classes, and prices were very firm, as follows : Steers, 1040 to 1150 lbs., sold at $6.40 to g.w; steera, 900 to 1000 los. _ at $6 _ to .%5; slockers, 500 to 800 lbs., at $5,25 to $6; rough eastern stockers, $4.50 to %5.25. Milkers and Springers. Demand continued _ to centre on good to choice milkers and closeâ€"up springers. Such sell at firin to stronger prices, be. iIng very scarce; many at $10 to $80, with choice to extra big producers quoted up to §30 to $100. Backward springers are eot wanted, and uare slow sule at $45 to $50. Veal Calves. Recelpts were moderate, and. as usual, prices were firm. Cholce calves, $9 o $10.50:â€"good calves, $8 to $9; medium, $7 to $1.50; common, $2.50 to $6.50; rough eastern calves, $4.60 to $5. Sheep and Lambs, The market was firmer for lambs. and sheey steady. Sheep, ewes, $4.50 to $5.50; culls and rams, $2.50 to $4.%5; Jambs, «ewes and wethcrs, $1.60 to $1.99, . bucks, i5¢ per head less. Hoge. Receipts of hogs were lightâ€"not enough to supply the local demand, and, as there were severa‘ decks bought by an outside {irm, this caused prices to be very strong. Selects, fed and watered, sold at $9, and $8.40 to $$.65 £0,b., cars at country Mexican revolutionists made threats against _ Texas regarding the punishâ€" ment of smugglers. TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Wheat, fall bushel.....$0 8§ to $0 88 Barlcy, bushel ........> % $3 0 64 Peas. oushel ........... 0 80 Oale. baskel Cilllll... 0BB _ # 16 Buckwheat. bushel . Visitors to â€" Berlin â€" should _ avail themselves of the opportunity of conâ€" sulting our expert Optican _ if they have any _ trouble | whatever _ with their eves. lHe is recognized as â€" one of vhe foremost authorities on . the eve in Waterloo county, and you will ’find him â€" perfectly _ candid as to whether or not you require glasses. CATTLE MARKETsS + of 3.003,000 bushels; last week was an increase of l.‘ifl bushe‘s, st year an increase of $00.000 bushâ€" Good Sight UNION STOCK YARDS. 0 51 0 31 14 % 144 AAOAAAGAAARAAQpecAAdAAARA 21 King 8t. W. _ Berlin makes a most acceptable gift for Christmas and the ones we are showing this season . are especially attractive. Stop in to see‘theni=â€"and select one for a Christmas gift. We lay arâ€" ticles away until wanted if a small deposit is paid at time ofâ€" purchase. hard shiny coal that gives lots of heat, _ No clinkers, little ashes, and a square deal for a round dollar, Special Offer Dealer in farm seeds _ and binder twine. * JANSEN THE JEWELLER. 21 King W. â€" . Phone 853 A HMandsome Locket The Optician and Jewelét. The Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, Waâ€" terloo County‘s newslest paper will be offeredâ€"toâ€"new â€" subâ€" scribers from now till _ Dec. 31ist, 1914, (or one year â€" and three months) for Here you can secure . the The Berlin Daily Telegraph, Berlin‘s brightest and _ best paper, to new subscribers from now till Dec. 31ist, 1914. for the small sum of Chronicleâ€"Telegraph ._ Waterioo, Ont. Take advantage of this splendid ofier and send in your order now, to the J A N $ E N 208 Quten St., Beriin. Phone 1155. Only $1.00 $2.00 «t FRIENDLY GAMES OF FIVE PINS A friendly game of five pins was played on Wednesday evening between teams representing the _ Commercial Hotel and Recteation â€" Hall. The scaores:â€" R. Gainter W. Mickus O. Wesiall N. Sturm . Recreation Hall. B. Rockel .................. 28 R. Gaintet ............... 36 W. Mickus ..........l.. 24 O. Wesiall ............ 16 land and Thunder Cape, waiting for the wing to modcrate before going down Lakeâ€"Superior. They are the Canadian steamers Dundee, Plummer, Graham, Turret Court, fonic and sevâ€" etal United States ateamers. The Hamonic arrived at noon. Heayy Gate on Supertor, PORT ARTHUR, Nov. 18. «â€" Alâ€" though it is mild and calm on shore, a heavy southwest gale is reported blowing on Lake B‘:peflor toâ€"day. Sevéeral boats are in shelter at Ple Isâ€" Killed Playing "Indian." WINNIPEG, Nov. 18. â€"While playâ€" ing ‘"Indian," Allan, aged four, the son of J. K. MeDougald, of Kitdonan, was shot and instaptly kiNed with a rife in the Rands of his brother, Grant, aged eight. If It Pays Farmeoers men before Deceniber ist and all seturns made by that time, in otder that the administration of the fupd may be made promptly. All subscriptions will be acknowledged. â€" ‘The owners of Canadian ships take this opportunity to express their deep sympathy with the bereaved relatives andâ€"their confidence that the contribution which they are making to the fund will be genefously and beartily augmented by a sympathetic public. Noteâ€"Watérloo citizens desiring to contribute to the fund send their contributions to Mayor Fischer. PIANO, SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared for Examination at Toronto Conservatoryof Music, Toronto University etc. The Mayors of all Canadian cities are being asked to coâ€"operate in this appeal by acting as honorary treasurers in their respective Ell localities. Our butter fat prices ate always based on the trus condition of the buiter market, and we are not governed by what others say. Every can of cream we receive is carefully and hobestly weigh: ed, sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured of a correet report upon every shipment. . We furnish free cans and pay erpress curg'u. Our checks are issued every two weeks and cashed at pat. Write for our Booklet. TuE BERLIN CREAMERY Co. _ Petersburg, Baden, New Hamburg, Stratiord, Sebringville, Mitchell, Londesboro, Dublin, St. Columban, Rostock, Lynden, Dorchester, Preston, Elmira, St. Jacobs, Heidelberg, Seaforth, Clinton _ and Goderich, Teacher of FPiano and Voice. Pupil oft Dr* A. S. Vogt of Toronto awd Mr. Hutche son of Berlin, Germany, in piano, and Mrf. Wodell of Boston‘ and Chas. Washâ€" butn in artistic singing: Miss A, R. Bean BERLINâ€"Room 9, ab _ oÂ¥e Bank of Toronto, King St. I WATERLOOâ€"George Street, Telephone 189, Waterloo. Lakes Disaster Fund Monday and Thursday 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Friday 4 to 6 p. m. Saturday 9 to 12 a m To Ship us their Cream from 191 _ 337 SHOULDN‘T iT PAY YOU? 145 56 HOURS, (at Beriin) of Canada 193 19 40 57 28 25 38 42 48 40 SsTUDIOS : L. HENDERSON, Presidemt Dominion Marine Association. 194 191 38 29 40 49 38 32 44 38 32 45 Notwithstanding the loss of the Carada Maiting Co.‘s building a few months ago, which necessitatél the removal of a _ number of families from our midst, says the Palmerston Spectator, the town is making | adâ€" Â¥ances. Both the Taylorâ€"Reott Co., and the Kreutziger Mig. Co. have found it necessary to increase theit stais, owing to increasing demand for supplies, while the Grand Trunk have also increased their force, . and are making Palmerston a still more pronounced tailway rentre. As a reâ€" sult there is not a vacant house to be lad in the town at present, and thete is lots of work and high wages. ',.IO’NS vVICTORIA STAFF. xo vacaNt HoOUCSES, â€" Rev. A. J. Johnston, B.A.,. pastor of Dundas Centre Methodist | church, London, formerly of Gait, has defini teiy announced his intention of _ ad cepting a chait on the faculty of Vie toria College, Toronto. . He â€"will complete his year at Dundas . Centre chutch and will assume his dutics as a vroféssor of Victoria Colleg® _ in the fall of 1914. KNoOWS 5 PEOPLE CURED WITH THE 3 CURES. tree medicine to 6 people . having consumption in different stages . préâ€" fertedl in Betlin and Waterioo, if they will come forward and give name and addtesk. Come between 7 and 9 in the evening. â€" _ 2l -;(:w-o; patieat partly cured but objects to having naime published. s J. L. TRUSSLER, > ‘Tha undersigned is willing to give CONSUMPTION ARE| $1,000 _ ‘Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupii of Dr. A. 8. Vogt, Dr. Humphrey Anger, and Mr. Hutchesor of Berlin, Germany. Miss E. L. Bean 103 Weber St.. West, GAME WARDENS . APPEAL TO ~â€" THE HUNTIERS ‘The season for black squirtels opens toâ€"day, Nov. 13th, and extends to pec. ist. Game *arden Sattier exâ€" presses the wish that the sports who hunt this little animal will save some. â€" He states that he has a promâ€" this year there will be a closed seaâ€" son for two or thrée years, as otherâ€" wmm black squirrel will soon be ex inated. _ All that is necessary to do this is to have the County Council pass a resolution to that efâ€" fect and send it to Toronto. BERLIN, Nov. 18.â€"Emperor Wilâ€" liam hbas forbidden officers of the Qerman army and navyy while in uniâ€" form, to dance the tango, the one step and the two step, according to the newspaper, The Salon. His Maâ€" jesty also has instructed the officers to avold visiting farmilies where these dances ate favored and an actress of the Royal Theatre in Berlin was adâ€" vised yesterday by Count George Von Huc!senâ€"Haeseler, the Iinperial direcâ€" tor of theatres, not to participate in a tango tourhament. Sir William Van Horne 11. TORONTO, Nov. 18. â€" Becoming vorious ill while at the King Edward Hotel last night, Sir William Ven %orns had. to be rushed to Montreal shortly before miunight. His condiâ€" tton was satd to be such as to cause grave concern to his friends. Sir Wilâ€" Ifam was to have spoht the remainder of the week in Toronto, but following the attack of ‘rcakness it was thought advisable for him to return to Montreal for medical treatment. A second cargo of Irish cotn _ was imported from Belfast, being brought to Montreal by the Bengore Head. One dealer in houses for sale. Mrs. N. W. Rowell was réâ€"elected President of the Dominion Council of the Young Women‘s Christian Assoâ€" Ciation at Winnipeg. . For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering frors Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Disg ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, amd Chrome or Specia Complaints that cannot be cure a @ he Ontairio _ Medical Institut® $voâ€"2656 Yor ~~ Street, Toronte @ Ore dealer i REWARD Boots to Keep Out Cold and Wet Whatever price you pay at § , this store you can depend upon getting the best value in Boots you ever had. "Fall Fashion Footwear." _ Agent for "Slater" and ‘Emâ€" q press" , 4. Turning ovéer new Waves is perpetual motion with some folks. Mustn‘t Dance Tango. The Mercantile Fire ; INSURANCE COMPANY * r,my"‘-"fitfim“"“'"&: $16,306,038. | ALFRED WRiIGHT, SECRETARY Head Office « Waterioo Subscribed C‘Ditfl Svtrevertverven ’.“.m Deposit with the Dominion Ihornton & Douglas, Ltd. Are You Coming West If so write or call on me. 8 I have choice farms, all sizes, t6 " rent on shares or sell on crop pay* ments. _ Choice land, good _ watéer, close to school and town. ‘The largâ€" est Waterloo County settloment . in Saskatchewan. Buy orf reAt a fearm made to _ your measure . will give you entire satisfaction. Every garment is hand tailorâ€" edâ€"not machine madeâ€"and the vety best trimmings, canvas and linings are used. . We ab~ solutely guarantee our . hand tailored made to _ measute suits to keep their shape and to fit perfectly. _ Hundreds of new fabrics to choose from. WANTED.â€"Good smart boy to leatn Dry Goods business. Apply to Jaâ€" colh Uffelmtamn, Waterloo. 37â€"41. $15.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES for trustworthy man or . woman to act as travelling represebtative. Rapid promotion. Previous experiâ€" ence unnecessary. _ Commence . in home tertitory. Winston Company 1.1d., Toronto, Ont. 444%. Government ... ...... ...... $117,140.00 All policies guaranteed by the Lonâ€" Waterloo, Ont. Phote 246. Merchant Tailors Overcoats made to Suits made to ; measure $15 to Clothes P INCORPORATED 1878 8. B. BIEHN,

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