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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Nov 1913, p. 11

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* _ PUBLIC SALE Auction Sale and Farm for Sale Advertisements The auction sale of farm stock, im-l"' unlimitad plements, etc. of Mr. Joseph Forwell N'I“:;E‘n:n: one mile from Berlin, advertised 10[""' second take Place on _ Nov. 26th has beenl Kov. 18th postponed. The sale wil} take place * some time in Decembet. C. 0. C 1 respectfully solicit the patronage of farmers and others who intend to hbold sales the comtng season. . Best results assured. Write, or phone 172, Waterloo, Ont. Terms :â€"ten per cent cash on day of sale and the balance in thirty days. Cooking stove for wood, box stove, for wood, clothes cupboard, glass cupboard as good as new, cupboard with sink, bureau, 3 shelves, . wash sink, 12 chairs, 4 benches, spinning wheel with reel, 4 beds, 2 flat irons, some hard wood, shoemaker‘s . work lawn mower, shovels, chests, 3 tayles, lawn mower, shottel chest‘s tables, 3 wash tubs, 2 organs, also many wore articles. Terms ‘â€"All household effects cash. _ WM. SCHEIFELE, CHRISTIAN G. SCHEIFELE, Executors. At the same time _ and Place the following household effects will also be offered for sale :â€" 1 at 1.30 o‘clock. all and singular those certain parâ€" cels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the village of St. Jacobs in the Township of Woolwich in the County of Waterloo containing by admeasurement togeth er three tenths of an acre be the same more or less being compased of Firstly Subdivision lot No. 167 om the South side of front street and west side of Isabella street of George W. Eby‘s Survey and secondly of the East half of lot No. 169 on the west side of Isabella street of J. B. Eby and brothers survey, containing a good 7â€"roomed brick house, two storâ€" eys high, in good condition. Also a good barn with wood house attached, all in firstâ€"class condition. ; There will be sold by the underâ€" signed on the premises of late George Scheifele on #y 1200 lbs., coal stove, box stove, and many other article too numerâ€" ©us to mention, also about 1000 buskels of oats. TERMS :â€"Grain, young pigs and all sums of $10 and_ under cash. OÂ¥er that amount 12 months credit on a good security or 5 per cent. ofl for cash payments of credit amounts. MICK DETZLER, Proprietor. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. _ Implements :â€"Frost & Wood bindâ€" 6 ft. cut, Frost & Wood hay loader, Masseyâ€"Harris, 12 {t. steel, hay rake, Masseyâ€"Harris steel land roller, Masâ€" seyâ€"Harris 4â€"horse cultivator, Frost & Wood Dise drill, Frost & Wood twoâ€"furrow Crown gang plow, Frost & Wood 5â€"section iron harrow, . the above implements are all nearly new, 8 Shantz twoâ€"furrow gang plows, single plow, hay rack, scales, capa®t . sale, sow due to pig Jan. !st, 2 sows due to pig end of Jan., sow mupposed to be in Pig, 5 pigs about 5 weeks old. Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.na sharp. ';‘h following valuable property, Horses :â€"Sorrel mare 6 years old in foal to Royal Sovereign, weighing 1350 lbs., sorrel horse 3 years old, weighing 1150 lbs., sorrel mare comâ€" ing 3 years old, got by Prince â€" of Avon, bay horse 3 years old, got by Lord Tinto, weighing 1350 lbs., bay horse 7 years old, weighing 1300 lbs. bay â€" mare coming 2 years, got by Favorite, sorrel colt â€" rising 1 year Old, got by Prince of Avon. posed to be in calf, Durham bull year old, 7 head yearling cattle, ec!m, sow due to pig. by time There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersignsd, #} miles South of Berlin, on the road leading to Mannheim on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 1913 Farm Stock and Implements Licensed Auctioneer Tuesday Nov. 25th. 1913 Real Estate, Household Effects etc. A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE A. J. Mickus _ AUCTION SALE 45â€"3t 45â€"3t Shipping Hogs Wanted At Wallemstein C.P.R. Station, numâ€" ber unlimited. Highest market price paid. Load C. A. BOEHM _ Terms of Saleâ€"Hay, grain, _ and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit on approved security, or 6 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. Good free lunch at noon. Implements and household _ effects will be sold in the forenoon. 4 set bheavy double harness, driving barness, 2 set single harness, plow harness, horse blankets, double trecs, logging chains, forks, hoes, shovels, neck yokes and many articles too numerous to mentton. Hay and Grainâ€"About 15 ton good Timothy and Clover hay. About 1,009 bush. Siberian oats. | Implements, Etc.â€"Perkins 5 horse power gasoline engine, Massey Harris 7 it cut binder, Massey Harris corn binder, Massey Hatris mower, <cormn cultivator, 2 Massey Harris 17 tooth cultivators one with seed bor,; Masâ€" sey Harris hay loader, I. H. C. side delivery, twoâ€"horse steel hay _ rake, disc drill, 14 inch plate disc, 2 4â€"secâ€" ‘tion iron harrows, land roller, 2 sinâ€" gle No. 21 plows, 2 twoâ€"furrow ridâ€" ing plows, scuffier, sugar. beet sculâ€" fier, beet lifter, manutre _ spreader, [anving mill, truck seale cap. 2,000 lbs., 3 wagons with boxes, 1 ‘stock rack, democrat, 3 top buggies, 2 pair of bob sleighs, 2 cutters, 2 flat hay racks, Agricultural furnace, milk bottling and washing out eonâ€" sisting of 3 horse power boiler, sterâ€" elizer, turbine washer and nine botâ€" tle filler, a number of 8 gallon milk cans and coolers. ‘ 2 small heating stoves, 2 cheese vats, 2 presses. The above implements are in good shape and in good _ running order. A lot of Houschold Goodsâ€" Royal Penunsila range, patlor cook heatet, 9 years old, 2 bay mares rising 12 years old, one supposed to be â€" in foal; percheron mare rising 3 years old, black mare colt rising 3 years old will make a good driver, bay Percheon mare colt rising 2 _ years old, black mare colt rising 2 years old, 2 sucking colts got by _ Black _ 16 Head of Horses.â€"Heary _ team rising 7 and 9 years old weight 3000 lbs., heavy team rising 13 and 14 years oid weight 2800 lbs, bay team horses 5 and 6 years old weight 2750 lbs, 1 bay team (coach) horses 6 and 20 High Grade Cows, mostly Holâ€" steinsâ€"2 cows due to calve by time of sale, cow due to calve in Jan., cow due to calve in Feb., 2 evws due to calve in March, cow due to calve in April, 2 cows due to calve in May, cow due to calve in June, 3 cows due to calve in July, 2 farâ€" row cows, 5 cows were fresh in Sepâ€" tember and October, 3 heifers â€" due to calve in Jan., 4 helfers due to| calvo in July, 4 heifers rising 2 years { old. .2 heifers rising 1 year old, 3' heifer calves. + Pigsâ€"2 brood sows, one to _ pig latter part of February. ko!, the present stock bull. This bull is a som of Sir Korndyke Boon, owned by A. C. Hallman, Breslau, for which he refused the sum of $3000 as a three year old. His grand sitre is the famous Pontiac Korndyke for which an offer of $10,000 was refused. Grand dam is Fairview Korndyke Boon, has an official record, producâ€" ing 529.50 ibs milk, 32.17 lbs butter in one week, average fat 4.86, comâ€" ing from the very best milk and butâ€" ter producing strain. i General Insurance Agent Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Bulldhg: King St. Business Office 249, House 209. Business soiicite@ ror first class Companies. calves. Most of cows and heifers are Commencing at 9 o‘clock a.m. sharp. 32 lead of Cows consisting of 12 pure bred and balance well bred grades. For description of pure breds see or ask for folder, can be _ had from undersigned; 12 head oi beifers from 1 to 3 years old, 6 _ heifer Sale to be neld on the farm _ of|larm contains from 8 to 10 acres MENNO M. &HANTZ, situated 14| of bush and grazing land, and the miles east of Berlin, on the road b&lance consists of well cultivated leading from Berlin to Preston. Take|4ry land, soil sandy loam. On _ the car either at Preston or Berlin.|Premises are a good frame house, a Cars stop at farm. Sale on large new bank barn, and necessary out buildings, about five acres . are Thursday, Nov. 27th, 1913 |sown with fall wheat, and from 8 to 9 acres, are in grass. The property {*nmmannine o6 © (wlnfiants a m ol aten is atout 8 miles from Berlin and 3 OLIVER EKOLB, Clerk. MENNO M. SHANTZ, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. HIGH CLASS PURE BRED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN _ CATTLE, HEAVY DRAFT _ AND GENERAL PURPOSE _HORSES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND HOUSEIOLD EFFECTS. C. C. Diefenbacher AUCcTiON SALE Tuesday. Next shipment 45â€"5t. Lot 31 and part of 32, in the 4th Con. of Wilmot, comprising 180 acres. The farm is well fenced and drained, |no waste land, good wator, buildings {are first class. This is a choice farm. |Terms liberal. _ Apply to JAMES AM. SMITH, R. R. No. 1, New Hamburg. * 46â€"2mos Nov. 29.â€"Farm stock, fmplements, etc., belonging to Good Bros., at Conestogo. Nov. 22â€"Real Estate, household cfâ€" fects, etc., belonging to late Geo. Scheifele Estate, in the village of *St. .Jacobs. Nov: 25.â€"Farm stock and implements of Michael Detzler, 2 miles south of Berlin, on the Mannheim Road. Dec. 18.â€"Farm stock and implements ©{ Alphons Ditnet, 1; miles north of St. Agatha and 1} miles seuth of _ Josephsburg, on _ the Bamberg road. ' Nov. 27â€"Farm _ stock _ and impleâ€" ments, thoroughbred Holstein cows and heifers, will be sold on _ farm _ 145% acre farm, good ctay loans, 2 miles west of New Hamburg and 4 miles east of Shakespeare on the main road leading to Stratford. â€" On it is a nearly new brick house with 10 rooms, kitchen and woodshed, heated by furnace, large hank batn with good stabling, cemant fiootrs, large hog pen and hen hou» 2d drivingâ€"shed, ceâ€" ment silo 1214@ 14 acres _ of good bearing orchard with _ all kinds of small fruits, 18 acres of good _ hard wood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, _ 60 acres im meadow and pasture never failing stream of watet, running wat er _ at _ house andbatn, good fences, farm well underdrained and in good state of cultivation, fine location with Rural mail and telephone. For particulars apply to _ _ MRS. HENRY S. Bean, Shakespeate R.F.D. No ALLAN C. HALLMAN, ‘ New Dundee. Number unlimited. Highest market price paid. Next shipment Wednesday Nov. 26th. CLEMENS & HUNSBERGZR New Hamburg. Executors of the late Henrry S. Bean, deceased 37â€"tt. The farm comprises about 125 acres, 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres under a good state cf cultivation. Soil good clay loam, good _ spring creek, 2 never failing wells, 1} storey brick house, bank bacn, straw â€" shed. For further particulars apply to D. 8. Shantz. Raden. Mâ€"tt. ‘The undersigned offers for sale his larm situated one mile northwest of 3t. Agatha and 4 miles north of ’ The farm of the late Thomas Humâ€" mel. 1 mile north of New Germany, is for sale. The property comprises 120 acres, of which 20 acres _ are wooded, a log house with board covâ€" ering, good barn with sheds, _ good water and fine orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Chas. Hummel, Bloomingdale. of Menno M. Shantz, 14 miles cast of Berlin, on road leading to Prcsâ€" ton. Sale starts 9.30 a.m. ©Cl SHIMUNgE. apout NVe &HTOB wif] _ _ _0 0 O ) 0200 cjran to Mr. Gimble‘s assistance and sown with fall wheat, and from 8 to Nom ]‘o mnm prevented further trouble. Beyond a 9 acres, are in grass. The property few scratches to the horse and a is atout 8 miles from Berlin and 3 wames slightly torn harness no damage was iniles from New Dundee, and is conâ€" |IN THE MATTER of the Estate of | done. venient to School and Church. Joseph S. Martin, late of the| Locals and Personals: Mr. and For particulars apply to Township of Woolwich, in the| Mrs. Menno Schiedel Sundayed with MRS. MENNO COBER, County of Waterloo, farmer, deâ€"|Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snyder at Fisch ‘ Petersburg, R.R. No. 1. ceased. & er‘s Mill.â€"Miss Laura Bechtel spent DAVID BERGEY, New Dusdec| _______ _ ________ _ ______ lgundow under the naeremial ranf _ of bush and grazing land, and the _ A. B. MILLER, balance consists of well cultivated 182 King St. Fast, ‘The undersigned ofler for sale the larm of the late Menmo Cober situatâ€" ed cn the Huron Road in the Town ship of Wilmot being composed _ of part of the north half of lot numbet ‘The undersigned ofler for sale the| The undersigned offer for sale that larm of the late Menmo Cober situatâ€"|desirable farm property situated _ in ed cn the Huron Road in the Townâ€"|the Township of Wilmot, 2 miles ship of Wilmot being composed of|south of Haysvilie, known as the part of the north half of lot number |Nahrgang farm,,containing 100 actes. lour in the second concession o{| On it is a fine brick house, a large block in said Township and containâ€"|bank harn, a windmill and all necesâ€" inz fifty acres morg: or less. ‘The|sary out buildings. For further par< larm contains from 8 to 10 acres|ticulars apply to _ AUCTION SALES Hogs Wanted AT BADEN A. J. MICKUS, AUCTIONEER. E. J. SHANTYZ, Auctioneer. Farm tor Sale ISAAC BEAN,: Farm for Sale Farm for Sale | Farm ftor Sale securities, it any, hela by thent. Farm for Sale AND TAKE NOTICE that | after es L the said lasp mentioned d.te.t‘he said 31 and part of 32, in the 4th ithe â€" grséte of ‘the â€" said deceased i# W{lmot. comprising 180 a20tes. among the persons entitled thereto, :tm I‘S ;vcllof:zced t:dbdr.fi'i’:d' having regard only to the claims . of e jand, §£008 Watos PMIGDES|which he shall then have received st class. This is a choice farm. Aikawat nemgea notice. Farm for Sale 40â€"3 mos 444t.| NOTICE Is HBPREBY GIVEN, I have transmitted or delivered _ to the persons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario Voters‘ Lists Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered ef the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the _ last revised Assessmen‘t Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled te vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Asâ€" sembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first postâ€" ed vp at my office at Waterloo on the thirteenth day of November, A.D. 1913, and remains there for inspecâ€" tion. And I hereby call upor all voters to take immediate proctedings to have any errors or omissions cotfrectâ€" ed according to law. Dated 18th November, 1913. JAMES C. HAIGHT, . Closk of the Town of Waterloo. 47â€"1¢. VOTERS LIST 1914 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF WATERLOO, IN THE COUNTY OF WATERLOO. territory. We supply handsome frée outfit and pay higifest commissions. . Write for full particulars. STONF AND WELLINGTON Toromto, Ontario. At once, to represent the old and reâ€" liable +FONTHILL â€" NURSERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 â€" and stock for Fall delivery 1913 â€" and Spring delivery 1914. Start at once and secure exclusive WANTEDâ€"Good Local Agent Dated at Berlin, the 24th day of October, A.D. 1913. A. L. BITZER, Solr. for the said executors. 44â€"5t. V. Chap. 26, Sec. 55) that all perâ€" sons â€" having any claims or demands against the said Joseph S. Martin, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of April, 1911, at the said Township of Woolwich, are required on or before the 1st day of December, 1913, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for Menno S. Martin, Israel Martin and Jacob Martin ths executors _ of the last Will and Testament of _ the said deceased, their names and . adâ€" dresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements _ of their iccornt ; and the Aature c§ $b: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN on this bargain propoâ€" sition and get the most for little money. Send in your name now. The Early Subscriber Always CGets the Best Value The Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph, Waterloo Co.‘s brightest and newsiest Nfiwspaper, from now ti Chronicleâ€"Telegraph Wateorioo, Ont. Ja:n. 1915 for $1.00 Cet in Farly I]â€"Ames that \man was Mr. helly, ventriloquist, brought to justiceâ€"A few of the and he certainly kept the audience in young men of the village attonded roars of lau«hter, altogether this was the Hambourg Recital at Berlin on one of the best concerts staged in Monday evening. They report . a Plattsville for a long time. very enjoyable time.â€" Miss _ Mary Successfulâ€"Sérviges: â€"Revival serâ€" Staufier of Waterloo spent the weekâ€" vices are being conducted in the Meâ€" end at the home ofi ..r. M. Rosenâ€" thodist Church. The pastor assisted berger.â€"The singing class, conducted by Rev. N. Hurlbut of Bright, are at Bethel church by Mr. P. Shupe the ‘speakers during the present week. is a great success. The weekly _ atâ€" Good Prices Realized :â€"Mr. R. Heâ€" lendance is considerably over _ on* witt‘s sale at Washington was largeâ€" hundred and the interest is good.â€"A ly attended and everything sold well. Conceri given in iPlattsville last week The farm was not sold. jby a travelling company, attracted a Barn destroyed by Fire:â€"Mr. Gip humber of our young peoplo,. . Parts Smith‘s barn near Katleo was deâ€"|Of the programine were well renderâ€" stroyed by fire while threshing. The : ©d. Signs in the vicinity of the Union _ Successful â€" Concert :â€"THe Concert j a_â€"_â€" ihfl_d on _ Thursday night under "’el Interesting News Items.â€" A mild muspices _ of the Tennis Club wasâ€" @"sensation was caused in our vicinity decided success. . Mrs. Couttsâ€"Bain,recently by the actions of a travelling was in her usual happy style and;mechanic, who possessed himselfl . of pleased the audience immensely. Mr.â€" several articles not belonging to him Russel, baritone soloist, rendered. sev-'iu the home of one of our prominent eral selections which thoroughly deâ€"‘citizens. Thanks to the assistance of lighted the music lovers. The funny{tho rural phones he was speedily man was Mr. Kelly, ventriloquist, and he certainly kept the audience in roars of lau«hter, altogether this was one of the best concerts staged in Plattsville for a long time. â€"Mr. and _ Mrs. Sylvester Prange spent â€" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Prong at Hespeler.â€"Miss Verâ€" neta Mader Sundayed with Miss Seâ€" lina Dedels and Miss Olive Zeller.â€" Mrs. Devitt of Hespeler spent â€" Sunâ€" daâ€" with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller: â€"Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reick visited the latter‘s sister Mr. and Mrs. Honry Prange.â€"Revival meetings are held at Warner‘s Church at present.â€" Mr. George Leith left for his former home at Niagara Falls.â€"Miss Grace Clemens went to Berlin on Monday where she intends staying for th: winter.â€"Miss â€" Salome Kubl is emâ€" ployed at the House of Refuge at Berlin â€"Mrs. Ed. Schaerer who has been staying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Eisenbach for th* last week returned to her home at Harbour Springs, Mich. Serious _ Accident :â€"Mr. Lawrence Sauder met with a serious accident on Monday at the Riverbank School while playing. _ One small boy hit bim in the face with a stick which kmocked him unconscious. He was tnâ€" able to attend school for a few days. Locals and Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Menno Schiedel Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smyder at Fisch er‘s Mill.â€"Miss Laura Bechtel spent Sunday â€" under the parental roof.â€" on Nov. 5th, a daughter.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gimble and Miss â€" Nettie spent _ Sunday _ under the parental _ Unrfortunate Accident :â€"On Wednesâ€" day afternoon while Mr. David Gimâ€" bel, Jr., was driving home his horse became frightened at the sight of a boy playing on a lumber pile near Mr. Henry Prange‘s barn. The horse became unmanagable and jumped over the fence, leaving the driver and buggy on the other side. Neigh;ors Our Busy Neighbors W -Ilny-. Canadian farmers with the highest quality of Portland Cement it is possble h‘h::n to make. * We have reduced the price of Canada Portland Cement until it is within reach for practically way papine. h is the only buiding matems! that i not mcresrang in coat." MA},E,E;] m ?nfgcomplaf success in your concrete work CANADA Portlana CEMENT Plattsville If vou hawve not received a free copy of W hat the farmer can do with Concrete," write our Information Department and get one. _ It‘s a complete practical concrete encyclopedia. Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal Be sure to ask for Canada _ Cement, in bags. IF Mrs. Geo. Petch is visiting friends in Berlin â€"A _ jittle baby boy has come apparently to stay with Mr. and _ Mrs. Roy Rowland.â€"Hastings Bros. left on Saturda~ for Toromto Winter Fair with their herd of Hampâ€" shire Swine.â€"Mr. Colin Camphill is attending Galt Poultry Show _ with his prize Poultry.â€"Mrs. Alex Gilmar has rented the farm to Mr. C.) Kenâ€" mel and disPosing of the stock _ and implements by auction on Nov. 25th. â€"Mr. Christian Gerber an enterprisâ€" ing young man of this neighborhood who purchased a threshing outfit at‘ the beginning of the past season and ’took up the route formerly run by‘ Mr. Wm. Hastings, has finished | a. successful threshing season. He has now taken up headquarters for the winter months at Mr. Hasting‘s old stand at the chopping mill, where he is prepared to do chopping for the public on Tuesday and Friday of each week and hopes by honest dealing and satisfactory work to satisly all the old customers and as many new ones as possible, â€" Personals and Locals :â€"Mrs. â€" Jas. Hinchley and little daughter _ Helen are spending a week with friends in Toronto. Hotel Changes Hands :â€"Mr. A. E. Shantz has disposed of the Temperâ€" ance Hotel to Mr. Smith of York.‘~ Death of Prominent Farmer :â€"The death took place on Thursday â€" night prominentâ€"farmer of Chesterfield â€" at the age of 64 years. _ _ _ separator together with some _ live stock was burned. Hunter‘s Return :â€"The â€" Plattsville hunting Party returned from Muskoka on Friday having secured their full mnumber of deer. The party consisted of Messrs. Sterling, Prangley, R. Christmas Entertainment : â€" The Methodist Sunday School are having their Christmas entertainment on the night of the 23rd of December, a fine program is being PrePared. for cce t C ie C CR s mol McKie, G. Fenn, O. Harmer and Brantiord and Mr. Hardy Bulmer â€" of . ‘Berlin. visited with their parents over . Sunday.â€"Mr. William Hartzug‘s thilâ€" . dren of St. Clemcnts spent Sunday with their _ Grandparents here.â€"Mr. George Forwell was a business visk tor ~to Waterloo _ last Friday.â€"Mr.* Isaac Hewitt has gone to Waterloo where he has obtained employment.â€" _ Mr. John Walter and Mr. Jos. Baethe ler have returned home after a â€" soâ€" journ of several months in the West. A. R. Bredin was unanimously nomâ€" inated by the Liberals of Kildonan and St. Andrew‘s, Manitoba, in conâ€" vention at Selkirk, to oppose Hon. Dr, Montague, the new Provincial Minister of 1 ublic Works. , Items of _ Interest :â€"Mrs. Augu Abrens left _ Monday for Fergus . _ ‘visit. a few days with her son. â€"Mi Laura Dentinger visited with Berl lln‘cmls a few â€" days last week. â€"M Anthony Meyers and Mr. Ale ‘Stumpf{ of St. Clements spent a {e bhours Sunday with Mr. M. C. Ta ber.â€"Mr. Kitchen, Miss Millard at Mr. and Mrs. Glennie of Wintertour fisited at Mr. and Mrs. George Fo well‘s on Sunday.â€"Mr. Mansard â€"Fo well of I=rlin was bome with B parents over Sunday.â€"Mrs. Rob Lester and daughter Beatrice, Mr Wesley _ Bulmer and dauchter Daif Mrs. North and granddaughter Mildre and Miss Wilson visited with Mr Chas. Bulmer at her mother‘s hon on Sunday.â€"Mrs. H. A. ,Schweitz of Berlin visited her parents for few â€" days last week.â€"Mr. . Georg Lackner and son Dr. William Lackne of Berlin visited at Mr. Robt. More on Sunday.â€"Mr. C. Currey Buimet « Celebrated Iâ€".rthday :â€"Ou sfl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kaufmar brated the auniversary of their I‘lm days and entertained a few of © friends. Among those who spent the day with them were : Rev. and Wrs, L.. _ Brenner, Mrs. Pautler and Mg. and Mrs. _ Anthony Pautler w tom, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D. S of Victoriaburg, Mr. Walter Sippel of Beriin, Mr. W. H. Kaulman of New Hamburg and Miss Mildred Kauiman Kaufman many bhappy returns of the day. A x _ _Personal and Local.â€"Mr. and s Jantzie and their child wil} leave O‘Neil, Nebraska, next week N they intend visiting his brother Chr tian.â€"Mrs. Sydney love of Hays‘ visited her sick mother last week. Mr. Jno Hahn was a business viSitO® to Galt last Saturday.â€"Leave yo‘i subscription to the Chronicleâ€"Tele= graph at the office of W. C. Brueck= mer and receive the balance of thig year free. ‘sl Bank fortell an early and severe w ter â€"Beginning on Nov. 1l6th 1 Baptist church is conducting servi every Sunday evening instead of 0 in two weeks as formerly.â€"Quarit services were conducted in the U. Church on Saturday and Sunday. All kinds of poultry w«g which the hichest cash price is Ship every â€" Thursday, Phone 36, Hawkesville

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