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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Nov 1913, p. 10

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Ir ':., Staple Dept. Bargains--Table Linens ," x In white and grey, sizes i; .. “:81, Sale .t.t..rmtrter.. FF-r.... u _ I , . ”PM Good: " Sllks - Velveteen: ladies Ready-tanQa Men’s and Boy's Marconi: a Suits _,;;,) '““$”"°”'° ... $325 g's,'"f1sr..."e.u..tC.t Bc . Coats, Suits, Skirts, Dresses s/ut"';),':."), 333°: SAM“ , T323, Jl,gittuogrge,e' , tlf: 1 Piece gre'yand black striped Vel- ‘~vcteen. suitable lor smart. dresses, '5 Pieces " inch 1'nderskirtiag, in _ good shades as Peacock green, scar- kt, rose pink, moss and black and white stripe. Extra good wearing material, giving high colors and urto-date, regular MW, 25C .ulo per yard .. .......t. .r...m..r_.. cue, in dark and light stripes, reg- Spots and stripes in cotton Eider- down, tegular 25c, also 4 pirces Scotch Winery. in tan, blue and black stripe, suitable for waistings, 19 Regular tlic, Sale tm.P...m.t..r_ V. c An extra quality 100 Flannelrttc, out in lengths of 5 yards each, at Sale Me; and lengths of 10 82 yds at Sale t.mrFw. ...r. .,..t....'r.. c cords. Bedlam cords, cashmere, tweeds, satin cloth, Amazons, etc. AU the good shades shown at regular Mr, including a tew lines up [.039 81.25. Sale .re....r.... PP......-'.--.. C '33 Pieces Buss Goods, widths up to 54 inches, in Broadcloths. Permos, Whimrda, Bengaline and Tweeds, in I Iplendid range ot colors. Sold reg- ularly at 15c, including shme 59 lines up to $1.25, Sale .r....tr. C " Pieces Dress Goods, nearly all this season’s materials, in the latest mm and color combinations, such as Brocade cloths, Whipcords, Tweeds Pr-Ita, Bengalinc, cu ' reg- tdar tt to 81.50, Bale price Bc Flannelcm Blankelt in white only, A Jreautifu1 cloth of pure Linen, sin: 64176, Sale Price per pr 139 72x90. with polka dot with fancy border, slightly soiled, reg. $3 95 1. white and grey, sizes e, an 86.50, to clear Sale Price q Illa: my yd cut in 5 yd ends at 550 and cumin 10 yard ends Blazer Mripe duckling fleece, in mauve, tan and blue, 'reg. Ili Me, for .Vt.V_ttt.__ _ .ev.Pf..e .F._P. c White Cotton Quilts, extra quality, Grey crash and border towelling. sin 72x90 inyh, reg. value $1 39 good value at 10e, Sale 8 $1.85. Sale .rt.V.M.P... .re.rrr__rN, . price __.. -v-t ...t_v_. FPr. mp.. .....mr.. C inch Penmans cashmere hose, plain tor Indira, sizes 83, 9 and 91,, rrgulat 30c linen m seconds, Sale Price 900 About " pieces Inch Dres- Goods, Lenin" "and Bags. in lame and intanls' Bonnets, bilrskin and knit- small shapes, regular tr?.:, 98 ted wool. Reg. 35c to Mk. 29 to 81.75, Hale V _ T Fr .. C lines, to clear up Bale each c Hosiery--I.eather Goods--8mallwares ao=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=93 81 inch wide goqd quality Flannel- Ladiu' black Kid moves." 81.25 to 1.15 for 90tt Tht to 1.25 for Mttt -rr-Btt--lil- WOMEN WHO LIKE 70iiMAKEr'rHEiR DOLLARS BUY MORE THAN A DOLLARS WORTH SHOULD ATTEND THIS SALE â€"â€"--â€"â€" A pre-stock-taking sale which will save dollars to our many patrons and which you cannot help to appreciate coming as it does at so seasonable a time, with goods that are just what you want now. Winter merchandise - before winter sets in - at special sale prices. 100 3nd 590 In. ijil][ljir2fi? STORE’S ANNUAL NOVEMBER SALE Sale commences Thursday, Nov. 20th,--lasts 9 days only For $1.89 and 1.09 2" he Store of Quality 81 to 1.50 fer 190 12%0 Flotte 110 81.85 for 81.39 150 for 500 m for 190 IRttt for 300 500 for 250 350 for 890 m for 150 "tt Flatt. of " inch to 54 in all the ditrerettts $1.69 Bc iiii' 59C Red stripe and tan and white stripe Turkish Towelling, regular 15c and He tor .rrm.rrF. ...r..'... 12lc Seconds in Table Linens, damage hardly noticeable, sizes 90x108 inches Polka dot and clover leaf border, also lily pattern and 92x95 inches in a are" design, reg. 84.00, $2 69 lengths at very low prices, vodd shad- This amount will buy sodr choice es spool silks, at per dozen 10c ot no or 12 ladirs winter $3 95 ......... ,....... ..-....w. .er....-.rre... "oats. only ..rm..... Fm...'.... F..-.. o An assortment or pure linen cloths with clover leaf and morning glory designs, sizes 72x90, regain Clt “In 33 inch mtterial raw silk, washes perfectly, good value. Reg- 39c ular 500, Sale ..m.-mrm_.t..e-.rt.tr.r.... 3 pieces of Brocade Charmeuse, in lengths oi 5 yds each, very smart for an evening or reception $1250 gown, reg. 811.50 for MP..e-_. S: " inch ME "R"tim-r,--irr staple and novelty shades, as navy, rose, pink, sky, tango? tttune, brown, cardinal, eta, regular 81.00, TtL. Mt inch wide black Paulette Silk, undoubtedly the best value in Mack silk, will not cut. or pull, (B Regular $1.00, Sale .tr.mr.r. ...... c t4.so." Sale (w " inch wide Brocade Silk, on ftve shades, the very newest for party dresses, pale blue, sans, white, maize and pink, regular 75c yard, Bc Sale mmt.trr-.Fre ..rrrt-r-t.. "'e"."'-e.... Remnants oi Dress Goods, in skirt 150 and IN for 12%: 311.50 for 312.50 woman WHO VALUE we PURCIIMIIG mm or', mm m1 86.50 for " 84.50 for " 2.15 for 2'19 150 for "tt " for 2.69 100 for In 100 for " 81 for 090 Inform 8110f "tt lht for 130 “mac ff Bc . Coats, Suits, Skirts, Dresses 51332333 t'ed'hT, Sm in ------.-. _ y trends, to; umm$l 65 , __--- _ "2.60fte IMi5 24.50 for $18-98 Remus 33.50. sale ......2'i%', 1' Bc Silk and Chition Waists, m up to Silk. L'hiiion and Net Waisu, in an date tstyles make good gifts 3 95 assortment of colors and 2 59 Reg. 85 tor v........'. _._....rt.e.... _ . sizes, Regular 83.25, for . Ladies Heather bloom Uttderskirt, black only. regular $1.39, 1 19 Sale Price .er.teN't ..e....r_..rm.. . nuance. 1 5 Pieces Fur, Mink Marmot. neck scart and co11arette. Regular " to " SIM-rial Sale Price for ' days .......... '.?...'.ctt.29 and chinchilla, regular 815 and 816. Sale .F...r.P. "'"","'. I This is a splendid opportunity to ty,' a-good looking winter coat that sells regular " to 89.50, m 69 Fir, _.-...... -t" Tr-...... -P..t.t. o Other lines of children's coats, in curl cloth, tweeds_ and blanket. 'cloth, Sale Price range 2 95 ttom m.rp.t-.Fr-. ...........‘...... 0 up Ire-ax": cloths. in newest styles and Sam and Whipcords, reg- shrles, sizes '18 to M, regular '" uh: 334.50, Bale m.-.-........ u to "S.50, tor ' days (It (I: ""'"-""-"rC""'r.1i-'":Tt, _ortty 8 Wires, Scaris. Stolcs, Throws, in Mink Marmot, and Hair, . Regular " for ..._t_t_. mw..rrtr. $2.95 3 l 10 Pieces. water mink, mink mat- mot hair, squirrel, grey Inmb.white 11mm. Reg 86.75 to use a a: Ladies and Misses Coats in tweed: and Sages, reguiac $10.50 and the all popular curl cloths, to 813. Sale .m.tr..r. ..mF"m_.t. rettutar 313.50 to 314.50.31035 ---_..------- Sale Price ..r..t-m. F.-....'. ..... $5.00 1 $8.95 buys a choice of anice range (ol Coats, all sizes, regular $10.50. up to $12, in tweeds and $8.98 curl cloths, Sale W........ m........ Sa te Ladies', and Misses Satin l'nderskirts in cerisu. paddy, tan, brown and black. a dandy, Special I " Ar assortment of Sweater Coats. ands. stiie . i.. ladies and children's sizes. while -..---- ther lush. Regular tt.M, Our Regul; tor .. FVFP'F F-... _ ._.._ __. “M ,. 89c 2nM, Sale. Furs, Sweaters, C Underwear, Corsets Ladies and Misses Suit: in Tweed: " for 12... and Borges, regular, 815 and $16.50. Ladies and Misses Coats._in tyesds in nearly all shades, Bale In a: Ladies' black sateen Utsderskirt, a 6.75 to 8.50 for $3.95 $2 to 3.00 for $1.29 Only $3.95 Only Only $1.95 only $14.50 for 10.95 $9.50 for $6.69 12.50 for $8.98 $1.25 for 89c $5 for $3.95 $5 for 2.95 $1.19 $1.49 T??'.... 1.49 “wagsj‘iagg $4.79 and $5. 59 316.95 $1250 $1.29 3203? 3.95 A [use quantity Corsets, allsim, 3 ditterent styles, our reg. $1, Sale Price .ri...m.. ...m...t. ... 89c Ladies and Misses Dresses, in light and dark Pammas and Sages. all sizes. Regular $5.00 and 3.95 $5.50, Sale Price .._..t... m-....' $1.59 buys our regular $1.75 Cor- aet. the Mom- a corset that tailed Alissa Dresses. including some la. dies sizes, in ted, brown, navy and Mack. Panama and Samoa, Regular " and 87.59, , days Sale 438 Ladies and Kisses Dress Skirts, mostly small sizes, in Tweeds, Pan- amas and Sergrs, 'regular 3.26 $4.50 to 86 for ..r.-.....F. Mtv _.. at ... A special purchase lot or Kimonas Empite "yt/itat quality. good pat- terms, all sizes, at special Sale Price .t.t.m.tmrt_.m. W.-.-. 1.79 The biggest Kimona value we've been all? to gel, in all shades, good style, r" in., all get one or two or these below they' are sold, tht m Our Regular Me Vests in grey and white, ”sorted sites. Buy your underwear now when you can save mime)". . Two big specials in Mucous. in Misses and Ladies sizes at e en Our Regular 50c Vest in 2nd:, Sale t.set.mr. .-.rF..v_ ,. 'Nr Our regular 40c Vesta in Ladies and Misses Suits in Tweed: 3 only Ladies Suits tor place of anything on the market. to $3.00, on Sale " -FiF- 7 ' -e- 7 1.59 $4.50 to $6 for $3.25 16.50 for $10.95 3 25 for $2.59 5.50 for 3.95 $12 for $8.95 7.50 for $4.98 2Se for 19e Soc for 39c 1. Iff It': $1.00 $1.59 '1..1 5.59 1898 1iiiii' 39c 29c 39c $28 for $24.50 tt Athinster Rugsé rod"I"41, pat- t ' e v weave, 3%.. 81.: ...tt....... ...-.........24-50 1 Mcri's Hats. amt and soft tel: Itil my goods, latest styles t " i Negligee Shirts, in neat stripe Meets, Regular " and has. sale .re..r.t. ......... ".r..... 79C Seamless Tapestry Rugs, good patterns, Sate ...rt. T.. Boys their Serge and Worsted Suns in is double “and Kyle with blooms". line: " to M, Sale Ladies' Umbrellas, gloria top tape and stitched edge, neatly trimmed handles, iegulu 81.25 and tt.50, Sale q.-...".. ........ ... 98c SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S Regular Tbe Ui""." I AND BOYS' _t'"1w_rhltr_i:rt con-s. Regular tl tor .._ 1 Boys 8 piece Suits. in bicker pants ‘hbric ot Trends sud Wounds, you patterns. " Mea's Suits-Choice Tweed: and Worstedsm good pattcms,,every suit warranted to glvo ttatiataetimt. Broken sizes. but all aim are in- eluded in the lot. Reg. 311$ lo $11.50, Sale .rem-et "e....... 9.95 Nottingham Lace Curtains. with l pair patent anery Hooks tree, Sale ..t...... .rr..r....t'-. ...et. 39c Boytr' 2 piece Suits. bicker pants, sries 22 to 28. at $13.75 for $1 1 , a Best seamless Tapestry Rugs, , yds x 4 “In, good patterns, $1 1 Sale ...._.... .q.4...e.. 'r..........-......... I: Axminster Rugs. Oriental pat,- terms, heavy weave, good colors, 3 yds. x q yds., Sale ............’)| TR Nottingham Lace Curtains. heavy Nett, good patterns. with 1 air Drapery Hooks tree, sale G' 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT _ Bloomer Suit; tor boys, mule up 'tut the D. B. style, this lot is com- prised or broken sins. good values at regular price ot $3.50 to 184. Sale .........l. .......-r.t. .-. 2.95 Reg 25 PER CENT. DISCOUN'I Regular 815 to $17,$l 1.95 Sale .....w-rt ....r_.. ,........ Rugs, curtains, thtmfttrttrre,Hh,tttttlom, _ Llnoloums. -------------.--' Rental patterns to deg": perfect . Only 40c sq. yard quality, I any, sale mt. Mc Linoleum Spatial. heavy make. t yard Fr."'... 'e.wre.r. ...r.sm.r ......... d b 4 rdg wide. sale per w'"""""-'"""----"---------- ICA' 1'Jl m,,r.-.rv'r. wr.....'....... 40C 20: for 15e Men’s Ftmththhttpt, thtdtrryimar,%tttrrtiIt" Retrtrlar 83.50, Kale ......... $10.50 to $13.75 for $8.75 Regular " Sale Regular " to " Bate $24 for' $21.75 1.50 for $1.00 Sth: for MK ”"‘"“" ""' Pillow Cushions Oriental “1:24.50 designs, well 'iiiG', Sale w... $4.95 21 J75 unsmons. we" 'tu" and 8.75 nice patterns Sateen, Sale t"i' Round ttoor Divan Cushions, plain colors, piped sums, " $1 Nottinghtm Lace Cuttains. good design, strong not drapery hooks me, Sale .'....... m...r. 79c 116 pair Nottingham lace curtains, 3 yards long. a special clearing Imp '.._r.r, F_.r..r. .p. 98c Cushions. well filled, With fancy frills. Sale ............r_m... brown chm. small-dd medium size; only. mum $3.50 N; $5, Sale .....V.;.,. “hand, ... 2.95 Boys' all woot Ribbed Underwear, natural, regular 7be to ttoe, Sale ....e._rtr.t .e._..p...r. .q..r..q...- 49c _ Boys Overcoats, undo up in the single and double hunted styles. vlain bask and with he!" of choice twreds, in brown and (my. shuns, Ulster and Converging collars, sizes 27 to 33,'Reg. 85. 0 to “ 85.50, Sale .rrr.rmm. .t.mrro.. ...t... 4:45 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL UNDER- WEAR. Men's Overcoatg. single and double breasted Ulster styh. fabrics ot tweeds, in the, beat mamas. _ Lot N . 1. Sale t...mr.....r... Men's Waterprool Coat. in the Tweeds and Wool Paramettas, in brown. olive and pay shades, all sizes. a. T Men's Chest- Oman, in dark patterns, with TeNet voila", ular 811 to tls, Negligce Shirts, 'special lot. Sale .-.P._._. ......... _......., Men's Tweed Trouser Regular "as and 82.50 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Regular “.50 to $7.5m Heavy Leather Mitts, lined, Regular 76r, sale ""'om.-'-..... Cushions. well tiued and Boys' Russian Omen“, this tot Regular 35c, Sale v....-. Regular $3.00 and t3.so, Lot No. 2, Sale Fh?or Oil 25c sq. yard $1 and 1.15 for 79c 1.25 for Me 50t for 29c $1 for 79e 1.50 for $1 1.75 for Me rt, III in. 1.95 The Store of Econom 1'e.t5.95 Tr"" 1 1.95 {$1.95 l 2.65 trmed, 79c 69c 69c 49c . 59c MTF T9e WE GUARANTEE every thing we sell; that is to any we no ulwnys willing to make right anything that my not have turned out to your tatigttretion. Quallty is our highest aim and to give it to you at the most economical price ought to be an incentive tor you to buy here. And now that we live cut down our usually small price, you surely '"I not anon! to stay away. Remember tit? days-from Thur. Woo. 20, and lasts The wholesale iobbers are buy stock taking and our - MI been there and picked up many lines at imitlly low prices. And on mm be sure to get your shank should know .UAI Then come the wonderful values in Cloaking, Dress Goods and Silks, courting the" whole elevated section at the rear ot the main store. If you Iwill turn we at this point through Last and not least is the Homo Furnishing Department, covering the. /, whole Second Floor in the main ‘building. You should " least see the Rugs, Linoleum: and Cuxtains advertised here at exceptionally low prices. and we must not T lorget to mention the exceptional values in cushions. Especially it you are a strange! tol this store, just exactly when you may tind the thing you want. Then as you enter the Smdlwues, Hos- iery and [Author Goods com am on the left. [allowed by the his values in Flannelelto. .thnolctb blankets. Kimona Cloths, and no" ‘nll the trig reductions in Um. To Tour right as you enter are Bargains. in Men's Ftmtiahiags, ti. derwear and Umbrellas, followed . Sweaters. quues and Furs. an archway you fmd where the Sale will attract many because ot the Special Prices in Ladies' Cow} Suits. Dresses, Skirts, Wants. Cor- sets and Underwear, and we must Pot towel. to mmtion that big Kim- jolu value. at $1.00. _ To your nght at the rear ot out, big store is the arch through which ‘you may enter our new Exclusive ‘Mm's Clothing Department, when we carry 'R excellent stock ot every- Pies in Overcoat: and Suits tor men and boys. Look over the Big Bar- gains in this advertisancnt. Farther on is the new Grocery Section, every thing clean and up to date, high guality and reasonabl- prices. [EijLII] " I 1 I

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