‘~~â€" Wotice of changes mpust be leff at Uhis office not later than Saturday 3 WATERLOO, ONT. _ ubscription $1.00 per annum payâ€" .: able in advance, $1.50 if not so paid. ~ _ Postage for United States subscribâ€" . a&B 50 cents extra. â€" High class printing, English German, in all its branches, _I.EMM_}B_%.E“"‘“"V thought out article on the go roads quostion suggests that _ when the Commission now investigating the maaiter makes its recommendations a permanent nonâ€"parftizan comimittee be appointed to carry them out. This â€" it would accomplish by creating a commission of three members, . two appointed by the Government and . _ ome by the Leader of the Opposition. "‘It is The Citizen‘s idea | that â€" this Commission should immediately set about the work of building permanâ€" c.eht highways connecting the principal Ontario towns and cities. The cost it would â€" defray by â€" the issue of debentures, the _ interest and â€"â€"sinking fund of which would be met: by a tax on all land in the _ towns and citics served. _ To the country districts the Citizen would assign the work of maintenance of these roads, the cost of which it would also meet by a tax on land, because the value of _ all land in these districts . would be enhanced by reason of the _ road improvements. Improvements on Dbuildings, it Yery properly. argues, , should not be taved . becavee | thor pan al=c is planas? The copy of changes must not be Oe later than Tuesday noon. . Casual @dévertisements accepted up to Wedâ€" eessday each week. will be made known on application. The Cil.zen‘s suggestions . deservo, the careful cousideration of the Govâ€" ernment. ‘There is one section of the comrnumt?_g however, that is perhaps more directly interested in _ having good leading roads than any other which the citizen appears to have left out _ of its calculaticns. Why should ~ not a large share of the cost of any scheme of permanent roads be paid by the mototist ? No one uses the roads: as much as he, no kird of traffic is ‘harder on them and no Class _ can better afiord to pay its proper share of the cost of upâ€"keep than the ownâ€" ers of automobiles. _ As a _ special bencficiary of good roads the autoâ€" ~â€"*‘le owner should be a _ special centributor to the cost .of _ their construction. The Beslin Council has graciously complied with the Hospital Board‘s request to submit a byâ€"law for $5,â€" 000 to wipe out the deficist in conâ€" nection with the recent extensive adâ€" ditions to that institution. This is «as it should be. Those who â€" give freely of their iimo in the manageâ€" ment of such benavolent institutions the hospital should not be asked personally â€" guarantee its _ debts. It .say, of course, be pointed _ out that the Board _ exceeded its _ estiâ€" matrs, biut this is so common an 0¢â€" eurrence in these days of rising prices §hat it is hardly open to criticism. The fact is that the Board â€" received good value for all money spent and couid not bave curtailed its expendiâ€" tures without _ seriously interfeting with the cffectiveness of the general plan. The â€" suggestion that instead of frsuing dolentures for the amount the Board miht secure the petmission of the donor, Mr. J. E. Seagram, to dispose of _ part of the hospital â€" grounds was not entertained by the Council and properly so. In deeding ~this large tract of land to the Hosâ€" pital Trust the donor undoubtedly had in mind the very desirable quict and {solation such grounds would afford '.nd threir value in acceietating the procoss ol recovery of the patients. 14 : :=> :s W insar ea l use ©12 ae kb pa wl saving in crontage tarxes that _ could be chaxt=i by the sale of ‘a pertion of the pm{wny would be insignificant compared with the nataral increase in The Hospital Byâ€"law A Sane Idea himself as a practical reformer. The i~ #as saP P & t roaes oo oy duce se (w. 10. Hatiwapo ol Liiss in | at or 4, at ‘Toronto is a reform in . prison w'.H' w#-“"' CII- gt methods that promises {arâ€"reaching rviers‘ Union, Run ftor {* results in the reclamation _ of . the Board of Education t criminal and his reâ€"establishment in cewae society. Now the provincial secreâ€" e tary comes forward with a plan toT~ & L. mcnâ€" m A make all institutions of the depart & w ment self w“u as '.l L Hâ€. 4+ the rachler mantine at the Twinâ€" asylums and prisons. Farm lands at. the various . places have been drained and brought under cultivation. The success of this has been most regently notable in Whitby and Brockville. At the former place twoentyâ€"five miles of underâ€"draining have been-cï¬'npleted. bringing into use acres of rich land. ln Brockville the work has been seventcen miles in extent. + Mr. Hanna‘s ides Is not so much to make each institution . selfâ€"supporting so far as its own requirements are JMJ&M)ME):_ tem _ coâ€"operate. The Provincia Prison at Guelph, it is expected, will be the dairy centre. Jn London a cauning plant has been installed, and fruits, vegetables amd pickles are beâ€" ing provided for winter consumption. Both Guelph and Whitby farms . are producing large quantities of root crops, and Brockviile is being used to supply a surplus stock for the eastern Ontario institutions. During the summer months _ these institutions have naturally been more or less sellâ€"supporting . with large farm areas surrounding _ them, but Mr. Hanna‘s idea has been to work the whole thing out on a scientific basis, with proper tabulations of the acreage production at each, what is received from the dairy herd, the eost of handling, etc. _ When the whole plan is worked out it is _ exâ€" pecied that the estimates to be voted for _ ‘"maintenance" will | gradually diminish. It will be interesting to see this latest experiment . works It looks like a practical â€" idea megith 1+ EUPCBEd We are beginning to feel the effect of the increased demand . for cattle‘ in the United States owing to the market _ there being unobstructed. The fact that the cattle of Perth, Middlesex and other counties are beâ€" ing sent to the United States is alâ€" ready having its effect on the price of meat. In other parts of the counâ€" try it is the same. The Penctanguiâ€" shene Herald says that every head of young cattle in that end of the township of Tiny has been _ bought up and shipped away. The Orillia Packet quotes one of its correspondâ€" ents as sayving that he does not know where beef cattle are to come from in another year or two. The same kind of thing is being: published in other words in _ other parts of the Province. The fact is, of course, that the food needs _ of North America are i{nmense. With the opening of enlarged markets, says the Toronto Star, the live stock proâ€" ducers of Ontartio can double their flocks and herds with some confidâ€" ’ence that their labor and outlay will not be wasted as, in past times, it sometimes was. ite value by reason of the growth of the city and the future uses to which it may be put, for hospital extension, the erection of a home for old people, a public park or like purposes. Tenfperance _ workers elected _ Mr. Joon Laidlaw as a candidate in the East Middlesex _ Provincial byeâ€"elec tion, P Zfleci of a Free Market NAâ€"DRUâ€"CO frevafiten a Are you one of those thousands who, though apparently well, catch cold easily and often ? It‘s a dangerous ecadition to tol«rate, and one which you can easily prevent by taking two or three bottios of NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED.~ By »ucuginei$ su.y$ and tronchial tubes that they readily throw off the colds which would otherwise take ho‘d of you. Prevents Sickness Restores Health how oqut. that At the regular meeting of the Twinâ€"‘ City â€" Trades . & Labor Council on Monday eveming a communication was received from the Berlin Letter Carâ€" tiers‘ Union aBnouncing that otte .of their members, Mr. W. H. Haltiway,, was a candidate for the Board of Edâ€" ucation at the forthcoming municipal elections, and asking for the endorsaâ€" tion of the Council. The request was, unanimously complied with. ‘ A letter was received from Mr. W. G. Weichel, M.P., respecting the enâ€" forcement of the immigration _ laws which was demanded by the Council it the last meeting. The regulations ol the Immigration Department were enclosed â€" and the delegates directed. that the copy be forwarde} t the An interesting address was dqgver» ed by Mr. Arthur Phillips, of Galt, representing . the South Waterloo ‘Trades & Labor Council, in which he gave an outline of what is heing done to promote trades . unionism, among Y OHC! WHdL 15 Te M uen onie e se mec c car k. c r i :: ;r::not; mdo; uni;ni:;;m:m' a luVe his name as W. A. Marshall, but who. is thought to be the notorious the workinemen of Galt, Preston and "James‘ Rae," . who lately swindled banks through_out Ongano, f‘fr sums liespeler. Ile was tende'red.'g hï¬twf approximating $25,000, was arrestedd yesterday in the Central Y.M.C.A., vote of thanks k. Montreal. ‘Marshall had pooked apassage to England under the name * m £u15 cr S P WHrncusroutaed President W. E. Gallagher was aDâ€" pointed to attend the meeting of :the South Waterloo Trades Council. .OD Nov. 25th and deliver an address: on the procress of trades unionism . in Berlin and Waterloo. f _ There was a fair attendance of delé gates. A druesist can obtain an imitation of MINARD‘S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low . price, and have it laheled his:own prodict. This greasy imitation is the* est one we have yet: seon; of many that every Tom, _ Dick Harry hbas tried to introduce. ° Ask for MINARD‘S and you will get it. ONTARIO REVISED STATUTES. The three volumes of Ontario reâ€" vised statutes will be printed by the end of the vear. They embody |16 viorc of logislation, vet in hulk they 22+R 3 Thts is due to the rigid condensation of the wording of tha new statuites and the use‘ of modern phrascology. Spanking does not cuze children of bedâ€"wetting. ‘There is a constitutionâ€" al cause for this trouble. ‘Mrs. M. Summers, Box W 501, Wirdsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her sucâ€" cessful home treatment, with fullâ€"inâ€" structions. Send no money but write her toâ€"day if your â€" children trouble you in this way. Don‘t blame [ the child, the chances are it can‘t | help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with .utine difficulties by day or night. Sir Stanley Buckmaster won the Keighley byeâ€"election _ and. increased hi majority. . ‘! and horsemen vifl have | saved money by using â€" Kendall‘s Spaâ€" vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Splint, Bony Growths and Lameness from many other causes, It keeps horses working. A $1 bottle may save a horse for you. Geta bottle the next time you are in town. Sold by druggists everywhere, $1 a bottle, 6 for $5, also ask for a copy of our book "ATreatise on the Horse"‘â€"orwrite to . Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY f Enosburg Falls, Vermont 8 By virtue of its remarkable combination of curative and nutritive properties, Naâ€" Druâ€"Co Tasteless Cod Liver Oil is one of the very best remedies known for chronic coughs and colds, bronchitis, a@thma and + * . 1: t« also an exeellent reconstruct= rica sets + ‘n diseases such ~~. which are due to Prove its worth by getting a 50c. or $1.00 bottle from your Druggist. 311 Better Than Spanking wiional weakness. Cod Liver Oil â€" |PRISONER IN MONTREAL _ > H Have You Bought z) ~ _ MAY BE NOTORIOUS "RAEf Your O‘coat Yet? and Supposed Swindler Who Victimized Local ‘ Gaihing anâ€"introduction to the Manager, he deposited© a cheque . for $5,000 on a Buflalo bank and wanted to draw $3,000. He was refused, bub he was able to have cheques to the extent of $800 honoreg before he left the city, .: « . ~ He was traced to Now Hampshire and then to Montreal. Afiterâ€"Marghall left, Detective Bart Cronin searched his rooms on Mcâ€" Gill street ‘and found an aluminum cheque stamp _ for mtkin}__certiï¬od oo td LCCE E mm‘ i arwae _ Montreal. ‘Marshall had pooked apassage to England under the name of Hemmingford. : His arrest was the result of an attempt to swindle the Royal Bank, Queen: and ‘Yonge streets, Toronto, to the extent of $3,000. cheques. ¢ MANAGERS TO IDENTIFY MARSHALL. ‘‘On Tuesday ‘Mr. F. D. Anderson, Manager of the Union Bank, Guelph, and formerly managet of the local brancia of that bank, paid a visit to the city. When interviewed by the Telograph, in reference to the arrest of W. A. Marshall in Montreal, who it is claimed is the swindler "Jaimes Rae," Mr. Anderson stated he had been requested to identify the _ prisâ€" oper. Up until a late hour last night, ‘pe said, ho had hecn‘in oon!(:renco gnef. UPD UnVUI & 14W NOUE Jnt 2010 to WERDE C C apecneDca o4. with the Toronto detectives, and one of them had left for Montreal â€" to bring Marshall to that city. Marshall will be arraigned in the ‘Toronto Poiice Court on Wednesday morning. . Toronto, Nov. 12.â€"(Can. Presg.)W. H. Marshall, known in Montreal © as lluntington and jn Mancgester, N.1lL., as Mason, was atraigned _ hero on a charge of obtaining money from the Royal Bank, Toronto, under false re:ences, was remanded for a week. Seven or eight bank clerks from o ut of town â€" were given a look _ at Marshall this morring and all fatled to identify him with Ray, who . vicâ€" limized a number of banks in Weste rn On#ario. WILL ABIDE _ _ BY NEW ACT Berlin Water Commission will _ Pay Debenture Monies ‘ After the lengthy and somewhat animated discussion â€" which featured the regular meeting of the Water Commiission on Monday evening . the indications‘ â€"are that the controversy which ‘has been in progress between the Berlii Council and Water Comâ€" mission during the‘last two years Teâ€" specting the disposition of the proâ€" fits of the waterworks â€" system, is Ipraclically at an end. â€" The contention of the City Council, ‘with Mayor Euler as . the _ chief spokesman,‘ has been that the Comâ€" mission has not been complying with | the provisions of the Waterworks Acy which diretts that the profits af‘tet‘ paying ‘maintenance accounts _ should be paig pver : to the City | Treasurer quarterly or oitener as the Council may direct. This provision the Comâ€" mission has failed to comply with, and up to this year the cost of layâ€" ing new mains has been paid out of the ‘profits from yeat to year. ; ~â€" The Commission‘s Stand has been: that it was more businessâ€"like to pay Tor the extensions out of the profits rather than ‘incrcasing the debenture ‘debt from year to year. However, when the Commission applied for the lisgue ‘of $100,000 for the recent ‘exâ€" tensions to the plant it was stipulatâ€" ed that hercafter fubure _ extensions V es l erncnneaes A m J.""..,.&'f‘:’c"'&." attacks 3".’.::,.... sicknesse. BEECHAM‘S PILLS Toronto, Nov..11.â€"At the requestâ€"of the local police, a man who oJeeJecJesJonfccLoofenJenfaol o feoSeefcofeof cof on fee foofeafeofecfe diffestion, stimulate the liver, clegr the kidneys and reguâ€" nvton praains P uin e "onw health and strength, thoq?whokmw Beecham‘s Pills _ _‘ Enjoy Life _ _ ~tario Banks Under Arrest w‘odrbr‘l‘h-;louha.- St. Helens, Lencashire, England. everywhere in Caneda and U. 8. America, in bozes. 25 cents. heque stamp for markin certilied mmmhmmmxï¬mm:lm TICKETS ARE _ RESERVED FOR Pres. F..G. Stuebing of the Lauriet Club has been informed that a limitâ€" ed number of tickets have been reâ€" served for Berlin and Waterloo memâ€" bers of the Club, which is affiliated with the Federation of Young Libâ€" eral Clubs, for the banquet . to . be tendered to Sir Wilirid Lauzier and Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., in Hamilton on Nov. 26th. Tickets will be availâ€" able at $1.50 and members â€"desiting to ittend should notify Mr. Stuebing before next Tuesday evening. is dead. Sir Richard _ Sofomon, High Comâ€" missiomet of South Africa in London, would be made by the issue of debenâ€" tures. e It was the concensus of opinion of all present that the . profits after providing for disbursements should go to the general funds of the corporaâ€" tion. That is what the City Council has been contending for and the irâ€" dications are that the provisions . of the Public Utilities Act will be comâ€" ‘plied with hercafter. That is where the City Council is victorious. _A communication was â€" read from the City Clerk stating that the Counâ€" cil refused to pay over the $2400 out of the debentures for extensions until a satisfactory settlement was arrived at. The Commission passed a resoluâ€" tion that a requisition be made for the sum of $4800 to the City Treasâ€" urer, and showed that according to seciion 3 of Clause 35 the City Counâ€" cil had no jurisdiction over _ monics raised by debentures for waterworks extensions. This was carried _ with the Mayor not voting and was a visâ€" tory for the Commission. 3 $ A NO L THE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD Correspondence® invited." Free literature and testimenials from FOR sale by A. C%. HAEHNEL, Revall Stoce, MWaterloo, Ont. An effective remedy for the reâ€" moval of Kidney and Gall Stones, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Gravel, Rheumatic Pains, ailments of Uric Acid origin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons, PRICE $1.50 Victory for Both Sides 4+ ‘Lokeockeokomokejeokekeockotreo % THE LEADING § f + +Meat Market : ‘+0#o§o+uo¢o+o+o+o+o The Employer‘s Association of _ Jatefloo,uunty FREE LABOR BUREAU 89 King St. West, Berlin. We have vacancies for men and woâ€" men in all lines of work. 1. you are out of employment communicate with us at once. No charge for registra tion of services rendered. 14â€"# Sanderson‘s Bakery THE. MOLSONS BANK In all countrles. Ask for our INVEN»= TOR‘® ,\g&s‘nn‘émn will be sent free. If not you owe it to yourself toinspect our I OVERCOATS before you buy. Distinctive ior quality, perfect fit, exclusive fabrics, | variety, exceptional finish, make our line« We have already REASON. e Nothing but the Best and Purest Groceries Sold at this Store . We have the teputation ol ® supplying our mumerous . cusâ€" : tomers with the choicesst ard 4 best of meats all the . year round. In the line of meats we have 4 Beel, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sugâ€" e ar Cured Hams and â€" bacon, * (our own curing) ;once tasted, 2 always used;, Homemade Sanâ€" e sages such as Bologna, Wier. + ers, Pork , Sausage _ Head 2 Cheese, Liver Sausage and o Summer Sausage. +4 Give us a trial and be con-: vinced. Orders promptly . de q livered in all parts of tre + go KING STREET EAST EDGAR FISCHER $ m._______ 40 4 U Dischar f Savings Department ‘At all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. Waterloo, Onrt, Branch, Jagob Hespelet, Manager.‘". 1 Berlin, Ont. Branch, J. R. Kirkpatrick, â€" Manager, â€" Successor to J. B. Fischer. e + 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA. > A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ... TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ... ... ,.} Issued. BANK MONEY ORDERS ... «....._. . H. THAMER & SON, DIETRICH‘S GROCERY 464 University St. Montréar. Sin EpmunD 5. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT, . W. D. MATTHEWS, OEâ€"PRESiDPENT, ‘ C. A. BOGERT, General Manager,, â€"like the business of Manufacturingâ€"should be done in a practical business way, Proceeds should be put in a bank. Payments should be made by Cheque. A certain percentage of the profits should be put in a Savings Account as an emergency fund. The man who has a cash surplus in a bank, is protected against bad seasons and hard times. ADVISER,.which will be se MARION & MARION, THE DOMINION BANK _ Cor. King and Scott Sts. [THE AENTS‘ FIIIIIS!IPG EMPORIUNM]) King St., Waterioo. Capital & Reserve â€" â€" $8,100,000 | BERLIN BRANCH : BADEN $ JC The Business Of Farming it to yourself toinspect our line of ‘"Broadway‘"‘ Brand before you buy. Distinctive and smart styles, superâ€" riect fit, exclusive fabrics, faultless tailoring, wide «k for our INVEN INCORPORATED 1855 + sold an unusual quantity. THERE IS A KARL BERGMANN, Manager. E. R. FITZGERALD, Â¥e FIRE INSURANCE CO. Incorporated in 1863. Total Assets 31st Dec., 7850,00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. J. H. Webb, Esg. William Snider, Esg. Geo. D.chel, Esq. c f J. L. Wicoman, Esg:, St. Jas Allan Bowman, Esq., Prestom. P. E. Shantz, Prestor. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Gueiph, James Liv ngston, Esq., Bedea MINARD‘S â€" LINIMENT : CURES MSTEMPER. _°~ Waterloo Mutual Frank Haight, Eeq. GoU, MRCDC!Y C PPBE RRRCUCC Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster,;: Inspector, C. A. BOEHM, District Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. of Overcoats of unsutrâ€" OFFICERS BERLIN, ONT.