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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 Nov 1913, p. 10

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u& by oo ELMIRA MARKET. | ELMIRA, NOV. 13, 1913. j Wheat ...... . 220 222 22 .85 A1] Corn, per bushel ... . .. .85 .90 | Flour, family, per cwi. 2.75 2.80 | gonr. high grade ... ... 3.25 | an, per ton ... ....23.00 _ 24.00| Middlings, per ton ...._26.00 27.00 | Haetley ... .. .soll.0l.ss... B7 .slf Fleas ......... ... 0222 .200 .85 .90 | Onts : ....... 22 mt$ .40 | Hips ... ... .oocc.s .00 .§5 | ?lckwlwat nererne seige cevtass 208 .60 | otatoes poer bag ... .90 .95 Figgs per dozen ... ... 35 | Hogs, live, per cwt. ... 8.60 | Butter, per lb. ..... ...... 23 B1 q Lard, per lb. .. .00 z222 l4 45| Hams ... .222 022222015 8| PalloOW ... ......0 22e .04 000©.05] Dried apples, per lb ......... .01 .05 Wood, first class ............ 5.50 s.oo‘ Hogs. live. per cwt. .__ 8.50 _ 8.50 ?ckwheat otatoes poer bag .. Figgs per dozen ... Hogs, live, per cwt Butter, per lb. ...... Lard, per lb. ... ..._. Dried apples, per !b Wood, first class ... Hogs, live, per cwt. WheRt â€".:.<.. :. :« coocccllr .83 Dietator flour ... ... ..3.25 23.50 People‘s flour ... ...... 2.50 _ 2.75 Bran, per ton ... ........‘ 22.00 Middlings, per ton ... ... 21.00 Butter per lb ... 020 .34 .36 Eggs, per dozen ... ...... .38 40 Chopped Screenings ......... 1.10 1.10 Batloy ... .222 2222 Hay per ton ... ... Straw, per ton ... Potatoes per bag ...... Spring chickens, each Rolled oats Â¥Flour, Special ... ....â€" Fleur, Juilet ..... ... .. Bran, per ton ... ... Shorts, per ton ... ... Livo ROKS ::m.s cuccscccess Beel, hind cuarters Chickens each, .. .... Butter per 1b. ...._.. Eggs per dozen ... . STRATFORD #ARKETS. STRATFORD, NOV. 13, 1913. Wheat, Standard ... ... ... 0 Flour, Agate ... ...... ...... 2.9 Flour, Seven Lilies ... ... 2.60 Corn in large lots ............ .78 Middlings, per tom ... ... Potatoes, per bag ... ... .85 Butter, per lb ... 0.0.. .38 Eggs, per dozen ... .. ... Bran pet ton Apples per barrel Togs, dressed Straw per ton .. ascd M Wood, per cord _ ... ... ..6â€"50 Export cattle ... ......... 6.15 Export cattle ... ... Butchbers‘ cattle ...... ........ Hogs, live . NEW HAMBURG, NOV. 13, 1913. BERLIN MARKETS « BERLIN, NOV. 13, 1913 Flour per 100 Iha .. _...3.70 Bram per 100 lbs ... . . .1.20 Middlings per 100 lbs. ...... Sereemings pet 100 lbs. ...... Potabocs, per w veurer . aas WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLOO, NOV. 13, 1913. GUELPH MARKETSâ€" GUELPH, Nxov. 13, 1913 semmedene ensrrcund enmennendve ter beef, front liÂ¥e :: 3 GaALT. GALT, xoVv. 13, 1913. , Ocvwan ...... ............ 2.80 NEW HAMBURG. reqree sistre wewsst TD es sllllll....... 10.00 10.25 .. 10.50 10.75 .... 15.00 _ 15.56 .. 1. 25 1.30 . .80 .80 0250000 255 .36 15.00 _ 17.00 9.00 10.00 . 1.00 _ 1.10 O .. _ 5§ 103 .38 i 183 A5 A8 .30 .90 _ .90 10.00 2.80 . 2.10 21.00 23.00 8.35 8.50 5 114 a 13 .65 19 .26 .28 .33 .34 $1.00 _ 1.20 .33 .28 .30 ie .83 .60 .170 i 24.00 85 1.00 /38 .30 8.25 60 38 55 .60 22.00 18 .80 15 .20 22.00 20.00 41 .33 13.00 2.80 1 .40 1.40 1.40 15.10 .83 2.80 2.90 2.60 7.50 1.35 18 80 CHI"AGO. Nov. 11. â€"Widening o‘ the damaged area in Argentina turnâ€" ed the wheat market up rrade toda: after there had heer a mauterial set ‘nck. The close was norvens varyin> from last n‘ckht‘s figures to, 3â€"% to 1â€"* advance. Other lead‘ng staples . al «howed n not ‘ossâ€"eory Jâ€"4 to Sâ€"Rc nats 1â€"8 to 1â€"4c. and provisions 21â€" Putter, creamery, th Sutter, seprrator. 4: Rutter, Sroumens. so Untter : @tore Its .0 "haese. ald dbQ. ... Theees new (h.llll Frgs. newâ€"Inid ..... se« onl( storie s Tege selects celo ~t lonev exoracted "b MEYNEDYOG diari AEN M Adtive # WINNIPEG. Nov. 11.â€"Prices at th opening were on a jevel with Monday close. but later on reporis of crop dam age in Buesos Ayres caused sirengU The clese wus unchanged to 4e Aigher uats, (lix «nd batrley in .air demand an prices held sieady. Cash wheat: No. 1 nor hern. 82%e; N: ? northern &l5.e; No. $ do . i94e; No. * #%e; No 1 resecled se ds) TK%e: N. r uo. 16%e: No " red wiocer, 8Ze; No $ do., 9Â¥%e. Oatsâ€"â€"No. ®. M"c, No. 3 CW.. 3Be;ex tra No. l leed. 33+ye; Nc. 1 feed, 32%¢ No. 2 feed §9he. Barteyâ€" Ne 3 43%e:; No |4, ¢lc;ore rected. 4X §ef ferd I8%w»c. Flgxâ€"No,. i N.W €. $151%; No. : C W. $106%; So. 3 CW., 92%e. Â¥aa NN sur on is nAE N e Agtisd d MINNEAPULIS, Nov. 11â€"Close: When: â€"Dec.. 3Â¥%¢ in bi§e; May, 8i%ec u §7%¢; No 1 jard. béize; No. 1 northern s4l%e to 8ibye; No. 2 do., briye to 33%e No, 3 wheat, 8Â¥%%c to 81%c. Cornâ€"No. : yellow. 62iz¢ to 68Â¥%e. Caisâ€"No 2 white, 36¢ to 36ige. Flour and branâ€"Unchanged. DULUTH. Nev. 11.â€"Close: Wheatâ€"No 1 hard, 85%c No. 1 norchern, $4%e; No 2 do.. 82c to §5Â¥%c¢; Muntana No. i hard, §3l%¢; Dec., biuc to 3834c asked May, 88%%¢ to 8584c asked. UNION siock YARDS. TORONTO, Nov. 11.â€"Receipts of live stock at the Uuion Yards were 80 carloads, comprising 1435 caitle, 458 hogs, 843 sheep and lambs and 127 caives. buichers‘_helfers._$4.50 to $5, chuice xows, $5,75 to $6.50; goodâ€"cows,;â€"$5â€"20â€"10 $5.50; medium cows. $4/550 to $5: canners and cutters, $325 to 34.25; export bulls, §5 to $6.75; good butcher buils, $5.2% to $5.15; bologna buls, $4 25 to $4.53. Stockers and Feegers. Choice fecders were in uemand at from 1620 to $6.60; good fecders, $6 to ©6.25; chince stuckers, $2.50 to $5: medium stockers, $5 to $2.00; common, rough eastern stochers, $1.50. to $4.75, Milkers and Springers. About forty milkers and springers wer reported sold at prices ranging from $5% to $114 each and. as many imore would have found ready sale. Veal Caives. The calf market was firm «t unchanged nmotations. â€" Choice veals sold 2t $9 to $10; good calves. $8 to $9: immnedium. $7 to $1.50; . common calves. $5.50 to $6.50 Sheep and Lambs The market for sheep and lambs was very firm: in faet. l+mbs sold 20e bigher J an the top of Monday‘s g\!-_)ta({nn‘s Butchers. Choice picked buicners sold $150; good, $6.50 to »i; med $6.40; common. $5 to 44.i5; in uoo S Nee e ce ee Sl. ep, ewes sold u: €1.50 to &5.10c euils a>@‘ rams. §3 te 1258 Inmbs, $750 to $2.75, and one cho‘ee deck sold at $7.85. Hocs. Deliveriog beine 1z"t and an outside demand for a few decks of hogs, cnus>d prices to advance, Setwts. fea ard wai Rred anld at §875 tn §$$ §5. Visitors to Berlia _ should _ avail themsclves otf the opportunity of conâ€" sulting our expert Optican â€" if they have any _ trouble â€" whatevet _ with their eyes. He is recognized as one of vhe foremost antborities on . the eve in Waterloo county, and you awill find him â€" perfectliy _ candid as to whethet or not you require glassos. Deliveriag teine demand for a few prices to advance. nred enld at §8 75 No charge for consultation and exâ€" amination. Wheet fa‘ hushel Barley busher . . Peas, rushel ..... Aive uretel 22222 cicike 8 Rueke hest t> chel ..... 0 FORmNIO Py M CATTLE MARKETS upoxs PO GRVN MAdtIcI Dida 614 GHBRA MARRET. Good Sight creamery, th ralls xeprirator. dairy .. Sreamers . solids . St9re W1§ 2oinnlk Scientific Opticians. Store near Post Office. icaers sold at $1. to to 3i; mediuim, $§6 to to 94.55; inferior, lighs $4.50 to $5; chuice n °¢ ’n An 80 €% k14 51 a 52 Aaa d d 28 0 31 to $9 °* u ad Lh 148 AA%A00AAAAAARcqQALAARLAR Farmars‘ Headquarters FOR COAL Special Offer hard shiny coal that gives lots of heat. _ No clinkers, little ashes, and a square deal for a round dollar. I Dealer in farm seeds binder t_wine. CEO. BRAMM The Chronicleâ€"Telegtaph, Waâ€" terloo County‘s newsiest paper will be offered to new _ subâ€" scribers from now till Dec. 31st, 1914, (or one year and three months) for The Berlin Daily Telegraph, Berlin‘s brightest and _ best paper, to new #ubscribers from now tillâ€"Dec. 31st. 1914. for the small sum of Chronicieâ€"Telegraph Waterioo, Ont. Take advantage of this splendid offer and send in your order. now, to the 208 Queen St., Berlin Phone 1155. Only $1.00 $2.00 ..‘ $ Cure Your sol.otn> vour vote and influence‘" on election day. _ lt is apparently lawful to distribute such cards or Te ind rs rrevious to election day, but on polling day that practice in future _Anothor chen;e in the act prevents th> distribution of cards "respectful The five _ ingredicats mentioned above prepared with great accuracy and skill not onlyâ€" in regardâ€"toâ€" proâ€" portion, but also in selecting the best material, have becn put up in compressed tablct form, â€" and are called 'â€"'“‘s"*‘*f*i “ M ho be Paid iF PAID, CANNOT VOTE Cas Ons chinge in the election act, exâ€" ‘lain>d by City ~Clerk Miller _ this ‘norninz, will cause constermation in ‘he ranks of scrutineers. The clause says that any persod, acting for pay lor a candidate, may not Yote. It is a YVery specific ciavse, ind disqualiâ€" fies any agent, counsel, solicitor of »xrscn who acts in any capacity ahaiteser for pay for cny candidate. niide or outside scrutineers are in cluded in th> catogory. _ It simply wxe.n; ‘ that â€" candidates‘ "workers" nust _ hereafter give their services gratis unless thry desire to be . disâ€" Rheumatism, _ Lumbago, Sciati¢a, Pain in the back have been cured, in the real meaning of the word, by a liitle stillingia, ‘Todide of Potassium, Poke Root, Guaiac Resin and Sarsâ€" aparillia. Any person can take these remedies in any reasonable amount with â€"perfect saféty, and the results have been found _ to be astonishing. It has been pt&d that this comâ€" bination: makes up the best rheumaâ€" tism remedy in existence, shaving | acâ€" tually cured many stubborn cases of over 30 and 40 yéars‘ standingâ€"even in persons of old age. JOHN A. SMITH _ . Discoveret of The Great Rheumatic Remedy, Gloria Tonic. If you suffer from any form of uric acid in the blood, and have Rheumaâ€" tism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, this is the way to drive it put of your system in quick time. Simply send your name and address, â€" enclosing this advertisement, to < JOHN A. SMITH, 1647 Laing Building, Windâ€" sor, Ontario, and by réturn mail you will receive the box absolutecly free. It is only in "Gloria Tonic‘ _ that you get the above combination ready for use. and filty thousand boxes are offered iree to introduce it. Premier Asquith denied the report that Great Britain had deliberately assumed an attitude hostile to _ the Usited States in regard to Mexico. 50,000 Boxes Free Pupils prepared for Examination at Toronto Conservatoryof Music, Toronto University etc. PIANO, SINGING and THEORY ‘Teacher of Piano and Voice. Pupil of Dr. A. S. Vogt of Toronto and Mr. Hutcheâ€" son of Berlin, Germany, in piano, and Mr. Wodell of Boston and Chas. Washâ€" butn in artistic singing. Miss A. R. Bean BERLINâ€"Room 9, ab ove Bank of Toronto, King St. E WATERLOOâ€"George Street, Telephone 189, Waterloo. "GLORIA TOXIC" Rheumatism Monday and Thursday 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Friday 4 to 6 p. m. Saturday 9 to 12 a m ion Act Says HOURS, (at Beriin) STUDIOS : Most of : BODIES WASHED ASHORE Captain Bruce Cameron, who was master of the illâ€"fated steamer, beâ€" longed to a familr of mariners. He was the second son of the lateâ€"Capâ€" tain Alex. C. Cameron, and was born in Collingwood about twentyâ€"six years ago. He had sailed on the lakes durâ€" ing the past ten years, and bad sucâ€" cessfully filled various positions on different steamers sailing out of this port. He was married last spring. Th minutes of the last regulat meeting were read and adopted and bil‘s nmounting to $400.7i wete Pass ed for payment. ie COLLINGWOOD, Nov. 12. â€"‘rge news of the loss of the lake freighter Werford, which was received befe yesterday afternoon, bas shrouded The bodies of five drowned men, all with lifebelts on, four of which bad marked on them *‘Wexford," and the other "London," were found on Lake Huron beach, five lllll* south of St. Joseph, according to adâ€" vices from that village yesterday, by Huronic Safely Released. PORT ARTHUR, Nov. 12. â€" The Huronic got off the bar at Whitefish at three o‘clock yesterday afternoon without damage. The Alberta left Whitefish to cross Lake Superior westbound at nine a.m. The local wireless stallon at 3.30 p.m. receivâ€" ed a report that wreckage of the steamer Waldo had been picked up at Keeweenah Point on the south shore of Lake Superior. . ‘The regular monthly moeting | of the B. & W. Hospital Ladies‘ Auxil iary was hold at the Hospital on Monday _ aftetnocn at 3.30 o‘Clock. The President Mrs. Gabel occupied th:r â€" chair with Mesdames Bowlby, Boese, Doering, Huethsr, Sattler, Schiedel, {chmalz and Miss Oeschlagâ€" er in attendance. Mrs. â€" Merrick with the President sm1 Lady â€" Superintendcnt comstitute tte buying committee for the ensuing month. the town in a sadmess such as hbas not prevailed for many years. . So many wives and families have been berezved that the whole town mourns. The crew of the steamer inâ€" cluded six or seven from this port, all being vigor.us and experienced mariners. Archibaid Brooks, second officer of the Wexford, was a young man and bad sailed for several seasons. Last year he occu..ed the same posiâ€" tion on this boat. ° James Scott, chief engineer, bad been on the lake steamers for sevâ€" eral season. Scott was married and leaves a family of three children in Collingwood. f Richard Lougheed, assistant enâ€" gineer, bad also had some years‘ exâ€" perience and hid occupied positions on different boats on the lakes. He was married to Miss Dickenson o! Collingwood. Allan Dodson, watchman. Orrin Gordon, watchman, was a young unmarried man, a son of Charles Gordon of this town. . He was on the Wezxford last year in the same position. George Willmott, .n Englishman, who hbad been in Collingwood but a short time, was another member of the crew. He had charge of the stewâ€" ard‘s department. Mrs. Willmott was with him on the vessel. . He, with hbis wife, contemplated returnâ€" ing to Bristol at the close of the seaâ€" HOSPITAL LADIES _ __ _ AUXILIARY MEETS _ The amnual fee was received | from Mrs. Boese. 4A Rearty vote of thanks was . °xâ€" tended _ St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church for thrir genâ€"rous _ contribution _ of $24.00. bodies were not far apart Miss E. L. Bean Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupil of Dr. A. S. Yogt, Dr. Humphrey Anger, and Mr. Hutcheson of Berlin, Germany. 1IAgE ZEBICru®y, UF ! I.f-: -nnfler.All 1":: I 'l homton All the For information that will lead to the discovery or whereatbouts o the person or persons suffering frorm Nervous Delnlity, Fits, Skin Dis ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chrome or Specia Complaints that cannot be cure« c M he Ontario Medical Institntg §0v0â€"2605 Yor ~~ Street, Toronte @ $1,000 REWARD on this bargain propoâ€" sition and get the most for little money. Send in your name now. Stratford At the _ range of _ handsome Overcoats _ we are _ showing wili convince you that T. & D. Tailoring is all that is claimed _ for it. Magnificeat garments made from, luxurious fabri s and showing the | latâ€" est style touches. More young min are buying coats _ hera this season thar ever lLelure. All hand tailcred and all our own Chroniocleâ€"Telegraph Waterioo, Ont. Jan. 1915 for $1.00 CGet in Early Othcrs as Prices from $15 to $30 [1]1] MERCHANT TAILORS $6.50 Guelph Are You Coming West If so write or call on me. % I have choice farms, all sizes, %o rent on shares or sell on crop payâ€" ments. Choice land, good _ water, close to school and town. The largâ€" gc Waterloo County séttlement _ in askatchewan. Buy of rent a farm $15.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES for trustworthy man or . woman to act as travelling represebtative. Rapid promotion. Previous experiâ€" ‘ence unnecessary. _ Commence _ in home territory. Winston Company Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 444t, WANTED.â€"Good smart boy to leatn Dry Goods business. Apply to Jaâ€" cob Uffelnta®n, Waterloo. 37â€"M. Berlin Hamilton GENERAL WANTS 8. B. BIEHN,

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