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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 Nov 1913, p. 9

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Auction Sale and Farm for Sale Advertisement At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, numâ€" | ber finlimited. | Highest market price paid. _ Load| every second Tuesday. Next shipment | Nov. 18th. C. C. Digtenbacher Shipping Hogs Wanted At once, to represent the old and reâ€" liable â€" FONTHILL _ NURSERIES. Splendid Yst of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall ‘delivery 1913 _ and Sprimg delivery 1914. Start at once and secure exclusive territory. We supply handsome free outft and pay higifest commissions. Write for full particulars. €TONF AND WELLINGTON WANTEDâ€"CGood Local Agent Terms of Chattels :â€"Hay, grain, poultry and all sums of $10 and undâ€" er, cash ; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved security or 5 per cent. discoumt for cash payâ€" nsents om credit amounts. ' DAN. F. BECKER, Prop. 1. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. 44â€"3t. Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of sale or can be had from the undersigned. Real Estate:â€"At _ the same tine and, Place there will be offeted for sale the farm consisting of 110 actes with‘ good buildings and bank batn with cement _ stabling. Water supâ€" plied with Hydraulic ram, nice loamy soil under _ a good state of cultivaâ€" tion, 8 actes in fall wheat, ahout 15 actes bush. A neverâ€"failing _ spring creek on farm. fone â€" mnearly new), crossâ€"cut saw, grain bags, DeLaval cream Separator near! new, National cream separator Daisy â€" churn, milk cans, milk pails, kitchen â€" Stove, parlor cook heatetr, chairs, bedsteads, lounge, benches, cider barrels, meat _ batrels, hoes, forks, shovels, and many other artiâ€" cles too numerous to mention, also a quantity of hay, and about 700 pushâ€" cls of oats. / Morses :â€"Black mare 10 years old in foal, black coach mate, 9 _ years old, supposed _ to be in foal, black horse 4 years old (good driver), bay <horse 7 years old (good driver), black horse 13 years old, Spring colt [(Coach) got by â€" Black Jack, rlack pony 10 years old (good driver), Implensents, Ete.:â€"One 3% . horse power gasoline engine, in good runnâ€" ing order, Frost and Wood binder, 6 ft. cut, (nearly new), seed drill, Mcâ€" Cormick mower, McCormick â€" Disk, Massey . Hartis springtooth cultivator (nearly new), 4 section iron harrow, (Dearly new), land roller, Oxford 2 furrow Plow, (nearly new), Cockshutt 2â€"furrow Plow, No, 21 ‘Ayr plow, No. 21 Wilkinson plow, heavy wagon, farm truck with box, truck wagon, open buggy, road cart, (nearly new),} 2 democrats (one nearly new), Lob sleigh, 2 Portland cutters, (on» nearâ€"‘1 ly new), 2 hay racks, fanning mill, 2 sets gravel planks, 2 scuMers, grindâ€" stone, potato â€" sprayer, Blacksmith‘s forge, anvil, tongues, hammer â€" and drill, _ vice, ice tongs, grain cradle, seythe, wheelbarrow, logging cha.ins,' cement mixer, iron pole for silo Derâ€" rick, large block and tackle, number of _ small blocks and tackles, wire cable and â€" buckets, 20 ga‘. gasoline tank, clutch pulley, 2 Robes, rubper lap robe, some pulleys and roPes, set heavy team _ hatrness, 2 sets . plow harnesses,. Z&B-_flnghumlnzsieé.[ 28, Jersey grade heifer due to calve May 24, Jersey grade heiler due to calve Feb. 5, Jersey grade heifer due to calve May 25, Holstein heifer due to calve May 23, Jersey grade helfer supposed to be in calf, steer 2 years old, _ Jersey Bull 8 month;s old with Pedigree, Jersey bull 6 mouths old, 3 Jersey heilers 7 months _ old, 4 Jersey grade heifers rising 2 years old, 2 calves 4 months old. Pigs and Poultry :â€"Broog sow due to pig Dec. 16, brood sow due to pig Wec. 20, 11 pure bred African geese, 4 turkeys, about 40 hens and chickâ€" ens (Black Minorcas.) Cattle :â€"10 Good Dairy Cowsâ€"Jerâ€" sey cow. due. to calÂ¥e Nov. 19th,.Jerâ€" â€"lersey _ cow _ due to calve April 19. Holstein cow _ due to calve Jan. 11, Hfolstein _ cow dueâ€"to calve Febp. 21, Holstein cow due to calve Feb. 15, ';!E"" Grade heifer due to calve Dec. . Jersey grade heifer due to calve sey cow due to calve November 24, «Jersey cow _ due to calve Dec. 10, ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the farm of the undersigned, situated at * Williamsburg, 4; miles south of Berlin, on * .. Tuesday, Nov. 18th 1913 Real Estate, Farm Stock and Commencing at 12 ojclock ngon, sharp, the following valuable propetrâ€" ty,. iz :â€" Toromto, Ontario 27â€"4mes The farm of the late Thomas Humâ€" mel 1 mile north of New Germany, is for sale. The property comprises 120 acres, of which 20 acres _ are wooded, a log house with board covâ€" cring, good barn with sheds, _ good water and fine orcbard. For furtber particulars apply on the premises or to Chas. Humne!, Bloomingdale. . "The undersigned offer for sale the farm of the late Menno Cober situatâ€" ed on the Huron Road in the Townâ€" ship of Wilmot â€" being composed _ of part of the north half of lot number lour _ in the second _ concession of block in said Township and containâ€" img fifty acres more ort less. The larm c«{ntains from 8 to 10 _ actes of bush~ and grazing land, and the belance â€" consists. of well cultivated dry land, soil sandy loam. On _ the premises are a good frame house, . a large new bank barn, and necessary out buildings, about five acres _ are sown with fall wheat, and from 8 to 9 acres, are in grass. The propetty is atout 8 miles from Betlin and 3 miles fron. New Dundee, and is con venient to School and Church, For particulars apply to MRS. MEXNO COBER, The undersigned offer for sale that desirable farm property situated _ in the Township of Wilmot, 2 miles south of Haysville, known as _ the Nahrgang farm, containing 100 acres. On it is a fine brick house, a large bank batn, a windmill and all necesâ€" sary out buildings. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to 44â€"3mo. The undersigned offers for sale his {arm situated one mile northwest of St. Agatha and 4 miles north _ of Bader, on Concession 1, Block B. The farm comprises about 125 acres, 45 acres bush and pasture, 100 actes under a good state cf cultivation. Soil good clay loam, good _ spring creek, 2 never failing wells, 1} storey brick house, bank barn, straw shed. For further particulars apply to D. S. Shantz. Radan. d4â€"tt. } Implements :â€"Frost & Wood bindâ€" 6 [t. cut, Frost & Wood hay loader, Masseyâ€"Harris, 12 ft. steel, hay rake, Masseyâ€"llatrris steel land roller, Masâ€" seyâ€"Harris 4â€"horse cultivator, Frost & Wood Dise drill, Frost & Wood twoâ€"furrow Crown gang plow, Frost & Wood 5â€"section iron harrow, â€" the above implements are all nearly new, 2 Shantz twofurrow _ gang plows, single plow, hay rack, scales, capaciâ€" ty 1200 lbs., coal stove, box . stove, and many other articles too numerâ€" eus to _ mention, _ also apout 1000 bushels of oats. TERMS :â€"Grain, young piges â€" and all sums of _ $10 and _ under cash.. Over that amount 12 months credit on a good security or 5 per cent. on} for cash payments of credit amounts. ‘ MICK DETZLER, Proprietor.. year old, 7 head yearling cattie, 5 calves, sow due jto pig by time _ of sale, ‘sow due to pig Jan. Ist, 2 sows due to pig end of Jan., sow supposed to be in Pig, 5 pigs about 5 weeks old. ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" armarene Yolks tion on the farm of the undersign=d, ww 2} miles â€" South of Berlin, on the| There will be soid by the underâ€" road leading to Mannheir; on signed on the premises of late George The following valuable property, Viz :â€" Iorses :â€"Sorrel mare 6 years old in foal to Royal Sovereign, weighing 1350 lbs., sorrel horse 3 years old, weighing 1150 lbs., sortrel mare comâ€" ing 2 years old, got by Prince â€" of Avon, bay horse 3 years old, got hy Lord Tinto, weighing 1350 lbs., bay horse 7 years old, weighing 1300 lbs. bay _ mare coming 2 years, got by Favorite, sorrel colt rising 1 year old, got by Prince of Avon. Cattle and Pigs :â€"3 â€" heifers â€" supâ€" Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.ni sharp Farm Stock and Implements | Real Estate, Household Tuesday Nov. 25th. 1913. Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm ftor Sale Petersburg, RR. No. 1. DAVIN BERGEY, New Dundee 45â€"4t. Farm for Sale A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. â€" 45â€"3t A. B. MILLER, 182 l_\'Ain;A St. East, Berlin 0 New Dundee, Executors. 40â€"3 mos I respectfully solicit the patronage of farmers and bthers who intend to hold sales the commg season. . Best results assured. Write, or phone 172, Waterioo, Oat,. C. A. BOEHM 145} acre farm, good ctay loams, 2 miles west of New Hemburg â€" and 4 miles east of Shakespeare on the main road leading to Stratford. On it is a nearly new _ brick house with 10 rooms, kitchen and woodshed, heated by furnace, large hamk batn with good stabling, cement "pors, large hog pen srd hen hous 34 drivingâ€"shed, ce ment silo 12146 1J actes of good bearing orchard _ with _ all kinds of small fruits, 18 acres of good _ hard wood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, 60 acres im meadow and pasture never failing stream of water, running watâ€" er â€" at house andbarn, good fences, farm well underdrained and in . good state of cultivation, fine location with Rural mail and telephone. For particulars apply to ‘ MRS. HENRY S. Bean, ‘ Shakespeare R.F.D. No ALLAN C. HALLMAN, | 4 New Dundee. _ New Hamburg. Executors of the late Herty S. Bean, deceased 37â€"t(. Lot 31 and part of 32, in the 4th Conâ€"of Wilmot, comprising 180 acres. The farm is well fenced and drained, no waste land, good water, buildings are first class. This is a choice farm. Terms liberal. _ Apply to JAMES . M. SMITH, _ St Jacobjs Cider Mill will be open ‘on Sept 28, 24, 25, 30 ; Oct 1, 2, 3, 7. 8, 9 10. H, 15, 17. 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 ; Nov. 4. Apples for evaporating will be taken same not to be less then two inches in hiameter on atove dates. No snow apples taken. 34â€"t. 2 t .]::x;:m(l;'%" NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN, A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. _ {PUTSVANt to the Trustee Act (1 Geo. 8: af. + » 45.3 V. Chap. 26, Sec, 55) that all perâ€" Jsons . having any claims or demands rommemmmenmomes tnommumcemerrcommmunmmm, IIfAINSE $00 Siit +05eph S. MUrtin, Idma.sed. who died on or about _ the st. Ja°°b' cld‘r .I" 16th day of April, J911, at the said. . ETownship of \Voo‘Nich, are required (C‘ooking stove for wood, tox stove, for wood, _ clothes _ cupboard, glass cupboard as good as new, cupboard with sink, bureau, 3 shelves, . wash sink, 12 chairs, 4 _ benches, spinning wheel with reel, 4 beds, 2 flat irons, sorm.* hard wood, shoemaker‘s _ work lawn mower, shovels, chests, 2 iz des, lawn mower, shottel chest‘s tables, 3 wash tubs, 2 organs, also _ many more articles. Terms ‘â€"All household efects cash. Terms :â€"ten per cent cash on day of _ sale and the balance in thirty days. ':L â€" At . same time _ and place the following household effects will also be offered for sale :â€" > General Insurance Agent Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Business Office 249, House 209. Business soiicite@ ror first class good 7â€"roomed brick house, two storâ€" eys high, in good condition. Also a good barn with wood house attached, all in firstâ€"class condition. ‘ at 1.30 o‘clock I:n )Cals OJ0, mare LISMG 4 yealrs 010, * in foal, spring colt, 4 cows supposâ€" all and singular those certain Palâ€")ed to be in cali, 3 beifers rising 2 cels or tracts of land and premises|years old, 4 spring calves, fat sow, situate lying and being in the villagejhinder, mower, drill, cultivator, of St. _ Jacobs in the Townthip of!plough, gang plough, iron harrow, Woolwich in the County of Waterloo|set double harness nearly new, _ set containing by admeasurement togeth |single Itunus. 2 sets wagon planks, er three tenths of an acre be the |buggy, ‘cutter nearly new, wheelbarâ€" same more or less neing composed of|row, _ grindstone, 3 logging chains, Firstly Subdivision _ lot No. 167 on |scoop shovel, crossâ€"cut saw, whippleâ€" the South side of front street and|tree, neckyoke, forksi and scrap iron. west side of Isabella street of George !About 250 bushels of oats. about 25 W. Eby‘s Survey and secondly cf the|bushels of bariey, about 3 tons of East half of lot No. 169 on the west|h@y, about 100 bushels rootis, quanâ€" side of Isabella street of J. B. Eby|tity of potatocs, about 75 chickens Scheilele on Saturday, Nov. 22nd, 1913 Licensed Auctioneer ISAAC BEAN,: Farm for Sale R. R. No. 1, New Hamburg. 46â€"2mos A. J. Mickus: Farm for Sale CHRISTIAN G. SCHEIFELE, Executors. WM. SCHEIFELE, Real Estateâ€"Farm stock and imple: rients of Dan F. Becker, Willianmsâ€" burg, 4} miles south of Berlin, on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, at 1 p.m. Nov. 27â€"Farm _ stock _ and impleâ€" ments, thoroughbred Holstcin cows and heifers, will be sold on _ farm of Menno M. Shantz, 1} miles east of Berlin, on road leading to Presâ€" ton. Sale starts 9.30 a.m, Nev. â€" 18.â€"Farm _ stock and impleâ€" ments of Wm. Mertz in the village of Bamberg. Nov. 19.â€"Cattle sale of Mr. J. Wilâ€" liams, at St. Jacobs. Nov. 29.â€"Farm stock, {implements, etc., belonging .to Good Bros., _ at Conestogo. * Nov. 22â€"Real Estate, household _ efâ€" fects, etc., belonging to late Geo. Scheifele Estate, in the village of St. .Jacobs. Nov. 35.â€"Farm stock and implements of Michael Detzlet, 2 miles south of Berlin, on the Mannheim Road. Dec. 18.â€"Farm stock~and implements of Alphons Ditner, 1} miles: north of St. Agatha and 1} miles south _ ‘"‘Why is it that the man with the squeaky shoes always comes in late?" "I Jon‘t know. Why is is that the man who comes in late always wears sâ€"ueaky shoes?"â€"Puck, _ notice. Dated at Berlin, the 24th day of October, A.D. 1913. A. L. BITZER, Solr. for the said executors. 600 44â€"5t. on or before the 1st day of December, 1913, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned Soticitor for Menno S. Martib, Israel Martin and Jacob Martin the executors . of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their names and _ adâ€" dresses and full particulars in writing the said last mentioned date the said executors will . proceed to distribute the _ assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims . of of their claims _ and statements . of their iccount ; ana the Sature c# &h: aecurities.‘il_ _any, ‘ns!t’l__?yA thene. _ _ _ Housenoia _ FMacts. â€" _ Cupboard, lounge, bedstcad, dressér, washstand, chamberâ€"set, cooking stove, small hedstead, churn, milk cans, pails, chairs, small table and many other articles too numerous to mention. Termsâ€"Hay, grain, roots, chickens potatoes cash, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months‘ credit or five per cent. . of for cash payments on credit amounts. WM. MERTZ, Prop. . A. J. MCKUS, Auctioneer. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of ‘Joseph S. Martin, late of : the Township of _ Weolwich, in _ th> County of Waterloo, farmer, deâ€" kinds r lumber and about 5 cords otf wood ‘Couwhg at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the {ollowing property, viz:â€" _ Live Stock and Implementsâ€" Aged horse, horse 7 years old, horse rising 5 years old, mare rising 4 yéars old, in foal, spring colt, 4 cows supposâ€" ed to be in cali, 3 beifers rising 2 years old, 4 spring calves, fat sow, of S of road There will be sold by public auction in the village of Bamberg, on AUCTION SALES NOTICE TO CREDITORS A O O 1 MUApIEOT NY MARAIE AND TAKE NOTICE that â€" after Hogs Wanted AT BADEN A. J. MICKUS, AUCTIONEER. Farm Stock, Implements, etc. Tuesday Nov. 18th, 1913 E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneet. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 44â€"3t. Josephsburg, on _ the Bamberg he shall then have received The auction sale of farm stock, imâ€" plements, etc. of Mr. Joseph Forwell one mile from Perlin, advertised to take place on _ Nov. 26th has _ been postponed. The sale will take place some time in December. The first letter delivered at the now postoffice in _ Uxbridge was one Bent by Premiet Porden to a man a hundâ€" red and six years of age. _ Terms of Saleâ€"Hay, grain, and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months _ credit on approved security, or 6 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. (:ood free lunch at noon. Implements and household _ effects will be sold in the forencon. A lot, of Houschold Goodsâ€" Royal Penunsila range, parlor cook heater, 2 small heating stoves, 2 cheese vats, 2 presses. The above implements are in good shape and in good _ running order. Hay and Grain.â€"About 15 ton good Timothy and Clover hay. About 1,00) bush. Siberian oats. disc drill, 14 inch plate_disc, _2 4â€"secâ€" tion iron.harrows, land roller, 2 sinâ€" gle No. 21 plows, 2 twoâ€"furrow | ridâ€" ing plows, scufer, sugar beet sculâ€" fier, beet lifter, _ manure _ spreader, fanning mill, truck scale cap. 2,000 lbs., 3 wagons with boxes, 1 ‘stock rack, democrat, 3 top buggies, 2 pair of bob sleighs, 2 cutters, 2 fMlat hay racks, Agricultural furnace, milk bottling and washing out conâ€" sisting of 3 horse power boilet, sterâ€" elizer, turbine washer and nine botâ€" tle filler, a number of 8 gallon _ Implements, Etc.â€"Perkins 5 horse power gasoline engine, Massey Harris 7 it cut binder, Massey Harris corn binder, Massey Hattis mower, corn cultivator, 2 Massey Harris 17 tooth cultivators one with seed box, Masâ€" sey llarris hay loader, I. H. C. side delivery, twoâ€"horse steel hay _ rake, 9 years old, 2 bay mares rising 12 years old, one supposed to be in foal; percheron mare rising 3 years old, black mare ,colt rising 3 â€" years old will make a good driver, . bay Percheon mare colt rising 2 _ years old, black mare colt rising 2 years old, 2 sucking colts got by â€" Black 16 Head of Horses.â€"Heavy _ team rising 7 and 9 years old weight 3000 lbs., heavy team rising 13 and 14 years old weight 2800 lbs, bay tzam horses 5 and 6 years old weight 2750 lbs, 1 bay team (coach) horses 6 and i 20 High Grade Cows, mostly IHolâ€" steinsâ€"3 cows due to calve by time of sale, cow due to calve in Jan., cow due fto calve in Feb., 2 erws due to calve in March, cow due _ to ‘calve in April, 2 cows due to calve in May, cow due to calve in June, 3 cows due to calve in July, 2 farâ€" Ttow cows, 5 cows were tresh in Sepâ€" tember and October, 2 heifers _ due to calve in Jan., 4 heifers due to calve in July, 4 heifers rising 2 years old. 2 heifers rising 1 year old, 6 heifer calves: Pigsâ€"2 brood sows, one to _ pig la@te{ _part of February. see or ask for folder, can be bad from undersigned; 12 head of heifers from 1 to 2 years old, 6 _ heiler calves. Most of cows and heifers are in calf to Sir Korndyke Gerben Deâ€" is a son of Sit Korndyke Boon, ownred by A. C. Halliman, Bresiau, for which be refused the sum of $3000 as a three year old. His ‘grand asite is the famous Pontiac Korndyke for which an offer of $10,000 was refused.. Grand dam is â€" Fairview _ Korndyke Boon, has an official record, producâ€" ing 539.50 lbs milk, 32.17 lbs" butter in one week, average fat 4.86, comâ€" ing from the very best milk and butâ€" ter producing strain. Commencing at 9 o‘clock a.m. sharp. 32 Head of Cows consisting of 12 pure bred and balance well bred grades. For desoription of pure breds Sale to be held on the farm _ of MENNO M. SHANTZ, situated . 1} miles east of Berlin, on the _ road leading from Berlin to Preston. Take car either at Preston or _ Berlin. Cars stop at farm. Sale on OLIVER KOLB, Clerk. MENNO M. SHANTZ, Proprietor HIJGH CLASS PURE BRED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN _ CATTLE, HEAVY DRAFT AND GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneet AUCTION SALE . 27th, 1913 15â€"31t Nov. 19th. at 2 o‘elock by M. J. Williamsâ€" A. J. Mickus is the Auctioneer. Will be offered for Sale by public auction at Hollinger‘s Hotel St. Jacobs on Wednesday Some boys in this burg surely deâ€" serve to be highly .comm>nded mr‘ their _ benovelence. On Hallowe‘en some of them went to the batn beâ€" longing to Mr. D. Gingrich and> in their ardent zeal they broke into the stable, took out the cow with chain and put her into Rev. .J. N. Norton‘s stable with evidently the intention of making _ a donation without an adâ€" dress ynd thanks. During the summer three boys wished to treat their lady fartners â€" at the expense of others, went _ by _ moon light in search of! cherries _ but _ they _ were suddenly alarmed and .made haste to _ leave, without any cherries. They are â€" as , liberal as _ the _ man who ordered a | ¢wt of flour to be delivered to a loâ€" cal preacher at the millet‘s expense, ‘ for without paying). | BIG SALE OF CHOICE DARY COWS$ Sr. II.â€"Oscar Lebutski and Emanâ€" uel Delion equal, Lydia Ann Weber, Annie Hill, Hermine Hansen, Lovina Freeman, Marie Kienzlie, Milton Wieâ€" land, Irvin Dahmer, Gertie Scheret. Jr. II.â€"Hilda Koch, Oliver Wright, Florence Ebel, Saloma Musselman Augus Martin. fiVes on ounday last.â€"Mr. and MTS.| It his been dentonstrated fo Cana+. Hammond has accepted a position aS| gian farmers over and _ over again | general agent and will move his famâ€"|that similar conditions exist in each . ily to Listowel in the near future. province. .Just as soon as the keepâ€"‘ m mmmmtmemene ing of dairy records becomes general, § the profits from feeding cows may he_ REPORT OF S. S. NO. 1 _ WOOLâ€"|ixpected to increase rapidly.© _ â€" The wICH FOR OCTOBER. Dairy Division, Ottawa, «ladly s0pâ€"/ «â€"â€"â€" Plies feed record forms and a herd teâ€" 1 Senior Room. cord h::k‘; apply for thon; toâ€"day, > ¢ A and make sure, by systematic feâ€" ‘\'ames ie Atfanged fccordmg .“.) sords, that each _ cow in yout hvi merit and marks â€" based on â€" daily h hej a _ work.â€" Average attendance 28. makes a good profit on her yeat A Jr. IV.â€"Violet Schwartz, â€" Vernan NOIkâ€" .i Good, Irven Freeman. | nsm e * Sr. III.â€"Earl Koch, Lydia Weber, Elizabeth _ Uhallener, _ Elven Koch, Russel Snider, Geo. _ Holle, Oscar Hachborn. weber, Lydia Hansen, Margatet Fenâ€" ton, Alice Koch, Gerald Struck, ux: tie Weppler, Walter Knarr. Local News :â€"Mr. Christian Strickâ€" er Sr., who underwent an operation a short tine ago is, we are glad to say, improving nicely, _ we hope he may soon be able to look after bis duties again.â€"A terrific storm raged on Sunday accompanied with hail and sleet, and the services were dispensed with at the Lutheran Church.â€"Messrs Dan Schmidt and (C. D, Becker _ who have been busily engaged in the manâ€" ufacture _ of cider and apple butter, sbut down for the season‘s work on Friday* last.â€"Some of our citizens are taking an occeasional hunting trip. â€"Mr. Henty Gerth of Berlin visited his father and other immediate relaâ€" tives on Sundav last.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Hammond has accepted a position as general agent and will move his famâ€" ily to Listowel in the near future. ed was _ a life long citizen of _ this community and will be greatly missâ€" ed. _ le was 71 years and two months old. The bereaved have the sympathy of the surrounding country in this their sad aMiction. and _ a half years, and on Saturday morning was relieved of his sufferâ€" ing. The remaing were taken to the Amish Mennonite cemetery for interâ€" nuent Monday motning. _ The funeral was largely attended. _ A sorrowing widow and a sister survive. Deceasâ€" The sad news was citculated ~ on Saturday morning of the death of ‘}Ir: Joseph Kennel Sr., who was sufâ€" Jr. III.â€"Levea Martin, Magdalena This Company Paye 4 E5 â€" THE WATERLOO CoUNTY & SAVINCGS Cco. Wat I n t e re s t comâ€" pounded half. Thos. Hilliard, President E. F. Seagram, Vice Peesident. S. B. Bricker P. 1. Sims Thos. Trow M. M. Bricketr F. S. Kumpf __ Fred Halstead Geo. D. Fosbes Dr. W. L. Hilliard i NO AIS t 2 on h ic ce is o s s nds ie 4. t it o d d ca d OFFICE HOURSâ€"9 to 4 p. m.; Suturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p. m.;, Saturday evening 7.30 to 3. F. V. WILSON, Manager. en e t en t en 4 New, Dundee S. ARMSTRONG, Principal ONE DOLLAR opens an ; SUBJECT to withdrawal by INTEREST is paid from d receipt to date ol withdrawal | TAKFE HOME a bor of candy . for jrour wife once in a while. You did it offen before you married ber. | The hsalth of children between the jages of twelve and eighteen yeafs, particularly in the case of girls, 38 a source of serious woIry to neatly every mother. The growth and,â€" deâ€" l'elopment takes so much of . tRgir strength that in many cases they M tually seem to be eoing into a > ‘deâ€" gline. The appetite is fickle, brightâ€" mess .gives way to depression ; thire are often serious headaches, fits . of dizziness, or occasional fainting . and I; complaint â€" of â€" weariness at x slightest exertion. _ Ordinary: madiâ€" lfines will not bring relief. The plood has become thin and watery, and the thild must have something that will bring the blood back to its . normal rondition. At this stageâ€"smo _ other medicine can â€" equal Dr. â€" Williams‘ ink Pills. Their whole mission <, is to make new blood, which _ reaches every part of the body, bringing back health, strength and energy. Mrs. ’.lames Harris, , Port Rowan, Ont., says : ‘‘At the age of thirteern mMy daughter began to look Â¥ery . pale, and seent»d listless and always gired. She did not take interest in . fier school work or in those amusemefits of girthood. In fact she just séemed to drag herseli about, _ complaingng 'or always being tired ; did not #at well, and did not sleep well at night. 1 took her to our doetor who giid she was anaemic, and: advised nflr give her Dr. _ Williams‘ â€" Pink Pills. She took the Pills for nearly . two months, when she was as well @hd Uvely as .anv girl could be, gaingd vicely in weight, and has since &hâ€" joyed _ perfect health. 1 am quite sure that what the Pills did for fhy daughter they will do for other pale, weak girls. _ T have also used â€" Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills myself with the best results and can only speak ‘of them in terms of greatest praise." Sold by all medicine dealers or By mail at 50 cents a box o# six boxes lor $2.50 _ from The _ Dr. Williarms‘ Meflicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Anxious Ti todunit it Allfc oc in drseth hh 2 l0 thdovtrhnsatha 87. I Close to her was a 7 year old ‘rfiqj UGuernsey ‘that on the same day ~Couâ€" . rumed only 26 cents worth of feed ; . but notice what she did with it. Ske . Pproduced two and _ a quarter pounds . of fat worth 79 cemts showing there;â€" from a profit of 53 cents. Her Pound _ af fat cost vnder 11 cents to proâ€" :. duce, while every dollar‘s worth o(,.i leed gave three dollars‘ worth of ll'o-.] duct. 2l CHILDREN OFTFN SEEM PT AWAY AND ORDINARY ME ICINE DOES NOT HELP THEM. 'lose good money feeding poor C All feed was weighed, all the m was weighed and _ teated, the resu of each day were Placarded in | Iy ‘figurvs above each cow. ‘These p {furnish the extremes for one day. 1 year old grade Jersey consumiAg sents worth of feed produced ‘only. cents worth of fat. This means t sh> incurred a loss of 8 cents ‘ ~ that day, that the feed cost of ‘@ pound of fat was 52 cents, that 4 feed _ cost of 100 _ lbs. of milk w 12â€"53, and that for _ every _ dolla worth of feed given to her she gie ed only 62 cents worth of product. Are your dairy cows making good profits ? It is necessary to find 9#%, for at the famous National â€"Daify in October, the authorities had gaÂ¥ ered nine demonstration cows : prove for cne thing how easy it :48 Demonstration Cows * Waterloo, © for P

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