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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 Nov 1913, p. 1

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mmsm - _ Q Q smssswsWs JilllitT'8 'll mmm.”sms.\”‘ - 9‘9\ -- . Young Men‘s suits in desirable grown and grey mixtures with color- 1 thread stripe, medium long lapels. good quality body lining. sizes 33 to 37, regular $7.50 to $9.00. Satur- day .. 'trem, e..""'. 'Fe-rr... .w.e.e... .,.s5.95 and.“ Coat imported direct in quan- Vtmu. ' $14.00 Coats for ...u ..."'r'te, $10.80 . $13.00 Coats for _........ ...“ "512.50 58.00 Coats [or ...rr. .-. .rrm.mr.d 35.95 312$) Coats for ..rFr_.._. “.... "38.90 “Manly tailored. chinchilla: brush and Whitney cloths .belted hack varn- “County" Coats black and gley helm: bcavon in cut edge and lap teams, most stores sell these at $18.50. 1 The greatest trouser values ever shown in Berlin. . $1.50 Trousers tor Vr._P.... .._.....$1.g9 Canada's best 82.00 Trousers lot " Dumb in am lot every coat mm to loll at “5.00 gm! up ; shawl and twoway collar; belt cu hack and plain good solid wool chinchiitas Th. m I. in! to make clear is, that with tive when the anon- mt all“. - atom to aeieet from here, rou'ro not going to have a] was, tn unifying your individual can and requirements. Thon- Iull d lam-'3 woll-droucd men hue discovered this tart long ago, “I In it only team why. " you ham never beta in this “on he- tom - it)!“ can. he" this time and mOry a selection trom what is may th- 'e" e.' largest diyU_r ot Good Clothes in Berlin. Smart Snappy Winter costs and Dresses for Ladies and children ' LOT 2 OVERCOATS 814.80. sc5ttettpettgarry and English Par- H. M. WILHELM lt $3.00 Tailored Trousers for Fine Dress Trousers for Mv-v Ask Any Person Canada': beat 82.50 Trousers $9.50, 12.50, $13.50 up to Ladies' heavy Winter Coats, in all the/newest shades and styles with and whhoiet the litting, worn with and without the close m- ting collar, cutaway COUNTS, trimmed with Bulgarian. velvets, fancy buttons, Ma. also in ttie close curl and two toned. blue and black, mi and black. and brown and black, prices range from tinthtte."tsitratghe In Mmhlo'u'nnr? LADIES' WINTER SKIRTS. Ladies" medium and heavy winter Skirts, in all the new styles, such as peg top, with small belt at back of waist, stunted in side, draped and slit, worn opened or closed. in good wearing quality ot Serges. Partamas and Tweed, at $3.90. $5.00. $7.50. $8.50 and LADIES‘ WINTER DRESSES Ladies' line Winter Dresses, made of good quality Panama, Serge and Whipeord, in shades ot Copenhagen blue, brown, navy, tan and black, yoke 1nd collar are pt allover lace, in cream and ecrn. edged with fancy silk, long and sttort,.sleeves, draped skirt, very smart dresses for the house or street wear, at $5.95, $7.95, $11.50, $12.50 and .errreer-q. ... mtrtrtF.. .'-rm.r.'.....i... ...'r.... F........ $16.75 Who has used WILHELM'S HARNESS And he will tell you it's the 0m harness upon which you can de- pend. Our Winter Stocks, including everything ladies and children wear, are now complete and we are confident that when you have looked them over you will agree that no more attractive merchan- disc was ever shown: by this or any other store in Berlin. We are especially anxious to have you see the New Coats we show at LADIES‘ SKIRTS. 1000 HAIR TROUSER SALE. bar 1 oysncons $11.30 Miller & HohmeieF YOUNG MEN‘S SUITS.' Full stock of light and heavy harness on ham! All work guaranteed. The Home of . the RAIN COATS. .7. NIP“ ILOGK t BERLIN, 9tir. Slim 'itniClhiiiii'i"iiiii"i' _ $10.80 ...$12.50 “a 35.95 "38.90 for $1498 $2.39 $4.00 $1.29 lot 81.59 YOUTH AND BOYS RUSH SPEC- - IALS IX OVBRCOATS AND suns. ' Youth mannish shawl collar Over- casts, in blue, browns and greys, very special Saturday at $6.50, $8.50 89, $10 and .---" t..r-t... .....cu...$".ttth Boys" and Children's Overcoats at 31.9810 w.. -.tvv. _...,. ""mm.r.. .........t8.0tt Big Boys' big Bloomer Suits; a large shipment placed for. Saturdayi M.80, and all the wav through to .mr...er, WVrrprr.t -"rte"'rrteq. VF ... ,.....V$10.00; Boys" School Suits, at 8138, $2A0, . to m..'"'-.. "rt- .... Wer...-.. .trtr.... “WW-001 $17.00 BLUF, SUITS, ALL WOOL $12.80. Shop tailored, wool serge lined, made by on: ot the most magnesia young makers Men's English worsted and lancy Weed Suits, medium shades in neat patterned cloths, cut fashionable, 3 button sack shape with neat fitting collars and nicely shaped lands, good twilled Italian cloth linings, sizes " to M, regular $14 to $16, Satur- day .m.'ert-. .'.r'--. """r.m.. -.-4--,.. $9.95 I Black British Beaver Rims, Chev- iots and Brush Twins. in solid wou- ing reliable cloths, not a single coat worth less than $12.50.to $14-00. Saturday .... . .. .. P"'"-..--.. $t0.00 Standard 810.00 Overcoat lot “.50 Standard $12.00 Black. Overcoat tor OUR ERNST 810.00 OVERCOAT Berlin's very best 812.00 nuts "I Solid wool cloths, all sites .3) t ' H J! tive distittetaclottvs. This is rumo- ther sawing on Eur big cash Inning Luna--u much! Math» "tterr- f.ateir's Illness Slop mg M. - Vlurloo $12.00 oVERCo.trs FOR we show at $17.50 to $22.00 W; _. $22.50 F UAW ONTARIO. 39.75 ___ -- --- _ _____-..-_ ---. .. -, - be: of the members or the Ladies' cessful season is anticipated. It is Aid Society and congregation of expected that both intermediate and Trinity Lutheran church were at Junior teams will again be entered in Waterloo on Thursday', it being visib- the O.H.A. The following officers ing’day at the Lutheran ts'mtnnary.- were elected ..- Reformation Day was observed by Hon. Presidents-Messrs. Reeve L. the Trinity Lutheran and St. Peter's y. Pequegnat J. F. Rail and D. 'aiu/tr,'." churches" here on Sunday.-- Becker. ' r, . D. Morrison ot McMaster .. . “all. Toronto, occupied the pulpit of P,', \igelgesidmts-Dr. Anderson the Baptist church here on Sunday. up _.r: .. enter. uddi . ' The regular quarterly services were r.etif.entrA. B. P icombe. . . . - . lst Tice-Prem-O. H. Becker. held In Trinity Methodist church on hi Sunday. The pastor, Batik. CIOPP ',.tt..-Srtt1ve1tIr,.s P illips. conducted the services.-- Miss Rabi) Executne fo"ei,t,tee:rlttttea Jot's gave a jolly oyster supper to her G. 0. Wendt and Ed. Kati. staff on Ilallowe’en.-- Miss Freda Crossett-Waketord Nuptials: - A Ncimann entertained a number ot her quiet wedding was solemniled at the friends with a masquarade party on Methodist Parsonage, Listowel, on 1lailosye'en.-Mrts. Joseph Berger was Monday, Oct. 20th, when Miss Lottie, hostess at a delightful tea at her Louise, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. l:) home on Saturday afternoon. --The E. Wakeford ot that place was unit- Missrs Grundentteeger entertained rd in marriage to Mr. Gladstone] their young friends on Friday even- Louis Crossett," son of Mr. and Mrs. int Ilallowe'cn games were enjoy David Crossett of this town. The ed by all 'tresent.-- Mr. and Mrs. young couple have taken up their re- James Grail entertained the young sidence here and have the trft wishes friends of their grandson, Button of their friends tor a long and happy Grail. to. a Hallowc'en party at their wedded life. home on Peel street on Friday, - Mrs. Charles Ruchty received for the _."----.------- first time in her new home on lint.- .. . erloo street, on Wednesday atternoort. Wiilliarnsburg tier sistrr, Mrs. Englert of Berlin. - received with her. Mrs. Becker and Local and Persottaf.--Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace Irettzel also assisted. The Daniel F. Becker entertained our tea tablewas prettily Arranged with young people to a hallowe'en party a handsome lace cloth and Fink last Friday evening, about " being carnations, and was presided over by present, and a very enjoyable even- Mrs. John Messner. Miss Fcvapuess- ing' was spent in music, games, etc. nor also assisted in the tea-room. - Those 'rreeent came dressed atrpropri-l Mrs. "ishop gave a very enjoyable ate for the occasion, some wearing 1lallowe'cn tea party io the girl masks, others representing Indians, i triends oi her daughter. Miss Nae old women. witches, ghosts, etc. V l Bishop, on Friday meningr- Mr. tor a few hours cmoyably span a John mmtrman mound last week into excellent supper was served by the the house on Jacob street which he hostetrs.-The Central Waterloo Farm- ‘rcci‘ntly purchased from Mr. J. prs' Club will hold their next meet- Fttehamhrt.-Mr. and Mrs, Cuts. Hart- ing on the evening of the 32nd Inst. man of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. llv. while the Beaver Literary Society Koitlenttrenner, oi Pans. Mrs. F'., A. will hold their meeting nut Satur- Gtevn of Galt, and Mr. James Webb day evening, tho 8th.--Mr. and Mrs. pt Halt. attended the funeral of the "er Becker and Mr. and Mrs. late Joseph -Holecher u. Liondsy William Riehm motored to New Last,-a'ourtcillor Char Hildebrand, Hamburg last Sunday. T -___- “nu... “u an). "aLl", "vcr.-- L Mr. and Mrs. Dent and young son ', spent Sunday with friends in Strab iord.--Misa Smith and Miss Abel were in Station! on Bunday.-atr. Henry _ Becker ol Burnside has moved into his new house on Mayer 'street, 'whieh he erected this surnmor.-Br. o. II. Roche: spent the week-end with friends in Exetee.-Mr: Jack Plural» combe returned to Hamilton after spending a few days at his home ttere.--The many {fiends of Mr. C. R. Zurbrigg, son of Mr. and Mrs. ptr.-; brigg ot town, regret to hear that he was in the C.P.R. wreck " _ MooseJaw, and hope he will soon bel fully teetweted.--Nra. Wm. Weber d Berlin spent a few days last week with friends here.--Mist, Wilson has formed a music class In Shakespeare. -Miss Davie . oronto apent Sun- ”day'af'the hogekal in: P. Yoekei.-- Mr. J. A. llartmann left on Tues- 'dty last on a tour n‘eaks' business trip to Manitoba and Saskatchewan. -Mr. Chas. .Yonge. Ionnerly 'of this town,' who returned from Tugaski, Sank. last week, accepted aposition with the Stratford Brass Co., and left tor that place on Wednesday.-Mr Daniel Jantzi ot Baden was a busi- ness visitor in town on Tuesdays-Ir L. llostetler who sold his Jewelry business to Mr. Emerson Luckhard. left for Toronto on Saturday, when he will go into the optical ttttsim-.-. The Ministerial Association at New Hamburg and vicinity held its seg- air. meeting on Monday, Nov. 3rd, at the home ot Rev. 0. T. Hellman, l’lattsville, where the Rev. W. te. "Johnston addressed the gathering. Miss Maude Ratz ot Baden spent the wtxhettd with friends hertr.--A num- ,,V_V__ ...... - usual-m, Mes. R. T. Winn-Mr. Seibort ot Berlin spent the weék-end with friends in town.-W., Mrs. and Miss Greutz- ner motored from Preston on Sum day and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Becker..-. Mr. Harry Motchman of Berlin spent Sunday in town.-Mrs. Geis and daughter ot Berlin motored to town on Sunday, and called on Mrs. Carrie Baecrf--" 'eti"gtr,,tetu'i5i2,ii FGT Ta; ing on the, 'ttty, r TM'l'lti "Bl t .. Essa“ bt “2.. Mr. We“ . _ " B, PS". R. and from.Mr. Chas - I", . 'Y", , , "a., (id 'd1i'i"Aeiie'g, museum)!“- 'dllllinillaul "auir-G4 . mg": $1311: 11:35:38 JV 'tT Jr". and bride. came, 'dfU,'d a: "ea ' Son at Toronto “ h mm Williams who is at ’ptelent Inhibit]. and will "a, in Mr. Jon hm “" thr ME“!- , it DIME-c a um "tteetc-.Ndtarts. Harrison l'lll meier'l house -Mrs 'Parker has and oxpeet to In" “me“ tttn SutiMeid In on a hating tour in tuned to ia, and will mm! ft J,g/g,'e,,t ,tNNhittt, "a. lathe luskoh " present. t1tfe, mantis. 1Itlt ttttdaughter, will continue 2',..'l nnH-m , et 'e Soggy. oretixed :--A. Pu.r- ‘ Items ot 'itt-t.-. Miss, Adetrn 1iil' went. Monday with her cousin Mrs. (Dr.) Gillespie in Badaa.-. Minx 'l‘ntl was in Bulk: on 'r_r.--M-at Hugh“ ot Berlin In tho gust ot Jim; sister, In. Ruchty.- Mr. E. Etir, ptinclpal of the Baden Public stool, spent, the valued with his mother, Mr. D. Eu, tt--llhu. Fanny Pul- "u.-- L_- .--A__-, _. - - New. Note. mm try IM- . Conespoadelih in County "'d-D"1tt ii, New Hamburg Lt". goiter! {lynch t “I: Our Busy N eighbbrs Crosseu-Waketord Nuptials: - A quiet wedding was solemm'led at the Methodist Parsonage, Liston-l, on Monday, Oct. 20th, when Miss Lottie Louise, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wakdord of that place was unit- rd in marriage to Mr. Gladstone Louis Crossett, son M Mr. and Mrs. David Crossett of this town. Thei young couple have taken up their _rtrl sidence here and hare the trft t1ttf of their friends tor a long and happy wedded life. 1 Hon Yice-Presidotts-Dr. Anderson and Mr. D. .Geigcr. . President-A. B. Puddicombe. lst vice-Prem-o. H. Becker. 'lee.-Treaa.-Harry Phillips. Executive 'Committee-James Johns G. O. Wendt and Ed. Ratz. ’ year. New Mood has been put oerthe executive conmittee and a very suc- cessful season is anticipated. It " expected that both intermediate and junior teams will again be entered in the O.H.A. The following ott,cers were elected ' him was: in'hk new enterprise. Mr Hostetler will he Md in business Links. A: 3 cums-atria: always in [aver of anything to bettar the' community. He was a member ot the School Board, having been ap- pointed at the last election. In short he was popular with' all classes. Mr. Ho.stotier left for Toronto on Satur- day. Mrs. 1lostetltyr and children will remain in town tor the winter with her parents, Mr. “A Mrs.! Jacob Ernst. - l luckey Club Aatnuat'-The annual; meeting of the New Hamburg Hoe- key Out, was held at the Commerc- ial Hotel on Monday evening. Fully my hockey, enthusiasts were pres-m which should be evidence that more interest will be taken in the sport this season than ever before. This may be attributed to' the good re cord made by the two teams last] _ ‘ . . - - neon. F- o/ta'rt"t,thteiri1'gm2', Maggy: Meetings w_ill be held every lst and bets ot the Evangelical church ttattru 3rd Tuesday in each month. . cred at the home ot Mt. and Mm. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. and tamily ot Jacob Ernst to bid {smell to Mr. Gall; spent Thanksgiving Pre-rp.'". Lafayette Hostetler on the eve ot o. Ktyrs, ot Berlin is hititi.ng at we his departure for Toronto. on no. home ot Mrs. Hy. Lindaay.--Nias hall ot the congregation Mr. Wm. Nora Watson of Toronto visited her Umbach. in a few well chosen words coukin Miss M. Westlall a few days.-- prcsented Mr. Hostetlet witha purse Misa L. McGovern has scoured a sooth as a slight token of “banana ap- Iosmon at the Fire Paint grocery.| predation of his 5:1"th ”Him in Berlin. . . 1 every department or: church wort. . Obituary I-The Grim Reaper visit- Mr. Hostehler who war taken by Bur- ed a home in our neighborhood call-i prise, "PM very 1Ftlingir. The his away one young in years, the! pastor, Rev. Me. Wk, expat-sod only daughter. Lottie. of Mr. tutd, the regret of his people in Mr. Mrs. J. lguon. aged about 17 years.: Hosteueru departure” and wished Deceased had been ailing troat heart; him success in his new enterprise. Me disease since June, though never very: Hostetler will be miss'ed in business thong. Death took place on Sitar-f circles. A: 3 an” 1'“ always day night pt last. week about 2 Wm. in MOI of anything to better the A large gathering or relatives and community. He was a member at triads gathered at the home on the School Board, having been ap- Tuesday to express ' their sympathy‘ Pointed at the last election. In short tor the bereaved ones. 1 will continue their “than: in 'the temporary 011100 at up Felt Works until their on once r 'smnNeted.-.. Mr. Henry Heinbaoohe was given a surprise party " his home Thursday evening by s numba- bt his friends, ‘upon the occasion ot III birthday and ‘was presented with " the Morris chair. The evening VIII pleasantly apeat with games and I'll greatly enjoyed try :11 pram. ‘a - u: nun-nu III - mm mm wBo is at 'peeaeat "mph-$3 in tho New: Tttll ”will in “is atutrcic--.Megara. Harrison: and expect to h" “,-um“ tgt . Mitt/id are on a halting tour in few weeks. Mr. Rummy has 31de n present. Iota] Wt lor the W33 ptsd Nu! Societv Ora-mud :-.-A Liter- " e1 'llt1lMttrtt Quay and. ".--.i Jot-t Cole- . , - ,‘ t'1g'AQi'dlu21'r/i, claim a muo- ot Co-ttmr. l , 1fITtt was held In» Iron: Oct. "L to“ About " det as tred by I T amt-Man was man. 3.0.; N bin; Ru. ll. D'arer “it. County and.“ ‘non, mm; mm. w. A., "1' . Ree. J. W. Newberry, Elcho. Presi- "Btttatlttlt8tt- _ dent U.B.A., new. Gilroy um Ham- ' Iran, Rev. on, Woodstock, luv. Mr. Joseph Bum, Mr. Anion ally. Brantford, new. Woutcrscrcrtt, Flair, ot this town um, Shamans. luv. McLean; Embm, morning tor a two mung Ree. Cannon Fond, Ree. Armstrong trip in Parry sou. ' m '11: Promo, Rev. Pulley, Brannon, Rev. be join“ by liven] than lion Day, TOronto, Rev. Spence. Guelph. and»: nd Toronto. lanthanum» Rev. much, Berlin, Rev, coach, ill Duty also In” tmit mum". “swivel. Rer. Plant. Sherhton. on Thursday, ?m- is Mr. Ree. Wilkcr, Bolwood, Excellent. ur- Goo. E. 8181mm cl “a 'tem. were enjoyed, especially on Salaam Bulk tts-tNe Btu-dud may evening when the not» Reliance Hm C “on. trho mt In: administered to t large recently owned a b tone in “We. and the Anaemia: norm . .. . 7 7 had " Rev. Mr. MscLean Mr. A m qtrtf, tt I. F They k *“ In 1 , [an ll an 15th l .4 r M mom, _ Rev. Arrangements are about completed for London Street Railway to use mam power, the agreement being for 1,000 h.p. at $36, to run for twelve years. l Mr. and Mrs. Rogers ttnd {wily ot! Salt spent Thanksgiving here.-Mrs. 0. 10558, ot Berlin is visiting at the' home ot Mrs, Hy. Lindaay.--Mias Nora Watson of Toronto visited her comma Miss M. Wants" a. few days.- Mists L. McGovern has secured a good! Position at the Fire Point grocery. Berlin. 2 . l 1 ply Asphalt Roofing, guaranteed 5 years, $1.50 per sq. 2 ply Asphalt‘ Roofing, guaranteed 10 years, $2 per sq. 3 ply Asphalt Roofing, guaranteed IS years, $3 per sq. New Sociefy Organised ".-.-A Liter- ary Society has been organized in the village with the following tgre- Ptesidettt--Mr. Kirby. T Vice President-Miss S. Miller. Seereury--Mrs. F. Harrison. Tr-er-Mr. C. Woolis. .Progrunme Com.-t Harrison, J. P. Snider, Misses B. Butler, E. Let- Ion and L. Bowman. Cutie F. Har- warm lWeichel’s Weekly 'tttIp/tIles-tlea', $lV"ts--. " PA“. Welchel's Asphalt Itoerttrte in more than protection til-Inn In. " In I III-auction walnut warming that «use. than roadr"xrethnt" I. on u glee” com-11m. In I tingle summer. " It. also. ' limpet!» on»: numerous rep-Ira. frequent repainting! and renaming nee-m with the common kind or man“. For, one. on. Weichel’l mum Mn. need: no cue. no attention-ttte 'tret so“ in the only can. Welchera Asphalt Rouetmr " a any to my u e amt. mama - I. not required. liner!”- tar hylng come with each TOU-alt the: you need Is a hummer. .Asrtt 1:. shout all: rooting. It will [In more new“. freedom from are. In. more money than Any other ready-moan; a. '..maq- Root Your Buildings With Weichel’s Asphalt Roofing I. Welchel & Son, Waterloo, Ont. fiRAPH. to " King Street Eat and " to " Frederick Shut BERLIN. our. . I A, Weseloh dt "tiii-i"',-"'"" i Demanstration next to. Rest l . Room, on "rtzin.8oor. . one 4tr Floor Polisher, $2 in all, fa, thee $1 bottle quiqu_idleneer and ----Muaraa"Hru_sttty1,t,tt, will be with us a few more days and we invite you to see her when in the store and learn the many valuable uses of L I Q U I D VENEER. Demonstration- I ", A. WESELOII. TILL SAT. EVG “to“: Saves Money and Time. Special Offer Call and See l ll. (EQUINE. WHO“ No; 800. $1.50 E:

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