Considerable interest, is being taken in the action ot the Cazgary Boyd d Education in making arraisgenstats 9 for the starting ot a pre-vocational "'---s-err---ahildrett on my I‘M“. _ manna-II- II!- -t-eo,u."itnsttnttpaid. ,Wusuuusmamr “CI-ham u alt-WIN m and â€maximum. was...“ willie“ a "bath“! thanBaturdar I'D on" at W must not he h but an My noon. Casual mu accepted up to Wed- - and nut. Cit I. and; known on "trlieatio'r which women we Mere" '""'f'"r "T Delegates front Waterloo. Berlin, tie. pres-vocational course. 1nquir1es,iuantiUi, Woodstock, Noriolk and were sent to some fire hundred Var-iisiord were asked by the chairman cuts and pupils in the shape at blank,'fesraril!ttyt the Virus of their Councils forms asking them to fill in the rum-l toward the schenyy and each one as- tion which the children wished to surul the equilmtmee that up to the . ... l 'voir/iT.?!'.?.,". their Councils were most follow ant-thawing hthoo . isympathetic and desirous tor more in- hundred replies were received and oi iormation. T M “and " was found that only NINE! Ald. Pitcher. of Brantford, inform- could get the necessary education in Ill the committee that, \ihile the the schools, colleges or universities/ot 1 : ($1.12} if ":2!th “a: not at the are , , _ . k... 'vis':: m. “I in: " grimy ur or Calgary. The newsmty of b'?'1caTiii,r%iiili, the propdsiticd, he was education tor pupils 1n. the 1sigU'Cquite hopeful that they would (hinge grades was thus demonstrated. ‘ Etheir minds in the very near iuture Three departments will be requirodyutd “HUM l'I-mu back into the iold tor the inauguration oi the pre-soea-H."iay- Fo Mr au' the City oi Brant- '.. ' ' ' _ third was concerned. Md. Pitcher tional syslcm: The present ""y"Tfstatee that the Cotmeil was trod on! classes will be absorbed and wid, lamralzle totrards the Somme, and he form the nucleus of a business coururrbelieved that I'tuttrordites “and an industrial department will tgrtrack up the proposition as long as it “may: -4“..- nm “an.†'rrorTrv. will , WW'; at all possible. Three departments will be requirod for the inauguration ot the prthCm tional system. The present commpr- cial classes will be absorbed and wid form the nucleus of a business course an industrial department will be founded where the vyrious trades will be taught as necessity arises, and a department of household art for the girls. . Thy result. of the Dominion bye- clcrliun in East Middlesex, in “hich the Conservative majority at the last general' election was cut down by three hundred, should give heart to Liberals who may have been down- cast over the recent loss oi. Chaute- guay. In spite of the concentration of all the forces oi the Borden Gov- ernment. and oi Itogerism upon the riding, made possible by the holding of the bye-elections upon dierent dates, the, Liberals cut the majority ot two years ago in two. A: the issues in the tylecttott were. the naval and trade policies of the two parties" the big slump in the Conservative vote would indicate a considerable change oi opinion on these issues since the general alcdions of 1911. The result should alTord encourage mont to the Liberais of South Bruce who are putting up a splendid foght against big odds. With similar gains to those made in Middlesex South Bruce can be redeemed. A wini meeting oi tbe represpnta- tins oi the Berlin Board ci Educir tion and oi the Councils and school Boards of Waterloo,jtrttira, Water- loo and Woohrirh townships was call- od lor Thursday afternoon -n the Council Chamber tor the purpusv _oi arriving at a definite decision re- garding the enlarging of the High Schuol district lo tnclude tlm north riding of thts County. Those present “on J. Irarper. Waterloo; .I. G. Hunt, [one of Wooluivh Tp., S. Koch, dcpuly "n!- Woolwich Tp , 1lr. Broderha, Wool wich Tp.; NT. Lemon. Wooluivh TIL, Ind J. Lang. Ii Smyth, H. L. Slam Mer, Dr. lluchncrgard, and Chairman Monttberger, tirst oi January aest HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT However, no m-tinn was takon tHi- in; to the Filmira and Watcrico Tp delegates not heme, present, the in! not rlaimlng that they had not to waived a notice. Thr, npmmn “huh was "pressed tw those pretmtt in an informal ttiscnsmtm, mu that Hm outlying districts “mad not mm- In on tht hiah school :lhtrut, and u would he leit to Berlin and “at" tbo. llmwvl‘r, they said Hm vu-rr willing to pav their pmpurhun of thr- utuul cost oi having thur students attend the strum) Another meeting will he held on Thundav. Nov, 13th, in the lmmul mm". Training for Life's Work East-Middlesex. Woodstock, Oct. tr-hsmortaat nutter; regarding the (“aural West.- ern Ontario Industrial him proton- uon were discussed here today try the committee, composed olethe w presentatives ot the counties of Nor- lolk, Waterloo and Orton! and the cities or Brantlurd, Woodstock. Ber- lin and Waterloo, which (or some time past have had such a scheme luv der consideration. There nan alarge and representative attendance and the meeting Bits probably the but yet held. Warden Benton, ot Tilttostrurg, who presided, opened the discutssiots by stating that the time had come when something definite should be done re- garding the industrial farm scheme. fie believed that the commute was now in shape to go ahead and get tiiittiér information We the cost at Sikh a Farm, and it was his opinion that this should be done right way. so that the councillors would have something defmite to take tare to their (‘ottncils “hm they meet next tnonth. m WILL LOOK FOR SUITABLE LANDSIJ-g Mr, F, L, swim. oi Norfolk. open- ed up a discussiun regarding the tak- ing in at mum municipalities, wlun he stated that he believed thet the more that “rut into the schnno, the mnrr sur-cessful it would be. Iuiort, he thoupht, should be made to induce Brant. Perth. and i-Ilgin. and per- haps llaldinmnd to take up the pro- pom]. The resolution was adopted and the delegates appointed as follows: It was movrd h, Mr. H. L. Squire and seconded by Mr. w. S. West, that members of the committee be appointed as a%iutscommitteé to' in- tervtew the Uounty Councils ule’erth. lilgin and Brant at their next ng'et- ing with an. idea of having them be- come a part oi the unit. Councillor “alloy, of Ingersoll, de. dared that in aditinn to iniormation regarding the ms! of a farm. infor- mation should be obtained regarding, ihe crest ’ny buildings to he erected and he urged that a Connrittcere ap- pointed at once to interview the Gor- Nnmont regarding plans for the htuldmgs required. This information should hr nn hand, he thouOt for the next "1001an of the ('nuncils. For Brant. Messrs. Pitcher, (harl- ton and Goblrs. Perth: Casscl, Fs'tauiier and Apprll, and Jar l-Ilgin: Drum". Squitr, and “alloy. A discussion took place regarding the journey of a, committee to look for sites and to secure options on any properties which might. be con- sidered stumble. Counties Represented "annual Drug - 0cm: " u can“, Hum-t. mice We worth livinr. II VI! lead (an dose, wuh a ten Serttrrtoward throat And lung troueies waving an 'txr-ect quickly and wisely~vakq e: trams. twine: the â€stem I) reds! couttra an! can; ard was that abounjing my" which makes are glad to M nave. " n forltotte arter wasting II‘wus. u tor weak. wry cht,drett. It L3 few. It my. small. This I: a ported and pie-9.1M rm'wamion of the but Norwegian Cod Liver on with Mn Extra l. Cherry Bark at! Hymhmclmas. It restate: wasted NA-DRU-CO Health worth Delegates Appointed In FK. uni 51.03 henna-II you: D, 'r'," " Cod Liver Oil having to Ask cokmeation esA intedto waitorthnmtr _ as 'i)T'l'lth'linra'Q Ema Wuden beam .stated'tUt thew mince wu not will; to buy the - Just. now, but wu simply pin; to get figures, in odor to give he L'ouincils some idea rec-Nun; an the scheme was going to cost. Land Required. A general ditantsaioat on the “not ot acres wired, an kind at [and de sired, railway connection, an, tohh place. Son: members of the com- mittee thought that 800 or 1.000 acres should be purchased, while oth- ers thought that a Was ot this In. would be altogether too large and III- wieldly, and suggested 400 acres. _ It was agreed, however, that the tand to be purchased should be ot Very poor quality, in order to give the prisoners work in improving tho jag", " gag alsg felt that a Mm with a stone quarry "iriTr""i7fitirimr pit on it would he very desirous, as it would assist greatly 4n the build- ing of county roads. Other members suggested a farm with In“ ot will suggested a tarm with In“ of will land to keep the men busy in the winter time. Members ot the com- mittee suggested several tracts ot land. all of which will he taken in,to consideration by the committee ar pointed: Messrs. Stautter, Weaver, Goble, Detwiler, West and Pitcher. A committee consisting ot Messrs. Shaw, Hobson, Waller and Squire, was appointed to interview the Gov- ernment regarding the style and cost of hummus and other information at sired in connection with the scheme. A number ot communications were read by Secretary Weaver. The clerk at Brant County notified the committee that the (much had decided to go no iurther regarding the proposition until the scheme had been iurthe'r developed and more in- formation obtained. The clerk of Elgin informed the committee that the delegates from that countv desired to bring the mat. ter before their Council before gums any further. _ " .0t l similar letter was received min: the clerk of St. Marys. , um “an m n.. .v‘myn. Those' present “are: Jacob dome. Norfolk: N. H. Detwiler, Berlin; F. l Walley, Ingorsoll; D. It. Stunner. Blenheim Township; S. Squire, Nor- folk; Alderman Pitcher, Brantford; ll. t'. Shaw, 'Wat'erloo; S. Cassell, Waterloo; K. M. Appe11, Oxford, C. H. Benton, Oxford; L. E. Weaver, Waterloo; W. S. West, Woodsttr; Frank Wilson was arrested wont 1.10 o'clock Tuesday evening by RC. Ik'evins for begging. Wilson was sen- tenced to two months with Castle Uook in lien of tt and costs. TWO MONTHS FOR BEGGING FIVE YEARS FOR Tlll-IFTS. ll. u Mtiteomerr, Woodstock ; w I): IIobson, Woodstock. Convicted oi two theirs. John Kei- lev of Shatter-i was on Tuesdae sen- tenwd to Kingston Penitentiary for terms of five and two years to run concurrently. Kelley broke into the local agency of the Deering Harves- ter I'ompany and stole a revolver, an umbrella and a coat. He also plead- ed guilty to tasking from the bile of Dr. Ford ot Shakespeare a' knee robe, a lady's veil and acoat. Krlloy's past record was against him. arr duo solely to a diseased comfy lion oi the kidneys. There is aquick, speedy cure in Anti l'ric Kidney Pills li. M. Dawn sells them and guaran- tcos them to give the desired results. Come back and get your money if you aio not periectiy satisfied. Be sum yon get ANTI-URIC PILLS. B. V. Il \RlUN on every package. DRO PSlCAL SWELLINGS Interview Government. L11 -"i1r"T"Fl."" V _ o.-,' , i t,ii'iiii'iiiijiitxdl ',ttl,e1'ylt2tttfirt MOM-pct. u-Noe‘m "" math. Oct. ".-At . Walnut teeth Marauder an math: City Council “at a “In with! -so-teatio.arletio-ttatio-rasaeCdef that which - Mr Wilfrid LeuI- I.“ the question at the building ot in My. Chr am New“: oeaeiol a cinema new line to 101101! the Sir Ohm lowat aatd Hon. Edward Hydro m ammo- line tram Shh note In the riding. The '* Hupeler through Guelph to Elon. â€the awarded to the greet Chiel- morgue, Arthur, and connecting with “in o! the than pay today Ives Mount Parent. The lull text ot the e remarkable tribute to the mu and recommendation ot the many an hie We. Wham Sir thatrid "in! Ila-“lecture- Committee wee an tnr he in politics. he ie still "Prim. 'mi.-- Minister" in the heart: ot the people “Your committee recommend that ot Bruce. ' the Hrdro4rtrie Power Commission The tart of his coming into the at Ontario be requested on behait ot nhing to speak in the interest. ot the Municipal Council at the city od Mr. R. E. Twat, the Liberal Candi- Guelph to inquire into, examine, ll date in the Federal bye-election. was teetignte and report upon the cost known as far down an ()rengeville. at ‘constructing and operating an - " soon as the veteran leader board- Me r,aiiwPr from Hauler, connect- ed the Teeswnter train as an ordin- in; with Puslineh Lake, throng ary passenger the car he omsgit4 Guelph to more, Fugue “Arthur, wad converted into . reception court. no alto from Arthur connecting with Allthe war up the line an fotk Mount Forest, through the Beever With†sought his pre- Vmey to Mouton! or Thotnbury, the The met of his coming into the "king to speak in the interest. ot Mr. R. E. Twat, the Liberal Candi- date in the Federal byeelection, was known a far down an ()nngoville. As soon as the veteran leader board- ed the Teeswatcr train as an ordisr ary passenger the car he may?! wad canned into . reception cont. Airthr It" up the' lint at totk sliatMLa-.LAlyieyrt hia pre- oocupy' spacious seats in other coach- Irliich will be served by â€a. “may, cs. Scarred Veterans of a score ot the population oi each ot such muni- fights, yoUn§sters who had heard ot animus u shown by the lat. enum- the peat L'aandiaes'tr hue. old and not“: them! by tho ms, on young, male and female. all throng- estimate at the probable revenue from all the place where he was. we railway, and tho praetieatsilitr of , At Imamr. despite a drizzling the undertaking and its economic Val- tain, hundreds crowded the station in to the localities to be served try ground. The village was decorated ; it, as provided for in section 3 of the the Rom read an address of wet- [Hydroelectric 13am» Art-. .. , At Tmatcr, despite a drizzling‘ tain, hundreds crowded the station ground. The village was decorated; the Reeve read an address of wel- come, to which Sir Wilfrid replied in gallant and gracious terms. Two band: led an automobile provession down the main street. and the entry" ot the Liberal Chieftain was heralded with enthusiastic cheers air. the way. At the masur-meeting in the rink over three thousand crowded to'hear the various speakers. Sir Wilfrid himsell was in glowing health. The other speakers were Hin. W. L. Mackenzie King. lion. Geo. P. Graham, WP., and Mr. R. It. Twas, the Literal candidate. Issue of Responsible Government. Sir Wilfrid Luna, in a 1ozical and convincing 'meh, charged the Borden Government “with being retrograde and reactionary. On the highways aid bill, on the measure to Secure branch lines for the Interiolonial, and fmatty on the navy hill, the Gov- ernment had sought to take away From Parliament the right to control the expenditure-of money. These.were the great principles oi responsible government lor which the Liberals had fought, and it was up to the er ectors at South Bruce to declare whether they approved of such tar tics. Time and time again Sir Wil- Irid was interrupted with enthusias- tic cheers, and the speeches ot the other speakers were received with great applause.) Mr. J. G. Mudock, President oi the 'South‘Bruce Reform Association, was in me chair. 0n the platform were Mr. F. F. Pardee, M.H.;' Mr. John Tolmie. es-N.P.; Mr. Geo. An- derson. M.P.P.; Mr. Wm. M., Ger-' man, Mt, auda_score.ol others. Cn.t'rIrAMITE.S BUYING 1"cB1cs-i"'HririTvi'v"ed"iir 1"iiiric, '"iilie' TURKS Isons and one daughter. Mr. D. M. Chatham investors have puzdused I'lark of 438 West Marion street is a some 333.000 worth of the 848.000 is- son and there is ctmother, William sue of Chatham debentures, an}! it is Clark, in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. expected that no trouble will he Ch'- The lunu’al will take place on perienced in disposing of the balance. Thursday from his son's residence in Many oub-or-town inquiries have also this city to Mount Pleasant come- boel received. tery. , WPZSHomusuA When Run Dowii in physical condition it is usually beeaumrthe action of the organs of digestion has become irregular or defective. Then there is need for a safe and speedymedicinetorelieve the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and strongest The one remedy you may take and feel safe with is ohoaa-esaoerra_sotntso - The first dose gives speedy relief in sick-headache. bilious- knees. constipation, 1ae1rof appetite, heartburn, dySpepsia, and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this fee vorite and reliable home remedy. You will become healthier and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beeeham'a Pills BEECliilAiilll'S PILLS Nospimreeable Odor in #iitl1lila.,'ittrttter became there ‘isJN‘o Turpentine @ any to Wo, Good In the m “Mo-.- -ith or"! br- ew “Oz-v.†"e.e "rreettrl,etltr m Pick Ydu Up u- "I!" v"- - w" w - - -.- "F.-." w..." v pond only by 57:... Mu. BI. Holt... Wm. Bud-.1. Id .v.rrméhrrrt'ttC-d-dU. B. Anita. "t-r...2s.-. . ccAuu,uLLssau=.ucsucl Llu This titans that. Guelph Nity in- tends to get in on the ground floor in this matter, having already been fully assured by Hon. Adam Beck that this application would have its immediate attention. The surround- lng municipalities are very enthusias» tic over the prospects at getting this line, and letters are being received every day be the City Clerk, "tdors- ing the scheme. It is felt that this electric system will be most tteuette- lal to Guelph and also to.the ‘whole surrounding district. . Mr. Clark was born in Ontario all had been in the milling husiness all his lite, in Ayr tor eighteen years and before that in Highgate. For some time previous to his illness he had a mill in Lacombe, Alberta. He was a member ot. the Toronto Board of Trade gnaw-s a clutter mm of the lodge of the A.0.L’.W. in Ayr. go forward "at once. Mr. J. w. Lyon, a close friend of the "Minister of Power," addressed the Council at some length regarding the matter and stated that he was prepared to back it up on the husk inn, and expressed his entire Conti- dence in tha leadership of Mr. Beck in the project. The application will Toronto, Oct. 29.-After a year's illness in a private. hospital in this city, Mr. D. Clark, late of Ayr, Ont., died yesterday in his 74th year. am He is survived by a widow, three sons and one daughter. Mr. D. M. I'lark of 438 West Marion street is a son and there is “another. William Clark, in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. The iuna’al will take place on Ifffrttutlt DIES IN TORONTO Sanderson’s Bakery The "ttggi.' Association oi . “also County FREE LABOR BUREAU " King St. West, Berlin. We have vacuole. tor men and - man in All 111m ot work. " you an out ot -loruaert communicate via Ill " once. No m tor - “on ot union mu. 1“ In an eotTtttrtrg. Ark toy our INVEN- TORS ADFraER,rrhtctt qrilt be lent the. MARION a MARION. no [0anan IL. Mound-v. "o-ot-it. for whatever GROCERIES you need, you'll get as good service as though you visited the store in person. DIETRICH'S GROCERY __ You Simply, Need to Telephone; or Send Your Bhild We Can Dress You From the “own at you head to the sole: of your (not. with. it be a a DERBY OR PEDORA HAT, A CAP, OVERC0AY, SUIT, SWEATER COAT, SHIRT. . UNDERWEAR, sox, on SHOES, us have them in allstylen and mica, with qmuty' an will surprise you tor the prices nah-i. While our opening - u" min; was quite “Mach", our lull trt-tage- “an I. - been double the amount done then. There is n union. Try us. 90 KING STREET EAST Caving. Dona-"mun At att" Btu-shes. but“! allowed " highest current uh. Iaurloo, on. Bunch, Jmh Hauler, W- . Bulb. on. Bunch. J. R. Kirkpatrick, ' lunar. . I uncut-:8 m CANADA. A $"mrrtAt, ammo auswzss TRANSACT-. cmcuun was or CREDIT ....._. l mamas CHEtWEB,......... W-.. ...... Issued. aux :0sz ORDER' ...-.. ...........--. f [in a... arateeue, CI mun . put. In. nun-m. M. a, hat-rum mm. " C. A. BOGERT, Omen! Mung". You Can Start a Savings Accouht with SI ar. [his not necessity for you to wait until you In" 1 large sum of money in order to sun u Sarina Account with this Bank. An accoum can be opened with $1.00 and more on which Utterest is compounded twice a year. THE MIMI Cor. King and Scott Sta. [I'll - WINNING EMU] BERLIN BRANCH: no“ " ' . $tt0LtgoNt? BANK and Km"? mumm- Cqtul Paid Up . . . 35.400.000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Prottts . - . KARL BEROMANN. â€was". . . E. R. FITZGERALD. " "Tholutl'olloyllm I company In mm“. A hold claim. but we nut you to sum-mm It. A luau; amt, but in I I I Dominion his Given you mph mm to verify It. "The best tum-m " a. [await not ook". P. M. Roos, Monty-Tm. lattice. , FIRE INSURANCE on. ‘ "woman“! In 1.08. Total M Mst Dec, 750m I BOARD or mammal MINARD'S'LINIMENT FOR SAL. EVERYWHERE. Waterloo Mutual William 81mm. Bog. Geo. niche], Eon. , J. L. Widomu. Eq., 8t. Jamil Ann Damn, EM., Pm. P. E. Shun. Pram. Thoma Gowdy, Buy. - Jana UV union, Eq., 3“. I‘m! this“. an. “W. â€WWI, 'Boer-'" Funk Haight, Mum. Arthur Foster, Inspector. t. A. Bowl, District um. 'A'I'ERLOO. ONT. [11:11] OFFICERS