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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Oct 1913, p. 1

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English Melton Overcoat,' raw edge, Ctttatertield back, v.90] some ticed, sizes 85 to.44, ‘mgular $18.50, ts'atur- V The greatest trouser values our Shbwn in Berlin. "i.'50 Trousers for "r. -ve .e. $1.21] Canada’s hast $2.00 Trousers for OUR ERNST $10.00 OVERCOAT. 1teytchiiiktork link J could be Ga "r7aiiFrtaFeiiF' was ttt mark of a than. “out customer this week, as he was titted perioctly without an “m, with one of our "each- Tailored Illue_Suits, time OVERCOA'I‘S FOR $15.50 gulattn Coat imported direct in Chinchilla, These coats were hilar- odto at.“ at $30. Saturday 815.80 818.00 SHAWL COLLAR HELTEI) 818.50 OVERCOAT $15.00. dat-.-. :. ”200 Crosieys English Melton, hem tailored in the very best work- miiirr, linings and trimmings, b'ab- urdny .rr."wtr ..e..e... ....e.... ...t $20.00 Black British Beaver Friezes, Chev- iota and Brush Twins. in solid wear- ing reliable cloths, not asingie coat worth less than $12.50 to $14.00, Saturday "..__t're ...,,_...' ... ..... “0.00 Standard $10.00 Overcoat for $6.59 Standard $12.00 Black Overeoat for 1000 PAIR TROI'SER SALE. OVERCOATS, SUITS. HATS, UNDERWEAR, . GLOVES, SHIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES ' We have made reparations tor the bxggest Days-Clothing Selling in In“ hunky ot Berlin-Clothing dgsigncd by artists. recognized from ocean tonne-Q. I" th? foremost trrtists 81 the continent, and whose creations RAIN COATS. "tiii!':!!', Scotch (ilengury _ T pd...sssss. -...-q.o... --- Shawl eoilar, turned back, b blue BACK OVBRCUA'I‘S, Saturdyy at Canada's $3.00 Tailored Trous.ers for Fine Dress Trousers for 't r Miller & Hohmeier Colored byiderdown tor ' arm's Coats, also used ior bath ahd launching robes, in plain shades oi red,- gn'y, , white, pale blue, Mn, ll. yds. wide, at pr.“ yard . $1.1m See the Splendid Values We are Offering in Underwear, Flannels and Flannelettes In “Into and natural colors, u-sts and drawers to match; vests are buttoned front and trimmpd nicely, high neck and long sleeves, dranr'rs are ankle length, oponrd and closed; we are also showing a nice range trt combinations, in' union and pure wool, at tt..50 and . ..-, . "r'"'. . .. ,.‘ ...... . __.... V..VfV.N. $100 other nth-es are Zinc. 39c, Croc, 75c, $1.00 and .eN.et.m. _.etetr. $1.25 PURE “DUI. AND UNION FLANN'HLS, _ Extra linruualih llaunrls, m shades at. light and dark grey, military. navy lulur, black, ttNt and ”mm, for lnl'n'S and hrrys' shirts, want; Balkan blouses, Ma. '28 to 32 inches tside, at per yard, Mc, 30c, Me, 15c, 50r, 'li0v WARM l'NDI‘IR“ FiAlt FUR WOMEN ('OLOHED I-IIIJI'ERIX)W.\' To the ("at saving you “in NT?” hi bu: In: WIIJIEIAI'S HAtt SEES" Our harness Is made from 3hr Ill-2ST I.rnTi1Ot, and the um: done by experts, You an save mono try le min; your urn order tttth .1. NO. " Are You Alive il M. WILH ELM a??? 1"T22t best PIIPEI BLOCK t BERLIN, ttttr. 83.50 Trousers and English Para- to I. ... 'tisa Young Men's Suits in _desir£b1a -----9rown and grey mixtures with col- ongc, lured thread stripe, medium long lap- ticed, ‘818. good quality body lining, sizes Satur- 33 to 3"i, regular 57.50 to $9.00. $t5.00 $1 .20 for $1.39 ior $1.98 $2.39 $4.01) AIN'T” AND BUYS RUSH SPEC- l 1.11.8 IN UVHRCOATS AND ', SUITS. Men's English worstrd iuut fancy tweed Suits, medium shades in neat patterned cloths, cut fashionable, , button sack shape with Mat. fitting collars and nicely shaped lapels, good twalled Italian cloth linings. sizes 36 to 44, regular ti4 to 816, Sat- urday _ 'PMtP. . .. . ....t..-. .re-r.e.. $9.95 Saturday Mrqt Youth mannish shawl collar Over coats, in blue, browns artrgrars, vary spu'ial' Saturday at $8.50. 88.50 to, Sto and mt-.rt"_ _._t._mt._...v_e9. $12.00 "oys' and Children's Overcoats at $198 to .m..rm.., ..rrt... t.rm.-mFm-tm.., $8.00 Rig Boys' big Bloomer Suits; a large shipment placed tor Saturday 81.80. and all the way through to “ties. 814.00 Coats for “3.00 Coats fur $8.00 Cost! tor 812.50 Coats for Shop tailored, wool serge lined, made by one oi the most progressive young makers. $17.00 "LUH SUITS, ALL WOOL $12.80. tut'NG' MEN'S t'tuiTS, Boys' Schooi Suits," at; $198,546 In medium and heavy weight sun quality, velour and vrlvct rmish. in plain colors. fancy and stripes, also used tr children's dresses and kimonas 28 and 30 inches wide, at 25c, 30c, 35c and m.'.., u v..'.... 500 Fine quality of Canadian and English Flannelrttes, in plain white, pink. grey and rod, in colored stripes of pink, lawn, gl'l‘). Mile, and tan, soit tmish, no dressing, full 36 tncttps “we, at PCT yard 10c, 12.'w, L5c, Mc, 18c and... 20c PLAIN AND STRIPE Fi,h?iNeLK'rrks li I)" tN A CLOTH IN D Cl [ILDREX us WA' tt0.80 812.50 85.95 $5.95 lemon-tad thpcounuy lumping mgmtum‘ to the-Bullan markets. 21mm by Motriiat..-aer a; the wav [qt-men no "which; Wait ot Hanover on live stock the demand tar. be! with station visited by spring will be even grater than last melt-lis- at present and price- u'e PS, to Hr. Ralph App] roar to higher Mel- than. a on a Joe Luger ot Bt present-A auiert wedding was solem- " tho home ot Mud at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Aptrerl.-Mrs. AM Wm. Manning. on Oct. Mth, “he“ “lull. TURNS! their eldest daughter Norm was tmm, Mt. and y married to Mr. Sinclair Willis. A her rar to Cw prosperous farmer ol Wallace. Rev. 'l',!.e5?.,e8,Ee.tf l J. H. Clark omciatod in the Presence ot only the immediate rettrtivea ot the contracting parties. We extend hearty well wishes tor many yarn ot happiness and prosperity. items at unrest :-Fttrmrett '" "omt, ot um, anally use“! at ta.tt NORM! Ana-40d and a ' which har Meet M In m - hm the gm“ ' since the abundant ‘showon ot ul- Doratth last wet.-- and. an: ot now. Caution!!! on: um um; paoughing remain to be do]. i" an. John Eittn.-. with a low weeks at his watt}: Btmrt,tEd. III-nu mashing rem-ill to be do" ttBt an. Julu ziatn.iua.iren. a. R. who am inst., a numbé: ot With a 'tw weeV ot “8 wrtt.ty Btatart,sEd. m a! R. t Win than: and hEishbon ave a sur- al1ttrsmotaandotheeeao_okl-u-iteute th,Juobstz-eet.itmm25u w, the lumen will be in I’m Ca. at this towrc-Mr. Prod Lewis anniversary ot their “dinghy. tor win“! a! which we Ind a. little ot Mt. Forest. In“ I jays I: um a very enjoyable evening was foreman during the rut ,rreese.r41o. town luv meet-Ir. Schweit- Ment in music tutdgtpunets. A pleas- wustown sums to he a Very bl!” m ot London vu . visitor " feature ot the evening was the spot than days, many unload- ot in town on W“ . Wilson presentation ot two on not.“ live stock are being um. out to Vgr- teat a 9w, 'tatt' Jt __- [Inject grain to Mr. and Mn. Bowman tram Personals :-Mrs. Amos Bricker 0! Berlin was the guest of has sister, Mrs, Lewis Adolph. during ttta holi- days.--Mrs. ll. Hartung ot Wa‘lnce Ville spend a few days with her sis- ters in t'heatey.-Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Schulz were the guests at their son Nelson in Ferlin during tho holi- days.-A motor party consisting of Mr. Amos Bricker and son Howard, Moa- sn. Gordon S. Kminski and J. Rey, all of Berlin. stunt Sunday evening, (let. 19th at the home of Mr. L. Adoiph.--Mr. Fred Manning ot Maple spent Thanksgiving pay at the par- ental ttommerMr. ll S Elliott, dele- gate lrom the Methodist S. S., Wal- laeev0t and M. l. Adolph, represen- mm for North Perth S. S. Asso- {ciauons attended the Ontario s. S. Association Convention in Owen ‘Sound this wexl.-Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Adolph visited the parental home Last week. News Notes :-Nr. and Mm. John Hammer received the said news ot the death oi their nephew Harry Brown of Wiarton last week whither they went on Thursday last, where interment took pums.--Mr. Charles J). Koehler spent a few days with Il,"""', in and around Hattover.--Mr. (and Mrs. Edgar Stuauh and their .two sons of Elmira spent Saturday laud Sunday at his home ttere with (ids parerttac-2Mr. M. Schaub who was ilaid up with appendicitis is improv- ‘ling raiprdty and will soon be able to {again attend to his duties ttt his Harm-Mrs. .1. Kaulnun is at present plaid up with Sciatica. We. wish her la speedy recoverv.-The Auction sale bald by A. Kelterborn last Saturday {or household diet-ts ete., wits well 'attended and prices were very good. Mr. .lohn T. Wilford wielded the (i.,j,iintj,:. Mr. Kelmborn is at Prre, sent residing with his sun, Harry,- l,Sir. Wm. Kelterbom ot Grimsby spent a few days here among his relatives and triendr--Mr, and Mrs. Wm. otr. mann of Ayr visited friends and rela- lives here and at Bumbag on Sun- dayv-Mr. Peter A. Wagner and Mr. IC. llabermehl spent this afternoon in the twin city on business. _ Prttttn- Wedding :-A very pretty modding took place on Wednesday, “N. 15th, at 4 p.m, " the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B. LiChty when ‘iheir youngest daughter Lucinda bei came the bride of Mr. Geo. Faber of Rellesley. The bride looked hand- some and charming in a white dress. carrying a bouquet oi itowera, and was attended bv Miss Louisa Reusing ot Milwrtnn. The groom was sup- ported by his brother Joseph. Min Tana .\lerlau UPrr acceptably presided at the piano and played the wedding march, and Rev. H. Battenberg tied the nuptial Knot. Many were tht present.- which were landmine and uselnl. The Wellesley Brass Hand PM. in their appearance and played a 'tt of their fri'.' selections. We “in. ttts'; Joutttt coNUr mam happy days. The)" mill rrside in WelWsles. j “in rrside in Well Mtr. Mr (hristian It','.','),,, ttrierwettt an oprratich last Thursdar. "e il doin as well as may be expected; “5.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES ior trustworthy nun or woman to act as unveiling repreaettutV Rapid promotion. Previous apt-ti. mm "tutHr6ssBry'. t'ommerwe m I'mnu' Irrrilun' Wihllnm i‘ommm Ltd, Toronto, ont. 4tAt 9339M um Note. Mama by maiitrtrti' Garments in County and ittitidit Wellesley 3b gust cl has“ In. (331.) than mud. The presentation t Mclrviu.~llr I“ A} " Peat! was made by Means. w. Buck ad: ot Hanover and ‘. W ot Herman Ami. Utility retmstsrnenta: steattoN visit“ (d ', Jame tme “my mud by their eldest 'iiiiiiTiD, uoms at new, .. and I“. "a. Mr. D. Bath: was appointed Album! and a ' a! mum content: ot the committa- m can- im the gun“ In, In. action with the adoption trom New Done]: Im not. In ot liu- ”NOW!- ' gm ee" {WI - It 'exruee Burgh: Party.-4ht Thur-day eve- Hr. Myh Andi to and Mr. Joe Unger of Ber - t, Monday at the home of Mr. In. Chas. Aptrerl.-Mrs. Anni; G oi Toronto spent Thursday with parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. - Bean. on her way to Chicago. Mr. Chas. Yong'e returned on '%dey from Tugaslre, Bask., where; spent the summer with his DIME, Mr. T. W. Yonge.-Mrs. Annie G of Toronto spent last Thursday w her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Bean, on route to Ctisago.-Mra. Miller: and Miss lna Miller spent Monday with friends in f$trauord.--Mr. and, Mrs. Green ot Gait spent a. few days this week with the letters punts. w. and Mrs. Schl.--Mrs. Jack Callahan spent Mon- day in 'krlitc--Mrg. Little ot Hays- ville is the guest abhor sister, Mrs. Barber.--Mis6 Wagner 'ot Wellesley spent a few days at her home here.- Miss Louise Boettger was in Berlin on Sahrdar.-Miss latent-e 'Puddi- ‘comhe and her guestkss Knight of Regina spent a iew dat. of last week {with friends in Ayr.-Mr. Louis Ber-1 Jet returned from Si last week [and Iett try-day ion imagine to I gresume his electrical work tltsee.-Wr. l and Mrs. Erwin Ritz and son ot Galt I visited at the home oi Mr. D. Ritr last Mondays-Mr. and Mrs. George Hail oi Elmira were the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ptatt last week. - Mr. Melina Kuntze ot Grand Valley spent a few days of last week at his home here.-hir. and Mrs. Louis Peinq and Miss Chariette IPeine have return- ed irom their trip to Chicago. Mt. Theo., Peine and Miss Henrietta Peino came up from Toronto and spent the week-end with their pasertts.-htr. and Mrs. Jacob Saddler of Elmira spent Sunday with friends in town.-- Miss Elia McMaster of Guelph, was the guest ot her iriend, Miss Lucy Schmidt on Mondays-Mr. and Mrs. John Langley oi Stratiord were guests at the home oi Mr. Jacob Hahn last week-Mr. George Huchn was in" Berlin on a business trip on Friday.--- Miss Grali visited with friends in Berlin last "axe-Mr. Zim- merman has returned irom an extend- ed trip with relatives in Ohio, and other points across the litte.--Mr. and Mrs. Grauel of Berlin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ll. Bowman on Thursday.-Mr. Ed. Rat: was in Windsor for a few days last week.-. Mr. Frank xllolscher of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting friends amrrelntives in towtt.--Mr. Roeer and Miss Babb were in Waterloo on Thursday at- tending the iuncral of their cousin, the late Mrs. Peter Becker. - Miss Wilhelmine Ernst oi Guelph has. re- turned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Rettehrki.--. Mr. and Mrs. Schmierlel and children of Berlin spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hahn.--Measrs. H. N. Culhert and J. W. Wright attended the Poultry Show at London on Mottday.-atr. August Meier of Strait ford was in town last week.-Wr. and Mrs. Fried and Mr. and Mrs. Alb rt llrudor oi Elmira, Miss» Seraphge Mr. and MM. .I. 'Korchlor at Berlin announce the Mtgagerttent ot their daughter Margaret to Mr, " F ule of Toroato, sun at Mr and Mrs. Fred (309M, ot New Hamburg. new- with the Wt in... Jacob sums. it not; the Mth Ca. at this togoc-Mr. M Lewis university ot their weddils'by. ot Mt. Pom! ”out l jays h “an a very enjoyable evening was town luv week-Ir. Schweit- spent in music autd.tpunea. A pleu- m ot Landau VII a visitor 9n; future ot the evening was the in town on WM . Wilson presentation at two on not.“ spent. a tow, day] Jt -_- Inst yeah grain to Mr. and Mn. Bowman tram Pleasant Gathering.-h .very pleas- ant gathering, in the torm of a tam- ily reunion. took place " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Schuler. Wil- mo; street, on Thanksgiving Day. Those present were Mr. and iuia. Harry Schulrr and sons Harold and John, of Butler, 'Pa., Mr. one! Mrs. Llohn Peiter and childm, May and ‘l.lowl oi Berlin, Mr. and Mo. 0. JFetrer tnd children May and Clare ot Monktun. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Schu- ter ot (loderich, .\liss Violet Schukr of Monklon. Mr. Theodore Schulcr of llcrlin, and Hints Clara and Flor. ence and Mt. Andres at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martyn of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Kalmmder and ttmr danghter Miu Beatrice Ktstanttneitr ol low: wore also {resent Mr and tfoe " 'nu-hlnr n! “or“. Bruder and Miss'BeO Beaupre" oi Berlin were guests at the home of Mr Philip Braden Ind In. Clan. MoiBot.. Among than Mr. - wen Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bath, day Mr. Appol and Miss Edna Appcl. Mr. has. ad Mrs. George Appel. Mr. and Mrs. mm Dan Rocker. Mr. and Mrs. Boettgor, in Mr. and Mrs. Séhiedel,'Mr. and Ars. on 59%. Mr. and Mrs. Beat. Mrs. has. Carrie Becket. Mrs. Pequognat. Mr. romIBechtel and Mr. Mailman. can up: but “It I". UH‘ l btr, Mr. all In. That. Hinton. 1mm to hee m SaturdaypA gnu-Eh eta-action with m bay- ‘n'u bio-cry How-mt was told ye. “may "on“ at up home at It In. Duluth. norm-nuns ( Trinity mum. Gonna Ev- an‘cllcal. Anglican. Baptist and Ttuity Lutheran clumahes wen pres- _taurd-satttyaddrmsext by Mr. gallsto- ot Burn... A convention will " held in Berlin on Wedtteslar, November 'th, closing with a ban- tlf provided by an: ladies of Bar- h. Mr. D. Berth: was appointed convene: at the committte m con- uction with the dele‘uion trom New Mr. Erhard Loehr has been award- ed the lirat and second prize tor Silver Pcncilled Wyandottc cocks, grid first lor hen at the Canadian National‘ Exhibition. - his. Hettry Vogel, who built an new house on Hannah street this summer sold the some to Mr. DanicLReibling of South rEatiuiope.--hdr. Eli Roth's new house is undtr roof and is. last nearing ' comNetion.-The Silversmith‘s Com-l pony here have let the contract for,' the large addition to their present inctory. The building is to be " " " feet, three stories high. and build of brick. Mr. A. Fraser rm: coined the contract tor the cement ' loundatlon and commenced work thereon. this week.-- Messrs. Anthony ind Jacob Wunder of Berlin received the contract for the brick work and _ building is to be rushed tocom- Motion as last as possible.-- The f ”death or Mr. Joseph Holeoher oeegrr-' ed on Saturday morning, ou. 25th. after a lingering "inrssf of some months. The deceased was in bis 55th year. The funeral took place on Monday to the It. C. church and from there to Riverside cemetery for interment. The sympathy ot the [community is extended to his widow I in her sore bereavement. _ hot suds'through the clothes-positively won't injure even the finest fabrics; metal faucet, automatic covcr~ lift, high art finish, and other distinctive features. Your money refunded in 30 days if not satisfied. The What backed by a positive 'year-guarantee. It runs easier Ioady.t than othersdo empty. It's the washer with the spiral cut ears that give Wand tpeed; _thq four may! (IU' n dolly that churns the gnaw-g- out in. "MB--- , I PM“. Coon in for dummies TODAY Price $12. 00 [AGE illlii'il'li)l?r__'__,, 'iiiliigj.iiiiiiiit 8lill.llli,.iiiiiisissiiiiaitis ':.,'__:r -a, Days-- Tremendous walnut & sou, ' WHO“ Ke. 800. Phone 215 Human /tl

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