P L _ 1DK 11 l1 cerrbrn) gverderiners. DT ‘Wlour, Agate ... ...... ...... 2.90 . Wiour, Seven Lilies ... ... 2.60 Dats c22..0 2 200220020 .38 Bran per ton ... ..... m in large lots ... ‘ dlings, per tom ... ~Potatoes, per bag .. Butter per lb ......... _ g'“u_ per docen tter, per Ih. mt per bush ley per bush Oats per bush peas, per busn our, Ocwan ...... ............ 2.80 STRATFORD #ARKETS. STRATFORD, OCT. 30, 1913. aw per ton 6d, per cord port cattle . iohers‘ cattle , hind quarters ...........â€" ckens, each :.:. .. , ...â€"f ter per 1b. . ts . atves per pk. ... ing chickens, each i. flour ter, per WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLOO, OCTF. 30, 1913 , Standard r, Special J, Juilet . , per ton es g:lu-.r. tter, w HAMBURG, OCT. 30, 1913. | Boter: Butter, " B31 Pnseca ator flour ... ..... .~2.29 le‘s flour ... ... 2.50 BERLIN MARKETS. PERLIN, oCT. 30, fh3 r per 100 fhs .. _..2.70 i per 100 lbs ... ...1.20 lings per 100 lbs. ... wheat ... ... .. toes, per bag s, live, per cwt , per dozen ... er, per lb. ...... , per lb. .00 t, Standard , live GALT. * _ GALT, ocT. 30, 1913. , per dozen ... ..... .27 ped Screenings ......... 1.10 d oats ....... .....2...2.2. s per barrel ............ 2.50 , dressed . 10.50 weees @panhedie® ueunes apples, per Tb ......... .04 .05 , first class ............ 5.50 _ 6.00 , live, per cwt. ... 8.50 8.50 s, per ton ... ... Hogs ... cccoe â€" _per ton ... ings, per ton pederrere Durgecinpn sesule yriesss 9D sedevsune endoraege . eevendravene GUELPH MARKETS. GUELPI, OCT. 30, 1913. per cord sevvedves evsrrceng eemenccedve ngs, per ton per tom ........ dressed .................. 10.00 10.25 t beef, hind ...... 11.00 _ 12.00 , per ton ......... ..... 9.00 10.00 ELMIRA MARKET.. ELMIRA, OCT. 30, 1913, per dozen MARKET per dozen per 100 lbs. ,.... .........W 3. live ngs per 100 lbs menns beef, front ..:...... 8.:00 wesmenen messisune pesacdhnn NEW HAMBURG. 113 sewvsees annserced ag ........_12.00 13.00 es sesssâ€"8â€"00 10.00 Peredetd d ie .50 . 10.50 _ 10.75 .. 15.00 _ 15.56 7.50 7.50 ......9.00 _ 11.00 L2.... .18 ue «TB 12.00 _ 13.00 2.60 2.60 6.50 6.15 . 6£.00 $1.00 .48 ‘80 .37 .60 .55 1.10 .35 .30 12.00 12.00 . .18 _ .20 85 50 26 28 A5 18 .55 .10 21.00 23.00 8.10 114 .13 1.25 .60 22.00 .80 24.00 1.00 .28 33 A8 +83 A8 .30 .90 10.00 2.80 2.80 1. 40 1.10 1.40 15.u0 22.00 21.00 22.00 20.00 8.50 .30 1.10 1.35 1.15 8.65 .83 2.80 2.90 2.60 .83 2.50 7.50 7.23 1.15 42 .38 .32 .90 .60 38 o CY .10 20 343 30 &3 65 70 P. C. Palmer, rmdian Agent at Sarnia, is dead. â€" Un every table _ decked _ out with chaste and dainty designed silver and other ware obtainable at _ Heller‘s. Everything that art or mechanical ingenmty can devise and. manufacture in knives, forks and spoons. We sell the colebrated 1847 Rodger Bros. and 1833 Wallace brand of flat watre and guarantcs its â€" durability and exceclâ€" lence. Heller Bros. Lemucl Sherman, last ot the pioncer family of that name ‘in Thamesville, passed away at an old age. There‘s a feast for the eye. Milkers ana Springers * All offerings uf guod to cnuice milker: anua sprttigers _were _readily _taken, al prices ranging from $50 to $130, une extra choice oisten beitg bought at that iiâ€" gure. ‘The bulk of the cows were soid irom $§0 to $30 each, Veal Calves The market tor veai caives held steady, as follows: Choice calves sold from $9 to $10; goou caives, $3 to $4; medium, $7 uo »i.90, canners, 35.50 to 36.5v; rough eastâ€" ern caives, $1.59 to $5. Shcep ana Lambs The sheep ana lamu (rade was a littie firmer. liwes s i at ,4.25 to $5.25; culls and raims, $2.%% to $2.i0; lambs, $7.40 to $i00, bucks, culled out, at T5¢ per head less. stockers and Feeders The mainet ior siuckers and feeders wius again aclive at Ine tollowing quotaâ€" tions: steers, dutv o llov lbs., soid at 395.30 to $5.00, steers, UUV to lbud ibs., at 36 to §$6.29, .stockers, aUQ to 800 Ibs., ut so.2o to 36, rough eastern #tockers, $4.00 to 35.20. hogs Selected hogs, fed and watered, sold at $3 to $*.10, and in some instunces $9.20 and $9 95 was taid for one deck. Exporters There were no carue bought for export bui laere were & 1lew of exXpOTL Weighi and qualty soid at 3..50 to $1.40. Eutchers There wias a scarcay of good to choici buicners‘ steers and welfersâ€"not enouge to suppiy ine demana. Croice butch=r# sulu ar $7.20 to $i.00, choice butchers neneis, ut 3i *~ gi.30; goou steers, 3b.il to $i.20; inewIum, yv.ce lu 34.i0, common »0.00 to 36. chuice cows, $9.175 to 36.30, gouu cuws, $9.20 to s.3v; medium cows @409 to 30; commun canners and cultters, 2s to $4.0v, export buis, 49.70 Lo 36.00, vulchers‘ bulls, 4. to $o bU; boiugna pulls, 34 to $14.75. Barleyâ€"No. 3, itc: No. 4, 38%e; re jected, 3i¢; feed. 37c, Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.C.. $1.14; No. 2 C.W. $112;° No. 3 €.W., #161. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28.â€"Closeâ€"Whea! â€"December, 83)%c¢; May, 87%¢; No. 1 bard. 85%e; Nw. 1 northern, $3%e tc 85%c; No. 2 do., §1%e to $34¢; No. i wheat, 19%c to §1%¢ Cornâ€"No. 3 veliow, 6§e to 6§4%e. Ontsâ€"No, 3 white, 36c to 37¢, Flour and bran unchanged. DULUTH GRAL~ MARKET. DULUTH, Oct. 28. â€"Closeâ€"Wheatâ€"No 1 hard, $6%c; No, 1 northern, $5%e¢; No 2 do., S3%e to $3%@c; Montana, No. i bard, 53igc; December, $3%e to 8ic; May, 55l%e¢ asked. UNION STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Oct. 28.â€"â€"Receipts o| live stock at the Union Yards wert 91 cars, komprising 1787 cattie, 826 bhogs, 1490 sueep and lambs and 1u€ caives. = Orisâ€"No. 2 C.W.. 33%c; No. 3 C.W 52140‘ extra No, 1 feed, 33%§¢; No. 1 tu." $24%¢; No. 2 feed S1c. end closed with v-ï¬l;l;-ior"-.(h-e‘d"l.Q ;l"zl to ic. Oals and flax in good demand, with prices unchanged. Cash : Wheatâ€"No 1 northern, 89%e; No, 2 do.. 7§%e: Nc. 3 do., T6%e; No. % 12%40; No. 1 rejected seecs, T6c; No. 2 re jected seeds, i4c; No. 1 red winter, $2%¢; No. 2 do., §0!ee; No. 3 do., 7%e. _ _ CHICAGM, Oct. 28%.â€"Relief â€" from drough> in Argent‘na caused a getâ€" back today for thâ€" price of wheat;: As aA result the cse. th; stoady. was at a declive of 1â€"4¢ net. Corm showed a kain of 1â€"% to 1â€"4c over last night and oats n scecline cf 1â€"1 to 1â€"%c. in previsicns the outcome varied from 21.-‘20: Imq to a rise of 10e. Eggs newâ€"laid .........+« 0 35 Fegs. raid storags """* 0 § Ex®s, selects. cold storage 0 32 Roney. exirneted, Ib...... 0 10 Honev, eambs. dozen..... 2 50 WINNIPEG, Oet. 284â€"Trndinï¬ was ac. tive snd a good volume of business was transucted toduy at slightly lower prices than _ on Monday. Indifferent _ cablet mgseg an easy opening, Â¥%c to %¢ lower, _ Adverpoot gâ€"ain inarket/ closed with " Anaka is w @ :l;fln. % to 4 lowar: " cgrn," % w‘i er. Antwerp. 1% up: RBerin. % up; Sudaâ€" best. & lower: Liverpool. 3.1§. wheat. unâ€" changed to M lowr; corn, % lower. CA l‘lLE MAKIKIKETS Wheat, ini!, nushel.....$9 86 to $0 88 Barley, bushel ......... 0 §8 0 60 Feas, bushol ......«â€".. J 08 FOF Onts, bushel ........... 0 38 0 10 Rve,. hbushet ............ 0 65 «++ Ruelkwheat. hnshel ..... 0 51 0 §3 WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. TORONTO GRAIN MARKET, nck whent. hnshel ..... 0 51 0 TORONTO DAIKY MARKET. Scientific Opticians. store ncar Post Office, GCRAIN MARKET ¢rezmery, Ib. rotls. separator, dairy.. creamery. solids.. store lots......... o‘ is o 11 &&@QQQ&Qâ€&Qâ€Q&MM Yr. Rofwell favors the establish ment in connection with a _ Governâ€" ment departmentâ€"of _ aâ€"â€"Provincial board which would direct housing operations in the municipalities. The llerald cannot say that it regards this proposal with much favor. Of course much would depend ‘upon | the degree of power with which such a board would be clothed. But it would be most unpleasani to have a Provincial board dictating to _ muniâ€" cipal authorities in what manper and to what extent â€" housing operations nust be earried on within the muniâ€" cipal limits. We believe in the prinâ€" ciple of municipal home rule in this maiter. The legislation passed _ at the last session of * the Legislature makes it practicable and easy for the municipal â€" authorities to coâ€"operate with publicâ€"spirized citizens organized into associations for promoting local housing schemes. This plan _ would serve for the present New + York, Oct. 28â€"(Can. Press.)â€" Nearly a million pounds weight | of mail was piled up in the post offices and stations carly toâ€"day as the reâ€" sult of a sudden strike of chaufleurs of the postal transfer service corporâ€" ation which has the contract for tbandling mails in New York City. All the company‘s _ hundred _ and twentyâ€"five motor trucks which carry fiveâ€" million pounds of mail matter daily were idle. _ These _ responsible expect normal conditions to be _ reâ€" suwuned in twentyâ€"four hours. MEN, WERE REPLACED. . New York, Oct. 28.â€"Most of the striking chauficurs in the service . of the postal transfer company were reâ€" placed.toâ€"day and the congestion of mails is being rapidly cleared up. THE HOUSING PROBLENM. Are constantly being made on eyegiass mountings. _ ° Our mountings . keep _ your glasses firmly in position Withâ€" out pinching the nose. And then we have a reputaâ€" tion for fitting difficult cases. We can fit mountings where others fail. ; f J A N S E N IMPROVEMENTS8 AIL HELD UP â€" _ BY STRIKE (Hamilton, Herald.) said his trouble was epilepsy, . and they could doâ€" nothing for him. Time went on and the attacks grew worse, und in the fall of 1908 my daughter wrote me that the _ little fellow was getting so bad that they wanted to send him back to the hospital." I asked her to send him to me for a time, as as one oï¬ his eyes had become crooked I took him to an occulist, who said this trouble could ‘be cured, but it had _ nothing to do with bringing on his other trouble. As I knew that Dr. Wilâ€" liaimns‘ Pink Pills were a â€" splendid medicine I decvided to give them to him, in the hope that they might benclit him. We were very careful as to diet, and as to keeping the ~child from excitement. In about a month we noticed that the trouble was lessâ€" ening, and at this time the little, {eliow returned home and his moth-l <r kept up the treatment. In a few mouths he seemed fally cured, but during the holidays the trouble cam» back in a miider form anrd the Pink Pills were again resorted to, and again the trouble disappeared, and although more than a year has passâ€" ed there has not since been any sign of it. We feel so deeply indebted for what Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have done for him that we hope this plain statement of our experience will benefit some other suffere; " i You can get Dr. Wniiams‘ Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine or by ~mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. is doomed to go through life a vicâ€" :: to & dhlz‘ which bas stricken and vi*_ each recurring : aftects hlm1 mentai powers.‘Taken in time, howâ€" ever, many cases of epilepsy . have been permancutly cured by the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and in cases where the disease . has not reached an acute form this remedy is worth giving & fair trial. Among the cures we give the following. Mrs. Robert Stringer, New Liskeard, Ont., says: l1 have long folt that _ we should write you and let you know what Dr. Williates‘ Pink Pills have done for our grandsone, who was atâ€" tacked with epilepsy. The trouble seemed to come on following an atâ€" tack of whooping cough. His _ parâ€" ents : noticed _ that his. _ eyes scemed to bulge out, and that he would be unconscious for a few secâ€" onds, and would go about his play as usual. The child was five years old be growing more severe, and the . atâ€" tacks to come oftener, and as the local doctors were not helping him they sent him to the Children‘s Hosâ€" pital in Toromto. He rew.rined there for a short time when the _ doctors Pupils prepared for Examination at Toronto Conservatoryof Music, Toronto University etc. Special Offer â€" PIANO, SINGINGand THEORY Teacher of Piano and Voice. Pupil of Dr. A. S. Vogt of Toronto and Mr. Hutcheâ€" son of Betlin, Germany, in piano, and Mr. Wodell of Boston and Chas. Washâ€" burn in artistic singing. Chronicieâ€"Telegraph Wateorico, Ont. _ The Chronicleâ€"Telegtaph, Waâ€" terloo County‘s newsiest paper will be offered to new _ subâ€" scribers from now till Dec. 31st, 1914, (or one year and] three months) for Take â€" advantage â€" of _ this splendid offer and send in your order now, to the The Berlin Daily Telegraph, Berlin‘s brightest and _ best paper, to new »ubscribers from now till Dec. 3ist. 1914. for the small sum of Miss A. R. Bean Only $1.00 BERLINâ€"Room 9, abore Bank of Toronto, King St. F WATERLOOâ€"George Street, Telephone 189, Waterloo. Monday and Thursday 2 to 6 amt 7 to 8 p. m. Friday 4 to 6 p. m. Saturday 9 to 12 a m extends and . the $2.00 HOURS, (at Beriin) STUDIOS : _ They drink to superfaction because it is in drink alons that they find rest from their physical exhaustion and relief from their mental pangs and worries. _ In â€" the saloon, under the glare of the big electric or _gas light, â€" they find _ the space, and the warmth, and the cheerfulness which their homes, of two and three rooms in shacks or tenements, do not poSâ€" sess. _ They fnd their â€" recreation there, their company and social | life. They can find it no other way _ and nowhere else as < cheaply and convcn: iently. men are ‘‘Spencers" of various _ deâ€" grees and shades. _ They are born puny, â€" weak, defective, or with a pathological strain in their makeup. But they are not beyond reclamation. For the community to turn ite back upon these and dismiss them as hopeâ€" less degenerates, beyond redemption, is to steer them deliberately in _ the path of crime and murdetr. $ , Thousands of ‘Slavâ€"laborers, duing our coarsest â€" and _ most hazardous work, and living in our worst teneâ€" ments and hovels on the west Side and elsewhere, are constantly dri®@xzâ€" ing themselves to insanity, to suicide, to tuberculosis. Occasionally â€" they drink themselves to murder. _ ‘‘We shudder to think,"" says the journal, "of the accumulation of filth which must be found in these .recepâ€" tacles, and, as we believe it is _ the custom to have the turnâ€"up made as a permanent pocket, it is doubtful whether during the period . of wear any attempt is made to get rid _ of the accumulation. "In the interests of hygiene‘ we hope this prevailing fashion will be ‘These men have children. They do not raise their children ; the children raise themselves. During the day the father works ; at night he drinks _ to forget his work. When he‘is 40 he is crippled, _ or is otherwise unemployâ€" able. Ten or fifteen years in front of a blast furnace unfits aby man _ fot furtherâ€" work. The children of thess: ‘The. masculine fashion of _ turning up the bottom of the trousers is conâ€" deinned by The/ Medical Officer. Stratford Miss E. L. Bean Teacher of Piano and Theory * Pupil of Dr.â€"A.S. Fogt, Dr. Humphrey Anger, and Mr. Hutcheson of Berlin, Germany. SoOCIETY‘S SHAME. (Chicago Tribune), SERS IS . / UNSANITARY GENTLEMAN‘S VALUABLE FURâ€" lined ovcreoat, large fur _ collar, â€"black beaver cloth, braided â€" barrett buttons, cost $65, sacrifice for $20. "Only wotn twice. Leaving Canada Street. wâ€" It. FURSâ€"A HANDSOME AND VALUâ€" able large set, with _ large _ fox shaped heads, tails and paws over back. and shouldets. Latest pillow mufi with large fox shaped hcads and flowing tails, _ richly lined, equal in appearance to any $90 set, .sacrifice for $12. Leaving Canada. 44 Roy Si. wâ€"lt. WANTED.â€"(Good smart boy to learn Dry Goods business. Apply to Jaâ€" cob Uffelnfann, Waterloo. 37â€"41. LOSTâ€"ROLL OF WASTE CNDATED paper, containing twelve yards, . on Erb St., Waterloo, between Devitt‘s Block and .John Ritter‘s _ iarm. Finder please leave at Chronicleâ€" Telegraph Oflice. s ADY VERY VALUABLE HAND some long brown fuz coat, . this winter‘s model, very latest _ style, the handsomest coat in _ Canada, cost $i50, sacrifice for $40; never wors. Also large leopard skin rug, mouunted head, tceth, eyes in . perâ€" fect condition. Cost $75, _ accept $20 for quick sale. Leaving Canada. 41 Roy St. wâ€"lt. on this bargain propoâ€" sition and get the most for little money. Send in your name now. The Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph, Waterloo Co ‘s brightest and newsiest Nlewspaper, from now till The Early Subscriber Always CGets the Best Value E MAYBE, if you call at our : store today, you will be able to pick out a pair of Boot JUST YOUR FIT AND STYL for about oneâ€"hkalf of the regiuâ€" _lar price. KIBLER . ‘sReistle Shopmen o. Chronicleâ€"Telegraph Waterioo, Ont. Jan. 1915 for $1.00 CGet in Early We have odd pairs in Men‘s, Women‘s and Children‘s ts are ofiering them at greatly reduced prices GENUINE REDUCTIONS. GENERAL WANTSs _ The Mercantile Fire . M V. @Ullo, AH&NU I2HIOTOU, dlo TO $25. Other makes at $5 to $13.50 A SUIT THAT SUITS In our moderate priced Suits we show most excellent and exceptional values, while at figures but a little higher we reach thie limit of beautiful Suitings and the tailot‘s skill. We deal in "good appearances," and we would be pleased to show you what a choice line of "good looks‘"‘ we have chosen for you this seasonâ€"at very moderate prices, too. 1t wil be very hard for the man who has any Fall â€" Suit thoughts meandeting through his head to resist the appeal made by the new weaves and colorings of fabrics, and _ the clegance attained .by the perfect Tailoring of the new T. & D. â€" Garâ€" ments 4 We‘ve a Suit for the nyan of quiet tasts and a Suit for the young feilow who desires the limii of smartness shown in the New English Mocels, 1 s* } 8 V We‘ve Every Man‘s Suit our own resources until we have Phone 708, 4 Berlin. OfMce in (Glick Block, above Ritz‘s Drug Store, King St. 43 A. The undersigned desires to announte to the public that he is prepared to conduct auction _ sales _ throughout Watetlon County. Terms reasonatfc. Best of satisfaction guaranteed. Anyâ€" one intending holding a sale write, call or phone. AUCTIONEER‘S NOTICE Are You Coming West If so write or call on me. I have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares or sell on crop pa- ments. Choice land, good _ watét, close to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlement _ in Saskatchewan. Buy or rent a famm C. A. BOEHM, â€" District Agent Waterloo, Ont. Phone 246. INCORPORATED 1878 Head Office x Wat Government ... ...... ...... $117,140.00 All policies guaranteed by the Lonâ€" don and Lancasbire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets of $16,306,638. ALFRER WRIGHT, SECRETARY Subscribed Capital ............. Deposit with the Dominion INSURANCE COMPANY â€" E. J. SHANTZ 8. B. BILEHN, ugl Guernsey, SagqÂ¥. Waterioo