I In. It. J. Guiuane and daughter (r, Lillian. ol Totomo, who have been g. 'tsiting relatives in the city during .35. Wile holidays, returned home on Tues- r. "I. - -- -- --. - _ ', Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Seagram of "hrteetoo and Mr. and AIS. J. L. . Goodetham of Toronto are at pres- C.' out making a short stay in Paris, I. F Mr. and Mrs. "cot, Niagara: and , ‘Innllr an unending Thanksgiving ' with "buds in Wingham. , . Mr. and Mn. Chas. A. Rachael Id! I' tor Detroit on Thursday where they h' mu be guests of their daughter, Mrs. E Bury Glinz tog a lew days. ' i' an} kinds. f,. ( fix. and Mrs. 330 M It. Al's W was. m gt?tN [by Minot " Hamiltk. .lr.l.r.numu a basin-I new to Winning. four. C. P. mm on Wane-19y all . d " Vat-100 and: on My. t w. on In. c. w. Semi out gin. honey tn Mon ugh. E. w. B. sum: in . business y My): to Winnipeg and other points / b E. lit. ' In. E. P. Seagull: nobles! to ’WI tnat Friday tor a mu. to Mr. Thou. Hilliard has returned tron Amherst, N. s., when hr at- and“ sessions ot the Mission Board at the Methodist Church. . Mr. Arthur McDonald returned on Tuesday from a few days spent' In Port Huron. in. Abraham Schafer has return- " from a tew days spent with LIS- towel friends. Mr. Charles Smith of Hannlton “as t busiest" 1isitor in (on: on Thu» day. _ Mta. R/W. Ripley: 86 Ahrens St, We“. . T Mrs: w, M. Cram and Miss Geneva Jackson have returnm‘ min r' Country trip, the latter "smaining over in Montreal tor a short visit to friends in that. city. . Bon voyage to Miss Florence Clem- Int, youngest daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Clement. who sails for England on Tuesday, Oct. Mst, with tlttt Hon. George ll, and Mrs. Perley ago! Miss Ethel Parley of Ottawa. in. llu h McDonald has returned a Toronfo alter spenaing a few days with his lamily, Hts. 1.. Morgan and little sun, oi Toronto, are the guests _oi Mr. and _ Ittrs. Walker of Tuscan, Arizona, has returned to Waterloo from a visit to friends in Cornwall, Mont- risai, and other points. and is no“ ther guest ot her brother, Mr. Jacob Hespeler at their fine new home on Union street. ‘Mrn. P. Sch], George street, ‘was the hostess of a very jolly children's. puty last Monday evening. in honor of her son Jerome's twelfth birth- day, when ten of his boy friends on- ~jawed to their heart's content the good things provided for them, wish-" lug Jerome many happy returns of the day. Searet -. Suscess In Baking is Obtained by Using When ordering your next sack offlour insist on'gctting the 'OCEAN' brand. Personal and Society Ne“ , WM. SNIDER, OCEAN FLOUR For Sale at All Grocers "The Flour of Quality" Manufactured by Waterloo Phone No. 239 EVE" Y SACK 1r'UA1IANTF.E" THE . Mr w. [glam was a mm: a. “nation! on Monday. Mt. spent Uves. Me. and In. J. "eg-r. “I an holiday in am. . [ In. J. W at m “in an visiting friends in Haunt. Mr. lcluhu " Hal-mo- - the holiday In town Mr. 2. “mum ol Pti-to. In: Monday at the home ot his - Mr. John F. Roch vu the “at ol Tomato "in“ over the holiday. Mr. C. Sehwarhwapir ot Toruto spent the holiday " hit Iom has. Mr. Chas. Hemmer!†was holiday- ing at Listowel. Mt. and Mn. E. D. Cunningham spent Thanksgiving with Galt rela- Dr. B. Franklin Devitt delphus ls spending a tew Mr. and Mrs. Moses Rooa ot Tot- onto were holiday visitors to War erlon. Miss Gladys Saunders of Bowrnah- ville is Visiting, lritnds in the Twin- t'itv. Mr. Vl'llkle "on of Toronto am! the holiday " his home. Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Crow. spat. the holiday at Listowel. Mr. Walter Hog; of London was I holiday visitor at his home. m, Fwd Hockey. who is attending the 0.A.C., Guelph, was home tor the holiday. Mr. Elton Itrok or Toronto was. a Thanksgiving Day visitor at his home. Mr. M. Huber ot Hanover - the holidays in man. Mr. ll. Weinstein ot London spetrt the holidays at his home here. W. AT" Alt-minim Trout Creek spent the neck end with Mr. and ‘Mn. E, M. Devitt. Wit. and Mrs. Oliver Geiger were visitors to Hamilton over the holi- day. Mr. A. J. C. onto University May Mrs. Honthrum of Mensa“ the holiday at the homo of Mr Mrs. G. F. Ytmgtrlut. Miss Nora Elizabeth Roan spent Thanksgiving with her cousin, 'Miss Flnmnce Roos in :Listowel. _ w. D. Walker of Toronto was re- "ewinr acquaintances in town over the.holidats. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Hellman of Toronto visited relatives in Waterloo we: the holiday. Miss Lulu Kreutziger,‘who is in training for a nurse at Ellytia, N.Y. spent. the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Good. Mr. Halley Hilborn and daughter Mice of Brooklyn, N. Y.. are spertd- ing a few days in town. Mrs. F. Bruegman _ and Miss L. Bruegman of Hanover are Visiting with Messrs. John and Levi Brock man. Rev. N. S. Ihtthtrsaot of Spring- ville. N. Y., occupied the pulpit ot the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. , The Misses Fox and Host: ot Walk- rrton are guests at the home of PI. and Mrs. F. G. Hughes over the holi- day. . Miss Adailison returned to ber home in Toronto on Monday anal htjing the guest of her friend, Miss Miss Minnie my†of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. E. Musselman at Walk- _rnillc are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conrad, Young St. Mrs. Young returned to her home in Cornwall on Friday after a de- lightful visit of several days at the home. ot her brother, Mr. William Carmen King street. l very pleasant family re-union took place at the home of Mr. Ed. M. Dewitt on Tuesday evening. Mrs. ll. Devitt having just returned from a sin months' visit with her daugh- trr Mrs. Hinchcliffe at Ottawa. All the children were present " the la- therinz, and a very pleasant evening was spout. Those present were Mrs, "in-helm, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. "reithaupt, Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. "with. Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. A. The good ladies at St. Saviour‘s Ladies' Aid Society, who have been conducting their annual rummage sale during the past three days, under the leadership of their indefatigable Pre- sident. Mrs. A. B. McBride. have been hard at work attending to the wants of their various patrons, new and old, helping them to select the things they needed most trom the miscellaneous collection. at prices which surelv ought to have satiatied the most hardened bargain hunter; all in their way helping on the good work; for the many "miekktt" had. the Treasurer stated, made a good round "muckle." "in-hrliite, Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. "reithaupt, Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. A. ll. 1mm. Ilprlin; Mr. and Mrs. A. i'.. Devitt. Waterloo; n. Fraratiit 1'evitt, Philadelphia, and Mr. and Hrs. F.. M. Nvitt. “WE WILL OPEN NOVEMBER ISI' The lmmn ior girls similar to 'the Bothanv Home in Berlin, which will b. rstairhshed its Waterloo, will hr owned Nov. Ist. The residence be longing to the Estate of the late lamb Conrad, King " North which has been rented tor the patron. is being furnished and the ncctsnry 're- pamtmns made tor owing the same oh the attove date Huehnergard of Tor- is home over the hol- ot Phila- days at his spent CONCERT WAS APPRECIATE!) Lovers of music and literature were permitted to enjoy a rare grant in the Library Hail on Monday evening. Mr. Cvril Hayes or London, Ont... was the reader and his selections were followed closely and very much appreciated. Ile delivered two hum- orous selections, but the prlnmplo number was Tennyson's poem “Enoch Arden." For the second time within a year Miss Irene Symens appeared in Waterloo. On Monday night her solos were rendered even better than on her previous visit. Among other numbers she, sang “Coming Thro' the live," "One Hundred Pipers,†and "Annie Laurie." . T Miss Emma Bean rendered T two piano solos in a pleasing manner. while Mr. Moogk was the accompa. nist tor Miss Symens. ' _ Miss Srmens while in Waterloo went to the home of Mr. g'. H. Roos and sang several selections to Miss Norma Roos. who is an invalid. This was much appreeiated by Miss Roos and her friends. DEATH tlf _ MRS. PETER BECKER The death occurred on Monday att- " a lingering illness at one year ot Elizabeth Koertter, wife oi Mr. Peter Becker. The deceased was " yea“. ' months, and , days old. . l sorrowiiii0usirand, four shins and -twxr-iausgrtertr-sursaijiiiianc_at Hilliard. Wash.; Milton and Herbert in Southerland, Sash; Henry in Tor- onto, Margaret and Viola at home, use one brother and two sisteré. namely. Fred, Waterloo, Philip and Inhn, Lexington, George in Sibley, Iowa; and Mrs. llollingsworih ot F'stratford. CURLERS ELECT , THEIR OFFICERS she was a mun-u memher or the Lily Hive No. 321 K.().T.M. The funeral will take place trom the residence, Foundry st., on Thury day afternoon at 2 o'etock, to St. lolln's Lutheran Church tor service, Ind thence to Mount Hope cemetery ior interment. _ e" The arnual meeting ot the Twitt- City curlers _ was held in the City Hotel on Friday evening, Mr. E. F. Seagram presiding. A good "New tation of the members “was present. Messrs. Forsyth and Devin. telne- senting the Berna curlers. The officers elected were ..- Patron-o. Fl. Sragmm. Pattoness-Mrs. l'. Moogk. Hon-President-W. G. Weichel, M. P., n. Forsyth, ll). Hughes. president-E. F. Seagram. liee-President--d. I A. Weir. l'reasusrer-A. E, hum. ' scerrrtary--Dr. F., G. Hughes. oncutivc 1'ommiuee-E. P. Sea- Tram, llogg, "unites. ".ditors-F, B. Bricker, .l. A. Harper, Messrs, Hung and Sean-am were appointed delegates to the o.t'..t. to be hnld in Toronto. and the club will back Mr.Atur1es Turnhull ot Gntt tor 2nd vire.President. t committee was named to hold a Hakim-l sinrle rink competition this winter, A challenge cup will be ot- tered to the uinnera. y It was decided to e, ter both the Tlnknrd Competition hirh will be held here. and the m them Competl- tion “Inch will If hel in Gait “rated-Ida CirEiriiIiTiTERN',e mu). RESIDENT I PASSES AWAY Death oi Mrs. Adam Kraft on i ' Tuettbri-Lived Here The Grim Reaper removeti another, ttt Waterioo's oldest residents on ruesday aiming, when Mary Snider. teljct of the late Adam Kraft, pass" ed peacefully away, at the home at her daughter, Mrs. L. Shark, Albert "m. The deceased was the second tridrert of a lamily of twelve. being 1in " 76th year _ om in the Town- Iship c9r.NFtttl _ she lived in this Fjriittirriau, ‘11“; her lite and was well new; tcater residents and i; tannin] m r ot th Mennonite Church. When 21 years ot age She was untried to Adam Kraft. Of this mm l Hannah and Magdalena, (Mrs. s. Shirk) still survive. The deceased is also survived ty.) eight Mounts" m one sister. all: younger. the three bunt children having passed away. The brothers and sisQer are: but; Elias W. B., William, John, Titman, Jacob, Amos, Jonas and Hannah. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon trom the residence of Mrs. L. Shell. Albert St. to the Ertr St. Mennonim Church. Interment will take Place in the East End cemetery, Beth. . a ilflWllCl2ll0 Itll The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Fischer ot Detroit, formerly of Wat- erloo, will regret to learn oi the death of Leonard, their bright six- "earerld_sor, on Monday. Four weeks Bgo the little lad was severely burn- ed as a result of his clothes 'catching Are from a ban fire, and in spite ot all that medical still could do the little fellow succumbed to his injur- ies. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday. Among other relatives who attended from this district were Mrs. Albert Hergott and Mrs. SChni'r tier ot Waterloo ami. Miss Olivia Kaiser at St. Agatha. ' Ald. R. F. Glass, Conservativo. Was riected in, East Middlesex Federal bye-election by a majority ot 368, or 393 less than that obtained by Mr. Peter Elson in 1911, FREE PRIZE FOB BOYS. Thu, Enxllih tanned pebbled an“. unnu- molball " known In rooms“ clrcIu u the "Reliance Anomnmn." " " tn emu-Hon! â€all Ind " strongly to" and can" complete won. In! qu_nmy red runner bladdgr. -_ _ Semi us your mama and undress and we will _qertd you " not: of Scenic». Floral. Cer-ttttpt Ind other Panto-M.- to loll at n on“: a let an hoauilful cards In each Bet), Win-n sold new] In the monn‘. and W0 will send you the anâ€. I" Nuns": prrpnm, Write to-dty and earn your fuothnn now. “are“, aomw COMPANY. mm. 97030310. Chrtieoats i â€any“ an My lot that at w a amt, don't tub is no“ anywhere to“, it. Dm't 'bly in a berry. .. aittat you "It. may. In. as. our ttaM- Iome New Garment- More 'e?iirer Tee. - - f afgha- a mu, 312.50, 315.00}. mm m m but “In " out om. . Our aMmdid 0W1. at 810.00, $11.00. $15.00 and up. in the 3mm ulna in the country. Thu, can: out o! iur in: tiatrr-otrirte ot the but on the Continuum - lee gunman you tirvit never seen equalled for tho money. Moderate Prices Her Life its OntaI-l o Ihops tn HAD BAD" SORE RR YEARS ZAM-BIIK HAS HEALED m. Mrs; Wilson, 110 Wickson tryl Toronto, says: "About tour years _ ago a sore spot appeared on the right side or my lace. This spot in- creased in sin: until it became about halt an inch in diameter and _ very. painlul. I went to" a doctor, but the! ointment he gave me did not have i any good elect. The soge continued to discharge freely, and wan most minim. I had it entailed. tried. poulticts. and all. kinds of salves. but it was no good, and [continual to suite: from it for tour years! "A sample at Bam-BU was one1 day given to me, and I used it." Although the quantity was so small, it seemed to do me some good, go I purchased a further supply." "Each box did me more and mprit sod, and,to my delight, more I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that, it was going to heat the ‘sorc. In less than a month it was hhealcd! "I know a lady in the east of the city, whose husband suffered tor years with an open sore on his leg. On m 'recommendation, Zatn-Buk was tried in that case. The other day, when I saw her.atus tqld me it had healed the sore cmnpletelv. est healing traimtnown.y ."Ms daughter. who lives in Leth- bridge, Alta., has also used Yam-But with the same satisfactory result. l Such in the opinion of all persons who have really trted.Zam-Buk. It is a nun: cure for ecu-ma, piles, abscessts. ulcers, scalp sores. ring- worm, nuts, burns, seams, bruises, and all skin injuries and' diseases. 50c box. all _drngzists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co..Toron- to, for price. In cage of skin disease use also Zam-Buk Soap, Mc tablet. P rr was nuanced we vety apecid inducements for Economical 'lag People who want GOOD GOODS AT CLOSE PRICES will and T Is STORE THE PROPER PLACE ttdeal at, - -LsiriG%iiuGFeir'. advertisement attain end see whether some of the items mentioned will interest you. a 5%; C oats ie,it,,,,,2ht,,,rit Last Week’s Advertisement S. a Bricker qRmtm,- Ttte tin- ff" excellent assortment shown at $1.50, $2.25, $3, $4, $6 in All Pricesutid Q Ir?, litie S , If It Pays Farmers Every can of cream we receive is carelully and honestly weigh- ed, sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured of a correct report upon every shipment. We furnish Kee cans and,pav express charger. ' Our checks are issued every two weeks and cashed at par. Write tor our booklet. T" BERLIN BREWER! " To Ship us their cream from Petersburg, Baden, New Hamburg, Sttattord, Sebringvitie, Mitchell, Londestroro, Dublin. St. Columban, Rostock, Lynden, Botched“. Preston, Elmira, St. Jacobs, Heidelberg, Seatorth, Clinton and Goderich, Our hung: (at prices no always based on the true condition of the butter market, and we are not gonna! by what other: at. EEEIII] Werhave surprised many a tum SIMUIJII'T IT PAY YOU? 355‘ “NADA