, If. in. m at Toronto , luvs-tun. mu Ron Shun. pour of rain ITiirtiithoiRV Wan??? noon and evening members ig. the Cortgrettation in large numbers brav- ed the elemean in order to take ad- ‘inmage of the opportunity to become better acquainted with their new pas- tor and his family. Mr. and Mrs. 31Nrvine were assisted in receiving the guests hs. Mrs. J. H. Weaver, president of the. Ladies' Aid, while Mrs. E. P. (learnt assisted in ush- rring the gar-sis to the tea room. The tea-taNe was Presided over try Mrs. G. Schlee, Mrs. J. E. Jacques Ind Mrs. J. G. Wing, who were as- sisted by a bevy ol.eharming young ladies, including the Misses Kerr, Simpson, Wing and Schlee. The #00313 were bright with beautiful t1oqrertr. Trinity's new pastor proved Ilium" a capital host and his wife u bright and charming hostess, and the parsonage is likely to become a popth rendezvous tor members of the congregation of Trinitv Church the congregation of Trinity Chnrch durlki their incumherwy., “we Bulgarians, who nave been employed at the Dominion Sugar Co. since the campaign began, aibeared belon- Magistrate Weir on Saturda on a charge of stealing sugar. Two baskets were presented in' Police Court Med with sugar. The sugar “as ptaced.in dinner pails, bottles, and ttandherehiets, about twenty five mounds being in the-baskets when uken. They pleaded guilty to the charge. and were allowed to go on Inspended sentence, and assessed the costs ot tis. , The New Grand Open House was - under most autrpieuouts I'll- “have. on New): and it the RM and the attraction "an be The many friends of Mr. F. D. Audubon. Manager bt the Union Bank will learn with "-ng that he us. about to leave Berlin to take charge ortht Bank's Branch at Guelph. Mr. Anderson came to Berlin the? years ago an utter stranger and opened up a branch at the tmam Bank oi Canada. During the first part of his residence here he was handicapped through illness but since then has extended his banking con- nections to a wonderful extent in a short space or time. Me Mr. Anderson has made a host of Hands and customers u'rto will lose a good friend, and business associate. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Mcirvtne were at home to the members of Trinity a_ertAptiis_it ,at tlgmwyagg, My“; 3?, on F-rirfayliriFiiGiiii and even- ing. In spite oi the steady down. pour of rain "t'TiirtiithoiR5ie" -afre-rr 1". u a criterion the future sue on; d Berlin's new»! theatre m al- M gum-ed. With; Bar was any ,rtrre+rrMrrztrrnrtrmriieiri.i". ___ When the 'early-riders awoke they [om mother Earth was covered with ' light fall ol snow. the first at the season. During the morning a cold rain fell and the day. through- naive: cold and raw. The marriage at Miss Lila Maud Cook, youngest daughte; of Mr. m In. R, Cook, lowly at Berlin, Ont, to Mr. Richard Claude Herald ot Winnipeg took place quietly " Winnipeg on Saturday, Oct. 18. thr Thur-day afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock the fire oepartrmcn: answer- pd I call to Maynard St., at the property ot W. E. Mitchell. A barn was being ttfrn down and some of the rein-c caught fire. No damage re- sulw. The new theatre will he erected as ortgtrtatty intended on the site uncured from Mr. A. Manor. am to the Theatorium and work " exeevttb ing will be commencvd within the m- H. tow necks. the contact having already been awarded.' .. WI NI" at Racism this week a.†ti! th-tshes "in with h I. M driver. He says this (III. lot alibi" and attendance u Ja- II I." a dozen ordinary fail 'dt3at together, and is the big: qt, on its kind in nut-en. (m- This itttorntauort was given to a representative Saturday morn- ing by Mr. G. o. Philip, who returned from Toronto on Friday and at! the plans of what promises to be one of the largest and most lip-to- ht' Opera Houses in the provinces and which will be erected in this Ct y. T Berlin will have another new theahe added to the present list try the opening of the season in September ot 1911. NH town who to“: on SM n. W. ti. on charging the m vi. Ilia. Tuning law. {in than plaice guilty, and Pq allowed to go by my!“ the I .1 1'r,'t'ge1rgt."t2re,Wtet.t ik, H: I - . "I we FF BALL}! 0 up HAMILTON.OIT. Beit, 'ijirj'"fri,'"i'i'"ii" “"51"â€: " THEATRE FOR BERLIN unaided the two I St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 'Brampton, was the Meme of a pretty :wedding on Tuesday afternoon. when Miss Clara Louise, second daughter ol Mrs. Margaret Campbell, was married to Mr. Ernest Roy Fitzgerald oi Ba- den, formerly of London. the, core- mony being conducted trr Ree. N. A, Mcriachern. The church was beauti- fully decorated with roses. Chrysan- themums and ferns. The bride, who was given away by her cousin. Mr. T. A. Mitchell, Toronto, wore ivory charmeuse and Carrickmar.rotra lace. and tale of Honiton lace with coro- net or orange blossoms, and carried a shower ot orchids and lilies ot the alley. Miss Caroline Campbell of Medicine Hat. Alberta. sister of the bride, was maid of honor in pink charmeuse and shadow lace, with black velvet hat and pink roses. Miss Gladys Campbell, youngest sister ot the bride, was bridesmaid and wore yellow charmeuse with shadow lace, black velvet hat and yellow roses. flu. Wednesday afternoon the marriage of Miss Mabel Haney, dangling: of Mrs. Haney, formerly of Rosedale, to, Mr. Valentine Gourlay of Galt, took place very quietly. only immediate re- latives being present at the can? man" which was conducted by Rev.) F. Plummet. rector. The bride was) given away by her brother-in-law, Mr.' A. ll. Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Gourlay lelt alter the ceremony " JI long motor trip, and will reside in Galt. ' The wedding was solemnized . in Trinity Methodist Church on Wed- nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock of Mr. R. A. Garrett at Toronto and Miss Edna L. Christner of Berlin S. The ceremony was performed try the pastor ot the church, Rev. C. L. Mclrvine. Mr. and Mrs. Garret leit on the 3.50 train for points nest, amid the good wishes ot a host of friends. On their 'return thy will take up their residence in Tor- onto. specimen: on the tables and appeared to be, the best Value tor the money. But awn the club" that Rough! the prices. The highest price tor the Thanksgiving fowl was 84.25 and judging from the size would avenge between as and " cents per Pound. Eggs took a decided jump this morning, going from 30 cents Pel' low: last week to 35 cents. They ware not plentiful at that “in. But- ter sold at 30 cents per pound. Fowl Ptentiful at Berlin Market has. Kello- Gro- ut w. E. Mitchell. who In» in. curving on when u the (not than and ‘Electrlcal co., but dunked we lump. The but.“ has in put- chuad to “can. W. E. a! I. o. Mitchell, who Illl'esny it a: It: the old mm. In name- to any in; on a garage mtonoblle and: and electrical but». the In: will continue the - tor tttq Ford, Reo and Oakhnd can. Potatoes were not u pléntilul as uual, and ranged trom 81.00 in iWe bd3Itrts to 11.20 per pg. _ 7‘ The Nice: demanded tor the his! quantity ot low] othmd tor sale gt the Berlin market Saturday morn- in; were the highest in may yen: Chicken. “(on ordinarily eel! st " and " cents had prices ranging trom " to 81.00 tagged on them. Duck: were sold ans-high as $1.00 each, and some of them were small " that price. Geese ranged in price trpm Al St. Augustine's Church, Toron- FITZG Ell l LD-CA MPB ELL. GoUItLAY--tTA'NBY. Mr. W. H. Schmalz introduced the question ot closer working relations between the Board and the Ladies' Auxiliary. He stated that there were matters in connection with the oper- ation of the Hospital that would be improved it the Auxiliary was repre- sented either on the Board or the House Committee President Hughes stated that he has been giving this qucetion con- siderable thought of late and had come to, the conclusion that the House Committee should he composed of four members oi the Board and tour appointed try the Auxiliary. The Hospital then could he regularly Viv ited and inspected which is not done as it should be. The nutter will be taken up by the Board " the org-ni- ution meeting next Friday evening. . Votes ot than were tendered to the medial “all. the wait", Messrs. C. W. Schiedel tbud J. R. Weaver, who were mppolnm. Ind the Directors. Dr. Bowlhy responded on behalf of the medical men. and President Hughes and Mr. Diobel, on bell-ll ot the Board and Building Commitu-I The rowing Dttectors, Messrs. Dr. Mine/hm. A. J. Kimmel, EV. Slep- pnd and G. M. Redd, tor Berlin, and J. B, Hughes and '8. B. Brick". for Waterloo, were unanimously mica ed, There was considerable discussion regarding the necessity of better maternity ward accommodation in the Hospital. President Hughes stated that while there were three wards of the cheaper grade there was onlv one ward that was of the higV er grade. cred triirTtifrais oigiiirxiafaE Better Maternity Wards. the Building Committee and it was the opinion that additional accom- modation would he provided when tho third stow in the old portion of the Hospital is talspd on a level _ with the new wing. that this matter should receive early attention and it was reigned to the inqqming House Committee: Mr. Diebel intimated that the mat- P." Baum Irwuwtlv dimM by ot the erection of the new addition was also presented. showing that " most 'T,000.00 had been expended} in excess of the amount voted by the varioui municipalities. The entire mat of the new wing was $30,684.92. The reports of the Ladies' Hospi- tal Auxiliary and the Young Wo- men's Auxiliary iit Waterloo. as pub- lished alter their respective annual meetings, were received with great pleasure. The wont of the ladies in the interests of the Hospital has been within; and invaluable. and cordial votes of thanks were tend- The Superintendent's report showed that 572 patients were treated dur- ittttturear,anirtere-rot8B.Theret wal aha an increased number or nur- gical operations. A pleasing nature of Mrs. Bowman's report was the reierence to the graduates ot this year, two ot whom have been a}; pointed to responsible positions in large hospitals across the line. The Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. A. A. Eby, presented the financial stattw !ment for the year, which was most gratifying. While the cost ot main- tenance amounted to 314,987.76, an increase ot $2,640.76. there was a corresponding increase in receipts through grants trom the municipali- ties and paying patients, the latter increase amounting to $1,058.87. The Becretary-Treatmrer iulorrned the Trust that while there was $2200 ow- ing the Bank, about 81500" had been paid out of maintenance account in cnpital expenditures and 81250 was still due the Hospital in grants, which, with' the balance on hand of 8209.78, showed that the year had been most soonesual 'irtatserattr. The detailed statement of the cost new area-m â€menus!†J, B, -tbeewottlt.Tt-twa. not In In, " um autumn! the. we. at mutated . hen instant inthe "MAWOL .. Pxesidunt J. B. Hughes. in an! annual report at the Directon, Pit pressed tho opinion that Berlin and,' Waterloo [In one ot the mod can») Nets and he“. tsqs'ipgod iguttiUttiottn in Canada and few equal: in mum 1 States. He and: particular repr-, can to the wanting room and “In which m not aeolian! by any ot the} large and costly Marital: in Carb most mwyiu'anf were well re _ The Directors, the Building Committee, the Swinuudent. and the various Auxilluie- were the to oipient. ot welbde-d [mile toe the service- renioted during the you. the reports Ihoving that the Hoopl- tal is ttrowing in popthity [tom Mr. Merrick expreacd the opinion REPORTS PRESENTED AT 13'?" ANNUAL no "Feta printed by the ur- in; ottieiind organization! vale C-letiiuof)3ewl 71mm, R. Suva. Dr. G. H. Bows. “by, L. D. Herrick, Du. mum. Chapman and McGilhwee, E. P. . emu. a. M. Wedd, w. H. Schulz f g. g. Rom. s. B. sucker. w. Shrub. _ James Livingston, Boden, The Catharine Breithaupt Memorial Ward, Mrs. Ward Hamilton Bow1by, Berlin, The Elmira Branch ot the Ladies’ ('i'iiji?,i?, Elmira, The Mrs. George, John, and August I m. Berlin, Mrs. 1800130 Wegenast, Waterloo, The Gra- iiuate Nurses of this and other :mhools, Mrs. Oscar Rmpel, Berlin, §Schremr & Son, Berlin, The Ladies' lMrxinfary, The Young Woman Ame Illiary, Waterloo, 3 three bed ward. l The surgeon‘s dressing room being furnished by many ot,the members of the medics! stall. _ the heating plant us, we believe. "uptrior to anything ot the kind in 'Canada, and while it cost several fuousand dollars to install, in excess 19' some other kind oi plants, your “Rust/ecu felt that nothing short ot ft latest and best, would be satis- layer? to the citizens oi Berlin and Waterloo. The Twitch min with to record their "the“ ttten" to Ite Land walnut. In, Bum W Early in the rear it was fond nec- usury to engage a head nurse when “in Virginia H. McSwen In: se- rured, her position tteitrtt that ot Ar sistant Superintendent. The first estimates ot the cost of building and equipment of the new wing have been exceeded by several thousand dollars. The 'tiirttistg oi! ot the third Boor, the increased cost of heating plant, and my important Improvements which were added as construction went on. will account tor the increase over the contract price. We believe tttat the Tram have alumni .wisdom and ecolomy in every outlay that has been made both in building and equipment. We trust that the dillercnt Municipalities will win-ave of our Position and justify Is in. the dditional “mimic 'ol lbmlt $7tr00.00. The thanks at the meme:- are due the following ladle; and gentlemen " the splendid and costly furnish: ings ot all the new wards. We no fortunate In ttseine lo dale ml (5th n f4ttrerttttet.%rtt a Mrs. Bowman has proved hem" to be, mid " in planning to be able to ttate, that the whole stall trom the Superinemdtnt down, line all done their Iuli any and with much Utis- fascism during the year. We have to thank the late Dr. Bow1tty- for his generous bequest, for the splendid furnishings ot the-Oper- tttine Room amounting to, in value, $1300.00. Your Trustees have considerable pride in showing intelligent and crit- ical visitors throngh the Hospital in its completed form. It is now with very great pleasure that we can announce the complet- lon of the new wing, and your Trus- tees feel warranted in saying that, there is not a ttetter'eonatrueted and better equipped Operating Room and suite of rooms in any City in Cana- da, and Very few equal to it in the States. Ne Secretary-Treasurer’s Report will be submitted to you. and will, we hope, meet with your approval. The thanks of the members are due the different Municipalities for their continued generous support. _ u . thi, years u, by: Jain: gran-t betletita more fully realized. The ProFineial gran-t- his Kalle: on by.fsfr.00 during the year. While the increaSe in patients ha! not been so marl-ed as in 1912, ow. lug largely to the tttttinitrhed condi- tion ot the new wing, it has been suincient to establish the (not that the hospital is growing in popularity G. mom, and A. A. Esr." - t The man reports was u tot.. owl- To the Members ot a:- tin-Hoopi- tal Twit. I Gentlemen F- Your Trustee; " New!" in sulr Knitting their Nth than] to- port, Being _ tile year ending Sep- umber 30th 1913. DIRECTOR'S REPOPI. The Berlin & Waterloo Hospital "s, Bows. Auillpry, gg_m_ Yeymtr_Womart't' War. It should. however, be stated Mm the actual amounts of the grains tron: the municipalities this current year amounts to $5959.98. The Gov- ernment grant decreased alnost $50, while the grant from Berlin advanc- ed from $2500 to 82750. with a Bite- cial grant of $75 to defray iocalex- pensea of entertaining Ontario Nurses' Association. The grant trom Water- loo advanccd from $750 to-t800 while In making comparisons with the financial staking“; of last year it will he found that there, has been a substantial increase. in the amounts of grants received from the various municipalities, $5784.98 having been To the Members of the Berlin and Waterlob Hospital Trust. Ladies and . Gentiemerc-1 beg to submit herewith the eighteenth an nual financial statement tor' the year ending Sept. 30th, 1913. 5mm The retiring Trustees are Dr. Mite Chen, A. J. Kimmel, G. N. Wedd, and F. W. Sheppard for Berlin, J. B. Hughes. and s. B. Bricker for Water- loo, all of whom are eligible for to- election. Wlterloo, October 17th, 1913, The Hospital has now a capacity of lully seventy beds whack will 'toe Iibly answer the wants tor a year or two, when stht third story, or Inward part, will require to be built up to the same height as the new part, thus anording several good wards that are now useless. The attendance ot the Trustees has been good during the year, and the services of Secretary Ehy are much 'tresisted. . to the lecturers and nurses. The reorganization meeting of the The Auxilliary have succeeded in Men’s Brotherhood of Trinity MittuF gettinggplsns of Sun Parlors which dist Church was held on Thursday have been approved by Dr. Bruce waning. at which there was a aplerr. Smith, and will doubtless have them did attendant, and the members erected the tirtrt thing in the spring. manifested great enthusiasm through- The Hospital has now a capacity out the prowedings. It was decided of lully seventy beds which will 'toe that the meetings l the Brotherhood “My answer the wants tor a year should he held Sunday mornings this or two, when stht third story, or season instead of the afternoon. In manual-d part, will require to be,addition to local speakers prominent built up to the sane height as the workers among men in other places new part, this affording several good will also be secured. Preparations trardse that are no,†useless. for the annual banquet tor the men The attendance ot the Trustees has of the church will he made by the been good during the year, and the 'ywi.r.-eiected. Executive. _ The omeers services of Secretary Ehy are much for the ensuing year were appointed unprecisted. . as follows:-- The retiring Trustees are Dr. Mite Hon. Pres.-Rev. C. L. Mclnine. alien, A. J. Kimmel, G. N. Redd, Preaident--A. A. Ehy. ttnd F. W. Sheppard for Berlin, J. B. 1st Vice Pmt-it. J. Haley. Hughes, and s. B. Bricker for Water- Md V300 Pres.-C. Massel. loo, all or whom are eligible for to- 3rd Vice Pres.-H. Arrqatrong. eteetion. Secretary-Mr. Hughes. Resneetfullv Sahmitted- I Treasurer-H. R. Wood. _ "h. You; Thm-n' Annuity ot Natalee are jun now having tiniahot on . nurse- lecture room in the hue- lnat at am home, costing “v 8300-00 which will Prove Very acceptable both to, the lecturers and mules. ammu'y'o! Waterloo for "the avian- did and ancient work that has been Inge dug-in; the year. President. TREASURER’S REPORT. Respectfully Submitted-- __ A J.' B. HUGHES, tlralyir.'8tir-tnai-tt, T uduutdmm-u in 'f: 4", “OI-Inuit“; ' 3 mangoes-m punt- uremia-o! $1058.81. 'ho-tgases'. - mun _ “out. to $10,015.00. at which 38,- ------------- Miss Kipgwtrll of Woodstock M Mr. J. Christner of Toronto Uni- Wednesday with friends in the city. varsity spent. Wednesday at his home Miss Marguerite Ross of Woodstock on Water Bt., attending the weddings atfonding the teacher? convention, oLhis sister. The death took place suddenly on Wednesday ot Mrs. Christina Priebe, gt. .Berlin. _She _ststterod aaat- tack ot apoplcxy. Nadia' was“; “the ot Germany, and was in her 70th year. pun-cl hold to: '" an. TI. dim!- on -- ran-t an. b not yea Ila-l . In. Ian.- at 81,040.25. At-. and my m- not: a: increase, mix- the min-m lion a un- -orrhandmseurm.tiuxaramt ot {809.3 Pere,- [who - when OI. at the But amounting to 83,- 100,â€. There no gmnta due from the city ot 8750 ad from the county ot Hoo,, lowing u 1-49me ot unl J. 3: Wave: in as tOtto-s:-. I. up†to “I igteteaaed mmsirer' ot - and up “My. coat ot living." The detailed lament. for the year “(Med try Mum. C. W. Sehiedet aiaaaiaaa - S'5ii,t Faaac7iiriia FFA; F-siik7iGicri â€mfg-luv tf2t,fll'eWgtht '-rtruarrsrt-t. ur""irt""iterrthi-our "Hwy.†, MRS. CHRISTINE BRIEBE. 'erm-io-Egret-pr-root, . Indian -“I has; nan-uni INTERNATIONAL main?“ moo" h"hGl “a! 01-15... rat-rut-alt-inter. Noonmnl‘ _ 'hTAtrfgh"i'lrl'a'PAttth'tfWG', [alum caused by mnxmuom to LTRY 'A'k"G.'.'. no“!!! TPet,, WW- oe.. my. N. . 'IIITERHRTIONAL POULTRY FOOD" 1ja'IEIll?Lji'?, " “. '"siEiEihrfiEEisRFLiEe Foifi ' --e " any. ,tttuartia--tth- _ W SM had CO. " _ M mm iid-a-Gia-ru-rua-sa-ara-G - aria." ___-- 215 Ar 5.1: Er Dealers Envy-hen. a key: AUG "‘ "iFua"iutj,oFGa.-iF.ia "R'trhtrA'Wof'h'd 96111,?“ roan 'gPat'='ah"APt -Garor. Yowk.thotieetr? a; if... fiiGGF. which is in session it} the 09mm. Von the matter. The G CiGi';aiiiiiiirto-rtViiiia "-Kr, Walton up in this way. It is n 1 “Known tact that animal- whiet - 111mm are shughtered and beasqhe"' in for food. It in arm use Ii prove this, but. people no ma certain ot the fact. The meat ' all beinspected on foot try n . _ erty qttttiifud man, and the atee g is killed, and there is no wig ttt properly do this “In: by hula: '. abattoir. . are living in Tonawanda where tht.,':, mother lives with a daughter and I .3 sons, and 1 daughter is liVing in Ell- lalo. Among donations and gilt: from _ the children was a beautiful up; bouquet of ttowers from the Women's __' liissionary Society ot the Bath! [ Baptist Church, Buffalo, of whichlh‘ Is a member. An enjoyable “all; ( v.15 spent. _ mason why it wilt not wotk. at6. linning, Dr. McNally aid be _ asked, it one-third or one-Inlu not shipped out would the 0m meat my part ot the ulna o! 't inspector: He was not DIM unmet that, but u comm The mother of It. F. Stump! colo- (l hated her 80th birthday in Ton.- 'i", Wanda N.Y. last Wednesday, Oct. Ii 15th and is enjoying good health. " i, the ten children living, 5 boys and I " girls, all were there lor this occasion": but one son who is away out In ‘3 Odessa, Masouri. (Mrs. H. Claim; i at Toronto), and B. F. Stump! a .,' this city are the only children In“ " in Canada. 3 daughters and I all j mob-In? wtetttcneritn we. and a» a. Dead in “,1 an to a unkind out†thh' Berlin. Alters Hid Wk“; City Hall I visit in node b IMF, tibia-lo: th.-tiqntreang. .1 building. _ l At tbs mum at an 'tPee, col-nut. ot ttte Berlin CM h. m "can; the District on. u; the when a! the Bond cl mi was was“, to lay tho m“. tir" has that body. and at “all .3 u the abattoir is large sum - from 01:94th to cum“ od tu, output is shipped while at tun Vince. the Dominion Gonna-t M pay the inspector. This may Id m" accomplished " tirtt, tint than I. b District Bulb one“ De. H mind in he!†Tani-y - you. Dr. lady tummy I!†tho stop- which had in “a. attBi' told ot the work to he do». .16»; devoted to nave: av 01“. ", ‘hich were "hed by tho 'et-tum. :5 Celebrated Mth, Birthday o' il'hrse duo-n a! [ one-lull ot “k