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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Oct 1913, p. 9

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_ ANNUAL MEETING l MlltT'Klll,'Mh1 SOCIETY Highs" punt mice you. Lou! my man may. Next abut Nov. tut. The annual meeting of the Water- loo Horticultural Smitty will beheld in the Town Hall, Waletimi, on Fri- (by, UN. am. at 8 o'cloeh, lor the election ot otherrs and transaruon ot Other business. Everybody interested in "ortirulture is cordial” invited to attend this meeting. Shipping Hogs Wanted At Imus“: C.P.R. station. Im- bur unlimited. TERMS :--s'ovett months credit on “proud security or 5 per cent. per annum oii tor cash paynrnts of credit amounts. ' 43-lt. M-gt. to freshen about December Ist, bai- ance due to freshen in the spring. The above cows have been .mrzrulénd milked by the proprietor since last spring and are extra good milkers and in good condition.'. ts High Grade Holstein and Ayr- shire. Dairy 'l‘ows: Fifteen of above rows are high grade llnlsteins, bal- lnce Ayrshire and Durham grades, two Jersey grades. Six of above cows are winter milkers, three due T'orurnemeing at g o'clock. p.m., sharp the following valuable hipstock G-- Wednesday, Nov. Sth, 1913 Household FWects--3 hedsteads, cot, couch. extension table, washing ma- chine (New Century), Melutte cream separator, benches, pails, dishes and mam other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as the farm. is rented. Cars pass farm every hour. Terms-Hay, grain,p igs. hens and furniture and all sums of 810.00 and under, cash; over that amount " months' credit on approved Tritt mites, or 5 per cent. on lor cash payments ot credit amounts. GEORGE LATSCII. Clerk. WILLIAM G. TAYLOR, Auctioneer Phone 22 r 23, R.R. No. T Guelph [ There will be sold by public auc- tion at lloliittger's Hotel, at St. Ja- cobs, on Grain. Fltc.--500 bush. oats, 300 hush mind grain, 100 bush. tttt 100 bush, rye, a quantity oi w eat, 25 tons hay. Implements, Etc.-Massey Han-is binder . ft, out (truly tww, McFar- mict mower 5 It. an. neatly new, Dain hay War, hay rake. Massey Harris seed drill nearly new, sue (us manure spreader, Nomn disc, Shana disc, 2 row Massey Harris corn cultivator. steel land roller, stone boat, iron narrows, 3 scum- em, weeder, :Hurmw riding plow, 2 long plows, jacks on lumber wagon complete, steel wheel track wagon, 2 hay racks (l Itat), tanning mill, hand cutting bo'x", turnip pulprr, wheel- barrow, buggy, cutter, donnovrat,‘ set bah sleighs. cart, ttay fork, rope! and pulleys, team barness, single 1 harness, collars, gram bags, forks, hoes shovels, etc. _ I "oeses-Biare horse, tray mate, bar hone rising 1 was old, tray horse rising 5 years old. Cattle. Etc.- " Good Cow ", 3 fresh cows, cow due time ot sale, cow due Dee. mu, 4 cows due . Fekuxy, 2 con-s due in March, 3 on; due in April, t Mien. 4 year- ling). 8 calves, 4 Ialt calves. These Commencing " 1 o’clock sharp. the knowing Mod: and implant". In": m'ttetep-4t Oxlom ewes. Pigs and Chic-ts-g pigs about 160 In. each, 9 pigs old and 100 chickens. ”“m” Ua - ‘* ""' Jll,lfhllln'l'S" - suction Iran the executor and a M octagon-o! tho In. Boone Smye to . on by public Auction on a. [new The" will be non by - ano- Um.iot-tt" mil. 'sortttotPreqort. liononthe 'eeanimrotthrtsa+r- that gun not“ at m. [on dual on tho and. med landing trom nib no“! 1“ an». on the Berlin New Gamay to abominable her Firm nie,'ar- to tho B. a P. is: know; u the Hun Inn. on C. c.010fonha char hill". on Ir" H -___ _"-" -'_ Til-day Oct. 28th. 1913 Fun sdii1'iiu,,t,,ae. ( AUGTION SALE a choice lot, cows excellent Aug, M. J. WILLIAMS, Proprietor A. J, Mu'Krs, Apt'tioneer. shire Iairy f'attle ”(‘01) I'FFELMA N, Secretary FREE? wk? weighing 5 weeks 50! Lit" {a}??? "'m - ii'iity ,tiiri'iiiii'i' :1: '31": gun NO ll I tree on. ‘n'. . than... 16ltr'.ttril"s'l'tr"rri"/ttslh"d.',T" 6-H “an to! Cu“. i 1451 acre farm, good CTay loam, 2 miles west of New Hamburg and 4 miles east of Shakespeare on the main road leading to Stratlord. Oil-it is anearly new brick house with " moms, kitchen and woodshed, heated by furnace, large hank barn with good stahling, cement floors, large hog pen and hen house, good driving-shed, ce-: ment silo 12x40. 1kacres ot 'g.ook, hearing orchard with all kinds ot small fruits, 18 acres at good hard wood. bush, 10 acres talt wheat, 60 acres in meadow and Pasture new: tailing stream of water, running watt er at house atsdtsarn, good lencen. farm. well underdrained and in good state of cultivation, fine location with Rural mail and telephone. _ For particulars apply to j _ New Hamburg. I-memrs of the late Henry S, Bean, deceased 37-". lam situated one mile northwest ot St. Agatha and 4 mile. north 0! Baden. on Concession 1, Block B. The tarm comprises about 125 gene, 35 acres bush and pasture. 100 some under o good state of cultiution. Soil good any loans, good spring creek, 2 never tailing Wells, " stony brick house, bank urn. Show shed. For further puhculare 1pm to B. tr. Shaun. than. “41. at wood. nearly new; kitchen stove, box stove, large meat tub, cabbage tub. 2 iron kettles, baking trough, 2 wash tubs, washing machine and winger, 2 butter tubs. 3 benches, mm cans, pails, kitchen utensils and many other articles too numerous to mention. , TERMS :-Hay, grain, poultry and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit " approved joint notes or' 5 per cent if for cash payments ot _credit amounts. uousifhot Iearcts, Hte.:--17 mung chairs, 8 kitchen (-hairs, 5 cane-bot- tom chairs, lounge, glass cupboard, 1 extension tables, 3 rockers, 2 hur- eaus, whatnot, 2 dressers, B wash stands, 5 smail tables, 2 kitchen tab- les, g single tredsteads,'g double trod- “Pads, double bed with springs and mattrgss, double bedstead, clothes rupboard. corner cupboard, a wash sinks, Pandora kitchen stove tor coal 12-2t. LOUIS ZINGER, Prop. It side, 2 cowl d". to cable in 1Ureh, 2 rows due to min in April. I toilets coming t years old, “at rowing 2 years old, 2 spring can", I ewes, about 100 chicken. 4 gnu. Implements, EUC-hui, Harris I tt. binder, seed drill, spring-tooth ycultivnior with seedibox, lull roller, 'irterow gang plow, single Now, ”tamer. lactic-3 iron narrow, turnip Mower. beet litter, wagon wittt,hor, ‘l-seated carriage with pole, top buggy, open buggy, tanning mill, pul- ver, pair bob sleighs, double market, "leigh, cutter, wheelbarrow, grind» 'totte,'ltay fork with ropes “and pun Keys, 65. bundles ol shingles, 400 It. Pf Tamarack 2-inch rlsttks, 200 ft. 1 hell pine boards, 5 cords of apple wood, 3 piles of mixed lumber. set g team harness, set at single harm. ens, whifrletrres, neckyokes, graitt shovel. lurks, shovels, hoes, rakes. crow bar, grain cradle. stTthes, audi, many other articles. l Grain and Hay :-10 tons or mixed hay, about 400 bushels or oats.. - “dimming ut 1 o'clock pm. than. the lollom'ng valuable Property, viz: Hones :--Biaek mag tt year; old, inhloal; aged mare, spring colt. Farm The undersigned alien tor “In his - n... ' In". '""", nay-m5 yuan. q'attii, Poultry, Stoop ;-5 good lousy cows: cow fresh with call MRS. HENRY A. Bean, _ Shakespeare RED. No ALLAN C. HALLMAN, New Dundee. ISAM‘ max, Thunday, 0a. 30. 1913 Farm for Sale A. J. “imam, Auctioneer. Real Fa'atate.-Fttrer, stock and imple- ments ot Dan F. Becker, Winiah,te burg, " milel noun: ot Berlin, on Tuesday) Nov. 18th, at t p.m. Nov, 2t--Fafrn stock and 1qttple- ments, thoroughbred Holstein cows and heifers, will be sold on farm at Manna M. sum. "mites rut Oct. 'gg-Farm. stock, implements and household can“ ot the late Geo. Hmye. situated (mohair mile from Freeport, 3 miles north ot Preaton, and 4 miles south of Berlin. Nor. M--earm stock and implements of Jos. K. Fatwell. 1 mile west oi Berlin, on the Petersburg Road. Nov. K-Rtock and implements of M o. Jammie, at Baden. m Oct. 30.-I-‘arm stock and implements ) of Louis Zinger on the main road leading from New Germany to _ Bloomingdale. . Nov. b-Household erecu ot Mrs. Geo. C. Peppler, No. 21 George St [ Waterloo. . _ Nov. 1-80 head of good Dairy Cows and heifers at ll. S. Eby, adjoining the village of Breslau. Sov. 'L-as Highgrade cows at Holl- inger's Hotel, St. Jacobs. Nev. 18.-Farm stock and imple- ments of Wm. Merta in the Village of Bamberg. _ Nov. 22--Reai Estate. mustard el- lects. etc.. belonging to late Geo. Scheilelo Estate, in the village of St. Jacobs. Nov. 25.-F'arm stock and lmplamenis of Michael Desshrr, 2 miles south oi, sBeytin, on the Mannheim Road. ', Farm for Safe St Jacobjs Cider Mill will novel: on Sept 23, M, 25, 30; Oct 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, ' 10, 14, 15, '17, IT, 21, 22, 23, 24, as, 29; Nov. g. Apples tor evaporating will he tum: same not to. be less then two inches in Munster on above dates. No now apples taken. M-tt. [ I rupecttully solicit the patronage qt farmers and others who intend to hold sales the coming season. Best, results muted. Write, or phone 172, Waterloo, Ont. _ st. Jacobs mm mm 41-1 mo. "amusing 222 min, situated one- hall mile south of Fluradale. and " mites northwest-or Elmira, on 1h: main road to Floradale. On property is a good {name house, large but: practically new and other necessary outbuildings. Good supply oi water. For further particulars apply to IRVIN A. SNYDER. at Berlin, on road kiln; in AA' ton, Sale sum 9.30 am. axing, good barn with sheds, good water and tltte orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Chas. Hummel, Bloomingdale. The tarm ot the late Thomas Hm mel 1 mite north ot New Germany, is tor sale, The property comprises 120 acres, of which 20 tterm an wooded, a log house with board cov- '.'ERMSs-tgix months credit on approved security. or tour per cent. on for cash payments at credit loner due to cum in Mach. .3 young [mm cows, 3 known 00']. " cattle, rising two you: at, " spring ethos, val all. Comm-nil; " 1.30 o'clock pan. Ilium m [allowing livestock = ' Eighty Head a! Cattle: Compul- hs trertt cow at uni. oi ab. 0 cow. “. to a". in Feb, cow ("a to cum: in July. 2 have" duo to cave In Palm, hails! due to cum in tear, mounts. (at. WM. (L'TAYLOR. Auctioneer. ALFX. FRASER, Auctioneer. A. J. MICKUS. AUCTIONEER. E. J. SHAN'I‘Z, Auctioneer Mo will he to“ by we no- on c: the Rivas“: Urns at Bus- Licensed Auctioneer Tuesday. Nov. 4th, 1913. EittbtrHeuestCattu Farm for S A. J. Mickus -2. S. REY, Proprietor. A. J.. MICKL‘S, Auctioneer. tNomdale. 40-3 mot C. A. BOEHM 60ml hum Meat Dublin“ "" Olloe. Intuit» Hutu] Building. ' Kisg St. . Bushn- Omeo Mo, Houn- an. “I. 'ttttat" to! Int du- Start at once and secure melanin territory. We supply landmine (to. outttt lad pay 11th unanimous. Write tor tull naval-n. STONE AND WELLINGTON At one. to mum the old tad e) liable FONTHILL NURSERIES¢ Splendid list ot fruit ma ,pyysteatal, stock for Fall delivery 1913 um Spring delivery Ion. V J .Atmtr---thtttgt local Agent The Sccond Installment ot Taxes for the year 1913 are now due and Payable at the onicc in the town hall. The last day for payment ot this installment is Friday, 'November m. 1913. f From November 3rd to November Ith, hath days inclusive from 9 a.lnl to 6.15 p.m. . Waterloo, Oct. 0th, 1913. After that date s per cent. will In sdfed to all amounts not paid. The am; is open toGseive taxes trom ' mm. to 5 p.m. Bring your tax notice with you and io not wait until the last day, DR. LILLIAN M. FRASER, Grad- uau Chiropractor. It Elmira Tuesdays, Thursday. and Saturdays, across from St. Luth- eran's church. _ Chiropractic adjustmts will so- wn, results after all other systems have failed, became they ramp“ the can: ot the dim. _ _ Main once, No, 5 Weber ' Apt's, Young St., Opp. The Star White wear Co., Berlin. Phone 228. ( Chiropractic, Nature's Method [rem the circulation, thereby permitting the refuse to be thrown out of the arody through the natural channels. As'all the motor and scum pow- ers are transmitted through nerves it is plain to be seen that the nerves should be tree from all abnormal pressure. . The movable, long segments or vertebrae ot the, spine become mu- placod in mask, ways. a quick move- meat, a wrench of the. back or a fall may produce than and disease is - tn follow. 1 With Ittttsrrttpted Nerve Foch 111mm: is impossible, Without Nerve Force the blood cannot cltoulate pro- orrly. The lack oi circulation was 'rtrangulatiou, and strangulation causesmuy diseases, such as qtoR- By, tumors, running sores, and' the various weaned skin dismal. Therefore in disease 1.1.": ChinV practor moved the cause at the tte- rangement ot the nervous sum... re. t',1",rh'lt it to normal. Then thertere- es u l in their turn revitalize the weakened tissues and “store the pro- per [motions oi the various, organs. Thus Chlroptmlc maintains “at when the nerves are unmanned all organs and. inaction: will be properly Insult!“ and att um: mth be lit t Jammy and mutual condition. Chiro- bra-tic maintains further that We ‘dlmao is 'resmtt than is a an- tiwgement ot the nervous quill, disturbing cumin organs or weaken in; certain tissues so that they are unable to tunetuate normally. [ilthnsphewhieh unusual batty-tour “all menu. mu you!“ vendor-a Thou no and! ‘opcninp and [cumin between all at that tweMHour unsung. 'Thxom Molar-min pu- branch- ex ot the gut spinal cord. These mm In the spin! name. as an mm and 'iGGiiGGer%rr, um. with tulol the tissues and or- gan: ot the MK The. new mi directly 73: com uutauu=tt dirseut though the and vw-.wvum _tr'heattttsditretumtttoiiie 't-te-i-mooi-i,rtiit malt-cannula“ u- iii7i"ii"e"'iiuir'ie"r;raC"atJT “.‘mm- Al. Sci-of. Mum-mot-maumu usWubnuul-g o! no m Int-u. " to u unto: Pay Your Taxes a'cungs. tht gmiamuc nerv- Torolo, Ontario. Columns. J. HERB SMITH, Tax Collector. 4 l-St. Hawiresvitie wants a good Blacksmith, and Wagon- maker. Also a good Shoe.. maker, and a prod Barber. nominal". lo a good _ Plan. for "an“ Tin soak. iiiriiirG seam; loner-l at???“ II also? mm. tree a y gig-{nulli- hy In“. Writ. for uni mm ---- JiiiGriGG, 'ttttaid 1,'l1th'tu'xgt,1ag'T,tr, fawn. on: of W Adan-o yd: It Hakim: Indian. Cu, tems. $tdrmtia0Aettrt, In. - '97."!999mt to In": 1'e'ttttg','2'tg,utteg"ggg in Company dined th-emit- huMu-tomatdthdrpoo- It“. " the banal-ud- a! ttto-aah qfthlthaértBe.yrtttatt-t mammmdw 1htie*tttr1t-dmwthars,tigsmom, 'mst-ttut-err-kts-ver, se't'r='t,ht', “ma...” T atom tri5'g'tttl'y.tt'gudrt2,'g get Mullahs. a.tatttirha"ooaiiarstiat mem-B-tsie-tmd-ttree. mmndwudn III. we! been button. Hm have tttmr-tttlished l t-ttstsoltort-datottrrwtttsoqttb. mam-nee. Jormrtrnenntsetr" Eke'hs'mwb-ve-o; Van! “(win-d sdt'll"tUS"ltutggggepd 108M WHEN jEfTfiTlTTlrjl Advertis'emen News Notes.- Miss Ella Chalmers spent. Thanksgiving at her home he". C-Mr. M. .l. Moran attended the Teachers' Convention in Berlin last "Thursday and Friday.-- Miss Pearl Freeborn spent Thanksgiving holidays at her home here.--Mr. Boyd, Han)- ‘mond of Stratiord visited over Thanksgiving at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ham- mond.--Messrs. Herbert Bait and Jack Kaufman spent the week-end in Berlin. . News Notes: A meeting a the. New Hm; Ministerial Amin- tiol n'u blah at the home at Rel J. N. Norton on Monday pm. at In". wqeb--Rev.' New". Holumnn ot Port Elan and Stewards“ ot Stew innvilln. mounted the pulpit or the u. B. Church Int Sunday morning Ind inning respectively. “in “undone at both services was large and the We: delivered by the winning We were lighly nwrecintcll try, nil Pmqetit.--Attottt a score of locnl Baptist young Hoyle attended a 8.1 r.P.U. rally at Brannon on Itt) "r.--- a number trom town and vicinity “tended the Ministerial As- Iociatlon. .t'stmdsy School and LB. C.E. conventions held at Mannheim on Friday, ‘Snturday and Monday lath-Dr. and Mrs. A'. R. Bock and line Ray Bock spent the week-end with relatives " Manilln and Limi., sey-Among the holiday Visitors to town the: week were: Mrs. l. Shark, the Misses Shupe and Min Swath. " Stanton, Miss Nicholson oi Pt. Sign. Miss Sheri of Guelph, Mrs. Harris of Tillsormurg, Mr. Alex. PWevenast ot Hamilton, Miss Gertie Weber ot Beriin--A verv pleasant family gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn on Thanksgiving day in honor M Mrs. chob llilhorn. Among those pre rent were: Mrs. Jacob llilhorn. New Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac llilhorn, Mr. Melvin and Miss _ Get- trude Hilborn of Etmira;' Mr. and NBA. w. Hilbom at Berlin; Mr Ind Mrs. Fl. ililborn ol Freelton Mr. and Mrs. l W. Hilhorn, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hilliorn and son of Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. lliltnrn, Master Harry and Miss Marjorie Hilton: oil 'Muir; Mr. and Mrs, Ivan llilborn and daughter, New Dundee. Kingwood Itll a FREE ““21 :,'f'i'lEi? To GIRLS”? 184;», Dentin! mm mu if llt0llmtairAttllttalt cg " Inch" tau; eye- can “4 tiitét"r run hair; completely an" l? Pull [aim with he. and} 'Pes, trtmrntrur; beautifully mm. Mk, and real shoe. and mtorsMase _ , Send ul your turns and m and we will tend you so an ‘7 Plot-ll. emu". mama". all? other postcards to all n " oil“; at Mt (a: mum: and. In "Mi" let). Whoa told and In Gum; and run will 53nd you tho do“. nth, dauiiV -__H iaiife. irrrtediie"iiuik? mu your wiorGraF.-taiiad-i-t-=r-u spent the Thanksgiving W. i‘rosshill were Mr. and Mes. J: Knight. and family or 01mph at"! A. Knights. Miss Mttegaeet R~ Miss Nessie Wing of Berlin “0,! Chas. Rennie at Eden um. "" Thom Rennics. Messrs. Fred aroll Anticknnp ot Attwood at Mr. gt Antiekmtps.-Miss Bird ot Detail visiting her sister Mrs. Md. J'lavtord.--Mrs. S. $10an ot “I (sack, Sask, is visiting her 'ttaM, 13nd sister. Mrs. Geo. Patch, - 'rt. Jno. L. Hammomt.--'rttrr 31m T/i' community is at“ ttt i and Mrs. Merino L. Bria-1n tttrdttt ot their infant child, which rook): Saturday; morning. Oct. 19th, " . age ot about. six months. _ I $lelNotes.--ter. and Mn. " ’Sua kn in“ an“ In. mm.“ ot their "tsqbtee 1." 'ito Edward Slough. on M um: mu. "it, a Mo o'ere m. at their residence Riva'iov ' $1'interttourne.--Bom a Mr. Bavid Bur-en. on my. iii Nth. 1913. a tiotr--Mm. In. .'. tf Hauler spent a low it”. week visiting kind; 1. an -tNite tr number ot may»: our village on Thain‘lvhg My got the tirst snow ttt tto. on Thanksgiving day, r a wiater,-A large quantity d and ducks were shipped to in can: of Mr. Wagner on - morning, Mth imn.--a mood“ the “mum's Institute will it J in St. Andrew's 'Hail on MI Oct. Med at half Put two. Its,,, hens bt Guelph will be mt” give an excellent lecture on I? lasts, 1 win be Denied by its. A is; awe-dance in i. e'.:,; plot ' match which I‘ at Saturday alternoon on Mr. ')rorses' farm was well “not the local Newman " . "hetuseivetr very _iiiji'i.aiiiiii?Jt, new he delighted with M d {all weather so "at stay (a. - their [all Plough“: dons-Al many oi the winter “PM MRI olown down by “IF-trot; ,etttot'r late incurring quite 3 - ttseq. News _ yotty--Nnontr than like} Liv-'51; II-o is, l Cunni- um. " Giiri

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