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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Oct 1913, p. 6

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II. E. Irwin, KAI, Toronto, ad- dressed the convention to-night op. the signilicante ot the word "Ciuvr tian" in “Women's Christian 'drunp- stance Union." He instances a loin-i option light which was won by the women's prayerful efforts as proof till! thy women, though without the Hanchiso. are a power in municipal and political life. He predicted that it the Dominion Alliance oi the W. C. T-, . U. hogan making compromises with any political party the cause, will go down to sun- defeat. Miss Agnes Sproulc oi Fort Wit liam stated that the influx oi foreign- crs who are almost cnslavvd by the capitalists presents a serious problem tor the W. C. TI U. Miss Berta Mc. Ltod of Cainsvillr spoke on juvenile work, and Mrs. “ray of Toronto on temperartce teaching in the Sunday schools. Mrs. McKee was presented with a mute of gold, one! an address of ap- preciation try the Simcoe" county dele- gates, who, by th: way, outnumbered any other county representation. Mrs McKee is removirig to Nipissing. The cottrention rose and applauded the honored veteran. Bay; Recording Sectetaxy, Mrs. Cole, Ottawa; Treasurer, Mrs. 3.0. Brit- ton. Gananoque; Advisory President, Mrs. May Thornloy, London; "Y" Secretary. Miss Minnie Garrett, Tor- onto; Loyal Temperance Legion Sec- tctary. Mrs. Ada Ml-Lachlin, Hamil- ton. . The new oitieers are:--Hon. Presi- dent, Mrs. S. G. McKee, Barrie; President, Mrs. K. A. Stevens. Tot- onto; Vice-President, Mrs. H. E. Irwin, Toronto; Corresponding Sec- my. .mgshkieltn Jltthr-NnrttL Btrattord, Ont. 9.-Interest at the Women's Christian Temperance Union convention centred to-day in the clan tion ot otticers. The noon-hour found the task tmeompleted and most. ot thn»nlternoon was devoted to com- pleting the list. The old slate was re-elected, the only contest being be- tween Mrs. Cole ol Ottawa and Mrs. Atcheson of Toronto for the position ot Recording secretary, the former being elected. ' mo C0MPROMlsE" URGI D Mn. McKee, Veteran Worker, Was Honored at Conven- . tion in Stanford ijiiiiiiiiriiiieiiij] ELECT OFFICERS ‘Rdetrini to the countv jails Ald pytwilet named that in some coun- ties these would remain, but tGi, Dr. Bruce Smith explained that the capital outlay would ' be very small tor the various counties. No permanent buildings would be qrtteted but nuts lands are purchased on , which temporary buildings are buitt,' and altar the land has been developed i it is sold and another farm secured. In Swiherland the families of the l prisoner- are supported while they are serving sentences. l 'pumhued several years Igor 76r- 'ts.000, which has since Men develop- mt with the result that it could be sold lot "00 per new My amount ot uttorrnatiost regard- ing industrial (arms. He Mural wticulnrly to their success in Bwit. mlud, where large areas ot was“ [all have been ‘developed by men who have been sentenced "tor yhort term; for minor oiiencu. & industrial tarm at Fort Wil- ti ' Ald. Detwiler stated, was re- paint] to he modelled alter the Switzerland idea with gratiiving re- that... A farm pf_i,i100 _ acres was "‘Ul. N. B. Detwiter and 000. “be reeresetttod the Harli- Comm "tttt m ot tho normative: In. In con-mu. Waterloo, Brut. WI. Perth. Norlolk and Oxtord, at Brannon! in cunnwtion with the Mix] tum proposal. AH. Detwiler informed a cuoswus/ Wall! representative that Dr.' ttmen. Smith, Input” of Pritsonn,i gravid“ the represent-tins with a has Proposed by br. Bruce Smith Was '1,“ RecennieniUd to ye.3ybej.ttasd to "st ' Councils of Municipalities rr AL OUTLAY IS NOT LARGE " hon ' " lune in Wil- such a re'en. tel The re-,'that t 1yel mm. ?rittrff rlop- scheme he. enl nun l The local hospital was visited andf lunchmn served at the I'ity Hall,, 'where Mrs. John Forbes welcomed ' the delegates, 'srrs Livingston oti (yranttord responding. The new "r, Hurts are: Hon. President. Mrs Wat-', run. limntlnrd; President. Mrs. (l)r.)' xRankin, Station]; Secular). sin. Thus Hananlync. Ftrattcrd. _ Furattord, Oct. t.- The Hospital Aid Societies ot Berlin. Waterloo, Elmira, Ft. Thomas, Hespeter, ln- gersoll, Brantlord, Gait and Wood- stock were 'represented at the fifth annual meeting here this afternoon of the United Hospital Aids of Woman lintarioi The purpose o.t the conven- tion was to discuss' plans for raising hnspital funds. John Culliton, who came to Brampton from Ireland three-quarlrrs of a (~onlury ago. died in Logan Tp. at the age ot one hundred and two. Dr, .I W Edwards, WP., strong ly rnluves the Government tor IN prnuusmt III-Manon of the Prison Ile. lonn Commission'., inquiry into Char go» he prrtrrred to M11113 during the Ira'tt "o. yearn Many 'refused to believe the stan at tirst, as Steele had occupied var- ious responsible positions in the city and was an active worker in the Sutton: Street Methodist Church. It is undersloéd that the manipula- tion of notes at the bank and the con- cealment of some of the contents of the ledger (which was of the loose. leaf system), and entities in Steele's personal account, were the means by which Mr. Clay, who acts as his own auditor, was tricked. DISCUSS PLANS RR RAISING T HOSPITAL FUNDS fact: he admitted their truth. Mr, ‘Clay says that Steele's operations have given him a good deal of worry. $Ttrfrirg been at wmk some time try- Ing to straighten things out and asceztain just what the situation is He stated to-day that the customers of the company would be protected in every way, the business was being run as usual, and they will go ahead and operate and,pav all debts. iit; made that he is short in his ac- ’counts to the extent of at least. $4,- ;000 with the companv. of which he has been in charge since its inception ‘some three years ago. Rumors to ‘this Meet have been going about the citv ior several weeks past, but it was impossible to obtain anything authen- tic until to-day. Mr. J. B. Clay ot Cedar Falls, Iowa, owner of the par- ent concern of the Canada Gate Com pany, being approached, stated he did not care to discuss the matter. but on presentation of many salient to secure lumber intormation. This the Brant county delegates did not wish to agree to. not wishing to bind themselves or the County Council, and though the resolution was passed {it was not until after a great deal 'ot discusn'on. Guelph, Oct. 'h-H. Ralph, Steele, Manager of the Canada Gate Com- pany is missing. and the revelation - With $4,000 _ WAS PROMINENT CITIZEN H. Ralph Steele, of Guelph, Alleged. J.? Jhyrtqttt Away I Warden Danton or Oxlord. Chair- man, and Secretary Weaver or Wat. erloo were eontirmed in thrse- posi- tions. As soon as the County Coun- cils approve ot the scheme and - point two delegates each to go lur- that into it, a meeting will be called at Woodstock by the Chairman. FIRM’S MANAGER I)BhfPllihl0il) {REM ot the IiuTirsTiTii1 it}; scheme and advising the appointment 9! two delegates trom etch Council _ A tic-patch trom Bruno“ Bttrr.-- ‘Alter Dr. R. w. Btu: Smith, In- spector ot Prisons ad Public Chari- ity had spoken outlining the need for such n farm and the Asylum in use in Fort Willlnm. where than is such an institution. a vote was tah- en. The resolution was to the elect Qua}. the delegates report back to iould he I eoataid.raht. “VII. h the salaries to ouch}: and can at mink-anon. The Act " mt provides that when jails have n “can ot only tuna psi-ovum per day the ”when at the turnkey in “SW with., Aid. Henrik: said than were many [estates in connection with the [no- poaltion to be developed, but alto gather he was (notably imputed with the industrinl (Inn Man. presentation ot many salient L‘Qungils 29M; k Armour tor defendant. Judgment: In the present state of the practice more is no sumciont preponderance of cottvenirt.ce ot expensr. or puter valid Mason, tor changing the place at trial from Berlin to Hellmillr. The Itlamtii1 undertaking to pay the " dlliunal costs, if any, invurml by de fondant try reason ot inal at Berlin, the Registrar's order will be twen- M and thr ttrave at trtal rhannd back In Unlu- Costs Ill lb" mum: Berlin Lion Brewery Co. v. Mackie -w. H. Gregory (Bvrlin), for plain- titt, appealed from order ot Senior Registrar. inning tor Master in Chambers, changing q place at trial from Berlin to Ballerina. K. N. ORDER OF ‘ REGISTRAR REVERSED However, Judge Morgan decided that "Mr." U'Sncn the aimed to call him professor) was guilty. He had told the future. He could not tell whether Miss Minty was "60 live in New Yprk or Nemnarlast, " he cer- tainly did not know about the mar- riages or the children. "Poor delud- ed people" was the manner in which he described people tNing to the palmist. The line was $50, tor which Mrs. O'itrien wrote out a cheek. Mr. Hugh Anderson, for the his. tour wars a resident of the Tmit, paid us a visit last week. a small group ot m in Hamilton, but the witness informed Judge Mor- gan that years as; m .Guelph he started the movement, which had spread as the gra-a ot mustard. The professor thui said he was the man who founded the Canadian Club. This honor so ta: has been claimed try him if his wife was true," ttieiiijrek so: always said "go and ask her." matfcany that thH%ihiik" could a; that. Palmistrr' went into the indict- tions ot the luture. Ha mun asked The accused hinieelt then went in the box, and it has been some time since, the court room heard an ora- tion such as was let loose there. The professor waxed eloquent on the prom lession and its noble ambitions endf enlightening results. He had practis ed palmistry and phrenology tor thir- Ity-iris years. He wanted a chance Io ’explain "what is why." and Judge Morgan told him to proceed. It was then that the proieSsor struck his pace. He described aevenJines in the hands and the "why" of each. and explained how the characteristics ot every person were written on the hands. He told the lady, he said, ot her heart line. which contained marks ot violent fiirtatiotts. Butit her heart went "pitty-pat" It was no leult ot hers. He denied telling the lady any- thinn of her inture. declarinir Ara- The professor said she was to he married twice and was to have six children. one of whom was to pass away in. infancy. She was also to live in New York. She gave the pro- tease: adollar tor the information. [ Toronto, Oct. 9.-. The Criminal a wireless leports a} 521 Sessions yesterday got an insidepeep at palmistry and incidentally also _ i into the origin of Canadian Clubs. "Proasor" O'Brien was accused of . It seems altogether ' It?“ 2,'etugi',',; Illa" l Jr"'t2 from Cormania says Voltul y name one, as In " was . . . the power responsible for the "pro- majority of those lost 'N kisser" getting twisted up in the dangerous. law. Miss Minty called hersell Ag- To the Rescue in Ho ll nes Thompson when she called on the . . as prolessor. who, sitting with the hand The WWW: I“ Bevel ot the lady constable in his and a "tues lift' from the band glass in the other hand, told some when '4' "can" "ml”! c wonderful things. hf" and Iteamed, tor tter Mt "Prof." O'Brien Told Toronto Thq WWW) "a ow-t by the Cetadian Woman Comb}: She ham tim. Would Marry Twice She eBrried Mt Image. ”mm me B - . crew at " men. This make: ' total of 354 WAS HALED INTO COURT . Of those and the Cunard: nicked un Ol PALMIST This ' J I 'DGI'IS' CHAMBERS. Founded the Canadian Club. Beiore Falconbridgé, C..1 new lodeo‘i To. a t-tegqd with auchetimtyttuatttt. ttwGntttttnttoetoeett m. a“ a... M. Carried manna 750 pm ,otmm lid, 2ra'l'l'2L2 of att 'uiiilbli Egan. Reseuetr,hrrs, the 'la'ltt,r,tLlet11's,,li', i 'IT,' ”3;" ',1dll,ft iclrNlrisibSummoned to Voltumo’s Aid by Wireless you a . _ ------ , TERRIFYING SCENE FOR PASSENGERS , il REDROSE ' OFSHIPS HELPLESS TO RESCUE I 1 fl . , ' .. “a... HORROR. TRICKEN PEOPLE ON DECK l strength or {alum new Rod Rgai l REDRQSE m,,,,,qkluins,' Irie Mingus” 'ttt ' , / i “'""‘T’",J'"‘;"" '1." .... ;by~ Fire 'iiir8tiitniivll'ttiittsd 12:5 -: I _ Seam .tllltilKlatttio -drrEEdgi paatmtdiitiririitrtiirmg women and children on Voltano‘x decks and yet be unable to help them. Capt. Barr kept calling other ves- sels to Volturno's aid and More dark altogether nine would-be rescu- ers were in the scene. but. although the. gale moderated at sunset and all ped or mnch‘ed ttom the rowers' 'hands. failed to reach the Volturno And put back to the Carmania. Terrible Sight tor Carmania's Passengers. Captain Barr then laid his drip within one hundred feet ot Volturno‘s ‘stern. but foungi it unpoasible to get line aboard 'ot rescue anybody. It was a terrifying sight for Cttrtnaa- ia'e passengers and crew to see so close to them hundreds ot horror- When she reached the Volturno It noon on Thursday the doomed vessel was burning fUrmiy forward. at the pane time rolling heavily in the sea. ‘while her impellers were louled witn boat tackle in lowering her six lite boats, Only two boats had succeed- ed in getting away safely, the other tour being smashed against the ves- sel's side and the occupants drowned. The Carmluiu‘ hunch lifeboat which, after two'hou'ri battling with seas, and having all "but three oars hap- ped or -nctldd ttom the rowers' [ The Carmgnia wu seventy-eight miles distant from the burning vessel when she received wireless calls for help and steamed tor he: in the teeth at a howling gale, making over 20 knots an hour. It seems altogether probable that the lower number ot drowned, 138 is correct. from Carmania says Volturno was abandoned on Friday, Oct. 10th, when all the an" majority of those totst Wind in an attempt to get away trom the ship in lifeboat: dangerous. , To the Rescue in Howling Gale. those ships put out mean-t. ”in rat. ....n on- She carried at “autumn-anger: to: Hallo: and m for New York was " eahin in 1 crew at " men. This malte- a total at 354 but other reports nay 751 . Of those and tho Carmania picked up one; La Tounno 40; Minneapolis. M; [£3me tor, Narragansett M; nevonm. so; Kroonlmd to; arouse: Kurlum 105;Seylit136; untold?!“ a l'irnlo-c unnu- m... (In ---- ---" One hundred and thirty six or two hundred and thirty Bible to tell which, perished by burning a; drowning, while by, unable to reach hr with their host. owing to a... wink "At this time s mend of mine visited us and. having seen the sad plight the baby was in, she said I did not know how to to shout things. She took my baby to her home and applied Zorn-Bah to its little body. This seemed to give the bah, one right from the 'tgat. It cured the sores and hogan to reduce the "tfi-mation. I went on with the an-Bult treatment. and to my delight within one week from ttrat starting with Zam-Buk the child looked like a diluent - altogether! Within s month the skin diaeue was cured completely. the baby's appetite had returned and she was almost hack at her normal weight. She now looks like the very picture or health. " There is another feature of the use. One of the doctors has ht lent me in I bin tor 'M'. The treatment I got for that money left the child no better than before " was started. 'The cost of Zen-But treatment. which restored my child to health. was $2t " Every mother should know what a qrtettdWtte.1er I‘m-But it" mar-nun is a "short out" to skin healing. Use. it for all skin injuries and inseam. eczema. ulcers. Mood poison. etc. and tor piles, All drnuists and stores. " cents a box. or post free from Ina-Box 00.. Tomato. for price. Romeo harmful imitations. ' “absurd, Eng., Oct. 11.-ACanadian "emo-Fire dying u raging norm destroyed tuna" In: “and” when about eight hundred mm. mat ot New Fen-(had on her u to New York. "I took her to a doctor who ”we me e kind of lotion to use and I need it reguhrly. but the baby got no relief. The skin also." seemed to get worse and worse all the ttme we were doctorlnx tor It. so we not the child to a mend doctor. He told me to stop nun-eh. the baby. end gave me other edvlce which I followed, but the skin dim trot won-Io and worn. Mrs. F. (lands. of l26 - Strut. Montreal. What-WM, baby girl dwelt?“ I battal- on her bod and It made her very froth-l and III. In would not "In food and seemed very add-Ideal. From tttteen pounds. her might tell away to nlno and a half poo-ls. were saved. LOWER NUMBER BBLIEVED CORRECT (male slower progress and smothered iconsiderablv and floating human gathered around the Volume stern ready to remove the distressed ttBa- angers. The Vulturno was a comparatively small ship, MO ft. long, " tt, beam Late in the evening cries were heard near the Cammia. and by lowering seamen overboard she pick- ed up one solitary passenger cruiiiU on a life belt. Removed Passengers from Vo1turno, as these ten huge illuminated hulls crowded with thousands ot specta- tort anxiously watching the ship burning, eager but powerless to save the hundred threatened souls aboard but. lb; "f drowning, while ten other "0:th hon: owing to the violence ot the atom! reached the -ensineFooiti Gd iaial, accompanied by an explosion which hurled the burning wreckage into the ", like rocket; An Unprecedented Scene. "was Imps pun out niches“ and " and 2581 gross tonnage. built by tempted to reach the burning vessel, Atirtreld " was“; level: you: Mo. in each case attor a,desprrate strug- It was commanded by Cent. Inch gle they had to give up the attempt and carried cargo of non-combustlhlo and return with great diftiettitr and chemical. cotton goods, liquor: and danger to their own ships. general warn. Stood try the Burning Ship.. I No Vanadium ot, Beam. . NEW YORK. Oct. ".--htdiea Mi niyU the anxious shin stood ' “one are in" there one no null"- by, HUME their MHSMS on the horn Canadian or Amen-icon- on the black waters tor a. possible stray mtsatemstttttt Volume. A nearly com- twimmu'. watching the titunes creep were pun-gar ttist received here alter and growing Berter as they from Rotten-den chewed practically reached the engineroom and bunkers, w on Mud In" immlmnu. Rim aeeomptutied by an “910310“ which ’ane. Daitattt'.ars, Polo. In? t [or hurled the burning wreckage into the ratVA. m‘m" tprptd tor Canada. those ships put out lifeboat- nnd " tempted to reach the burning vessel, in each case altar a .desppute strug- gle they had to give up the attempt Never was tueit a scene witnessed Northern scum" 00.. but had been cum to the 10th, when all the survivor; wen taken on. ttres was “messed alum.” Urriin Galt, tor instance, will ply this year the mm of 88,307 in county taxes, which is almost as much u MS. The county taxes to be paid by Berlin was taxed [vigour prevmu: to ”muting ttmit/tte county. 89,- lhe utimu municipalities this year, and the manta puld last you are " toMtrr.- Municipality; Waterloo Tp. ... Wilmot Tp. _..... Welluley Ttr. .. Woolwich Tp. .. N. lmmlrirs " tutt "rr '.. .5. Waterloo _., __.. Prawn "mr__rr__r. "espeler tC-ttv. New Hal-thug . Elmira _._.__t .. and sent. out notices ot the county taxes [or the you“ to be payable in Berlin on Dee. 14th, next. For the tlr" time Berlin in not Included in the list. and consequently the amount: to he paid by the other munieipatiti" are considerably inc-round. County Clerk Bowman has com- piled the aaa-ment thrurm tor the \‘nrious 'mmieieatittets , lhe county COUN'I'Y TAXES 810.723.553. There I: an increase in New when: “new: Thr’isT sessmeat on building: has gone up $471,815. The business assessment is‘ higher by 8103.497.‘ and notwith- standing that the exempt income " seamen was ruined by the Legisla- ture from 81,200 to 81.500 Assessor Hastings Show: an increase of ti,iiirl He lays it would hare been 816.500 more, but Jor the chug: in the ex trmption? Children of school ege luv increased 427. There were 386 births, imam ot 33 .- -' -- _-."-.'""'"- ...,---.-..... - . ..,. Guelph, Oct. 8.-- The ‘asscssment ISIAN Sage. Ask for PARISIAN roll tor 1914 has been completed. The Sage. total populatidn is 16,189. In in- E. M. Devitt..Watertoo. ttnd C. E. crease of 989 over lutyeu. An itw Swaisl-nd, Berlin. guarantee it. _ crease of $821,745 is shown in the . total assessment, which figure reaches! "dp-ep-e-e-e-P-ee-ee-ee-ee-er-este-ee-e-es ROYAL mrs O _ POPULATION Total F., 'P. F.'... 353,093 In the total for ma the whole-n message m it impos- n summoned to her aid mod my“ q I Isitittttrtittri' Toma ttIM Ill. “I destroyed tho about “Vol- on her voyncenom Roma... ‘. Captain Bart’s match it ii," Tni' in 'iGi2, an; when the tim became ”you, "tM 5.905 C'..' has! . ... 3,4“ ...t.. 7.08. H -. 3.5M ..... 2.064 _.... 4,375 .. 772 're... 457 ....e, 857 \ 1012. ms. , 81,31: 39,41. ... 5,002 7,311 ”35.905 7,667 .. test 0.340 Frm 3,4“ 4,331 FPV 7.039 9,307 ,. 3.513 mm .. 2,004 3,139 Ft 4,375 1,77: 772 1,003 G 16,139 1.; 857.074 mm ot LIN) - ' â€" 5 _'f1hbtatrtqtrti"ttqWr1 :-l ““10“. ' the est addition ever and. in one yum The total assessment in now ”.1”.- Mo, an invrease ot $332,173. The bred for more house: in indicated by the report or the unmet. which claims um in some cases time [nut {ammo-s an- hnumI "Mn root. assessor. completed today, give em a population of 11,932. m imam: tor the Il'"' at In. This I: the largo POPULATION 0F (SALT ll, 11,932 Elmira reports a population at over 2,000 while new Hamburg also ex- poets to pm the "town-limit" this you. . Preston nu when“ third plane in the towns in the county end but {Populntion of 4.923, an increase of , Waterloo come: next with n pom].- tion ot 4,737, :n increase ot MO. Then normed Hamlet with I popu- lation ot 3.088. an increase ot 345. Berlin and the Ion: incorporated lt'?:,'!,! Galt, Preston. Waterloo end Hamlet, have made most gretllyin; "linereatsmr in population this yen. ‘while Elmira, New Hamburg and Arr have grown also, the former _ two village: being almost ready to be incorporated as towns. Aa he been mnomea Bulb's pop- ulation in recorded In "8.838. an increase of 1.42! over Int yen. Gall; report. a healthy advance ol 806, making the tout population in that town at 11.082. Thur: are law, if any, counties ' in the Dominion that have as my pros- perous towns within its boundu’iu " Waterloo County. AGGREGATE OF 43,016 Galt, Preston, Waterloo and Hespeler Have Made Sh. stantial Increases Do you want to use a hair dressing; that wilt surely prevent baldnelstthn‘ always refreshes and invigoutu and makes your entire head lee! Bm t Thcnypend 50 cents this Very» day and gpt a home ot IPWSIAKHSQ‘O at any "drug store or toilet good: counter. Use it as directed and' you will never care to use ordinary tom. again. Galt, Oct. 10.41% returns of the No poisonous sugar ot lead, no cul- -8er, _no jnjurious ingredients in PAM- Do your want hair Io Wink!" radiant that it compel: We unlin- tion of nil who see it t . .. Do you want a scalp " iertette lately clean and bright as a ‘mlr minted coin , Men and women-do you want a splendid head at luxuriant lair tgear. from scalp itch and dandrul t I No Moi? Dandru ft Falling Hair, Scalp Itch u. "I- "II-u: a m Jt%rr.'x idi'diLiiiiii'htitiiiiad,?, M an (all modicum “and " w. wflwmm $333.55: 'et 'i1li1tb'tf "drlid.r." --.--- ‘___- 666-2; Ji, -,2J,Li,iCc,TJi.' .a . or a.So- . 56536616? or 566.96.662.43 ot 'M'dt "Ptlstivee' in the only a tnthewortd that in Mont-it "rtut.t.tivu'iiint GaWiiiE it? tutored we“ El?“ up .n by. _ - ' theed 'iiiii:ilh,1,! r“ m t1slll 'lhl In! In __ in are?) It, math. tuiaii W -"_" -__ -if 1%"c4'NJ'lu'. a"li'tllitt,td ruin-an. Liam; (Shin. Jtezrrtt M. . 'am. w- "t an unable to .5.:”5: in hard "rtuibrtiver" no I: ".111...“ ARE GROWING ALVA mun.

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