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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Oct 1913, p. 4

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V Mt. and Mrs. John Hutchingl ot " cum, Alta., were visitors a the ', hon. ot Mr. and Mn. Geo. C. H. " Ln; during the put week. V In. Thomas and In. Brock. who but has: visitors u no home at Mr ' A. Kline“, Allan street. tor the \ put week. left on Thursday morning . [or Toronto, where racy will - ' ttttrr [um home. ... lrs. , E. F. Songram was the churning hates ot a large and Mina delightful dancing party on My evening in honor of her viliton. Min Woodson and Miss Jones. who ably assisted the hos- ie- in receiving the guests. Mr. Semen: also proved himself the moat thoughqu and capable ot hosts In looking alter hm gueste. every one passing a thoroughly enjoyable evening. There were no programmes, the dancer. enjoying all themare the resulting informality and it goes without saying that there were no dull moment: at this jolly dance. A ttrat clue orchestra was in attend- nnoe, which with the perfect tmor Mt nothing to ,-he desired. A tempt- lu bullet supper was served in the dining room. where very comfortable arrangements were made for a large number ara time, and in tact noth- ing woe left undone to make the My an unusunlly happy and Bue- N. t, mm, a In a.“ with m ”up. #53111 In. L, Bucket, Al- In! L. Snyder, Ilia Knell 1nd In. Annie Knoll hue returned lr’om I the“ visit with Buttttlo friends.- Mt. Albert Bucket ot Radium, - of moon", N. Y., were union 'rith He. and Mrs. A. H. - this week. In. Alla. Hm Mum! to Beht payed-any, an! A plus- -t%aitottwoqreehaatth. how a! W. all In. Win. Hogg. Il- Voodlon. ot Blunt-min. Ala- “. u psoet populat visitor in town It!“ tho put twilight. no In lanolin an gmr.h',.e. Bea, It. B. MaeiachUn of Gullah WIS a; use at his later. In. E. F. m. to: her dance on Two, Oz: Teteqtqttt. In. an... m mane: luau Jan-umb- - th. "r-dtqatmrdnrsattutoae “a um. In. a. I. 810- ot In. pad an. A. E. bum. all-h-unlw-m-vd- 'er.HmrrrtauaniHr.auaegr. ll- Por, luau a an an. J. Wm. Mobouull [on Thursday to " a. [by a! Toronto, in o with: n all the [nuts] ot the In. In. Hy. a. to- g Mr. ad In. H. Rug, vacuum at Detroit. . My “not Mr. and In. Christ I?" an unn- Mr. and In. Ala. Welsh and two to: cl Bright visited friend. h the was a Brooklyn. N. Y., we“ run-43m this week. "ttto-tur-to.- uranium-yam... d-th.llbut "e-l-tei-u-air. " "anr-ataqereto-ttranat '..At-Ci-a.6Wa.Cua.ereutr-i. to would . hi» Bets m tum in Uni-loo on aha. , When ordering your next sack of Roui. insist on getting the ‘OCEAN' brand. WM. SNIDER, In Baking is Obtained by Using Seem Sueeess ("BEAN FLOUR Pekoaaiand sossetviG"eu'tlriiiiii'iii'itii'i'iiliiiTiiii For Sale at All Grocers "The Flour of Quality" Manufa< tured by Phone No. 239 Waterloo EVER Y BACK GUARANTEED THE [ Items of 1nureat.-Mr. James Gal- lager has the contth of draining the roadhed of the two hills at the lam at Winterbourne as the springs eeuses an overflow ol water.-Mr. R. Forrest built a very the modern pig- gery ‘quite recently. The cement walls are three feet high and also a cement floor. The piggery is built It frame work lined with tar paper. Mr, John Wollis being the Cotttrtte- ',or.-Mr. James S.mith has returned trom Durham to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Henry Ham» iltott.-Mr.A'hartes Goetz was very tortunate in ttettietg 100 head of but- cller cattle into the market as soon " the Wilson Tarritt bill was Btrtteh ott. It's an ill wind that don't blow tome one some rood.--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Irchitsald Shoemaker, on October 3rd, in daurhtet--Mr. and Mrs. William'.Mitrhe11's son James bad the mistortune to tell out ot the lawn recently and break one M his arrmt,--itotrt to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Mann. on Sept. 29th, in Vancouver. BA'., a son. Mr. Fred Edmund: returned on Monday from a two months' trip to England. Mr. Edmunds was a mem- ber of the Waterlop band previous to his departure, and his many friends are glad to see him back. 'Auction bridge is at present prov- ing quite a popular pastime, and among other gatherings this week, was a very enjoyable one on ThurtF day evening, given by Mrs. P. V. Wilson in honor of the visitors: ‘ Pleasant evidence of the kindly m- ‘terest. in her approaching marriage to ‘Mr. Geo. D. Richmond next Tmy, the “on inst., is being shown Miss Emma Davidson by as may, friends as can arrange an alternoon or even- ing to work in among the various engagements of the ttride-elect. Amongst other entertainments given during'the past Week was a small tea by Mrs. John Fennell, Queen St. N., a bridge try Mrs. Herbert Bowlby. a granite shower " "Eon Accord" by Mrs. William Roos, and a merry tea at the Country Club hLMIL Alex. Millar. Miss Florence Clement was the guest oi honor at a delightlully arv ranged dinner party, given by sev- eral young gentlemen at the Country Club last week, prior to her leaving to spend the Winter in London, Eng- land. This universally popular young lady wilt be much missed during her absence abroad, especially in church, musical and philanthropic circles, where her beautiful voice and ready and able assistance are always so cheerfully given in any good cause. Miss Beatrice Gregor, who has been residing in colton, California, for several years past. has been vis- iting her friends in Waterloo qor the past lortnight, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hellman, Allan street, durir- which time innumerable little tea parties have been given in her honor, and manyoid friendships rd.. ttewed. The Country Club mounted a most animated appearance last Saturday afternoon, with its numerous attrac- tions, among which was a gay partv of lady and gentlemen riders, motor parties. golf. bridge and tea Duties Amongst other out-ot-town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. T. Burdmore ol Acton, Mn. iDro James S. Niven of London, and Miss Woodmn ot Ala- _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougIll re- turned from Detréit on Sunday where they attended the funeral ot the late Mrs. Henry Werttuuter, who died on Tuesday. In. Linton ot Los Angolan, Cal., ls spending a lew days with Twin- City friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. Klghs, ot Der, N. Y., who have been guests at the home of Mrs. Graytrili, returned home to-dar. Mrs. Roy Erb uni Iol Lloyd ot Aessartd, Man., are you: at the home of Mr. and Mm. M. Devitt. Mix: Hughes has manned from I delightful nanny trip ot “new“! " Hutton. Coetn.. and other point: of interest. a guest. at the born ot Mr. and In. :lnooh Ullelmnn during his stay In Mr. all an. Wm. mum ol Torouo no visiting Waterloo (nail. It. Fred McCabl'y ot Static“ was in town on Friday. Mr. Augu- (Iron ot Toronto was a business visitor in town. Min Pauline nanny ot Mutton in spending aural days with Waterloo nlativu. Ke. Jon Kim: od Station - byline- mm: tn {on on Iod- Winteeboume A very: pretty church wedding (ml vim on Tues " afternoon " 4.30 o‘clock, in t. Peter‘s Lutheran ( hareh. The t' trusting panics were Mr. (harles ' chs and 3113: Minnie SchultZ. both Berlin. Min Gibson late of Wei ' Gernnny, presided " the organ. .v. F, K. (“grinder otririated, the ceremony being per- Inrmed in the presence of 3 large mm ot trirqHs. The ide'a of holding these ralliel originated last year, and they . have been so Productive at results that " was decided to hold another one in the Spring. in some church on the district. The onions elated lot the muting year are _ Preaidettt.--Rev. W. 0. Helm. St. Jacobs. ----- . Brief addresses were delivered by Rev. w. o. Helm of St. Jacobs on "Mow to approach and win prospec- tire members," by Rev. F. B. Meyer of Elmira on "How to keep or hold your members," and “Practical Sug- gestions" by Rev. M. L. Wing, Ber- lin. . 1'iee-Prem'dent-Mr. J. I'euegetntttt, Katerina A leature of the programme was that each class assisted in the Pro- gramme, Songs were sung by; the Berlin Ladies' Class, Water1okrMetr'tr l‘lass, and the Waterloo Ladies' Class. Miss Weber of the Heidelberg [1385 gave a recitation in a splendid manner. The Berlin Men's class was represented by Messrs. H. Zeller and H. A. Wettlaufer, who rendered a duet in pleasing style. Rev. E. Burn also favored the audience with a. solo. Brief threeminute reports ot the Work in the ten different clam in the district were readily given by a minim- oteach the classes. They an spoke well ot the work which had been accomplished during the past rear. The largest class in the dis- trict is the Waterloo Men's Class having a membership of M. The Ber- lin Men's class comes second with " members. The reports throughout were very optimistic as to the future success. Rev. E. Burn, pastor ot the church, 'etivered a brief addrens of welcome. He said that it was a gathering to gether in Christian lello'wship, and in the interests ot Sunday School work. The members at the class met at the rally as Bible students in the word or God. He extended a welcome' to the visitors to the progressive town at Waterloo, to the beautiful church and to the beautiful homes. Che address of welcome w” re Included to by Mr. William Reynolds D! St. Jacobs. He thanked the Pate tor for the warT reception on Mall at the visiting classes. I. Great enthusiasm in the Sunday School work marked the second Adult Bible Class rally of the Berlin dis- trict ot the Evangelical Church, which was held in Emmanuel Church nu Tuesday evening. The majority ot the classes in the district were re presented by strong delegations, shout three hundred were in attend; Inoe altogether. L. ADULT BIBLE ‘1 CLASS RALLY 300 Young People of the Berlin District of the Adult Waterloo SA CHS-SI "FLT?" Clam Gather. DETENBECK’S "a Mr. {sac U. Cour returned home after spending the past tour months if th_e_ West.me 1ertit? Filkitta, ot Iocintion do hereby agree unanimous- ly, that there shall be nothing .do- Iated, no subscriptions given, or no tickets £01132: tar any amusements ot my one or , body. church institu- tion, or sporting organization. Any requests for aid must be made to the naocintion, which will be duly con- sidered and passed upon at the next regular meeting." _ The thove will take "test Nov. lat. rm. action was made necessary, ow- ing to the complaints of the, mep- hers, that they are frequentlv appeal- ed to. This is the case with the sporting organizations, and concerts. Duds will be printed with the team lution on, and given to each member) to place in his store. l Another complaint was lodged) shout wholesalers selling direct to the ©onttmtrrr,' and Mr. D. 'iiih?ir) was instructed to look into the mat- A resolution, which will have tar eta. oi the late J. B. Schmidt in reach'ng " results, was unanimously the village of Phiiipsburg. passed, and in " follows: "That Oct. 22.-Farm stock and implemmts this WateriooHtrtait Merchants' As of the late J. B. Schmidt Philips- Ioclation do hereby agree unanimous- burg. Iy, that there shall be nothing .do- Nov. 6.-Stotk and implements of M. Iago", no subscriptions given, or In} o. Jennie. at Baden. m Several of the lists ot the delin- quents very handed in to the some my 2ttife all be canpiled and I list gtiiigl to each number. _ _ --, Oct. 20.-Reat Estate the valuable ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING Proprietor of the lute Gregor Diet- - rich, in the village‘ol St. Agatha. The monthly muting ot IN, Retail "ti e,ca"g,t 'ee, td i,','d1"t',fg Merci-aw Amman was held in leading mfg: New German to the Town Halt on My attereomy Bloomingdale. r 'dy'tritte ”3;: raging“: Nov. r18.--Rarrn stock and imple- tt " . .. Ir “W . P t . . menu of Wm. Hertz in the village Bohlendlt'. Meegitarv N. A, 2191:. L. A. .. _ . __ The new: Present were, Presi- tent J;.l}!e1mgnn, vice-president D. Bohlendat', Sagan N. A. Kick, L. R." 's.s Jim, W. J. Eggert fe Rim. C. H. Roos and A. C. A1Petett g; 'ii"ii;"iiii','t,i",i? Allan)" SALE i Muft tePthet,l1e"huts A. J. MICKUS._AUCTIONEER 'nhjilililiiihmis t Hi- tf, soettrertera t, 't uh as was» 5.1"“. not. - I: I "burr In at NO you welt at“ you In. so. our Inl- nom I-. can“: biota mud your “an. Char ~14 at 310.00, 312.50. ' 15.00 a no.» no the but ' _ has n no: can“. a Our Mid Overcoat. a gem. mm, as.» an: up, Coins in ror u took, you'll a mu you hum mm to. equalled [or the money. batman page! tho hilt tailor than 'tuttriie'toiae- to: “tides-ate Prices the ants} "his in thi, 1ii".ii,l,',ijj,,ii,i, (liste: Underwear i'""'"'" ""‘ - - For luliuand Ghildron Hecpeler Dunn-lo A singing school will he started on Saturday evenlng. October 18th, at the Bethel Church, near New Dun- dee. Peter Shupe from Berlin has been ensued as the teach”. Real Eatate.-mrrm stock and imple ments of Dan F. Becker, Winiasse burg, " miles south tof Berlin, on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, at 1 pun. let. "--Ftmtt stock, implements and household 'grects ot the late Geo. Smyo. situated min" mile from Freeman, , miles north of Preston, and 4 mils. south ot Berlin. E. J. SHAN'IVL, Auctioneer. A teed Assortment of, children’s Underwear in prices from 20c. to 75c. is here to meet your wants this Fall. in white and natural shades, clone ribbed, Union, closely buttoned with lace wiggling l,".' neck, open or closed drawers, ankle length. A very good line a enc ' w '. G. TAYLOR, Auctioneer. This populgr line of Underwear for Fall and Win- ter weir is now in stock in nearly every desirable line needed for this climate. Special mention might be made here of, a line of ' LADIES' UNDERWEAR SW New Dundee . . _..' . We Sell theWFamous . See this line on centre table. ’. Bricker If It Pays Farmers our butter {at prices are. always based on the true condition or the butter market, end we are not gown-nee by what other: “y. Every can of creim we receive is awfully and honestly welsh- ed, sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured ot . correct report upon every shipment. We tarnish tree amend par express charges. Our check: ere issued every two weeks and cashed It per. Write for our booklet. l, “I BERLIN BREAK!” Mt; Petersburg, Baden, New Hmbutg, strauotd. setrrirtgvilie, Mitch", Londattroro, Dublin, St. Columbu. Rostock, Lynden, notches“; Preston, Elmira. st. Jacobs. Heidelberg, Scum. Clinton Ind To 8hitt us their cram from SHOULD" IT PAY m7 mm:

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