- ---- . M=thn.Waat twill-(hora , “that. “ELI CIA-um 'tttttset “an The death took place at the Berlin and Waterloo Hospital on Sunday erNettrtg of nAndrew M. Shaw, who has Mm residing during the Inst twenty- me years with his niece, Mrs. J. B. Kirby of Berlin. The deceased had been: ailing tor upwards of Anya: m it was only two weeks ago that h was Compelled to relinquish his htiw at A. Z. Garner's gents' lur- Mshing stow. The deceased was oi a retiring dispositiun and was well lied by all his acquaintances'. He Whtt one of the oldest members of to Commercial Travellers' Associa- tton, having been on the road for grants ot thirty-fn'e years. Ho will " greatly missed by those with at). In resided. The funeral ’hqu (â€are in Toronto on Wednesday, The October srssion nl the County' (\uncil will he herd on Thursday] County roads, prison farm and other mutter: will no discussed. â€N'NTY ('UINPIL our corsetier, YOU SHOULD L'r'i" YOUR COR- sF.Ts AT THE "ROSE." Because. WE CAN' PROVE to you that no better Corsets are obtain- able. We‘rmploy an EXPERT COR- SE'HER to m and get the proper corset for your figure. WK HAVE A PRIVATE ROOM in which to show Corsets. OUR PRICES ARE NO IllGllFTIEVthan elsewhere. WE MAKE CORP-HTS to your measure it you want il:_rym if you have only been paying ftity out»; for your What will be known as the New Grand Opera House will be opened to the the'atregoing public ot the “in City, in the New Janzen Block, King St. W., on Monday, October Nth. Thanksgiving Day. Mr. A. J. Sign" of the Grand Theatre, Toronto who is largely “muted in the Col- onial Amusement Co., by whom the new theatre will be operated, pad who will act as the personal repre- sentative of the Company in Toronto is understood to have selected the name. The matte lrienus of Mr. W. A. Club. lormetly ot Berlin, now of Port Arthur, will regret to learn that In is seriously ill surering trom an attack of typhoid 'ever. He has hem unconscious tor gone days. arm. D. Kerr, Roland street. at tailed the funeral this week at her is“: Mrs. McDonald, (no Homes). Uh died in Vane-aver, and whose lanth- were an to Woodstock lor "Mum, V. S. McIntyre and J. C. him tetb Saturday for AtlanticCity N. J .. Philadelphia, New York and other points. Mr. McIntyre will at- tend the Street Rnilwav Commi- Attantic Citv. In. B. M. English, at Dallas. Tan. who ha been n much-feted Visitor in the city lor. several weeks, the Burst at Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Chloe. " Schneider Avanue, Inn ttthome on Sunday night Mrs. Bash-h a greatly impressed with the city and has enjoyed her visit here Mensch: Mr. James Campbell was a visitor in m. Agatha over Sunday. Eli. and Jacob Rat: Ion. Thursday but-Id the ttmera, ot their sister, In. Hy. Wettlauler whiéh was by at_Dehroit e Friday. .a'T2,tri, Vow; si, I“!!! allqu u. m. â€an o s', . . Mf,'d"2gc'"" m- ........,.. WEDDING mm *0. P. A. lei-Ivan and dattghter - 'ii,iiitiit1iiciiiihiii. :"S- J. NW3 of Mr. Geso.D.Rieh. E (h. bra . . . mend and Min E. David. , flt,A3'rdr;SP,'i11Titfc son at St. Andrew's. w~ - -- --"""' --. - _..-. v- album I'll-III:- to "I """S"e.-" I)". W “net. has returned to pertormed the ceremony, which made h m h Mwbwu. Miss Emma Georgian Davidson. all. Ann Killer. who has been daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W her VMIWJII at the home ot Davidson and ttrami-datrghter of the It. and In. M. Reidel, no King late Slat-rm and Mrs. Davidson, ot " I. Mtt (or her home In Detroit Benin, the wile oi Mr. George Dou- u TW- gins Richmond, luau manager of an In Harry Tonal and " Ion, w M - qeadine the day mm mm .LrHe.toc. ._ ___... --- Mt. a. I... Norman Bricks m POPULAR IN TWIN-CHY - d Bunion! an visiting u "i.. I- but ot Mn. C. “dermal. Min " Anna's Presbyterian Church 'bert. uerlin, was scene ot a pretty wean; In. Ken. who har been on a " ' Wednesday when Dr. Marcus see e. Pf, menu. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stun, niniue: to up magnum, ANDREW M. SH AW. T'tyr1-tr-attheetnsntrt'etC- "b-ree.':'))., Berlin New: lrtit Mrs. with visit The first meeting will be held in the Library "all on Fridav evening, on. 24th, at which Prof. Abbott, in Toronto l'niversity and Secretary oi the l'ttiversity Extmsion Count, will be the speaker. He will give an illustrated talk on the "Functions of the Imagination of the pmttlay." The married members ot the Club are requested to bring their hubmds. and other members are invited to bring in pmspt‘rtive members. i At a well attended meeting of the Executive of the Women‘s Canadian (‘luh on Monday evening "ratsge- ments were made tor a series of suc- cessful meetings to be held this Ica- son. The Speakers' Committee re- ported that speakers have been secur- ed for mgctings up to the end of February. The speaker' tor the November mert- ing will be Mr. H. J. Starr at the .lumnilr Court, Toronto. The guests from a distance were, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Davidson, Mr. "and Mrs. William Davidson, Miss Jean Davidson, Messrs. Alexander and Mortimer Davidson, Mr. Robert G. Davidson, Herbert Davidson, Irr. Alexander and Mrs. Davidson, Misses Mary, Margaret and Francis David- son, Mr. George Randall, Miss Emma Randall, Captain and Mrs. Gordon Morrison, of Toronto: Miss L D. Richmond. ot New York, Mrs. Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gauide3rigs Kate 1"itomr,-or-itamtttzm,-i.-7iiiir Mrs. J. L. Richmond. of London, Miss A. Currie, of Cornwall, Mrs. F. Lowes, of Calgary, Mrs. M. G. Baird, of Port Arthur. The bride's travelling costume was navy blue serge. and brown "wet tat trimmed with goblin blue. with brown stole and mutt. The happy couple left on the 5.23 train for the east, amid a shower of rose leaves, and on their return will take up their residence at 179 Mark- land street, Hamilton. Mrs. Davidson, tne mother of we bride, were black lace over white satin, with a pretty hat to match. and carried a bouquet oi Richmond roses. . T'he Midesmaid wore a beautiful brucadnd yellow Charmeuse gown and brown velvet hat, and carried a nou- quer ot bronze Chrysanthemums. Miss Madge Davidson, ot Toronto. twin-cousin oi the. bride, was the bridesmaid. Dr. L. A. Richmond ot New York supported his brother " (roomsmiut, and Messrs. Walt" Sun- ;cn'ille and Karl Bargain period-ed :the duty ot ushers. Mr. W. P. Clem- mpt was " the org-n mid played the wedding march very acceptably. and during the signing at the Regis- ter. Miss Winnitred Pa.ner, ot Tor- onto, gowned in deep blue charm over white lace and carrying Rich- mond runes, sang very sweetly. "o Perfect Love." The church was beautifully deeotat- ad with palms, term and chrysanth- emums. After the arremunv a recep- tion was held at the home ot the bride's parents on Roy street. Tho bride, who was given away try hee lather, looked charming in her wedding gown oi white charmeuse and real lace, with court train, and car- ried an exquisite shower bouquet oi lilies of the valley and wore a long tulle veil with Coronet ot tulle and orange blossoms. mam-om. lately of new... RR SEASONS The use was then adiourned for one week. The chums â€that the other men were not. touched, until this case is disposed ot. ' Mr. C1ement--"You don't do it for nothing t" Wiutess--"No'." ' In asking ior a conviction Mr. Cie. ment referred to section " of the liquor license act, which says that a licensed hotel shall keep only one bar. .Jlr. Haverson made a lengthy ad- dress, quoting tseveral authorities. ue submitted that it would be a hardship on the hotel with the small bar, it they were not showed to or- crt a temporary bar on a busy day. - Mr. Havenon dwelt on the Mining " the word "Mer," quoting the meaning given in encylopediu to sup port his contention that "keep" mans tttr more than one day. Mr. (‘lement said the case was very slur. It on bar couldn't accommo late the puhlic. it would be better tor the other hotels as they would get part of the trade. _ Magistrate Weir said he “it that I hotel should have only one bar, it " was tor only ten minutes, that we!!!†be keeping a bar. Pounty Constable Huber stated that in company with Mr. 'Grasser, sergeant of the Berlin police force, they visited Elmira on Sept. 24th. The Fall Fair was in full swing and going into the Central Hotel about noon, a temporary bar on the right hand side at the hall was crowded, as was the regular bar on the other side of the hotel. Returning alter dinner the same conditions existed. blagisiriu Weir-“my rotild . -se|l soft drinks with 112$me tar." The Proprietor Mr. Ken: was. call- ed, and testified that the temporary bar was erected on account of the lair to give the public better sol-Vice. Witness--"" coats something to erect the bar." JUDGMENT RESERVED In Police Court Saturday three charges or infringement of the Liquor layer: preferred against Albert Rene of Elmira and L. Rutmnig and Peter Wagner of Wenesrley. The lie inhuthcasersuxr-tet1-w-Nr-1, llaverson, K.C. ot Toronto, while Mr. K. P. Clement, KC. proaeeuted.r Mr. E." P. ctemertt--"And incident- nlly to coin more money"? EXTRA BAR F Ill OPERATION Elmira and Wellealer Hotel- men Charged with Vio. lating Liquor Act The iimutcial statement for the month showed receipts amounting to $3721.99 and a balance from last month of $1477.20, making a total of cash on hand of $5199.19. Dis. bursements and maintmamro 85412.07. leaving an overdraft Sept. 30th ot 1 Chairman J. C.’Breithaupt said he Hid not new when tho tmMtqY was. coming Irom to pay the City $9290.35 i 1 Mayor Euler laid in would like to' we the water rates lowered in pro-3 portion to the profits as he thought that was the object of municipal own- I out». He. however. in: - at the opinion that when there Wm. Drums they should he paid over to the city as. provided for by the Act. The Commission should render its accounts to the city quarterly instead} oi annually and they would be paid in the same manner as the tIii?) lighting is paid monthly to the Light Commissnon. His Worship pointed out that the city had paid out nonr- lyli0.000 in debentures [or the Water Commission for which tho city has not received a cent and in addition the city was paying thohank _ six per cent. interest. ' $2t3.88. Invot Dale: W a notion that this mount be you over to the City haunt“. " mm by resolution of the City Council kn your and only thia yea. but he Ciril not get a second“. Commissioner I Bowman was doubtful whether ml Council would pay the Commission's account: it tumult. warr.id new. The Mayor replied not. a tar as it knew the Council Ina not refuted to pay any td the accounts this year. l Superintendent Hymnal: alerted a1't""; to two accounts which had been pro- Known] W in; o mains on streets, which the A tag, Commission claimed Mull ho.charg- in this ad to local improvements and paid by at a l " a tax. Mayor Euler intimated that? us the Board of Works 235:; which had returned them and the sumo tt blamed. I Cauncjl as a whole could not be - y " nun-tonne. account lino. Jun†m. Thu â€out the!“ MM sprinkling to be m by the gay. mass, m a in. my)... a manual-tact†Auditor†.Iu “angina-dun " mm-u-mudm- “I... -.. "an; trim. was presented. in it“ it '0“ M I“ a m oqetr M tcart WitheComMmmmor-Mw.mfl. Thu-Al to thet City “W, b u d Iii-Minn undon- II.- alumna-n At annular â€and to!» "tAa-sm-Gui-Gio-Nba" calm-gin but; "" -08t.0.ttru.t0t_tere-W no» nip-oral. New. "I“ qBit.-ttret8-ftutrties ntti1y.lGoaauiiati5urGiG."isii gsnammon, all Syrians, were taken -ueAe-ettstodr.-a'titrr-appsr-eir-iii-.pip Hics Court this morning and Stella {Joseph was remanded to jail until 'the 15th, while the three hequeutem Considered to have we most lux- uriant and beauulul hair in New York Miss Rector uyl: “I find a certain manure in recommending Such. as I know Sager†to be a real bene- tit to women. I had a very hard time trying to dress my hair nice before I used Sueine. It didn't mat- ter what stvle the hair was being worn my hair was alwan too dry and lifeless to dress properly. I sul- ‘lered with dandrull more or lean and um hair loll out until it we. an and ragged. My mother urged me to use Sage-he an a number ot menu lad recomnonded it to her. I and it rtttally and was only sotrv thutl had not. learned ol it long before. Sa- gehte has made mv hair jut as nine and Bott and thick as won Beeit. I have been commented very much on in unusual beauty. Supine la new Iold inVWaterloo and costs only Me I large bottle. Be sure to go to E. M. Dewitt‘a drug "ore. other atom don't have Supine. were allowed out on bail troad, Shammon, _all lirriGs, wge" About 12 o'elock on Sunday night Sergt. Gasser and P. Chr. Meehan Ind Friday raided a house on King St. Stem Joseph, Frank David, Frank Joseph and Peter "Mttr treatment try three doctors without result, I have been cured of a very bad "case ot rheumatism by using two bottles ot RHEUMA. It is now two years since I have used the remedy, and I am still as wen as ever. Previously. I was a crip- ple. walking with crutches." 0. h. C. DOWN . C011EGIANS Such testimony should he convinc- ing. mums, trom Ed. M. Davin, Waterloo, guaranteed. St. Jeromes Varsity rugby Mam lost to Guelph 0.A.C. try the not: of 6--s at Victoria Park Saturday afternoon. The game was hard [ought throughout crew second of play. Guelph winning by thtkes. " you have tried many other reme- dim and doctors' treatments for Rheumatism and found they failed. do not. be skeptical about trying RHE- UMA. Read the testimony ot Judge John Barhorst of Fort Lorantie. O.: JUDGE BARmORST WAS RELIEV- ED OF RHEl’MATISM AFTER DOCTORS FAILED. 'iii;'; ' -- Cl, Value of Rheuma r from the Court 1 On Sunday " Bethany haunts Church Ree. C. N. Good when! tum" services. He preach! very â€propane and instructive lemons at both services, an! was uttatlvely mused to by the lugs mm- uou present. He will - to Binir this week, when he win mm his Reminders as City Mission Presi- dent. The new pastor, Rev. J. N. Kuehing, wifLtrte_e.ttaigmL,auvr. A turn-ell service will also he held in this church on Tuesday evening at 3 o’clock lot Rev. and Mm.. Ridges. missi from South America. who leave ti rtly to re- sume their work in the inion field. RI..- "Merh.tittrramdMt. . JW. it in - mt can s': On waning win-l. “Didi-WW Inm- 'terr-SSG-iid-tPete-PvP-uae-te, halt "iahtmartd-raah.. Thu-AI Ire-tnmwuh .0“th an» at am no!!!» u. mum “I. Con-I do- nut may»! to “I“ m. an H to“ at was. Tb ---.q--.-- t,tr."',tihelt.tl'trvs s...» ioet,tn his “I. ' I w t It “Wuhan-If “an". ‘ _ "tothMetzt-t.Astottt. Lake we. and W note, which: night _ _ ' "qet-b..eroqrltmuntwert-hiro , . II "hmdatinth.fimtinat-teer- t . . J2,,ilte.r t/ $02.? ounce: Putt ttnatgtot New with the tind- llrmll advices. He PM†to†ingot this!“ Who - and {and uptown!» and instructive Damon: 'tt tnffi, I ha". W. " tic at both services, “a In: “tattvely ' to . . "t In nth-Ix l', 1mm to by the lugs C0Mri- “1 do A"dt t"2',,',1rg',ttt and mm pie-ant. He will move to Blair . no fr".. mof; this week, when he will mm his @130. 1% BO Mi†"quit ; headquarters a: City Mission Presi- "N o C. I. t. M the "H dent. The new pastor. Run t N -r.ttuhsuatialir “I†and 'tave _ Miss Ruth Rector BEBE Mr. Nylon; said that the idea of coming across the line originated a year or two ago. and a representa: tive of the Rutenberg firm, manuUe- haters of motors. paid a visit to Can, ada. The representative reported that the demand was not large enough tor motors in Canada to make it advisable to open up a branch plant. Other manuiacturers ot auto: mobile accessories were tt?Paehth and Mr. Nyberg while looking over; the ground in the interests at hir, firm, is also acting as an advisory! agent for the other frrms, who anti-1 dilate moving to Canada it assured of work. With an adiomohile indus- try here, that would turn out sev- eral hundred machines a year, these “duties would lollmw in a short time in the opinion of Mr. Nyberg. The Nyberg our in the United States sells for about $2150, while here it would be sold tor about 32350 if im- ported. The same car could be built in Canada, it the mries were manulactured here for about 20 per In his remarks he saw that his firm does not manutactule each part of the automobile, but specialize in “mumbling the beat parts on the mar- ket, employing henna]. 150 and 175 machinists, decorators and other In- bon-rs. The firm is not I new one, having started operations in 1990. I.“ MATE The regular meeting of the Berlin Board ot Trade was held on Thursday evening, at which Mr. Nyberg of The Nyberg Automobile Co. ot Anderson, Indiana, addressed the members in reference to the location of his ‘fao- toyr in a Canadian city. Sounds too good to be true? We; R‘UARANTEE IT. "t The first full sip bottle FREE if D.D.I). cannot reach your case. For your comlott's sake, it is worth a triad. Come In and let us tell you about it. Also about D.D.D. so- it helps. Constant itch. Intolerable agony, ECZEMA! A few drops of a mild, simple wash --instant relief-- all skin _ distress GONE. of Brantford, passed away at' his home here at 9 o’clock last night. The late Mr. Bennett was born in Lynn, Regis, Domhester, England, on June a), 1815, beingason ol the late Capt ennett, R. N. He came to Canada in 1839, having previously served in her Majesty’s navy for ten years. On his arrival in Canada he settled on a farm at Woodstock, and in 1850 he removed to Brantford. He had lived under the reign of six monarchs - George 111., George IV., William 1V., Victoria, Edward VII. and George v. Ira!. Ira! Ita! and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic and unless baby's little stomach is kept right the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stom- ach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Branttord, Oct. 13.e-J. G. Bennett w)ttr, was possibly, the oldest citizen Fall Weather-Had Can-diam lull weather is mrteyettety hard on little ones. One day it is warm and bright and the next wet partial success. an; 830 about be deducted from the out which would othrwino b “able to the bank. A motion tor judmt was me upon the‘nport. Judiment is granted Jith tttn-rt-e-b-g. A. “(~th la nuns-maul..- an as. 'ta- (may. A. G. Haehnel, Druggist, Waterloo. D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION FOR m: z. in flow at this DRINK HABIT ‘ can be ammo by the NEAL 8- DAY TREATMENT. Call upon, Id- dream or phone Thu Neal Institute. " ST. ALBANs_s'r.,_iRoirt2,, The London police were beaten in an attempt to take Sylvia Pankhurst into custody. l whiskey any more-ae, doeatr't want it and mNtn't look at it. I want â€Press my gratitude --." From a scnuine letter among the scam w: can than you, proving shoduhly that tho The many Berlin friends of Mr. Albert H. Ziegler, ot Melville, Sask., who was here several weeks ago to attend- the funeral of his mother, Mrs Enoch Ziegler, will regret to learn that he.has s.uiiered the loss by death of his daughter, Miss Myrle, who was in her 17th year, which took plan on Sept. let. Her mother and the deceased were terribly burned in a tire which destroyed the home, and which resulted in the death of Miss Ziegler. Mrs, Ziegler was also seF lously burned but will recover. The deceased is survived by her parents, one-brother and one sister. The Melville Times says, "Miss Ziegler was of a very calm and pleasing dis- Dosition; she was a thorough student; her ambition was to make the best out ot her lite." Mr. Neil Van Nostrand, was best man. and the ushers were Mr. George Wedd, Mr. Arthur Roswell, and Mr. Basil Would. After a small Rogue]: at the home of the bride's father, in Delaware avenue, Mr. and Lr1g, It“. Among the guests were the groom's tour grandparents, Colonel aim Mrs. Goodman ot Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Redd. SUCCUMBS To Saved her Husband The bride. who was escorted to the altar by her “then wore a lovely gown ot white satin, with rose point lace Ind need pearls. and tulle veil nd orange blossoms. and she carried B shower at roses and lilies . 'eN"Tt$rNtMr7i%rirrnrtrirs, the bride truoling in q taupe poplin suit, and last to match. On their return they will reside at " Oxford street. I!" ot It]: Gnulml Yan - Nos- mu. Irttr ot Mr. and Mrs. George J. 'an Nostnnd, to Mr. “by M. Wodd, eldest sou of Mr. - M. Redd, at Bonn. Ont. The Ionic. was taken try the Rev. Canon lush. ot “any. cousin ot the bride uni-M by a rector, the Rev. An- thony Hart, Mia Alma Franklin ttt Oshawa, presided at the organ, and played salt music throughout the Tho Church ot Bt. Mary m Virgin yon-b, at 345 on Wednesday at- "Mr Vim-VAN NOSTRAND. BONE IN THREE DAYS. HER INJURIES N. 2087. be put on it Waterloo for its pat- rons than the "Anitas." The "Anitas" concert ot the Wat- erloo Lyceum Course has been cal- celled. Those patrons holding seats for this concert may ietain them for the next one which will take plies on Nov. 5th. A telegram from the Rodnath Bureau ot Chicago states that a mag _atstrensive attraction will Pep, fumes Lis'iGiiilk Ind unti- aeptic. They heal I. tiuuo and kill dim-o gel-ma. ',"ifi, bring ttttge fume; to your)» min-tau“ you‘d-g tothe Iriat forâ€?! _ _ _ _ _ staunch t CONCERT CANCELLED to} that hold that ni t otmgb, the winch 'iityiiiihriii?, dopgld'au you iUmed membranes of your hulking- tub- and pm tighten to tho tiny pou- nges of the Iusttts--a court. no liquid or solidhmeditiino could possibly take; . into " r. . 3 You 'm'llt'l'im, the and, In 'e 'so-itat, lung. diroet-asot "AIM“ to your atom-oh. which in not oiling, (8eis yt.m0 Tht.utl.itqr,tte.rte, "I.- See dia ttr. Thebul' (mun-hi- af.,itG.'dr1',','.d,, bathe 'derJlfl'lts! in- i" Why ihen,when yautiunu and chest are affected. m4 you dose your stomach--- absolutely separate organ- with medicine? I. it not in '5effer,f6 heal Hie ailing on": "gill 0 wide nim I treatmcnt Ge _ oougha,ooldl, ' _ 21"hhiti,f. M, n u ' 'ld e l t eggd W. , bemoan the iuurGriiid stomach. " wrong widr your stomach.- uy indigestion. or ulceration --would you think ot “him some medicine which went- not to your stomach. but to your lungs? Ceyttinly not! troubles. videe an entirely new ind eetive tgeagmcnt been!“ a} preparation put up into tabloid 'T. vanilla form, which on; {lave y_ou heard about My?