""" “"-'""‘ --"-"' Y"W"'"PV"', .'"""Me u h a" w u, . M", ' a ’t-III-a " ir"l-iiiitxil%r,iiii;.o','i" l r h It A†in. In "ASFN.Ho80" ' â€minimum . W' a we. Uni-two“ will nut we _ VAM'.' mummmmuuu j. ttd'J'lti,"il.', ..... - tte/delle/dented'.": F I o . 'e 'ttg"?,,'.",',.'"':','.",.',',.")" Wat Mann-4 0M “Cm“ .6r' . ea.tmrge.trtodtbatvagt mounts _ an ell-m m 'ulecaiiao"-'eviotttrtt"ttt “I. In all 1g w. lot,deuvery~ mu: my will chap m: cm de-god to: imam my “a†nun-m u. tf.tu1'2.te,1',r, rt"."",',', I",'; Boo loom; cou- Pft"" at - .- a“, tor wag-k: buying animals tor delivery “d“ “but " "iottaduestsrouriaq tho country 'tee - " In: .- '5.ttredar tor weeks buying animals tor delivery "It--.- L, games thel'nderwood tarilbe - b m - M can cunt-ice. w. my! q b g“. Everywhere more has been . rush - u “a to take advantage' ot this wider mar- M ml- -- ll Mt, with the natural mun um w b “ hon a -t$e.tisea. prices are going up. The Quebec -ee-e"-ee'"1"e"""e"" 're)egrapt' states ttat prices ot fish My will rise, as the new tam enables , - Canadian tisthermeqt to remain in Liberal since cmstqdertrti9tt Chattie- Canada and sell their product in gas)" has at last - wasted horn American markets without duty. The u... n,n..m| mlumn. It woods are Ottawa "re" say: Liwal since corsiqdertrti9rt Chattie- Cam: and sell "I" PIMUE In gun)" has at last been treated from American markets without duty. The the Liberal column. " reports are Ottawa pnpers say: true. however. decent Conservatives "Meat prices to go " and increase are not likel to nine]: ride . tel come soon; and tM.t tam“; the result when the methods used are ot cattle at all kinds are being ship- taken into tceourt. . pod iron: the district to the States. Sir Wilfrid Lauder. the Liberal Despatchrs from every part ot Can- candidate, Hoa. Sidney Fisher, Md ads show a stureosg m the price of Otter Liberal speakers went into the tood products as well as most of the riding and endeavored to place the staple articles ot living. - issues tttat divide the WW The cost of living will irkvitatrty he the MW and tlo tarub-hsiriy helore higher in Canada than it has ever the electors. Instead ot joining up heen. This is obviously due to two issue, however, Premier Borden dis- reasons: First, the American Govern- cretely kept out ot the riding and lelt ment has reduced its taritt in order his Minister ot Elections, Hon. Bob to secure reduced cost ot' living to Rogers, and the Quebec members at ita own Consume“. thus increasing his Cabinet to carry on a canipaign the demand tor Canadian products. marked by sectional appeals, person- The canadianA1osertrment has rettttF glilies and wholesale promises oi pub- ed to touch ttte taritt in order to lie works and avoidance oi the real keop up the cost ot living tor the issues. In addition, it is asserted, they benefit cl its friends "The interests", were assisted by a.gang of election In spite oi the tact that, this change "workers" who undertook to buy has long been foreseen. the Borden Votes by 'wholesale with moncv and Government has remained ,true to its whiskey.- . . Ihigh tarilt friends. The defeat of such a singularly able administrator and experienced parliamentarian as the former Minis- ter of Agriculture will occasion re- gret among Liberals generally. The means by which it was accomplished will likewise, we believe, be regretted try the great body oi Conservatives. It is the duty of the Liberals or Chautcguay to are that.eharges ot bribery and corruption arc formally laid, so that they may be thorough- ly probed and the guilty quickly ptut- Mod. . . According to reports from Strat-l lord work upon the' location of a radial line at railway from that citu to Linwood via New Hamburg and Wellesley is about to begin. What is tho Berlin Boardut'Iraiin-drrintg to protect the interests ot Berlin in tttitr-tturttert " this rich action is given a radial connection with Strat» ford, and is,allowcd to remain with- out similar facilities tor reaching Berlin. a large amount of trade naturally tributary to Berlin is sure to be cut oil. . The Solution! Herald aptly rerersil to the new U. S. tariff bill as "att, emancipation act," which it says "frees the American people from onerous taxation largely in the in- terests of the rapariousr corporations and trusts which had jollied the elec- torate into thinking their interests were mutual." This sounds encour- aging coming from a respectable Con- servative journal which helped the Canadian interests to jolly the Cana,- dian people into voting against a reduction in their land taxes two Sears ago. Speaking in the Otauteguay cam- paign Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared that ont oi the crying evils ot the day is the cost or living, which has increased over any per cent. during the last tow years. In spite ot this, however, the Government piles up a $50,000,000 surplus, instead ot re- ducing the burden of taxation by re- ducirg the tariff on the nectssaries ot life. South Lanark was the first Domi- niml constituency to become open but " is to be tte last lo be filled. Huh Rogers. " is said, Is waiting tor time to heat the split that has divid- ed the Conservative only in this riding. The present tmnprr rot the opposing camps however, would in- dicatr that he will mail in mm. Tho commission ot flxat doctors ap- pointed to examine into the sanity of ammo Smith. alleged trigarmst. in tail at XI 't'ltotttrr, lunlmmu‘r. him lulu. EDITORIAL NOTES Resp up the cost of living tor the benefit ot its friends "The interests". In spite ot the fact that this change has long been foreseen. the Borden Government has remained Arne to its high tarilt friends. Spanking does not cure children ot bed-wetting. There is a oonstitution- al cause forthis trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box IT 501, Windsor, Ont., will send tree to any mother her suc- cesslul home treatment, with lull in- structions. Send no money but write her to-day it your children trouble you in this way. Doa't blame in child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine vdifrtcuIties by day or night. He and 'rasirlermfst Had Prohibited Bird In Possession. (SALT, Oct 14.--A novel case "I tried at police court. today. The local Fame rrdeit car-no Into pos- session of a Mr gneclmen of imsee- uvorous bird. Another warden dis- covered the l’rd at the taxidermist's 3nd trausesscic1tist_owaelMst. _ ,, 11g BROCKVILLE LAD JOLTED 0FF TENDER -u.. ._-M._r_-----""-'-_- promptly lam charges against Both the omccr ot the law and the axyert stulter. .Thc tornter's, plea. was the! he had found the bird dead in the woods. which plea seemed to the police mngislraie reasonable enough, it sometimes happening that a shoot- er picks up his sumo dead. The man employed to mount the prize thought he was safe. seeing that his customer was a game warden. Fail- ing proof ot actual shooting of the bird by defnndants. the were con- victed on the lesser charge of hav- ing t lined Hrochillo, Oct. l3. - (Canadian Press)--'"-." Turner, aged eight, on stealing a ride on a (trader of a freight Sunday night was jolted oit a track and cut to pieces. This wakes the second accident from the same can» in the Cr, T, R. qards within a weds. Better Than Spanking WITCH MA CREAM (1.5 it" fun possession, and both were JANE WattDiu'N FIXED. A delightfully soothing. haunt lotion. which will an you the discomfons of toughened cheeks. claw hands and sore lips. and keep your skin soft and white. 25c I bottle. at pm Dnzggm's. 20. DIVIOIII II“. ll. CHI-Wit co. 0, “CIOA. 0."... â€ITO!!!- mun-[wk um WWMWFWDI w mamas. La n ran-mum“- . s 't'.'terdd i%lt7'ir. lies, l " tum“. on. on. t8.--- Chuuuxuy may. - an. otnmderautttt. u yam no. In .1003 reptuoeuled in Purim.“ by I leenl, In the byo-eucuu on Bunt- any electod June- um. Caucu- nve. n mldent ot the county. by a anon†ct '" vote. oven- lion. Bro- Icy Putter ttd Drama. --- . gnu AL- Ln-nln The vote in graham]: the bank! we; noticed at . Dominion auction. Avenxin‘ u some ot the poll- " â€Hm: of " per cent. at menial-to. but throughout the comtstuency on: iit per cent ot the electors on the man’ Itat cut tttetr butota. “‘u V" Trem vV‘u VV‘VV, Ttsit succeutul con’lldntc momma .hrough three ot the principal vii. suuaasstituittastteaieyttry and in nn'lntervlev here stated he be- ieved the result in approbuion tty Premier Borden's and policy and .eeord. "The race cry which was touetree an by speakers tor my opponent." he said, "had no exec: whatever on my vv'rerreh-trpealriatr trteruU. who torn ave-thirds oLthe population ot Ch! com tr. 1 consider the men nccom paying Sir Willrid lander. VIN uurled insulting epithet.- righi one left as wen rebuked by the electors: Mr. Fisher said he considered an election one ot the most wrrupt h his experience. For two weeks, In said. he had seen evidences of crook amines: and thought he would be tbor manly justitted'in entering protest. -e -. . __e_B. um... St. Jean Crysoslome Chatenuguay . . . . . . Sturbain ......... Ste. Clothilde . . . . . Ormstowu . . . . . . . St. Sacrament . ; . . St. Martine . . . . . . St. Amoine L’Abbe. St. Phllomeu . . . . ... The Tortures _ . of Rheumatism "Eh" GGiirG Lemieux said: "The loss Us all cutstettuguay's and all Can ada'sJ' _ DRIVEN FROM THE SYSTEM BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. , The when! tfaCFtuiiiiiiriiiiir who has not gone about curing himsel! in the right way must expect a return of the torture with every change to 'cold or: damp weather. It is Bot the, change in the weather that causes the rheumatism, but it does start ‘the aches and pains. Rheumatism is a deep-seated _disotder of the blood. You cannot possibly cure it with outward applications or hot gemen- lations as so many people in their ignorance of the real cause oi the trouble try to do. ... Aggregate majorlty,. . 198 " Majority tor Morris, 144. N The detailed vote by polls la not yet evaluable, except in two or three instances. In three poll; ot Oil-tenu- guey parish. which even the Comer valves expected Mr. Fisher to entry by good majorities. Mr. Morris had a majority ot 19. carrying Chateauguay basin and Woodlands respectively by " and 86, while Chateauguay vil- '"'iiu"iuirU/Gia '0} -t" on the in. u: but tour voted. ...u, ,._U___.__- -....4|A..n. mnlnmd " nun an, nun? \,......._..‘,‘...v V, Inga gave Mr. Fisher a, majority ot 4:3. In St. Martine at poll 19_Mr. Morris had a majority ot 26 mad at poll 20 a majority of 13. . Rheumatism can only be driven oat _ ol the system by driving out the poisonous acid in the blood. This can only be done try making the blood supply rich. red and pure. It is in this way that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure rheumatism,- even at- ter other remedies had tailed. These :Pills make rich, red blood; they go right to the root ot the trouble. and the pains and aches are driven from the svmm and will not return it the blood supply is'lrcpt pure. ‘That is the whole secret of curing rheumat- ism, and it you area sullbrer begin to cure yourself today by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Among the many sullerers trom rheumat-ism who have been cured by this medi- cine is MistMary D. Kelly, South Bummer, Ont. Miss Kelly says: "Some years ago I had a very bad attack of rheumatism. At times I would be etmfitted to bed tor a cou- ple ot days and would seem almost paralysed with the intense pain in my back and legs. At such times i) could not walk, and my joints were? still and swollen. I consulted dim-r1 ml. doctors and took their medicine,) but did not get more than tempor- uy relief. At this time a neighbor advised me to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and I got a supply. After talk inga low boxes I found they were greatly helping m. and l continued their use until the trouble eomptete- ly disappeared, l can strongly re- mmmiend this medirine to others who sum-r as I did Irom the pan: and tortures M rheumatism." _ -you can get Dr. Williams' Pink (Pills through any dealer in medium ior by mail, post paid, at Mt tents a (i?: or sir limes tor $2 50 from Tho ltr Itrlliarrvd Mrtttrliso (UL, ttroct vslie, ont. 'iraioritiea by trtsrlsttes:- WEDSIDUIV.. "" f........ l9 le....... .. ......... " en! ..'.... sl'. ........ " L'Abbe... 3 .mu only be driven out driving out the the blood. This try making the red and pure. It Morris. Fisher 56 . . I " . . "The " 20 16 w'n-u "MB"..-. vâ€. - - -e_-- -7. V - -- Idaho Conn ml. in WWI 'tMui- --R-r mm (8; his mu! and to “Omani-Qt cum ot huntâ€: Pro-hymn- lot the year WM, “it, “18.97. New 31;0M.Wuuou It - iiiaiuai9r,'.yt.tei'" a. month I mated "who: ot primal: n vac mica, m untried. up PN',t'; that loin n total Tu could nine: [out or write; ot an. r' the If. - prawn to we" reported a tantra, “I ot m. "With no no primr- netting time at the beginning ot a. year than was a total cl In. Last yes: there were IN prison- er: committed, ad during that m- iod the prisoner: committed in Claim ware looked the: in Hahn. The out tor rations rer,truorr daily “I 10.91 cents, a may in- he are.†ova last yes when an out a was 10.89 cam. ly 0! pm 106 incarcerated two wareza; 1mm 15 "s" ot . l: 118 I'm comm ttmt tint. " {I ; or I 1more than three times. ha I There were " sent. to Canal 't ‘Prlwn; ' to Kingston tGsitGtiiiF.leri " returned to Guelph jail; two sentll; to Retotmatorg, and " “attuned to ya [ms jam and theta maintained. Iii itut1 ai;N'ts"iiiikPR.isoMiR mull" - 18 were MW to Mod under " an; 38 [or thirty days and up; " tor " days or two months; " tor three months; 4 tor [our months; 1 tor tivts months; " for six months; 1 for nine months; 7 tor one year; 1 for 23 months; 5 tor three years and up. 69 ot the Prisoqers were maintained ‘by the Government and 122 by the _ municipalities. Waive-time“ prisoners spent 1302 days, municipal prisoners 2,877 days in the jail. __ _ _ - "NatuGutiee:-caeye 94; Eng- lish M; Irish 6; Scotch 12; United Two Fingers severett.--Mr. William Smith met with a serious mistortihus recently while operating a rip - at the c. o. k S. F. The first and second fmgers at the lelt hand" in coming in Contact, with the saw were severed and the yum finger badly lac- erated. , : F, into- Tanglcd ire-ters"?' alter- noon .3 motori who had gotten into um 'ttfart, 'fbt ogrpofapion, sent an emergency mat to the Driever garage. The trouble' arose trom' a fence corner jutting out too far into the road, causing the car to get tangled up with the corner ience. Business Change-Mr. W. A. Blas- chke has this week purchased the ei- Icnsive retail meat business of Pres-i ton and vicinity. which has been eon-! ducted for forty years try his father, Mr. Gustave Shayne ' Son. Handsome New msidmee.--Rev. C. Lucas moved into the Lutheran manse _reccntly. His new home was provide‘d by the members of the church at a cost of $4,500. and is most comfortable and attractive con- taining every modern convenience 0mm a-turi, of. thiyrtett.1!ioutfeeett, - Rev. Dr. Barber, of Listowet, for- merly pastor of the Methodist church here, was greeted at both services Sunday by large congrega- tions. _ Struck by Falling Brick. - Al, foreigner while at work at the cup-I ola of Clare's fouzdry received a) nasty wound in the head by a brick; falling and striking him. The skull was laid .barc, requiring many, stitches. 'bir. Arthur Meadows, wife and child who bave hm spending the past two teeks with relatives in Preston, "lertin and Hamlet, returned to their jorne,in 'London to-dar-YS. Pois- brme,in 'London to-dar-Mrs. Pots- m. of Male. who spent the past mural w’egks at the home ot Mrs. George Roth, returned home to-day. "art. apd Ws. John Bohn, ot Guelph Township, visited at the home ‘0! the httet'l sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Hilton: on Sunday. Broth Len Arm ..-Carrie Bell, the 8 year old daughter of Mr. anll Mrs. Mpttto Wiles on the Btesiau in a positive cure tor Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, Bladder and [<in Stones, Gravel, Lumbago, Rheumatic Pains, ailments of uric acid origin. Price $1.50. t'orrespondence invited. The Sanol Mfg. Co. Lat, Winnipeg, Man. For sale. at Druggist. A: G. Hae- hnol, \Vamloo. W354% 213†_it,1, ").)'_i_'ii'),jii,),ii',i.'.i,',i,i, b . _ ' _ (lo',),"!,,',,',,'.',,,",,: SANOL Preston County ' Jail u intenperato._. l om to: which eommiuads-Ab unite language 1; mule T, new“ 'lelonious A; mutatio- I; contempt oi own 4; unity 1.9 animals F, am! 1nd disorderly so obstructing eo.- stahlo a; tram! w, bone stealing I; house-bu Aing and robbery b, inde- cent "tiaus.. 4; inmates ot how at ly-ttte a; keeping home ot ill-(um :3; thett W, inane 6; murder 1; up Ii audio- 6; have“ U; um LiLArhtiecalt-.aL-.-------------- I otsuPtstiomr--Arnta 3; baton t; mm 1; blacksmith: 3; madm- t. boy' ot no occupation 2; mm 'mnlm-s 9; carpenter- 5; aim-molten F, clerks 2; cooper: 1; engineers. and machinists 12; (m: 3; Inhom- 28; lawyers 2; masons 4; moulds: IV. sailor- I; servant: w, tuna 1; was“ A; weavers and woodwork or: d; vacuum 1; no countdo- IP, other occupations Mt The number of prisoners on Supt. 30th, 1913, were 9 men and , women. I The cost of food. incl. clothing. water, light $1,253.67; omen [glu- ies $1625. Ordinary repairs to the jail $85.30; daily cost per prisoner tor rations 10.91 cents. , Greatest ‘numher of prisoners eon- fined at any one time 20; lowest number 4. . A Wï¬vero wue no death during the year and no escapes. road, Friday, broke her left arm at the wrist in a very simple manner. The little girl, accompanied her mother to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Iragey. In a playlul manner she crawled into an apple tree and ' descending she took hold ot a Irraeh with both hands which was live feet tron: the ground and swung lien-self down. In alighting she drop- result. t . Died 01: Saturday y-The death 'oe- tuned on Saturday ot Sophia, wile If Mr. Jacob KuNemann, in her six- ty-first year, ala result ig in" at- tuk ol appoplexy which she sunered a month ago. Deceased was twice married, her tormer husband being the late Frederick Brusso, the father ol the famed Noah Brusso, better known as Tommy Burns, once chant- tron pugilisc. ilrs 'i'GO Wiener of Detroit is Ipending several weeks with her bro- ther Re". u. Lucas. ' The adjourned case oi the alleged keeping of a disorderly house by a Syrian woman, and three alleged Ire lid not warrant a conviction. b Jitusuuauuuucu, Theaihtdd'tt any article. intended to relieve the sufferings of humanity is not lightly won. There must be continued proof of value. But for three generations, and throughout the world, endur- ing and growing fame and favor have been accorded BEtiiqlliAll,llll's ttttit,' because they have proved to be the best corrective and preventive of disordered con- ditions of stomach, liver, kid- neys and bowels. The ilrgt dose gives quick relief and Ci, manent improvement fol w: their systematic use. A trial will show wh , in all homes, the use of 'gd,'ldlll4 Pill: s.Mov-rl..s hit-nu.“ , dd... I. a. m; evidence “may. was banal ooeotoooeoeeerqeeeereol ---- her leit hand'wsm the arm: 4.me LL: "o-ou-toF. The "ttltg2 Amati†d n loo (but! ' FREE LABOR BUREAU I ' " Kin St. West, Berlin. We have nannies for an m wo- men in nil line: of work. " you an out ot employment mania†with us gt once. No chug tor m “on at union M. 10-. Sanderson', Bakery Kilt St., “who. I THE "nonunion BANK Fun-y Oahu. SWEATER COATS 8: UNDERWEAR In a“ 'iog'ala Aural-76m- INVEN- TOR'S AD ssmwmn wilt be um fr". E. H. THAMER & song, for whatever GROCERIES you need, 5991411; get as gopd service as though you visited the store in {Jason ' DIETRICH’S GROCERY‘ 1hm 8imply Need tif Telephone of Send Your child " new â€Winoneuy lane and well assorted “out ot Sn.- ter Coats (or children, hon. youth, men and lame m. with or Winona callus, in linemen, Teddy Bear and other twins, top Me up to 85.00. These vulne- are exception]. '.' -. u _ 'C,' Ont Underwear department is complete with a [use my .0! men s. m a _ qua nee, with most reasonable mm. We invite your inspection. 90 KING STREET EAST 'At ait Braden. has! gnawed at high“ cumin uh. MARION A MARTO.N. a“ Unit/mu: It. mum-I. u mucus m CANADA. ' A menu. Imam BUSINESS TttANBACYED. amount uirrems or canon- ......... manna canvas ........ A... Wynn“. BANK song»: was ........o.6 b........-.. ‘m’ ', Bonn-turnout sum-.MID..W.- 1.an G. A. BOGERT. 00ml Wu -liees the bushes of Mamtuctur1ae-shouid be dam In a pruned business way. Proud: should be put in . bank. Payments should be made by Cheque. A certain percentage ot the prom, shoulglbe put In . Savings Account as an emergency fund. Tho man who has a cash surplus In ' bank, is relaxed 1:th bad seasons and hard times. Car. King and Scott Sis. trtt' Elm WINNING Ml“) Wt†. " “an.†szsuu BRANCH: sAoeu " Out. an“. J. R. Kirkpatrick. Iâ€. The Business Of Farming MATEO "" . - - KARL BEWARE Mung-r. . . . E. R. FITZGERALD, " LSDNS BANK Inca-mm In II... retatAsgeta am he. 1am BOARD or mummi- l Dr. J. H. In». an. [ mum sum. an. ', Geo. mew, m. J. L. Winona, Eq., Bt. "Jam _ All“ new“. 8-1.. Ptghqt. ws,ori'strxmE:.Nr mu SM.- muu'msns. ‘ _ rr' _, Waterlod Mutual Thoma Gowdy. Ell., Sine. Lie “I'm, thi, rm Haight, an. W. â€WWI. ..*ar-".R- Prank Hunt. m. Arthur Foam. W. a A. mu. mum “up. L lA‘l'EBLOO. ONT. OFFICERS BERLIN. ONT.