'5 4 ‘3.“ 7' 's " 's."t Pt .3" "', :3 _ TP, I ' : * F. "r r "’ -~- ir “Mr-$3 .'Cri' Tr1y77T,/, '. “-- _ A _ , a“: IlllEilr9itlt'l: _ x e p, ' r 3,1; 1" ff?“ c- 7 ', 'n SrEiiG . 3 . . _ ' . ,. . c'Ti- .45â€. A; ../ . ., '.' _,'(", o t 'q . ' i . N. a ‘ w" l; N l ' I '-l i" MEN'S ovmcons â€ME 't 31mm (l'eatet'ruii'""i" _, Why not buy the BEST and save future trouble new; --- ------ l livery one of these garments is prr- Ieci: in workmanship and made in the most popular fabrics, all new fall and winter models, made to fit any figure very highest standard of tailoring. , The tabries in these coats are the Just to be had and the artistic de- signing and tailoring bring these high grade coats to a level with the most painstaking efforts of high priced custom tailors. Both fall and win- ter coats are shown at this price. MEN'S OVERCOATS AT 810.00 tons. These are equal to a $20 or tas custom made suit. MEN'S SUITS AT ti2150 A reprerientativex showing of tho very latest clothing producéd in Canada. The coats are semi or has" fitting, have two, thu-e and tour but- MEN'S SUITS AT $10.00. The most pleasing selection of tall and winter suits at $10 that it haus been our pleasure to display. The designs and the beautiful stylish thorough way in which they are mada appeal to the man who know- â€W‘s†----' .--__ The fabrics in that! an": are Ferr one tho’roughly good and reli- able, ever)" little detail of won-Inlan- ship and style has been given the closest attention. These suits cannot be equalled in the city. Mas. - hr u Chasm» in - my: devising oi a can In Batista “NEE 1trtue clout (ac-operation with us, the makers ot our Men's Cloth. “his“. and are main taining the highest at. of perfection in - respectch lines, Their success has been most noticeable in than dunk. at 1 new system of measure meat, so that men ot all proportions can In .tstlatartoritv mum in our Ka rments. Wttsther or not you re . - ' ' ' . to he the most moderately priced ready-to-wear clothing in the city. may this great clothing store announces the complain-cu of its line. and Elections, made alter an exhaustive Teeiew ot the lam pro- iuctiou trom every source. All!!!“ Minus, Exclusive Colonngs, Funk-cs Tailoring, Moder- .†m In tour points ot distinction in favor at this season’s dis- may "ML; fell!) UN [EN’S SUITS AT $8.00. HON-BUSTABLE H. M. WILHELM it, Unusual wnrkmanship. style and quality ot loathe-r is the son why we continue to INCREASE our harness sales. WE {MFR UP UH! STATF'.MF,NTtr, WiLHEL.Wt4 â€MINI-28$ is too “on known to nred descrip- tion. Miller & Hohmeidr: 57. No. " PIIPEI BLOCK ' I!Ill.lll,0lll'. l Men's Working Shirts. A dunhlc, welt made lot of working shirts, in black and white stripes, all size! to choose from, regular 75c, Saturday of soft bosom shirts, Including every- thing new in the way of stripes, checks, dots and neat patterns, well made, regular 31.00, Saturday ... 69c Boy’s Underwear. Fleece lined gat- mpnts of superior quality, the kind that keeps the lad free from colds, regular 50c garment, Saturday 37c Mothers! We are not boastful _ in claiming that our prices am at least a third lower than others. The more carefully you compare qualities and prices the more thuroughly convinced you will be that] our claim is mod- eat. turers, per garment Saturday; ... 50c FURNISHINGS Mea's Underwear, Merino Cnder, wear, from one of the best manufac- ', H you have, in mind some partic- uiar Minion in [abric or eut or of brimmings you are sure to fmd it in this collection. n you’ve got tit to spend on an overcoat we'll show you a coat tor the money better than you over saw below. This coat combines stylo and good looks that can only be appreciated by the man who sees it. BOY'S CLOTHING. MEN'S OVERCOATS $17.00. I , . . nun-"c1 o an", qullClllUI Lnas. uncle Mons shrrts. A wide aaeeseerntlii'r'iiiii' here over Sunday. Mrs F soft Imam. chin-lo “mung“- ___-_ -- - - _ Purely a good comiortablr, new day Corset. will not create the slightest dlscom- fort oven in the first days of Its wear, lace and ribbon trimmed, sizes I8 to 30. Prier 'Prt .v.. ..r.T. - .rr.q.... ... $1.50 Ensicst and most simple stvlc of wear. comes without waist: band. guaranteed not to tear, will give inappreeiatrlt, comfort, elaborately trimmed with lace. baby ribbon and how, sires 18 to 30. Price A model which will suit. Trimmed with lace and baby ribbon. Has draw strings, twin hooks in front. Medium and large ligurrs, sizes 18 to 30. Prior .-eemrtr_ .9rr-..... $1.00 AT $1.50. ll ditierent styles of D. '6; A. new Corsets to choose from, ":LpiLrgptet4, m tor ever; wgnuu, no matter whayt, Iritlit or lit you require, we have it for mm Heir them. AT $1.35. AT $l.0o. hurled: lumen Shop in: St. - Vutcrloo _ WAHRLOO. ONTARIO. muuuv ttMitt rea- to see the new skating rink there, and get information with a view to remodelling the rink here-Mr. Fred Lewis, piano tuner oi Mt. Forest, was. in town the end ot last week.-- 1rr. Wm. Futher of New Dundee was in town last Wednesday-Mr. James Corrie of Stratford spent Sunday at his home here.--The Ministerial As- sociation ot-2ietw-A1amtturi-aaeb, ' i, nity held their regular meeting on Mohday."the nth inst,at the. home ot Rev. Mr. Morton, in New Dundee. -Rev. Mr. Haverstoeh, 3A., B.L.ll. of London, occupied the pulpit oi the Baptist church here on Sunday, both morning and evettirag.--Spmeial Tlar- vest Thanksgiving services were held in Trinity Lutheran church on Sun- dav last both morning and evening. -Mr. R. H. Knowles, license inspec- tor tor this riding, was in town ' last ',tjjrii:riitlt's,iiiii" A. Kaiser and son of Berlin, and Miss Ida Kaiser and Mr. Harry Devitt of Ayr were guests at the home of Mr. Chas. Appel.on Sun- day.-91r. and Mrs. George Pratt ol Ililverton and Miss Florence Herman of Tavistoek were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Herman last week.-, Mrs. Townsend of Owen Sound and Mrs. Trussler of Berlin visited " the home of Mr. and Mrt. Andrew Sar- aras last week.-Miss Mary Schroed- er of Mitchell is visiting at the home ol her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. s%chroeder.-- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Appel and son ol Milverton spent a few days with the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Appel. - The many friends of Mrs. Eclihardt: Kalb- lleisch who has been seriously ill, will be pleased to learn she is re eovrring.-senator and Mrs. Ratz, Mr. Jacob Ratz, Mrs. Daniel Rat: and Mr. Ed. Ilata attended the ture etal oi the late Ker. Mr. Winkler in tit, Jacobs on Tuesday.- Rev. Mr. Vttelker, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church here, has joined the [acuity of the new Lutheran Seminary at Waterloo. Rev. Mr. Voolker will be there once a week to ttr1tit " duties. -Mr. John Herman‘s son. Lloyd George, was operated on by Dr Anderson of this town, and Dr. Gillespie ot Baden for an ttMietion Iol the throat. and Is doing "xi-Tho Hartman bridge, which was covered with a new cement floor and other- wise strengthened, was opened for 1 trattic on Wednesday of last week. 1 The County Road and Bridge Com.. l mum was here on Monday to in- 'ittrct the job, Mr. Jas. A. Vance I had the contract and the work was I pronounced wry satitttartory.-Mi" I Gladys Marty of llreslau Public I School stall, spent the week-end with 1 her parents, Dr. and Mrs, Marty.-- I Mr-and Mrs, Schiller lpent Sun-lav 1 mm friends in "erlim--Mr, and Mrs. r thnecht is over 87 years of age, and still is in good health, and made the trip trom Detroit alone.--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier and Mr. Ferdinand Meyer of Stratford motored to town on Monday last with Mr. Richardson to visit their mother, Mrs. Henry Meier.-Messrs. S. R. Stuart, J. F. Ran, J. A. Hartman and D. Geiger, directors of the New Hamburg Rink Co, motored,to Preston on Tuesday Local 1nd Peraomu.--Mr. Laiayetu News Note-Peo) our Tiei- gl-Tufunmm 1;: W Hostetler was a business visitor in nity are bully en Asking up 0:32;; in t I: r; Ih"l Toronto last week-Mrs. Merkel oi manni- luld sugar _ud' a raw Mi J2 J"l'l at: “- Preston, with her sister Mrs. IDs.) have started " the int-The ',"h, anâ€. .. t 'd,", . Wall oi Sevannah. Florida. where the Ministerial Sunday V and Chris- 2,",'l ll' T/IU', dome“ guests ot Mrs. iDr.t Marty on Fri- tin Endeavor 00.7. s, will be :3 dwt‘ ' et a ur 'IU' day.-Miss Beatrice Katmmeier spent held in m U. B. Ctttg - » on the ms. r d "M": "Cm“??? d Friday with lriends in Seatorth.-Mr 18th and soul or all; _ ell. Every. or dl" or o. " ana & Theodore Séhuler ot Berlin is Bttettd- body come, as good " ere will Detrol . in; a few weeks At his home here.- be $trMent.-Mr. Ind . William . Miss llollinger and Miss Barton ot Knechtel and Mga, I Knechtel _ Bloomingdale Berlin were the nest; ot hits. -- of Ber ir w wt . “ ------=".r" es t on "firiiira-y.=Mrs. Gardiner - may of New Dundee. u ted with lens .- a. and children spent a lew days last Mr. and Mrs. A. C. , In on Burt- 5:13:34); 2tlte a?†week with lriends in Baden-Mr. and dar-Mr. and In. J = Schweitzer visited Mrs. Bemis on Wadi Miss Mata Were in Toronto last eailed on him“ t†ghhorhood Mrs. Josiah Snyder and tt week.-atr. and Mrs. Louis Peine on tsunday.--' . Ha . Romano! Ida and Mabel Snyder ot 1 bit last Tuesday toe Toledo, Ohio, Berlin spent Sill“! in "r neighbor renewed acquaintances on where Mr. Pei-e will attend the Ca- bood.--Mr. James m -. . ited with day --Mr Norman Schweitm lladian Ticket Agent's Association. Mr. W. S. Woods on " ‘ r.-. Mr. "-3"th Mr ind Mrs. Amer“ From there they will go to Chicago Norman Kate: and "L. rt Klie tut on 'iiairC-Tir. Jami to visit with Mr. Peine'lr sisters, in called on friends at r u burg on Limerick and Miss Minnie Russell and Mrs. Clarke, and his t"sundar.-T'to Edward . Literary Doon and Mr. and Mrs. Men (brother, Mr. Charles Peine.,- Mr. Society have decided to- . Done the ot Berlin were all guests at Ham!) Hotimart made a business trip meeting called for Ody. 8th, on ar Mrs. Alex. SM“ on Sum to Berlin and Gait last week.-- Mr. count of the convention, tat willpro- D. M. Bernie returned home, and Mrs. Robert Kerr of Stratlord hubly hold it- on the to! in; Satur- day trom in eight weeks' tr were in town last week.-Nirrs Violet day. Coast-Mi- Pearl Bedtor, Schuler is visiting friends in Berlin. lin Sundayed at her home h -Mrs. Koerber of Lexington. Mrs. --... _ -.---.---..- Bocttinger ot Bridgeport, and Miss t . Clara Koerher of Berlin were the _, Brealau . Kingwood guests of Miss Rabin last ThurBday- - Mr. John E. Bingemnn was in Port it I - . Items of Interest-Mr. N Stanley on business last Wednesday. Wi tms ot ntcrest.-- Mr. and Mrs. of Nithburg spent a day la -Miss Carrie Merncr of Cleveland, "him Mader and her “we '"l"."Y at the home ot his mother, Ohio, spent a few days with her sis- lldelvul and Mr. and Mrir. Geo. Reich R. Yost.-Niss T. DOWN at ter Mrs. Jacob Grail on her return and family motored to Bever.ir on Pearl McAllister visited a ll lrom Calgary, where she was the Ysunday.--Mr. Elmer 1"!qu Mr em- at the. home ot Mr. and Mr guest of another sister, Mrs, A. Bos- played st the Dominion Sugar Co. B. Hammomi.-Mr. Henry K berry.-Mrs. George Hildebrand of at with? at. presents-Fine bells eompanied by his uncle, Mr, Stratlord, and her sister, Mrs. Sch- are rhtrlBtt m PY midi-Mr. and Wilson, spent a few days t ncclll, of Detroit, were visitors to um A ra. Heury Reick spent suntiw with tires at Woodstock.-Mr. Bt farmer's son, Councillor Chas. Hilde .If- f}? ps. John WM"- - mond and Miss Ella Chaim 'iita-tataeematitaatetuaatetataatatataiett Our Busy N eighbdrrs New! pom sanctum), man-uh? Cetrreerpondettts In County 3211M Died Last Week- The death took place! in East Zorn on Tuesday ot last week of Mr. Christian Ruby, 3 highly respected farmer of the neigh- borhood, at the age-o! " yum nnd tt days. Deena-ed raided in But Zorn for many years and leaves A host of friends who mourn his an misc. The luneral took place on Friday iorenoon to the Amish ceme- tery, Huh Line, But zorra.-. Born: In New Hamburg, on Saturday, Oct. 1lth, to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Warner, a daughter. llapplld Married.-A quiet wedding took place here on Wednesday, when Mr. Luis Schmidt of Baden was married to Miss Ella Greenwood of Wellesley. The young couple will take up their residence in Baden. Their many friends wish than a happy tutd;prosperous wedded lite. _ Air/Chas J. Fox, manager of the local branch of the Standard Bank of Canada has published a work en- xtitlcd "The Pariah of Wilmot." It contains the history of the Church ot England in this 'Parish, mhracing New Hamburg and the Township ot Wilmot, and dates back eighty-five years, covering the period trom its inception to the present year. A loot-note on the introductory page states that the entire profit, it my. after paying the expense of printing, will go to the chureh.--Mr. and Mrs. Forest of Word street, Toronto, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter May, to Mr. Cleland Halley organist and choir master of Grace Church, Toronto. The marriage will take place early in November. The many friends of Mr. Halley extend their heartiest swomrratulauonsr. Pteatralttiy Entertaitsed.-On Tues- day evening about sixty friends and neighbors assembled at the home ot Mr. John L. Otto, Bleam's Road, to spend the evening with the family previous to their moving into tomt to occupy one of the new residences Mr. Otto erected the past Bummer. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and games. During the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Otto and family were presented with a ‘nicely worded address, accompanied (with a substantial gift trom those assembled. Mattias of Strattord spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kahgeisch.-- Mr. Louis Berlet of Sebringvillc spent Sunday at his home here.- Miss Linda Kearacher, trained nurse of Toronto, returned to her duties on Items ot Intcrest.-- Mi. and Mrs. William Nader and her little nephew Melvin and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reich and family motored to Beverly on sunday.--Mr. Elmer Prartge. is em- ployed at the Dominion Sugar Co. at Berlin at presence-Wedding bells are ringing in our midi-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Submariner. - Mr. Otto Leaning sold hits, farm to Mr. Herman Seize! ot Bridgeport. H has not considered when he will reside-Nr. and Mrs. giii,'r; Knit and Mr. and MN. Ki _ -,:--l;lause spout 2ae, with up?!“ '." Mrs. David Bi tNman.-- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prange spent Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Dan Krnmp at Shanta stauon.-The, Misses Laura and Christina Bechtel and brother Manuel spent Sunday with relatives at Mannheim. here. may of New Dundee. ted with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. In on Burt- dar-Mr. and in. J Schweitzer called on {than in the ghborhood on t"sunday.-' . Ha Bowman! Berlin spent Sud†in neighbor- bood.-Mr. James H . ital with ‘Mr. W. S. Woods on r.- Mr. Norman Kant and In 'I Klie called on (timid- at burg on Sundar.-They Edward . Literary Society have decided to- pone the meeting called for Oct. 8th, on ttr count of the convention. t will pro- bably hold it on the tol ing ""t day. News Noti-PeoNo our vici- nity an busily " .takiag up pans) and my: ,ud' a law Items of Interest-Mr. Allan Yost “a of Nithburg spent a day last week Irtr at the home ot his mother, Mrs. Wm. eieh R. Yost.-Niss T. Dowd and Miss mt Pearl McAllister visited a tew days em- at the.homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Co. B. Hammomi.-Mr. Henry Kelly. ac- 'eits companied by his uncle, Mr. David a_nd Wilson, spent a tew days with rela- nth tires at Woodstock.-Mr. Boyd Hum- . - mond and Miss Ella Chalmers, both to ot Stanford, spent the wteYond at r. y. their homes he're.-Mist, Annie Chaim- wilt ers returned to her homo here after nit spending some time with friends at use Detroit.--Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- In. Donald spent Sunday at Mr. and E" Mrs. Duncan Bowers. The mports of the discovery of a new Arctic land by a Russian upe- dition arc Cottttrtned. United States is high? displeased at the treatment ot the Mexican Deputies. I Itrtmt of lamest.-Mrs. Henry i, ‘Scoble and daughter Grace of Berlin) “sited Mrs. Bemis on Wednesday. -' Mrs. Josiah Snyder and the Mimi Ada and Mabel sum of GGrGrl renewed acquaintances on “(canes-i day.-Wr. Norman Schweitwr of Salt Vinita! Mr. ind Mrs. Amery Schwei-I Limerick and Miss Minnie Ellie ot Doon and Mr. and Mrs. Merino Turret ot Berlin were all guests at Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sham! on Sunday.- Mr. D. M. Hernia returned home on Satur- day trom in eight weeks' trip to,the Coast-Mi- Pearl Redford ot Wer- lin Sundayed at her home hrre. tn: on stmdar.-htr. Jacob Pack ot It. JIM In. John Playlonl 'st, unno- slut My It the ion- a m. 11“â€le lune! sum: and li- Am were Ming; mum uoud Croat"! tart net-.113. and In. Austin (ll-Inn: a! Willa!" were Sunday nsitorts " Clown-A mu. baby boy "G) can. Inpucntly to any with Mr.l and In. A. Haatinoc-lt is rumors.†‘that Mr. Mme Bast han wld his Jana to Mr. Joe. Zetr..- A number [tom here attended the Methodist anniversary at Linwood last thur. day.-The Sacrament of the Lord's Buprer will he observed in Boyd Church next Sunday, Oct. lulu. Milo Jennie E. Harmon. ‘ho has been holidaying at home tor the put. week, Iett Saturday to resume he: duties u neuographor with the Ford Motor Co. ot Canada. Ltd; ot PENINSULAR Ranges are_THE BEST They create continuous currents ot WARM AIR in the room. There is a special mre inside the stove. apart from the fire chamber and flee from gas or smoke. This flue draws in the cold air from the floor, heats " and passes it out at the top. ___ ___ __ Telephone 215 In addition to this the Peninsular radiates extra heat near the floor. PENINSULARS are economical, both in Incl consumed and in their years of savior l-Weichel’s Weekly Store Ililewslbtl1" EEGRAPH. M WEI CHEL tir SON (ril .The STAR OAK Peninsula if:'! ar, No. 114, with feeder fl, and mica door The STAR OAK Peninsul- ar, N o. 117, with feeder and mica door The REGAL Peninsular, with oven,' full nickel plated The ELEGANT Peninsul- ar, with oven, full nickel _ plated $37 $40 $16 _ $20 Waterloo 32