Implements, Etc. â€"McCormick 6 ft. cut binder _ with sheaf carriee _ and #ruck, Deering 5} ft. mower, Masseyâ€" Harris ‘hay loader and â€" side rake, sulky rake, Massey Harris spring tooth cultivator, Noxon 10 hoe drill, J. H. C. steel land roller, McCortmick 4 . manure spreader, 4â€"section iron harâ€" ~row, nearly new, 3 section iron harâ€" row, 2 single Fleury plows, 2 sculâ€" fletrs, 2 wagons with poxes, 1 wuih sugar beet box, 2 puir hob sle shs i No reserve as farm is sold. Termsâ€"Chickens and alt sume of $10 and under cash. _ Over _ Shat amount 12 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed joint notes, or 5 per cent. off for cash payment of ctedit amounts. L. MHUEHNERGARND & SON, Prop. . J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. C ‘S KOLB, Clerk 8t. Implements...Brantford binder 5 ft. cut, combination drill, drill, land roller, disc, 5 ft. mower, Cockshutt plow new, Shantz potato and bect plow new, Yankee plow, Shantz scutâ€" fler new, 4â€"section â€" iron _ harrow, HMaha‘s hayrack, waggon, 3 rubber tire buggies, 2 steel tite buggies, \ 1 pair bob sleighs, 2 cutters, hay fork with ropes and pulleys, set â€" gravel planks, 2 steel pig troughs, kettle cap. 17 gallons, kettle with frame cap. 45 gallons," 2 cider .barrels, scal* es cap. 12004 Ths., scales> cap. _ 60 lba., set ol light carriage harness, set of heavy tcam harness, 3 sets of single barness, chutn, 2 ice tongs, 3 string beils, carriage pole, and many othet articles too numerous to menâ€" Cattle, Etc.â€"Jersey cow due _ to calve May 17th, Ayrshire cow due to ealve April lith, 10 head young catâ€" tlo 2 years old, about 70 chickens. Hotsesâ€"Dark bay mare 11â€" years old in foal to Highland Chicf, bay mare 11 years old in foal to Highâ€" jand Chicf, dark bay colt 3 years wld, light bay colt 3 yrars old, suckâ€" ing colt, colt 1 year old. Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. sharp 1h7e7 following articles: flers, 2 wagons with boxes, 1 wuih sugar beet box, 2 puir hob sle whs i gcarly new, imari«t deinocrat, 2 i.5 buggies, cutter, carriage pole, turnip slicer, _ fanning mill, 10â€"horse power with _ equalizing rods â€" and couplings complete, scales cap. 3000 lbs. with rack, 2 hay racks, stock rack, flat rack, pig rack, Wilkinson corn _ cutâ€" Ser, hay fork with about 130 ft. . of ropes and â€" pulleys,, roller chopper, 2 sets oï¬ gravel planks, grind _ stone, work _ bench, â€" wheelbarrow, set â€" of geam harness, set of plow harness, 3 sets of single hatness, 2 automatic horse collars, set of fly nets, post hole scooP, horse â€" blankets, ropes, whiffietrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, logging chains, â€" grain cradle, crow bars, sledge, scythes and. many other articles. Also about 600 bushels â€" of There will be sold by Public Aueâ€" tion, on the premises of the underâ€" signed, one mile north of Berlin, on the main road leading to Bridgeport, Horges :â€"Brown horse 8 years old, light .bay mare: 13 years old, weighâ€" m 1300 lbs., dark hay mare 6 years Lgood driver), light bay horse 9 years old weighing about 1400~ lbs. ‘llflhu' Kolt. . Cattle, Pigs and Chickens :12 good $xkade. Shorthorn cows. Cow due to Aalye \Jan. 30, cow due to calve Feb. Saw due _ to calve Feb. 26; + #;cul'e May, 13, cow due to calve May 34, cow due to caive June 4, Slagk Jergey cow due to caive in Noâ€" Nember, heifer=â€" due to calve May 8, tegistered Short Horn cow with calf at side, registered Shorthorn bull 2 on approved â€" security or 4 perâ€"cent: of for cash. No reserve as the Proâ€" prictor is leaving the farm. CHAS..PEPPLER, Proprietor. * A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer. 30â€"3t. . 0. S. KOLB, Clerk. _ Household> Efiects, Etc.::â€"Melotte cream separator, kitchen stove, steel range, 2 box . stoves, churn, milk «ans, and pails and many other arâ€" ticles. TERMS :â€"Grain, chickens, pigs and all sums of _ $10.00 and under, cash ; @ver that amount 12 monthks‘ credit on approved ues * , There will be wldbyw;l:e‘:‘w F i0B on the premises of s. . There will be sold by public aucâ€" m 5 tion on the farm of the undersigned, [O®OEO® Dietrich, at St. g;“"" s J mile north of Bridgeport, better 6 kmown as the Levi Snyder farm on fl;onday, October, 20th 1913. Fears old, 7 head cattle, tising 2 Fears old. Shorthorn heifer call 1 year old,.12 spring calves, sow with Pigs at side by time of sale, about 50 chickens, â€"OFâ€" Farm Stock, Implements, etc. Wednesday, OQ. 8th 1913 Wednesday, OA. 15th 1913 Farm Stock, Implements, etc. Commencing at.12 o‘clock. noon. The following . valaple property, PUBLIC SALE that valuable farm known as the Benianin Lichty farm, about 2 miles porthâ€"west _ of Conestogo and about 3; miles southâ€"east of Elmira, â€" and being composed of parts of Lot numâ€" ber 44 G. C. T. Woolwich Tp., conâ€" itaining by | admeasurement 101 actes apd 3 roods more or less. Highest market price paid. . Load evety second Tuesday. Next shipment Oct. 7. C. C. Diefenbacher There is erected upon the same â€" a 1} story brick dwelling house and kitchen and frame woodshed attachâ€" ed ; a bank â€" batn, straw shed â€" and other outbuildings, all of whith are in good repair. About 12 acres is in wood jand, 9 acres in fall wheat, 15 actes seeded down in grass, 1$; acres fruit orchard and about 30 acres fall plowed. Most of the farm is well unâ€" derdrained and in a good state of culâ€" tivation. 2 er§ + TEMS and conditions .of sale will be made known on day 8‘! sale, _ ard for further particulars apply to the unrdersigned. . G. G. CLASS, ~JO8IAH WF.B"R, Auctioneer. rrustes, Yatton P.O. Shipping Hogs Wanted 39â€"4t At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, numâ€" ber unlimited. Thursday, October, 16th 1913 The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction, on the premises, at two o‘cloc;k p.m., on Terms of Chattels :â€"Grain, hay and all sums of _ $10 and under, cash ; s"er Ahat amount 3 _ months‘ credit an approved joint notes or 5 per cent off for _ cash payments _ of credit am.0unts. s A. J. MICKUS, Auctioneer, 39â€"3t. _ ALBERT HOFFMAN, Prop. Real Estate â€"At the same time and place the farm will be ofered for sale, ‘comprising 10 acres. (n â€" the property is a frame house containing 7 large rooms, barn with many stab les, well fenced and a good supply ol bard. and soft water. 30 days Im.pleme*l.: Etc :â€"Bain wagon, market derhocrat," top buggy, verity plow, 2â€"section ironâ€"harrow, Decring 8 ft. steel hay rake, pair bop sleighs with tox scuffier, straw cutter, turnip cutter, turnip _ sower, Capital :ream _ separator, â€"grain box, grain bags, _ manure planks, stone toat, grindstone, new single. harness, sheavy singzle harness, horse collars, _ ropes blankets, grain â€" cradle, whiMletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels hoss and many other articles. _ ‘The above imâ€" pleiments are all ‘neafly new. _ Grain, Etc ‘â€"100 bush oats, 7 tons clover hay. a No reserve as the proprietor | is moving to Berlin. Tuesday, Ocober, 14th 1913 There will be soid by public â€" aucâ€" tion on _ the farm.of the undersigned oBe mije north west of Mannheim on the road leadiag to Berlin on Tuesâ€" Commencing atâ€"â€" 1.30 o‘clock p.m. sharp. tis : Live old. Commencing at 2 o‘clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property. Real Estate:â€"The property conâ€" sists of ~& acres of land, on which is a good twoâ€"storey brick house, comprising 6 rooms with brick kitâ€" chen attached, frame barn, fruit trees of all kinds and good garden. No Reserve. « TERMS ‘â€"10 per cent. casbh, balâ€" ance within 30 days. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. A. J., MICKUS, Auctioneer. H. A. DIETRICH, Berlin,, _____L. F. DIETRICH, Waterloo, Real Estate, Farm Stock and Implements â€"OFâ€" Valuable Farm in the Townâ€" ship of Woolwich 40â€"3t TERMS OF REAL ESTATE ‘â€"10 PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE Xpcrion SALES Valuable Real Egtate Stock :â€"Black horse 9 years following _ valuable property, Executors Ask your druggist for ® epivinly Wi q | INICT $1.90. it. _ 1t he Y Lo Hekiar 2. Chronioleâ€"Telegraph, ©| Componden other, but send stamp for ysâ€" * The Sanol M trated booi ~senied. . It gives full ttorloo?? ‘ Man. particulars and direetons invaluable _ (@) ® 5 to wq‘fmnw»u CO.,Windsor, Ont ! ® @ _ For sale at weagal Accuts for Canada. ©00000090000°000000990@®@ hne!, Waterloo. ‘The undersigned offers for sale his larm situated one mile northwest. of 3t. Agatha and 4 miles north _ of Baden, on Concession 1, Block B. The farm comprises about 125 acres, 25 acres bush an e Acres gn:er a goud ï¬l ï¬ &f Iï¬a’.m 1 goodé clay loams, good °s creek, (;ogmer m!i:’:‘ wells, 14 &)rey brick house, bank hm,atn,w shed. For further particulars apply to D. S. Shantz. Radem. B4â€"t1. }acres which is wat;red by a _ cresk which crosses the southâ€"east corner of f““’ farm and provides excellent pasâ€" ture land. The farm is tile drained where necessary. On the property is a large bank barn 74x54 feet, and straw shed 30x70 feet, a threshing shed is also attached to the barn. There is also a large sheep pen and a workâ€"shop â€" attached â€" to the barn. Under the batn are excellent â€"Stables cement floors, and under the straw shed hog pen and hen pen, aiso cemâ€" ent floors, A large driving shed . is also situated some distance from the barn. The house is a two _ storey brick 30x40 feet, with brick kitchen 25x30 feet, also large summet _ kitâ€" chen and woodshed. These buildings are all in excellent repair, _ baving lately been reâ€"roolfed. Water is sllpl plied by am artesian well. At _ the house is also hard _ and soft wat/er.] This farm has never been rented and: is in a high state of cultivation _ and has always been occuPied by the owâ€" net. For further particulars apply on the Premises or write Wm. K. Forwell, St. Clements, P.O. 1 cluding 14 acres bush, mostly ltll.lll.ll-lu 22 EARCD ““Hll. MaURDUZ EOEVCCE wood. The balance is all good workâ€" able la:fl, slightly rollimg except 2 The undersigned offers for sale bis {arm, better known as the Charles Forwell farm, situated 2 miles north of St.. Clements and 1mile: southâ€" west of Hawkesville.. The farm comâ€" prisesâ€"141â€"acres._mole of less. inâ€" 35â€"2m0s. The undersigned offers for sale his valuable farm comprising 47 acres, situated 24 miles west of Watetloo, Eood bank barn and all mecessary out uildings, abundance of hard and soft water. For further particulars â€" apâ€" ply to _ TERMS :~$2,500.00 down, halance on mortgage at 5 per cent. forâ€" a term of years or other arrangements can be made with the proprietor. . Oct. 8.â€"Farm stock and implemenrts of L. Huehnergard and. son, 1 mile north of Berlin, on the road/leadâ€" ing to Bridgeport. Dct. 44.â€"Real Estate, farm stock and implements of Albert Hofiman, 1 mile north west of Mannbeim, on the road leading to Berlin, > Oct. 15.â€"Farm stock and implements of Chas. Peppler, 1 mile north of Bridgeport,. better known as (the Levi Sryder farm. Oct. 20.â€"Real. Estate the valuable proprietqr of the late Gregor Dietâ€" tich, in the village of St. igatha. Enm a-t‘(!.'o"g‘e\wk, p.m. Detroit u.;i:u‘:;â€"' October â€" . is m 11Con. 6, Wellesley Tp.| mc w #s come f (Western Section), ~{n the premised & pumpkin :2 ~down.â€"M . is erected. a :good drame ‘house, and Â¥. E. Wells ang> A barn 4§x90, strow sbed . 40x4Q,.. drivâ€"| MDNF ep¢0t Sundare wigh: Tw ing shrd 35x40. The stables are all » 2 & } cenrnted throughout, plenty of good ‘in *Wh@iGreen.â€"A few of spring water, well fenced with . wire|°*® © wbowlers came. over and fencing, well underdrained, large orâ€"| P\2Y®4 our boys a friendly game reâ€" chard. There are 92 acres under cu}â€"| SU!Iting in favor of Conestogo by j;a. tivation, 8 acres in hardwood bush,| lew points. This was one of the best fall plowing will all be done by day |&AMCS Played here this season, bo of sale, 8 actes seeded â€" with fall| !82M8 Wetre in fine condition, on wheat, close to school, churches and| M Bays seemed too tender hearted, markets, one . ofâ€"the best farms . in| NO% Wishibg to hurt the kitty. . We Wellesley Tp. should i:;t: reported m:n but The farm will be disposed ofâ€" as| OW "* ts are such a q 5““: the proprietor is tetiring to St. Cleâ€"| W¢ 454 not know they had been ments to live. town until. their genial ‘-cnbe called TERMS :~$2,500.00 down, halance ou; attention.â€"Mrs. J. P. Luckhar@#t on mortgage _ at 5 per cent. forâ€" and daughter Viola of 'l'oxon'.o__ are term of years or Obhef altangements visiting friends at iSunny Station.â€" can be made with the proprietor. inSp:chul Service.â€"On Sunday C Oe 20 UrHRARN N KRBARETECIE g the Rev. Mr. Groh of Hespoler â€" 39â€"1t . J 'v-: Ceme Pmeete w “ c CY l« s‘. J C '[bWolluhruh wmwmy.o:?* public auction on the premises uwb"::",“".“’““"“] Thursday, October, 2nd 1913 Uatie Help enjpyed a werk w A. J. MCKUS, AUCTIONEER. Valuable Farm for Sale Farm ftor Sale Farm for Sale HENRY RAHN. R. No. 3, Waterloo Proprietor, Crolflill, P. 0. Successful.â€"Mr. Anthony Gies was very successful im.asecuring â€" several lirst prizes for his Hoalsteins at El mira fair last week. Judging â€" from the exhibit â€" of catitle the rHolstein appear to be in the lead.â€" Miss Saâ€" lome Ratz, Elmira, was the guest of the Misses Doerbecker Sunday. â€" Mrs. Edward Boltz and daughter of Berlin were the guesis of Miss Koch, Queen street, Sunday. â€" Miss Otito of Elmira was the guest of her friend Miss Grace Smyder Sunday.â€" How is the Thanksgiving turkey comâ€" ing along? Throw nim a few extra grains of corn so he will taste good. â€"Mrs. I. Hilbotn, Mrs. S. Laschinâ€" M‘nd Mrs. Praunter of Elmira were the guests of Mrs. “Reynolds at Sunny Station We,dnesâ€"{ day.â€"Guess Danicl thought he ~gad “got into a den of pears when he had to whack up for allowing the boy to‘ smoke. <~Apparently Magistrate Weir doesn‘t think it necessary for _ the Woolwich farmers to have a travelâ€" ling smoke house on such a _ small scalc on the farm.â€"Mr. ana Nirs. Samuel Torst and Mr. and _ Mrs. Getten and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rife, of Franklin County, Pa., enâ€" joyed a week‘s visit in this vicinity. ~Mt, and Mrs. G. B. Oberholtzer and family spent the weekâ€"end with Berâ€" lin friends.â€"It is not necessary for a Woolwich boy to smoke to make him look like a man. Leave _ that part for the city dudes.â€" Our cider mill and evaporating factory are busy. Looks as if we are going to have a dry winter the way â€" the farmers are storing the cider in the cellar.â€"The Canada Felting Co. have| had the roof of their factory covered with paper roofing. Peter Berges had the conttact.â€"The Women‘s Institute Library is at the home of Mrs. Hy., Peterson. Books can te had Wednes day and Saturday afternoon. â€" The first consignment of cattle to the United States under the free tarif list from this district passed through here Tuesday evening.â€"Reeve Hilâ€" bora of Elmira called on friends in town Wednesday. â€"Mr. Anthony Reitzel from Alberta called on St. Jacobs friends Wednesday; Mr. Martin has 25) acres of hc,-us.llman: :lh; oth':: vm ï¬f; If Abs takes the price out in sugap there p for them. C he certainly will have a sweelt ‘:,:ï¬)é bearing down pains, headache, was irâ€" this winter.â€" Mr. Roy _ Sanderson, | regular and felt blue and depressed all Berlin, is spending a â€" few _ ks | the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham‘s holidays at his home here.â€"Mr. Epp. | Ve@getable Compound and commenced to Huchnergard was a week end _ visiâ€" mi“"’â€â€˜i‘“"““'â€"":"“"" tor in town, and left Monday _ to | D today. m":‘um""-&f“m?"'! resume his studies at she . Luthoran WI di hn id d‘ot all t running a Seminary, ‘ Waterloo â€" Miss rthel T ho ufh.h"tm : my own .‘.wilti Monteith of Stratiord, visited at the p:m' mnylnhhfllnc women cF home of Mrs. G. Heller, King St., | EY YOUt Meditine,, oenme this week.â€"Miss Lizzic Weaver spent BEN, Esmond, Rhode Island. the week end with friends in Elmira. â€"Mr. and MrS. Jacob WinkIet, Watâ€"| swcmmmemmemmmememmemmmememmemtiznmmmenes erloo were the guests of Mrs. Messâ€" . e ner, King street, Monday.â€" Mr. and Comm T Mrs. J. Koch are spending a fow “nlcahm days at Vineland.â€"The first _ new srvem wheat lrom ‘the Northwest arrived at|rditor Chronicle Telegraph :â€" _ ~ Mr. E. W. B. Smider‘s mill last Dear Sit :â€" ‘Ycob and was a good sample.â€"Mr. J | Sometime ago the Park Board planâ€" Satcler of Berlin and daughter, Mrs.| goq a number of small evergreen trees Hill of Manitoba, were the guests of immediajely _ in front _ of the Park l4r. and Mrs. A. Wahl Tuesday.â€"~Mrs gate, on the left side of the _ road: Beckner spent the woek end . with way, with the ardent idea that it Twin City friends.., naidd he ce 4n owe queto e n sil here. _ Subject, the diferent ~ WMPF mentioned in the Bible. As Mr. Groh has made the subject a SPQ‘:& study the service will no doubt prove very interesting. All welcome. â€"B!.gs Rebecca R. Gies, Waterloo, visitrd St. Jacobs friends last Friday. â€" Mr. Abs Martin loaded the first car «; sugar beets from here this _ season. Mr. Martin has 25 acres of bg=s, hen the nsurphies come pumpkin pies. wvnn.â€"l e Buagye tï¬ Tok C ‘- '* ‘?@1 @ree-:-â€"A tew > of ca .. 1 BLUE AND :al.â€" St. Jacd‘-. come â€" To | Mire. Hariiton Tells How She CBal Is a positive cure for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, Bladdet and Kidwey Stones, Gravel, Lumbago, Rheumatic Pains, ailments of uric acid origin. ! Price $1.50. Correspondence invited. t The Sanol Mig. Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, | Man. l For sale at Druggist. A. G. Haeâ€" A peculiat case hanvened in Listoâ€" wel recently. Mr. Fred Johnson who has béen it1 for several weeks. owing to a Rore arm, caused by vaccina tion, was operated upon by Dr. Lucy, of Gueiph. An incision. was made in the arm, and matter from as far up as the shoulder blade was removed. It is expected the operation _ will | save the boy‘s life. In this pacticâ€" ular case it nearly cost the _ young fellow his life trving to avoid _ a disease which. ninetecn chances _ ho gne, would never have affjicted him,‘ Thanking you for svace in your paper to voice my protest regarding the maiter, 1 am, . Constant Reader of the .Chronicleâ€"Telegraph. ’ Dear Sizt.â€"I wish to call your atâ€" Aention to what the liberty loving people look upon as an injugtice and also of the advantage that will be taken ‘of the law to oppress people in reletence to the smalipoy scate. In our school section we have _ not had a single case of smalipox, yet when the scare atose as a result of cases at Watcrloo and other points all the school children were ordered: to be vaccinated, although there had been no smalilpox among the school children. They must, however, be the ones who suffer from vaccination. M-“ though no case of smalipox has been reporied the law is still in force andi children are compelied to stay _ out! af school. The following case showâ€" ing the results of vaccination was reâ€" cently reported:â€" Hawkesville, Sept. 25, 1913. Fditor Chronicle Telegraph :â€" _ ~ _ Dear Sit :â€" ; _ Sometime ago the Park Board planâ€" ted a number of small evergreen trees immedia‘ely in front of the Park gate, on the left side of the roadâ€" way, with the ardent idea that it would be well to have trees on both sides of the roadway. It seems to me. however that this was a misâ€" take, for the reason that.when these trees grow up they will obstruct the ‘hitherto fine view of the park which ‘the visitor gaims after enteting . the gate. When these trees have grown to several feet in height it will be impossible to get this view without proceeding twenty or thirty feet into the park. As first impressions | are the most lasting, it would seem _ to be rnwise to se obstruct the view. In the opinion of the writer it would therefore be better to remove the trees and secure an Ungbstructed view as heretofore. _ _ Editor Chronicleâ€"T@Tegraph, that medicine I would have been in my Esmond, R.1.â€""I write to tell you how much good your medicine has done o feaniny > Warren. Ind.â€"*"I was bothered ribly with female weakness. lupg": Thanking you, Mr Lydia E.Pinkham‘s Vegâ€" (ll AN ADMIRER OF THE PARK. SANOL , R.F.D. No. 6. Warren, Ind. taking Lydia E. Pinkham‘s undwunufl' lar, my head ached the time,I had bearâ€" ing down pains and 01 UOF IOF M Special Magic Lantern (with 12 slides), Rubber Type Printing .Oubdt, ones, | Toy Steam Engine, with whistle, fly wheel, and everything complete for idrwey | running, Gold Signet Ring, Trumpet Call Mouth Organ, or Quaranteed natic| Watch free to any hoy. Send your name and we will send you 30 sets of gin. ’henm‘ful Thanksgiving, Birthday and Floral Post Cards to sell at ten conts a set (six catds in each set). When soid, send us the money and wa | will send you whichever prize you choose. If you want monty instead of ipeg, | a prize tend us $2.10 when the cardsatre sold and keep the other . 96c. l!-‘nr selling 40 sets we will give you a Simplex Typewriter or a splendid Haeâ€"‘ Jeather football. Address HOMERWARREN ©0 , Dopt RB, Toronto. Beautiful French dressed doll, 18 inches tall, with eyes that open and shut; rolled gold locket and chain, olled gold engraved band bracelet, German silver mesh bag, or gold signet ring free to any girl. Send us f your name and wo will sond you thirty sets of beautiful birthday . and _ floral postcards, to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in each set). When i sold, send us the money and we will send you whichever prize _ you _ choose. If you want montey instead oa prize send us $2.10 whken the cards ; rards are sold and keep the other 90c. Address HOMERâ€"WARREN CO., | Dent. B., Toronto. w 203273 _ If so write or call on me. I have choice farms, all sizes, t rent on shares or sell on ctrop pay ments. Choice land, good _ water close to school and town. The larg est Waterico County settiement _ in Saskatchewan. Buy or trent * farm _ The farm of the late Thomas Humâ€" mel â€"1â€"mile north of New Germany, is for sale. The property comprises 120 acres, of which 20 acres _ are wooded, a log house with board covâ€" cring, good barn with sheds, _ good water and fine orchard. For further particulars apply on the premises or to Chas. Humnywl, Bloomingdale. Are You ' Coming West â€" 145} acre farm, good ctay loam, 2 miles west of New Hamburg â€" and 4 miles east, of Shakespeare on the main iroad leading to Stratiord. On it is a nearly â€" new â€" brick house with 10 rooms, kitchen and woodshed, heated ‘hv furnace, large bank barn with good stabling, cement floors, large hog pen end hn house, good drivingâ€"shed, ceâ€" ment silo 12x40. 1p actes _ of good tearing orchard _ with _ all kinds of ‘small fruits, 18 acres of good _ hard wood bush, 10 acres fall wheat, 60 acres im meadow and pasture never failing stream of water, running watâ€" er â€" at _ house andbatn, good fences, farm well underdrained and in good state of cultivation, fine location with Rural mail and telephone. 1 For particulars apply to MRS. HENRY S. Bean, ‘ Shakespeare R.F.D. No ALLAN C. HALLMAN, 'l New Dundee. 37â€"U. Executors of the late Herry S. Bean, deceased Mâ€". Start at once and secure exclusive territary. +W supply handsome free qutfit and pay higilest commissions. Write for full particulars. STONF AND WBLELINGTON â€" Toromto, Ontario. At once, to represent the old and reâ€" liable FONTHILL â€" NURSERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 â€" and Spring delivery 1914. _ Come and see, write, or _ phone. One of us will come and take _ you St. Jacobs or Wallenstein and back. Write or phone to Hawkesville wants a good Blacksmith, and Wagonâ€" maker. Also a good Shoeâ€" maker, and a good Bnrber‘ HMawkeosvilie is a good Place for Business . . ISAAC BEAN,: Farm for Sale Farm for Sale F REE TO GIRLS â€" FR EE TO B O Y S 8. B. BIEHN, DR. THOMPSON. JAMES HALL. D. uONALD. Mr. FRY. MR. BALLARD. T. C. MESSINGER. C. J. PETERSON. New Hamburg. 40â€"3 mos 37â€"4mos. 489â€"3t Number unlimited. Highest m price paid. Next shipment W.‘:I! Oct. 15th. «6 _ & CLEMENS & HUNSBERGEL St Jacobjs Cider Mill will be opem l m Sopt 23, 24, 25, 30 ; Oct 1, %, 3, 1. 8, § 1# 1,.15, , HoS62 ’:2, 23, 34, 28, 29 ; Nov. 4. Apples for evaporating will be taken same not to be less then two inches , in biameter on above dates. No sBOW apples taken. - 34â€"t(. § St. Jacobs Cider WHI _ Best coal on earth. My coal every custometr. Phone 1155 36â€"3 mos. Seed No. 1 Grade, for fall gowi lowest prices, at the reliable Haveâ€"no â€"room, the undersigned will sell +23 horses at bargain prices lof quick sale. . II. NEWBERY, ; Timothy Seed f Wodnesday, Sopt. 16th _ and will tUn every day thereafter cept Saturdays. f OUR MOTTO:â€""A pleased _ Cusâ€" tomer and Moderate Charges." i _ ; 36â€"1t. Creditors of Willian Sattler, Inte af the Township of Woolwich, in County of Waterlo®, farmer, are hereby . notified to send by PoSt age" prepaid or otherwise deliver _ to undersigned Executor, or to m McBride & _ MacKenzie, s, on or before the 25th day fl Dctober, 1913, their christian d surnames, â€" addresses and B, and full particulars of their i and after the said 25th deay .of +E t"' 1913, the assets of the estate be distributed among the parties z ’mbd thereto, having regard QL flaims of which notice shall have f r‘jvc,bn. t - _ Dated at Waterloo, Ont., the 24th day of Sept., 1213. 44 O J. A. STEISS, Executor, ho 38â€"1mo. NHURRAH FOR THE ober. Customers do â€"* unot io peel or core their apples.; B them to the‘ Mill and we will do The Home of tl; Famous A l Product. The Mill will open for Messrs. McBRIDE, & MacK CIDER MIL ‘The Fred Braendle Cider Mill Hogs Wanted Govermment _ Standard Horses for Sale. _ JACOB SPAETEEL â€" AT BADEN FRED BRAEN GEO. BRAMM, â€" 208 Queen St. Williamsburg, oo R. Route 2. _ 381 mon, . 20â€"37, !