e § a Mrs. W. G.‘ Weichel and family have * returned home from a pleasant soâ€" _ journ of several weeks at _ Grimsby = Park. 5 C â€"Mr. Harry Simpson of Arthabaskaâ€" _ ville, P.QG., paid a visit to _ Twinâ€" & City fr.ends over the holiday. end visitor in Hamilton. A Miss A. Howie has returned _ trom a‘short visit tin Toronto. ? _ Mr:"A. Atkins of Toronto was 3 businss visitor in town on _ Wednesâ€" day . Mr. W. _ Ufielman _ of Toronto _ is spending â€" his â€" vacation at his home Miss Carrie Young spant a _ few days in Torontoâ€"this week. , Mr. 1. Conrad is spendinz a couple of days with Toronto friends. Mr. Ezta Kress left for New York ¢n @h v< ar after a few days _ spebnt with Waterloo friends. presided at the ntseting. «Mr. H. Wilson of Galt was a Wedâ€" m:sday visitor in towa. Mrs. W. Kump{, is spending a lew days with Toronto friends. Mr. (. Ufielman was a visitor in the Queen City on Friday. ~Mr. L. Bricker and son Irvin are Wisitors in Toronto this week. Mrs. Lincoln Goldie and two clulâ€" @ren paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker on Monday last. Mr. Wm. Kress left for Sarnia _ on Thirsday after spending the last few days with Waterloo friends. Mr. R. Y. Stuart was a visitor over the holiday at the home of Rev. D. and Mrs. Cornish, Forest, Ont: Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Walters and famâ€" ily have returned from their vacation at their summer home in Waubashene. Miss â€" Eleanor Erown _ left for _ het bome in Cincinnati on Thursday. "Mr. Gordon _ Motheral of Detroit KM a fow days at his home _ over bor Day. Miss Hilda Roos has succeeded Miss Black in the primary department â€" of the Alexandra school. Miss Maud Montague â€" has returned after spending a two weeks‘ vacation with Toronto friends. Mr. B. Doll left for Toronto â€" this morning for a few days vacation. bus mss visitor in town on Friday _ Miss Louise â€" Doerr â€" of Heidelberg spent a couple days with her fricnd Miss Florence Hammetr, _ Park Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Collingâ€" wood are visitors at the home _ of their son, Mr. P. J. Wright, Mary sireet. Personal and Society News The | Unusually Good Bakâ€" ing Qualities of . | For sale by your grocer, OCEAN FLOUR Manufactured by are apprecâ€" iated by all who use it. ASK THE ONE WHO KNOWS . John N. Nichol is spending in Toronto. Flour Milis Waterioo was a â€" week> acceptably . Miss Bessie Lee and Miss Mary Valâ€" entine left toâ€"day for Whitby where they will spend a year in the Whitby 1 adies‘ College. Mrs. R. Forrest Ogilvie and _ two sons of Montreal are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker for a few days. Mr. Morden Carthew of Regina, and son of Palmerston, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. William Carthew, King street. . Mrs. M. E. Braendle was in _ Torâ€" onto for a few days this week _ for the Exhibition, alter a pleasant outâ€" ing at Stoney Lake. Mr and Mrs.M. Devitt have returned from an eight woecks‘ visit to Philaâ€" delphia, Washington, Virginia, Frenchtown and other points. Miss Mabel Nichol ‘ has returned after spending two mouths _ with Mrs. Ed. Liersch and family at Kenâ€" nebunk Beach, Maine. Mis. Freeman has returned to her homwe in Detroit, after a fortnight‘s visit with her sister, Mrs. _P. 3. Wright, Mary street. Mr. Leo. H. Anthes of Montreal szent a couple of days this _ week visiting relatives in â€" Waterloo _ and Berlin. Mr. Charles Carthew returned _ to Sudbury on Monday, after a two weeks‘ vacation at Southampton and Waterloo. Mrs. E. F. Seagram and (amily re turned last Saturaay from a delight ful holiday of two nionths at Port Dover, Ont. Mr. Goorge Mitchell of Goodlands, New Ontario, is spending a fortâ€" night at the home of his mother, Mrs William Mitchell. Watertloo. Mr. Haroid Hasenflug laft Thursday morning for Owen Sound, being transâ€" ferred from _ the local branch of the Molscn‘s Bank, to the branch here. Mrs. E. H. Zick of Montreal _ has returned aiter a visit of several weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O‘Donnell, John street. Mrs. E. 1. Cunningham _ and son Fom: return»d on Monday after spend ing the summet months with friends at Barrie and. othar points. The Acadian (Club membets and their lady _ friends _ enjoyed a sotial time in the _ club quarters following the Tattoo cn Wednasday evening. Miss E. C. Anthes has returned from a delightful holiday spent with friends at "Inselheim" on _ Stoney Lake, one of the Kawartha Lakes. Mrs. E. M. Devitt and family have returned from a pleasant holiday . of se.cral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcetrner at Trout Creek, Parry Sound. Mrs. Catharine Graf of Hanover has spent the past few days at ‘the home of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. burm. Mr. E. Rore of Hamilton _ was a business visitor in â€" town on Wednesâ€" Rev. A. L. G. Clask was a visiâ€" tor at Oshawa this week in conmnecâ€" tion with the work of the Anglican Clergy. Dr. and Mrs. Routledge, two chilâ€" dren and maid of Detroit, motored to Waterloo on Labot Day for a short visit to. Mrs. Kilroy, . Aillan street. Mr. and Mrs. Baxton of _ London. and Mrs. Wildgust â€" and family _ of (iuelph were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Herbert street this werk,. Mr. Herman Bolduc and Mrz. and Mrs. Herbert Bolduc and little daughâ€" tor of Detroit, were visitors at the home:â€" of Mrs. George Bolduc, Str., Allan St., for a few days this week. Dr. Harold Hunt of the New York Polyclinic visited Dr. Fischer _ over Dr. L. Staufier has sold his pracâ€" tice in New Dundee, and _ purposes entcring a new field in Eastern Ont ario. The Doctor paid a . visit to Waterloo friends during _ the _ past werk. . The marriage of _ Miss _ Dorothy Pearson, only daughter of Mrs. Fredâ€" erick .Pearson, to Mr. T. H Seagtam youngest son of Mr. Jos. F. Seaâ€" gram, will take place next Thursday, at 1.30 p.m. in St. Andrew‘s church, Berlin. (Qn the eve of her marriage to Mr. 1. Cunningham on Tuesday, _ Sept. 2nd, Miss Jean Stuart was made the recipicnt of a very handsome dinnet set from the congregation _ of _ the Watorloo Presbyterian church, as . a mark of their esteem and warm | ap preciation of her very faithful _ serâ€" vices in the advancement of all the varicd interests of the church, accom panied by the following letter:â€" ‘An important event, we underâ€" stand, is about to take place in your life, and we cannot allow it to hapâ€" pen without showing in some tangâ€" ible manner out appreciation of your long and faithful services as a mwemâ€" ber of the Church in Choir, Sunday school _ and mission work. Please accept, therefore, from the congregaâ€" tion, the accompanying dinnert service as a token of our sincere wishes for your happiness in the coming years." Mrs. John D. _ Miller leaves Saturâ€" day nsotning from Wellesley for her home in Melville, Sask.. after being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dieâ€" bel _ for a few â€" days. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were rionsers in Melville takâ€" ing up their residence there six yeats ago. Sizned on behalf of the congregaâ€" tion, > William D. Lee, Minister. _ by auto. at The adjourned case acainst Mr. Wm Strob, proprietor of* the Alexander Hotel was _ heard before Magistrate Weir on Friday afternoon. A fine of $10 and costs was imposed for selling liqguor to a minor. The complainant in _ the case was Mrs. Sidn>y Tucker. She said _ that she saw her son Erwin coming out of the botel in an intoxicated condition on Aug. _ 26th. _‘ be boy denied this and said _ he had been drinking soft drin‘s. ~ PLEADS GUILTY TO THEFT In Police Court on Friday aiterâ€" noon, Wm. Froelich was â€" remanded until Tuesday on a charge of theft irom a Mr. Dokuker. Froehlich when first asked as to his guilt pleaded got guilty. . Enwever, be later changed this to ons of guilty. Be said that the _ amount which he took was $40, being in Bank of Toronto bills. Wm. Froelich who last week pleaded guilty to the theit of $40, was allowâ€" ed to go suspended senteace Tuesday morning. â€" He appeared before Magâ€" istrate Weir in the Court House, Betâ€" lin, _ and with â€" the consent _ of the Crown Attorn:y Bowlby was allowed his freedom. Two witnesses Messrs Hofinty and Thomas swore that they saw Erwin Tucker drinkitz beer while they were in the bar room. Magistrate Weir then found th» acâ€" Dokuker, it is alleged was intovicaâ€" ted at the time the theft took place. when Froelich removed the _ money from Dokuker‘s pockets. The plaintiff stated that the amount taken was $60. Word has reached N. L. Roy Detenbeck of Waterloo of the death of his father, _ Mr. R. Detenbeck, of Steveasville, in his sixtyâ€"ninth year. The late Mr. Detenbeck is one of the oldest and most respected citizens .of Stevensville and Welland county. For many years he conducted a general business there and about one year ago retired _ from â€" business. He fought in the war of ‘66 and _ ‘70. Besides L. Roy of Waterloo he leaves to mourn a wife, one daughter Mrs. F. P. Hendershot of Stevensville, and Charles W. Oshawa, and Vernon i. of Toronto Mr. (Giillespie of Montreal is a busiâ€" wmess visitor in town toâ€"day. BIG ATTENDANCE Youth Denied Being Served| With Beer in Alexander l The fne _ weather of this morning, was tesponsible for a large attendance at the market again ‘>s momming, a large number of purchasers being preâ€" sent when the market opened. The supply of the different products . was large, and was readily taken up. Butâ€" ter sold for 28¢ a pound, while eggs brought from 25 to 27¢ a dozen. Mr. Abs. Mernor has returned to his home in Trout Creek. Mr. W.G. Weichel M.P. is a busiâ€" ness visitor in Toronto to day. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke left on Monâ€" day to attend the A.Y.B.A. convenâ€" tion in Toronto. . DEATH OF MR. R. WM. © Mr. Fred _ Young of Toronto, |_is spending a week at his home here. _Mr. Fldon McDougall is _ attending the Fair at London. Mrs. J. Giever, of Calumet, Mich., returned to her home on _ Wednesday after spending several months at her bome here, Miss Emma Wideman of Elmira _ is spenling several weeks in Waterloo with ber sister, Mrs, B. Trussler. Miss Hockey who leaves for China on Sept. 22nd will receive _ Friday, Sept. 12th, afternoon and evening. Rev. E. Burn and the Misses L. Hilgartner and E. Kaatz left _ on Wednesday to attend the Â¥. P. A. convention of the Evangelical church at Mildmay. Miss May Hanley and Moss Grace Levine of Detroit spent several days with Mr. and _ Mrs. H. McDonald, Park St. The Misses Salome and Mary Moogk returned Saturday from af enjoyable visit of several weeks with friends in Freeport, II1. Dr. and Mrs. J. Klahs of Depew, N. YÂ¥.; who were guests at {he home of the latter‘s _ mother, Mrs. L GGrayBill, for several davs, have reâ€" turned home. They made the journey Mr. W. Poehimann of Detroit _ is spending a few days at his _ home here. Mrs. J. Botham is visiting friends in Brantiord for a few days. AT MARKET DETENBECK eally all his lifetime andâ€" â€"was â€" the He is survived by his wile, seven sons and two daughters, namely, Walâ€" ter, David, Alvin, Alfred, _ Urias, August. Ezra, and Misges Elsie and Tina. Five brothers and five sisters also survive, Messrs. Aaron, near Waterâ€" loo, Menno, Berlin, Frank, Amos and Allen, all near Waterloo, Mrs. Hy. Groff, Minnesota, Mrs. Henry Eby, Berlin, Mrs. Frank Shub, Mrs. David Hofler, Elmira, â€" Mrs. Benj. _ Hotrst and Miss Emma of Waterloo. awner of one of the finest farms ‘in the Province. . Up to a few years ago he took a keen interest in municipal affairs and was a member of the County Council for some years and was . Warden in 1902. He was a member _ of _ the North Waterloo Liberal Association Executive for many years and has been ofiered the nomination for both the Legislature and the Dominion Parliament, but declined. Mr.Tilman S$.Shantz one of the begl kuewn and most successful farmers in Waterloo County, was the victim o an unfortunate accident on _ his farm three miles north of Watecloo about 11.30 o‘clock and succumbed to his injuries at 1 o‘clock Wednesday ed by their hoofs in his side. He was picked up unconscious and taken an hour later. ‘The deceased was a native of this county and was in bis 64th year. He has been engaged in farming _ practiâ€" on Saturday. < While Mtr. Shantz was driving a team of horses attached to a threshâ€" ing epgine the animais became _ unâ€" manageable and ran away~> He was NOTES OF HIS WESTERN TRIP Mr. Thos. Hilliard, President of the Dominion _ Life Assurance _ Company has kindly favored the Telegraph with the â€" following â€" notes of his Western trip which will be read with interest: The interest Ontario people take in North Westetn affairs arises very natâ€" urally from | the facts that our Westâ€" etn country is so largely settled . by our own sons and daugbters, that it is rapidly becoming the chief _ outlet for our manufactures and is _ already the best field tor t&e profitable investâ€" ments of our surplus funds. Township, Meets With Fatal Accident on Wodn%ny WELLKNOWN _ FARMER START MIKED FARMING ly the prosperity of the East. And that productiveness resolves itâ€" s.lf into smd is measured by the reâ€" sults® of the harvest. Th> tendâ€"n>y to gradually introduce mixed farminz is quite noticeable this year, especially in Alberta. This proâ€" paganda is being vigorously pushed by the Provincial authorities, and will te adopted very soon in Alberta which is very _ well suited for cattle _ and bog raising, and more slowly in _ the southern part of Saskatchewan So when an Eastern man â€" returns from a trip over the great plains â€" of the West, the first question asked of him usually is, ‘"What are the crop prospects?" My answer this time is that I never saw them look better. Thero are variations, of course. In a stretch of nearly one thousand â€" miles from East to West naturally thete are divergencies of climate, of rain _ fall, or soil, and not least, of quality of farmin:. But almost everywhere this year, the good farmet has what he deservesâ€"a good crop, and the poot farmer gets what he deserves _ too. Not in every instance, though, for the terrible bail storm is no respecter of persons. It smites with impartial desâ€" tructiveness, the just and the unjust, the _ good farmer and | the slovenlyâ€" ind it smites very hard. Thore is onâ€" Iy one remedy for this and that is bail insurance which I understand is very genâ€"‘ral‘y in vogue awon;st our West ern ‘{armers. The mother of the deceased, . Mrs: Moses Shantz, aged 87 years, < also survives. Mr. Thos. Hilliard States That Crop Prospects Never Looked Better C. A. BOEHM And so it happens that the producâ€" tiveness of the West conditions largeâ€" The funeral will probably be . held General Insurance Agent Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Business Office 249, House 309. Business soictted tor first class by Horses where he passed away At the regular weekiy meeting _ of the Waterloo Methodist Epworth Leaâ€" gue, held on Tucsday evening, . the members took advantage of the o¢â€" casion to voice their good will and kindly feelings towards Miss Muriel J. Hockey, B.A., daughter of _ Rev. MISS HOCKEY IS APPRECIATED and Mrs. J. E. Hockey, who leaves on Sept. 22nd for China to take up wotk in the mission field. _ Ar adâ€" dress, beautifully and artistically ilâ€" luminated by Miss Minnic Bechtel, was read by Dr. Geiger, in which ex-] pression was given to appreciation of her estimable qualities of both heart and mind and extending to her their sincere wishes for her success in the work she is about to und@Wtake. As tokens of the love â€"and esteem of the members, Miss Hockey was presented with a French travelling clock and a half a dozen dessert spoons, suitâ€" ably engraved, the presentation . heâ€" ing made by Miss Vera Shirk. ‘ About filty were in attendance and games, music and social intercourse, concluding with tre serving of _ reâ€" freshments, made up an entertaining and cnjoyable evening. Presented With lIlluminated Address and French Uffelmann‘s Orchestra was present and enlivened the proceedings _ with stirring selections. _ Well rendered violin solos were also contfibuted by Mr. Harley Staufier. Miss Hockey feeiingly acknowledged the expressions of the friendship and afection of the Waterloo haaguons.‘ and said that the three years spent among her Waterloo friends had been very happy ones. She also made brief rererence to the work which she is to take up and the opportunities presented in the far mission field of China for fruitful service, Travelling Clock S. B. Bricker & Co. ren, Misses and Ladies are now on display in our New Cloak Department, and as we have given this departure an extra lot of attention we are convinced that every Coat in our show room shows up both in :__._ @fyie andad Frice equal to any of our larger store competitors. Noteâ€"â€" Upon Your Minds Ladies‘ Winter and Fall Mantle BENTONK ST. If It Pays Farmers Dozens of New Smart Garments for Childâ€" We are ready with the largest stock of School Books and School Supplies we ever had. Public $0hool B o o ks ' Nigh $coho ol B o o ks ' Separate 8 o ho ol B o o k s You will save time and trouble by coming here for anything in School Supplies. MRS. J. DOERSAM _ King Street _ â€"â€" Waterloo Come and see our range before buying elsewhere. Every can of cream we receive is carefully and honestly weighâ€" ed, sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured of a correct report upon every shipment. . We furnish free cans and pav express charges. Our checks are issued every two weeks and cashed at par. Write for our booklet. â€" THE BERLIN CREAMERY CO. To Ship us their Cream from Petersburg, Baden, New Hamburg, Stratford, Sebringville, Mitchell, ‘Londesboro, Dublin, St. Columban, Rostock, Lynden, Dorchester, Our butter fat prices are always based on the true condition of the butter market, and we are not governed by what others say. Preston, Elmira, St. Jacobs, Heidelberg, Seaforth, Clinton . and Goderich, §3 SCHOOL OPENING Business in Earnest : We want to impress SHOULDN‘T iT PAY YOU? 54 7 BERLIN ONT. i we