a" an clan print... - an ;' manna-mun... , mammalian-Mb- Ilia-aunt. 5'-' TATI'?' ""'. nvuuo-Juu-a} "doGttt1-iiau-i6"'iii6u, R , . " = _- It' - _ ammuninublflbmuu'h-lw {"7 L8H iciS.ilet"a80ttAuttml.luvitrameti.ssautroakiitur--r-t-' JI,. Lrdrd, ",, m buuttoott'tsarr-tuqtq humans-mum - ' Sit I " ..' "may, 't.Frtqarrv-tneot.-gtrldt'meaHrsitt-rtr9tt-tAo' " 5 , G ' _ Mum â€mm‘.â€muwbavdut - mr.-", in - ‘31.? Tte If“. l"' 5w... wjummkn. M and“. mam-d Mam-b _‘Ia_gqr nugg- 1-91eCrkt- -- a... pin- u; ‘uhmim,}l.so id tot no paid. the position caused by the defeat ul -- the Borden Naval Bill. Mr. Churchill said in part. refer- ring to the news received ul the re- jcction ot the Canadian Naval Aid . Bill: "THERE WERE TWO COURSES OPEN TO us. WI". COULD HAY F, LA ID DOWN THREE EXTItt SHIPS IN PLACE 0? THE THREE CANADIAN SHIPS AND MAKE THEM: ADDI- TIONAL TO OUR EXISTING AND PROSPECTIVE PROGRAMME. WH. COULD DO SO STILL, BUY IT IS During the month oi July. Can-. ada's national debt. intrrpased bv tii,- 529,10|. During the fitment Iitical year, the treasury of Canada has paid out tn Muckrnnr and Mann, about $15,890,000 prvsented to the Canadian Northern lenny by Mar of aub- siding last sossmn. Mr. Harden and his~rnllcagurs haw usml the†pcmers 'ttt partiatuedt to mrrvus»:1 tho debt of Canada by a clear putt to these rail- roairpromoiers nhich has already taken " on! of the pocket of (wry head of a farm!" 1n Canada. The no! titrht of the IMnuninn at Mhe 0nd of .luh' “as cyvi,oshsis as mmpnrrul “In: $291,510,573 at. 1hr end of June r'.spenditrtre "tl ordi, nary attounts for 1hr four months linu- tht Pttd ot 1larch totaled Ses,- 400,370; and on capital .uwounts, $13 'lr1,27tr-- the Iattrr an Inrroase oi "rer $9,000,000 its raunpawd “uh he! Mar. . Mr. Churchill said there were two curses open to him. Premier' Bor- den was told by Sir George lloss that there were two courses open to him. lie could appeal to the people on the $35,0ft0,o0t1 gift proposition. or he could abandon it and provide as much money as was necessary lor starting lhrm or men more battle ships by a vote front parliament un- der the Naval Act of Him. .\lr. llnr- den chose neither aftiriGtive. lit preferred to do nothing for the lim- KG, rather than aid in Imperial de- qilce under the Laurier Naval Hill. . v.1 m nu possihihty of dullht '. ' ir. Hunk-n is the hrad of the .nuaust spouchmz gmrrnmrul Can. Ida has Nor kmmn. The hmr is not Ur distant mhen own the Imumlmg ("Tunes taken trdm tho people vull not sumâ€. and another loan “I" he nnfssary. Yet in the tace oi this statement, Arr. Borden and his followers have sought to canny to the people oi Canada the impression that Great Britain has ofdered thteo additional battle ships are: manic. because Can, ada is not sending the $35,000,000 gift. . . '~lup~. He fwsred it at $35,000,000. Air. Churchill estimated it would cost about $12,500,000. Mr. Churchill made it' perfectly clear that he had no visions of lightning on the hori- zon. He did not even hear the uttttt- der booming, or lear any imprnding storm that might burst upon the Empire with fury and disquiet He was not alarmed hi. the Burden hysteria and merely remarked that in the circumstances it was not necessary to add to the British Naval Programme. NOT AT PRESENT CLr'.tlt THAT THIS STEP. WHICH \VUl'Ll) HAVE MEANT THH, ADDITION 11F' £8,500.000 TO THE NAVY ESTI- MATES. SPREAD OVER THE NEXT TWO 0R THREE YEARS, IS NECESSARY, AND IT CER, TAINLY ()l'GIIT NOT TU "Ii TAK- EN UNTIL IT IS NECESSARY." This makes sevrral points clear. Fi:;t that Mr. Borden misrealeulated rm nst.of his proposed three battle- Discussing the Naval position in the British parliament on July Itith last Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. First mum â€this“ n Eda-o. but Alanna-y â€conduit-gamut Bot be h but than My noon. Cum) mammal.†Wed- “yo-chunk. um I. mais howl on â€gauntlet . Where Will it End?- No Hygterics There LL'.'.]." rc,lr..", I News Notrsc--Mr. Peter Wagner is Purge “Obslhahng the Royal Hotel; painted-- “m‘s open to} Messrs new: urns ofhlt. ('lements " the people have the contraet.-The Queen's lio- proposition) also underwent an entire remod- and pmyidc‘rllinz. li\dl‘.ne new JI'ett,g', \vasual‘ . _.. F So insta e . --ttur 0 non . r. Hams“) ior .luhn Iterseht who spent about two "y." battle! n-oaths with his daughter Carrie. in arliamrnt Illl-l'ravi“m.k arrived here Monday and Ila. .\lr.llnr-1lrols himself at hour here amungst iiUtive. Motifs old associaurs.--The Messrs Har- fur the lim- T." $111th and Adam Itold, of Ber- Imperial o/lin spent _.\unday here amnng rthtir- . ... ms and iriends.--Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Naval "ill. Schaub and lamily or Elmira are holi __ duyinz lrre foralew days with the End?" Nurnwr's partotsv--Mr. and Mrs.M. .Sthaub are s.-uuhng awrek with re- July. can-latives around s'efsrittgville, the for- . h . 'r. Inter allrndmv Synndical sessions as used bv >$""'j:1 it"legate and the latter visiting her resent “mallagrd nmthpr who very unfortunately tda has paidl broke her log a short time sign-REV. Mann, about!†"attettbern is attending Synndi- the Camurranical srsqnns in Sobringnllp during "av'of suh- rostprs ore out a'"'""'."?'" the an- nual Full l~Z\hihitmn which will be Intron and the week and " part of nest.-rsargri tht'ir ptn1ttrrt:eld rn Tursida, and Wednesday Sept P tho dcht of; 9th and mm, No mans have been Lo these rail-! spared to make this the host ever hold has already INT, The directors deserve great ket of ru'rv credit " the interest tlrv luv.†P shosrn.--Mrs. t'. “who! Waterloois; ada. \isitin: here among rrlatn’rs and; â€Mignon at 'irusmic-schoot will mum-n on Sept 1 G,0fi!),tr7tst aslad. SANOL’S M1'Blh8li'nis No tlrahetic should Hit In gn‘r this perm“; harmless and Pmracluus remedy a trial, it new: fails to at fect umnlm‘lnl results, It has the unqualitied approval at prominent phy SH'l-llh Pricr te. mt. [wading "was". Frets 1,tterature min The Sum] Mtg l " , Ltd ' Wtnttittex, Man. 1 Those, at least, who are retiring hom business with modest savings. ‘and whose children are settled, ought to be attracted to . The trmatitowtts and Villages dotted over (Mario, syas the Toronto Weekly Sun. They are charming to see in their summer dress. They hare generally provided drainage, electric light. and good wa- ter. Gardens surround the commo~. dious and well built houses, allowing pleasant and profitable exercise. There are. libaries usually varied enough to meet the needs oi all the specialists. Land values are nominal and house values are very low. Food is comparatively cheap. and the raimmt does not make try- ing demands on the purse. There is, no, the prospect of usefulness. Taxes and bonded debt. which have become trurdensmpae hy depletion of the pop- UIatinn will be lightened lav distri- billing them over more shoulders. The force of public opinion. which has become weakened by the Bame, muse. may herestored, and there is) always the tanner right at hand to scold and extort tl' (their; heart's Cort-l, tent iabuso the public mind ol am! is“ lilies up hope the members ot the Berlin Band will reconsider their de- cision. trim Waterloo an tuscorutitia- al acceptance of their invitation, and trust to the fairness and generosity of the Waterloo buy: tor a satlslac- tory return engagement aVan early date. By doing so the Berlin Band can, by removing the cause ot tr.s, cord, tittinEiy restore the harm-my that should exist between two sister musical organizations. SHOULD GO BACK TO THE VILLAGI Whether it In in a. In“. “a. mue- o! lilo. AM "V Berlin we or not. the not that attitatio. M this “I. . great HF my should um it neondl'tiou at tirtrtarhetaraahttitt-dwa. My their acceptance that in. Wank» for 0°0th In"! We "an no. "and giver them a ioirtt Coq- But tor w you. a. city council can in Berlin We. any: prior 40 eotstd ggot nuke the Wm O m. P" am asked for by Waterloo In: N? organi2rd tau-It In nut to _ appearance either ot A duke to ba"ute Prod-r and W! by“? at (whatever advantage . prior er ml in whet building ill a date would give or to purponlv mab. white elephant tor Gish†months. the conditions named inwosxibll ot u the arriea ot the-ent "ar a acceptance. We do not thy that - ot determined woman got to- these were the motives but “all in qether NM determined that they the conclusion a disinterested mm trouid do aomettting to ml: at mar- might reach, all" wading the re- get popular. They. -alod "Pub ports in Thursday's paper. editr to the alderman without new“. The Telegraph Mitzi" to aecopt Then they decided to ermine the trstclL-clu_iriois.. _lrt order to dia- LUittary Consumm’ my». mom *aanot,inth-bugth. w. including my at in I!“ and, pone". shun an man's-on spin! which " might knitting!“ a kindly rival organization in a an» towes. t Let harmony be restored. hr'AY REMEDY WHICH HAS NO Hut AI. FOR "LUKETI-IS. lath-hail. DIABETES i m! “on; Wellesley Prof. Holden said on this subject: "When you have grown old and rich on the farm, don't move ttt town. A retired farmer is a nuisance in town, when he, moves there simply to die cheap. He is against all improvo ments. because such things coat money and he wantsto keep his tttr- es down. Stay on your farm“ Don't buy more land, but improve what you have. Putin a system of water- works, so you, can take a bath once in a while, whether you really need it or 'not. Put in a lighting plant. so you can read newspapers and books without straining your eyes and keep weii intccmed. Stay on your farm and when you rmaliy pay the.debt of nature your friends and. neighbors will regret your death and there' will be a procession hall a mile long to follow you to your grave. Hut it you move to town'you won't have much ot a procession and all the neighbors will say that it is n good thing the close fisted old cod- g-r is out of the way." They have had a man in the Getter- al Hospital at Pembroke. (Hit, tot mm months who cannot upon]: an! seems too weak mentally to convey strain. has been going among the lat: mots of 1owh spreading the light with 'regard to (Italian cultivation. He does more, however, than show the Tanner how at one and the same time he can owa profitable crop and invest 'd.",':,: out land with new vigor. There is philosophy as well as the science of money-making in his addresses. He advises the lar- mers when thry give up husiness to stick to the old homestead and shun urban life. in any way any inlnrnntion not“. himself, He had no lunds, no trteMst, and isnt'onwkk stranger. He ’wn found in an emanated deihnn in I'luamillo last, autumn. “expert. the Peter MaArthur of his N I N F, MONTHS' t4ILENCE. To every toiling farmer in Water- loo county there no doubt comes at times the cheering hope that some day he can give up active work and, retiring, spend the last ot his years in peace and ease. Many farmers who ham acquired a common or who feel themaetres too old for labor, leave old familiar scenes and move to town or city: Ina large 'rwior- ity oi such cases they never become accustomed to their new surround- ings or feel at home in ' fresh enviroa-) ments. The tree that has reached maturity seldom t1ourishett when it hay been transplantedfthe roots re fusing to take a grip on the new soil/ Prof. P. G. Holden, an ttgrieultur- 1 The idea was taken up enthusiasti- - I wally " both consumer and producer BURIED AT HAWKESViLLE and every Wednesday and Saturday - the market is now throng“ with tttrr- The" passed away on Thursday, ersland Idlers. Meat, vegetables. ANgust 20th. 1913. 3 laminar tigurt, dairy produce, fruit, and tkrwers, etc. and one ot the flew refraining pioneer ran now. be brought at. reasonable and 'ih2ru1d"o/?d'/r',', aginr‘zltungf _ tair pncen. The entire credit {Merton oi Hawkearvilte, in his 92nd what has been done must be given to I year. the small band of enthusiastic women ’01.“; tTtrlurt.t 'tg 1itm"llrl, 7 . .-..ms. . 'ounsy,ea.,Nare 'ttr, if. Ite, whotsae the .essit""it.ie and tn the Ion' of Charles Lewis ‘i’eterson and lace ot oppmrition and Inactivity, or- Theresa Bower of Baltimore, Md. He ganized theif Consumers League analwith his pirents came to l'pierl carried the project to success. Canada in 1826 and settled in Mark- ,1 market gardeners and lumen in the - A 't'lilllitt'lt Calgary district to bring their pro- . . duct to the city on market darts nnd T . - invited the women of Calgary to a... Late Henry Peterson Moved tend and patronize the market on to Vicinity of St. Jacobs those days. in 1839 _ _ - __ - -- -- I. - I.. hve but could-II: that M a. "iriWiciiri a! named h- 3"“ """"tr" J was hell: lore“ by “I “In... - My. W! III. "IS-ee-ees-sem-ee-ee mnmumuymmwmzru‘:utauot‘orI-:H£ P . a the. necessities ot Ma. AM t but, I 'lu.'.'", a. Torrn , mum'- 'atent Report tf"aurfi'ttHti-"rrlaG"ii'%Gi"a"'inii"iG. .- iie'rtarhrtaraahaetttaHwa.m- “but": “my hov- Bstowwitttidattrtot pa- for occupatio- "arty We you. up. it“ to "tles ot the â€on“ 1-- but: recently “cured through the But tor m, w- tttr eity eo-ll 'tIta"',":',',', "on: t., ',tte,','iod '32:: 1lt,t,t Ist: r 1Ctt wor w . «out: B, m ' ' . 'er", â€m. the w“ . m- a a. uni-wo- ol Ja? to â€In“ 'lullrd1', no. - No organ“ one.†In and. to that it was done in accordance with Any Automatic. on the “Mott Will m-wmuu-mud --ltiiqop'.trretarroieHr.tt Foe can! ya" can" The Farmer Who Retires l The interment.took 'place at 11aw- ‘kesvilla on Saturday, the 23rd in- stant. in the presenci' a! a large concourse of friends and felativrs. The religious seniors were conducted by the Rev. John E. Lynn of Berlin and the Rer."L. Thoma ot Hawk-s- ville. The Pali-bearers were, How- ard Bowman. Leslie, William, Gdr. don, Clarion and Birrelt Peterson, all grandsons of the deceased. tion and atrisiie name. He was a great believer in making the home lile ot a farm as attractive as that inf the city, to which the dcliplmul surroundings ot his own late farm ‘to-day testify. He also took a great {interest in .the breeding of horses and ‘stock, being‘among the first.to im- port orou stock into, the 1';;ltt7"fltlrrlti keen interest in all public matters and always wished do hag: all sides of a question lactate, mining his opinion. His politic"! Ci(r'o'l'lt"l'ti2' were Liberal and in reli- Jttoty he was a. 1nrmper of the Church of the tuted 12re,thiem Hat Mien re- counted the stirririk events of the Rebellion ot 1837 in thazvicinity ot ‘Toronto. and retained his mentality ‘to the last. The deceased was married to Fanny Bristow, who predeceased him in 1893, Malling surviving his' children,, Alexander, Ki-Warden of Waterloo county; James, of Dundalk, Ont.; Hannah. at home; John. of Grettreli. Sask; Henry, of St. Jacobi; Chain lotto. now Mrs. Clemens D, Bowman of Woolwich, and Charles of IIitmii- ton, Unt. The deceased was born in Somerset 'County, Pa., March 6th, 1823, the son ot Charles Lewis Peterson and Theresa Boyer of Baltimore, Md. Jte with his parents came to Upper Canada in 1826 and settled in Mark- ham Townahip, County oi Yore, In 1839 they removed to a farm about one mite Irom St. Jacobs, and shout ttVe years afterwards settled (iii the homestead property on the Conestoga River, Township ot Wool- wich. now known as the DeKay Farm. In 1894 the deceased retired from active [arming operations and made his residence at Hawkesville up my the timed his death. The late Mr. Peterson was a man at strong Wm. cheertul disposi- tion and a istie task. He was a his new one. would add my "- pm: to the municipality. us tte tat- an would be m up by the lee: arm: trom the inspection. which at, the uncut time “out. to $1.00 an mm. The work is not per- lormol by I member ot thin Light Comm construction null. tt It not thought. up cuttin- -....._..-.. _ V w e _ .. 'm"""""" WF... .. WV. "."" ___ ___ - "r" u Maniac: by a Mrmer. Mn: he hm mun-I the hulk! m m1; u< . [an labour. the M90“ wit be 1tortorel “D N Svmv‘mher Aux- b" "do: trt rm- " Imam“ rem oer - itttg",','t Mrs WM“ to 31V rtation w- t n1\VInnim on the l'mmrlian Puri',-. Chin-db“ qethem m brand Trunk " pi. Railtvari in Hannah. Sikatrttewart or Alumna. but not - " Edmonton. (3|.an m Mada-n.1, Alla. A rertificate will’ tr, "uttrmt etttitlittq mud-am tr, n Mondmhu " ket goo-t to tetrtrtt trtgg Hui-m on the Canadian Parity. Canadian Northern, m ("and Tlunk [Erik “way. In Amerta. Sn Lachrwaa artt Manihbn ca" of Mm t.ro I. Calgary and Edmonton War.', inning r.,'."),', by the "tRte mule m "mall“ on min: )tmzm'y on or leme hot 1mm. " 3. rm mvm-vu an luv- h-lf van: nu mil. "oirtirrutm fully - In)“: “Mm mum to Ill!“ from Wi "tree, prrrvi lest the huH-w Ilw‘lirih the rerttrrrate with 3. tb-ttet I nt on arrival at vIv‘OhIali-m. arrl mort' at v,, t thivty “up " tsixrveting. _ Far 'rfrv'l'tt7h'll'/i Re Mnrtxt (MIR Agent. or trite-- ‘m [an .5";an " lunch- -kiiadrG Eula. tnciusive :an can. than! In “talk m1 2Nd ._From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Samh Indus"! 'IQ iPr"o2T,t",; h' h ' b I dud! h - 'rom memo and North.We,tern Ontario, {an o ut not .'.' " “In," Mt Grand Trunk Lane Toronto to amid and [can m’ Toronto to Imam». than; Lake and Remnw, i, In mu: (new (-3". ' h ot I Judi -- Yom aroma and all sum-m ia (Mum; ' a o ut n MC, " “PTIIIII Ad Ish,',','," Emu“ Lin-e Tom-u.) to 3mm “MT N h B I I d _ henna smut-n: on Grand Trunk Lm- orutttoto; on av non W WEI " and Wert thermat Luv-"mm. mam. u t F R, l w Nulbmywsiult u.’ Mane QPMIM. tyyus_Lttsrq_risttrvileuae! Me t Crraur" slam-cuss mrrrrih7Ti7airfir, ummq: ME ___ - Ole-way second cue ttrkets la \thimu only v in be 'Mt Eurh mm will Inrlnde I ,rht.kPtiyo rt"ilrerctittttteystr" cmumn._ " hyn, puemiun Y""'""". his 'rr Aer' Hui in" cent per mile from Winn! to “I“. Cal-Ari. or Edmonton. W " “coma -T-rtiiiiijE-si.r, 810.00 TO WINNIPEG ,euiiut'lthi-QM cl 40,000 FIRM . lABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA' GOING HATES M. G. IIVINIY. D.P.A.. c.P.R.. I‘m This is to certify that l have _used MINAIID'S‘ Linimcnt in myiamily tor years, and Consider it the gist lin- iment on the marketâ€. 1,have lound it excelknt tor horsemesht .18igned) a “CS. FIXED. in time to save the lives ot Dr. Douglas Mawson.' Australian actress- explorer. and five rontpanions who were left last march on Matiquarie Island in the Antartic Ocean, when thy owe! members of the expedition wqre taken' to Tasmania. "The six men had exhausted supplies atitrhad ban living tor me lime on the‘hearta "ti-iid “mum: ot "a elephants. When the relief ship ar- risrtthey were in a very weak no". diti'on. . -- [IVES SAVED - L.LL .L. Lunaâ€. 1..an 1an I Christ Church. N. X., August, 27.- fceadiait 'Protss-Rt1ierarrieed just A real crisis His iken reached in the Mexico situation. Earl Grey addreimed the . Itttrrna- tional‘ 1'o,-optirauvr, (’ongross in may gow. _ J _ "Woodlands," Middleton, AIS S7,7M--.ujtttrtor Magnan. Montreal Que. Cracker packing machine. Write lor tree copy ot “THE "N'- VENTUR'S ADViy'sER." 1,062,59b-Rotrario Portia. Cote des -.Neistrtt, Que. Screw jack. 1,0s8',23i-Aristide E. .Gateau, Mon- treal, Que. Medical treat- ment apparatus. t "Winona: 1’th EAST." sumo FROM wmmpzq ELLE JG pin? aie%G {In Minn-n oi Kaboom r-Ilga " or Edmonton to "Inn!†trod, Que. Chutes pressing whine. 1M,335-Arthur Lounger. Montreal, Que., Vertical than hearing. 149.3tq--or. Pull W15. Grabber ttpt, Austria. Amman†tor fastening stable cattle. 149,3N--uon Rune, Paris, France. . Process ot decorative painting. t",538-Haurim, Leblanc, Val Bur Seine, France. Steam clamor. 1t9,53S-Frederice van Kruckow, Mon treal, Que. Stump extractor. Any Mac- on the subject will be supplied nee alt-barge by anh- ilg to the above named tum. "'.3"rrerint Hetlwig, mmkrei tel. Germany. Frost-ts tor my! doting peat, wood waste, and other likes- substance suitable lot paper pulp. _ t40.3M--ausr. IM.M.E. Hauler, Dres- den. Germany. Coverlet tor pntieatl. No. BY RELIEF ', _ EXPEDITION G BEAT “RITA IN. UN [TED STA TES CANADA A usot.U.28 . Sanderson’s Bakery King St. Waterloo. hm Bull, and, Rolls, In The "ttggi', Association of utcrloo County FREE LABOR BUREAU " King St. West, Berlin. We have vacancies for men and no men in~all lines of work. It you no out of employment communicate him no at once. No chars: for - “on at unice- tendon-d I“ t We + supply 0 tamer: t bmrt a ' round. . In t * Beer, t u Ca . tour a t dway: + '38“ . 01's, t Ghee: 8mm t Give ' winced , lieeret' . town. t EDI y Bucee t Phone Paley Cakes. t Ta,irsGuri. 78.7 Fischer. t t Phone 243. Proprietor. + o -otoiotof"t'o+ t"o'"t'ttt'T"'"tt t THE LEADING t . gMeat Market t In an x-ouinlirlu. Act; fur our INVEN- TOR'R AU\‘ISF;&w?:Ich will b" Bent tree. ' BERLIN' Brawn. We have the reputation ot supplying our numerous CUB- tomeri with without“ Bed be". of mean all the my: round. In the line of meat: we have Beer, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Sug- ar Cured Hams amt bacon, tour own curing) j,nnoo tasted, than used; 11mm Sam sages such a Belay“, Wien- ers, Pork Sausage Head Cheese, Liver Susan and Summer Sausage. Give Ill 'cteiirt and In con- , winced. om [Kanpur " . Iiveted In “I put. ot the + town. t EDGARmSCHER' t WE HAVE THE REPUTATIOII of always keeping the best in GROCERIES, VEGETABLES and FR mts. THE ‘MOLSONS’ BANK. Broadway Suits, readv made, $15.00 to .__ ._t.. ...wrr . . 815.00 Broadway Suits. made word". $17.00 to .. _.. V mm...-.'.'"" $35150 Broadway Overcoats, ready made, $10.00 to _-. irq .___r. 820.00 Broadway Overcoats, made to order, £15.00 to trmrtt_ete_ _ 835.00 Cheaper Suits and Ovetco ats lot men andrtroys, 33.9510 314.00 Pamel- Hair, Marathon and other Sweaters, 75c to ., ._. _ $5.00 Model Shoes, latest style fur men, $2.50 to .rr.r_ ._.....r. $5.50 Arrow, Phit Eessi and Regent Hats, 32.00 m ,'v_ "rv ... $3.51! "thee makes for m and boys 50c to ... .. _ _.. .trts.rm ..r... .. $.15 We "Nil; your {nspedlom _ . E. H. THAMER & SON, NEW FALL GOODS ON g -:- -:- DISPLAY 'rt- -r,- ", 90 KING‘STREET EAST :04 Unlvlrlity IL. Manna-u. MA RION & MARION. DIETRICH' S GROCERY At all Bunch“. Interest allowed at high“ current nth. warm. on, Bram-h. Jacob Hunter. Manager. Berlin, on. Branch, J. R. Kirkpauwk, Mal-amt. in MN... mun, Inn. "cm-nix . w. o. murmurs. , _ G. A. BOGERT, General Manager. - . l a BRANCHES us mmmx. ' can“. august: swarms TitANt4AcTKD. luncvun umms an can)†'NPV. .'".. ) TRAVELLERS cumr‘rrs '__.'.... ' _ P'... Issued. BANK may mun-1m w'" '...__. .r_rrmrr...._ . , have always received the closest attention from the Dominion Bank. Sales yotes Discounted or Collected otmost favorable terms. intents! paid on Savings Accounts, prhich may be opened with I deposiigfgng dunk at more. THE Ilillillllltlll BANK mu um minimum: aroma] th--u.1m " Savings 00pm“ monk Farmers’ Banking Needs Try us for your next order Wimp-id op - . - " 35.000300 “no". Fund _ . - . - 130,000,000 You may _ _ - . - $78,090.00!) CIT, King gm! Scott Sis, EJDDDDEDUDEDECTDDEDBC‘DE INCORPORATED I855 MIN A RD'S ldNHMHNT "I'HI'ZS DIPHTHERIA Ir" INSURANCE CO. Incorporated In 1.08. Total Assets Mst Dec. 760,000.90 BOARD or DIRECTORS N Dr. J. H. Webb. Esq. L) William Snider, Esq. 000. Diebel, Esq. J. l.. Wideman, Elq.. Bt. Jtcobo. Allan Bowman, _ Esq. Pro-m. P. E. Shaun. Preston. Thoma Gowdy, Esq. Only]. James Liv ngston, Eu... Bun. Funk Haight, Eu. RAH... BERGMANN, Manager. E. R. FITZGERALD, " Wm. Snider. Pmldnt. Goo. Dietrel,' Viwrmident. Frank "night, Manner. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. e, Haight, Solicitor. C. A. MEIR, District Agent. WATERLOO, ONT. OFFICERS BERLIN, ONT.