' “All is Well That Ends Well" oiatye more Tun Sins smiled his icy mile and the Vice Consul made as if to weak, but thinking better of it. ap- 'trtrentiy, muiutnined his new silence. _ "You were coming to that." l urged. T "The man to ' ham hlcNish boa-ted mm tic-aft"): the man who ideatifled him. They had born partners in the Par East in the trade or lmuggllng caches. The one, I have no doubt. was no better than the other; yet we believe that our iniormunt was neither directly nor indirectly concerned in the particular piece of brutality ot which I have told you. Eventually. he and Mchnh quarrelled and parted. For Dome years he lost all trace ot him; and then by accident, one day he came fupon him. here in America, living in a {palace on Long Island Bound and mate huerndlng under a new naniiy." "A' resemblance!" I cried, In a me. than of indignation. "A mere mam: Nance! And on that you and your people conspire to torment and ab duct II purely innocent man. Wu ever inch an outrage heard of! Every one of you shall par dear for this error." I mitrt'tt have been the tire wood atmtterirstr on the hearth for all the ef, feet my velmmencc had upon that precious pair ot Mongolian. "Yes," I resumed. hotly. "He's here. more dead than alive unfortunately; hut be " coming knit“! slowly and will be quite able to' gtlfy whenthe time comes." "Mr, Chen Mok." he proceeded. calmly, "has communicated with the State Department at Washington, and the United States authorities" are now only waiting our word to put your good, gentleman†friend under arrest, Mr. Clyde. tor the crime he commit- ted on tha high seas, sixteen years. ago." "We understand," the spokesman re. sumed, "that your friend managed in name way to escape from his captors. and Is now in this house.“ For a moment. I stared at them In mom annulment. " 7 length. "both crazy. Do you think for one moment I believe such rot as that? Even If what you any were poa- MNe--etmt it itm't-rou would have to identify the accused by wmethlng bet. ter than the mere word of a man who hadn't seen him for years. Ot what use would such an identitieation be against the testimonr of Mr. Cam- eron’s life-Inns frivnds?" I laughed grimly. Bo that was their prune! Por nearly a month Cameron hid been their prisoner. In that time ‘they had examined, inspected, inven- 'toried him. “is scars, moles, birth- inarka had hem listed, and were now ‘lo be usâ€! to identify him with a rene- Bade murderer of Chinese caches. "Since you doubt our ability to tdentitr." was Mr. Yup‘s prompt re joindcr, "I may add that there are two marks of idcntitication. which Inuit, I think. convince even yourself." i I told my shim-eyed visitors that ftholr trick was transparent. But they Wrtly looked at me with an expression Which seemed halt pity and half con- gtempt. -, "Did you over obsvrve a tattoo mark 'on your month left forearm?" asked laer. Chou Mok. ; "Never," 1 answered. 1 "He has one mac." I "t am willing to wager something billable he hasn't a tuttoo mark any- {where on his person." I rvtoru-d, "and d1! prov: it In tive mlnmpl " "ks, both unmet 211110621 The Common Sense Medical Adviser A tror noon PAGES MA T m tN C 'lkh'ltiFdfe)ti)f,i)h'i; "gt,,iEe1h's'a'ith"e'lr'.v0,'l1'strl%t Aiajugvik i"lc,idaitiii --" au?", fltt boil! 30mg Rankine Sable Lorcha f?ries3eieBWt."sr"." u GIG; " A. c. 5-4. _ - â€WI!“ Along with dynperin come: menu-nan. uleeplmneu and (all- orlll ill Mun. Why__ _ [fungus I .dhrtrdt.rettoTeh, dean not .eett a... "' mm. MW .., . ..u....w - ___.'-.--.-- _._,..._V.. “W W - r - the {00310 bo mimilaud Ind carried to the Mood. 0n the other 'ati the blood in charged with when. which con. {tom this diam}. digestion. In turn. the nerves on not led on good. red blood and to see those symptoms of nervous breakdown. " is not held work that does it, but poor Btornneh 'nrk. With poor thin blood tho body b not protected mains: 1ttttet of. I""'" of grip-be-tsitio-er-rt a}; "iGiririG iar" now win? In Mtrrattverrtrttet IB,,, "IN" mod: ml Dinah. pro-allied In but um: and tatbtet torm in Dr. R. V. Ptrrro. over â€your. no. _ Golden Medical Discovery More than to year- of -iertere bu pram In -Rtr worth I. in III- â€(rum-m nomad: mun-and Maud purit'ter. n htvigoratett Ind null-Ml the stotttnrh. hw-r and tannin. and throotttt 1m tho whole mien. " can now aha hr- hm! m sttsrn-t tatttet (am " "In! dull"- In â€an " not. and we..." in Mao-mt tumu- for In] In to Dr. Pam'- - Hotel and Surmcal Institute. Buftnh_ N.r. â€Yum!“ _u'..‘*.- . K i"Por__.rt- alumna-cor "m,t-tttg to EM‘IM‘W:"I. mutt-[humanl- "mutual. love-Hutu!!- hmvuwmtmuhm' . To .1 “twin. 1P.ry2.tePt “It. In. tttata. In“. I“ tut be It» be gamma " put to an - tho mry an“ m u I in we, can that no tutu-Int- m gnu td be given. no Inner that the " d andâ€. I want.- Mad 1 not plant! mm- “a you with Cameron more. at than on Bot “we: dun nun. with “In Mu rolled - In: elbow, " forum- wn hated " View! Could them by any possibility have been a undo mark there. and I not have mm ttt Mr. Bryan can. quickly. ‘3 ma. pul- slod. mink. u but; and to met an audience. Furnace]! I kept silence. merely wuln; An Introductory land toward the two Chin-men. {ween the tett an Yup Bin; tactfully explained tho ult- Iluon. ' " qtseratI91t, bu "hen, Mr. Ema,“ Ttir-tmt-i-trt-ti more a sunny in his ton. than I had hitherto observed. "whether by any chance your patient has . mark ot any chuncter whatever tattooed upon his left forearm. It you qua observed Inch, we gttatt be glad tt you will - tic-crib. an The nurse BuntrrottreFtttt glance It me, and I nodded teauurlngly. I did not wonder that he was lurprlud at the question. "In there, or is than not, such I mark.'" the Oriental urged. "There is; yes, sir." I think. involuntarily. I started for ward. I know that for Just 3 breath I thought my ears had rite, me I trick. Then, suddenly. t ere ewept back acrosa my memory that eBIrretF Mon of Checkabeedy's: "Who between you and me, sir, I don't trust. nohow." Could it be possible that Bryan was in the conspiracy? But only for the briefeat moment did this doubt "my amid the waiter ot my thoughts. Into its place rolled an amazement that shocked and stunned; that checked me all standing, an it were; for Bryan was amplifying, VII teiiing about the, mark, which he tad tint noticed he said. on the night of his In“? and which he had examined more only on several occasions Iince. mlndly l clutched the Met at I chair with both hands. for a tense of unreamy oppressed me, and the room has)! become waverlvgly Inn-abutm- spinal aTiiTEitr 'Ttwiooks atr-thoutiti if were the mark of a deep and vlclous knife slash." l was not in the least lur- grind. It was not true, of course. this that Brian was saying. Nothing was true, Nothing was real. It was all a night- mare; and the two gioating yellow musk: were horrible dream (Ices. Into the mental marshalling or [acts which ensued there came a vtvld mem- ory or that weird scene In the sick- chamber when C-meron had raved In . strange tongue. mingled Titty _ntu2tdts "tea evidently a representation ot Iome not: ot sailing vessel," he ex- plalned. "with a curved hull and a lingle broad null. And below It In three letters: D. M. N." It was Yup Sing's volce I heard. He was still questioning the nurse. And now Bryan would make another pro pastel-cu: answer. just as persons " ways do in dreams. I knew he would Bo when he said: “Yes. Mr. turn be Checkabeedy brought me back to a realization ct time and place. He spoke my name in a half-whisper and I awcke again to realities with a start. "The JifJeiiire hire. sir," he in- formed me, matter-or-ra.). "The officers?" I repeated. and then, memory reasserting itself. I added: "Oh, yes. of course. Ask them to wait Just a moment, cheetratreedr." "And you have probably noticed a BCRr--a long livid scar?" Fodruers Wrong ' If they are you are in dnnger. When through weakness or due-R the kidneys [ail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once. Backorhe, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes. GattStones and the deadly Bright's Dimease are tome of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pill. contain a most effective diuretic which strrrtgthrns and stimulates the kiilrws so that the? do their wot-k thoroughly and well. Try " 7 '7 bin Moriou " -Ahn Root Pill! Carts Pe T Little Liver Pills. cl iyituitbErrtirot1 an I luv 1mm».- xmcrknlnaun; Damn. in the light at tonlght'l Invention-at Tttpthn" Tor. nacular. u “at Brynn Bad II“ m "tMr-end tor him to u. about I - ter u readily demonunble VIII hard- ly to be consider-b-a - conclude lune“ beaten It I“ poustn. From that to last, then, I had been duendin; I creature unworthy ot dadmtaet. It was dimcult to accept this con- cluulon. Mind and heart nuke were arrayed against it. Yet. thinking clearly now, I mined fully the po- ultlon In which I had placed myself. I bad been willing to “we". to wager, there was no tattoo mark, and the but "idencer-mr on ,rttuess--ttad proved no wrong. Certainly I could expect no mild judgment from the“ Asiatic; Honest " I had been, ther malt believe that 1 had known. tutd had meant to ‘decelvo them. .The! mummy thought that I had “sullen to Bryan to endorse me m my lies, and that the nurse had either misunder stood or openly rebelled. "He-ton; iitreeitmeear had reached the door. I recalled him, -- -. -ciinuand thought.†I ma. “the of- BcerB need not wait. Tell them that it was a Inmate. I “all not require "What Mr. Bryan has told m in the greatest surprise to me. Even yet I can scarcely believe it. unleu the mark and the scar wane obtained while my friend was a prlloner in tlll hands ot your countrymen." "The mat is not a fresh one." laid the nurse. "AI to tattoo marks. I am notgsrperterteed; butI shouldn‘t think the mark on Mr. Cameron'- arm was put there reeentV." Yuan-I‘D" in.“ -aGasintr to Yup snug and his cum- pnnlon, I 366311: "Tattoo marlin and 34:an Bttow age no less than laces,†the merchant se- plied. “not; of these Ire year: old. Any capable Judge of such thing- will tell you that. Possibly Mr. Bryan can Rand, "while T idiot question Mr. Bryan's entire honesty in this matter, nevertheless I prefer to see these marks ot identWcatiou. amen. It you will excuse u: tor tive mamas, I Ila“ not he longer." At the foot or the grand stall-cue. Evelyn joked me. Bryan, at my lus- gestlon, went to the elevator and my cendcd that way, while she and I slow- ly climbed the broad, velvet-carpeted marble stops to the floor above. "I thought you were never coming out ot that rocm." she declared, netw- ously. "Once, I was on the verge ot going after you. The ttrat time you ring tor f,?e'tte,t'p I mean. . . What did you ve him telephone fort He absolutely termed to tell no. Wu tt the two policemen? . . . What dld You want them tort . - ... . Wht ald‘you Tet than go “my again: . . . Aren't those Chlnamen ever going? . . . What on earth did you going? . . . What on earth did want with Mr. Bryant . . . l are you going upstairs tor,_now?" How tactfully I answered the“ ques~ tions and othcrs I shall not attempt to decide. I know only that I Met my teeth to guard the one prqblem which absorbed me. and which for world. I Would not have her know, E I wonder now may women there us who. burning with cttNotrlty u the WM. would have obliged me n she didt In " mrdonable, then, it gun I say that throughout all this trylng ex- Vperience the proved hem" rum at a [thou-um]? _ "It is all right, Evelyn.†I assured her, over 1nd over again. "There " not tho smallest danger. . . - Ther came to give me information. . . . You.mult be very tired. little 'girl. Dry-n was waiting for me In "Pt manage outside Cameron's door. " "t left him sleeping." he explained. "Und, If possible, I don't win: to dio- ‘turb him; " we'll go In anelly tm gether." .7 .7 7700 to bed, now. um! forget lt ;-n until morning. . . . Yen, I'll yell you everything. then." mow}! the wl'lh iuthtlte care lest he make the least none he turned the hob. Quite " cautiously he opened the door, Ind "plating may. we on- tered. It wan the tir" time I had bmm In the room alnoe the day of that torrtble outburst, and It um hrld for me an at- mosphere " grew-omen lorblddtn! n that of a tomb. my“ mum “Wig-Inna “nan-Willis tt't. br umHvW; What Canadian PM Rollo AccengogeyOIden _ NuT TO SEND are "queoted to be on the lookout tor such matter and to send all that thay me tome DeadLetta: Ot- nceformntotheouuyol ori- mt-starr-are-rams-ate-ii-rar. uric: are observed to banning tn' the unadu- mails and postnatal Some at minimum» and no“: I agent; whole rcixcnhu have but; been brought to an; “gluten ot um department are :U4rrimt Hamburg‘ Money Lottery, Great Danish Colon- ial Money Lottery, Great Danish International Money Lottery, Royal Hungarian Lottery, Royal Danish Lottery and Credit UIIjVenal. Lek tors are not to be lorwarded to any ot the above mentioned lotteries or lottery agents. and money orders an not to be made payable! to than. Notion is also given that racing sweepstakes circulars which no be- ing received inane mails from Den- mark aid Switzerland are to be treated as unmailablc. and money orders nude out to them by Persons in Canada arenottet be mounted. [UriLEIl0. [iiGlii)] Ingersoll, Auguar) 13.4"“ over _ " -..C.r' ... .r..... ..'. s'....-.-- 110.70 84.090 already _r',',trggi'g'd is c" David H. Bell, .h cost or bavelt- pected that negoth ' will result ling Blandfotd TP. line w..."... 123.32 in the Daly House mains; into the Waiter Hostetur, 14 cost ot Ron possession ot'ajoint stock COW! when on?!) line. ...rrr9'r'-' ... 12.86 and that betâ€; howl accoulnodahm John Battaer, mpg .111! labor†M.68 will he maid“. " t.tye per. “F Henry otta, l cost cl unveil- ture, T w ieN'.riar. Tyr. limp I.... P-.... 39.87 Unstitutactory “but. which M. summer, Ban. olacc. tor have Prevailed owingto the maioritt work ......... ... m. ............... 66.00 of the hotels closing their “mint A. Heisel. filling and work on room when local option went into et- N.K.H. Ttr. line l amt. ....... 1.50 feet, prompted the movement to pro- Alphonal Dunn, gerellillg and wide accommodation that would meet “on on Road Beat sq, ..e... 95.50 an requirements. The résponse lot It. Mat, operating. -road ma assistance has been fairly general and dine pr."-". VV» .910 nrt'nerous and it is trelieved the that Hy. Schmidt, tears on road mar fer ot the Daly House will take Place china .-.... _.r... ... . _... _.-...-.... 15.75 at once. An option on this property ".3 Ritz. printing Voters list has been obtained by Mr.Dyer, of ... ... trr...... '."rr. mme". ..rrm.r.. 16.00 1hurTr, rho is willing to run " ttti. Byxigrtrit-riBtc, w, _' __ --. tor the knit aim Stratford, Aug. 13.-strattord's ex. pensive new sewage disposal plant, in operation only a year, is not em- eient enough to satisfy either the Provincial Hoard ot Health or the farmers along the lower avenue. When the plant appeared' to be satisfactory last {all an injunction of a you": standing was withdrawn brute Dow- nie people, but this summer stream pollution was again charged, and a writ having been issued against tbe ‘city, action was taken by the Pro-. Twint‘ial Board. l Chatham, Aug. IL-- Present Indi- lcalinns ro‘nt to the apple crop in 'Krnt being a short one. l loulbuy- I". Trim. M. French, ma' rs this re Iron mm min; tttpr the 'roruttr.r mar ing contracts. He says thatotettards which were sprayed are doing well, but other orchards show Bormr and lullslzrd fruit. Allan the lake slou- th- (10;) ss'rll be ahont “my. Provincial Engineer llallyn, aim an inspection ot the plant this alter- noon, intimated that his report to ‘(hl‘hoatd will recommend the lollow- lug intprorernosts:--Ntrw sedimenta- tion beds and improved sprinkling equipment, including in auxiliary gas engine; achlorinatinn device, and a hunms bed between the sprays and the :creek into which the purifred effluent, icmpties. STRATWRD MUST IMPROVE SEWAGE ' V BISPOSAI. PLANT Mayor Greenwood promised prompt action in the matter. APPLE CROP r ( WILL BE . SHORT IN KENT Pr". I" cltwnu'.’ r-va-nl u. ."tlH - "eroterrttm rem. m t fem. "ttem. freGU" tll crew _il'it,irt.hiu'3A'ro'S"iih","i, toff. " Dr. de Van’s Female P1tis nu tt Pdh'l"l',hdlN%ll"lie 1ht'lll I a m1. M or I e " ll ti-iefdisiiruitmiiiiiE - __ --H jiy.iyeet, Punch "gttutor.ytever hilt. TIMI. " nu clouding], panama In â€Inward“. "e)Ftr.tFii.riru'.ncoithtfteitetem, - Ppt? "an WIN-U Arr. .mm_rrFr. m.wmm-.. i'".'"" norm 'iii%aiil,tilai:riie,iiiiiiriii-, For‘l'him l tt ‘WM (m 1""d'M1""".""'T1T."%1I" iSr'i't.'itie, n... u." sauna-Ln.» iiiiiiriiyiii, do“. sung: 5" Councill- Dttert4* ' hurt-0.10:9 7"TiiC2Ti", ttrt - 'fli','ltfa' - tm "te.te2ta'.Pgtdtetg2g',' The um letdo- ot Wilnot Tr. Comm! Watt bu " theâ€. Hell, Bah. on as am otouty 1913. Member. all present. except A. I 291m, The Reeve presiding. TN million at muons Ieuion were reed and tour-Ind. A letter “I received 1.0:. UR. Miller, re grant to the (“Man's Aid Society at WeurloO. (may and referral to the Comm» kc of the whole. A lotteLJrom K. Gouda Memieipat -Alto¢iltion w:- realized an ordered to be Bud. A nonunion was receivodlrom the Trustees oi the Police “in†ot Plan (in. asking the Council to my and} row the met In handmadolb‘ nu Iran 1b ratepayerrol the Por' ten Vilma! Bad-n. for street lid“? in; and other My current ex- - ot Ink! Village, tor the “I! 011.“, ttitedr. A letter from Ed- Ite, Wt. Secty. of Board ol Education. Berlin, re extension ot the present High School District etc are" lame wu ordered to he filed. M, letter was receiVed from Township Engineer re Kramien. Drain, which the clerk was ordered to reply to, In rams ot the resolution passed to any. A letter trom Andrew an, Sanitary Inspecwr, asking lot three months leave of absence. in order that he my", visit the North West, was reached. On motion Council resolved Into Commute of the whole, A. C. [human in the. choir, when the fol- lowing accounts were passed. VIII: Jacob Schweitzer, l cost ot ditr ing on Township line ....t. " 18-50 Louis Grol work on Waterloo Ttr. _ " ...... ... ..tes.t.. ..'. -'~--.~------- 110.70 David H. Bell, .h cost ot gravelt- ling Blandfotd TD. line w..."... 136.82 Waiter Hostetur, ' Cost ot Rm N. tomb June'm.“ ..’,.. tt.tsl rad lb Fire Dept. grant .w.8_'_ . 20.00 Wilrrdt Arr. society, do rt'" "' 50.00 Path-n Police Village allowance as per immanent m.. ... ...'-"" 315.00 Livingston Linseed Oil Co., re. lrlnl'cinz and Pipe for railing. Srlmaidts, ...., "r-rv wmr.tt..r..e.'. 43.92 (‘hildren Aid Society, Berlin, grant .r.... ...... ......, ....r..-.r.. 20.00 (LS. Fowler, teaming pictures, re Board of Ilealth’..m........... 1.50 Christian Roth, shooting; and , tatvingdwr, 'trr." mm-rp. .. ...et_rr-. 1m i, Moved try A.G. lla’llman seconded 1by M. Schultz that walk) grant the ‘request of Andrew ilzt togloavc ot nuance and accept. Mr. A. Stemn as ibis aubatihtte.-Cd. 7 Moved try Wesley Ertr seconded by M. Schutz that We do am. rize and itstruct t'.0. Bowman, It.", Engin- eer to take the 't3cessary'steps to clan out "Krampien Drain, under ac.--ce. Moved try M. Schultz seconded ' try RestsT F.rtt that anew road, 4 rods wide behuilt arrow; the northwest mm: ot lot IF. Con. 34., tarm owned by Solomon F'ttantz, and that hehe paid $75, tor necessary land ior law. also that anew road, 4 rods wids, be built across the southwest "?i,rrter " lot Is, Con. 2-A/tarrt' (mn- od try Norman Hanna. who'is will- ling to give the {and tor sum as a MIL. atom adoren farmers having Mung! to do the work.-Cd. u L In loving memory at Margaretha ilk-impel, beloved wife ot the late ilk-my Schneider, who died Aug. 18,, ‘i 18Ut. Iso mars have passed dear mother, Fees. " 'thi'"" motion the Council ndiourm-d until the Nth " rt Amust 1913. t MELWELIL. ('lork, Since God has called you home, To Join the heavenly circle, Around his great white thunk oh, mother how “910": tor ther, And yet we know that you are Front cares and trials evrrmore, “"an on that blissful shun, hr the home at laden-as beauty She in now a shining Star, Dwelling in the Holy City, With the gnldra ottes aiar. t'HIt.rtrttp.N. and 77 of the Drainage Art, In Memoriam 563%? Otto's, ......'.. 207.35 ....t.. 20.00 um, 1 'rr... 1.50 and l 01) "In-..“ 1 73.50 r-atbmt-"I-toeoobrr. I'm byahtulvleunlyu â€gag-1y 'P" I 2llNT I..) Itttt,tyettete uni-Winner, my. Iroem-dLgdi".Pt_rt'. Coin-dit-ttrt-so-trr- aes."--). LWAIDIYJILoguAu- m, Townâ€, Ont-do. Consider Well This Advice. eh. has given Lydia E. Pinkhnn’e Vea- ehble Compound e hit am his hm remedy, tho medicind in- gredients of whieh mderived from at tire more and babe. In- tor nearly {any in†[loud to be I meet vnlueble tunic and inviguntor of the tenth organism. Women raiding in goat every any and town in the U ted State- beer willing may to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pullman's Vegetable Compound. If ER have the engine“ doobt that II". E. Pinkllnm'e Vegeta- ble Compound will tlp, you. write to Lydin EJ’lnkhnm 'eateino co. ieoiiesnttt_ty Lynn. In... for ad- viee. Your letter will be opened. rend nnd answered by n womnn, Ind held In strict eogtttdenee. SEVERE STORIES DAMAGE CROPS IN TIE WEST Moose Jaw, Sash, Aug. Is.-- The - J. mum mum the “inhuman. the P. B. HUGHES '; territory extending trom here to Dentist Oddlellov'l Block; I, Winnipeg and as far north as Saska- a: fomt--has been swept by two vely _ Waterloo. 'ir'. severe mm: since midnight on. Wed. "'-"""""'"CrrrrCC, - "g' nudity. Your commuted was on CLAY'NN W. WELLS, Pi“ the train bitumen Brandon and Re- L.D.S.. 1105-. Dentist, Tr.tttow9", ma during the first storm. which noun a to s. Fridays! to " Tel. mi started late Wednesday night. and Alter Attrit ut will Titrit i snout itself (just. below dawn Thnrn- the second and fourth m." In ", dav morning, and upon arriving at. month. I to 6tm. "5 tttr.1ntter city it was loud that the C2".ui-U-.L,..u-.--...------k hea‘vv winds and rain had commonly DR. J. E. Hm . "iii, lied In the street railway service, t ‘; ,and that the roads were so flooded as Birettinttr- ii), to make an investigation of crop Disease! of his Eon ' 713] munitions in the surrounding country None and - +1- an absolute impossibility. Reports King Bk East. _ gen-L g " telegraph and telephone Iron: the "=.ucL.-.--------uij', stormswettt art-a. showed that the B. ECKEL, l..D.S ' nus, t damage had been slight. as a town . "1 ml the winds and “in ot the night _?reettf.ttae,e.Pt,tgL,Pefi', hbos--Browrr--rn Gait, on rueear,l EXPERIENCED VETERINARY Aug. 5, Mr. Roy Mama. to Miss Charlotte Brown. Gardiner-Sherman-An Gait. on Tux-May, Aur. 5, Mr. Robert Ross,, Gardiner to Ciss Nollie Sherman. tuturet-Grertt--ht Gait. Aug. 6, Mr. Norman Btnttett to Miss Ida May Cereen. 11airhr--Bimrme--U Galt. Aug. 7,Mr Secord Haight to Miss Cora Ritm- lug. lu'gh6-Mt6at--rrt Gait, on Aug. 5, Mr. Frank Light to Miss Margar- " Moll-t. F1hutr--rn Waterloo on Saturday, Aug 9, to Mr. and Mrs, Claytnll Shut a son. Fi1si,er--rn St. Jacoby, on Sumt- , day Aug. 9, mm; and Mrs. r. H, viisinmf, 5 daughter. 'Nrnpbel1--rn St. Thomas, to Mr. and Mrs. Torn Campbell a son. No was: Mai Restored to Health by Vind-. Letter to Mothers. Anxious mothers often wonder why their ciliidren are no pate, thin um! nervous and hive so Mule appetite. For the benefit ot and: mothers in lthis vicinity we publish the following otter. _ J. Edmund Miller, New Haven, Conn., says: "My mm daughter. over llnce her birth, had been tran and sickly. and m a constant mum of worrhnent. Savers! month: an we commenced to give her Vino]. 1 Im- mpdintely noted nn Improvement In her ham: and unmannce. t nu her three bottles of Vinol. and trom the good It has done her I an ml, any " will do I“ you rI-lm." This child“: reetteerr was due to the combined Irma of the medicinal Elements "in fed from oods‘ liven. Homhined with the blood-making and 'trrrttrttttrettthttt properties of ionic iron, which or. contained in Vino]. Tinot will build up and strengthen (Mimic children, old movie And the weak, run-down and debilltued. We "mm the money In "If, on. whore It falls. . Full, $ltrtt Gilli.“ A. O. "AEIINED. Wlwrlm. WELL M, ti91 tom, " at, ".riyJa)'7's"'il L_.§m 'o"_o6oqoeoqo4 hIIAL an a. mum â€I.-. "In, “my I“ Cam-lat. no. In†" has. a In. W's Bled. Wot-rho. ' J. A. new“. Ba., L.L.B. 4.5.3 A. Idt. law In Chantry. "ertel an. Solicitors. me. - to liq†, on: Upstairs a a. “an“! CLEMENT a ('3me fit nun-ten. Solicitou. Honda. l), Conveyancul. _ 'l! Prince Fund- to In... l once: new-u. Block. 91 Cor. $rttptd Foundry ttha., W? B. P. CLEIEN'I‘. K3. - - _-__ --' .2 Convey-Ice}. etc. Honey in 'tt 0M. Upstairs Cor. King at T Sh, t"tegtoo. l Mu. Iillat, KC. “my J.1 D.C.L. Batiste“. 'rotario., on. the, Upstairs hollowed 810‘. m. We“, Built. (Sm: to Conrad Bit-r.) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary PI do. Honey to loan. Gonna I’d otBeo-Peqtsrttrtat'ts Block. .301. Market. Frederick St.. Berlin. Summer's Block, _ Phone 143 King St. HAMI- Honot Graduate ttt Tomato Uulvuk slay, Late of the Ridean St. M Hospital. Ottawa, New 0! W Comma ot Physiclm and Sun at Ontario. Note: Night all: and: and trom the omoe. _ B. ECKEL, I..D.S ' D.D.B. Graduate Chicago College ol 1 m Surgery and Royal Collep' DenM‘Surgmm of Toronto. De onion in Fischer's Btoth, was: may practice: in all its in BURGmN. / J. H. Easel. granny.) ol the Oli- atlo Veterinary College. Ollce and residence. Queen St. ’houe 193. " calls by day or night answered. Dontlst, L.D.S., Royal Collagen. tal Surgeons, D.D.B. Tawny) Univ-uh sity. Alt branches of denim pun-r used. Entrance to otticq same a: Concordia Hall, over Lang Bron. lune ot Marriage Moan-u. r" oiBee:-- Pun (mice, St. Juan. out Licentiaw or the noâ€! Cellos. c! F Dental Surttrons, "odor nudist. University ot Toronto. Ottiee, ttrrst"' Mor, Weber Chambers, King Bt. w. Berlin. Telephone 202. Hours: ' am. to ' 9... German Ipokp. DR. W. J. SCImD'l' DENTIST tttNm--" King St. E. over Doub- I'm an! Entrance. 2nd Door Id at Post omen. Phone 454. - - - Bum. Graduate under Dr. Still, 1h launder ot the science, Editor "- nal ot Osteopathy 1909-12. on»- pathy often cures where alt clam Chronic constipation. “or db orders, nervous diseases, ' In“... IMantlle paralysis, when. can. - msfnlly treated. Electrical m monk. tttttreg, Room 208 Weber Chm Bella. 0mm. 0mm hours , to 12; 1.30 to 5. Closed all day Friday. OSTEOPATHY. DR. WELLINGTON K. JAOOIC. PROFESSIONAL DR. WILLIAM GEIGER. DR. LEDERMAN, D.D.8. A. L. Bl‘l'ZER. B. A. scalar: can: CLAYTON W. WELLS. JOHN L. WIDEHAN Osteopathic Physician. HILLAB a SI“ A. B. willth Deutist, Waterloo- J. A. lilLLIARD Telephone 121. , iv. Guam;