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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 Aug 1913, p. 7

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E Stuart & Moore, ol liming, Lon- t don, England, urute 'regarding the 'i-r, Hipply of quick opening, apparatus a: pgtd other time saving devices ior the 'a', jaw fire hail. The hrm has supplied 5, other fire halls III am British lanr l pile. Itererred to tht. F'ize and Light ii, Committee. L The business transaeted at the rec- " in session “I the City Fathers “as 1&3er routine. thtly three commit- E‘an had reports to present, which The Grim Roam-r summoned anoth- " at "eriin's ugl'tl residents this morning, in the |II~l‘sun oi Mr. John Henry TIMrrtius, who passed away at 'llis home, in? “union street at. "Berlin. The clrrmsnl has horn in poor health :sinve sum-ring a para- true stroki- a year and a half "ago. pid last Friday sum-rod a ,sreomt stroke Trom which he m'vor regained qiNtgciousness. , The late Ilr. Thomas was born in Germany and Was in his 72m. year. He came to Canada with his parents over fifty years ago and took up their residence in Waterloo where the Masai entered the hunt and shoe Msiness. He moved lo Bruin where he residedHor uhuut sow-n years and then went to )Lilulmuy wlwre he was in business Eur about hwnly wars. After retiring, hp Tetttovcd to Water- MR. J. E THOMAS PASSED AWAY a, ’1» fii,tgr','1", pissed a "Jaw, iti'lii 'ss" ts. which it u "wad malt in a more satislwa' m. tpoul ut the noxious weeds nuisance ’. Berlin. In camotianco Wit-h the visions of ttte Statutes Chief at at“ O’Neill “as otticialiy appoint- " I3 Inspect": of Noxious Weeds, “I tenant-r all partway with weeds noun their premises will be nouue'd 'ts have than removed by June 1,5th (I each year. The by-law appointing ". members oi the Board oi Works a inspectors “as repealed. Warming ctnnnumituations were either dealt. with or rc.'erred to the respec- tive committees. Fveen hy laws wvre 'i'"' their various readings and pass- III. The absrntc mrmbcrs were Aids. tteu, Rump-1, "reiihaupt, Burner ttaid tichlee. LII) . couns.ahi'ai"irit'"rg'iiwPthr.idite . _ -tt'il,_'i)ri: Hie!" . Sti 3 _ More sttltthltrn" tti,! f 1,If,,,,it g: Noxious eeds . E IN gm. foe our Write an“ - , if _ lass' mum" mm comm ' A:Attti' "s" Fr-BoauteoDE-ee_$r-hHtqmt)t wut ,4 n _ write b. wmumsm 1tUEh0t3NusrrrNtr+tEAT%ENr IhtsJitENl)iiEmnkitEtNElltr lrrijjrrl -Y0ll NEED NERVE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Damn. Mich. Fire Appliances Noxious Wetds, . 1 Iahertriifitihr" ifitiitiiiiifiiiirT" ', ma BUSINESS TRANSACTED WAS, AIDE!) BY "- eatfttttlttthm hr Canmlin lmsinst only. Adi bus. “who? a KENNEDY. and” will can you wt-geo-ts. on“ NERVOUS DWY. VAN m BLOOD Wo mm- mum him of In (or am- ttrk tune and do mt had to am m In! an or cum l The norm control " numumhoaysomuur‘ thing that debilitates them will when " org-u "l the system. lulu hm and In... - ruined thousand- of promising young men. Una-QM Dmi-apthetrreroram1 vitality.“ ther “mm m a proper condition of mlnlmod. They rem-III - ‘linzs, mmmlly. "trsitsatir and anally. How 1- to." 'Are you nervous and wmk. domain! and My. weeks before tho eyes um dark circles unw than, “mil: back, kidneys Irritable. palpitation of the be". lawful, debilluslng ammo. min-em in urine. pimple! m tho (no. eye: suntan. helm cheelu. cannon ox- lurcsslon, poor memory. “Idea. mammal. “my :me sanmmh. tired momlngs. restles- nights. chamo- umo moan. prematurodemy. but” mm.m Thai-ch. candida-cur In Method Tm h _ cum To cut: EARLY INDIOCRE'I'ION. AID EXCEQIE. HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR - f tri. Is mused from the blood being thick- enml with uric arid poisons circulat- .,ing in the head. Urie-Aeid Pills Icure all forms of kidney trauma. The.s are so good and so sure that the drug storm guarantee them. Be suze you get at1ti-l'riciI'ms. B. V. Marion on may box. Sold only at drug 'stores. ' “on and about thfyrars ago took up his resident» in this city. He was 'a hard working and successful busi- ness man and is well known though. out Western Ontario. The deceased is survived by his bereaved widow, two daughters,Mrs. Mrot.rlr at home and Mrs. E. J. Laschinger. Johannesburg, South M- -riva, and trrte sou. Mr. Charles A., "mung" of the Ontario division for the t4lterwin-Witliams Co. One bro- ther, Henry A., of St. Thomas, apd one sister. Mrs. Henry Scum, of Jer- my City, N. .l., also survive. A petitiomlrorn ' reside-la in the White, moped trmriitar hospital lo! vicinity, asking [or a light on Zena the criminal inane tn at 145 street was relented to the Fire a o'clock thin mulls. dart " lab Light Committee. erty through no?" we. a an in b'. S. Ruuttey, manager ot the 10- the open door a powerful an» cal branch ol the Bell Telephone Co., mobile that "ood hunting anti-me, wrote in relerewe to the removal ol and a night like a rocket ‘or the the poles on Queen street, north, ber- Connecticut State line, " wiles tween Ellen and Lancaster streets. may, accomplished his escape. stating that the business, does not Try-night he was still " large, and warrant them plating the wires T an- the. hospital authorities felt 'trtrteitt dergruuud " present and under the he was outside the State. Once he- circumstances are unable to remove youd its boundaries Thaw is tree. the poles. However, the Company Only months, perhaps years, at titi hopes to remove the poles when the motion can bring him hack to Mat- development of that part ot the teawan, and then only in one eveat- m wan . aatdttLutgLaiiiitttagicauagtchiLuttt ST. cATHAmNEt4.--Wilrtatn Ecli- er, an eight-year-old ward of T the (“hildreu's Aid t4ociety, has not been seen siuw he left the [arm of .William Pringle, near home, to walk three miles to church at St. Catharines last Sunday night. T Messrs. Clement ' Clement. on be- halt of Mr. Utt, Mr. Ford, the Wucst Estate, J. '1'. Bender, and W. J. Mc- Cut.cheon, wrote stating that their clients will not accept the mating which were purported to be More?! to them as compensation for the can-H struction of the trunk sewer through their lands V certain notice: sent them signed by various parties. ite- ierred to the Finance Committcc. l Light in Wall. - III...‘ I TXY is a' " D.&A.ora_ Headache [1:131:13 lamb-Corrie... Our teatalotrue-- we send it Aree-- w H I help yo u choose the heat for yours. Write for " today. - If! u. A. UK " La Diva corsct . for, cvcry figure. I I'HATH1W-Friend.r, M ti. A: Gordon, “It, who rmntly ”Medan him at his home in Tatrarrtutrg, fr port um he " "covering from the e0rrts at his sud-Ion illnesnn Mm- tn-al a low weeks ago. The you“: man was prttntittertt in Mevronie,rtMitirat and agricultural MI Pity circles, and was widely known in South Kent. Ire was active in the lrral Conservative "rzattizat,iorts, was a dirertor of thp "arwirh Acrirul- turol Rmioh'. and was .hm‘inr War- do" itt Krnt Loder, No. Mt, CF. A-, COLLAPSE!) in thrro fret of water, and when pull- ed out a minim- later he was dead, all Minus at resuscitation proving un- availing. _ tAt. Tre was 34 War! of a", i i ai,i is survived by a young wife. Blenheim. (MIL, Aug. AT.-. A Sid accident occurred at the Itondeau Government Park this morning, whereby M.Ii. Ncwcmnhr, a young imrrird man of Harwich township, lost his life. He was spending T the day at the Park. and s0tort8y after his arrival wont bathing in the lake. The shock in tho cold water ovizlontly was too mul'h tor him. for Ite cottapsed A reward at 3500 tor Thaw's ap- prehension has been charm by Irri it. I". C. Keib, Superintendent ot the asylum. Howard ll. Barnum. the attendant at the gate past whom Thaw 'lashed in his break for tree. dom, is under arrest, and other at- rests are expected ta follow in the rigid investigation now under way. The shades were drawn in the 'iid mitories and the inmates. were getting their. second sleep when Thaw left' his room this morning. He was fully! dressed. The milk an's cart was rumbling on the roll; outside as hel in which Thaw escaped, and a big black limousine, which tra led it past the font-column gate. The police have their descriptions and the names un- der which they registered at a local hotel Friday night, and are seeking them. - IMJQSDLtaL uuttttitruigr..,up,tietr?, that What Red to the ashore. of Long Island Sound and boarded n‘ yacht waiting with steam up to rush) him to Europe. _ State to which ho has lied. Five conlederates manned the cat mm"... N. Y“. Aug. ".qu Inked through M K. Thaw, the an”: at suns-m1 mo cu one: can “in, camped trough. mm: In: m1... _ 2.23 the criminal in.» yr. " 145 t:i'ii'l'iir2irii') o'clock this nothing. dart to: In} but and Jie when any throwing” was” in who open door ' powerful tutu mobile that stood At'ieseittg outs-me, and a ttit9t 11k. a rocket ‘or In Connecticut Sate line, " wiles sway, accomplished his -. mom suocx or I THE cow WATER! Gate-keeper Arrested. HARRY K. THAW, Slayer of Stanlotd White gains his liberty by a daring ruse. Mani-ml mo in out“ out. We! the in! m mm In: "rtstarr _ .xlynun. nob " In no u If 1 " t:i'ii'l'iir2irii' pk, was new and “(a '6vs_and'ai"e vita Thu closed-l idea] on itrt'thrtnomroemedor-hisn. “Mind: I Be.tt may a not snap tho aitptifr- from the I wade. c8trtte at “In”: mly'ridn‘. - In the In - _ E... {Baby’s Great Danger el Hot Weather ---..-l------ rs'ARN1h.--owi" to the. tart that PRINCESS MARY cooks PIS". men! iamplel ot Sarnia'l mptrr, L9Siros.--tiins George and tour submitted to the Provincial Analyst of his childn-n and Lord ftosehrry have shown tram of pullntion. the spent maxim-cum] day May angling Provincial Board 0! Health has or- tor trout in Loch Muiok, in F'cot- dered that Narnia must. double the land. They had lunrhmn at the take amount at chlorinr which Is now In side. They lighted “in in m" in: and in the water to kill germ style and tte l'rium Mary mail lilo. The change has already beett trou'. " the patty. In“. _ i I _ I More little ones die during hot weather than at any other time at ltho year. Diarrhoea,' dysentary, Chol- Icra inlantum and stomiurh disorders lrumi- Jvi!hout warning. and when a 'eff??,ts not at hand to give promptly the I'm". delay too tre- lmin-lily means that the child has ttl"", beyond aid. Baby's Own Tate lets should always be kept in the ittome where there are young child- ren., An occasional dose of the Tab, lets will Prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the would! Comm sndtlonlv the prompt use at the Tate lets will cure the baby. The Tablas any“ by medicine dealers 'tr, Jr, null at ts rents a box from The. "L: Illia""""""" Co., Brockvllle,‘ " landed Thaw sam Tge, the'car. The great whorls were t? nr turning he- fore the keeper had fairly reached the roadway. l Sir Wilfrid L"aurier strongiy defend- ed the Liberal policies on reciprocity and the naval bill before ten thott- sand enthusiastic bearers at m.. Hy- acinlhc. Que. [a few fut tiFirtTiiiiiiaRiRTi iiiGiiit loomed, waited till Barnum unlocked I the gate ltr","? it wide to let the milkman eh r. At the same moment the by cars drew npxon the farther, side 0 the road opposite the gate and the touring.~car stood still, its engine throbbing. Through Open Gate. A's Barnum stepped aside for the milkman to drive into the grounds, he. heard the gravel crunch beneath Thaw's feet and, looking tip. saw the madman" flash past him with the; speed ot the wind straight for the waiting cat. With a shout Barnum started in pursutt, but a tiyiat leap A six-cylinder Packard touring car, black and sixty' horsepower, followed try a |imousine, also black, loal'ed Jtrzitraeorttr the road as the milkman guthorities could say to-night and they refused tstalk-het raised no question. _ t court yard, and it Bdrnum mad ttint-i. u to thin no one save the hospital Lolg you! or Manon at the any- IIun and reputed decimation Ay Thaw that In would MW! “hunt to ohm: " (modem except tr Inga! mean had ambushed m mama'- statu as "trusty." Them VII lit- tle out at the ordinary in Wm“- Thaw Wu “Trusty." ' "’ , Tr., _ I " " w: a. _ _ . I"??? 'r,."'. .3112? c, s/i, , " ' . ttttt ttt, tlwdug ' , ~;,~"~, "'" . ", 271. i. z. . _ . Itrt' ct,'; _Fst i!l,tliiii,".jii.'i2ht"iii'eitiiit In Mum-mug gm, ttid ," _..~ 'tatng'tk.I _ . up; It. has no. nu. A. P. sum ; Ca 'h a httrdMtPg'la'NTs'."tatt'fttu) ' _ 1,1; bib. M‘um-u muwv.u.a. qrtttt w $itisifri. nub-um». 'B.., "GiiriiVirt'irtiiniiturtiik'u= "gs w A“ tttig. and -Mfa6ttesitstr.-u,atrit. _ ' “*9- .;C L1ttiPti"lUNtg, M t' 0“le B. not In“: t9tote.uaBNrotttt. LF qt T "C. “but“. 'lllll3)dt.hl'lferii', [that minimum Blt3ltim"iSli'itt. 1. tAr, 'git'ttttlrgt7,ffl,T.2',t,ue?, may.“ " ,,,L.,(Wanby, a. my“ 'tm'atotttrre-tsttrmtrt)t-datr6 i a; ',-..;,j}‘ 'ém.rrtr-'beistts. m a“; Whithvmmmu an m in an In.- tmit tam clan-C In Iul- 'ILT, 11.turt .. clogs-wart V y at tte. died m. thts distriettV . '" l . "- "Mem, lob at on no will: blepretm-tagtruit my -tedtsl q o" h" u h a on, was ”in. at “a. "not. - [no]... " did wot , long - “not: out has Thaw closed an ideal climb, lam], mu. alt-ciphe- at war unico- u . )1 behind him, and so", an! attitttd- at in“ ttei) an" II on: “LEA. wore. During t - unnum- trys-rineriattt.iaomwtaus. 1Vtiute numb-en anion; us Uly'riilllg. - In the mm. provinces Me. Fotheo W“ trave. enearad "mm 'ttt “m" laid the thin efcrvvhon unloved "P" "3" ”.mm 1"" char: tt ‘12- "edt' iettiitotatta""-Iqfa6tm _ ' “Us. iia'itPt,elttiPtl"lU.= F T countlv a, In. In I) .u_. »C.At0¢htht. t'll,flttdlhlrt1l'f; t'ltlltimi;tki'itt, uv hagh-‘mwa 1ut,T,t 4. »v.‘., M a m I ix 3-,“: -s, In. Fond mg“. m 'att', untitl- tu,l;iiii' ault-tmitttmsestatts.ttt" bun-VON.“ [90m _ol up dram, Uthts districsthlun- 221-." ' an»; ~-"¥l'|"-"l'u W' Wm: WM" - = [il,i"dlflii'ij' thing ot the past which was by Whom: Jf,'t unlocked 'no means afailure. Some of the GG section to 1etthe farmers never had a better crop [or ttttite large a I moment Some years and such excellent wea- Vets interest ‘e farther, ther Gr it. No one could make poor nuestion in 1 m . We hay this year it they had tried. Now Personals.- still, tta the farmers are looking lorward to Hamburg m the harvest which is close at hand. relatives her the little bit Mia“ Ttseat that " lager retttrne for the growat has lee-housed away, the oat month's vini1 grounds and harley. harvest is hurrying the over and So beneath farmers along. quite afew of our Mrs. John I _ saw the tarmem have been fortunate amiable Mrs. Mou- th the toerect new barns this year. ("late Guelph on 's; for the Mr. Wm. Alexander and Mr. Ulrich ot Rochester Barnum Vanhorn luv. had sumac-ii horn than in town in; leap musings Whoa: horns are ateeedtt to Hrs. B. Bill! car. The the eomttry.-hrrs. Foreman and man ot Wash min; he- daughter" Berli-ho. have been vmt- and Mrs. A. tataehed in the lonnerfs sister Mrs. E. WI Mrs. 1" t .Battye ot near Gore Bay have return- amid-l. Cm ed home after aconplc ot weeks visit an tty.- '-eqeeeee around about the eommtmity.-- Ree, “I the U. B. t,1etttd- s. Pressman. we. pf ('larence s... _ --- enmity Berlin is at.preIent fitting his Mr- album i., thott- pointment tor the two successive . . t st.. "r Sundays at the 10th and 17th, Aug- 'Ihr -rev. A.T. Goodine is progressing _ very favorably since his operation tor T . appendicitis on July 10th. We hope A ' , During he Will be nhlc toresume his former dtttiea.-Mr. and Mrs. John William " Carl, thesb1 Lone Bay expect to leave for Toronto Mr. and hire. ng hot shortly where ther will extend the tot Bridgeport me at tall and winter months with their old- on Mimdttr , ry, chol- er son who resides tttere-Mrs. ‘JJ. moved to his disorders Duncan 0' llundalk is at present visit- Iittle lad Wat when a in: Mr daughter Mrs. (Rev) A. t during the m " give (looding Grimrerthorpe.--uttite anm'n 'wu gushing too tre- her or tanner: and others in spite oi baker crivl ld has the busy time took in the celebration fresh huh: an wn Tate held. in Gore Bay on the-gmt ot naked lor a d, in the August in behalf of the coming into tor he fell tr ', child- forced the Cisnada Temperance Act er ran’tohie Ite Tatr, and the closing "pot the entire mm him up and u 1 bowel her oi hotels, nine in all, on the ltr, alone but " Comes land. The hotelmrn Slated that their hands otrhirn It Tate houses would he closed tothe Public naked him it h 'Tablfl-s for ttere was no money in keeping up and replying [It Prlatroardin_ house only. carried him t It has been a few weeks since Fe {gnome-i last so we recordafew of of tho most modern hair producing and beautifying imrridieitta.;Ht like? mini greasy substances", is Kot a dye and in daintlly perfumed. Supine is the favorite of particular people. and is wld only at Waterloo it Davin drug store. Sacgeinc is only We so as to bring it within maul ot all. ‘7 kw..." "m" --- MritTFii unit“ this will return ‘in “out . not. , The Sageine girl is to be seen y Davltt‘s drug store antl' on every but“. of Sageine hair tonic that is genuine and sold under a mm"; guarantee "tey ‘stop falling hair. eradicate dandrutt and to grow memost lifeless, coarse, drv_hair in thick soft and luxuriant. Swine is a clean scientific hair tonic composed in! m. kw (mammal- on no "in; 'utetWtet,utrrtit an we. kick. bin; lucid " II, [in] qua-ate. law: in“. soil, at “an: at up“: 'reall from a. may in “a mm». In the Dam. lnovllou Mr. Fans- In the pain; 1»:va Me. Pom- laid the grain everywhere We! to be In ”all.“ teame- , giving pro-ulna u I Bumper . ' When in Wining, um; oath-old Berlin trio-dc It. For” In. phi: ed to M m In. DJ). Dorerot%t isin chrgo I ot WWI!“ “WI will; Walt Wile-I at than; Trunk " till pom. - MIT-LIQQLJLILM an (‘IILORINE DOSE DOUBLE”. I,” V. f vt)tiisri2! Just Arrived at Waterloo 10-3-431- mm Mr. and uh. -- Chane: A. shipping the at Bridgeport. passed away suddenly“ ' old- on Hominy while.h waiting tr J..r. tuoeed to his bedby his moUter. The visit. Iittle lad was Flaw-54W“ the house i. t during the morning while his mother ‘nmn bar quilting in Multan when Ute a ot baker" arrived I. was an: 2q 'ation fresh buim and ateyr, minutes like ot naked $or a drink ofmilll. Shortly ar ', “no ter he fell to the. Boor and In neith- b Act or ran'tohii mintm. She picked mm him " and said he was able to “and , ltr, nom- but when the mother took her their hauls ott him he tell lupin. Slut the! Mlblic naked him ithe wanted top to bed mun and replying in the ovum-the In; carried him to his bed. He expired; “most immediately if!" Mug placed n. n his cot. m. [Incl-argue wu hummonod and at”: handgun; what pronounced "at death In due to NM. unusual». The sudden death of the atrat little boy luau-Jere blow to the the bereaved [arena " he was n Promiw or- in; and healthy Ind. The [aural the took place Wednesday dun-om- at In? two o'ckzck no: the residuum In grreu Bridgeport to St. Poul”: [Amman been l'lmrcl and trom that: to the East l l _ EndaCelnetety. 'r1fhtilil?ts . (' Ill 1itll?W1lltr [ Ptesonahc-Mrrt. W. Black of New Hamburg recently spent a week with relatives tterm-hers. Irvin Lauteusch- lager returned last week from a month‘s visit with minim at 1rart- n'ver and Southampton.--. w. snub Mrs. John naming and Mr. and Mets. Mom Tainan motored to Guelph on 'mmday.--Mr. B. Semen-an of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting teln- um in town at -t.,-- Mr. and Mrs. D. Bingeman and Miss. Binge- man of Washington vhrited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Raiser this weed.-- Mr., :nd Mrs. Ivan Hilborn and Mr. and‘ Mrs. J. Cassel motored to Guelph on F%nday.-'rhere um no services held in the U. B. Church on Sunday owing acheme as adapted to villages and rural sections. The attImdam-e was unite large and apparmtly there is a keen intend taken in the lighting nucstion in this vicinity. A meeting was held it Schmitt‘s Hall dn Wednuday evening ot/ last weak tor the mum of discussing the Hydro-electric power and lighting -tit!lt. Mr. Pun!!! 'ft “rout-o, te- the, highest welfare ot mankind and that your sphere of usefulness and your ittt1ttmteo will continue to broad- en and enlarge, and though ie may be separated in n mare,’ we hope to have the pleasure of meeting with van frequently and ren'é‘wlng old friendships. . _ _ . _ In hehall of tho local R. M. A. ot New Dundee. OIL, Ans, th 1913. Mrs. Stone, although completelv taken by surprise, :eplied my tit, tingly to the address ind expressed her thanks to the when of the u- sociation for the manner in which they had shown their esteem to! tdire we' no sustaining we hope thai you may long he spar“ to labor tor tact. Although we _trterdeeored, trunk address to glyo expression to our leellnu in words that certainly :eannot be misunderstood. yet we Arish to tender to you in some more ‘leuihle way a "on! of our sincerity that will remain with you during the future of lilo as a human] picture “We memory'e wall. We desire there- lore to tomcat “at mu ellbw us to meant to you this gift as a slight taken of our appreciation and a mark at out my“: that these pleasant as minions are to he hrr,ttee% We have every eotttidettmt that the luture ot you; lilo will be Is markedly sum neural a; the put, and that the name benign aiumixy will emanate [gum your lite. While we realize the - an)“ " in s W6r that will am he (mount By your peas- I“ and can] mum. your patient Into: tor and “adamant, at the mission-n -, you lug won out fatten and love. "" m calli- t that the inthe- you have ex- am on: III by you: daily Chris. gun lile and nymph till tend to assist us in our 'y,tg"l,'lL,,g"i'.1f page“ nun-ct alum n . will on: be who and will leave toqting iou will not'qneption our dummy. we must stab that your Kind dismiqlgp, yap; yonganly quali- its innate-s upon the was. and lives 'tith which you hug: can. fa can; m2. ot We. Baum: in: _taet- and Rind disnositlon, yon; womanly quan- ti-iirarittiarikiidk gum is! furl, Pn bruhtfoiir-har-otd' son bl an; the Hydro Commision'was Moreover, lure-tro-ttcis. sate, ab- solutely. No reddening of thr skin. No irritation. In "than minutes all "tmrtluoua hairs are gone. The skin. no matter how and". is left ultrah- mi, aott and beautiful. Heavy growths And light growths vanish. Any women can now free her arms, neck, lace and bust of all downy or heavy hairs and her beauty enhanced a hundred told. I am going to Prove " in you, and send you a liberal irial package of this now Fliers-UO-la, it you wilt simply mud me your name and “dross on the Column below, with 2m}. stamp to ihdp our "ttig Huang. . Ttre' lull. sire parka”: ol Bloc-“wk is $1.00. I will send you the £1.00 package now. it you prrrer, on receipt of price and rrqund your money if you-around. Batisred. I want pvery man and woman'. who wants to get rid or superthtous hair, anywhere on the body, to are an: ex- tmordimsry mutt; ot my new Elec- tro-la, the most: remarkable prepara- tion. You have met usod anything like it More, and you will never we anything the when once you've tried it. Unlike other trrmtarauotts, Elec- tro-ia absolutely and lame: destroys the lite of the hair-roots. BL"! 'rnerWairt Will an.“ iisri; crushad. iambic escaped with alcw bruises. The ambulance was called and Kudoba. who was somewhat degirimis, was removed to the "as pita! when it was touud Mommy to amputate the right hand with the "t'eption of the thumb. m Bids Skin of All "nits, Try It, Frog On Monday evening two young men. 0th Kudnba and R. lanblxe, wore walking along the G.T.R. tracks St. Lezlgcr 's't., Berlin, when they . were struck by a 'PstiltF train and thiown to the, ground. The lormbr threw his arm undrr the wttebrs'ormse of the cars and his tittht hand was horriblv Stte. that. 6 'tHes-tHattie, A Quinlan or from 'sr'1ft'.'a'i',','d'h1','a'.'t ' l nod In in who a cal-pm - P"Y Ire 1tfpSN'l't. Tesey.t' .et 'det t 2Redu,,' I f Be diiiiind _ . 3 Minutes!" _ "1"- - '7"- "For my I Mend from linu- mtim. . gnubhtowkluveeh “languid-pent bandwidth!” oetdmttur'smedf_ei-, . Mme-t " Nola Dunc "he.iunirsfttorsedthatg- Ahlc. Imdhwmapdmuthnd has “n lt "’an I tk A mi t no . _ reliant! 3:! continued 'until T' hi iiGPGeoodutdiremedf. Yo; git “his! to P" ttuA1ree.ttu.1toroe 3:12:22»? that 'l in donating" 'filill)i'ii-. Iii, WONDERFUL NEW PREPARA- TION. UNLIKE ANYTHING EVER_KNOWN BEFORE. " Fill in rourottme and ad- dress on dotted litter Mint, and sum-1 ib to mt. Anna "ur- ton. 231 E. 48rd MC', our“... cumming 2e stamp to help rover mailing, and I will send yuu at once a tree trial park- nm- of the retruerkatrre new film tro-la. . . t .'oarahs6oebo.6. M Ti' hum up "Inna-u..." mm Tmnmr.“ . Tutor'" MemtAXM. $3.1 Corie Forever t" "

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