§ News Items From New Hamburg § Local and Personal.â€"Mr. and _ Mrsâ€" ‘Joshua Kaufman of Petu, Ind., _ are .« visijping the latters patents Mr. and Mrs. G. Baver.â€"Miss Laura S. Rabb, of Goebel‘s corners is the guest _ of ‘ her aunt Miss L.S. Rabb.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Eechtcl and children spent sgeveral days with the latters _ parâ€" ‘ents at Tavistock.â€"Miss Mary Rudy of Tevistock visited her @andparents + Mr. and Mrs. Wodds.â€"Mrs. M. Kreh, spent â€" several â€" days in Berlin this week.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Helm visâ€" ited friends at Grimsby Beach.â€"Miss ° Gussic Rau returned from a _ pleaâ€" _ sant visit with friends in UHamilton. i â€"Mr. Bern Schulte and son of Berlin }spcnrl Wednesday here.â€"Mrs. _ James Vance _ visited _ friends in â€" Stratâ€" * ford this week.â€"Miss Naomi Schacfer . of Berlintis spending a few days with * her nsother in â€" town.â€"Mr. Theodore , Peine of Toronto is spending a _ few days at his home here.â€"Mrs. James Kerr is spending a week at her home. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Bowman spent Satâ€" / urday at New Dundeeâ€"Mts. Appel. of Wilmot Centre, spent Sunday with her daughter \rs. Bowman.â€" Mrs. * Johnstone fromy I xbridge is spending + & few days in town.â€"MUrs. M, Gardâ€" ner and children and Mts. J. _ Zamâ€" anerman who have been visiting _ in Sarnia and Detroit returned home on Tuesday.â€"Master Geotse Locht of Stratford is visiting his crandfather, ‘Every Price a Sacrifice Lot 4, 186 to 256 linesâ€"1 1c away below Real Values. This lot principally Muslins, all colâ€" ors, fancy floral designs, including ‘a few Ginghams. Regular prices were 10c, 12ic‘and 15¢, 9 Day Sale .. An assortment of white lRippictte Cloth, stripe and plain_ Voiles and Talieta Cloth, and a range of _ colors in se stripe solicl Suiting. Regular 15c, 20c and 25¢c. 9 day Sale, â€" per Colored Crepe Clotlf, plain, striped and bordered. Regular 20c. 9 Day Fancy Stripe Materials, Whip Cords Ripplette Cloth, grey and wiltc > and black Pique, _ all shades, mercerized Repp. Regular 25¢, 30¢, and 35¢c. 9 BMAY SBBLC ..;sss iss envssonss nrvifinreise lgc Fancy Check Muslins, neat patterns diagonal stripe Voiles, Cotion Fouiâ€" ards, all colors, all regular 18¢ up to 25¢. 9 Day S#le Pr cO .......... llc Lot 1, 100 to 15¢ linesâ€"5c Lot 2 at 6‘:0 A large range of Prints, good patâ€" terns and colorings, 9 Day S 6%(: Lot 3, 150 to 25¢ linesâ€"9¢ Lot 5, 200 linesâ€"12‘c Fancy Weave Repps and a range: of Linen Suitings, stripe and spot | patâ€" terms. _ Regular 256 lincs. 9 _ Day Dale ... nuscl sns omm t m #O+40+0+0+0+0+0+0+@+0+0+0+0+0+C+0+10+ O+0+0+0+@1 Lot 6, 25¢ linesâ€"15¢ Lot 7, 25 to 35c linesâ€"19¢ Staples/and Cotton Dress Fabrics mSale Commences at 8 a. m. on Thursday, August 7th, and â€" _ Continues for NNE Days, closing Saturday, August 16th Everything in Summer Merchandise must be Cleared Out. This Means Big Reductions on Regular Prices, which are always the lowest possible. The Market Grocery, which has just been added to the business, will contribute its share of Bargains ; meanwhile, extensive alterations are going on. Don‘t fail to visit this store During Our Great NINE DAYS ANNIVERSARY SALE and share in the wonderful bargains we ofter from every department. ©+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+@+0+C+0+0+0+0@+ 15¢ 9 DAYS OF TREMENDOUS SELLING 9 DAYS: 4 vpieces Bleached and Unbleached Shecting, regular 40¢ lines. . During o«t 9 Day Sale only ... ...... 29e Our Regular 25¢ Turkish Toweling. Sale pet.yd ... ....s.... 19c Mr. John Lochr.â€"Mrs. Julius Dietz, of Buflalo is the guest of Mr. andl Mrs. John Buckci.â€"Miss‘ Mae â€"House of.Toronto is visiting at the _ home of Mr. John Messner.â€" The Misses Hilda and Clara Kischell of _ Galt, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritz.â€"Mr. Henty Berlet was a businsss visitor at Hamilton on Thursday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. David Luckâ€" bart spent Wednesday with friends in Berlin.â€" Mr. .John ‘Elliot of Mitchel is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pent.â€"Messts Dan Cochrane and Elâ€" don _ McDougall of Watetloo motored to Wiarton Thursday.â€"Misses Clara: Buckel and Hilda Conie are _ spendâ€" ing Several days in Detroit.â€"Mr, and Mrs. S. Gcis and Mrs. Ben P‘orest‘ attended a funeral in Baden on Friâ€" day.â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. Dent and son Reginald spent _ the week end in: Mitchell.â€"Mesgrs Lambert Appel and (larence Kaerchr of Toronto are spending their holidays at their homâ€" lin is visiting at her home.â€"Mr. and â€")ista agr oop2]ry o treuryo!(f SIp es h>re.â€"Mrs. Jack ied and children spent Civic holiday with friends in Brantford.â€"Miss .Jean Haluane, of Toronto _ spent _ Civic holiday with fricnds in town â€"Mr. James Cortrie, of Stratford spent«several days at his home here.â€"A parsonage is to _ be built for St. Peter‘s Luthéran church between the church and the home of 650 yds absolutely _ pure _ Corton Cambric, 36 inch wide, reg. 14¢ yard. 720 yds. Factory Cotton, 36 inches w de. Our regular 12}0 linc. During 9 Days‘ Sale, Price 9 1'2(: A.C.A. Ticking, the old Stand By and Roliable Sells at 25¢c. Regular 9 Day Sale Prcc per yd ..............19¢ Children‘s 1â€"1 Ribb Hose in black and tan. 9 Day Sale, 2 for .9RA Over 1000 yds Lily Wilite Bleached Cotton, 31 inches wide, our regular 8c linc. 9 Day Sale per yd. ......... 6e About 420 yds Bleackod Cotton, 34 inches wide. Oix regular 10c _ lines. During 9 day Sale ......... es 1 s ®everal Picces Bleacked â€" and _ Unâ€" bleached Shegting, sold regularly at 25¢ yd. Sale Price ... ......... 19¢ Towelng and Towels at big reducâ€" tions during our 9 Day Sale. Note the following:â€" 300 yds Linen Toweling, Sale, per vd yd yd. va Over 600 yds. Factory Cotton, 36 inches wide. Reg. 10c. 9 Day Sale mnne ns eemveee esmmc eeweil ucvill.... Bo 200 yds Linen Toweling, Sale per Ladies‘ plain Tan Hose, 84 to 10. 100 yds Turkish Toweling, Sale per 275 yds Linen Toweling, Sale per] ~ 8c Cottonsâ€"6¢ a yd. Hose and CGloves 40c Sheeting 29¢ 250 Sheeting 19¢ 256 Ticking 19¢ 9C C Oc ’ Excellent values in ligi:t â€" Bedford |(‘or(ls, Tweeds and Whipcords, Failorâ€" ed garmemts which sold regular _ as Mrs. Bishop. . Work on the foundation has been begun and the new residence will be completed this summer.â€" Mr. Mc.Allister,Investment Eankey, of Chiâ€" cago, Mr. W. Dingman of the Stratâ€" ford Herald â€" and Messrs Greenxrood and Knechtel of Stratford wetre in towm last week in refetence to an electric railway that may be built through this district.â€"Mr. Jacob Steuch went on a trip to Buflalo last week, Splendid _ Record.â€"The results of the Entrance to Normal school _ ¢xâ€" ams were givem out this week. The record made by the class of the New Hamburg High School is undoubtedly one of the very best in the province. In a class of cight candidates all were successful sevem securing honotrs Th> names are‘â€"H.L. Bean (H); R. IJ. Laschinger (H); S.L. Manz. (H); W.R. Master ~(l1); S.S. Niebergall; W.A. Ruthig (H); M; Wilbelm _ (H); A.L. Wood (H). All shades, . widths and â€" qualities, @s Tamoline, Taftcta, Armure. â€" Pailâ€" ette, Messaline, Shantora, Raw Silk, Tussah brocade, Foulards and Shantâ€" Lines of Dress Goxis whichk sold tegular at 25¢, 500 to 75¢, are assorâ€" ted out for 9 Day S§\aï¬. 19c, 290 Lires of Dress Goods which sold regularly at 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 are laid out for 9 Day Sale at ........ ... 390 & 59c A second rural mail delivery, stafiâ€"| ing ed front the post office on Friday | Frid morning. Mr. Jacob Anderson of !“.,.k‘ Hlaysville received the contract. This|ag f; route will cover the distance between | home here and Wilmot Centre east and ‘"Es;n j town _ line south and through llay's-l},(ne villeâ€"A movement is on foot _ to |yp ; start a Y.M.C.A. in town. A _ meéet=:ghe ; ing of the businoss mon will be beld|wore on Tuesday for the purpose of diSâ€"!um.]‘ eussing the proposition.â€" ULavil In all shades and weaves, such as Cashmeres. Poplins, Serges, Tweeds Whipcords, Panamas, Lustres, _ Talâ€" leta Cloth, Satin Striped and plain Voiles, Ratine. Sale Price per yard 19¢, 29¢, 39¢ and ......... 50C Dress Goods remnants of every sort at big reductions. Ladies‘ Suits $15, $18 and $21 for $9.95 60 per cent. pure Linen Huck Towel 21x39 in., regular 15¢, Sale loc 15¢ Allâ€"over Laces,; Ball Fringes and Buttons at special prices too numerâ€" ous to mention here. Mrs. Dishop. . Work on the foundation ‘ Felt Boot Company‘s premises whichleO'lf. of Acton West is spending sevâ€" has been begun and the new residence they will occupy until their new of.'eral days in town.â€"The Misses Katzâ€" will be completed this summer.â€" Mr. / fice is completed. Mr. Hatry Phillips enmeier of Hamilton were the guests McAllister,Investment Eankeg of Chiâ€"| formerly operator of the G.T.R. staâ€"{of their grandmother Mirs. _ Katzenâ€" cago, Mr. W. Dingman of the Stratâ€"i tion here is manager of the _ local|meier this week.â€"Miss Minnic\ Schaal ford lHerald _ and Messts Green.\ood’hm.ch. Mr. Dave Ritz of this mwnireturned from a holiday trip _ to and Knechtel of Stratford wetre IP is a director, besides a local iEoard|Hamilton.â€"Miss Rita Reid is spendâ€" towm last week in refetence to an'or directors consisting of Messrs L.]|ing her bolidays with friends in electric railway that may be huilt‘pe;n._., Ed. Merner and D. Becker.â€"| Bramtford.â€"Mr. and Nrs. Ament _ of through this district.â€"Mr. Jacob| Miss Hattie â€" Schulte who has been| Brussels, Miss Margaret and Mr. Will Steuch went on a trip to Buflalo last v.siting at the home of _ Mr. and | Ament of Seaforth spent several davs‘ week, Mrs. D. Becker left for her home in| with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Holinger.â€" Splendid _ Record.â€"The results of| (Cleveland on Thursday.â€"Miss â€" Claraf The annual picnic cf Holy Family R. the Entrance to Normal school ¢xâ€"| Buckel is spending sevetral days _ in}C. church was held in Christnot‘s ams were givem out this week. The|Gueiph â€"Nir., and.~its. Forsyth _ and| Grove on â€" Saturday. The weather record made by the class of the .\’ewlmn Bobbie of Brantford are the| was fine and an enjoyable tint: _ was Hamburg High <chool is undoubtedly ‘guests of Mr. and Mre. Sutherland.|®Pebt by all present.â€"Mr. and Mrs one of the very best in the province. | Miss Betzner and Miss Himmel _ of| Charles Koebler and daughter of Roâ€" In a class of cight candidates a“|Herlin spent WednssGay with friends|Choster visited the former‘s _ {ather were successful seven securing hon0fs; jn town.â€"Miss Lucy Smith returned| Mr. Louis Koehlet here.â€"Mr. and Th names are‘â€"H.L. Bean (H); R~’Irom a visit with friends in _ St.| Mts. Shore and children of _ Stratâ€" II. Laschinger (1HM); S.L. Manz. (H); | Mary‘s.â€"Miss Helma Boullee returnâ€"/ford paid a visit to friends here this W.R. Master ~(11); S.S. Niebertgall, o+ weom a several woek‘s visit with| weâ€"k.â€"Mr. Ed. Huehn of Heidelberg, W.A. Ruthig (H); M; Wilbelm (H);}relativea in Sarnia.â€"Miss Clara Deâ€"|Faid a visit to town om Thursday.â€" A.L. Wood (H). |bus of Stratford who bhas been visitâ€"| The annual S.S. picnic of the_ Bapâ€" A second rural mail delivery, stnl'viing at the home of Mr, and Mrs.|tist Church was held on Wednesday ed front the post office on Friday | Fria Debus returnedâ€"to her home this |in Christmor‘s (Grove. The picnickers morning. Mr. Jacob Anderson "f!mOek.â€"Miss Edna Strauch who visitâ€"| had a yne afternoon‘s outing.â€" Mr. flaysville received the contract. Thisjeq friends in Mitchell returned to her|Charles Peine of Chicago is spending route will cover the distance between| home here this week.â€"Mrs. Eckel{and|a week with his sister in town.â€" Mr here and Wilmot Centre east and tn{,.n Wilfred are visitifig _ at the ‘and Mrs. Ailbert Bruder of _ Elmira, town line south and through â€â€˜."3';}mme of Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Manz.â€"‘visited at the formyt‘s home on Sunâ€" villeâ€"A movement is on foot _ 10| Â¥fr and Mrs. Chatles Richardson and‘ day.â€"The Horse Races held on Civic start a Y.M.C.A. in town. A _ Mé€tâ€":the Misses Richardson of St. MatyS, Koliday _ August 4th were unsually ing of the business mon will be beld|were .the guests _ of Mr. and Mrs. 'good.â€".\lrn. Fred _ Peine and _ Miss on Tuesday for the purpose of _ disâ€"; fgoullee _ on _ Wednesday. â€" Miss Clara Schaaf are spending their holiâ€" cussing the proposition.â€" !Lavina Hansuld on Tavistock is !'isit.-_dayn with friends in (Chesley and Opened Branch Officeâ€"The Stand;inz at the home of Mr. and Mrs.;Hensall.â€"Mr. Fred Peine left on Wedâ€" Reliance Mortgage Corpotation, f1)r<|l~Izra Bechtel.â€"Master Lloyd Debus is nosday on an auto trip to Grand metly known as the Standard l,oan|\‘isnin, friends in Stratford.â€" Nlr.:Beni. Lamdon, St. Thomas, and Port Co., _ of Toronto are opening up _ aj.Joe Vance who has spent the past ; Stanley with Mr. Wright . of the branch office here. Ther have leased few weeks at Cnondago returned to Standard Reliance Corporation of a temporaty office in the lamburg his bome _ on Thursday.« Mr. G. ) Toronto.â€"Mr. Daniel _ Staufier of $1.00 and $1.25 Paillette Sflk, 9 Dasy Sale ... «.c 79c Other lines are regular 50c up to 85¢ limcs, 9 Day Sale 29c, 39c,§59¢ 20x42 in. Turkish Towels, 15c for $15, $18. $21, go on Sale during 9 $1.00 Black Paillette Silk, 9 Day 18x33 in. Turkish Towels, 10c for 10c. Trimmings SCs $020, °0. F8°, 100| Days‘ Sale at . Felt Boot Company‘s premises which they will occupy until their new ofâ€" fice is completed. Mr. Harry Phillips formerly operator of the G.T.R. staâ€" tion here is manager of the _ local bramch. Mr. Dave Ritz of this town is a director, besides a local iEoard of directors consisting of Messts L. Peins, Ed. _ Merner and D. Becketr.â€" Miss Hattie Schulte who has been vsiting at the home of _ Mr. and Mrs. D. Becker left for her home in Cleveland on Thursday.â€"Miss â€" Clata Buckel is spending several days in Gueiph.â€"Nr., and.jirs. Forsyth _ and son _ Bobbie of Brantford are the guests of Mr. and Mre. Sutherland. Miss Betzner and Miss Himmel of Berlin spent WednssGay with friends in town.â€"Miss Lucy Smith returned from _ a visit with friends in _ St. Mary‘s.â€"Miss Helma Boullee returnâ€" e" wom a several woek‘s visit with relatives in Sarniaâ€"Miss Clara Deâ€" hus of Stratford who has been visitâ€" ing at â€" the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frcd Debus returned. to her home this week.â€"Miss Edna Strauch who visitâ€" ed frien‘s in Mitchell returned to her home here this week.â€"Mrs. Eckel{and sn Wilfred are visiting _ at the home â€" of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manz.â€" Mr..and Mrs. Chatles Richardson and the Misses Richardson of St. Matys, _ Wiite Voile Dresses, Misses‘ sizes, lace insertion trim, regular $5.00, 9 Day Sale â€"........ ....2. ... 3.706 OUR 83e SPECIALS FOR 79c. Consisting of brown Basket Weaves, blue Panama and blve or green Veneâ€" tian. Reg. $12, $14 and $20. On Ladies‘ and Mim' Satecn Underâ€" skirts, _ embroidered frills, _ pleated fIOURCE ..2..... 2222222 .222 ......... 89e Skirt and coat of white Repp, n°atâ€" ly trimmed with tan and blie. Reg. $4.25 Suits. 9 Day Sale .........2.9§ Sale during 9 Day Sale Satin Underskirts in paddy grecn, cerise, tan and nav;. _ Our regular $1.85 line. Sale Price ......... 1 90 $1.00 FOR 85c. __Overall Kitchen Aprons, all sizes, and all dark colore@: Waists. Regular $5.00 FOR $3.75 skirts for ... 175 Embroidered Waists, low neck, all sizes, regular 79¢c, Sale only©@ce 129 Embroidered Wa‘sts, reg. $1.25 to $1.50 values. % Day Sale 79c Middy and Balkan _ Blouses, regular $1.25 and $1.50 lins. 9 Day Sa@8e $4.25 NORFOLK SUITS $2.95. $2.50 AND $3.75 FOR $1.95. 1 piece Gingham Dresses .. Special 2 lots of Ladics‘ and Misses Raincoats, dur ng Sale $4.95,87.79 50¢, 139 Black Heatherbloom Underâ€" $12, $14, $20 for 6.95 1.25 and 150 for 986 196 Waists 590 50c for 370 e 37â€"&c 1.85 for 1.29 â€"â€"~~~~119 1 95 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ white Lawn and Cottom® Crepe Dresses, Lace anf Emâ€" broidery trimmed. Regular $2.50 and $5.50. Sale Price ... ... ‘ 1.75 The balance o+ our $1.25 Curtains must be cleared out, 9 Day SaleO@6e $1.175 FOR $1.20 __AllOver Embroideryâ€"Bres and Misses‘. Reg. $6 for $2.50 TO $3.50 FOR $1.75. 31 pairs white and Ecru Lace Curtains, reg. $1.50, Saie Price1.10 10 pairs extra specials at our reg $1.75 price. 9 Day Sale Price 1.20 $2.50 TO $3.00 FOR $2.00 90c CURTAINS 50c. 12 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains regular 90c. Sale Price ...... ....80Qe $1.50 FOR $1.10. 16 "pairs extra fine Nottingham and cable Net Curtains, our regular $2.50 and $3 line. Sale ... ... :. $2 range of prices from 25¢ FOR 12ic AND 15c. 6 pieces Bungalow Nets and 3 picces Fancy Scrim. Regular 25¢c, Sale Price ... .. ... 12j¢c and 1§¢ 3 pieces 10c Scrim, 9 Day Sale 8e 6 pieces 15c Scrim, 9 Day Salc10e 6 pieces Fancy Muslin, 36 in. wide, 9 Day Sale ... ....... .._._108 6 pieces 20c Silsoline, 9 Day ‘Sale vevneree erresshnn neyrFine evertenn nessrercoee W UR Travellers‘ Samples, about 11 yds. long and matched. Sale ............ 50o FOR 50c PAIR. 2 picces 18¢ Cretonne, 9 Day Sale.. pewee Dersreiess upreseus3 nesroucen neporoarss AQAQ $1.00 Lambrequin Curtains ......20c A quantity of odd pairs in a large At Half Regular Price House Furnishing €6.00 for 4.25 1.25 for 95¢ â€"50c up A.25 Chsterfield has been appointed _ a secretary of the North Blenheim Fite Insurance (Co., in succession to _ Mr W.1. Henderson who has resigned.â€" Miss Ethel Sandetrs, Mrs. R. _ San derson of Wellesley and Mr. Arthur Sanders of Moncton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs George Daniels. Mr. George Nahrgang ofâ€" Stratford, spent Sunday with his sister _ Mrs. Sparrow.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Pletsch _ of Sebringville spent Sunday _ at her‘ home.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Weavet , and their son and daughter of Monkâ€" | ton spent Sunday in town with their , parents.â€"Miss Beatrice Reohr of Berâ€" ors at the home of Mr. _ and _ Mrs.! Boulee. | Ladies‘ Black Parasols, crook and straight handle, carved : wood _ and ebony nckle trim. Regular 75¢ lines, Men‘s White Cotton Hand~erchicis, and Mcrcerized. with polka ‘dot bord CIS, C@CKH ......022 2222 se seeewnlllll GC Baseball.â€"(On Tuesday evening the school team dropped. another _ game, teing defeated by the Furniture _ by 8 to 5. "The school.led until the last inning by 4 to 2. In this inning the Furniture scorcd six and wron et. The bafteries for _ the _ school were Winn and Ritz; Furniture, _ Schultz and Spaner. PWIZ ROELLERID BÂ¥ BNMIIAI lr4.\l|' No diabetic should fail to gi\'r ‘lih RADDISON, _ Sask.â€" Miss _ Mary Perfectly harmless and eMfcactous remâ€" Meade, of Winnipeg, and her hildren edy a trial; it never fails to effcct were thrown from a Tig and â€" almost Wondet{d results. Tt has the unqualiâ€" instantly killed here driving from the fied approval of prominent phisicians. station to Mr. Meade‘s farm, aâ€" disâ€"| Price $2.00. Leadin® Druggists. tance _ of about three n#iles. _ The| Free Literature from tram holted. _ The girl‘s matriage THF SANOL MFG CO. LTD., was to have taken place soon. Winnipeg, Man. _ _Men‘s Umbrellas, spring and | ball bearing openers, handles of Boxwood amd Ebomy, crook and _ semiâ€"crook, good tops. Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Sunshades in 3 Lots, at big Reductions. ~ _ Lot 3, regular $2.00 lines up to $3, including silk, Sa‘e only ...... including sils, Y â€"â€"1.39 All Straw Hats at 2iz Ruductions Men‘s Panamas, Sennets and Boaters Lot 2, regular agsortment in prices from $1.50 to $2, Sale Price 79c Salo ......... On Thursday evening the Clerks suffered defeat at the hands of the School geam by a score of _8 to 7. TWO KILLED BY BOLTING TEAM Large size red and blue Bandana Handkerchicfs, regular 10c lines, each Lof 1, regular assortmecnt in prices up to $1.50. 9 Day Sale 1 price 59e 8 pieces 15c Cretonne, 9 Day Sal 3 pi re! ay Sale _ Men‘s Clothing 3 pieces Curtain Muslins, 9 day 2 picces 12ic Cretonne, 9 Day Sale 1 piece 25¢ Frilled Muslin C ecclccgce Genirired Hrecurees 69c Reg. $1.25 lines, 9 Day Sale ..@8c Reg. $1.50 lines, 9 Day Sale 1.18 Reg. $1.25 lines. 9 Day Sale... 98c Reg. $1.50 lines, 9 Day Sa‘e @8C Boys‘ Sailor Straws, $1 for....78C Regular 50¢ for ......... ............. 890 250 lines at ... ............... 190C Assorted lots at each 5c and 10C Reg. $5, 9 Day Sale Reg. 75¢ lines. 9 Day Sals Reg. $2.50 lins, 9 Day S Handkerohiefs was close and eXxciting. Men‘s Hats en TCO 15¢ ‘SANOL‘S ANTIDIABETES â€" Working Suits, grey and brown es, size 35 to 44. Regular price to $9.00, 9 Day Sale ......... A ~ Men‘s Special Lot Suits, Tweed i Worsteds, in dark grey, brown olive shade. ‘Ihese are extra vall Regular $9.50 to $13.50, during 9 L Buys your choice of 3 piece single breasted, made of grey Worsted, latest style workm the best. Regular $18, 9 Day Two and three pieces single _ g# double breasted style, fabrics of We sted and Tweed, good range of pa terns, knicker pants. 25 per cen! discountâ€"} off ail regular prices _ & $18.00 FOR $13.50. $9.50 TO $13.50 FOR $6.95 \ Other lines special prices of $15 $12.35, $11.25 and ........ . 1M On all High Grade Suits of Tw and Worsteds, cut in the latest s all the best paiterns. Reg. ‘$20 Boys‘ Bloomer Suits, all our choicg Worsted and Tweed, double breasted / guits with bloomer trousers, grey, brown, blue arl fawn. ©20 per cent, siscountâ€"1â€"5 of all regular prices fot 9 days. 6 4Â¥ A NEW REMEDY WHICIH IAS NO EQUAL FOR DIABETES SALE $18.00 lines for $16.00 lines for Job lots Boys‘ Suits. Sale Price Job lot Boys‘ Suits, Sale Pr Job lot Boys‘ Suits, Sale Price Chatham, _ Aug. 5.â€"When Henry Weaver, of Chatham Township _ appeared in _ the, County _ Police _ Court . this motn.ng to answer to a charge of being drunk while on thé& interdicted list, he stated that while he may have been _ inâ€" toxicated on â€" that particulat day he became so by wsing Â¥" certain preparation of cod liv« er oil. He confessed to _ hayâ€" inz taken in all eightcen bottle of the remedy during the past few months. A bottle of the mixture shown in court _ had printed on the label "24 peg cent. alcohol." g BECAME TINTOXNICATED ,ON COD LIVER OIL. ? .Boys‘ Suits 20 Por Cent. Discount . 20 Per Cent. Discount ~ DIABETES wever oprsudene eedvaree