The classes decided on wete as fol: Tows:â€" . * No. 1 Single Plows, open to all. No. 2 Single Plows, open to anyâ€" ene in Waterloo Township who has wever won a first prize at any recogâ€" nized Plowing Match. No. 3 Single Plows, boys of Waterâ€" Township 19 years and under. (’o:o. 4 Single Plows, boys of Waterâ€" loo Township 16 years and undetr. No. 5 Two Furrow Plow, open to * gesidents of Waterloo Townshipâ€"ridâ€" hq‘:r walking. . t date of the match will be deâ€" finitely decided at the next meeting. lll:}lll Rogvitt‘a:Drug: Stor # ,â€" The Waterloo baseball team did not go to Elmira for the exbibition game which was to be played on Saturday afternoon. _ On Friday evening | the management received a message from &he northerners that they could not gather a team together. the Presbyterian _ and Methodist ~churches. Rev. W.D. Lee conducted the _ services and preached effective § The union services held in the Meâ€" thodist Church on _ Sunday _ proved ‘profitable and interesting, there | beâ€" *ing a good attendance of members of * ‘The second meeting of the Waterioo Township Plowing Match Association [which was held Saturday night was exceptionally encouraging. The Committee have secured what they â€" think will be a very â€" suitable field _ on,, thefarm of _ Mr. Menno Shantz, of â€" Centreville. They _ have promises of over $90.00 in donations and as yet their canvass is not nearâ€" 1y completed. â€" ARRANGING FOR â€" PLOUGHING MATCH it I miss any.copies, as I think mote of it than any of the leading _ westâ€" erm. papers. Coldnnietils .2 wol ie A0â€"eeanidi ns â€" Aincadiionan from oneâ€"gGarter to oneâ€"half less reâ€" gular prices. Every article offetred %5s g moneyâ€"savetr. Don‘t miss it. *# On Wednesday evening the members of the McGinnity Band journeyed to %he (Guelph Old Boys Reunion, to help~provide a good time. and _ also to have one. They returned on the midnight, and report baving a splendâ€" id time. One of: the biggest sales of the year will be Weichel‘s great sale of Enâ€" amelware, which starts on Thursday August Tth. _ The store is bristling with bargains, prices being reduced A subscriber of the Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph residing in Ailberta, in trenewâ€" ing bis subscription writes as _ folâ€" lows:â€"I have been a constant reader of your paper for the last fiflteen years and I am greatly disappointed August Sale of Summer Goods is . being _ celebrated by a big sale from August 7th to 10th. See theit advertisement in this issue for _ full particulars. APPRECIATES THE â€"CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH On Wednesday _ evening Mr. Henty Reuel tendered _ the firemen a supper in their room in the Town Hall. Mr Reuel chose this way of expressin Bis approval at the way in which Ahe fire in his butcher shop was _ exâ€" tinguished, as it was only due to prompt action that a gerious conflagâ€" Fation did not take place. â€" Each boliday and on several other «oceasions finds the McGinty Band with an â€" engagement. On _ Monday ‘FCivic Holiday, they filled an engage * The new kitchen which the _ Park Boatd decided to construct _ in _ the Park has been completed. ‘The tables ‘und ‘benches have also been â€"Placed Sn Position, and with these additions 450 more people can be taken care of. â€" There was abundance of small fruit at the market Saturday. . Butter sold for 28¢ a pound and eggs _ for 44 and 25c. A new issue of Euler‘s Advocate, an &nteresting little periodieal, will soon be ready. If you would like a copy, write Principat Fuler of the Berlin Rusiness College. Taces and several other events . were Phone 217 KODAK Big Anniversary Sale ho iA y Arctin in cichia regi e x < > +i 4 PM 2 'L'M‘r’,. .“f""n T ’ *'. 4 CVARV ts Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter|. _ .z . u//_ â€" BOM 6 en( §the d bda ind * ereteine _ 00. vrrines Walery Grave at Port Hope â€" _ _ | Tok foupaiien T (or rad a mae i M’ *b nitst® ; Â¥ W 4 4 & Elsfe Paul and Winnie Hfollis had "Ia thrilling\experience, while bathing "|at tle west boach, yesterday afterâ€" _ |noon, and ~ mirrowly escéped _ being #| drowned. The girls were unable _ to " |awim and had passed over the first * |sand bar, suddenly going beyond their depth. The girls were opposite the pavilion but their serious predicament * ‘ was not noticed by the young men on " | the pier. , ‘| Roh Roos ol the CJP.R. happened "\to be down at the beach, and noticed |the giris llostix‘ in the water, face . |downwards. readily â€"understood *|that something was wroug and rushed The report of the Printing and Finâ€" ance Committe recommended that the usual budget of accounts be passed for payment. o A resolution _ was passed allowing Chief Fiymn to purchase a new _ suit and trousers, the cost of, which _ is not to exceed $25. . For a four foot cement sidewalk on the west side of fletbert St. _ from Union to the southeriy end of _ Hetâ€" ber St. Both of these petitions wete referred to the Engineer for appro®â€" al. Town Clerk Haight stated that the same matter had been up on a PTeâ€" vious occasion and po action was takâ€" en until it was decided if the street was going to be extended. Printing and Finance Com,. Report: In conmnection with the latter petiâ€" tion, Mr. Gieo. Lackenbauer, who was present with several others, asked that the sidewalk be speedily _ conâ€" structed. The street is only 30 feet wide, he said, and in the spring was in a bad condition. â€" For a four foot cement sidewalk on the south side of John St. from Plark St. to Caroline St. The Warren Bithulithic Paving Co in a communication asked that they receive payment for portion of â€" the pavement which â€" was laid â€" several months ago, and never been paid for by the town. It stated that if the account was passed at the first meetâ€" ing of the Council, they would give a guarantee for five years from the date paid. The cletk was instructed to advise the company that the work had not been comPleted as per _ 8speâ€" cifications, and that when, it was, they would pay for it, if the _ five year guarantee was attached. A letter from the ‘Associated Cemeâ€" tery officials of Canada stated that the annual convention would be, held in Hamilton on August 26 and 27th. No action was taken. evening, only routine business _ was transacted. ‘The membets in attent ance were, His Worship, Mayor Fisâ€" chet, and Messts, Kaufman, Schiedel, Kutt, Moyer and Roos. * Waterloo Town Council is Not Prepared to Provide Boxes for Various Industries but â€"â€"_â€" Agrees to Look After Them _ At the regular meeting of the Town Council, which was held on Tuesday The \youn; girls felt the effects of their experience for some time, but were able to go to their homes about an hour Jater. 3 MANUFACTURERS ASKED TO INSTAL FIRE ALARM BOXES ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED girls to shore. Charles Cancilla, the hero of many rescues, also assisted. Both girls were unconscious and Mr. Roos and Mr. Skitch worked diligentâ€" . ly for nearlv filteen minutes _ before the girls showed the least signs of [ life. Their heroic work is very comâ€"| mendable and should be recognized by | the Humane Society. 1 1 C m o P N nsP ie §b . Apeare cmniinee rnpecat ce to their assistance. _ Upon reaching |ing in the water tace downward, and the spot the water was considerab:y apparently dead; I took one by her over Bob‘s head, and he was wighdimr in one hand and the other in down by his heavy top boots _ @nd‘my other, and then had to switn on He managed to. remove hi$s my back 11 1 could touch bottom., hoots and .trousers in tlle water, @D4\When I got in here ‘there were _a swam back with the girls. Mrâ€" |numher standing up to their _ nscks Riznev Skitch had just reached the |waiting to take them off my bhands. beaci? at this stage and he hustled ‘They took one and I the other _ and nut, wading in over Jhis shoulders and|watked in. I was so exhahited wilan E C the img detaile of o gailant reaol whde "Bf Writing to his parents the brave lad Saturday‘s issue of the Port Hope New Swit For Chie! of Police. tites Home to Parents. it P Communications. Petitions. son of Mr. and Mrs When Installed d Mr. Roos said that he would like to see these factories protected, as | the mn#atter had _ been thoroughly ‘ thrashed out in council on a Previous 0Ccasion. Mr. Kutt stated that all the lacâ€" tories could each install their â€" own tox, which would greatly lower their insurance, and then the town would keep it in repair _ after installation. Tdhis, he said,, was dome in other placâ€" Councillior _ Kutt brought up the question of the installation of _ fire alarm boxes. A promise had _ pracâ€" tically been made that a box would be placed in the vicinity of _ The (Gilobe Furniture Co. and the Muclier Cooperage (Co. If this was done, ali the other manufacturers would want a box placed mear their factotries, and this would entail a great expense, as the boxes cost $75 each. _ For : that reason he did not thimk that the box near The (GHlobe Furniture Co. _ ~and the Muller Cooperage Co. should be installed, 2 To oRemunic 2 G0me. MeWio TVE 1039 bhcaPeliionb Glnatitininmih t t oo dn Orrabiin mibiiny given its final ‘reading. outside of Berliaâ€"are invited to comâ€"|that were enjoying the beauties _ of Previous to the pagsing of the byâ€"| municate with Mr. Shorter for apâ€"|tHis wellâ€"known resort. Some _ of law, Mr A.C. Moyer had to be sent/pointments and he will be glad to ‘these carme from Toronto, Gait, Presâ€" for to the Bowling green, as it ne€dâ€"|demonstrate the system without cost}ton and other points, many of _ them ed one niore counciliorâ€"to pass _ the|to the party or parties interested. jbeing auto parties. Each day _ sees byâ€"law. After several nminutes, Mr: omamnmemmemmnnn mampmperommmmencmmemememmtzny, | MARY CRGUITICS COMiNC. in ASKiNE daAtâ€" Moyer put in an appearance, having *3 ?es for the use of the Park. forgotten the nteeting. Despite the reâ€"| structing the Clerk to notily the ditâ€" * y t mm n primand of the Mayor, the councillâ€"| ferent manufacturers that they could m AIR GAS ‘I‘m ors were all eager enough to know |each install their own box, azi the |) m how the bowling scores stood, and|town would keep it in repair â€" after sw for several minutes they were _ the/that. In this manner all the mantâ€" | ‘The big gas tank has not yet been topic of discussion. = factyrers will be placed on an equal repaired, A tank was purchased from ‘ Fire Chief Will Attemd. footing. * Berlin in the spring to be used while A resolution was Passed allowing Fire Chief Karges to attend the conâ€" vention of fire chiels to be held in Kingston, all his expenses being paid. ~~Mayor Fischer, â€"and ~Deputyâ€"Reeve Schiedel were.appointed as a commitâ€" tee to act with the representatives of the other municipalities in comnecâ€" tion with the Hign School District. This action was netessaty . on account of the meeting held in Berlin in the afternoon, a,full:report of which is given in another column. also ilghly recommend it to other The byâ€"law granting to the Quality|teachers, especially â€" the â€" younger Mattress Co., a loan of $10.00 with|teachers, who have mt any system interest which was voted on by the|to work on. ‘ / ratepayers a few weelks ago . WAS| Interested: parties who are living feet to reachk them. When I got there | Th (I was nearly al in) they were Noat 1 ing!nthethudov’nM.ndA {apparently dead; I took one by her | y * |hair in one hand and the other _ in|p: _ I lost quite a few things, _ boots, ete." siderable water in my lungs mysell. Another fellow and I worked at the young ladies Tor twenty minutes beâ€" ‘fore they slHfowed any signs ol life. Nobody thought tiflit they _ would ever come back to life again. _ They phomed for two doctors and _ when they came thire was little left â€" for them to do. ' ' One girl was 18 and the other 19, s» you can imagine I Had all I could do. It was in all tilt morning papâ€" ers, but not in correctly. Well I must close, _# some boys are waiting for me. # walked in. I was so exhausted wilen and trousers weighing me down |defeat of the Berlin rink . since it Luckily 1 got back so I could reach} was formied three yeatrs ago... The bottom. 1 really do not know how 1| fourteenth end proved disastrous for ever got back with all my clothes on.|the Berlin skip. _ He was one down Here I stood in water up to my |and was lying two shoto and with neck and took off my boots and trouâ€" his last bow! moved .the . kitty â€", and seres, and then went (swam)‘after|gave the Hespeler rink one point, the girls. I had to swim about 5¢|putting them twoa shots in the lead. gives the followikg details . of eP it in repair after installation.| Mr. C.W. Schiedel moved that all his, he said,, was dome in other placâ€" Itbe nants be listed and presented to 0s s the Council in the near fugure. A resolution was then passed in _ The Council adjourned at 9.25,. Byâ€"law Given Third Reading. Committee was Appointed. What About Fire Boxes. 4 a ery forâ€"help. ol:)hfloo'-m- Skip â€"Lecson into the water | withk considerable ease by a score of i Councilior Mover wished to know| David Bradd, fireman, and Albany what should _ be done with _ people| Meloche of Windsor were hurled _ to who had not paid for theit cemetery|their death while lowering a coal lots. Some which were purchased as|chute at Sandwich. far back as twentyâ€"five years . ago c were still unpaid for. nmilpmimanomralatoaias * Mayor Fischer said that be _ had instructed:the carctaker not to, huty anyone on lots which had not _ been READY paid for. He said it was hard for a the caretaker to do this, as most Nothing takes tife place of YPmple did not buy a lot in the cemeâ€"|â€" farm. tery until death entered their home, But without a s@olus in t! but it was the only thing which tunities of the man with ready could be done. wount with Councillior Kutt said he was of the opinion there were about forty _ deâ€" linquents. Mr. Roos asked if anything ‘could be dons to save King St. as the big engines of the Waterloo Manufacturâ€" ing Co. were very hard on the road. Mr. Schiedel said that the engines which come down King St. come in for rePair, as those which are stored, are just taken across the toad. structing the Clerk to notify the difâ€" fetent manufacturers that thezaconld each install their own box, ai the town would keep it in repair â€" after the means of a progressive series of studies, exercises, ands wwritten> lesâ€" sons, also annotated music. This serâ€" ies which is edited by . the great artist and pedagogue, Leopold Godâ€" 'awsky and other great. musicians is published by the Art Publication Co., Toronto, and is used by. the Cabadian Academy of Music, ‘Toronto.: and the Columbian Conservatories throughout the world, the conservatoties in Leip~ zig, Berlin and many others. Get in touch with Mr. Cecil Shorten who is in. Berlin to demmonstrate this sys tem to all interested parti¢s, esveâ€" clally teachers. You oan. call, write or: plone to chim at the Walper House,‘ Berlin. Do not miss the opportunity while he is here to make an appointâ€" mem* when convenient for you. Mr. Geo.. H. Ziegler of the Ziegâ€" ler Associated Studios, Berlin, has also adopted this system and intends. to teach it in â€" the future. He <can Music is no Jlonger looked upon as an unnecessary luxury, but is _ conâ€" sidered by ail rightly thin ing people as a véery nece@sary partâ€"of a child‘s education. _ A child W†to learn â€" the â€" piano â€"Shthe" * other instrument in sorder +g hold> bis or iler place~ in ‘the woï¬(-iï¬}g"'on a lsvel with theit : fellows, â€" The study of â€"the pian? istma @try easy by Canada has officially accepted _ the invitation to participate in the Panâ€" amaâ€"Pacific Exposition at San Franâ€" MORE INTERESTNG | â€"â€" skip 21 skip . 6 Waterloo ... ... 0112‘032120811 â€" 21 Bérlin whoees was fornied three yeats ago.. fourteenth end proved disastrous for} p. the Berlin skip. _ He was oue down | j and was lying two shots and> with|sg, his last bow! moved .the . kitty â€", and | 1 . Waterloo. Berlin. Cemetery Lots Unpaid, For. Sterling THAN ReRErorors|} HYMENEAL | Engines Cut Up Road .«.... ...... 011001022100000 â€" 8 T ........ 300110100011111 11 ...... 30000200001000 â€"~ .4 ially the â€" yourger| Monday Civic Holiday, was a _ reâ€" ave not any system|Cord breaker so far as picnics at Waâ€" . | terloo Park are concerned. Twentyâ€" rties who are living |Cight are the number by actual count mare invited to com=j that were enjoying the beauties _ of Mr. Shortern for apâ€"|{this wellâ€"known resort. Some _ of tingiry ap 1i f® ##¢ ; A. H. Snyder Fred Fischer i skip 27 > ski | The big gas tank has not yet been repaired, A tank was purchased from Berlin in the spring to be used while the other one was being repaired, but ‘the necessary supplies could not . be Secured at the time. The work will not be gone on with now nntil . the fall. This is due to the fact that the amall tank which is being used only holds enough gas for about _ one .bour‘s use, and in case there was â€" a break in â€" making the change, there would be no way of supplying the ‘latge amount of gas which is now usâ€" | . The â€"â€" display in Weichel‘s ‘store_window at the present time, is ‘A maost appropriate one. It â€" shows ‘a farmer gharpening his scythe on a [grindstone, with the wheat standing ‘round him. Ail the other essentials inecessary to the farmer are also well displayed. The window is quite an jattraction to passershy. “ Avery quiet wedding took _ Place on Friday evening at the Presbyterâ€" ian manse when ‘Miss Cornelia Joseâ€" phine, daughter, of Mr. Jacob Winkler was united in matrimony to ‘Mr. John Chatries Steckenreiter. The parlor in which the wedding â€" took place was beautifully decorated . with flowers.. Rev. W.D. Lee pefformed the ceremony. bas) ‘ : Mr. and Mrs. Steckentreiter left for Moose Jaw â€" Saturday â€" where. they will take up their residence. . _ !‘mww STECKENREITER â€" WINKLER. A. W. Mciatyre, _ Geo. Clark J. H. Roos S. B. Jeannette G. M. Fischer Dr. Robertson E. W. Schmidt, Dr. Kerr skip 14 skip game. Inthe evening. they ~~betook themselves tonflo.t:. and were hc’l: nate:enough to, win both games. following is the result;â€" _ dote 7 coli Waterloo 7 up. Waterloo 12 up. Splendid Window Display Many Picnics at Waterioo Nothing takes tife place of ready money. You may have credit allowed youâ€"you may own your own farm. â€" But without a s@lus in the form of reacy money you are missing the advantages and the opporâ€" tunities of the man with ready money. > Start the fund as a Savin ount with * THE BANK OF TORONTO. ERLIN BRANCH ~ . WATERLOO BRANCH . W. Lamprey, Manager. P. J. Wright, Manager skip 14 skip 26 skip 18 skip 12 %o induilge in a friendly READY MONEY FOR FARMERS Nyle skip 14 skip 14 1500 yards fine Lawn~Swiss and Dimity muslin Embrodetâ€" skip 13 ies Irom 13 to 16 inches: wide, over 40 splendid patterns . ‘*‘o ‘ select from, fine work and ele I gant designs, at less . than â€"makers prices, never before has skip u' anyone ofiered such marvelous s Â¥alues in clean, new and . reâ€" skip 20 8 ELMIRA ......... ST. JACOBS . HEIDELBERG WATERLOO ... BERLIN ... BRESLAU ...... MOSBORO ... Returning Special Train leaves Niagara Falls at 8.00 pan. All Tickâ€" ets good to returm on ahy regular tr2in on Monday, Aug. 18th. _________ Corge Route Tickets will be sold on the traim ~ ' Specal Train leavesâ€" D. Aug. 9,13,14,15. . W. 7, 14. â€" Our Coffee trade has increased 50 per cent. since Jan. ist. There is a reason. 1 We have added a Fish department to our business where we will handle nothing but the very best lines of fresh fish. Give us a trial order We will surely please you. : Pineapples are three weeks earlier than last year. They are now down to rock bottom prices, Get our prices before buying: n . * D. Bohlender, P ELMIRA MUSICAL SOCIETY‘S _ _ . _ EXCURSION TO NIACARA FALLS + E. SHURLY, â€"‘"Embroidery Sale"â€" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 5000 Yards New Embrolderies at m. Prices. The Biggest ver Seen in Berlin. worth from 25 to 60c, rememâ€" ber every yard a bargain. C. H. MILLS & CO. Home Roasted Coffee. at 12;¢ 27 inch wide at #y Canning Pineapples. _ See the Window Display Wednesday and Thursday. Fresh Fish. "tll t CF ... 6.00 a.m ... 6.10 a.m . 6.15 a.m .. 6.25 a.m 646 6.55 N: MOSES, Treas. TIME TABLE Time a.m A.n a.m A N S WE EP 250 yards Flouncing Embroiâ€" dery, beautiful patterns _ and fine workâ€" this season‘s . best styles, quality, and designs, It will pay you to buy what you will require Tor next season at sale prices. â€" 39c and 59¢ ...$1.85 L. 1.80 Adult Fare 1.65 Phone 205 A. WINGER, .; ‘Children .80 .80 .95 .90 .90