o 4 Don‘t miss Zick‘s Sununer _ Shoe , Sale. Women‘s $3.00 and $4.00 _ Oxâ€" ford‘s for 98c. * at : vv~(\.‘- .)‘ ,;,,"â€"4 Q:{.'c Y detitts brag Storo The | Waterloo _ market _ Saturday was ‘very large, hboth the farmetrs and the townsfolk turning out in goodly numbers. _ The supply of new potatocs was rood, as was the supâ€" ply of gteen peas, beans, and _ other #egetables, and solfd at the ustal prices. Eggs brought 25e a Mozen, wid butter sold for 36 to 28c a pound. Raspberties sold readily at 10 _ and J2%¢ per box, and currants at 10c. Two young men were each fined $1 and costs by Magistrate Weir in poâ€" lice court this afternoon for disorderâ€" .ly conduct . _ About forty imembers ofâ€"the Ladies‘ Aid of the Waterloo _ Presbyterian €hurch, held a nicnic at the park on .lllumdlut alternoon. wA number of citizens who _ depend on the town clock for accurate time complain «that it fails to record the evact hour with the result that cars are missed and inconvenience _ occa stoned. _ Tt is desirous that Waterâ€" loo‘s new clock should serve a useful purpose as well as being ornamental and it is hoped that the defect noted will be remedied without undue _ deâ€" lay. (Anquiries and requests _ for cataloâ€" gues are already coming in freely to the Berlin Business College from these _ who â€" desire to enter for the Fall Term, which opens Sept. 2. This stccessful school is helping hundreds of voung people to _ good positions. Parents and others do well to inâ€" vestigate its advantages. The cataâ€" logue is free. Genuine money saving opportunities at Zick‘s Annual Sumimer Shoe Sale. On Wednesday and Thursday Mr. Johnson of London, Ont., _ was _ a business visitor in town. Mr. _ Johnâ€" Son is Ficld Officer of the rural mail routes and in company with Mr. W. . Weichel, M.P., svent most of that time _ inspecting the diffctent_routes in Wellesley Township. ‘ The results from the Buflalo BowAâ€" ing Tournament show that skip .F. Seagram and his rink of _ stal varts are amongst thecwinners. In the preliminary _ round W.A. _ Morrison (Quecn City) defavulted his game and in the afternoon Robertson of Stratâ€" ford was defeated 22â€"16. About thirty of the plumbers of the _ Twinâ€"City _ held _ forth at Levington Saturday, having a picric. Leaving _ Watetloo about 9.30 they reached th» picuic grounds about 10.â€" 30 and _ imnwdiately proceeded _ to have a good time. o. A larse number attended the Pre Poratory sorvices in Emmanuel Evanâ€" gelical _ Church _ on Friday evening. Presiding _ elder Rev. S.R. Knechtel dclivered _ theâ€" setngon. Communion sorvices will be beld on Sunday motn ing. The regular weekly. mecting of the Y.P.A. oï¬ the: Emmanuel Evangelical €hurch on Monday evening proved to be of unusual interest. _ The subject dealf with was the Balkan States, _on which brief addresses wore delivered by the members. Brown canvas oxfords, leather tips for _ women and _ children at 40, 15, and 50c a pair. Zick‘s. son met with a painful accident, while working in a ditch on Will iam St. he was seriously burnt with gas. lHis right arm and face _ woere badlyâ€" scorched and he will be unable !A local automobile, owner had _ a charge preferred against another â€" loâ€" eal man for appropriating his autoâ€" mobile. The case was to have been beard on _ Friday, but was amicabâ€" ly settled. + to work for several days. The tailors of Berlin held a picnic at the Waterloo Park, on Wednesday, afternoon making good use _ of the weekly half holidav. For an enjoyable outing try the E+ mira Musical Society‘s 20th Annual Excursion to Niagara Falls, on Aug. 16th. Tickets good till Monday, Aug 19th. #1â€"3+ On Saturday afternoon the employâ€" ®es of the Lippert Furniture Co. held their amoual picnic at the Waterloo .. evische Apotheke,, Phone 217 Waterioo KODA On Monday afternoon Mr. Wm All stook new and fresh § UVURPLIE 3 el »"p= t 4 o8 31â€"3t. Mr. TLM. Cook, _ Assistant Secreâ€" tary and Mr. A_E. Pequegnat, of the Actnarial Department of the MutWal Life _ Assurance â€" Co., at Waterl®n, bave just received the welcome _ . adâ€" vise from New York, that they wete toth successful in passing their _ e%â€" aminations, comducted in May _ last, by the Actuarial Society of Ametica. Mr. Cook has now passed the fourth and final examination of this societr, giving him fellowship standing _ and ent:tlinz him to the F.A.S. degtee, while Mr. Pegqwegnat has now _ comâ€" pleted _ three of these esaminations. PASSED THER _ _ ;« EXAMINATIONS (n Monday a very humane act was don> when a sanitary drinking foun tain was installed on the fountain on the cornet of King and Erb Sts. Throughout the warm weatber of the last few weeks this _ was _ the only place were it was possible to get a drink of water, and there has _ been no means of doing so, unless cach person‘ carréied theit own cup. It therefore comes as a great _ sclief to a large numbet of citizens. * THe powling scores in the Scagram trophy race, which is continuing each week, are as follows: A. C. Moyer, ... 20 S. B. Bricker 18 C. . Roos ..... 19 °C. W. Snider 14 E.W.Schmidt skipned by F. Halstead 16 Gco. Colson.. 13 C. 11. Kochler 20â€" W. (G.Sterling 10 by B. Doll. The weather of the past three days has been of the hottest varicty. Not only have the citizens of “’sgt(-rloo suftered but also those of surrounding places. On Monday a record for this year wasjmade, when the tested therâ€" mometer in front of E. M. ‘Devitt‘s drug store, which was recently placed in position, registered 96 degrees _ in the ‘shade. © K The services hold in previous years have proved most helpful in developâ€" iny the vnion spirit, and again promâ€" ise to be very well attended by memâ€" bets of both cougregations. . The largest crowd, which ever _ atâ€" tended a park band concert, were Present on Friday evening, to _ hear thr Galt Kilties and the Waterloo Bands. ~ The programme which _ was rcndered was one of the finest ever heard in this town, each member _ of both bands putting forth his best efforts. Miss Nellie Gallagher of Perlin was the fortunate ticket holdâ€" er to secure the $25 travelliny bag, holding ticket number 4995. The other prizeâ€"drawing numbers are, 6268, 4151, 1083, and 11033. ‘ Union services will be held in <the Presbyterian and Methodiss churthes the first four Sundays in August. tev. Mr. Lee of© the _ Presbyterian Church will have charge of the Setâ€" vices in the Methodist Church _ on August 3rd and 10th, and Rev. Mr. Hockey of _ the Methodist _ Church will conduct services in the ‘Pres: byterian Church, August 17th amd 24. He was a contractor by trade, hayâ€" ing been constructing pavements and sewers for the town for the past fifâ€" teen years. His first coftract _ was the comstruction _ of a cobble stone pavement on King street. . He then tendered successfully for the building of the trunk sewer. From these conâ€" tracts ie weut into contracting and teaming genérally. Last year he was forced to _ retire through ill health TLittle is known of his relatives in Ciermany, but nowe are known to reâ€" side in Canada. BIG CROWD .. . _ ‘AT BAND (CONCBR&T The deceased was well known in Waterloo. He was of a kindly dispoâ€" sitiom arel had acquired many friends during his long restdence here, _ who will in his death.:lose asincere friend cemetery for burial. ‘ The late Mr. Dermul came to this country many years ago from _ Gerâ€" many with his ‘second wife, and took up his _ resideme at St. _ .Jacobs. Twentyâ€"five years ago they moved to Waterlioo and have lived here conâ€" for several years, and during the last three weeks being stricken with dropsy and hbeart trouble," ~ Edward Dermul passed away at his home on the corner of~®Princess and Queen Sts. at 3.30 o‘clock on Titursday _ afterâ€" noon. The deceased had attained the ripe age of 82 years. ‘The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon _ at 3 o‘cleck from the residence, . where a short service was conducted by Rev. E. Backelman, to Mount Hope ’\.'z . 1t sn w 'v *L _ 4A ".":'t-" is 24 OemstWeiteom| Various Routin Sanitary Fountain Installed Aiter a lingering Winess ol asthma Court EnterPrise No. 73 will _ hold{resentative clubs. _ En their anmnal picnic in Westside. Park |received up to Friday cCB Saturday afternoon, August 2nd, ist. Th prizes this y All membets are requested to attend. above the standard and . The Committce, tive. oo When P.C. . entered: be apprn'ï¬.'llrd the proprietor of the botel, he asked to te admitted to the cellat, buk was told that the battender had the Reys, and went in scatch of the latte? to obtain the keys presumably. Not to be outâ€"done _ however, the constable used bis own t _ ond gained admitâ€" tance. When they saw that they were caucht redâ€"handed the men, did not attempt to make their _ escape, but on> of thenn remarked, "Well, we: ate causht, so we will face the _ mnâ€" sic.‘ (On Monday the necessary | im formations _ were laid before Magisâ€" trate Weir. f 1ng, WERE CAUGHT VIOLATING â€"THEâ€" LIQUOR ACT ANNUAL PICNIC The music provided at all the setâ€" vices by the choir was most upliftâ€" On Saturday night about 11.40 o‘â€" Clock, night Constable Clarke raided the cellatr of the Alexander Hotel. He found therein nine patrons, conâ€" suming several ‘bottles of liquor.. ‘The special missionary services in St.‘John‘s Lutheramn Church on Surâ€" day proved ta be very interesting and instructive. »Rev. 0. Klachn of Suratâ€" ford delivered the address in _ the morning which was most forceful. MISSIONARY _ _ SERVICES DN _ ST. JOHN‘S CHURCH The Touis Breithaupt Estate wrote requesting a refund of taxes amountâ€" ing to $16.31, on property in _ the East Ward. The land on which a reâ€" fund is requested is some which was sold to the Berlin Park Board ~ for Park purposes. At a previous nfeetâ€" ‘ Messrs Bechtel‘s Ltd., in a _ comâ€" munication asked that Allan and .lohn Sts. be repaired according _ to previoUus agreement. The work‘is now heing gong ahead with, and the letâ€" ter was filed. The secretary of the Provincial Asâ€" sociation of Fire Chicis wrote adâ€" vis ng that the annual comvention will he held in Kingston Aug. 28th, 29th and 30th, and asking that Waterloo be @mpPresented. Referred to the Fire Committee. to be signed for the pavment of the . debentures when sold. The _ agreeâ€"| OR Wednesday afternoon next "at 2 ment as drawn up â€" stated â€" among|O‘Clock the nienthers of the â€" Council other things that the factory must|Will meet to tour the town in autoâ€" be in operation daily for not less, mobiles, to inspect different improveâ€" than cleven months in each year and/ments which should be gone _ ahead that local labor must be given preâ€" With, and also to get an idea of the ference. ‘‘blind"" street which should pe openâ€" sent in reference to the fixing of.the building line for the new factory to be erected on Allen St. An â€" underâ€" standing was reached. whereby the building will be constructed five feet from the town line. The final agreement with the Qualâ€" ity Mattress Co., was also ordered the Guality Mattress Co., were ‘preâ€" A In the afternoon addresses were deâ€" Messtrs Montague and Dantzer â€" ‘of. Requests Refund on Taxesâ€" Work Now Being Done. To Draw Up Agreement. oN sSATURDAY s ml While making his regular _ rounds Sumâ€" lat _ 215 on / Friday mornâ€" g and |ing P. C. Clarke detected am ofor of vratâ€"ismoke while passing Hy. Reuel‘s but the!cher shop opposite the â€" Watetloo 18 Manufacturing Co. He â€" immediately e deâ€"{investizated and located the utaze in both | the shop. He sent in an alarm from _ The annual Twinâ€"City Bowling tourâ€" nament will commerme in Berlin and, Waterlon next Monday afterncon at i o‘clock. The indications are that the number of entries this year will exâ€" ceed any previous yrar. About _ 12 rinks will be entered by the Berlin Club and ten by the Waterioo Club. Secretary Euler bas already received a gonily numbet of entries from rep» resentative clubs. _ Entries will be received np to Friday night, Augnst Ist. The prizes this year will he â€" Despite the blaze the regular day‘s business was carried on This morning as the other end of til> shop was used Carpenters . wore put at work airst thing this morning to repair _ the damage, and within a couple of days the shop will be in first class shape again. Four byâ€"laws repealing previous byâ€" laws with the rate of interest .at 5 per cent. were given their necessary ‘readings and passed. Four new /‘ byâ€" ‘Iavs to replace these with interest at 6 per cent were then passed. 'the shop. _ He sent in an alarmfrom No. 31. The firemen made m <quick resronse, and soon gained control cf the blaze. â€" They. are to be conzratulaâ€" ted on tBâ€"ir thorough and rapid vork, for in thlf zn hour aftet the atarm, they ha:l the fire extinguished arsl teâ€" turned to the hall. ‘ No Idea as to Cause. : _ _The blaze was at the end of _ tik shoj ad‘oining the blacksmith _ shop of J. R. Kauflman. The floor at tliis ind was butnt, as was the counter, seales and _ cash register. Several poun!s of lard were also spoiled with the heat and smoke. Mr. H. Reuel staied this morning that the _ total damage would be about $500, partly c~v.cred by insurance. He éxpressed . his opinion, that the blaze originated en the â€"floor in the sawdust, _ which covers the floor, but could attribute no cause. Mr. Edward Reucl was the _ last one to feave the shop. At 6.30 on Thursday evening when he closed the shop, he states that everything was all right. EARLY MORNBIGâ€" |. (|Zz. FIRE AT REUEL‘S _ _|ss#« BUTCHER SHOP : : There atre now for sale over _ $31,â€" 000 worth of local improvement deâ€" tentures. _ The clerk was instructed to call for tenders for these to _ be in by Aug. ist. Councilior Bricker sUugsested that some of the , small blocks be sold to local people. _ The majority of thoge present were in favor of such a step and the matter will te decided at the next meeting. The members present were, Mayor Fischer, Councillors Schiedel, Bricker Moyer, Roos, Ufielman, . fire., Earlier in the séason ‘the Lucesâ€" sary valves were put on, but too early, and were damaged by the frost On. Wednesday afternoon next "at 2 o‘clock the nienfbers of the â€" Council will meet to tour the town in autoâ€" mobiles, to inspect different improveâ€" Board of Workg has ordered ten more valves for the purpose. . Mr. F.S. Kumpft of the Water and Light L‘oln'mlt‘lol_ i a comitublegâ€" tion drew the attentzzl of the Counâ€" cil to the different hydrants â€" which are being used for sprinkling pukâ€" poses. It stated that ‘drivers . of sprinkling carts occasionally _ icave the cap off, and children throw stunes in, bring a serious matter in vase of ing the matter was and relerred to the ‘lonm : reported that ‘the land was not "be ing used for park purposes, and was therefore taxable. No action was Tenders will be called For Hydrants Wili be Repaired, Increase Rate of Interest. Will Tour the Town. 7~* 200| + N IHL WBPI/D prices that Make Profitable Buyi flrcks i6 )'\ ‘r y e 5; ’. *4 * 7 Lhsposet lï¬h{n::r;‘hï¬f*r Mla:.-wu:uicqrmmulm most attracâ€" Dr. Bavman made a test of the milk which the different vendors ate ofNerâ€" ing for sale to the Waterloo citizens All of the milk tested _ above _ the standard, but the supply of . Mr. 1H. Gond was especially righ. The !c)â€" lowing â€" is the test: F.S. Weber..... ...3.3. H. Good [ ;.....6. â€" Dubrick ..;:â€"..;... .4. Snider ..:........ â€"~3.21 J.F. Weber ... ....3.2J Raarr ...u... .....3.23 "So far as our own business is concerned it is making good proâ€" gress all through the West, and has never ‘heenâ€" naofe prosperous than at the present time." _ ably free once more, the whole counâ€" try will develop more rapidly _ than ever. This point of view seems _ to be justified hy the fact that the railâ€" roads, big _ trading _ corporations, wholesale houses, ctc., are planning for large expansion. â€""The basie conditions of business| . in western Canada are good, and thouphtiul men in the West ate _ as optimistic as ever with regard to its future, the gemeral feeling being that|: as soon as money becomes . reasonâ€" year‘s production of grain will be the greatest that western Canada _ has ever known. In niaking this stateâ€" ment, however. atteantion must be called to the fact that fine _ warm weather, is â€" needed from now on to ripen th> crops, and that much _ deâ€" pemds on this as to the fnal outâ€" come of the.labors of the _ western farmer. "I have never seen the crops look so promiging:at this season off the so promigingiat this season off the year, and tij‘concensus of _ opinion ‘"There is _ very little real estate| @ ’tunflng‘ over," and the buying and # sellimg of subdivision lots more _ or less remote from the centres of (the various cities, seenms to have receivâ€" ed an effective check for the time beâ€" ing .at least. _Values have not deâ€" climâ€"d one dollar on what may _ be termed strictly legitimate real esâ€" > tate holdings. ‘By this is meant proâ€" «m Pertics that are now révenue _ proâ€" ducine, or are so situated that they cam be readily made to Produce a rcâ€" venue. It is more than likely that w th> economic change which is apparâ€" ently takine place, not only in _ the [{ fr West, hut throughout Canada and the pl suppression of subdivision craze will have the effect of turning the attenâ€" tion of investors to really good inâ€" side properties, and thus work real henefit to legitimate real estate doalings. L. ' To a Telegraph :opresentative this morning Mr. Halsteau said:â€" "Thete is comsiderably less activity in nearâ€" purchasing more cautiously, and not carryine such large stocks as formerâ€" ly." The people are not spending moRey quite so lavishly as they have done in the past. . ‘On Tuesday Mr. Fred Halstead ot the Dominion Life Assuyratice Co., arrived hom»e alter a business> trip through theâ€"West. Mr. Halstead has #Pent:â€" the last two months visiting thecompany‘s dificrent agencies, and stopped among* other places at.., Winâ€" niper;: Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver ‘and Victoria, i Mr. Halstead has rade annual trips through the West for the past nm\ years, and is thoroughly acquainted with the business conditions, _ which have : prevailed, and is tl!ol'e!ore.‘ epmpetent to speak of the conditions which now‘ prevail. Iy all lines _ of. business. throughout| the West, thin there was the this time last year. â€" The merchants arel On Monday Medical Health OfMcer BERLIN BRANCH E. W. Lamprey, Manager. But without a s@plus in the form of reacy money you are missing the advantages and the oppotâ€" tunitics of the man with ready money. Start the fund /as a Savin scount with f cax‘ . | : THE BANK OF TORONTO. Insurance Business Progtessing Nothing takes tik place ol ready money. You may have ctedit allowed youâ€"you may own your own farm. ° ° . + g> those who are qualified to <ow the_subject is that . this Crops Looking Splendid. Basic Conditions Sound. Real Estate Quict IN WATERLOO READY MONEY FOR FARMERS welf ~QUR â€"MIDâ€"SUMMER SALE ‘PIANO STUDY MADE EASY AND ; MORE INTERESTING THAN UERETOFORE . | Music is no longer looked upon â€" as an unnecessafty luxury, but is conâ€" sidered by all rightly thinking people as a very necessary part of a child‘s education. A child almost has to learn the piano or some other in strumeRt in order to bolid his or ber place in the world and be on a level with their fellows. The study: of the Piato is made very casy by. Ithe means of a progressive series of studies, exergises, and written _ lesâ€" sons, also annotated ryisic.. This serâ€" |iex which is edited by the great arâ€" tist and pedagogue.‘ Leopold Godâ€" owsky and other great musicians is published by the Art Publication Co. Torofito «and is used by the Canadian Academy of music, Toronto and tlk-l _Columbian Consetvatories throughout . Our Coffee trade has increased 50 per cent. since Jan. ist, There is a reason. CC 0& We have added a Fish department to our business where we will handle nothing but the very best lines of fresh fish. Give us a trial order We will surely please you. Pineapples are three weeks earlier thanâ€"last year, They are now down to rock bottom prices. _Get our prices before buying. Home hoas‘ted Coffee. D. Bohlender, All men‘s and boys‘ Suits and Wal»:rpn;n'l'“("‘n;;l'.;m:itm:.\m.s't..-raig'i;t: discount of 10 per cent. These Suits and Watcrproof Coats are all new, this scason‘s styles and were paiced very low whem first put in stock. s E. H. THA & SON, 4 oo o i e e o l nc *3 Men‘s soft striped Shirts, lounge collar, soft cufts, regular $1.50 Men‘s soft striped Shirts, French cmd laundried cufis, _ regular $1.00 Bb ..sclllee sssiiene nmneieee emrienee enmoomiee en en kn T0¢ at C H. MILLS & CO. $1.25 wears, for dresses, aprous, etc. 32 inches wide, light or dark grounds, and patterus, the regâ€" ular 12c quality. LONG SILK GLOVES T5c. In black or white, in all sizes, Perrins make, 12 but ton length, reg. $1.00. 15 PIECES "CRUMS" BEST PRINTS AT 10e. | ing Wash Fabric, in plain stripes or plaids, all new this season, best colors and . patâ€" tetns, the usual 12%¢c, _ 15¢, and $0c quality. 10 PIECES DRILLETTE, FAST COLORS, AT 10e For skirts, dresses, _ trimâ€" Tik quality that washes and 150 PIECES OF SCOTCH GINGHAM, YOUR CHOICE 106. Men‘s Silk Lisle Sox, black and tan, regular 500 at nufiitg 298 Men‘s Coat Chains, clectric wel«, acid proof, reg. $1 at ... 7%¢ Men‘s soft White Shirts, l ounge _ collat, laundered cufis, tegwer Cor. King and Scott Sts. [THE AENTYS‘ FURNISHING EMPORIUM)] Canning Pineapples. Fresh Fish. WATERLOO BRANCH P. J. Wright, Manager PC Interested partics who are living outside of Berlin are invited to comâ€" municate with Mr. Sborten for apâ€" pointments and he will be glad to demonstrate the system withouk cost to the party or parties intefested. Mr. Geo. H. Ztegler of the Ziegâ€" ler _ Associated Studios, Rerlin has also adopted this system and intends to teach it in the future. _ He cg@ also highly recommended it to oth@r teachers especially _ the younger teachers who have not any system to work on. . the world, thr conscrvatives in Leipâ€" zig, Berlin and many others. Get in touch with Mr. Cecil Shorten who is in Betlin to demonstrate this _ sysâ€" tem to all interested parties espeâ€" cially teachors, you can call, wrike G jphone to him at the Walper _ 16 Herkin. Do not miss the oppor tini while be is bere to make an appoint ment when convenient for you.. ~ _# Every dress is ~a hargainy all are new this scason, . hbest styles, _ colors â€" and quality, nicely made ami trimmed, at greatly reduced prices. Permanent silk finish, pretty colors and neat patterns, _ in cadet, navy, Saxe, etc., . fast culor in washing, the regular price 25¢. Silk Lisle in black only, size 8} to 10, sheer â€"‘ and _ fine, full fashioned, double heel and toe, regular 60c. LADIES* AND MISSES‘ WASH DRESSES $1.19, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 BLACK LISLE HOSE 39e 30 PIECES FOULARD At 15¢. mings, etc., 37 inches _ wide, fine satin twill, Drillette i saxe, brows, navy, Alice, tan and brown, regular price 28¢. Phone 205