, { McClary‘s Gas Ranges *___ Ald Breithaupt Returns Fr lmu it : vbgtructing 6 . aTtipbunPaciï¬cc‘or%W&vmmw:t w2 ‘,éf@fsrg_’?é%-?:;’†ioi f i me n ag e ~â€"â€"l ary 2 Vreuiiurainiaiy «;zam> 4 \ c <i aoeen e on e ie n i imrntpn t e ~ ‘ W Je oo anncarana cce mm Peauan mio h16 . NCmy yeone _0 ‘ _\.\-%_ »A~ ies t | N I | B i7 % N mm‘ ) 5‘ fln rAol o J‘ a ; a e e m P â€" es f] * S is omm /7 D ~ Tos * You can see for yourself that: ( It is a compact and convenient range. Removable oven linings, shelves and bottom make for clea * $0000000000000000000000000000000000 $00000008 Â¥00000000009000000000000000000008000808 e000000004 Old Home Week ant America‘s Larâ€" gest Summer (Carnival. 32 _ attracâ€" tions, horse races, daily _ acroplane Rights, ‘Canadian â€" League _ Bascbalil, football, Michigan State vs Ontario, International ‘Tug of War, Lacrosse, Band tournaments etc., etc. Special fares, special traims, Ask your railâ€" way Agents for particulars. The wet _ canteen at Fort McNab, Nova Scotia, has been ordered closed. Ald. Breithaupt found that trade in the West was not on the decline hut more than holding its own, _ desPite the stringency of the money market. Most of the merchants with whom he came in contact rePort increased busi ness during the last few months comâ€" Pated with previqus years ‘There> is, howbver," said Mr. Breithaupt, "quéetness in real esâ€" tate tramsattions but there has not been ‘a depreciation in the price of land in the West. I tried to get some bargains in properties that were on the market but the prices roâ€" wain as high as when the West was en oying its greatest boon®." } ALL ROADS LEAD â€" TO GUELPH JULY 28th TO AUGUST 2ad. _ tupred on Thursday from a compbifed business and pleasure trip to the Paâ€" cific Coast, and reports havikg had a most enjoyable time. ‘He Yvigited the leading cities of the West, including Winnipeg, Kegina, Calgary, Edmonton Vietoria and Vancouver. crop Prosbects, he stated, are mt enâ€" enuragiug and the people of the West are most optin®istic as to the reâ€" You will expect your gas Tanie to last a lon> time and keep its appeatance and effhiciencyâ€"The nan t +Mef lary‘ on a range is a guarâ€" antee of this. Women who use them are not hard to find, they all t?" yOuâ€" th The cooking top is latge etough to take two burners for othet work. I Trip to the Pacihs Uoag â€"|Runds sireot was brougblagy Px Mayee > . |Queecn street was brought:by ®xâ€"Mayor a Trip to the Pacific Coa® > :‘um '&m Esinst P rogricior couer mm . the t House in Police Court ir. A.L. Breithaupt, of Berlin, reâ€" Mmy‘.“"u was â€" alleged _ that ned on Thursday from ‘a compifted pedestrians were unable to proceed iness and pleasure trip to the Paâ€" long Queen street owing _ to the ¢ Coast, and reports havilg had @|joading anf‘ unloatiag of begg@ge #t enjoyable time. He Yigited the| goun the trapâ€"door. _ As permission fing cities of the West, including ‘hag been given at the time the buildâ€" '."9!. Kegina, Calgary, uwu’fllim; was‘orected to put in this trapâ€" toria and Vancouver. m ©r0P {door and as the hotelâ€"owners assume enecis he stated, are mfost | °Dâ€"|all responsibility for damazes _ the ragiug and the peoPle of the WCSt | Mayistratp dismissed tle action. | most optin#Stic as to the reâ€"| ‘This action was counter. to the case be. recently entered by â€"Proprictor Zuber, 1d. Breithaupt found that trade in|against Mr. Huber, charging the. latâ€" West was not on the decline hbut!ter with irespassing. ‘a Ahaw KROL4HL O :E Seso® London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancowver, St. John, N â€", Hamilton, Calgaty, Saskatcon, Edmonton. Removable oven linings, shelves and bottom make for cleanliness The hard baked black enamel finish is going toâ€"stay bright. The white ename! drip pans can be kept sPotiess. The burners are made in on picce and can be cleaned easilv. Your dealer doesn‘t have to explain very many things about a ECONOMY PLUS _ _ COMFORT That‘s what a gas range means if it is A4 GOOD ONE. f Sold in Waterloo by Liphardt Bros. cCLARY GAS RANGE Ageats for Canada. It PAYS to buy one of one picce and can be cleanced easily | _ Aiter an informal discussion regardâ€" [ing the lighting of King street _ acâ€" 3tiun was deferred until after the feâ€" iturn o Chairman Lippert from the ‘West, whore he will} investigate Calâ€" .gary‘s new system of street lighting. | mission _ on â€" Friday evonlng Mayor | Euler introduced the 4}rstmn of takâ€" ing steps to investiga the _ best |method of lighting King street â€" from i(‘amemn St to the Waterloo .boundary ‘lin>. He stated that ne had received \information frov;, Calgary, Alta., reâ€" â€"garding the illumination of one of the streets of that city which is reportâ€" ed to be one: of the brightest streets at night in Canada. _ His Worship stated that the system was known as the Magnetlite ansl the poles were 200 feet apart. It was not only tife most. , illminative but the most economical ‘light in existence. i Supt. Mcintsre stated that he saw a demonstration of the new system at ; the recent electrical exhibition in Toâ€" ronto. It was the ideal light for both business and residental streets. lle stated tlat these lights could be placed on brackets on the trolley poles lt.n be erectod between Berlin and l Waterloo. o ‘NEW SYSTEM At the mecting of the Light Comâ€" vour poiler _ and leave Th> Galt Kiltie Pand and the Watâ€" erloo RBand will give a joint concert at the Waterloo Patk on Friday evenâ€" ing. BORNâ€"At Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs Robt. Mcintyre, a daughter. sons and three daughters, _ namely, «John, Dakota; Benjamin, Berlin; Al bert, Saskatchewan; Dilman, Berlin; Dr. Orlando, Toronto, and Dr. Cyrus E. London, Mrs. J.R. Eden, . Berlin; Miss Lizzie, at home, and Mrs. Bowâ€" les, Leamington. A large number ‘of grandâ€"children and great grandâ€"childâ€" ren also ®tvive. _ ‘Thr funeral of the late Mrs. Enoch Zicylor tonk place on Wednesday _ afâ€" ternoon from the residence, Irvin strect, to Mount. Hope Cemetery and was largely attended by friends _ and acquaintances of the family. The serâ€" vices at the house and grave _ were conducted by Rev. H.S. Haliman, a nephow of the deceased. The _ pailâ€" bearers _ were four sons and two grandâ€"sons, [ namely‘ Mr. Benjamin yicgler of Berlin, Mr. Albert 'I.ieg!er‘ of Melville, _ Sask., Dr. O.11. Zieglet of Toronto _ and Dr. C.1. Ziegler of London and the grandsons Mr. H. lms‘ lic Stabler and Mr. George Zieglet of Bertin. . + whiskey any moreâ€"he doesn‘t want BORN. it and _ won‘t look at it. 1 cannot BORNâ€"At Calgary, Alta., to Mr.‘®*PTeSs my gratitude â€"â€"â€".‘‘ From a and Mrs. Roy Mcintyre, formerly of ‘Kenuine letter among the scores . we Waterloo, a daughter |°‘:l“'h.:: you, © proving absolutely North _ Dumfries Township and _ in 1846 they moved to Berlin where the deceased has resided ever. since. She was of _ a retiring and kindâ€"hearted disposition and greatly beloved, not obly by her family but by ber host of acquaintances. She is survived by a family of six sons and three daughters, _ namely, The late November ninetieth after mar Mr. Emoc! â€"One of Beflin‘s oldest and _ highly esteemed residents, Hannah Haliman, relict of the late Enoch Ziegler, pass ed away at ber home on Irvin street on Saturday after a long illness, durâ€" ing which she was a patient sufferer front the infirmitiecs of old age. MRS, E. ZIEGLER PASSES AWAY Bon voyage to Sherif H. G. Lackâ€" ner, Mrs. Lacknor and Miss Lackner, who Teft last _ Monday morning _ for Montreal, from whence they _ sailed the following day on the Royal Edâ€" ward steamshin for Bristol, England. Aiter a few days stay in that _ city the party leaves for London, where the Doctor _ will attend tiflf British Medical Association, which, convenes from August 6th to 12th, after which the party will travel om the continâ€" ent, returning to Canada aboud thoJ beginning of September. . ! His Homnor Judge Reade has handed down his judgment in the action of Mrs. Egner, of Waterloo against the city and Heller Bros. for _ damages caused by injuries sustained by fallâ€" ing down the coal shite in front _ of Heller Bros.‘â€"store., In his â€" decision His Honor states:â€""I must find that the plaintif having a full view of the situation and a complete opportunity of avoiding any dangers that it preâ€" sented to her, _ deliberately assumed the risks of crossing over the openâ€" ing instead of avoiding them by goâ€" ing around, and so contributed to her owinr injury, her act being the apâ€" proximate cause of it." The judgâ€" ment also points out that Heller Bros were not unlawfully having coal _ deâ€" livered in front of the store. Mr. anl Mrs. Lebman Sifirk _ and Miss Hannah Kraft, all of _ Watertoo, and Mr. Gordon M. Zeller of Berlin. returned to their homes from © a three werks‘ motoring trip throughâ€" nut the States, visiting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and other â€" places _ of interest. \ ACTION DISMISSEp. _ Master Harry Erb, son of Mr. EpH. Erb, ‘who is camping at Mr. E. P. Clement‘s summer cottage on (Georgâ€" i1an Bay, caught a _ thirteenâ€"pounit ‘longe" this week. Th;s is a _ big catch for a young man, but he mapâ€" aged the job like a veteran. The ‘Baraca Class of the King street Baptist Church joined similar classes of the Galt and _ Hespeler Baptist Churches in a joint nicnic which was held at Victoria Park in Galt ontn} urday «afternoon. The outing as well attended and a pleasant afterâ€" noof was spent in games, races and other amusements. Mr. Oswald Loyes is spending . a week in Montreal and Quebec. Or. FEva I. Femon and Dr. Jane Galbraith, of Toronto, who _ werd visitors at the home of Dr. Liliian M. Fraser, 5 Weber apartments, have ceturned. mber 3rd, ieth year. matrying Emoch Zie Mrs. Ziegler was 1 rd, 18214, and was ar. The first two ing her deceased | Ziegler they resid The Happenings at the County Seat Care»â€" : fully Summarized. Local and Personal. ewan; Dilman, Berlin; ‘oronto, and Dr. Cyrus s. +).R. Eden, . Berlin; home, and Mrs. Bowâ€" n. A large number ‘of and great grandâ€"childâ€" T they resided Township and to Berlin where gler was born on | K _ and was in her 'li! _first two _ years | nu deceased husband | C in in ean be overcome by the NEAL 3 DAY TREATMENT. Call upon, ad dress ot phone The Neal Institute. 18 8T. ALBANS 8T., ToroNTo. TELEPHONE N. 2087. A Pretty mafriage ceremony â€"â€"was rerlom:-d at Berlin Tuesday mornâ€" ng at the St. Mary‘s parish home when Miss Lydig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .John Fritz, Bismarck: ave. was â€" happily wedded to Mr. Urban Strub, son of Mrs. Eugene Strub, 52 Ellen street, and the popular pressâ€" 'man of the Telegraph oflice. The |nuptial knot was tied by Rev. w.‘ 1 C. KJoepfer. The bride looked beautiful attired in a gown of â€" white satin trimimed with pearls and lace, and carried a Louquet of white roses and lilyâ€"ofâ€"the valley. Her sister, Miss Rose; Fritz, was the bridesmaid and wote a pPretty dress of pale blue satin, carrying | a bouquet of pink carnations. The gr0Om was supported by his brother Mr. Charles Strub. Mr. and Mrs. Strub will take _ up their residence in this city and their many friends will extend their beartâ€" iest congratulations and good wishes for a long and happÂ¥ life. The _ young couple were the reciâ€" pients of many beautiful and valuable g4fts, including a set of table cutâ€" lety front the Telegraph and staff. Saved her Husband After the ceremony a reception took place at the home of the bride‘s parâ€" ents, at which about fifty guests parâ€" took of an elegant‘ wedding preakfast. |Thc day was pleasantly spent socialâ€" y. 4 been Eving with her daughter, Mrs. Willoughby, in Galt, while visiting in Toronto this week,. had the _ Misâ€" fortune to fall down astairway ani break her hip bore. Owing to her advanced age, little hopes are held ‘out for her recovery. Mrs. _ Card, considering her age, was very active and regularly visited members of her family. Before coming to live with her daughter in Galt she spent a great many years of her life in _ the neighboring village of Doon,. HAPPILY WEDDED o AT BRLWN u:My \who obtained the highest marks at the entrance exams in South Waterloo. ‘The winner â€" is only 12 yeats of age, and was advanced from the junior fourth class to write _ at the entrance exams. Along with the honor of making the highest _ marks of any of the separate school pupils goes a years ftee tution at the Colleâ€" giate. The hotelkeepers of North Waterloo on Aug. 1 will reduce the peer glasses to the size of a bell top and quit givâ€" ing free lunches with the beer thus served. Their excuse for so doing is that the business is not so proâ€" ‘m.uble since the government gets 5 per cent. and they will endeavor to ufake it up in this way. Master Carl Dorschell, son of Mr. Frank Dorschell of Galt, formerly of Berlin, won the scholarship offered to tlgc pupil from the separate school Mrs. H. Tolton visited her husâ€" band in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Friday and found him making striâ€" des towards conmlete récovery. His physician assured Mrs. Tolton â€" that he wil} beâ€"able to return home _ in about two weeks. Mr. J.B. Weaver left on a two week‘s holiday trip â€" to â€" Cochrane where he â€" will visit his son Raiph, who is engagedâ€"in constructionâ€"â€"enâ€" gineering on the Government branch of the G.T.P. Mtr. Reginald Clemens of Windsor is spending his holidays at his : home on Margaret Avenue. $Ca 0. Mr, Geq. Lippeit, Chairman of the Light Commission . left on Saturday on @ Sixâ€"weeks‘ trip to the Pacific Coast. He will visit all of the leadâ€" ing cities in the West. Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Goudieâ€" and famâ€" by are spendiug two weeks‘ holidays with relatives in Manitoulin. Mrs. Jas. Card, aged 82, who bas left toâ€"day to spend a few weeks at IN THREE DAYS. DRINK HABIT Chofcest tomatoes 2 for ...... Choicest peas 2 for ... .. CANNED GOoODs VERY SPECIAL Surprise 6 for ... _ Comfort 6 for ;;:....» ....:0. Life buoy § JGr .....~.>â€". ..::â€" Stnny Monday 6 for ... .. Genlight 8 T0F :.:..:.; ism Castile reg e ... ...000... Sean chips 2 lbs for ............ Ammonia powder reg 10c for Washing soda 7 Ibs for .......... SoOAPS, ETC. EXTRA SPECIAL 1est granulated 100 lts ... $1.14 Redpath‘s granulated 100 lbs... $4.63 Best granulated 21 Ths ............ $1.00 Rest light brown 22 lbs ... ..... $1.00 feing sugar 7c, 4 lbs .............. 25c . Give us a trial order and Ist us enmvinee you. W& deliver to all parts of the Twin City. Best granulated 100 Its .SATURDAY BARGAINS _ KENNEDVYV‘S Phone 767 The gas makers at the local plant succeeded in cleaning out the _ main conmecting the gas tank and the city pipes on Monday and toâ€"day the gas tory. Supt. Mcl};'i;re ;;aï¬s-u;nt it is ten years since an accident _ of th;s kind has happened at the Plate. pressure is stromg and most satisfacâ€" GaAS PRESSURE GOOD. Messrs .J.B. HNjughes, Geo. Diebel, 8.B. Bricker, C.W. Schiedel, 1, D. Merrick, G.M. Wedd and _ Secretaryâ€" Treasurer Eby were the members of the Trust Present. from the bank under t'fleâ€"i;'â€"p:r;;;t;i guarantee for repayment, and $3,000 to be raised by mortgage. place .'molrvu and for this ’unnut on real estate to Secure payment of the same and the interest thereon. ~ ‘ The new addition to the _uocpiul‘ cost about $30,000, of which $24,000 was provided by the city of Berlin, the town of Waterloo and the counâ€" ty. ‘The Trustees are financing the At . a special meeting of the Trust ol the Berlin & Waterloo Hospital on Friday evening authority was given the Board of Trustees to _ borrow $8,000 for building purposes and _ to J _ Canada Cement Comnmary Limited 62 Queen Streetl,"Soqth, Berlin, near Church Street We are supplying Canadian farmers with the highest quality of Portland Cement it is possble for human skill to make. W reduced the price of Canada Portland Cement until it is within reach for practically "ee'ylup'v:w It is the only building material that is not increasing in co{:m 9e pay the Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. M}})l)(rEl ;:l;:inm gfg c9mp!ete success in your conerete work CANADA Portland CEMENT If vou have not received a ‘free copy of "What the farmer can do aw Department and get one. It‘s a complete Dractical You can best see our prices on (:r;n-,prirs after ve quality. We sell none but good groceries) â€" frey | arr wholesomeâ€"because the low price at which we sell â€" erics keeps them moving out and iresh ones coming by. loaning $3000 Be sure to ask for Canada Cement, in bags. J to 25¢ 25e 25c 25¢ 15¢ COFFEE Regulat 10c coffee Choice serded raisins 3 The for Needless raisins 2 for ... . . ... Good raisins 3 lis . Large sweet prunes, weorkB 2tk Ibs .. .222 222222 ols DRIED FRUITS SAF .ce â€" C Salmon, Unicorn bra Salmon, Derhy brasd Good salmon 2 for Good sardinves 7 for King Macnuss sandin King Osear sambnos : Salman, for ... Salmon, Maple leaf corn 3 for ; Golden wax beans per can Simcoe baked beans 3 for Quaker baked beans 3 for (Hunsberger‘s old siand.) ALMON AND SARDINES About fifty RBerlin and Watgrion exâ€" cursionists left this morning to join the annual piletimase of St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, Rey. A.J. Fisâ€" chet of Waterloo, is in charge of the party. The funerai of the late Mr. Fred Kruse, the veteran caretaker oi Vicâ€" toria Park. whoâ€" passed away quite sudderly at bis home on Tuesday, took place dn Friday alternoon from hig residence, Albery street, to . St. Peter‘s Luthertan Church, and / was largely attcaded.. Rev. FE. _ Operâ€" lander delivered impressive â€" sernwhs in German and English in which he veferred to the faithful and industriâ€" ous character of the deceased. Interâ€" ment took place at Mount Hope Cgmâ€" etery. ‘The .pallâ€" bearers were three ‘memhen of Cpurt Berlin, _ (‘. 0. F., ‘ul which deceased was a charter memâ€" ber. Messrs A. Kefier, Beatty, _ and Hertleldetr. the three members of the Park Board, Messrs D. Hipner, Mayor Eulet and R.F. Goiton. Among the‘ floral emblems were:â€"Pillow, family;| anchor. Berlin Park Board; â€" wreath,| Court Berlin; wreath, Plumbers‘ l'nâ€"| ijon. sheaths, Mr. Geo. 11. â€" Ziegler and Mr. and Mrs. .J. Dreaver funeral was largely attended. WENT TO ST. ANKNE‘S THE LATE MR _ F. KRUSE Notthern Coast Northern Coast, rrg. 25¢ This label, on every bag, idenâ€" tifes C anada Portland Cement. [ the farmer can do avits Concreie,"" awrite our Information s a complete practical concrete encyclopedia. ‘rocerirs after vou have tasted ind, reg 2560 I8e 1, ree 25¢ ab 18c lor lor 1€ yâ€" arc always â€" fresh are always fresh _ and l our Bogh qratity: grocâ€" Ziegler Â¥7 c 22e 11¢ 200 1 11c in daily Stove polish, all 10e boxes ... 80 Catsup, larze bettle, wortH 20c, at 2 for . se mecvinsin Abverccsices RBB Parlor matches, reg 5e at 3 for 10e Cresent hrand catsup, ree 10¢ for 8e Larse bnt‘le pickles, reg 25¢ for 28@ doHy pmeders. altoft: Challenge corn starch Colhloid stareh ... Silver gloss stirch Stove polish, all 10¢ Kellog‘s corn flakes 3 for ... Quaher _corn dlakes 3 ToR ... Shroedded wheal _2 oR ..... ...l0l.l. Cornmeal ##bs‘ 106, 10 Ibs ... DaLMO®L, 7 1Y8 ... .2 222 ks Farina or graham flour, 8 lbs ... Tillson‘s roiled oats, teg 25¢ for YENY CEREALS Regular Reaular Resular The Berlin Council passed a tCflCj tion on Monday evening congratulatâ€" ing Mayor Euler upon winning the O.B.A. Trophy at Niagara Falls at the _ recent tourney. Hig Worship replied in a modest but suitable man~ CosGgRAPTCLATED tetn Ontario. _ _ _ _ _ ~ The resolution passed The Mayor stated that he ï¬m‘:«; the move was in the right direction > when it was possible that the M.b»?j lishment of a similar farm would be . taken up in the near future â€" by the . municipalities in this Portion of Wesâ€" UOne of the City Fathers m OoUt that there were enough owners: of automobiles in the Council to take those who did not own autos and the: offcials to the Prison Farm. This may be sad news to some but there was ï¬i‘e‘('lutg »{ relief _ on the part of the (Â¥ity Fathers. g Alds. Pieper and Detwiler _ iptroâ€" qure? a rcsqlution that instead . O holding th&‘ annual picnic that h members of the Council visit the Unca:iu Prison Farm near Guelph ll‘â€"‘ a body. ‘ There will be no Berlin council pienio. nic this year at the junction of the. Grand _ and _ Congstoge rivers -u‘? Conestogo. ux j SPECIALS 35¢â€"cofice 30¢_cofice 25¢ cofice tt bakin PRISON F their 11 ftavors, phge w ter, THE MA YOR Phone 767 usanimously, 15e tin .. 320 35¢ 230 l0 B5¢ 1c 7c 1c