E,_‘ Toronto. July 22.â€"Cash grain was .. hisher today. The tone of the marâ€" E’ ket was a little firmer on _ the near ) optious. Reports on crop conditions s are extiremely favorable for a . large ~ yield. (Quotations: Ontario wheat, No i“ 2 w.ater, 99¢ 46 $1, outside, accordâ€" ;* in; to location; Manitoba whrat, No. /01 nortbern, $1.03; No. 2 northern, $1, .. No. 3 morthern, 96%c. Oats, Canada â€" western, No. 2, 38¢c, No. 3 Carada western, 37¢, at lake ports, for imâ€" _ _mediate shipment; GBtatio _ No. 2 white, 33c « 34c, outside, on track, Torcnto, ‘37¢ 4 38¢. _ Corn, Ameriâ€" ean No. 2 vellow, 65¢, on track, Toâ€" rorto. Peas, No. 2, 90c @>.95¢c. Buckâ€" â€" wheat, 53¢, shipping points. _ Maniâ€" toba flourâ€"Listed â€" quotations at To ronto are: First patents, $5.50; seeâ€" _ ond pajonts, $5; stron: bakers, $4.70; °_ Ontario fiour, winter foir, 90 _ per â€"â€" _eent. patoats, $1.05, scaboard. . NMill feedâ€"Manito‘a tran, $17.50 per ton; shorts, $19.50 per ton, on track. Torâ€" cnto. ‘ing to day the market was slow and Adrazgy. Prices were about 35¢ _ off es good butcher cattle and more off e@«mmmon. Choice fat ‘cows _ about ~steady. In the shsep market _ ught ewes were lirm and strong, but lambs . @Aittle casier than last week. Choice _eclves steauy, but rouehs 25c lower. f LIVE STOCK. . . WaTERLCO MARKETS. 4 i poreuie, July 11. â€"The receipts ,,l WATERLOO, JULY 24, 1913. Uie stock toâ€"dcy were 192 _ loads, Wheat ... ......_. ....._â€" 'w 3$,860 caltle, 303 calses, 824 Filour, Ocean ...... ............ 380 - and 1,151 sheop and lambs. iFlour, Agate ... ... ... 2.90 / tiWith the heavy run of cattle o.'ier-_ klour, Sevel Lilies _ ... 3.80 1 Hagsâ€"A light run and the market loae nigher at $10.15, ind and waterâ€" Whcat ... Dictator flour ... ....... 2.35 Peop‘e‘s flour ......... ...... 2.60 Maple Leal Flour ............ 245 Bran puF £OR .....:!. ...ssslss: Middlings per ton ......... BUHLAL ‘1ssmises sovies sensriaese BB Eggs per dozen ... ........ .21 Chopped Screenings ......... 1.10 Rolled Oats ... ll...s..... L.2B O@#8 ....20.. s.2222 22. Hay, vet ton ... ... Straw, fer ton ...... ... Potatoes per bag ... Spring chickens ......... Pork, dressed ... .......... Quarter beef, hind ... Quarter beef, front ... Hogs, live ... ... ...... PORR ... sncels msccss 110 BAHEYÂ¥ ... cmle nocrsvevens MB BERLIN, JUCLY 231, 1913. Flour per. 100 Tha ... ._..3.10 Bran per 100 lbs ...... ...l.20 . Middlings per 100 Ibs. ...... Eercenings per 100 lbs. ...... Wheat per bush. ... ... Bailey per bush ... ... .. .60 Oats per bush l...ul.. ... A0 Wood per cord ......... ......... 600 _ 7.00 Potatoes per bag ,..... ... $1.20 _ 1.30 Fggs, per dozem ...... ......... 232 .23 Potatocs, per bag ...... Hay per ton ... ... GALT, JULY 24, 1913 WREAL ....s.... 22222 eees.. Flour, per 100 lbs ......... 2.7( Bran, per tGn .....s.. :isliss BAIIAY .sâ€"lssy seasee MEy® cssracs soomlcols Buckwheat ... . ‘Butter, per lb ... Eggs, per dozen . Potatoes per peck Chickens, each ...... Hay per ton ........ Straw, per ton ... Shorts, per ton ... BRANTFORD.â€"A writ | was .issued to day. against the Grand Valley Rail way for this vear‘s taxes, amounting to $2,550.13; in addition it also owâ€" es $12,000, the company having paid $5,000 over to the city to secure conâ€" sâ€"nt to have the case now before the courts for nonâ€"payment of back taxes h 1d over until September. Cornelius _ Ostorne retired fatmet, was fatally inmpured by falling of _ a load of egg crates at Bowmanville. an It. Large Mail Order House will _ pay $60 monthly on yearly contract to one reliable man in each locality _ to collect names for mailing catalogties. Work can be «lone in spate time. The Consumers Association, REGISTERED SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Registored _ Seed Wheat for sale, Dawson Golden Chaf, «town _ undet the rules of Canadian Seed Growers Association _ Apply to . 30â€"3t. RAILWAY SPED FOR TAXES GUELPH MARKETS. GUELPH, JULY 21, i1913 BERLIN MARKETS. MARKET REPORTS GRAIN A.W. SCHEIFELI front ......... 8.00 sovsl llsl. 9.55 1B Lssllkke ull} .40 en eemeseclls.... 10.00 hind ...... 11.00 ons ied atbintP i d | Ibs. ...... 1.40} 0 lbs. ...... 1.40| .90 se .l. . .60 .10 rare sisee +40 ~ 45 evicrvnaceccnee .75’"‘““ n }5.»«1 .95 mrsecice C.70 _ 3:20 19.00 rinscnse OB A0 ...... 27.00 28.00 sestiecns 1.00 . 1.30 lc .KD .65 scess ~B€ 8.50 10.00 1.00 Windsor, Ont Heidelberg 27 2 28 70 ite l:'z'g]"'lï¬ï¬‚'f n on _ SUAday.â€"Nuss EO PY~ 1_5.""Imnnl, is visitin: with Mr. and _ Mrs. i0 ~ 7 ag | Aâ€"Câ€"Bowmean for a fewâ€"days. The 0 1..141!†BR. C.E. Society will give a spe \ 23 cial _ pPrograntme on Sunday evening * in oth> U.BR. Church in the interests s | ef mission wor‘: .96 2 60 2.85 2.10 19.00 20.00 .26 .23 1.10 1.25 1.15 â€" .60 10.25 12.00 10.00 .38 14.00 12.00 10.00 11.00 12 4 11 0.00 | News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Eli 1.00| Go d, Mr. snd Mrs. Osiah Cressman 60| â€"nd Mr. Elein Ehy all of New 0.25â€|umhurg visited in the neighborlisod :’-.llflim Supday.â€"Rev. Beniamin Shantz, 9.001(f Preston ovcupied the pulpit of the 000 j Mennonite _ church on Sunday.â€"Mr. ’;md Mrs. Gilbert Bergey of New Durdes visited with Mr. and Mrs. George «Milns on Sunday.â€"Rev. S.N. 2.8'67.“\\'31'(7. aceupied the pulpit of _ the 1.4u|l .B. Cburch on Sunday.â€"Miss Elia l_m{llmnpr of Berlin visited with _ her l_mlirirud Miss Dora Hallman on Sunday .90 â€"TMr.‘and Mrs. David Snyder of Betrâ€" qq | lin., visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. 5 Herzey on Monday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. 22|C. Powman and family motored to 40 | Waglerâ€"At Baclen, July 18, to | Mr. 00| and Nrs. Wagler twin daughters. 20 Schlouterâ€"At Linwood, to Mr. _ and 651 Mrs. Herman Schleuter, a daughter. 19, Martinâ€"In St. Jacobs, July _ 13th, 55| to Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Martin, 281 _ a son. -37| DEATHS. 50 â€" O BUttEr ReF ID ...« «us .28 Eggs per dozen ........ ... :17 .18 SAAIE ...cscss sovisiese cavaivreient 18 Apples per barrel ............ 2.50 _ 3.00 Bran per tom ......... .._._. 20.00 Coga in Targe lots ........... .18 .80 Middlings, per tom ......... 22.00 Potatoes, per bag ..... ... 1.35 _ 1.45 Hogs, live ... â€"...; Hogs, dressed ......... Hlay per ton ... ... Straw per ton ......... ..... Wood, per cord ......... .._... 6.50 Exsort cattle .........cull. 6.15 Butchers‘ cattle ...... ......... 5.50 Chickens ... .. Butter. per lb ... Eggs, per dozen . W Hay per tom ... ... Flour, Special ... ... ..... Flout, Jullet ... ...... ...... Eran pet EOM ... pssee iss Shorts per ton ... ... LItE BOLS ...5. sn scw.es n Heol, TEORE .......c cu.cccclss. Oats . Rarley NEW HAMBURG, JULY 17, 1913 Wheat ., ... 222202 .222 & Corm ....l.. ... FIOUF ;..:::â€"â€" ... Man. flour ....... Eggs, per dozen ... .. Hay per tON ... ... PIBRMY .c sonc0 cecveres revens us Midlings, per tom ... ... Gran, per ton ... .22.. Beef, hind quarters .......... Peas ......... .......l. Butter per lb ......... ........2 Martinâ€"Near St. Jacobs, July 12. Mrs. Josoph Martin, aged 81 years, 2 months and 2 days. Weberâ€"At Hsidelbetg, July 11, Mrs. (CS. Weber, aged _ 58 _ years, ; 2 n onths,and 22 days. Mog‘â€"In Edmira, July 10, An Asâ€" tasin Cliford, wife of Marty Mogk, aced 37 years, 10 months, 21 days. WEDEING GIFTS from coar stock conshine the useful with the ornamenâ€" tal. _ There ate thousands of _ choice picces of Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, etc., adapted for the . dinnct table, dressing table, afternson table _ and writing table. * Heller Bros. Store neat Post Oflice Berlin. We Issue Marriage Licenses July Brides Mannheim BIRTHS. ..... 12.00 â€"12.00 L222 .18 .230 seassn® 15.00 53 .90 .60 . 3.80 2.80 10.00 j 2.80 2.10 19.00 . 20.00 9.00 _ 9.15 114 .L 43 15 .34 44 .25 .19 $9.50 12.00 15.56 22.00 18.00 1:.235 .93 .36 26 93 371 175 acres, Wellesley Township, *# mile west _ of Mawkesville, firstâ€"class grain and stock farm, in splendid con dition and good buildings, large barn with stabling for 70 head of stock and pig per for 50 pigs. Buildings in cenâ€" tre of farm, sPlendid water in and near buildings. Will be sold on easy terms, town property or smaller farm taken as part payrwnt. Inspection solicited, $600 to $1200 per~annum Tor traincd help. Business men lnow where they getâ€"theâ€"best chcip.~â€"Weâ€"have â€"three depaartments, . Commercial, _ Short hand and ‘Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, A threshing outfit for sale, consist ing of a 123 horse power Tuerk gasoâ€" line engine and _ Champion Separator »\Lth drive belt complete. _ In _ first class running order. Apply to JOIIN 0. JANTZIE, 23â€"2 mos. 6â€"11â€". mo. For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts ol the person or persons suffering front Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Specia Complaints that cannot be cure« a@he Ontario Medical Institute $60â€"265 Yon~~ Street, Toronto @ Canada‘s Best Business College. We have thorough courses and comâ€" petent, experienced instructors. â€" We do more for wir students and graduâ€" ates than do other schools. At presâ€" ent we have applications offering from CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE WANTEDâ€"CGood Local Agent At once, to represent the old and reâ€" liable _ FONTIILL _ NURSERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 _ and Spring delivery 1914. s Start at once and secure exclusive territory. _ We supply handsome â€" free outfit and pay highâ€"st commissions. Write for full particulars. , STONF AND WELLINGTON Toromo, Ontario. AAAAAAAAAAAA LoARAAAAAG * Grocery $1,000 _ REWARD AOSSRRRRSEOS®RR8®8H80RG: Arnold Jeweller : Of Spectacles and Eyey.asses OUR ;DOLLAR â€" BARGAIN JEWELRY SALE CoNTINâ€" UES FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS WFEK. Town of Waterioo A. K. CRESSMAN, Farm for Sale Phone 185 King St. Waterioo For Sale Mostly cash trade. Gocd fresh stock. Apply at once to for sale Berlin in the L. K. Weber, Hawkesville Principal Baden, 27â€"imos Ottawa ... .. UOtLETVINEC ... clssllllelnlllllll}. Ocb 34 Owen Sound ... L............_. Oct. 79 Paisley ..l...... ....s. ... Shclburne ... Simcoe ... Springfield . Paris ... Parkhill ... FBINIA .s.o..s soos.. c‘ .oncc. SEDV. Sealorth ........_...... ...... Mepi. St: MaIÂ¥S ......... ....... Paraâ€"mmmr smcs TavistOCK .......2 ... .. Teeswater ... ... .. Thamesviile ,..... ...... ® Thedford ........ ......_.. S Thorold ... _.. .l TiHsOMSGIG ...... .......3 TiVETLON ......... .lsll222 Torontg ......... ......... A Wallaceburg ... ._ ... S Wallacetown ... ... ... Warkworth ........ ...« WaterIOIQâ€"...... .s.... marl ‘Waflord yee l errres prriee im ‘“’ellesley (WREqMEY . :..::s «ofils nerss WiAFLON :.: cones on css Windham Centre ... .. NFINUSOT ....s.cll. cousscoiseee Wingham. .._....s ..ll. 2. Woodstagk \............ ... Wyoming ... ... ... Zuwich ......... ... L.« 23 UEEDADEU Lelll, ceasy secccils. s9€P D. UNDERM and by virtue of the powâ€" ers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the _ time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by Henty B. Duerinz, Auctionect, at the premises hereinafter described on Wednesday, the 13th day of August, 1913, at the toutr of two o‘clock in the afternoon the following property: That cortain parcel of land in . the Townsbip of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, being part of Lot _ 43, of the German Company Tract, in th> said Township, containg _ sevenâ€" teen and ninetyâ€"three hundredths _ of an acre miofe or less, and being more particularly described in _ Mortgage dated May 25th, 1907, registered _ in the Registry Offece at Betlin, as No. 17639, and being the property . ownâ€" ed and nccupied by the late Louis S Hergott. (On the property is a frame dwellâ€" ing house and good batn. For terms ard conditions of sale, apPly to MCBRIDE & MacKENZIE Solicitors for Mortgagee. Dated at Waterloo, Ont., July 17th, 1913. MORTCACE SALE mna~momaane Beptâ€" S0â€"0c%. 1 )CK ...clll2 lsllclk ... Sept. 1514 OE cosvrsiss: givise keriscccenes 66. Tâ€"o sville ,..... ...... Sept. 29â€"Oct. 1 rd ......... ......_.. Sept. 30â€"0ct. J l llcllll.l2 clll2 u.l Sept. 2384 VGIE ...... .......___Sept, 30â€"0ct. 3 M Lllllllll ssssll2 se ... ..} Septb. ib H.B. Dueting, _ Auctioneer visss ‘sevcer+ SEpL srsieo Mept. Aug. 23â€"Sept. & Se,t. 30â€"Oct. J ... Sept. 2526 lill.l2... Oct. 2â€"3 s« Hepb. Sept. ... Sept ..... Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1518 Sept. 25â€"26 Sept. 17â€"19 ... Sept. 25 Seopt. 18â€"19 Sept. 29â€"3¢ Sept. 2324 ept. 17â€"1t ept. 11â€"1: Sept. I6â€"17 Sept. 16â€"17 Sept. 18â€"158 .Sept. 513 ... Oct. 344 Oct. Oct. 23 uly 17th,| Number unlimited. Highest market price paid. Next shipment Wodnesday ioneetr. August 6th 6 29â€"31. CLEMENS & HUNSBERGZR 23â€"21 18â€"1¢ 23â€"24 14â€"16 25â€"26 1819 23â€"24 9â€"10 ib 0 _ King St., Waterloo. â€" Phone 80 @ L°=°=o [ o) â€"â€"= (e] °=°=°J «lote Our Prices of Special Ring Lock Fence. Im order to meet _ competition _ on this style of fence we are prepared to ill all orders where _ this particular ind of fence is desired. _ Remember, t is only made of the 91 gauge wire ‘nstead of the regular No. 9 gauge. We recommend our brand of RING 1.OCK FENCE SUPERIOR to anyâ€" thing else offered _ in this style â€" of make. Probably you are mot aware _ that an underâ€"gauge wire â€" fence in _ the RING LOCK STYLE is being o d by some firms at a less pricc):l:;u the regular heavy gavge [ence. No. 9, 18 in. at per rod ......... 2%¢ No. 8, 46 in., at per rod ......... 27¢ No. 7, 44 in., at per rod .........25¢ We also stock a POULTRY FENCKE 18 in. high at a low price. And also ill Ne. 9 wire fcacse. ‘ROST STEEL GATES. 3x4 Gates at each ... ........ $2.50 3ix4 Ciates at each ... .q... $2.50 4x4 Gates at each ...........__.. $2.75 8x4 Gates at each ...... ........ $4.00 10x4 Gates at each ... ......... $450 12x4 Gates at each ............... $5.00 13x1 Gates at each ... ........ $.25 1M4x4 Gates at cach ........ ... $5.50 Also Stock Coil Wire, No. 9 Steel and No. 9 Steel Wire plain, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Staples, erc. It will pay you to DEAL HERE. UR LOW PRICES. PHONE 217. OPP. CITY HALL App The undersigned offers for sale his farm, better known :.s the Charles Forwell farm, siguated 2 miles north of St. Clements and 1 mile southâ€" west of Hawkesville. The farm comâ€" prises 141 acres, more ot less, inâ€" cluding 14 acres bush, mostly hardâ€" wood. The balance is all good â€" workâ€" able land, slightlyâ€"rolling except 2 acres which is watered by a _ creek which crosses the southâ€"east corner of the farm and provides excellent pasâ€" ture land. The farm is tile drained where necessary. ()n the property is a large bank barn 74x54 feet, and straw shed _ 30x70 feet, a threshing shod is also attached to the barn. There is also a large sheep pen and a workâ€"shop _ attached _ to the barn. Under the parn are excellent Stables cement foors, and under the straw shed hoz pen and hen pen, also cemâ€" ent foors, A large driving shed _ is also situatcd some distance from the barn. The house is a two _ storey brick 30x10 feet, with brick kitchen 25x30 feet, also large summetr kitâ€" chen and woodshed. These buildings are all in excellent repair, having latcly been reâ€"roofed. Water is supâ€" plied by an artesian well. At _ the house is also hard _ and soft water. This farm has never been rented and is in a high state of cultivation â€" and, has always been occuPicd by the Ow1 Lincoln B. Snyder Hardware Merchant For School Section No. 18 _ Waterâ€" loo Township. Apply to Levi M. B. Weber. R.R. No. 2., Waterloo Ont. £ °0 _ 28â€"1t. ner. For further partiotars â€" apply on the PremySses or write Wm. K. Forwell, St. Clements, P.O. Hogs Wanted AT BADEN Valuable Farm for. Sale TEACHER WANTED is a Wonderful Display of Underâ€"priced CGoods Hundreds of housekeepers in *W aterloo, Berlin and surroundizg vicinity have good reason to remember of our past Ȥales for they sa considerably on every purchase. Come and inspectâ€"â€"â€"it will pay you handâ€" somely. , 20 per cent. off *+ (& c EETTERS 0 \ BIG JULY “ Furniture and Rug Sale : n all Furniture and Rugs for the balance of this month. City Hall Berlin ecvecvef esenecese @44 se y § hasl .. $5 . Letter & Son, 28â€"tf $2.50 $2.50 $2.175 $4.00 $.450 If so write or call on me. I have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares or sell on crop â€" payâ€" ments. Choice land, good _ water, close to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlement _ in Saskatchewan. Buy or rent a farm Farm comprising 100 acres, more or less, Lot 9, Con. 6, one mile west ol Crosshill, comprising 10 _ acres bush, balance under good ‘state _ ol cultivation, well fenced, 8 _ acres sown in fall wheat, about 3 _ acres good orchard, bank barn 60x60 with driving shed, never failing well, frame house with kitchen and wo«d shed atâ€" tached, and all necessary out buildâ€" ings. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Daniel Gerber, Crossnill, Ont. Are You Coming West Man witk 20 years experience in packing of all kinds of furniture _ and pianos. _ No job _ to large and no job to small. All material furnished. Apâ€" Ply by phone to 353. Gâ€"101L. i You want THE BESTâ€"â€"then use , King Flour i ANâ€"INFLUENTIATL MAN OR woâ€" man, with some spare time and a large circle of arquaia@tances, to in troduce our Special Representative in connection with excellent investâ€" ment proposition. Liberal retainer paid to right _ person. Canadian General Securities Company, _ Lim ited, 47 Scolt St., Toronto. 28 44. 9400909999999999009999900099990 ©9009000009000094 Agents Wanted Farm for Sale S. B. BIEHN, Wanted Guernsey, Sask years the Standard, prosâ€" cribed and Recomended by physicians. For Women‘s Ailâ€" ments, Dr. Martel‘s Female Pijls, at your druggist Highest market price paid. _ Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment 75 acre farm, â€" mostly clay loam, good soil, tile underdrained, well watâ€" ereo, bearing orchard, gooa _ garden amd small fruit, 3 acres hardwood busk, brick house, woodshed, bank barn with stabling underneath for 6 horses and 20 cattle, good hog pen and hen house, cement floors, root house, driving shed, beautiful location, station two miles, town five miles, will sell cheap _ and on casy terms. For particulars write Box 35, Port Elgin, Ont. 24â€"U. The undersigned offers for sale his {arm situated one mile northwest of 3t. Agatha and 4 miles north _ of Baden, on Concession 1, Block B. The farm comprises about 125 acres, 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres under a good state cf cultivation. Soil good clay loam, good _ spring creek, 2 never failing wells, 14 storey brick house, bank barn, straw shed. â€" For further particulars apply to D. S. Shantz. Radem. B4â€"+1. Shipping Hogs Wanted July 29th At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, numâ€" ber unlimited. C.C. Diefenbacher Forty years in use, 20 Farm for Sale Farm for Sale