Wheat ... ... ' Dictator ffour ....... : People‘s fiour ... Maple Leaf Flour . a Bran jur ton ......... \**â€"Middlingsâ€" per tonâ€" ~~~dnâ€", good bulls ... ‘___do., rough bulls ... ! Feeders ... ... ... E; Feeding bulls ... ... . ‘Stockers l2 ..22.2. . do., ncdium ......... ~~ _ do., figit 22222222 Camers snt cutters Milkers, choice ... ... ; do., com. and med #cse oli.later. Stockers low but prieâ€" LNCD MNM* NN evers mer*t @s steady for tEa quality . &’ Corn in igage lots ........... uql:-u inclined to ease off to tow. M*#lings,.â€"pet ton ......... erf lovels. llogs were very firm, with, Potatocs,. por bag ..... .. a short supply and 25c higher _ than . BUMeT Pet Ib ........ ...._.. last week. Milch cows a little firmâ€" ¢o., common ... Butcher cows choice do., good cows ..... * do., inedium ... do., common ... Butcher bulls, choice do., heavy . Licht pucks . Sprinz lambs Hors, fed and do., Lo.b. .. . do., off cars Buttep .....2.. .222 .220 .28 Eggs per dozen ... ... .231 Chopped Screenings ......... 1.10 Rolled oats ... .......222 1.35 Toâ€"day‘s quotations: Barley ........0l.2.20. Oat$ ..22.2222 22222 Hay, pet ton ... . Straw, per ton ... Potatoes per bag . Spring chickens ... Pork, dressed ... ... Quarter beef, hind Quarter beef, front Hogs, live ..s.... . BERLIN MARKETS. HERLIN, JULY 17, 1913 Flour per 100 Tba ... ._...3.10 Bran per 100 lbs ... ..1.20 Middlings per 100 lbs. ...... Fcrcenings per 100 lbs. ...... Wheat per bush. ...... ...... Barly per bush ... ... ... .60 Oats per bush ....... ... 40 Peas, pCr DusN. ........l......... .15 Potatoes, per bag ... ... HAy PBF NON s secsmeeee Wood per cord ......... ......... 6.00 Potatocs per bag ... ... $1.20 Fggs, per doze® ... .........32 WRERE :ccosse 20, vire eeeverpes .95 Flour, per 100 lbs ......... 2.70 _ 3.20 Bran, per ton ... .. llll2l 19.00 OMUS \...lll2s sns es 38 A0 Shorts, per ton ... ...... 27.00 28.00 POAS \.....222 22224 s 1.00° _ 1.20 BAFleYy ...« ssusll2 se »65 .65 HÂ¥BR ...l2. l.lus inue is â€" T0 10 HYB :cssssre sresen Buckwheat ....... Butter per lb .. Exgs per dozen Potators per bag . Chickens, each ....... Hay per tom ..,..... Straw, per ton ..... Mutton, Pork ... flides .. plenty of cattle offering _ and holding steady, with dast week, stockyards today were 166 with 1,090 cattle, 321 calves, hogs and 1,265 sheep and lambs. GUELPH, JULY 17, 1913 GUELPH MARKETS. GALT, JVLX 17, 1913 Liye srock. â€"+â€"€. io in i1 Ts July er ton ... ...... 27.0( rstsis rnssrcin crccssess . +08 N 2 ccecceer rrersacrrmees 2B 8 GRAIN watered 9.75 k 22. 0.35 222%%... 10.00 nvreee. ~LID l2 2245 k22 2.35 2s.ll2. 48 22. 9.53 5. 3.00 @ 9.00 ar , 11.00 iaro AD .. 10.00 11.00 .. 8.00 8.50 _ 10.00 ‘ 1.00! s1.20 _ 1.30| cgr o c@s 2.60 s.oo z.00 | 80 h @ 2(0 10 07 5.50 , .. TL ENC NC 97 ?"" ‘Export cattle ...... 8.00 4.15 3.15 3.50 9.50 19.00 .60 10.25 12.00 9.00 10.00 .38 14.00 2 60 2.85 z.ml 1.40 1.40 1.40 .90 .10 A5 .80 1.%5 15.00 1.15| .26 .23 1.10 1.25, 12.00 10.00 11.00 A8 14 11 [LUNG . oys olsn coomunircer LAMDO â€" Lecsvcens cnehane .Eggs per dozen ....... .. AT _ A8 25 29 Apples per barrel Hogs, live ... ... Hogs, drossed ,.... Hay per ton ..... ......... 15 Straw per ton ......... ......... Wood, per cord :....... ...... Butchers‘ cattle ...... ......... the way the new cement crossing ovâ€"‘ er our King Street has boen laiQ iast week. ‘liowever, who made these Plans n@ybe looked for making _ 1uâ€" ture use out of it, as it may beâ€" come necessary some day â€" that our city needs a subway badly, and hete this crossing could be used for _ the overhead bridge, as it is fairly . well arched so that it would need no furâ€" ther, supports.â€"Mr. Heary Trupp who was arrested a short time ago OB a criminal charge, pleaded guilty , beâ€" fore Judge â€" Chisholm last Thursday and on ~aturday was sentenced to a three year term» at Kingston peniâ€" tentiary and one month after his arrival thrre is to have ten lashes.â€" ' loal News:â€"Everybody‘s doing it WhaP? Crivicising with just reasons, ~Mannhcim last Sunday.â€"MiSS (TZ cam| Mr. Elton Wismet wetre Sunday visitors at Strasburg.â€"Quietly wed lded.â€"l\ quiet but _ pretty wedding ‘was solomnized on Sunday July 14. \by Bish. M. Hallman at his _ resiâ€" !don"«. Mannhâ€"im, _ the contracting Erartiecs being Miss Mary Ann Lichty [and Mr. Clayton Shantz of â€" Petersâ€" , burg. The bride was attended by lor sister Miss Lavina and _ the iumom'wns supported by his brotber I orne. The happy couble left â€" on an [rxt.-mlpd honevimoon | throughout _ the West. We join with their many friends in wishing them a lone and ’h'apl‘\' wedded life.â€"NMr. and Mrs. [J. R. Oberholtzer. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. lnh«-rhnmor and _ little daughter Lnâ€" cil, and Miss Cora Oberboltzer of lw-rlin, visited at the home of _ Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Shantz last Sunday. 18. 4000 1. s alihitd ednnee i aer n‘ to Koch and famvily visited friends in Berlin on Sunday.â€"Our Ice Cream parlors do an enofmols busilless Satâ€" urday nights. Local and Personal.â€"Mr. and Mrs. S. Heist of Oregon, U.S.A.. C Mrs.. (Dry _ Heist and Mr. S.B. Heist of Berlin called _ on friends at‘ Maple villa" last Friday.â€"Mr. _ and Mrs. Dan. Shantz of Haysville visited Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Shantz: on Sunday last.â€"Mr. and . Mrs. Simpson _ Shoeâ€" {ma‘«-r and sons Leanord and Curric visited friends at Ayr last Sunday.â€" Quite a numWer from this vacinity atâ€" tended the funcral of the late Mr. h)an., Knochtel which was hrid at WEDEING (FTS from our stock combine the useful with the ornamenâ€" tal. There are thousands of â€" choice pieces of Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, etc., adapted for the dinner table, dressing table, afternoon table . and writing table % * Heller Bros. We Issue Marrlage Licenses. Store near Post Office Berlin. July Brides ass.u.: 11.00 _ 1180 cen.... 15.00 15.56 in the heaâ€" ' ks«â€"u.) REWARD Te k 1.50 .15 WMMLG mile west _ of Hawkesville, firstâ€"class grain and stock farm, is splendid conâ€" dliticn and good buildings, large barn with stabling for 70 bead of stock and pig pea for 50 pigs. Buildings in cenâ€" tre of farm, sPlendid water in and near buildings. Will be sold ‘On easy terms, town propérty or smaller farm taken as part â€" payra‘At. Inspection solicited. & §â€"11â€".mo. A threshing outfit for sale, consistâ€" + amew > ing of a 12 horse power ‘Tuers gasoâ€"| ‘The undersigned offets for sale his line engine and _ Champion Separatof|form, better known as the Chatles with drive belt complete. _ In _ first| porwell farm, situated 2 miles north class rumning order. Apply to of St. Cloments and 1 mile: southâ€" JOLJN 0. JANTZIE, west of Hawkesville. The farm comâ€" Bade®, |priscs 141 actfes, more of less, inâ€" 13â€"2 mos. cludinz °14 acres busb, mostly hardâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"s>â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"| wood. The balance is all good workâ€" For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts ol the person or persons suffering front Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary ‘Troubles, and Chronic or Specia Complaints that cannot be cure« a@he Ontafo _ Medical Institute $60â€"265 Yor»~ Street, Toronto@ â€" Canada‘s Best Business College. We have thorough cowrses and comâ€" petent, experienced instructors. We do more for our students and graduâ€" ates tlan do other schools. At pres ent we have applicationsâ€"eficring from $600 to $1200 per annum for traincd help. â€" Business men bnow where they get the best heip. We chave three CENTRAL _ _: BUSINESS COLLEGE hand and Telegtaphy. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN:. denaartm WANTEDâ€"Csgod Local Agent At once, to represent the old and reâ€" liable _ FONTIHILL _ NURSERIES. Splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 _ and Spring delivery 1914. Start at once and | sccure exclusive territory. _ We supply handsome free outfit and pay higifest commissions. Write for full particulars. STONF AND WPLLINGTON â€"â€" Toronto, Ontario. ?eeoeeeoeeeeumug * a & $ Jeweller and Optician QOAAAAAGARAACOCRAAAAAA AA0ORORARR@AAR@OAR@R@A0A: Of Spectacies and Eyey.asses OUR .DOLLAR, BARGAIN JEWELRY SALE . CONTINâ€" UES FOR THME BALANCE oF TMS WFEK Farm for Sale A. K. CRESSMAN Buys 14 storey solid _ brick hone with frame kitchen, lot 44x133. Ilouse has hall, parâ€" lor, sitting room, dining l'omn,1 and _ kitchen downstaits, 31 good â€" sized bedrooms with clothes closets upstairs, well papered, cement cellat, fme veranda. _A good home. Sce $1,000 . Phone 185 King St. Waterioo For is c o onls is whekit® alven i¢ | NorIcE is‘ HEREEY â€" GIVENX E || that "alt ereditors and othietrs‘ having || any claims or demands against Mrs. webet, Il.wk.l'lhlt Principal ETT Numbet unlimited. Highest market 27â€"4mos.| price paid. Next sbhipment Wednesday omcs TCUIY . SS A4006 CLEMENS & HUNSBEKGER *m‘.v’““_‘.&‘“ deceasâ€" ed are hereby rea! ‘%0 send by post prepaid or to ‘deliver to the unâ€" dersigned, ~ solicitors â€" lor â€" Dabiel Kramp, Breslau Post Office,,. Exe cutor and trustee under the will of the gaid Nuncy Woolner their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and shw{ wents of their accounts and the naâ€" ture of the securities, if any, held by th:m pn or before the first day of August, 1913. 2 ANDP TAKE NOTICE that after the said first day of August 1913 the raid Daniel Kramp: will proceed _ to distribute the assets of said deceased amongst‘ th perscns entitled thereto hrin; regard only to the‘ claims â€"of vheh bs shait then have had notice and the said Doaniel Kramp shall Bot estate or assets of any part . thereâ€" ol zo distributed to any person _ of whose claim he shall not have _ bad rotice at the time <of the distribution â€,,f;ted this 28th day of June, A. D., be liatle for the proceeds of 271â€"31. atls lind, slightly rolling except 2 acres which is watered by a treeki which crosses the southâ€"east corner of: the farm and provides excellent pasâ€" ture land. The farm is tile drained where mecessary. On the propefty is a large bank harn 74x54 fect, and straw shed _ 30x70 feet, a throshing sh>d is also gttached to the barn. "There is also a large sheep pen and a workâ€"shop ; attached _ to the batn. Under the parn arc cxcellent Stables cement floors, and â€" under the straw sted hoz pen and hen pen, also cemâ€" ent foors, A,large driving shed _ is also sitnated some distance from the barn. The house is a two _ storey brick 20x40 . fret, with brick kitchen 25x30 feet, also large summer _ kitâ€" chinand woodshed. These â€" buildings are all in excellent repair, _ baving latcly been reâ€"roofed. Water is sUpPâ€" plied by an artesian well. © At the house is also hard and soft watet. This farm has never been rented and is in ‘a bhigh state of cultivation and tas always been orcupied by the owâ€" per. â€"-l-;;)â€"r" iurtl\cr Vpnr!]it-nlars apply on the premyses or write Wm. K. Forwell, St. Clements, P.O. ic 2 ) iralBnde c rniiner it. 1f he cannot supply a the MARVEL, accept no â€" other, but send stamp for HMus» _ * trated bookâ€"sealed. 1t givesfull particulars and directions invaluable to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsor, Ont. General Agents for Canada. UNDER and by virtue. of the powâ€" ers contained in a ceftain Mortgage which will be produced at the _ time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by Henry B. Duerinz, Auctionect, at the premises hercinafter described on Wednesday, the 13th day of August, 1913, at the kour of two o‘clock in the afternoon the following property: That certain parcel of land in the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, being part of Lot 43, of the German Company Tract, _ in the said Township, containg . sevenâ€" teen and ninctyâ€"three hundredths _ of an acre mote or less. and being more particularly described in _ Mortgage dated May 25th, 1907, registered _ in the Registry \NMece at erlin, as No. 17639, and being the property . ownâ€" ed and occupied by the late Louis S ‘Hermtt. (On the property is a frame dwellâ€" ing house and good batn. For terms and conditions of sale, apPly to MCBRIDE & MacKENZIF Solicitors for Mortgagee. Dated at Waterloo, Ont., July 17th, 1913. Valuable Farm ‘_ for Sale Hogs Wanted AT BADEN MORTCACE SALE Clement & Cletent, Berlin Post Office, i Solicitors for said Executor ILR. Ducring, _ Anctioneer. 6 290â€"3t dwellâ€" 'oc :n :‘?Il-c,.t x 3 g:gochl Ring l Probably you are not aware . that ; an underâ€"gauge wire . fence ib thI RING LOCK STYLE is being oflel'fll| by some firms at a less‘price than the regular heavy gauge fence. + | Ju order to meet _ competition _ on this style of fence we are prepared to fill all orders where â€" this particular | kind of fence is desired. Remember, | it is only made éf the 94 gauge wire : instead of the regular No. 9 gauge. We recommend our brand of RING LOCK FENCE ‘SUPERIOR to anyâ€" thing else officted in this style â€" of oUR LOW PRICES. No. 9, 18 in. at per rod ......... 2%¢ No. 8, 46 in., at per rod ... 31c No. 7, 44 in., at per red .........25¢ We also stock a POULTRY FENCE 18 in. high at a low price. And also all No. 9 wire [erce. FROST STEEL GATES. « 3x4 Gates at each ........ ........ $2.50 84x4 CGates at ‘each ... ...... $2.50 _ 4x4 Gates at each ..............._. $2.75 â€" 8x4 Gates at each ...... ...._.._. $4.00 â€"â€"10x4 Gates at each ... ......... $450 12x4 Gates at each ,............ $5.00 13x4 Gates at each ............... $5.35 14x4 Gates at eachk ... ... $5.50 Also Stock Coil Wire, No. 9 Steel and No. 9 Steel Wire plain, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Staples, etc. â€"It will pay you to DEAL HERE. PHONE 317. _ OPP. CITY HALL Lincoln B. Snyder Hafdwa;e Merchant : ~ Opp., City Hall Berlin Notice is herehy given that . a speâ€" cial general meeting of the Eerlin & Waterloo Elospital Trust will be lmlfi at the Hospital on Friday the _ 18th day of July, 1943, at the hour. of 8 w‘clock in theevening, for the purâ€" pose of authorizing the Trustees _ to borrow a sum> not exceeding $3000.00 and the mottgaging of the real estate of the Trust to secure the trepayment of the loan and interest thereon. Dated this 8th day of July, 1913. ~ Allan A. Fby, =~ ‘For School Seetion No. 18 _ Waterâ€" loo Township. Apply to Levi M. B. Weber. RR. No. 2., Waterloo Ont. 28â€"4t. Teacher wanted for Union S.S. Numâ€" ber 21 Waterloo and Woolwich Townâ€" ships, Waterloo County. Holder _ of second class â€" certificate preferred Good â€" salary. Duties to commence with Fall term. Apply Joseph F. Weber, R.R. No. 1, Waterloo Ont. 6â€"26â€"1m. Shipping Hogs Wanted ‘At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, numâ€" ber unlimited. Highest market price paid. Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment Jduly 29th. . , . C.C. Diefenbacher Mr. Max Becker, of Toronto, _ has secured a lease on the Sender Block, I@stowel, and will establish a knittâ€" ing factoty bere vouch will _ employ possibly _ 25 hands. Mr. Becker is a practical man and has been _ in the kpitting industry _ since a child. He has until tecently heen manager sp 44 somely. s ath Ponndtii‘e as#4 °6 .., <" * F)rir on;!lt-‘urr;itunem(lixugsibtthebalanceoflbhmoath. TEACHER WANTED Teacher Wanted «@ ‘Mdfh’uckcepcu’in Waterloo, Berlin and surroundin mwmwmmberdoqrmt sales for they aveï¬ on every purchase. Comeand inspectâ€"â€"â€"it will pay you handâ€" King St., Waterloo. B. & W. Hospital Board. Lock Fence. _ BIC JUELY â€" Letter & Son, seA \A) + If so write or call on me. I have choice farms, all sizes, â€" to rent on shares or sell on crop payâ€" iments. _ Choice land, good _ water, close to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterioo County settlement _ in Saskatcbewan. Buy or reat a farm ‘bush, balance under good ‘state . of ‘cultivation, well‘ fenced, 8 _ acres sown in fall wheat, about 3 _ acres Man with 20 years experience in packing of all kinds of furniture . and pianos. No job . to large and no job to small. All material furnished. Apâ€" ply by phone to 353. 6â€"1011. ‘Farm comprising 100 acres, more or less, Lot 9, Cun. 6, one mile west of Crosshill, comprising 10 .: acres tached, and all necessary out buildâ€" Ings. For further particulars apply to ‘Wirs. Daniel Gerber, Crossnill, Ont. ‘xood orchard, bank barn 60x60 with ï¬rmu shed, never failing well, frame house with kitchen and woud shed atâ€" tot market farming, situated between Rumelhar~t and Erbsville. Apply to k LOUIS 8. HERGOTT, 14. Waterloo, Ont. ‘The undersigned offers for sale his farm, consisting of 18 vtq‘mit.flt re You .. .. Coming West Farm for Sale Farm for Sale 8. B. BIEHN, Wanted 75 acre farm, mostly clay loam, good soil, tile underdrained, well watâ€" erea, bearing orchard, goo@ _ garden amd small fruit, 8 actes hardwood bush, brick house, woodshed, bank barn with stabling underneath for 6 horses and 20 cattle, good hog _ pen and hen house, coment floors, root house, driving shed, beautiful location, station two milés, town five â€" miles, will sell cheap and on easy terms. For particulars write Box 35, Port 'Elgin. Ont. 2iâ€"t. The undersigned offers for sale his larm situated one mile northwest of 3t. Agatha and 4 miles north . of Bader, on Concession 1, Block B. The farm comprises about 125 acres, %5 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres under .a good state cf cultivation. Soil good clay loam, good _ spring creek, 2 never failing wells, 14 storgy, brick bouse, bank barn, straw _ shed.‘ For further particulars apply to SHORTHORNS â€" Two Bulls one yeat old direct. from impt. Stock . Terms and prices reasonable. Apply L.K. mr, s 6â€"112t. Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Phone 80 For Hawkesville