i All stock new and fresh w , _ at Devitt‘s Drug Store There was a large attendance at the Waterloo _ market _ on Saturday The prices remained about the same as last week, butter selling ab 25c per lb and egas at 24e per â€" dozen. ~Black cherries sold at ‘ $1.00 _ large pail, 50c small pail, red cherries 10¢ smaM pox. _ Raspbrrries were plentiâ€" ful and quickly (Ssposed of at 10¢ to 123%¢c per bov. _ Al kinds of green vegetables _ wore | plentifid, including peas, beans, leltuce, etc. Ladies â€"now is your chance to huy oxfords at far less than half price. Over 200 pairs, odd sizes, in all leaâ€" thets, were from $2.00 to $1.00 pait. To clear quickly at .98c. Zick‘s. About thirty of the Hotelâ€"keepers of the North riding of Waterloo, met in the Town Hall on Friday _ afterâ€" noon. When mambers who were preâ€" sent were seen by Chronicleâ€"Telegraph Friday, all that could be glean ed was that it was an organization merting, nothing else being done, Presumally these mvetings are heing. held to organize the botel keepers of the province .nto a fighting force at. the next election. 1 JÂ¥ . _ Full line of ; ¢brrires When Waterloo citizens will â€" this year celebrate Civic Ilotiday has not yet been detided hy the Town Council When Mayor Fischer was sPoken _ to in refetence _ to the matter this morning, he said, "No one has said anything about a holiday yet. Thete is a strong feeling, however, that it should be on August 4th. This is the day Berlin has set apart, as alsn‘ several other surtrounding places. fare." At the evening recitations and{ duets w the children, under tife of Miss Kaatz. The annual Children‘s Day services at the Enymanuel Evangelical clfurcH on Sunday, proved to be very interâ€" estinss, and were attended by _ large numbers. In the morning the pastor, Rev. E. Burn, spoke on "Child Welâ€" fare." At the evening service solos, recitations and{ duets were rendere«! hy xo ks I W u" i7 1 KODA KS‘ Mr. E. W. Schmit Mr. A.C. _ Hallman, _ of â€" Breslau (Spring Brook Stock Farm) left this morning for the Brandon _ Dominion Eabibition to act as judge of _ daity cattle and swine. MrF. Hallman â€"has been held at the park was held _ at the home of til> Misses Bruce, George street. A very enjoyable time _ was spent by all. The annual choir.picntc of the Watâ€" erloo Presbyterian church was helé on Saturday afternoon. Owing to the beavy downpur.of rain in the mornâ€" ing, the picnic which was to _ Have The arnual St. John‘s Lutheran Sunday school picnic was _ held _ on Naturday afterncon. Shortly after 2 o‘clock a parade was fermed at the church, and marcl‘sd to the park, where a â€" very enjoyable time _ was spent in races amd games, despite the heavy downpour of rain in the motnâ€" ing. The annual picnic of the Ladies‘ Aid of St. John‘s Lutheran Church â€" was held in Waterloo prark on Thursday afternoon. ‘The majority of the ladies of ‘the congregation were present, and a very enjoyable afternoon â€" was SPent by all. ‘ The burial of Mr. and Mrs. Shott‘s * child teo‘t place Wednesday p. m. in Bridgeport after a bricf illness. _ Between forty and _ fifty _ of _ the members of the Emmanuel Evangeliâ€" cal church choir journeyed to _ 1dylâ€" wild on Thursday where the annual picnic was held. sooog \ DETROIT EXCURSIONâ€"Chronicle Telegraph and Berlin Daily Telegraph Excursion to Detroit _ on Saturday, August 2nd, via C.P.R., return fare $2.45. Tickets good four days. ‘ An Indian Lister who imtibed _ of fhreâ€"water was Lned $10 and costs in police court by Magistrate Weir _ on Wednesday aftetnoon. EB T A local owner of a gasoline canigge:uo,,day was assessed $10 and costs for speedâ€" The ing by Magistrate Weir on _ Friday Haist, â€" afternoon. £NMo7m An Indian lister was taxed $10 and costs in Police Court on Friday _ afâ€" ternoon for drinking ol the forbidden. â€" Am@ automobile driver who was doâ€" ing the speed limit was assessed $10 and coSts, by. Magistrate Weir. Chance of a life time. (Over 200 pails ladies oxfords at 98¢ at Zick‘s. $# able direction "‘Maturday morning last Mrs. ‘Thos Garnet, accompanied by her daughâ€" ter Lizzic, and her som Tom, _ set out at an early bour for Leicester â€" to Canada bound, vta Liverpoolâ€"hopâ€" ing to join some friends ‘on the other ’!illl‘.' Mrs. Garner is well _ known locally as a nurse, and ber son and danghter bave been members of {i Church choir for a number of years past, so that for some time their presence will be greatly missed here. Wishes for a favorable voyare â€" and good Iuck in their new home follow them on tltcir leaving Frisby. | The following item from the Melâ€" ton â€" Mowbray â€" Times, _ Eazland, of «June 20th last, has reference to Nurse Garner and her _ family of Frishy, England, wito have . recently settled in Waterlco, ani are. at preâ€" sent making their home with Mz. and Mrs. Ellis, King strcet. A great deal of deep and earnest sympathy has gone out to Mr. Claus Koelin and his estimable family _ in their bereavement, occasioned by . tife death of Mrs. Koelin, after a someâ€" what lengthy iliness, and her death leaves a plank in a large family cirâ€" cle, who mourn the loss of a loving wile and mother. Miss Mary McEachern of Galt, and Mr. D. J. Ashbury, of te editorial staffi of the Globe, Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Addiâ€" son Taylor on Friday. . The Board of Directors of the Doâ€" minion Life Assurance Company were guests of Mr. E. F. Seagram at Iuncheon at the Waterloo _ Club on Friday.© . _ The Misses Emma Belle, Hilda and Bernice Roos left Saturday for South Bend, Indiana, where they will visit several weeks with their brother, Mr. A. S. Roos. .. Miss Lillian Yungblutt underwent a serious operation _ in the Stratlord Tlospital this motning. Her numerâ€" ous friends will be pleased to â€" leatn the operation was successful and she is doing as well as can be expetted.. The young son of Mr. _ and Mrs. Reuben Clarke, recently met _ with an unfortunate accident, when he fell and broke his arm. Miss Nora Hamel has returned home alter spending â€" two weeks _ vacation The many friends of Mrs. Aaron Kraft will regret to learn that _ she is seriously ill at hert home on A}â€" bert, St. Miss Caroline Smith of â€" Worcester is the guest of Miss ‘Laura Sherk, for several weeks. Mrs. Hall and three childten of Pittsburg, Pa., have returned after sPending several months‘ at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Yungâ€" blut, Young St. Mr. Reiner Hlill of the â€" Bank _ of Cammerce staff left for a two weeks vacation to Detroit and‘ other points. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Sherk are en a motor trip to Philadelphia. The lawyer was sitting at his desi absorbaml in the preparation of a briel. So bent was he om his work that he did not hear the door as it was pushâ€" ed open, nor see the eurly head that sas thrust into his office. A little sob attracted‘ his notice, and, turnâ€" ing, he saw a face that was streaked with tears and told plainly thableel-‘ ings had been hurt. ( . Mr. and Mrs. Wright, two childten apd maid, left on Thursday for _ a fortnight‘s â€" visit withk _ Collingwood friends. Mr. and the Misses Kreutziger _ of Palmerston were visitors in Waterâ€" loo last Monday. Miss Vera Bruegeman was successâ€" ful in passing her music examinations with honors, which took place _ on Mr. Hugh Coutts is visiting with his mother _ and brother on George street. _ Miss Mabel Nickol is enjoying ~ her holidays with her sister, Mrs. â€" Ed Lierch, at Kennebunk Beach, Maine. Mr. W. A. Raymo of Toronto was a visitor in Waterloo for _ several days this week. Monday at Berlin. The many friends of Rev. A.Y. Haist, who has been seriously ill, wilil he pleased to learn that he has very much recovered. Mrs. Clarence Depoty of Dunnville has returned after visiting at tile home. of bet agher, ‘Mr. Frank Good. Miss Agnes Good and ~Miss _ Eva Devitt left for Chautaugua, N. Y., where they wil} spend several weeks. The Misses Vera and Vedi Hockey of Tilsonburg, nrieces of Rev. J E. Hockey are visiting at the parsonage. Miss Jessie Watson, of Toronto te turned on Friday after a two weeks visit in town, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bean. Mrs. Frank Good left on _ TuesJay for Winnipeg, where she wili be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clement for several weeks. ford on days va Mr. E. W. Schmitt left Friday 4or a month holidays frip to Freuch murer: Mr. E.G. Williamg of Torgnto was :.miuu visitor in;town" oh Tharsâ€" ,. Mr. J.A, Allard of New York was a business visitor in town on â€" Wedâ€" . Morris Sturm left for Stratâ€" vacationâ€" a â€" few son has been asked to â€"return hisl ame= prize, and if he cannot convince '.helmcw'n‘nm- On Sunday, Julr 13th, oficials otherwise he draws a _ susâ€"! to Mr. and Mrs. AHison Mcintyre, pension for the balance of the year. Noecker St., a son. Mrs. Mavae of Galt is spending â€" a few days at the home of her sister. Mts. S. B. Bricker. Toronto, July 11.â€"It looks as â€" if there was going to be trowble for some of the bike riders in the recent Dunlop race. The scorers and judges claim that Geg. Watsom wore _ numâ€" ber 34, instead of his number 58, in the race and started from the _ limit in place of the 61 minute mark. Watâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Aletter on Monâ€" treal are visiting at the home â€" of Mrs. C. Kump{, King St. Mrs. (Rev.) W. Snyder and children and Mrs. M. Specker of Brooklyn, N. Yâ€", are guests at the home of _ Nr. and Mrs. Jacob Conrad, Young t. fw S%. Naylor, has returned home after a two weeks‘ vacation _ spent at Port Dover. Mr. J,. Bopre of Linwond was visitor in town on Tuesday. Mrs. E.W. Schmitt is spending sevâ€" eral weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kuntz, in Hamilton. | Rev. Mr. Bull preached in the Methâ€" 'odist Church: on Sunday. Next Sunâ€" day Rev. R.J. Elliott of Dunnville‘ will preach. Miss Amy Robsart Jaffray of Otâ€"‘ tawa paid a visit to Berlin _ friends _ Mn T. H. Hall was a weekâ€"end visitor with Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Webb, returning to Toronto on Monâ€" day with Mrs. Hall and two chiidren. who have spent the past month in Waterloo. Mr. .J.B. Gilliland has sold his fine residence on Ezra St. to Mrs. Cyrug Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliland _ and family will move to Thedbury where they will make their future home. _ iss Amy Robsart Jafiray of Otâ€" tawa paid a visit to Berlin friends this week, going on to the Royal Muskoka, where she will spend â€" the summer. « _ ~Missâ€"(Gladysâ€"Devitt_seturmed _to her home on Saturday from Chicago with her aunt, Mrs. C. T. Walmsley ~ and family, who is spending a _ mont!! with friemis in this locality. Master Milton Methfessel of Springâ€" ville, N.Y., is visiting his grandâ€" father Mr. Frank Good, for two weeks, I Miss Jessfe Stuart returned home from Forest where she has spent â€" a couple of montifs at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. J. Cornisl!. _ Mr. Fred Edmonds left early Sunâ€" day morning for England where be will spend several weeks with relaâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Carr of Blythe are spending a few days at the home of the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Lulu Raforty and Miss Ella Moore have _ left forâ€" St. Thomas wifere they will spend a week‘s vacaâ€" tion. Mrs. Lincoln Goldic and daughter oi Guelph were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bricker, Allan St. The Misses â€" Bessie and May Vanâ€" Every are spemding their â€"vacation with Harriston friends. Miss Gertrude Hawle is enjoving a two months trip through the West. _ Miss Helom Snyder returned by moâ€" tor last Sunday from a sbort visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockie, accompanied by Misses Rose and Alice Lockie, who returned _ i2 their â€"home at Newton on Tuesday last. Mrs. John B. McLean of Winniper Palmerston are spending a week at Southampton with Mrs. C. â€" A. Bochm. Mrs. Norman W. Berkinshaw of Toâ€" ronto is visiting her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. L. Shuh, John street. _ _NMr. Elwell Reade of Toronto was a visitor with Judge sad Mrs. Reade over Sunday. ,to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Howie, at "Ellerslie." _ Mr. Geotge Hortop of _ Toranto was a weekâ€"erd visitor at his home. Mr. and Mtrs. Johs Ferguson â€" and son are enloy.mz;â€"a fortwght‘s vacaâ€" tion at Grimsby Beach. i n h on o en e e e e eearec N. Â¥., nrrivet_l on Monday, for a visit Co. of Chicago. _ _=___====, | § â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" n _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder _ and 100 yds. Black Palette Silk. the Misses Minnie and Florence Snyâ€" Regular $1.00 to $1.25. . Goâ€" der are enjoying a delightful motor| @‘ 198 At .â€"»< .220 .796 trip through the Grampian Hills to mt smm y â€"frw ns ccmmenttennntrca nmmmreemnse Boston and other points of interest.. 100 yds Dress Goods, reguâ€" _ Mrs. Hedley Hilborn of Brooklyn,| ¢ 12 : 89 to 75¢, going at.39¢ "I want‘"â€"and there was a resolute ring in his voiceâ€""I want a divorce from my papa and mamma." & Mr. John H. Roos of Chicago who bas been enjoying a short holiday at his home in Waterloo, was accorded a very warm welcome by his . many friends in tio Twinâ€"City. Mr. Roos is one of the boys who has done himâ€" sell and his native town credit in his business career, occupying as he does a most responsible position as Man“ ager and Buyer of tik <ry yoods deâ€" zutmut for Montgomery â€" Ward &l a welcome visitor in Waterloo, whete she is spending Hr vacation at the ‘lw to .:";.:;g_ Hittle man, did you '.,." "‘*Are you a lawyer?t" _ **Yes. What do you want"‘ o P Full account of the BIGGEST Sale ever held in this County. Mr. ef Edmonton is| & Ufelman is willing to let the prople of Waterloo and _ surrounditi¢ Of Milrerton The attention of the meeting was drawn to the fact that three Berlin wholesalers were selling toâ€" the conâ€" stmers direct.. In justice to the retailers who patronize them, it was thought that this should be disconâ€" tinued. They will be requested _ to sell to the retail trade only. * Those present were:â€"President _ .J. UfielmAn, Secretary, N. Zick, 4. Bruegtma®, L. ErvegemaD, A. Trâ€" stadt, D. Boblepder, J. Ziegler, ('.‘ Kraft, W.J. Eckert. Several of the listsof the "dead beats" which were requested at the last meeting were handed in, and the othets will follow immediately. Cns of the membets drew the attenâ€" tion of the association to the _ fact that two of the grocers who had signed the agreement to close at 8 a‘clock each evening were not doing so. The President â€" and â€" Secretary were appointed a committee to inâ€" terview the parties, and endeavor to have them live up to their agreement.] Mr. J.H. Roos while not a member of the Association was present. He advanced _ a _ scheme of advertising, which was favorably looked upon. A committee composed of Messrs, _ J. Uflelman, D. Bohlender and N.A . Zick were appointed to go ahead with tlm{ scheme. held a regular meemigr on _ Tuesday evening.. Although thetre was not a very large attendance, the discussion was brisk, and the outiook for _ the branch in Waterloo is bright. Several Grocers Waterloo are ~not Complying with Earlyâ€" RETALL MERCHANTS ? ____"* @lt,11l00, ILL, â€" g Our Coffee trade has increased 50 per cent. since i â€" # Jan. ist. There is a reason. ‘ ‘ “s““s““ssss‘ssw“v esssesesseee The Retail Merchants Association J. Uffelmann You can. make some â€" one happy by giving thens your votes if you are not saving for yourself. 100 _ EXTRA VOTES ON _€ERTAIN aArâ€" TICLES ALL THIS WEEK. Not Keeping Agreement. Gives the Values The Fashionable, the Economical, the Particâ€" wlar, come HERE to buy We Please Them All dow Friday 18th. n All lines of clothing at saâ€" 1200. yds Gingham, _ Anderâ€"‘ crifice prices. ‘This is the place son‘s (all shades), regular 12} to buy your clothing and save 15¢, going at ... .....:....l0¢ money. â€" Bulletins of standing of contestants will be placed in store winâ€" y c m taa GRaAND | PRIZE . vyoTrNcg CoNTEST _Now _ IN FULL SWING Reg 1000 yds Special Print â€" goâ€" ing at~..:..... sc c:.... Spe n yo ‘These items Selected at ramdom and ina hurry from the _ stock tell you part of â€"our story. May BoyCott Wholesalers 1000 yds Linen â€" Towelling, ring atâ€"::~c.~«~... ... SCayd 200 yds Liner Tablins, goâ€" § at ......... ... ........ 256 a yd Delinguent List. UEFEEL MANN BORN There is no denying â€" _ .E XT R A> 1fm«â€" ~ Waterloo, Ont. H H Five rinks of Waterloo bowlers playâ€" ed a friendly game at the local bowiâ€" ing green last eveninz, which resulted im a victory for Berlin by score _ of 90 to 76. Tife score:â€" WATERLOO BOWLERS LOST IN BERLIN ; Bechtel was in fine form and it was a pleasure to see him pitch. Nothing scemed to trouble him. Sevem of the visitors fanned the air. For the first timo this season hstf years ‘‘champs‘‘ defeated Berlin, the i erstwhile Trolley League leaders, on Saturday afternoon, by 5â€"1. It was‘ Waterioo‘s game all the way, thoro} never being amy damzer. Bechtel in‘ the box pitched a noâ€"hit game, and ; ‘issucd but two free passes, W. Plom~£ ski coming in for both of these. _ In the stolen base column the visitors' figured but once.> Berlin‘s lone . run [ came in the seventh chapter, when Plomski secured free transportation } to the first bag. t3 IBERLIN WAS BECHTEL IN GOOD Berlin 8. Bowlby ... 14 A. H. St B. Weaver ..,.18 A.C. Mc Forsyth .......17 C. Roos A. Hagen..... t D. C. K Johnsou ........26 Hemphill BERLIN BRANCH Nothing takes tik place of ready money. You may have credit allowed youâ€"you may own y« farm. But without a s@olus in the form of reamy money you are missing the advantages and the tunitiecs of the man with ready money. ® Start the fund as a ount with THE BANK OF TORONTO. ONLY going at 30 Men‘s Syits (special), teâ€" gular $15 to $20, going at 9.98 130 Ladies White Linen Emâ€" broid Waists, regular $1.25, g0iBg at .2..2.. s....2 .222...1%e 10 _ dozen _ Men‘s Neglige Shirts, regular 75¢ to _ $1.00 win it ? 49 Piano Keys left. Who will READY MONEY FOR FARMERS Waterloo. A. H. Snyder A. C. Moyer... C. Roous ... D. C. Kuntz the ; j . O ~aE# _ mixed with Pt is will ma and ". § Cisterns and. itors io prc ;,;;'f;;, New cement floo: "*$ proof, Wearproc ! If interested wr JN: Canada | ,a,._’ WATERLOO 10 (ch ©oosnsaqnc00000000000000 0(, «nnsemmmmmmnmeemnmntemnennmmns ommememenmms, 49¢ 22 17 14 12 11 ifIR O N L T Aiter the game the visiting bowlâ€" ets participated in the formal recepâ€" tion tendered the RBerlin bowlers in the clubbouse, _ at which _ speeches Majority for Berlin 11 <hots. mixed with Portland Cement will make your Cisterns and Silos Water: proof . New cement floors made Wiaterâ€" proof, Wearproof and Dustproof. If interested write for booklet. Superior quality. Large size. Exceptional \â€"_â€"_â€" uvalue. ES rv_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"’“._..-;_-_;-lv\&‘: these towels. White Turkish Bath Towels for ladies‘ and chi use, cither with fringed or kemstitch ends, also bath sheets mats, at extremely moderate prices. The best makes in Marseill es, crochet and Grecian weaves, _ i%. White Quilts, at direct import prices; a full assortment â€" in each, quality, also large Marscilles Quilts for large brass beds, > made: :â€" with seallored edge and cut a way vorners, satin finished Marsellleg, in pretty designs and border p atterns. Crochet Quilts in large 11 from $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, UP t 0 ... .220 202. eelnlllln... $5.008 ~ _ OPENED TO.DAY . Bohlender, In ratural, striped and plain white, splendid quality, _ direct‘ o > n : T 1 2 i , White Quilts and _ «Bath Towelsâ€" Case of Bath Towelsâ€" anada Ironite Co. 15 18 25 37 5o 75c each WATERLOO BRANCH P. J. Wright, Manager 16 W. D. Lee offered the ratulationsg of the Waterino row)v::nfo the Aro«‘ pliyâ€"winners and runnersâ€"up. Rr%b'ï¬ ments were served and a deli ittul | social prening was spent. CX were delivered by members _ of th#@ two conquering rinks and others. Rov. advantages anmdi the opporâ€" Start the fund as a Savim â€"you may own your owR Phone 205 for ladies‘ and children UNTARIO