; "But he In so waned, Birt. And his otheq. I never saw Mr. Cameron In Inch domes." , It Wu quite true. They were ot St is called. I believe, a pepper-and- " mlxtum. come of texture and " put. yet not much worn. “Ha does not recognlae us," Checku- y went on. "and null he In con- ioun. May I as): you, air, where you ugh: him {mm ?" Chechbeedy, the butter. honour, though no In†perfect a oervitor, was more privileged; And unis, volatile u the most characteristic of hi: coun- trymen, collapsed utterly, without ef- fort, app-ready. at any restraint what- our. The tormer's interest was evl- danced In a conuniseratlngly luguhrl- out vintage and a few blunt questions, but the Frenchman wept and nohbed in wordless sympnlhy. And I land it not in my heart to blame either. for a more pitiful picture than the one pre- mtod by the restored Cameron as he gut there tn his own spacious hall. mating with lack-luster eyes at the Held and dying embers on the hearth Mow him, I hope never to Bee. "Missing'." f repeated. "Who any! . ha been misrng?“ "The servants " any no. Mr." "Then the germ-ma must get rid of Idea. It once." I said. sharply. "Mr. Booking for an the won-hi like a, well. Cod monk. for he wore a tuithrobe of number hue and his crown was hater than any maven tonsure, shared for a. moment In and silence. Then. turning '00 me. be liked: A "But what in: hnppened to Mr. Cun- ‘nton. my" , " with I could tell you Checku- burr WI! my unguarded reply. "I wish he could tell us himself." I chose to lghore the question, In dden realization of we necessity ot union. Together. he no i iltted Cameron from the human: and carried him up the broad ttight of granite steps. be. tween the massive guarding lions. and placed him in n swat chairJn the nu. before the wide, sculptured tire. Ace. And though this would prob-bi! prove the most exciting topic of the ‘urvantn’ hall for week. to come, ho (.13 not the annual sign that he was akin: part in other than the usual. ovum Mr. Checknbeedy no Loull. And mike haste. No. I can’t come ta; Ptt wait outside." He turned away tn obedience to my direction“, but I checked him. "And. Stephen.†I claimed. "no word to any one else. as you value your position; upeclally no you to was Granola." "And he hal been mlnslng a month, there, air. In that true, Mr. Clyde?" l unveiled u the man's preserved motion. His “Very good, lit,†wan littered with III the stolidity which with I lemon-e to the commonplace; and yet 1 know that he wan fully com Icioul of the eventfulneu of this late and tmtoohed-tor homecoming. And the tootrmut who Joined me a few min- utes later wan not In. well-trained. Y" AI flags“ lb as nonm- in. that mud. too, but I motioned Atryee - - - A - ' ‘Novor In“. that you," I said. Mt at an on. iron any!“ to he!» “in." And In t moment In) - In. on tho panama: we #tnttr than can. but to no tin-oust: jun double doom the ("on echo ot thobait.ttsrrta-irtnt mentioned the nut how. The pronoun- with which chum rial! and bolts we" drum surprised l... And yet. I happen. " VII - my a "Mono. ot the police! - lull-om a In alt-Mum: wherein can continue! tn will“ W W" W. In 1370910“me [New rm [mom-d u though the “no we“ plan mum at an. two o'clock in‘ [no morning. greeted III. with hobo vino t-tterMtttitr. 1 wind Mm .uouotthomtroucmmgnd Ate him by also. , “Bx-aha.†t aid. with n start tn [dunno the excitement with which my - lulu wu throbblng. "gout mater In outside in u cab. Ho 1- van weak and wilt need “mum Get who: mm to nu! no. and that on. mica cuff ion nan lawman cannon an: union mm“ mu u an run. (not: norm on: a ItM.tNttr "an. "BLOOD IS THIGKER THAN WATER†GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY 1mtttovtotod "dtriortrtotartttas-httesrtamgrottr-, Md It: blond. or manual“: common tn you“ folks I well an Old. W, . I. the an!†Il',', maul " '.",'e0,", 'e,%t',2i,'f, 'aettrrt--qe Iâ€. cum“ uvl con mullet time wit a new. burnl the out: 0! an uptown "tauet m This blood. or Mood which 'lSltltt and 'fdatf,,t In mun": mph my have been “and by lack ol good huh I" Int. Inna, o- by tt',Wl"t or dam Summin- m m In“ ma over the w Id: , not he"! ("not a! " M by India-MI“. mm: 1eseth.t2tT..'t um on: meer, that w- - m Wm le. Floor! f1-rArtetyttrattv, that 'ttpts, on brier, - 15m __ 'ddl'"iio'l" - aria 'dlWdtltN1l"dt'lt'ltt%'12 £216.}? Ti iiiaaiGrtt7Ciario"ra; ara; a" 'iii' 3%" “(MW "mm" Jate,'d Td,'tg 2t,t'2u'l i,?Eiii . . tteit.ettt, oeydary 1:- wulnb DE 3:1- _ Wham th "m" u" and My", an it ha cites: 'a'lrh1MN'air,"t',t. f DI. PIIICE'. Tttree Promises. Need I - that I did not deep that night? It In (Ive o'clock when t lab CttrrtermN,- after a (all with the nurse land I Wed to return in an hon: .The Interval was devoted to u colt ityutt, a shave, and a change ot cloth lIn; at my rooms; and at six 1 VIII [back again, talking once more with [Checkaheedy who wan personally new “In; me with cotrett tn the breakfast are their dugular effecthr- in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago 3nd Sciatica to their power of aim-11min: and uremgthening the kidneys. They" enable these or In to thoroughly Mter from the {and the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets Into the joints and mantle: and cause: there painIuI diseases~ Over half a century cl constant use ha. roved conclunively that Dr. Marx's adiall Root Pill: strengthen Weak kidneys and II Cure Rheumuuam "Between you and me.†I began "there in small need of concealment in ithis matter ot Mr. Cameron's dlup' luminance and return. his coming as re markahio and mysterious " his going I think I an: experienced enoutttrto tnt. derstnnd that Inch an all†a this cannot be kept entirely 'reeret-- clam not from Mr. Cameron’s Bert >antHnd it is better, Checknbeedy. that you 1s_t.u_ruittthegttrtzutit1utr, TiiiirTirf. I can fancy the Iuiotte\ story that has been clrculnted below stairs. That more rumors, wide ot the truth, have not leaked oat Ind gained press publicity. speak: very well tar you and Four “all. and I congratulntr you on your loyalty and good Judg- ment. All I ask now in tin! you will continue to be guarded in what you. say. A single unndvined word might interfere very materially with our et forts to trace the guilty one: and bring them to punirhmettt." Dr. Horse’s [salon Root Pills But neither the woken nor the writ- tea word. or the physician held (or no any eon-Menus measure ot to bee. My friend’s condition was do. potato. I knew tt and my heart â€had for him; but it ached more for Evelyn. " word, who loved him, and who mull be given the [lumen of soot new: only to be Crtteftitrd the not! mo. ment on the cm- ot anxiety. Dr. Mane, gladly wooded. Seated at Cameron’s writing able he sci-lb- bled I bulletin of even more encounsv ing and confident tenor than I had In- dlcaled. And I used " to turn the tide at upecuhnon in Cry-tn Consolidated. 2;. vu uncut to Me. 3: as: T.f.ttt when reheated null. "Doetor." I add. "t an glad to and you no optlmlotlc. Baton you so I want you to writ. no . bulietln of Mr. Cameron's condition and an it. I wont no mention in it of the Injury. ulnce it I. not "flout. It pot-Ink, 1 would suggest that you an the word 'lndlnpoaluon' Ind be our. to employ the 'temportsrr' you all“: into phy I moment ago." "tHrioatNy 131w?†I _ “I don't uranium. Doctor. Do you mu tttat--" “I mean." he Interrupted. "that the blow on tho back oe the head culled 1.9.“.- no Ira-tun." "Then ho was “not!†'tr-n-e- “Undoubtedly. Prob-My with a -- ‘ andâ€; Bones M. was!" and coll- m- dluon. Had the blow been delivered ~- with more force. tt might have malt m . ed In complete loan ot memory. You have heard. of comm. of III-mac“ .“ when men ha" mm "a that? “I own unmet?" II I nodded. I. I "Mr. Cnmem um will " mon- - on. In merely a tensor." inner. l lma".TGTil'G by. (elephant! for a m nun. for tttm-om, who understan- Inch cum. s,,,,,,',',',,',',','.,?,',,'],',,',,,',,',", He will be hen In - minutes. At -- pronoun Mr. CIIIQ'DI u unplug. l cum “I. of (he I: an: In hope- that wlnn ho was†In: duction, of my chum. mlnd VIII be comwnthcly clan! mm: the “Mn“... m Amt them] told. him a much a . , â€Honda tr, CHAPTER XVIII. AU irG'ieuiiTiVrTGii'/ict7i Tamara cam-um mm“ on lama "can. Ich- til fret' 'di1a't)t'.llti.'.1"e't.hT'g In told I giiiiiiilliiiilii"gS 2?tifi2iiiiioiii" - Dr. de Van’s Female Pm! It in hard to explnin why I doubted this. I think it Inuit have been name thing t saw in mono dun, "cutout eyes. when I first looked into them un- der the pale light ot the whiteglobed electric street lamp.. If I had been forced to identity Cameron by those are: alone. I should hove said that this man wn not he. They were no diiterent, lacking all the expression ot the Cameron eye- I knew. Amt yet I made no question on to his identity. i. knew him, despite this; knew that strong chin and Jaw, which lpelled de. termination in two syllables: knew his broad. generous nose. and his high in- tellectual forehead. Thole potato of recognition were so convincing. that I could aitord to ignore the on. i had never seen before and the wanted frame and the Ihrnnken. unsteady At are: interval I matinee mu clocks. It was marvellous how the time drugged. And that nurse! Would he never have " err-n1! outside the suite? I had told him I Ibould upend the morning in the house. and (in! t wished to be informed of the “than change In his patient. I mull conclude. thtsetore. that Cameron In still sleep ing. that Bryan wu It“! watching. At ten minutes put eight I wu- searching the' encyclopnedin In the library for information on the subject of brain conclusion. Already I had followed the (nil (human three Tot, um from "Rum" to "le 8n- tem" Ind from "Nervoun Symon" to From the fact that Evelyn Ind ttot, yet appeared I drew 3 measure of con- Iolnuon. If I could but. titling: ot even the slightest Improvement In Cameron ht rote meeting her, tt would lid me In the ttgttttttrtpttmt ot eonMenee upon which t had determined. The papers thtiBheid, I new restless I desstred' constant new: from the sic! room. and lacking It. I roamed abou the house. in nervous unease. my brain busy with conjecture. forming on: theory after another, and distal-sin: each as read!ly. The situation was I tantalism. The answer to ntl the ques Hons which had absorbed me to: weeks lay dormant In the brain of th, Insn sleeping beyond that closed door Theories, therefore, were now new futile than ever. The one ncéomplish ment to he asked was the arousing ot In intellect, tho stlrrlng of a memory or. Massey had promised that when Cameron awakened mental etarit. would be restored. that he would be able to answer questions with Intel“ genoe. l Tho "national page. or mum, null inns-ted that the Glu- Klng mm in a. New England annual-tum. though they had failed to locate the Institu- tion. Despite my alum I "tnitrrd II the thought of how their max-noon edition: would have to eat the lent, " the Welsh Bar. ot the scare. "Mr. CIIIIOPOI," Illd one, “renal to be leave In tho thin ot the Crystal Consonant“ our two years Mo. It he be ill. which " by no means certain. the bet can have but little real tsibmrtictuMNy to far In the company of which he is the lament shareholder I: concerned. It any be stated on the beat authority that Mr. Cameron's BhareB hare never been used tspmartativelp, and that even In the event of his death they’oould not by Any possibility come on the market. for the reason that he has provided a mat fund, by will, for the benefit at hiq niece. and that they are u put ot that tund." A ""3510 F A little later the morning up." were brought In. and l man-d on. utter another in tench oe you. new mm or turn or the Story of In. - ous Afternonn. The more mun-(Iv. Journals were method to uni. light aetlned wine of the (net: at the " dtwtion, of my chum. and!“ at M: mum the previou- nlgm. sad at my anxiety concerning MI Dream. condi- "And above all thin“. Chock“ M," I added in conch-ton. “don't look solemn and dune-led when mu Evo- trn in mm. Before her, no manor how we really tool, we mm - eontuent." 'lhihiiiiii5hiiljll,lll, I il iiiiiijjiiiii, a , 5eeejee ‘ Cartor’é Little Ihrarll8i1lla, can - “CAM“ .1..qu ummm‘ _ h whim "4tlW,5'llt,"r'l, "Ix-hum“ mu. tuk V! f I t I'. tr'g,r,11,"UgS',lt ttet _ ll mum)? ambit-2n" CUR as DANDRUFP. It I. the combined cation of the medicinal curative elements ot the our: um. without the - on. aided by the woodman“ and strength-cmtlng properties of tonic "on that main- Vinol no atfBeteett. my inf rar noney if " does not A. a. minim-m. Interim. In. Frank H. Ullno, of Want and lake. N. Y., says: "For . number ot yarn l wu - great Bttthrrer trom bronéhltll. mt July t had an duck whlch w more severe than any, and my (Honda thought I could not recover trom It. Then I was advised by my draught to try Vlml. which I did, with wonderful results. My cough In: Ion me; I has gained In weight and appatlto. Ind I In " “ran; u ever t wn. I :41le alt who have branching, chronic cough. or who no my down I. try Viuot." _ - _ If anyone should knowing worth of n medicine, it in the retail drugglsi who all: it over his count-r every day in the week, and in in . position to know what tummy given the but sou-fiction. "But who I; "I?" she auctioned In nervous harm. "What--" For e moment the amine-I and " lenoe were ebmlnte. Then Evelyn turning her sue upon me advanced quickly, with e little cue-cloning cry: "Philip!†"You’re eurprl-ed to and In. here." I Interpreted. with trends outstretched. "And to-" the been. hylng her tirttrert, against my pain". "To tInd a min-so have. " well," I thttshed for her. _ “Let me introduce Mr. Brp---" But when I would luvs presented him he had ulna]! gone. Evelyn any.“ wee standing in the doorway. She were . clinging house gown of pale blue, cut low It the throat. m d bordered with . deep tot. lar of Inch lace. The lose Bush of youth end health tinted the cream ot her complexion nude shaft ot luniighi from n near window made n glittering golden nimbne ot her hair. With wide, untied eyes she was using at Bryan; or, to Demure cunt. It theme}; linen duck in which he was clad. end which mun have held for her a pen plum; sttgnitietutee. _ _ The Auiae had halted. detemnuaily landing ufde at tight or me" am _whole young beau†Deemed to dazzle Takes Druggist's Advice With Splendid Result. “He'll plumb]! Mft ' hour- " but. Mr. Clyde. It Ct to so out. thele‘l ID mun why Yoh shouldn't.†‘ "Very well." I ma. "U shall spend the day here." My tone conveyed dil- mlud um! â€I tear " utlll smoked of annoyance. Mr. Brynn. however, gave no list: of r-uentment. Bil eye- were still kindly merry. h {math still In- spired relinnce. litmus“ taunt-d; the door. uying: "s, .. I meant to reply. My lips were " may taming u "nte$tetet, when I tableau clocked no. _ ‘ “Ir. Genera: stole I - at en hour no." he to“ me. “His power or ‘speech he returned. He Asked he l when he In sad um had hunched ‘ t told him he vs. in his ova house ' that he no am with “accident." x “In, yes." I hurried him. "Attd ;vhstrheu? Didheiuuiretorsu l one!†“‘No. ntrnttetfamittnuhour looms shout the room “that not» i; word. .Thes. in I pulled war. he mind: 'Mr on: heater.“ ‘ssked. ‘thre is this how? AM l told his. He did not seen to recognise the room " an." “ls he still seeker†"Oh, no. Dr. Hussy Isa direction: the!» wee tobeumsnneeouish 'gtertt-e rev on sad 'stilh--amt Pt “other powder to unis him sleep; no i turned on his side sitar that; end tn) less then three minutes III in e deep) slumber once more.†I was annoyed that t bed not been celled. I let myseli hope that sight oi I In. with! possibly have stirred his memory even though the funnier otr. lectl at " hedohalnher felled. I ssid es "a to the short. breed-shouldered hum. whose twinkling eyes were in Violent contrast with his thin-upped. are". determined month. "Dr. Msssey's orders were that for twelve hours no one should he Mimi: ted to the room," was his unanswer shine re’olnder. "Which means not until after the o’clock. this evening?" . “Exactly. Ilr. mit I shall report to you everything he lays, " nearly a: possible In In. own words." Remember, we surname Vino] tun-boll. Tho In: “at l m “(uncoupling with.» 'ttmtttobtoBe- and!“ not Mn mam-mumm-vmnxlm lucky. m‘mum - Gaul-00° turn - In Bryn. -tttr1ettowttiorutoestt- 'ffE'ji'/iipa SUFFEREII Ire. his continual) - At u araper'n nhop tn hood- the! I not be“ employed a nun]! boy to run err-ads. 1 t The other day while he was whiting " . ght © in the shop a lady cm In and asked 'tirred " the shaman!“ tar I yud of silk. mum ob- When it was pinned In from of but Ibo ed. I add oxcl-lnedzv Ihouldored "Oh, nully. t must be In“. I m were In Wt wilt-3' hill-upped. On hating this the boy rushed out at the shop. And, seeing . policeman a that tot o"l'll."" the way. rm up to him, shout tte 'tdgttit "Come over quick. there's a girl In mun-Ivor Cer lgop gone mad. She “has nub Vetenn volunteer. who took part In I Territorial dlnplly It Hepton Mul- let were comrade- In 1860 ot Prlvuo Tom Lu", who was a member of the volunteer force ruined to reMat the Ittret"erated Invasion by Napoleon "qrtpock---mtd n I moi my an. mm. unveiling nbrmut. "egtdtrrBogr--h'.v" met with "I, sort- mn Iccldonn while traveling? - "Well, It's something for the one I love best In all the world." "Ah. I suppose It's those comr- you and you neulcd." "Well." said he. anxious to until: up? their quuml. "aren't you curious tr; know what’s In this parcel?" . "Not very," replied the null hemp (Great wife. I “hung my good mm. sud think 'ere' " ll too late." "AN't got no time now. mute. It'- quly doting ttme." Penat--a'vo just heard at . loch - lurker Ind I'm Bointr to try him. Ire-ts-w-taes, nay from him. a In; ht his cum yutemy and ho It!“ .0 heal-um: Ink nu - "In: in out In. In tonne“: 91ml. '2rleiF'iireftlt 2.'t",L In: “Why, Aeetey. III a. than m tttt w ro- “tuneu- LINK WITH NAPOLEON BUSHING THE GMWLEB Mt TIME TO LOSE uljrm Bl-Illlolll HIS WEAKNEBS no: "mt" . 't “Walk-1g? In alwavs mrticeabie because ot her hair. Sagan» is ihe lite ot warm drv unattractive hair and brings beauty into the hair bv supplying the essential mialities tttat haw been rubbed from the hair tn. dandruff and other disruws of thes scalp Sum-inn in the only drawing at its kind and is free trom the olisagrreaMo oils, Mr an mmumm in hair ioMrr IV gum antee 'e'a:reine and F.. M. new! Sun" " Sammie unn't Slop ilvlninv, ul the scalp LII] stop lmir Inning ur will Int beautify the hair, briuq the toute iack and get vn:.r "rum Ite an" tn m to H. M 1mm be Furtp,rine. other stuns l-an'l sunnlv mu. This is the largest trmttter in the Home " sum time, and it is Borthy what remarkable that with so many children, it was not. nel‘essary to call In the services ol a doctor during the month ot June. Number of 'dhildren in the Home June 1st. 32; admitted ll; discharg- ed 3; in U!? Home July 1st 40. l Amoug_thé contributions receiw ed during the month oldune tie- serving special mention were:--. las- dies' Aid ot 81.. Matthews chunk, and the S. School of the same church dunations of cake, etc; The lletlin Illortjcultura! Society beautifying the awn In “(In a! dL1'l"ll/l'h"2lfdlttr,2gvd ; ' My with the 'gh'E '0-Il'l - ' \ W do- Mala-Ly- / di"kt'tttkharrsara- I kiln Co., Lin, ', t berft m','ttt. Your not ‘ " 7 annular-d iv '5'iik(tfiiii"iuiiiit"iFi , Iaar, woman and hold in 40 a0m AT THE BERLIN . (hPflhliihilli The "guiar monthly meeting ot the Berlin Orphanage Board was held on Monday gelling. The iGutute continues to prosper and grow in. the troufidetvee of the Ptttr lic as living wisely and economically managed. _ The business teresting kind. Lydh E. Pilkluln'l 8% Text Book. " is not a book for general distribution. en tt I: too expensive. It In free end only smug-able hr mu. Write foe - _ Mulch-Ly- . , di.au%khamara- kill. Co., Linn. t tsat 5;; Your ttee WI ‘ waned, Ind 1t4ha F.diiii unlisted by u ' Iaar, wanna and hold in Btriettmtaeutsea. Awe-nu can 1'me ukofherpdvnuillmtouvoumn: din-huh..- "tahrtabsdneoMdeettiat eorre-tde-ttiehtt-xtemudover maynnuudvhidn has never been broken. I have they published a testimmtt.toe a letter without the “an anionic! the mien-ad never has the Comp-n] thawed theme emtiV dentin! uttttetmtotstoftharpoq. “on. u the hundred- of Maui- ertthetttntheir-iBatta= f?rtefth-tvessoeexpertmtm, thick they ttmm to draw from, “ii more ttttttees? “ra'éevm waver: and; Surely ttny 'tmt-hor-e. should be glad make ndeantago of thin new oirer of nuisance. Addres- tl'll'l El Plnkhuu Bodkin Ca. (eon- iideettinO Lynn. In; km‘ledn needed in VG an. "$23; “biannual: except yourgood yin: "sd..theehie, has helped thou- Tu-bra-B-ah-g I, 0.. 8-. THE SEAGEIN GIRL T0 8M “If! aaETrcrl I THERE " I __ D. & A.or a 1:11:15]: was Our eatalogue-- we send it free-- will help you choose the best for Fours. Writ. by rt today. “his" St.. Ll Diva corset for every ttgum. ot the usual in Putt to have II l Dsteopathhs Physician. . F Graduate under Dr. Still. b launder of the “lance, Editor J“. In] ot canopmgy not-u, 0mm! pathy anon cures when uncut Uh. Cttrogtte continua-n, ttomneh db orders, nervous am, than“ inn-Mile â€ulna. when. etc, I. "axially “and. Electrical my menu. one... 'He 'e 'er M DR. W. J. scrum DENTIST _ (Mice-43 King St. E. om 00*. ion Bank Enhance. 2nd Doe: Thet or Post Ollica. Phone 454. - - - nulls. Licentiate ot the ttorat Calla†" Dental Surgeons, Honor Brain.“ University ot Tomato. Olllco. um Itoor, Weber Chamtsrrs, Rh; m, R, Berlin. Telephone 202. Hours: tt mm. to 8 jun. , Gem“ spoken. Issue! of Marriage Lie-tr. oltimt:..- Post. (Mice. St. Jacob. ol. Dentist. L.D,S,, Royal (bumb- tat Surgeons, 0.0.3. Toronto tJV sity. All branches of dentistry pne- Used. Enhance to allies ulna ll Concordia "all, out Latte Bug. H"""'"",',",',',:', vmmunr; sunqmn. _ J. H. Engel, graduate o! the ow ario Veterinary Colleg. omen all residence, Queen St. bong 208. " calls by day or night answered. "e “ Graduau Chicago College 0! ' N m Surgery and Royal Coils, n Dental Surgeons of Toronto. DUI“ - (urn-e in Fischer's Block. wanting, l Dentistry practice: in att tta ha Strut-er: Block. ., rs,'! Phone 143 King Bt., WOW I llouot Graduate ot Toronto Unhtt , Rity. Late of the Ride.“ St W Hospital. Ottawa. Hem cl " 7 College at Physchans and Slum " ot thitario. Note: Night all. In: and [tom the otttetr.. - . CLAYTON w. WELLS, ' L.D.S., n.n.s.. Dentin, mm. "our. 9 to s. may: 9 to u N. m Aloe: April In will in“ Elam the second Ind mum: Friday In Id month. I to 6 pm. ig DR. 1111111119105 K, ,rAcoB% (Sm-nor to Gonna Bum.) " Banister. Solicisor, Notary ME} etc. Money to low German - it 'ymeo-P-at's More, ms “.73: Mute... Frederick St... Berlin. 7 i Alex. IBM. ICC. Harm J. m ib.C.L. Barristers, notation. on. a lice, Upstairs Economist! mod. I“ m. West, Berlin. unison. Solicitor, Notary, ml- ', Convoy-neck. we. lot" to I: . Once, Upstairs Cor. King and ' - Su.. Waterloo. ' Conveyance". .. Private Funds to Lana. " 0mm: Inc-ll: Block. g.- Cor. King and Foundry St... “I E. P. CLEMENT, K0. E. w. um LnoAL um o. Imam 1' nun-u. swam. than at. Con-yuan. do. I.†to Ian. (I Ila, Lott-I'- abet, Hamlin. .. ,,,,, -- ..__.. " J. A. Sauna, 1A.. LLB. a.a. l A. Hair. lute: in Chum-y. - ' tau, Solicitors. Etc. - to flu f Olen: Upstairs in the A†Block, Bulk. once bouts 9 to 12; 1.30 to ii. Closed all day Fridny. 6-otoqot King St, East. CLEMENT l CLEIENT Barium: Sancho". New Speculu- P. G. HUGHES Dentin OddfcIIow‘I I Interim. DR. LEDERMAN. 0.0.8. B. ECKEL, 14.03., D.D.8. DR. WILLIAM a E1038. PROFESSIONAL CARDS CLAYTON w. “mus. JOHN L. WIDEHAN A. L. BITZER. B. A. OS'I‘EOPA'I'HY. Dentist, Waterloo. glam: rot)» Mar, SCELLEN l .318 J . A. HILLIA’RD HILLAR a SKIS DR. J. E. HEW A. B. â€BRIDE. Telephone 121. M "