sE ‘x. Mrs. 5. H. Smith and Miss Conrad ï¬_"! spending several weeks in South Tok Mrs. S. Smuyder, (Georse street, has returned from a delightful visit . of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groff at Winnipeg. Mrs. Colson and three children have returned from an en‘ovable visit of four weeks at Highlani Inn, Algonâ€" quin Park. + Mr. E. F. Seagram took his wile and family to Port Dover, Ont., this week, where they will spend the sumâ€" mer months. Mr. George Somerville of Toronto has been tlie guest of his brother Mr. W. H. Somerville in Waterloo during the past week. Mr. Harry Schondelmoyer of _ the Mutual Life staf has returned _ from a pleasant fortnight‘s holiday _ witl Michigan friends. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moyer have reâ€" turned from Port Colborne, _ where they ‘@ttended the fubecal _ of Mrs Moyer‘s grandfather, Dr. Nefl. Mr. Harry H. Snyder bas returned from the North Western College near Chicago and will _ spend the suminer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry: Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. DeMille ard two sons ! left last week to spend their vacation in Nova Scotia. Mrs. S$.B. Bricker and _ daughter Marjorie are spendine their vacation with Kincardine friends. Mr. John Unger of Detroit is _ a guest at the home of Mr. and _ Mrs. Frank Good, Albert St. . Mr. Wilkie Hogg of Toronto and Mr. Walter Hogg of London, sperit Domiâ€" mnion Day at their home in Waterloo. Miss -Ada Whipfler, of Listowel,‘ spent Dominion â€" Day visiting her brother, Mr. A, Whipfler, William St. Mr. George Moore and Miss Bella Moore of Galt spent the holiday _ in the suest of Mr. Alfred Snyder over tife holiday. Mr. S. Bruegeman of Chesley was a visitor _ at the home of his brothers for a few days. Miss Helen Snyder is a holiday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lockie, Newton, Ont. _Mr. and Mrs. Wedd and family are established _ at iPort Franks, Lake Huron, for the summer months. Mrs. Normam Berkinshaw of _ Torâ€" onto paid a visit to her â€" parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shuh this week. .â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Naylor _ and #Samily are iwolidaying at Port Dever, Mr. Strachan ol Stratiorh was a+ Mr. Geo. Hortop of Torofto spent wisitor intown on Thursday. Sunday at his home here. « ‘Mtr. Willie Frith of Toronto was a| Mr. C.S. RBean is enjoyinga two wisitor at his home over the holiâ€"| week‘s vacation at Oliphant. Mr. James Lockie of Newton â€" was For sale by your grocer, Manufactured by ASK THE ONE WHO KNOWS are apprecâ€" iated by all who use it. The ' Unusually _ Good Bakâ€" ing Qualities of Persona!l and Society News OCEAN FLOUR Flour Mills Waterioo The many friends cf Mro Jack Cunâ€" ningham will be pleased to hear of his we.l earned promotion as _ Agent at tik _ G.T.R. Statton, Milverton, Ont. Mr. Cunningham has made many warm friends during his sojourn â€" in Waterloo, _ especially in Presbyterian circles, where he has taken an active nterest in the work of the _ Young Men‘s Bible Class, as well as being a fafth{ul and consistent member | of the Church, and his hosts of friends, with whom _ he has been a ge cral favorite, while regretting his deparâ€" ture from Waterloo, will wish him all possible success in his new posiâ€" tion. ‘ Affer a delight‘il visit at Bobcayâ€" geon with the Misses Freda and Olive Boyd, Miss _ Edna Breithaupt _ has gone on to Penetang to meet her mother, Mrs. L. .J. Breithaupt, and other members of the family at their summer home, whete they will spend the holiday season. Messrs Gingrich Brothers, sons _ of Mr. .John Gingrich of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited friends in this County for several days last week. They made â€" the journey from the United States by auto. Theit many friends in this vicinity were pleased to. reâ€" new their acquaintancesbip. Mrs. Garner, Miss Lizzie Garner, Mr. Tow Garner and Miss Ivy D. Pym arrived in Waterloo last week from. near London, England, and are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, King street. Miss Edith F. Whiting and Miss Hilda Sauder left on Tuesday by T. P.R. for the West: Miss Whiting has taken a prairiec school in Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan, _ and * Miss Sauder visits her sister, Mrs. Frank Dunham, at Camrose. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hallman _ and party enjoyed a pleasant motor trip in their ‘me new car, over the holiâ€" day, visiting many attractive points of interest at Guelph, Caledon Club, Erindale and Brampton Conservatorâ€" ies. Mr. Leslie F. Shantz of Paterson, N|will be received with tife greatest re J., visited at the home of his parents|gret by hosts of friends in Calgary Mr. and Mrs Amos Shantz, and is |and throughout the west, and sincere ;eft for that place Saturday bis |{sympathy will go out to Mrs. Eshleâ€" mother accompaning him as far as|man in her bereavement. Brantford, Ont. Somrcrmoed secommomvcomemmmmenmersans Rev. Morgan Wilhelm of New: Hamâ€" burg who occupied the pulpit in the Emmanuel Evangelical Church was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Dickman during bis stay in town. Miss Hazel Dawson, of Johns Hopâ€" kins Hospital, Baltimore, arrived home last Wednesday tor a visit of three weeks witl her father and sisâ€" ter, King street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Stuart who have been _ spending their _ vacation with Waterloo friends, returned _ on Wednesday afternoon to their _ home in Columbus, O. Hearty congratulations and â€" good wishes on the arrival last Thursday, July 3rd, of a sweet wae baby dnugh-‘ ter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Pequegnat. ‘ Mr. Andrew Mcintyre _ of Toronto, formerly caretaker of _ the Watetloo Park spent thgaholiday renewing acâ€"! quaintances. He was the guest of his son Mr. Alliston Mcintyre. | Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cunninzham and son Rowe attended the Diamond Jubilee on Dominion Day at Barrie, where Mrs. Cunningham and _ Rowe will remain for a couple of months. Miss Anna R. Bean accompanied by Miss Emima L. â€" Bean, left for Chauâ€" taugua, N.Y., Tuesday morning where they will attend some of the â€"sumâ€" mer courses given there during July and August. Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Johannes and daughter Sybil of Chicago, III., visitâ€" ed with friends in town and left on Monday for Oliphant, where they will spend six weeks, Mr. John Wettlauler _ of Tavistock has returned to his home after visit ing at the home of his sister Mrs. Wns. McDougall. Dr. Augustus S. S. Vogt, _ leader of the Mendelsohn Choir of _ Toronto spent a few hours on Sunday at the home of‘Mr. W.G. Weichel, M.P. Al lan St. Miss Mavd Hilliard of Edmonton is spending the holidays at the _ home of her _ parents _ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hilliard. Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Snyder and Miss es Minnie and Florence Snyder _ left on Saturday _ on a three weeks auto mobile trip to Boston. end \{sit to Buflalo friends. Miss Gertrude Hawke has left on a two months‘ trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Bechtel left Sat urday for a several days visit in Oliâ€" Mrs. W. P. Zick and som Fred < of Stratford are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Zick, Willow St. Mr. Melvin _ Brown, Crediton, is visiting friends in the Twinâ€"City for a few days. The results of the games played on the bowling green on Wednesday evepâ€" ing for the Seagram Trophy are as follows: C.H. Kochler ...._18% S.B. Bricker. 11 J. Ufielman .,..._17 C.W. Snider..16 Dr. Sterking ...._...16 F.G. Hughes.10 E.F. Seagram ....233 A.HM. Snyder..10 Geo. Colson won by default from C. Hemphill. Miss B. Woollams of Brantford is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. L anz, Menno St. Mr. Eldon Burn, of Crediton, is visiting at the home of his parents, Rev. E. Burn, who has been attendâ€" ing camp meeting near Mildmay, reâ€" turned home on Tuesday evening. A.C. Moyer .:. S.B. Bricker ... Dr. W.G. Sterling C. Hemphill .._.,.. G. Colson A.K. Snydet ... A.E. Sanderson J. UjZelman ... C.W. Snider ... â€" Mr. Eshleman was one of the charâ€" ter members of First Baptist Clfurch, Calgary, being one of ‘the severn who founded the church. ‘He has always been active in church work and was one of the pillars of the congregation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Eshleman â€" are held in the bighest regard for their kindness and hospitality, and won a firm place in the hearts not only of oldâ€"timers n the city, but _ among newcomers to Calgary, who came in contact with them, and to whom they acted the part of real friends. SEAGRAM BOWLING TROPHY GAMES Mrs. 1...J. Botham spent the week at her home in Brantford. The news of ‘Mr. Eshleman‘s death will be received with tile greatest re The following is the standing of the rinks in the bowling competition for the Seagram Tropby, up to July 2nd. of Calgary. W. R. Dick, the well Wednesday afternoon at 2 _ o‘clock, known broker of Vancouver, is a sonâ€" |June 25th, at the home of Mr. and inâ€"law. Mrs. J. F. Hollinger at Berlin The late Mr. Eshleman had lived in |when their daughter Clara M. . was Calgary for abont 28 years, and was |UNited in marriage to Mr. Weston C. widely known mot only in the city but |Battler, Rev. C. R. Tappert, pastor throughout the west, as his busiaess|Of St. Matthews Church, performing took him frequently on tours tHrougi}|the ceremony. They left on the 3.30 the west from Winnipeg to the coast. |train for Detroft, Grand Rapids and Mr. Eshleman was born in _ Berlin, |Other Western cities on a honeymoon Ontario, and came out to â€" Winnipeg |tTiP. On their return Mr. and Mrs. while still a young man, entering the| Weston C. Rattler will reside on 25 employ of the Ashdown _ Hardware M"‘f"‘!‘“;ï¬ Berlin. + conipany. Later he came to Calgary, & 20 h (z=â€"= and was with the Ashdown comp,tn; w * MoOD JDâ€"RAFFERTY for a while. He afterwards went in . $, .s 4* _« * to the piano business, in which ie ree| A very pretty July wedding . was mained till his retirement into priâ€"| held Wednesday. morning at 7 o‘clock vate life a few years ago. when W‘;‘"s'('fl"‘n! Mr. and _ ‘Mrs. E.W. Schmidt ... ... . The death occurred very _ suddenly this morning of Jacob B. Eshleman, of 126 Sixth avenue east, one _ of Calgary‘s oldâ€"timers. While Mr. Eshleman had been ailing for a couple of weeks, it was not, considered that his indisposition was serious, and the end came with the greatest unexpectâ€" edm»ss. Mr. Eshleman was in his 66th year. He is survived by a widow and one daugifter, Mrs. J. B. Paterson of Calgary. W. R. Dick, the well known broker of Vancouver, is a sonâ€" inâ€"law. The Calgary Daily Herald of June 27th contains the following obituary notice regarding the death of Jacob B. Eshleman, & brother of Mrs. T. Klippert, of this city, and a brotherâ€" inâ€"law of Mrs. J. k. Woiting, of Berâ€" in, and Mrs. Cyrus Eby, Waterloo. Koehlet WAS 12 to Won. Lost BFRLIN BOWLERS WERE DEFEATED a pound, MARKET WAS The market on Saturday was un usually well _ attended. The farmets were present in large numbers, owâ€" ing to the rain, causing them to stop haying for a few hours, which _ gave thera _ the opportunity to come _ to town. Simgles on _ their faces _ were numeroUs, as they wete quite jubilant over the sqaking which ‘the ground reâ€" ceived in Friday‘s downpour. Owing to the dry spell of the last few weexs, the crops of berries have been aflectâ€" ed, but Friday‘s rain, cane in tame to help the raspbetty crop. The _ price asked for eggs was 23c and butter 26¢ On Wednesday _ afternoon two tnks from Bertin paid a friendly visit to Waterloo, and went down to defeat by 9 points. Waterlon Berlin EF. Seagram .....24 Wâ€"D~ Eoler .12 A.C. Moyer ... 17 J.J.A. Weir 20 last week. Mr. Stewart is an old El mira boy and left for Michigan thirty six years ago and like many _ former Canadiars has made good in the land of his adoption. He holds a good poâ€" sition as manager of a large â€" factory in the furniture centre of America. Many: old Elmira friends of his father William Stewart will be pleased _ to leartn that he gnioys the best of health at the advanced age of seventyâ€"siXx years and up to a year and a half ago he worked athis ttade every lawiul day. He lives in Wisconsin. Mr. Donald Stewart of Grand Raâ€" pids, Mich., renewed old acquaintanâ€" ces in various parts of the County A very pretty July wedding was held _ Wednesday. morning at 7 o‘clock when flmz-llghfer:nl Mr. and _ ‘Mrs. «John _ Rafferty, _ Foundry St., Miss Marion, was united in wedlock to Mr. James McDermid, a former Waterloo boy. The bride was attended by Miss Emma Berges, while the groom was assisted by Mr. James Rafferty bro ther of the bride. Rev. Father Fisâ€" cher officiaterd. Mr. and Mrg» Rafierty left Wednesday motning for Coldheatst, :Alta., where they will take up their residence.‘ JEWETT â€" MACKAY. WELL ATTENDED ACQUAINTANCES ;'mmas WERE *\ DELIGHTED BY .« WATERLOO BAND 23 @ C. F. YUNCBLUT King St. Waterloo The result of the Bowling scores on Thursday night are as followsâ€" . A.E. Sanderson...18 C.W. Snider ..15 F.G@. Hughes ._, _.231 CH. Roos....13 Geo. Colson .......13 C.H. Koehler 7 E.F. Seagram ...29 J. Ufielman...19 The Waterloo Band, under the able leadership _ of Professor Paul, mainâ€" tained its proud reputation of being one of the best concert bands in Canâ€" ada. The finest selection â€" of the visiting band was the overture _ to "Willians Tell," which was rendered in a most delightful and avccomplished n#anner. ‘At the completion of the selection the prolonged outburst of â€" applause forced _ the band to give an _ encore, which proved to be a still greater hit, "Silver Threads Among the Gold‘ with Bandsman Eliis singing the words _ to the band accompaniment. it was a magnificent number. The soloist has a beautiful baritone voice which was heard to fine advantage in the open air. He was compelled by the plaudits to sing the chorus over a second time. ol BOWLING SGORES. For Good Footwear <a y King St., Waterloo. > â€" Phone 80 @ Lo=o¢==o OEIO °=°=°J ‘ On all Furniture and Rugs for the balance of this month. . is a Wonderful Display of Underâ€"priced Goode Hundreds of hqousekeepers in Waterloo, Berlin and surround::s vicinity have goodâ€"reason to remember of our past sales for they sa congiderably on every purchase. Come and inspectâ€"â€"â€"it will pay you handâ€" â€"_â€"_. _ BIG JULY II Furniture and Rug Sale : «++ §0 to . . . J. Letter & Son, pr 20 per cent. off Phone 103 k to ... We‘ve made special preparations to supply you with cool and comfortable wearing apparel Seeing the races _ in town, a fishing trip or motoring, we have the clothes that will make your day comfortable. Cool Neckwear, Hosiery, Unrderwear amd cool Outfiting kindsg. ds SPECIALâ€"50 dozen Shirts, some with soft collars, beautiful patterns, regular $1.25‘ and $1 50. this weels and Monday ...... 79¢ Two or three piece Sults, in serges, cheviots amd light â€" homeâ€" spuns, choice garments, beautifully tailored, $9.75, $12.50, ©15.00 BNO ...2:2010 wrrrisess crrvensess $20â€"00 $2.00, $3.00 be .....;.. ciccl....0. . Cool Shirts, some with soft collars, newest patterms, $1, $1.50 _Strzflrjngl Panama Iats, im all the correct shapes, Outfitting DETENBECEKS HOLIDAY "THE STORE OF QUALITY" ; King St. * k Waterloo y23" $1.00,