* 6 Momomei. Sn en en en t ¢ * .& V “% The Happenings at the County Seat Careâ€" & fully Summarized. Local and Personal i SITE FOR, NEW SANOL â€" is a herbal _ preparation maidefrom the formula of / a great German Scientist. _ It is a thoroughâ€" ly seientilic preparation. 1t may _ be used â€"with â€" perfect safety. 0 1 will quickly relieve kidney trouble, and all discases of the urinary tract. ~â€"â€"â€"t@ can sent Hiterature, â€" including â€" _ letters, from sulferers who have been curedâ€" which tell fully: what SANOL ~ ig and what it will do. Byâ€" law to be Submitted at Next Co uncil Meeting for Purchase, of Bowman Property $50,000 IS ‘AVAILABLE the Bowiman property, _ aud tifat the byâ€"law be submitted to the qualified ratcpayers. | The above resolution was passed at the speciat meeting of the City Counâ€" wil on Wednesday evening and appears to be the first move toward securing a site for the proposed Federal | aml new City Hall site in Berlin. Ald. Geo. Rumpel offered _ a â€" brief explanation of the purpose of the byâ€" Jaw. and it carried without _ Turther discussion. ‘He r’nindc-d the members that the option on the Bowman Hoâ€" tel property expires on _ August 3rd no>xt and‘it was necessary . to bave the byâ€"law submitted to the ratopayâ€" ers some time previous to that date. _ Ald. Rumpel added that the special committee, composed of Alds. Picper, Schwartz and himseff, had interviewâ€" inz the proposed site for the Federal buildings and _ discussed the proposiâ€" tion of joint federal and _ municipal buildings. ‘The Jocal representative expressed his personal approval of the sclieme and intimated that a ‘represenâ€" tative of the Mintster _ of Public Works _ would be in the city early mext week to logk over the proposed site and make his recommendation. If the Public Works department apâ€" proves of the site the $50,008 voted by the Government will be contributâ€" ed toward the cost of the property, which is valued â€" at $85,000, making tif> sum of $35,000 to be raised by Beriin. Sanol Cures Call Stones Quick relief _ is what the sufferer from Gall Stones begs and longs for, and auick rolief is | what _ SANOL, the great remedy for Gall Stones, and all uric acid discases, will _ quickly aford. Moved by â€" Alds. _ Geo. Rumpel and Joilh 8. Schwartz, that leave be given the mover and seconder to introduce a byâ€"law at the next regular ‘meeting of Council, July 7th, to authorize the issue of deâ€" bentures to raise the _ necessary money to take up the option ,on SANOL relieves and cures the | dis cased organs and acts as an immedi ate strenzthener of weak kidneys, in flammad bladders, and other weak nesses of a like nature. â€" WPrice $1.50 per boitle, sold by all leading druggists \TIHIE SANOL MANUFACTURING ©fL LTD. WINNHPEG, MANX. Josephâ€" Brimley of Simeoe: died of teart failure caused by the hbeat while at dinner in a Port Dover hotel. Note Our Prices of Special Ring Lock Fence. Probably you are not aware _ that an under gauge wire _ fence in _ the RING LOCK STYLE is being offered by some firms at a less price than the regular heavy gauge fence. faâ€"order to meet _ competition _ on this style of fence we ate prepared to fill all orders where _ this particulat kind of fence is desired. _ Remember, it is only made of the 9} gauge wire instead of the regilat No 9 gauge. We recommend our brand of RING LOCK FENCE SUPERIOR to any thing clse oficred _ in this style of make. QUR LOW PRICES. Xe. 9, 48 in. at pet rod .......2 2%¢ No. 8, 46 in, at per rod ... 270 No. 7, 44 in., jat per rod ......... 25¢ oUR LOW PRICES. Xe. 9, 48 in. at pet rod .......2 2%¢ No. 8, 46 in, at per rod ... 27¢ No. 7, 44 in., jat per rod ... 25¢ We also. stock a POULTBY FENCE 48®%in. high at a low price. And also all Ne 9 wire fence. Also Stock Coil Wire, No. 9 Steel and No. 9 Stecl _ Wire plain, â€" Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Staples, erc It will pay you to DEAL HERLE. PHONE 2317 Hardware Merchant Opp., City Hall Bei Mr.â€"W.â€"â€"G.â€"Weichel incoln B. Snyder oPP. CITY HALL Berlin jougism =| f%m'fxxo%ngmm § seseseceseeesecec0.0e08, ‘‘My busband â€" isn‘t loadedâ€" with whiskey any moreâ€"he doesn‘t want it and ~won‘t lookâ€"atâ€"it.â€"Lâ€"cannot. express my gratitude â€"â€"."‘ From a genuine letter among the scores. we can show you, proving absolutely Saved her Husband can be overcome by the NEAL 3 DAY TREATMENT. Call upon, ad dress ot phone The Neal Institute. 18 ST. ALBANS ST., TORONTO. TELEPHONE N. 2087. BERLIN PASTOR that the Mr. Geo.. E. Potter received . a tclegram this morning from his broâ€" thorâ€"in law, â€" Mr. Alex. E. Oberlander, ol Syracuse, N. Y., conveying the imâ€" teresting information tiht his . broâ€" ther, Rev. F. E. Oberlander, pastor oi St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, has received the degree of _ Doctor of !Di\'inity ai th> HMartwick Seminary. â€" Rev. Mr. _ Oberlander was honored by the jnvitation to deliver the . anâ€" nual Seminary sermon at Martwick last Sumday _ for the second _ time within a _ few | years. _ His _ many friends will congratulate Dr. _ Oberâ€" tander upon the homor conferred _ on |him by. the largest Lutheran educaâ€" dional &nstitution on the continent. The Cause of Rheuâ€" _ matism It is froquenily supposed that rheuâ€" matisin is brought on by _ cold and damp effects on the surface of _ the body, but this theory is wrong. Cold and damp only excites the discase that is settled in the blood. Rheuma tism is a blood discase and Rheums> is guarantced to remove the . cause amd enrich the blood so that uric acdd cannot exist. Rheume is a wonderful rheumatic cure. If you have rheuma fism in any form don‘t delay going to E.. M. Dévitt‘s drug store and get a Bt;ttlr of Rheume toâ€"day. $1.00 @ large bottle. Be sure to go to E: M. Devitt; other stores cannot supply WANTEDâ€"CGood Local Agent you Splendid list of. fruit and ornamental stock â€" forâ€" Fall detivery 1913 _ and Sprinc defivery 1914. Start at oace amdl â€" secute exelusive territory We supply handsome â€"free outhit and pay his:fst commissions,. Write for {ull particulars. STONF AND WELLINXGTON 1t onée, to represent the old and re liable _ FONTIHMILL _ NURSERIES ing _ on _ Wednesday evening Mayor â€" Euler informed _ tile Council that Tax _ Collector Huehnergard had submitted â€" a brief statement of the taxes outstanding since tile first in stallment was paid, _ which amounted to $4,188. The amounts for the . various wards were as follows: North $536; Centre $818; East $1373; South $747, and West $713. SHORTHORNS â€" T#wo Bulls one yeat old direct from impt. stock Tetnws and prices reasonable, Apply |..K.. Woebet, Mayor â€" Euler stated that considering the tightness _ of the money market and the inâ€" crease in assessment this year the report was a most gratiâ€" fying one â€" Last. 'year' the amount â€" of outstanding taxes on July 1st was $4,177, or about 11 less. RECEIVES THE We P nnepmones it. 1f he eannot supply v‘ the MARVEL, accept no * *~ other, but send stamp for Nlusâ€" trated book ~sealed. 1t gives full particulary and directions invalual 1HTORTIRENSDTY M EAro Pemm en enc cd particulars and durections invaluable _ t to ladics. W INDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont. General Acents for Canada, At the special Council meetâ€" IN THREE DAYS. D. D. DEGREE DRINK HABIT Toron o, Ontatio For Sale 27 Imos of a gold anedal as all round champion at ‘the Centennia) Pion, died at Hamilton, CENTRAL . BUSINESS COLLEGE Canada‘s Rest Business Collrge. We have thorough contses and comâ€" petent, experienced instructats, We do more for sur students and gradu ates than do other schools. At pres ent we have applications oficring from $607 to $1200 pet annum for trained help. Musiness men know where they get the best help. _ We have _ three depaartments, Commercial, Short â€" hand and Telegrtaphy. Get_our free catalogne I¢ A. MeLACIHLAN, Irving Washington ‘Johnston, winner "More Facts, More Evidence, More Truth, More Proof ' \Jist a sample of what will be done with J. Uffelmann‘s Stock. ; We’np going to get wonderful results froï¬: all over the east, all over ;l\e ww all over the south, all over the north, from Bargains so bigâ€"Prices so irresistableâ€"and goods so seasomableâ€"We feel it in our bones that you are going to swoop down $25,000 stock and make a clean sweep of it inside of the 30 days‘ time and the value we‘re giving warrants us in saying so. So nc duty by your purse here and bag ba.rgging‘tlmt will astonish you. â€" Come early in the day and come every day. â€" Each article liste ‘ bargain and represents a saving to you o rom 83} to 75 per cent. e A handsome Piano REMEMBER only 125 Keys left. Every purchase of $2.00 worth of goods gets a Key and the person having the key that unlocks the Piano WINS IT. Nce SWn Cmy ui S s NVs en an e e oo e en en aceremr ind na > the largest number of votes at end of eontest will receive a BEAUTIFUL RUG, size 3 x 4 yards absolutely P‘ree ol ‘The person having the second largest number of votes at end of contest will receive an ELEGANT 99 PIEC} and decorated) absolutely free of charge. The person having the third largest numbher of votes at end of contest will receive a LOVELY SILK DRE uf charge THESE AKE PRESENTS wWORTH WORKING FOR. See the Prizes in our Store Window. at our store this week. Only 125 Piano Keys left. with 2530 votes on the other prizes. Waterloo, Ont. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN WATERLOO, ONTARIO y$ Everything in this store at greatly Jacob Uffelmann‘s Store ACHLAN,. Principal The Goods Squealed when getting these Prices put on them Jacob Uffelmann, 10 pieces cotton stri d voile, reg. up to 3 5¢ per yd. R:r 19¢ 15 pieces plain and striped Linen, reg. _ _ 35¢ per yd., sale price _ _ 19c 1 piece striped Voile, reg. 40c per yd:, sale price _ . _ â€"~15C¢ 10 pieces fancy Muslin, reg. 20c per yd., sale price 11c 10 pieces black, navy and white Musâ€" _ lins, reg. 20c per yd, sale price | _ 11c Plain colored cotton Voile, reg. 20c : per yd., sale price 11c F WA $450. IN PRIZES TO BE CIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE xtra Bonuses of Vote given on certain articles all this week. Pag Cor. King and Scott Sts. e [THE SENTS‘ FURNISHINCG EMPORIUM] i 0000000000000000000000 RO00000008000¢¢e0008000e. Be in the Parade and Follow the Crowd to VOTING CONTEST BROADWAY Brand Clothim« for men. BROADWA Y Novelties. in ‘Tirs, etc. Phitâ€"EKesi: Hats in stra® ond felt. ‘_u"‘“ % w.o(G. w Ro Shirts and Collarts. Leather Label Overails . and Smoeks. * Defiance Brand Work Shirts, etc. ‘These Brands constitutg a site foundation for a snecessful business . ' reatly reduced prices. If you have not been here, come right now. 10 votes for every cent of your purchase Who will be the lucky one? Every person purchasing $2.50 worth of goods gets a key and will be credited RUG, size 3 x 4 yards absolutely PFree of charge. s itest will receive an ELEGANT 99 PIECE FULL DINNER SET (glt represent EN 50 pieces new Print, just arrived, reg. up to‘ 12 1â€"2¢ per yd. for . * 8ic 100 yds. white striped and spot Musâ€" ~ lin, sale price per yd. 5¢ Ladies® white cotton night dresses, 39c¢, 59c and 79c. _ Ladies‘® white underskirts, at 59c¢c, 79¢ and 98c. Special 300 white lawn embroidered waists, beautiful designs and upâ€"toâ€"date, reg. 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00 for 79c and 98c. These el it in our bones that you are going to swoop down on this great value we‘re giving warrants us in saying so. So now then do your in the day and come every day. Each article listed herewith is a receive a LOVELY SILK DRESS LENGTH absolutely free waists will surely please you. one vote for Lines 1c to $1.00. Fish Poles, etc. . Big Stock of minnow for bass and other fishes. _ Everything for the Fisherman. King Street each one cent of purchase and the person having MRS. |. DOERSAM . A. BALMER, Sales Manager. Fishing T ackle Waterloo