The biggest General Store Advertisement ever +Published This Store closes every Wednesday afternoon at 1 o‘clock Chiidren‘s readyâ€"toâ€"wear wash goods such Buster Suits and Dresses at a Big reduction. Lace Curtains reg. up to 75¢. for â€" Special Lace Curtains at â€" â€" 50 Rugs all sizes in Tapestry, Brussels, etc.: at duced prices as example, a $10.00 Rug for â€" Reg. $15.00 Rug for â€" â€" â€"oâ€" 500 yards Lace and Trimming to go at 2¢ a yd Mills, Factories, Importing Houses, Jobbers and Mercantile Agents have se pependable merchandise, the most wanted goods to be sacrificed at oneâ€"fourth to Everybody should avail themselves of this opportunity. _ ‘This stock is not only makes in Canada bat also famous for its expert sclection and its newest and clean miss this sale. _ J. A. Balmer conducts the largest institution of its kind in the wo large warehouses and auction rooms, and holding contests and sales in over 250 tc few prices to show what extraordinary bargains are to be haJ. â€" It will pay you t Grand Prize Contest & Clean Sweep Sale mc EPREE ie | To alil who read this, to those at present our l'riends,. and to the many hundreds whom we trust will 1 personal invitation to be present on Opening Day, Thursday, June 26th, at 9 a. m. _â€"_â€"_â€" CGlean Sweep Sale "‘Wfn>" $25,000 worth of the best Dry Goods, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Groceries, etc.* Sale Positively Opens Thursday, June 26th at 9 a.m. olsc‘ C oo oc cS GILT AND DECORATED â€"~1.0vCIy D1ilk LDTCSS L°engUtn absolutely free of charge. â€"This would look nice on your floor or room. absolutely free of charge. ‘This would decorate your table. absolutely free of charge. This would look beautiful The votes are transferable and if you are not interested in securing one of the prizes, you can assist a friend to secure one. Our object is to interest you in our store. _ W chance to show you that you can do better here than elsewhere. We do not expect to recover the heavy expense of this contest through a greater percentage of profit but th difference in volume of business. We expect the increase to more than r‘egg us, and in the future we shall endeavor to give you EVEN MORE for your money than we have in We solicit your patronage solely through the merits of our goods and LO R PRICES. » \ The person having the largest number of votes at end of contest will receive a Who will win the Piano? This Gigantic Sale includes every article in the f big store == j Handsome Rug, size 3 x 4 yds. Only 450 Keys Left. LISTEN We will credit votes with every purchase at our store. These votes represent one vote for each one cent of purchase. Dry Goods To make this contest and sale,.o'f ours an event to be talked about, we will give away ABSOLUTELY FREE 1st Prize THIS IS POSITIVELY THE BIQGQEST MERCHANDISE EVENT EVER KNOWAN. Not what we say here but the values themselves will shout the loudest for this sale. THREE HANDSOME PRIZES "* â€" $7.98 â€" â€" $9.98 at greatly reâ€" as Blouses, 39¢ â€" _ 89c¢ We can save you money and we are here ready to prove it Jacob Uffelmann REMEMBER: 5o Children‘s Hats, reg, $1.50 to 2.50 for 50 Ladies‘ Hats, reg. $3.50 to 4.50 going at 25 Ladies‘ Hats, reg. $4.50 to 8.50 going at $298 to _ _ L K 8 Railroad fare paid both ways to outâ€"ofâ€"town buyers for a radius of 50 miles to all purchasers of $25.00 and over. | tile Agents have sent special selections _of high grade d at oneâ€"fourth to oneâ€"half less than regular prices. stock is not only famous because it is of the finest s newest and cleanest stock. If you value money dan‘t [ its kind in the world, operating 60 different stores and sales in over 250 towns in Canada. Below we quote a It will pay you to come a hundred miles to visit this All shapes, flowers, foilage going at Sacrifice Prices. JUST A LITTLE GINGERIZED GRIT AND YOU WIN Millinery FREE TRIP TO WATERLOO AND RETURN There are thousands of articles that space will not allow us to mention which will be sold on the sime basis listed above. _A sale that will astonish and bewilder. Be sure and visit this sale of marvel and truth. The person having the second largest number of votes at end of contest will receive a AN INVIT ATIQON â€" Beautiful 99 piece full Dinner Sett 2nd Prize $3.98 98c $1.98 > * â€" â€" G s | »wwcome so by reason of our gcod#,our prices, methods and our principles, to all whom this message reaches we extend a most cordial and l Boys‘ 2 picce Suits regular $2.50 to 3.00 going at * = = = Boys‘ 2 piece Suits regular $3.50 to 4.50 soing at > a § L 10 doz. Men‘s Balg. and Mar. Underwear for â€" Men‘s Fancy Neg. Shirts, reg. 75¢. for _ _« _ â€" Men‘s Stiff and Soft Felt Hats, reg. $2.50 to 3.00 * for > â€" s e @ 100 Men‘s, Boys‘ and Children‘s Straw Hats at Sacrifice 2 Prices. This tremendous sale POSITIVELY begins Thursday, June 26th, at 9 a.m., and closes in 30 days ouly. As this sale will only last 30 days everything will go rapidly. ‘This is the first sale of its kind ever held in Waterloo and it may never occur again. To prove what tremendous sacrifice will be made we mention a few of the extraordiâ€" nary bargains that there may be no mistake and you get exactly the goods mentioned in this documecnt. REMEMBER no postponement. _ This entire stock must and will be sold out in thirty days only, beginning © Men‘s Furnishings Thursday, June 26th at 9 a. m. Everything Ready. Come. The Sensation of the day! Waterloo 3 Ontario and must be sold out in 30 dhgs only â€" $1.50 ‘ $1.98 NOW ON EXHIBITION AT OQOUR STORE $1.59 The person having the third largest number of votes at end of contest ~â€"â€" will receive a" The Wonder of the â€"Lovely Silk Dress Length ‘Boys‘ 3 picce Suits regular $3 50 to 4.00 going at â€" â€" =â€" â€" Boys‘ 3 piece Suits regular $4.50 to 5.50 going at : â€" + = Boys‘ Suits; long pants, sizes 28 to 33, regular _ #$5.50 to 7.50 going at $3.98 and _ â€" s Men‘s Suits, regular $7.50 to 8.50, going at » & Men‘s Suits, regular $12.00 going at â€" c Men‘s Suits, regular $10.00 going at â€" a SPECIALâ€"Men‘s Fawn Waterproof Coats, Reg. up to 10.00 for $5§5.98 interest you in our store. We want a er percentage of profit but through the or your money than we have in the past. to whom you want your votes credited. See the PRIZES now on exhibition at our s‘ore. WATCH the Bulletins showing how the contestants stand. Save your checks during this contest. Hand them in to the office every week and mark on envelope Save Your Checks 3rd Prize Cotton Cashmere All Colors, 106@ yard. Due notice will be given when Contest Closes Clothing hour! $2.68