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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Jun 1913, p. 6

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5. For the purpose of paving th,{(‘f\unril (‘hgmhor in the Towh bf amount due in each of the said years | Watrtloo, this day of for principal and interest in respect | 1913. of the said debt, there shall bo TAIS@M | ... .........., L.2l....0..0.00000002 ilsce l and levied in each vyear durine the| Mavor. eurrency of the said debohtUure® &hC |...........2, l22.2...2.00000000000 sc ic .0l gum of $1326.68, by a special rate sulâ€" | â€" Clerk. ficient thercfor, on all the mtmhlo, . property in the said Town of Waterâ€" NoTICE. loo, provided however that §f tho| TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing said M. 11. Montag and A. L. Dantzer iis a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law shall pay the said annual instaliments | which has been taken into comsideraâ€" of $1326.68, which shall be pavyable tion and which w§ll be finally passed to the said Corporation as hereinâ€"‘by the Municipal Council of the Corâ€" before mentioned, the _ said in«!anâ€"'ymratum of the Town of Waterloo in ments so paid in cach year, shall be‘ the event of the assent of the elecâ€" applied in paying the amount due in tors being oblained thereto, after one 4. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and shall be issued within Bwa years after the day on _ which this Byâ€"law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years and shall be payable within ten _ years after the time when the same â€" are Assued. 3. For the purpose aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the Town of Waterloo and he is _ hereby required to issue ten debentures _ of the Town of Waterloo to the amount wf ‘Ten Thousand Dollars, which said @ebentures shall bear interest at the rate of five and ome half per cent.. per annum, payable yearly, and shall be signed by the Mayor of the Town of Waterloo _ and by the Treasurer Xhereof, and .the Clork shall attach thereto the Corporato Sceal of the said Municipality. . ‘ 2. That in order to aid the said M.â€" H.â€"Montagâ€"andâ€"A.â€"T.â€"Dantzer to establish the said business as aforeâ€" said, a loan of Ten Thousand Dollars shall be granted by the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to the said M. H. Montag and A. L. Dantzer, such loan to be repayable by the said ME H. Montag and A. L. Dantzer to the Corporation of the Town of Watâ€" erloo in ten equal, annual, consecuâ€" tive installmentsâ€"of $1326.68 each, the said &nstallments being the aggregate amount payable in cach of the _ said ten years for principal and interest at the rate of 51 per cent., per annum, in respect of the said_loan, the first of such installments to be paid _ in one year from the date on which the Uebentures hereinafter mentioned are Sssued, and the repayment of the said foan by the said M. H. Montagz and A. L. Dantzer to the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo, shall be securâ€" | ed by a Mortgage as hereinaiter proâ€" | 1. That the said M. fI. Montag and A. L. Dantzer shall _ be and hereby are granted exemption from all taxes upon the property, plant, machinery and stock in trade of the said M. H. Montag and A. L. Dantzer and â€" from mll taxes §n respect to business â€" asâ€" sessment excepting alwars _ County ratey School rate and local improveâ€" ment taxes, for the term of ten years from the passing of this byvâ€"law. ‘AND WHEREAS the amount _ of the existing dobenture debt _ of ihe said Corporation â€" (exclusive of s0cal improvement debts secured by special rates or assossments) is $275,002.92, and no part of the said principal or Anterest is in arrear. THEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo, enacts as follows: ‘AND WHEREAS the amount the whole rateable property of said municipality according _ to last revised assessment roll ~© said Municipality is the sum cf 824,800.00. tag and A. L. Dantzer to the Corâ€" poration of the Town of Waterloo in ten equal, consecutive annual installâ€" ments of $1326.68 each, being the agâ€" gregate amount payable in each â€" of Abe said ten years for principal and fnterest at the rate of five and oneâ€" half per cent., per annum in respect of the said loan. _ _OF "QUALITY MATRESS cori @00 when the said M. H. Montag agd PANY." A. L. Dantzer shall have executed and delivered to the Corporation â€" of WHEREAS M. H. Montag and A.|the ‘Town of Waterloo an agreement L. Dantzet, trading under the name|it writing to carry on business as _@f Quality Mattress Company, proâ€"| Manufacturers of mattresses in said pose to establish the business of |factory for the term ol ten _ years, smanufacturing mattresses in the Town i@and to employ within one month after @f Waterloo, provided aid be given by |the completion of the said factory and khe said Town in the manner hereinâ€"|covstantly and continuously thereafter miter set forth. |during at least eleven months in each year for the said term of ten years, AND WHEREAS it is deemed adâ€" the services of not less than twenty Wisable to grant to the said M. H. daily employees in and about the facâ€" Montag and A. L. Dantzer exempâ€"|tOry so to be erected (excepting in tion from all taxes upon their propâ€" case of temporary interruption arisâ€" erty, machinery and stock in â€" trade|iD& from fires, stnkcs_ _or. unforeseen. and from allâ€" taxes in respect of busiâ€" |CaUSeS) ::fl in the building of . said mess assessment, â€" excepting _ county | ‘aCtOry in the carrying on _ of rates, school rates and local imâ€"| their business therein, to give a provement taxes for the term of ten|Preference to the residents of _ the years from the passing of this byâ€"law, ’Town of Waterloo when such can be and also to grant the said M. H.!@DPloyed or dealt with on terms mot Montag and A. L. Dantzer a loan of !¢sS advantageous than others. _ and &en thousand dollars upon the terms | °°C€ ;n each year if required by the and subject to the conditions hereinâ€"| Municipal Council of the said Town after mentioned. so to do. to prepare and to deliver * to such Council a statement showing AND WHEREAS for the purpose the names and numbers of workmen aloresaid it will be necessary for the'emplo_ved in and around the said facâ€" Corporation of the Town of Waterâ€"| toy, and when the said M. H. too to issue its debemtures for and to| Montag and A. L. Dantzer shall have create a debt to the amount nf $10,â€"|executed and delivered to the Corporâ€" 000.00 as heinafter mentioned, such @tion of the Town of Waterloo _ a debt and the debentures to be jssum'mortgage securing as a first charge therefor to be made payable in ten|UPOM all their lamds in the Town of years at the furthest from the day on | Waterloo, the repayment of the said which the said debentures shall be|loan with interest at five and one Essued. half per cent., per annum, at _ the times and in the manner hereinbefore AND WHEREAS;the said loan is to | set out, such mortgage to _ include be repayable by the said M. II Monâ€" said factory and all other buildings tag and A. I.. Dantzer to the Corâ€"|on said lands, and to contain _ the poration of the Town of Waterloo in|usual power of sale on default, and ten equal, consecutive annual installâ€"|the usual insurance clause for the full ments of $1326.68 each, being the agâ€" |insurable value of the said factory, gregate amount payable in ecach ol |the said loan of $10,000.00 shall be the said ten years for principal and paid over to the said M. H. Montag fnterest at the rate of five and onceâ€" |and A. L. Dantzer, by the Treasurer half per cent., per annum in respect |of the said Town of Watetloo, or in of the said loan. . |case the said M. H. Montag and A. AND WHEREAS for the purpose aforesaid it will be necessary for the Corporation of the Town of Waterâ€" too to issue its debemtures for and to create a debt to the amount nf $10,â€" 000.00 as heinafter mentioned, such debt and the debentures to be issued therefor to be made payable in _ ten years at the furthest from the day on which the said debentures shall be Town of Waterioo Byâ€"Law No. @f Quality Mattress Company, proâ€" pose to establish the business of manufacturing mattresses in the Town ‘d‘_ Waterloo, pxovide_d aid be given by WO GRANT aID TO M. H. MONâ€" TAG AND A.L. DANTZER, TRADâ€" ING UNDER THE FIRM {AME of the the the | 11. That the Mayor of the said Town shall attend at the said Council ! Chamber on the fifth day of July, i1913, at eight o‘clock p.m., to apâ€" |point persons to attend at the varâ€" ious polling places and the final sumâ€" ‘ming up of the: votes by the â€" said '(‘lork respectively on behalf â€" of © the ‘persons interested in and promoting ‘or opposing the passage of this Byâ€" law respectively. Finally passed after the assent of the ratepayers by threeâ€"fourths of all the members for the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Town of Waterloo at the Council Chamber in the Towh bf Waterloo, this day of 1913. 10. That the Clerk of this Council shall sum up the votes given for and against this Byâ€"law at the Council Chamber, Waterloo, on the eighth day of July, 1913, at the hour of â€" one o‘clock in the afternoon. For the West Ward (Polling subâ€" divisions Nos. 7 and 8 united), at the Police Court Chamber in the Town Hall. Mr. Geo. B. Schneider, Deputy Returning Officer. For the South Ward (Polling subâ€" divisions 5 and 6 united) at L. F. Dictrich‘s office, King street. Mr. Louis F. Dictrich, Deputy Returning Officer. For the East Ward (Polling subâ€" divisions Nos. 3 and 4 united), _ at William Hogg‘s office, Mr. William Hoge, Deputy Returning Officer. II‘da}"’ of July, 1913, from the hour of Inine o‘clock in the forencon to five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same Iday and at the places and by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinaiter speciffed. that is to say:â€" For the North Ward (Polling subâ€" divisions Nos. 1 and 2 united) at Harmonie Hall, King street, Mr. Adam Ufielmann, Deputy Returning Officer. . _8. This Byâ€"law shall take cfiect on the day ofi the finat passing thereof. 9. ‘The votes of the qualified elecâ€" tors of the said Town of _ Waterloo shall be taken on this Byâ€"law by bal lot, pursuant to the Consolidated Muâ€" nicipal Act, on Monday the _ seventh , 7. No purchaser of any of the said debentures shall be bound to see the application of his purchase money or be liable for the misapplication â€" or nonâ€"application ~thereof, but every . such purchaser shall upon receiving possession of, any of the said debenâ€" tures and pa_\'igg the price agteed upâ€" on therefor, be and be held to be the actual and bona fide owner and holder thereof, and he shall not be afiected by any of the provisions and condiâ€" tions in this byâ€"law contained. I.. Dantzer after execution of the said mortgage require from time to time advances on account of the factory to be erected as aforesaid, the Treasurer of the said Town of Waterloo is hereâ€" by instructed and authorized, upon a certificate from the Town Engineer as to the cost of the buflding, to adâ€" vance to them oneâ€"half the amount so certificd by the Town Engineer. ol a site and erection of a factory in the said Town of Waterloo, and shall also have equipped the factory with machinery for which they shall have actually paid not less than $2,000.00, each of the ‘said years for ~principal and interest as aforesaid. 6. That forthwith after the said M. H. Montag and A. L. Dantzer shall have expended the sum of not less than $13,000.00 in the purchase age » 4 +9. D uNed + i 5 £ 9 ze *> +# The Canadian Wontn‘s Press (Club concluded theit business at Edmonton by electing officers and left on a trip to Jaspet Park. PARISTANX Sage is not a dye.s It does not contain a particle of poisonâ€" ous lead to discolor the hair or any injurious ingredient. Get a bottle toâ€"day. It only casts half a _ dollat and is sold at _ drug stores _ and toilet _ counters everyâ€" where.â€"E. M. Devitt guarantees it. Every ‘woman _ should use PARISâ€" IAN Sage not only to banish dandâ€" ruff and other head troubles, but to prevent faMing hair, baldness, grayâ€" ness, and â€" fading hair. PARISIAN Nage puts life and lustre into any person‘s hair. It keeps the scalp and hait immaculately clean, and causes the hair to come in thick and abunâ€". dant. \ If you haven‘t enjoved the marvelâ€" ous benefit derived from using _ reâ€" {reshing PARISIAN Sage, the modâ€" etn hair grower, beautifier and dandâ€" rult remedy, you have missed a real treat,. NO POISONOUS SUGAR OF LEAD OR SULPHUR IN DELIGHTFUL, REFRESHING PARISIAN SAGE. PARISIAN SAGE STARTS HAIR GROWING AND INCREASES ITS ABUNDANCE. total $112.05 Carried Moved by Mr. Letson and Mr. Koch, that this Council do now adjourn to mect again at _ the Council Chamber, ConeSstogo, on Tuesday the 8th _ day of July, next, at 9 o‘clock a.m. Ienry Shantz, concrete tile ......10.10 Emil Umbach, grader tongue... .. 4.00 J.11. Schmidt, work ... ........... 3.00 Philip Beisel, wire fence bonus..15.00 W.J. Snider, fees, eight awards W..J. Letson, plank .............13. Jos. ThomaS, work ... ....l2. 4+ Chas. Scheutz, weork and material Ezra A. ForAf.8D... /.......c..c... 42.0 Byron Letso: eofrege: sncruicicse 9. Carried. Moved by T and Mr. Brgdâ€" haecker, that the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve _ grant his orders for the several amounts:â€" Sawyer Massey Co., repairs _ ..$5.00 Canadianâ€"Express C043 65 Moved by Mr. Letson and Mr. Brodâ€" hascker, that the _ Assessors be paid as follows and thatâ€"the Reeve grant his ordets for the same:â€" Sol. Koch, Chairman. Moved by Mr. Weber and Mr. I2tâ€" son, that the report of the Court of Revision and Appeal on the _ Assessâ€" ment Rolls be adopted.â€"Carried. We, your Court of Revision ,â€" and Appeal on the Assessment Rolls for the year 1913, have examined the said rolls and considered the appeals of .Joseph Ridet and Robert _ Chalâ€" mers, and recommend that the rolls be adopted as made and returned by the Assessors. Aiter transacting the business beâ€" fore the court, the â€" Council resumed and the chairman presented the folâ€" lowing report. y To the Reeve and Council: Moved by Mr. Brodhaecker and Mr. Weber, that this Council now _ form themselves into aCourt of Revision and Appeal, on the Assessment rolls for the current year, and that Mr. Sol Koch act as chairm@an.â€"Carried. ‘The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Woolwich met at Conestogo, on Monday the 2nd. day of June 1913, pursuant to adjournment from _ last sessiqn. All the members present., The Reev in the chair. The minutes of the previous session wete read and adopted. LUSTROUS HAR wWOOLWwICH _ COUNCIL PROCCEDâ€" INGS. as a leaseholder on the last revised assessment roll for the municipality and has covenanted to pay all muniâ€" cipal taxes in respect to the property leased, other than taxes assessed for local improvements, and whose lease extends for the period of time within which the debt is to be contracted, must at least ten days preceding the day fixed for voting, file in the Office of the Clerk of the Municipality a Statutory Declaration stating _ that the lease meets the above requireâ€" ments, otherwise the names of leaseâ€" holders neglecting to file such declaraâ€" tion shall not be placed on the votâ€" ers‘ list for such voting. ‘ TAKE FURTHER NQTICE that any person who is, or whose wife is leaseholder of real property within the MunicipalMty of sufficient value to entitle him to vote and who is rated month from the first publication thereâ€" of ”i: the 's&ho-d ch.:hb-'rdr gr newspaper, publicaâ€" tion being on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1%13, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed, for takâ€" ing the votes of the electors, the polls will be held. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clerk. W.J. SNIDER Clerk. 40.00 13.80 16.50 ; Briefs.â€"Mrs.. A. Newstead called on Mrs. Fisk one day last weeckâ€" Mrs. ’.Jamos Taylor spent a morning last week with Nrs. James Sherif.â€"WMiss Ruth Brydon of Guelph is home _ for ber summer holiday.â€" The birthday party of the Mission Band was held at the home of Mrs. John Pringle on Saturday afternoon last.â€"MÂ¥ss Grace Pinderâ€"is visiting friends in Gialt â€" Mr. Herbert Jackson spent Saturday last with Mr. Jack Tuck at Niagara Falls.â€"The Misses Cleghorn and Fisk spent the week end with the former‘s sister, Mrs. Jot Tuck at Niagara Falls.â€" Mrs. Peter _ Andetson _ and daughter of Guelph spent the week ene with Mrs. John Pringle. â€" Miss Ethel Tuck of (Gueiph spent Sunday at her home here.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Johr Tieck spent Sunday with the Istter‘s sister in Iespeler.â€" Messrs. Clintor and Hudson Strickland _ of _ Berlin spent Sunday with their sistor! Mrs. Will Taylor.â€"Mrs. _ John l-:,‘ Wolie and daughter Jean spent Sunâ€" dav in Gnelph.â€"Miss Annie â€" Putzer spent Monday in Berlin â€"Tlie Messts Brohmans of Berlin spent. Sunday at their home hefe.â€" Mr. Duniope _ of (iwelph took charge of the service on Sunday evening last. |_ _ Personal.â€"Mr. Addison Bender _ of Listowel and Mr. Aaron Snyder of Wallace .spent a few days in _ Elmira and ‘Berlinâ€"Rev. HJ. Dorrsch attendâ€" Â¥d the annual Sunday school convenâ€" tion held at Ayton by the Evancelical Association.â€"Mr. and Mrs. . W. E. Robinson _ M.P.P. of Sask., residing in Regina were guests at the home of his brother E.L. Rabinson last week. His many old friends were pleased to meet him and to congratulate him on his success in the West, having becn a former Wallace boy. 6 a very large and well equipped show.â€" â€"The work on the new school in S.S. No. 3 is progressing rapidly, the cement work is about ecompleted an1 the _ brick _ work will be commenced shortly. | The Mt. Pleasant Methodist church I will be open °_ for services as usual on Sunday next, having been _ closed for a Sunday, owing to the smallâ€" l pox‘scare.â€"Mr; _ Thomas Moore, comâ€" | menced his duties as mail carriet from Gowanstown on Monday last. For some reason or othor the route of travel on the Gowanstown route has been changed from the contract â€"and now goes West first instead of East. The patrons on the Eastern diwisions farc issatisfied over the change and !lnnépetitioned the authorities _ the to Teave thg» route as set forth in the contrg@@®" â€" advertising for tenders.â€" ‘ mail route from Wallace P. 0. 4o . CGowanstown _ no longer cxsists.‘ is bas been a reguiar _ route ful“ amafÂ¥ years and the change will Seem strang®aaiter so ‘many years of _ reâ€" gular ser®e.â€"Mr. Henry Hemsworth and M.I. Adolph attended the annual meeting of the North Perth Farmers‘ Institute in Milverton on Monday last at the reâ€"election of officers. Tha, above _ named were elected President and Sec=Treas. â€"ros pectively < with Mr. R. Armstrong of Woodstock as| Viceâ€"Pres.â€" Quite a number _ from this section went to Stratford on Saturday last to see the Barnum ‘& Bailey circus, and report it to _ be Whily the writer. believes in the greatest precaution being taken in order to prevent theâ€" spread of the dreaded disease, he fails to see the advantage _ in circulating statements that are absolutely without foundaâ€" tion. of our country entirely ignorant _ of the fact that they had been at places where the smallâ€"pox then â€" existed. Some schools and churches have been disinfected, others closed. The _ reâ€" ports that have been circulated about the affected ones have been exaggerâ€" ated. Your correspondent has been in communication with some of the supâ€" posed worst cases by telephone â€" and knows the facts. In nearly every inâ€" stance, the reports should _ be reâ€" duced about fifteen tims. It has been _ reported that your corresponâ€" was under quarantine â€" which stateâ€" ment is absolutely false. Smallpox â€" scare.â€"Wallace township has been in a state of more or less undue excitement as a result _ of the smallâ€"pox scare. Several homes _ are quarantined and more in the adjoininz township of Maryborough. That the disease is of a most mild form â€" is quite evident from the fact that no one is or has been very ill. The preâ€" vailing opinion is that it is more chicken pox than smallâ€"pox. Some three months have passed since the disease was first noticedâ€"and were it the real smallâ€"pox there is noâ€"telling as to where it might have ended. Even as it is, many had been going to the places under quarantine not knowâ€" ing that a contagious disease of any kind existed there, and have been travelling over the length and breadthâ€" Items of Interest.â€"The anxiety on the part of the farmers and _ others caused by the prolonged drought, was relieved on Sunday lul%t last by the copious showers. While the showers were heavy the parched soil very, readily _ absorbed them. The benefit at this particular time will mean much to the country, as crops ef all kinds were about at a standstill. \ Mosboro rich in color. Sageine is not a dve, |â€" These wonderful coverings are _ so toaso not sticky or sreacy and 9« |hafurc] in "appearance that detection daintily perfumed. . Mr. Eo M. Desiit ]|‘"* impossible. They are adjusted | so is agent in Waterloo for Sagzeine, . j _ sccutely, to any head, that they ean large botte at a _ moderate _ price "ot come of, except at the wearer‘s awaits you there. Other stores dow‘"t Wish. They will give you a â€" youns have it, e [, 3 _( , j |,; and soitening expression to the face. it is not stheay or treacy and daintily. perfumed. . Mr. Eo MlO is agent in Waterloo for Sazein large bottle at a â€" modertate The above picture of Miss _ Ruth Rector of New York is taken > from lifeâ€"and is on the label and carton of every genuine bottle of Sageine hair tonic. it is a guarantee of quality and excellence and we urge our | patâ€" rons to be sure to look for ThXÂ¥s. I@hel. Sageine is gnaranteed to â€" stop _ the hair {rom falling out, to cure . danâ€" druli in two weeks and to bring fife and beauty into coarse unattractive bair. Sageine brings out the natural bearittes of the hair and makes it rich in color. Saseine is not a dve |WHERE TO FIND «Jr. 3rd.â€"Livea _ Martin, _ Magdalene Weber, Margaret Fenton, (Gertie Wepâ€" pler, Lydia Hansen, Waltee _ Knatr, Gerald Struck, Alice Koch, Aby Doetrr. _ Sr. 2nd.â€"Matie Kienzle, Lyâ€" dia Ann Weber, Annie Uill, â€" Gertic Scherer, Irven Dahmer, Milton â€" Wieâ€" land and Tfermine Hansen, equal, Emâ€" anuel Pelion, Lowina Freeman. JF. 2nd.â€"Salome Musselnain, THilda Koch Florence Ebel, Oliver Wright, Angus Martin. ust Briefs.â€"A song service will be givâ€" en in the Evangelical Church next Sunday evening, June 22nd, by â€" the combined choir of the St. Jacobs and Waterloo Evangelical churchss. Everyâ€" body curdially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. _ Washburn of Hespeler spent afew days with their son Mr. Simcoe Washburn.â€"Mr. _ and _ Mrs. Strory of Flmira spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hoellin King St.â€"â€" Mrs. Ingold and son Russell of New llam-; burg spent a few days with her mothâ€" j er, Mrs. Messner.â€"Mrs. G. Good and| Miss Good were week end visitors to Berlin.â€"Miss Ethel Reynolds and Mr. Harold Reynolds are spending a few weeks vacation with friends in _ Lonâ€" don.â€"Miss Murat, of Mildmay spent a week with ber sister Mrs. Welker.â€" }Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oberholtzer _ and family spent Sunday with friends _ in Berlin.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Henrich and familyâ€"spent a feweâ€"days â€" wi friends in Berlin.â€"Mrs. Messuer and her sister Mrs. Motz of Crediton are spending a few weeks vacation â€" with friends in Rochester.â€"Mr. and _ Nrs. Snyder and family of ‘Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gingrich.â€"X i k Conestogo St. Jacnbs THIS GRL C.I1. Becker Principal Wesley Koch. GENTLEMFN (WIHIO AREKE BALD) protect and adorn your bald head with human hair. Pn order to have a conception <of the wondertiul achieveâ€" ment in the art of hair constructing, every bald man should call and _ see the larce saimple stock of "HAR TOUPEES {.\‘D FULL, wWIGs" which _ Prof. Dorenwend _ wiil ho show ing. These wonlertul rocerinee ara aon to replace hair on the heads of â€" Laâ€" dies and Gentlemen, who have _ lost their hair. By his beautiful, natural hair constructions, which are known all over the world. EVERY WOMANX "LADIES®" do not miss this Opportunity. _ See his TRANSFORMATIONS, _ SWIPDâ€" Angton visited with relatives in town on Taesday of last week.â€"Quite a number from towa and vicinity atâ€" tended the Shantz reâ€"union held at Berlin on Tuesday June _ 10, 1913.â€" The concert conducted by Mr. _ J. W. Bengough of Toronto, under the ausâ€" pices of the Literary society on Wednesday evening of last week was a very successful aflair and was highâ€" ly appreciated by a fair sized auâ€" dience.â€"Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Aus and son Ivan of Plainville spent â€" the week end with friends in towa and vicinity.â€"Quite a numater from _ town and community attended the combinâ€" ed annual picnic of The South Waterâ€" loo Farmers‘ Institute and the Woâ€" mens‘ Institute, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex _ McDonald, east of here, on ‘Tuesday p.m. of last week. All report a pleasant outinr.â€" A large number from Wére have beon in attendance at the New _ Mennonite Campâ€"Meeting, hxld in Berlin during the past week.â€"Mr. Isaac HMiltorn of,| Elmira .was a busin»ss visitor to town on Tuesday.â€"Mr. .J.C. lallman left on Tuesday for _ Acadia \'alley.‘ Alta., where he will spend several weeks with relatives.â€"A number from. town and vicinity attended : the Barâ€" num & Bailey circus at Berlin on ! Monday.â€"Rev. Mr. Strachan of Galt accupied â€" the pulpit of the Baptist: Church on Sunday psorning and _ deâ€" livered an excelleut discourss to | a< large and appreciative audience.â€"Rev ant Mrs. A.F. Stoltz, spent th» week | end with relatives and friends in Berâ€"| lin.â€"Rev. .J.N, Norton, spent _ .Sunâ€", dav‘in Galt. ? Bricfs.â€"Mr. _ Carroll _ a former up to h>r home on teacher of Crosshill now a student at accompanied _ ther Toronto University »called on friendsSaturday in Berlin News Notes.â€"Mrs. A. Linton of (Guelph and Mrs. W. Robson of Washâ€" Dorenwend‘s Sanitary Patent Toupee Phillp H. McMillan, Frzs. A. A. Schantz, Viceâ€"ives. and Gen‘l Mor. KAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:â€"Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Bufislo and Petrnit and Cleveland will be honored for trumsportation on D. & C. Line Steamers in cither direction. Send 2 cent stamp for Iusir ted Pamphist aâ€" d Groot Lakes Map. Address: L. G. Lewis, . D. A. Deton, Miicn. Clevelard April 1 Detroit and Clevel: Crosshill Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company ,ll)‘ (’ ‘\"- "‘"‘"J: s w"&l“ a ieveâ€" £ : ?,t" ling, % % o’ ser it & if oyif ce op / r\"{ x A" ib $ Prof. Dorenâ€" wend, of Toronto is Coming to THE WALPER HOUSE BERLIN, ON FRIDAY. JUNE 20th Laâ€" AND MAN, can be made to America‘s Greates Hair â€" Goods Artist The Walper House, Beriin, Friday, June 20th. brii 1 FREE DEMONSTRATION ds EXTEXDED TO ALL. | Come and CHES, WAVELETS, ~_ POMPAâ€" DOURS, FUELL WIGS, OURLS, etc. younger and have the natural proâ€" tection to the head, _ which means HEALTH, _COMFORT AND Goop APPEARANCE, Anticknap spent Sunday _ undet the Iparental ~ rooi.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Fred uJackson of Gienallan were renow.ng cacquaintznces around hore on Kunâ€" »day.â€"Mr. Allen Shantz, of Waterloo, is spending a week with his brother ; Mr. _ M. Shantz.â€"A © number _ from ;Urosshill took in the Barnum & Baiâ€" HUey .cireus at Berlin.â€"There will be uo service in Boyd Church next Sunâ€" ‘day on account of Milbauk Anniverâ€" Isary.â€"Miss Margaret Reunie and _ a party oi frierds from Berlin motored up to her home on Friday, Miss Jean accompanied _ them back and spent here recently.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Shantz and baby attended the Shantz Teâ€" union at Berlin last, week.â€"Mr. Fred se a box, 6 for §2.50 trial size, a5e. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Qttawa. I am now over eighty years of age and I can strongly recommend "Fruitâ€"aâ€" tives" for Chronic Constipation and Bladder and Kidney Troubles" JAMES DINGWALL. ‘"Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘"‘ is #flmfil} in the world made of fruit juicesâ€"and is the greatest kidney, biadder and liver medicine ever put on the market, "I bave much pleasure in testif: to the almost mar':iellou: benefit I m derived from taking "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives". I was & lifelong sufferer from Chronic Constipation, ind the only medicine I ever secured to Jo me any real good was "‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘. This medicine cured me when everything else failed. Also, last spring, I had a severe attack o‘ Bladder Trouble coupled with Kidney Trouble, and * Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" evred these complaints for me, when the physicians attending me had practically given me up. Wir1axstows, OxT., Jury 27th. 1910 PRACTIGALLY GIVEN UP T0 DIF cut cf Detroit; Monday, â€"W;&r-x:sda.-;: your friends toâ€" "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" Cured Kidneys and Bladder w look proâ€"

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