) & id. G. WING & CO. ISpecials for This Week sesssssesecesees Q“““‘Q““‘Q“Q“‘“Q-““. ; Phone 552 38 Frederick St., Berlin % @PÂ¥FLLLRRMAAAAAALHALL dotAâ€"MetiMibtttttHAAttttF AebpbtbibiAiibtttittitiHMHAAAPHPPPRPRAAEAAAAAEAEHAEAAEAEAPEALLLLLL YOL. 57. No. 22 J. G. WING & CO., Berlin, Ont. seeseesesseceeeeseeeeeeessssssss8e Money to Loan, Conveyancing and Insurance Grey and white stripe bath towels, size 17x36 inch, extra good wearing quality, _ worth regular 25¢ pair, this werk at UNBLEACHED COTTON 8c 250 yards Unbleached _ Cot ton, in fine weave, soft _ qual %ty, 34 inches wide, worth easily 10c, this week special At POL. y@IU ....s2 2222202220 B6 New Spring Prints, soit fin ish, in navy blue and _ white, pink and white, red aud white, ete., 30 inches wide, _ regular 10c, this week at a yardâ€"be Special values served this week in every day wear â€" apparel are well worth coming for, A dollar svent here this week buys just about 200 cenis worth of merchandiseâ€"does double and _ fills many needs. â€" NEW PRINTS AT 8c BATH TOWELS AT Attractive Summer Millinery. The Popular Wash Goods, â€"â€" Bedford Cords, Voiles and Crepes. Black Duchess Silkâ€"â€"yard wide, Pure Silk, Guaranteed Wear. at $1.25 DURING JVXE, JULY® AND AUGUSNT SPORE CLOSES EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNGON AT 1 O‘CLOCK. This week we will sell this well known make of sik at a special price. It commends itsell to every one; the beautiful finish bas a richness and effect that pronounces it a high grade silk, one that will not cut or draw at the seams, heavy pure silk quality, _ durâ€" able in wear. for dresses or coats. The display of fashicnable summer hats will meet with _ your j approval. Everything that is new and upâ€"toâ€"date in style and color : is shown here. Smart summer hats that are correct, neat and | atâ€"| tractive whorever you go and at nwderate prices. ’ m There has been an unusual demand for Wash Goods this _ seaâ€" :on, and we prepared to micet the popular taste in having the most fashignable cotton fabrics for your selection, at moderate _ prices, 20¢, 25¢c, 30¢ up. Miller & Hohmeier $10,800 Buys 154 actrs, 4 miles from Berlin $1500 Buys 46 actes, 1 mules from Berlim. $6500 Buys $1500 Buys $5800 Buys $2700 Buys $3500 Buys $3900 Buys Before CGoing on Your Vacation C. H. Mills & C o. PIEPER_BLOCK | :BERLIN, ONT. Buys 100 acres, 14 miles from Berlin & WTILHELIM} Watertoo‘s Harness Shop REAL ESTATE 76 actes, 11 miles from Berlin 114 acrtes, 1 mile from Berlin. 19 actes 1 mile from Berlin. t acres in the City of Berlin. 6 acres 3) THE CF 19¢ milts from Berlin. in Summer Goods LADIES‘ COTTON YESTS 2â€" FOR 25¢c. Fegular price 20c pair, special for this week at 2 pair for 25¢ Soft and sheer Corset Covâ€" erâ€" Embroidery, scalloped edgâ€" es, in Pme eyclet work, 18 inâ€" ches wide, regurar price" 35¢ vard, this week at ....l.. 25¢ Lacirs‘ Cotton Vests, with and without sleeves, _ cotton lace trimming, _ extra _ good value, special for. this _ week at 2 for ..2222 2222222220 tSe Ladies‘ black Cottun _ Mose, 3 ply tocs and heels, warrantâ€" ed fast black, _ in ‘allâ€"â€"â€"sizes BLAUCK COTTON HONE, 2 PAMK FOR 250. CORLSFT COVER EMBROTâ€" DERY: King St. Prices Right Waterloo _ Baseballâ€"In the scheduled game played last Tuesday evéning the Brass Works teanm. Gefeated the Furnj ture factory teans by a scote of 3 to 1 Un ‘Thursday the School teans _ won from the Felt Works team by a score of 1 to 3, Died.â€"The death took place here on Tuesfay of Mr. Adary Daniels after an illness of several months duration Deceased was in his 77th year and had been a resident of New Hamburg â€" for the past fifteen years coming here from Mavsville. _ Hib is survived _ by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. D. Crossett. ‘The funeral took place oni Fridan afternoon, of Trinmity Methodist (hurch will hold a Garden Party _ on Dr. Andetson‘s lawn _ on the evening of June 15th. NewHambure band wili be in _ attenâ€" dance. Dainty refreshments setved.â€" Dulers.â€"Misg Edna Lennox of Detroit is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. <bchnâ€"Lennox.=ttev. G. Reéist atten ded the Baptist convention at â€" Galt last â€" week.â€"Master (Jack _ Ford _ of ~hakespeare is the guest of his granidâ€" parents Mr. and Mrs. Werner Broâ€" drecht. ML. Fleming A. Fraâ€" ser of East Orange N.J., is spending his vacation with his parents here.â€" Mr. Edward Pequegnat sSpent | Thursâ€" day with his uncle Reeve. i‘equc:g!}_az- â€"Miss Edna Arnold who was _ * the guest of Miss Clara Buckel returned to her bome on Thursday.=â€"Mr. â€" and. Mrs. John Fraser and som of Beflin, spent Sunday here.â€"Mr. Danicl Ratz of Howell, Mich, arrived here on Wed nesday to visitâ€" relatives and friewds.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ‘Tillie and son lohn of Crosshill spent several days at â€" the home of the â€" lattet‘s patents Mr. and Mrs. _.J. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordner and Mrs. Schellenberger of Mitchell were the guests _ of _ Mr. and Mrs. Grundenbetger on Friday. Mr Hatry Bone night operator at the Sta tion here has been transfcred to the Galt station and is succeeded by Mr. Jack Puddicombe spent Sunday in Milverton.â€"Miss Luella Ruby _ spent Thursday in _ Guelph.â€"Miss _ Julia knapp of Petersburg is visiting _ at the home of Mrs. Schaaf.â€"Mrs. Jack Zinn sPent Wednesday in Stratford.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lederman and daughter visited the latter‘s mother Mrs. Roth.â€"The Ladies‘ Aid of Trinâ€" ity Lutheran Church visited the Watâ€" erloo Seminary on Saturday. _ â€"The King‘s birthday was observed _ very quietly here. ‘The banks and schools were closed. â€"Mrs. . Quirnbach and younz _ son of St. Paul, Minn., are visiting ber parents Mr. _ and _ Mrs. Plum.â€"Miss Ruth Schuite, of Cleveâ€" land is a guest at the home of her tllnl'lc Mr. D. Becker.â€"Mr. R.C. _ and the Misses Puddicombe, Mr. Clinton nd Miss Marjorie Walker spent Sunâ€" day in Milverton.â€"Miss Mildred Lasâ€" chinger left last week for Lethbridge, Alta. Her sister _ Miss Mary accomâ€" panied hor as lar as Toronto.â€"Among those who attended the Baptist conâ€" vention at _ Galt wore:â€"Mr. J. Bowâ€" man, Mr. and Mrs. D. Becker, _ Mrs Misses Schulte, Becker, Bogue, Chalâ€" ‘Moses Jlostetler to Miss Hilda Thiel mets, Bocttger and iMarrison:â€" _ Mr. Mike Koch attended the Galt horse show last week.â€"Mr. Johnson of Uxâ€" bridge has been engaged by Mr. J. R. Feick and commenced his duties _ on Monday last.â€"Mrs. Lafeyette Hostetâ€" ler | attended the wedding of Mr. Moses lHostetlesi to Miss Hilda Thiel at Fullerton on Wednesday. Mr. Fleming A. Fraâ€" WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1913 10 PAQGES News Notes.â€"Mrs. (Dr.) Reilly of Toronto _ is the guest of her brother Dr. Anderson.â€"Messrs Brooke _ and News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County and District New Hamburg I Linwood C _ Mr. E. Roy Biet was successful in his examination at the Roval Colleg® of Dental Surgeqns having passed his first year.â€"BRev. G.A. (Cropp has oreâ€" turned from Hamilton where he _ atâ€" tended _ the MethodistgConvention. â€" The Ladies Society of Trinity Luth eran _ Chutch is arranging a Midsumâ€" mer Fair and Strawberry _ Festival. This _ is to take place on Wednesday and Thursday June the 25th and 26th at the rink, It is with sincere regret that we have just learned that a former well known townsman, Col. Kenneth Good man is ill at the residence of his son in Toronto. Previous to the Fenian Raid in 1866, Col. Goodman opened a law office here amd about 1871 he â€"re moved to Parkhill where he followed the legal Profession until a short time ago. We wish him a sp(-p(ly recovety. The sad death occutred on Sunday afternoon of Herbert, coungest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Spahr. The deceased was in his fifth year and had been i}l only a. shott time with rhueâ€" matic fever. The funcral will be held on Wednesday afternoon. News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cressman, the Misses Maggic Shantz and Grace Cressman and Mr. Boyd Cressman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nhantz on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergey _spent Sunday with friends at Strasburg.â€" Mr. and Mrs. E. Becker and Mr. And Mrs. E. Ifoclscher visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Devitt on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Addison Richert attended the funeral of Mrs. Chester Bushardt at â€" Breslau on Sunday.JbMr. and Mrs. J. Knechâ€" tol and family spent Sunday _ with frfends at Strasburg.â€"Mr. E. Bruâ€" bacherand his mother, Mrs. Wismer, and Mr. Albert Knechtel visited in the neighborhood on Sunday.â€" Alr. «J. Kunkle spent Sunday under _ the: parental rooi.â€" Rev. M. S. Hallman and Mr. H. Baer attended the annual conference held at Michigan.â€" Quiu" a few people of this ncighborhood atâ€" tended the Shantz . Reunion hei@ in Victoria Park, Rerlin, on Tucsday. Bricfsâ€"Quite a number from _ here attended the football match at Poolé betweenListowel and Poole which reâ€" sulted 20 in favor of Poole.â€"Mrs. C. Lichty spent Sunday at the _ home of Ber patents Mr. and Mrs. J. Schulz of _ Wellesley.â€"Mr. Robert _ Vogan spent the week end with friends here. â€"Mr. and Nrs. Ale« Hammond visited relatives in Ethel last week.â€"Statute Labor. is the order of the day. ______ Items of Iaterest.â€"3Mrs. Danicl Poommer of Listowel pent Friday with Mrs. Henry P r, who is very illlâ€"Mrs. Jaco> Froes and Miss Emma Fries of Heidelberg spent Sunâ€" day with Mrs. iHenry Sghluter.â€"Miss Elvira Bisch of Berlmbknt. Sunday under the parentar roof4â€"Mr. John Duench and family spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Stephen Duench, ncar Hawkesville.â€"Miss Galbraith of Rosâ€" tock spent Sunday jwith Miss Carroll. â€"Mr.‘J. H. Schummer Jeft Monday to attend the Catholic # Order _ oi Foresters convention at fCornwall. â€" Mr. Alvin Oakley of n spent Sunday in our burg.â€"Mr4 Jacob Meyâ€" er motored to Wa.lkerldliton Sunday . â€"Mr. John Frieoman attended _ the Horse Show in Galt last| week.â€" The Messrs. Ament, Berlet, ‘Krug, Reid, and Vance of Tavistock fnotored _ to the former‘s home on Sunday.â€" Mr. Frank Ament of Berlin spent Sunâ€" day with his pareuts here.â€"Mtr. Fianâ€" vis Donley of Milverton spent _ Sunâ€" day in our town.â€"Mr. Robert White spent Sunday near _ Dorking.â€" < Mr. James Kretz qf Wellesieg spent Sunâ€" day with â€" friends in tofvn, â€" Mrs. Little _ of Barrie "Bpeuis a _ week‘s vacation with her sister,&Mrs. Bundy. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. McKee of Millâ€" bank spent Sunday with â€" Mt, _ N. Roe‘s.â€"A little baby bey has _ come to make its home with Mr. F. iH. Schummer.â€" Miss Mcl‘uls uch spent Sunday near Dorking.â€" M*~ Milton Goetz of Elmira spent Sunday under the parental roof.â€"liemember the garâ€" den party to be held on Mr. James Begg‘s lawn, â€" Jung 17thâ€"Miss Evelyn Roe spent Mondian Milverton.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Wim. mnie .of _ Glenaltem spent Sunday_yh his lfflfll('[, Nirs. Alex. Rennie®w#Wir. Charles Poommer and wife. of Wellesley spént Sunday with Mrs. Henry Poommer.â€"Mr, Hy. Wilker of Tavistock is + gpending _ a vacation with his brother;: here. LEâ€"= TELEGRAPH. Mannheim Kingwood _ â€"The Misses Jllda and Lucinda _ Alâ€" brecht are visiting friends in Philaâ€" delphia forâ€"aâ€"shortâ€"timeâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" News Notes.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schaub of Elmira were visiting friends hete on Sunday.â€"Mr. Wm. Kelterborn of (irimsby Beach was visiting friends and relatives here for â€" a few days.â€"Quite a number of our loyal sports celebrated, the King‘s birthday in Milverton last Tuesday and â€" were wall pleased with theit outlug.â€" â€" A very {ashionable _ wedding was â€" ecleâ€" brated at Mr. .John S. Kochler‘s near Berlet‘s Corner last Wednesday when their eldest gaughter _ Clara _ was joined in the boly bonds of matriâ€" mony to Mr. L. Hahn of Heidelberg. Rev. Mr. Stockman officiated. _ Miss Martha Kochier presided at the piano. About 150 guests were present. The bappy couple will reside on a farm near Heidelberg, _ where they will checrfully receive their many friends. â€"Mr. and Mrs. W. (ilebe of Hanover: made a few short calls here _ during their short stay with friends for a few days.â€"Mr. Wm. Nowak moved to Stratford‘ Tuesday, where he â€" will reside on a farm as foreman. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berdux attended the funcral of Mr. .John Roth of _ Tavisâ€" tock, who was buried on Sunday last. Quite a _ number of _ our football sports went to see the lrague . game between Poole and _ Listowel which was played at Poole.â€"Mr. and Mrs. C. Zebhr, sr., and Mrs. _ Kropp â€" are spending a few weeks in Huron coâ€" unty, Michigan, visiting relatives and friends.â€"The Misses C. Kennel and P. F. Lichty are attending â€" Synodical conference which is in _ session _ in Efuron County, Michigan,; for a week. Personals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. George Deits and Mr. and Mrs. George Oezel af Waterloo spent Saturday and Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. â€"Mr. Elden Riehm spent Sunday with Mr. Herb Caster at Manpheim.â€" Mr. Jacob and Miss Hannah Roades spent Saturday and Sunday with their proâ€" ther Samuel near Pins Hill.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Philip _ Becker spent Sunday with friends in Berlin.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Casper Shenk of Wilmot Centre spent Sunday at Mr. George Hagedorn‘s. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hallman from Mannheim spent Sunday with their son Edwin.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lindsay and daughter Sundayew at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Louis Wise. Items of Interest. â€" The Central Waterloo Farmers Club‘ held their first annual picaic last Saturday afternoon at Mr. Hy. Becker‘s, and a _ large mumber were present. The afternoon was spent in football, baseball, races, etc., and all report having a . good time. The Club will hold their next regular meeting on the 21st _ inst.â€" Mr. Philip Becker had the misfortune to lose his fine driver recently. While working in the fiekd the horse became {rightened and ran away _ with _ the corn drill. Unfortunately _ the one horse fell and broke his leg and had. 10 be killed. | Auto Sprays, Auto Sprays, Auto Sprays, Auto Sprays, The best Compressed Air Sprayer on the market toâ€"day S 2A The Necessity for Spraying / a2\ M. WEICHEL & SON Autoâ€"Pop Goods Phone 215 The Improved Auto Sprayer rays, Galvanized with Stop Cock Nozzle rays, Galvanized with Autoâ€"Pop Nozzle rays, Brass with Stop Cock Nozzle rays, Brass with Autoâ€"Pop Nozzle = Brass Extension Rods w Wellesley Weichel‘s Weekly Store News sprayer on the market. ed and more used for is now recognized everywhere. Not only does the fruit growers require to spray his trees and plants if he is to have a gaying crop, but more particâ€" ularly the farmer requires it for inâ€" sects and pests of all sorts. o Spraying Potatoes sgzr sed for than any other Waterlioo WHOLE No. 2988 f 50c each. Stop Cock Low Prices 5.00 6.0° 7.50 8.50