‘t Woronto, June 10.â€" Local zrain markets reacted to day, closing . cas leg.. Cash quotations were ic lower t bay ports. Quotations: _ Ontario wheat, No. 3 winter, 97¢e and 98}c, m. according to location, Maniâ€" ‘toba whcoat, No. 1 uorthern, $1.05, ‘Ne. 2, northern, $1.0%. Oats, _ Canâ€" ‘mcsum, No. 2, 40j¢; No. 3, western, 33}¢, at lake ports, for imm.~diate shipment; Ontario No. $ white, 33c «, 34c¢c, outsid:; on track, Torcnto, 37¢ &@ 38c. Corn, American No. 3 yellow, 62c¢, on track Toronto No. 3 ye.low, 61lc. _ Pras, No. 3, 90¢ &1 95¢.. Barley, 52¢ «* 5%c, outside, for malting. Buckwheat, 53¢ whipping | points. _ Manitoba _ flourâ€" Listed quotations at â€" Torento _ are: First patonts, $5.30, secomi patents, &80; stron3 ba‘ers, $4.50, Ontario t, winter flour, 90 per ceut. i‘b.llls. $3.60, soazoari. Millfcedâ€"â€"â€" canitota tran, $17.50 per ton; shorts $19.50 per ton, on trac‘, Toronto. Toronto, June 10.â€" Union _ stockâ€" vards receipts for to day were 5,604 cattle, 195 calves, 883 hogs and 913 sheep and lambs. ommc Oats rer bush .__2. ... 40 45 Peas, per Dusn. ....._......... .75 .80 Potatoes, per bag ... ... 1.25 Hay BEF OR ..;..:â€":....s... 15.10 Wood per cord ......... ......... 6.00 _ 7.00 Potatoes per bag ...... ... $1.20 1.30 Eggs, per doz®@ l BB .23 BUMbET .2;.. u2s sls 125 .88 Choice butcher cows soid at $6 ind a few choice h avy buils at $6 _ to $6.30. Stockers and fecders steady. Milch cows, choice, steady. sheep and lambs were casier, the latces goâ€" NEW HAMBURG, JUNE Wheat ., ... 22202002 Butter per 1b ... .....2.. REACTION IN GRAIN ON TORâ€" ONTO MARKET. ing o1 50c to $1 before the Cos: oi the market,aw _ _ â€" â€" BERLIN MARKETS BERLIX, Jus®E 1911, 1913 Flour per 104 fos ,.. ......2.10 : Bran rer 100 lss ... .. 1.20 1 Middl‘ngs per 100 lbs. :..... 1 Ecreenings per 100 lbs. ...... 1 Wheat per bush. ... ...... STRATFORD MARKETS. STRATFORD, JJUNE 13TH 1913 Wheat, Standard ... ...... . BBFIGY .s..urs nssmc sccscsese ~A0 a Oats, Standard ... ......_.. s under a good _ state cf cultivation. Boil good clay loam, good _ spring creek, 2 never failing wells, 14 storey brick house, bank barn, straw â€" shed For further particulars apply â€"to D. 8. Shantz, Raden. Mâ€"tt ‘There was a heavy run of cattie. The demand was not quile as active as a week ago, and, with a _ large minnber of cattle still unsold av the close ol the market, prices had _ deâ€" clined about 10c all avound. A _ few extra choice lots sold at $7, but the bulk of good to craice butcher cattle were sold at $6.30 to $6.85 and comâ€" mon to medium at $5.35 . to $6.145. ‘Hogs weak ard 22c lower at £9.50 L.o.b., $9.85, fed ano watcred, _ ind $10.10 off cars. ¢ Eggs, per dozen ... ... Hay wer con ......... ......... 12.00 Midlings, per ton ...... ... Hay per ton ... .. Flour, â€" Special ... ... Flour, Juilet .. ... Bran per ton Shorts per ton ... Live hOES .. ... .l...sl Beel, front ......:.: ..; Beef, hind quarters . Chickens ... ... ...... Buiter, per 1b 4 selind$iiin AntcbninPinin i is d oi te i + A ds e ol td 1ci Buen.' on Concession 1, Block B.| The farm comprises about 125. acres, 3134 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres Farm comprising 100 acres, more Or less, Lot 9, Con. 6, one mile west of Crosshill, comprising 10 _ acres bush, balance under good ‘state _ o! cultivation, well fenced, 8 _ acres sown in fall wheat, about 3 _ acres zod orchard, bank barn 60560 with iving shed, never failing well, frame bouse with kitchen and wood shed atâ€" tached, and all necessary out buildâ€" ings. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Daniel Gerber, Crossmill, Ont. The undersigned offers for sale his larm situated one mile northwest of St. Agatha and 4 mules north _ df Eggs, per dozen Farm for Sale Farm for Sale MARKET REPORTS LIVE STOCK. . .99 .sm’ . 10.00|_ NOTICE JS _MEREBY GIVEN 2.80|that a Bvâ€"law was passed by : the 2.70 ) Municipal Council of the Corporation 19.00‘of the Town of Waterloo on the 5th W : 20.00| day of May, A. D. 1913, providing 9.10 9.35 for the issue of Debentures to the .000 11}}amount of $6,000.00 for the purpose .. _13;ni paying the expense of extensions of .40 .609 ; waterworks mains in the said Town, as 2; /and that such Byâ€"law was registered .3q in the Registry Office for the Regisâ€" 4 |try Division of the County ofWater â€" a |l|m on the twentyâ€"ninth day of May, ; A. D. 1913. 13TH, .93 .350 000235 .6u .80 .90 .60 2.80 2.80 3 00 .34 .235 19 .20 22.00 Ao | .80 1.25 15.n0 > 12.00 2.80 | 1.40]| 1.40| 1.401 .90‘ A9 | ns "13 Es 36 ELMIRA MARKETS. ELMIRA, JUNE 12TH, 1913 WhSAL .. cscssmam uiess ie sic2 MB â€"â€" B8 â€"Flour, family _ per cwt..2.75 2.80 Bran, per ton ..........l..ll.. 19.00 IMiddIings, per ton ... ... 21.00 Shorts, pef on ... ... 24.00 Batley ... css ssumsmslsccs AB .50 ! PFBS .ssms Hovriins es aee +BD .80 MALE .sicees ammonen edenib ies BB .37 RYC :sc uies srrente use m60 .65 Potatoes per bag ... 1.10 _ 1.15 § Uorn Fer bush ... : ....5... 30 15 iHay per ton ........ .....__. 10.90 12.00 ‘Butter per lb ............... .80 B1 i I‘ges, per dozen ... ... .19 ;I,lve ROGS ........l2 sslllle . , 9.50 [Hams .y..s se e css 2 J4 0 15 SBACOR ... se vmnceecse BJ _ AB Potatoes, per bag ...... . .1.20 1.25 |Wood, first class ..... ...... 3.50 6.00 | Any motion to quash or set astde |the same, or any part thercof, must ‘be made within three months _ after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. | Dated the 29th qay of May, 1913. | JAMES C. HAIGHT, 24â€"3t. Clerk Butler per ID .....;..»...â€".%.. Fees per dozen :........ ... LUEO _â€".slnels nervvreye nrveapyrceee Apples per barrel ........... Hogs, live ... ... ..lll. 9 Hiogs, dressed ... ... Hay per ton ...... ..5...... 18 Straw .per ton ... ... Wood, per COFI ... ..u.. EXxpOFE CaLHG ...... smcsascoss Butchers®‘ cattle ... ......... WATERLOO MARKETS. WATERLO), JUNE 13TH, 1913 WIHCAL ;::râ€"i0ls errisinee evercmse Flour, Ocvan ...... ............ 3.80 Flour, Agate ... ... ... 2.90 Flour, Seven Lilies ... ... 2.60 OBA ......s.. c se l ~ 40 Pea# csmm iisrtecn se veseec 49 BAFIGY .tocuss mss msccsn 109 Bran pet OR ......... .....i.. j Corn in large lots ............ .18 TYb .. llccise scllzites: Heaes Butter per lp ... .. Exgs per dozen ......... Potatoes per bag ..... Chickens each ... .... Hay per ton ... ... Straw, per ton ......... BAKICY |1....000 se lc cmennass Hay, pet ton ... ... Straw, per tomn ... ... Potatoes per bag ....... Spring chickens ... Pork, dressed ............ Quarter beef, hind ...... Quarter beef, front ..... Hogs, HYC ... .cs mlg RHTLM NM PONRSY NUDD eeeerccree Middlings,â€"perâ€"Omâ€"::::::::2 Whegt .;s:02 resuacccr is Dictator flour ........ Peop!e‘s flour ........ Maple Leaf® Flour .. Bran jor ton ........ Middlings per ton . BUBBOE L..csmuy nscsse Eggs per dozen ... Chopped Screenings Numbet unlimited. Highest market price paid. Losd every second Turs dav. Next shipment Tuesday _ .lune 21th, 1913. CIDER MILL FOR SALE Rolled oats This mgoperty is fitted up . with modern urachinery _ for cider _ apple butter, syrup and jelly nf#aking. (No opposition). _ Also a steam _ boiling craple syrup plant of 600 pails. J. B. REINHART, Stayner, Ont. 11â€"Amus Mutton, Pork ... Hides ... Hogs Wanted AT BADEN CGLEMENS & HUNSBERGEIR GALT. JUNE 123TH, 1913 Byâ€"law Notice GUELPH MARKETS. GUELpPH, JUNE 12TH, 1913 B 2el rresee arises 290 1 Lilies .. ... 2.60 noirrtecs svics oo +0 @rdchems accebed BURT weerrents i M mss vercer bag ............ o« sicss, D30 12.00 i eivers $12.00 k2...... 15.00 _ 15.56 tre sssicccss .90 ~72.90 revice eswess 690 â€" 7.00 sirrrwc»a 4.00 _ 7.50 wl killll... 5.50 650 prveresces 2â€"90â€" 5.00 nsus AB 50 velgse ~BD .80 res en +§B 37 ree sio B0 .65 icz .10 115 n neofas B 15 ..._.. 10.90 12.00 m (80 Bual ovure 19 . 11.00 ..8.50 10.00 + 1.00 rrvicy 80 .80 ... 10.00 10.25 11.00 _ 12.00 ... 8.00 _ 9.00 . 9.55 10.00 ... 12 1.25 1.10 48 41 13 .10 .29 18 07 20.90 .80 13.00 10.00 11.90 A3 4 T4 .96 2 60 2.85 2.10 19.00 30.00 31 230 1.10 1.2% 1.15 .50 11.00 .93 2.80 2.99 2.80 AU 1.25 .60 .238 18 .15 23â€"2 mos. Highest market price paid. Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment June 17. A threshing outfit for sale, consistâ€" inz of a 12 _ horse power Truck gasoâ€" line engine and _ Champion Separatot with drive belt complete. _ Iaâ€"~â€" first Class running order. Apply to Turns the Head _ ] One Side to See This is an attitude _ assumed by some persons in their efiorts . to see cleariv. 1t is caused by eve â€" defect Oug expert Optican can correct | this by the art of properly adjusting glassâ€" os. He knows so well how . to fit. You should try him. The undersigned offers for sale his tarm, consisting of 18 acres suitable for market farming; situated between Rumelbardt and Erbsville. Apply to LOUIS S. HERGOTT, 1. 3 Waterloo, Ont. Shipping Hogs Wanted At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, num ber unlimited. Heller Bros. C.C. Diefenbacher Jeweller and Optician Berlin W ES r r y e n i o o o o e e ons cmre en o o n s k ib nnes T is a ace them ‘ JEWELRY SALE CONTINâ€" to dispose of the $20.000 stock on kand on a commy‘sgion. We said, "No," mest e:;.pha\.‘.mll;"‘ We do not do t‘mumrn flt'hat vun We assured i anisuree, _ __ _ l "'E;;l;l ‘;'el:f“;,:sl\:llt]_’“' the stock im a burry for spot cash if they would.maze the proper price. The wires were inpt busy, many conferenâ€"es _ were j ons | j ‘ ? ‘s Clothing& e fite NK We Bought This Magnificent Stock of Men‘s and Boy‘s Clothin® â€" l 7 Arnoid Jansen, [ at our own Price. & We Issue Marriage Licenses Store mear Post Oflice Berlin, qaUR DOLLAR â€" BARGAIN JEWELRY SALE CONTINâ€" UES FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS WFEK. Farm for Sale Of Spectacles and Eyey.asses For Sale JOHN 0. JANTZIH, Baden, 1| Ernst‘s 75 acre farm, _ mostly clay loam, good soil, tile umerdrained, well watâ€" creo, bearing orchard, goot _ garden and small fruit, 8 actes hardwcod busis, brick house, woodshed, bank barn wifh stabling underneath for 6 horses and 20 cattle, good hog _ pen and hen house, cement floors, root house, driving shed, beautiful locatien, station two miles, town five â€" miles, will sell cheap _ and, on casy terms. For particulars write Box 35, Port Elgin, Ont. Siâ€"UL. 345. palt Men‘s Trousers, extremely stylish well cut troaers, in â€" fancy worsteds ard striped as fine as you can find anywhere; Jants that retail everywhere for $3.040 and $3.50, we we offer at th‘s sale for ......... $1.98 D . t t h u u ll # EÂ¥gry one knows what conditions have been in the business Nortb West for the past mix month. The history bas been but a succession . of *' 725 Men‘s Suits â€" of extraordinazy character, quality and siyle, mate:â€" ials atre in smart and _ conser ative tweeds and worsteds, styles are th> slightly form Attirg and loose cut with well shaped stouldets ard cureâ€" fully tailored co‘llars and la els. All ave trimimed and finished in the finost custom mannor, regular $14 to $16, to be closed out at this sale ap $10.95 350 Roys‘ double breasted â€" Bloomer Suits, two and three button models, 372 pat of Mer‘s Pants, positively made to sell at $1.75 and $2.00, big _ This pri variety to cheoe from, made of sorâ€" cf the ma viccable good lookin; tweeds, the are in all snap of your lile at thr price we finost shir MAME .2u2ll00. 222002 2z ie $19 c c22 l 300 Boys‘ Suits, the world over ryou would have to pay at least $5.00 and $6.00, made in three picce single and double breasted style, of a beauâ€" tiful assortment of twerds, marked fof bis S4IG .....socm suocccclls £3.49 175 acrtes, Wellesley Township, 1 mile west _ of Hawkesville, firstâ€"class grain and stock farm, in splendid conâ€" dition and good buildings, large barn with stabling for 70 head of stock and pig pen for 50 pigs. Buildings in cen* tre of farm, splendid water in and neatr buildings. Will be sold on easy term8, town property or $maller fatm taken as part _ paymunt! Inspection *olicited. They‘re bro‘en lines of (@s ‘Cravenâ€" neites in dar« grey and imn> Bartenâ€" ette cloth, in shades of {fawn and olive, _ single breasted, _ chesterficld style, sizcs in the lot; 35 to 16, regâ€" ular $8 to $10, sale price ... $5.75 528 Men‘s Suits, the same as you sce priced all o.cr at 210 and $12.50, magnilicent worsted and tweed, sinâ€" gle breasted _ moJels, hRand _ made throughout, they go in this xale at ... vonmyiye Cavesveee Sevietrecoruvees :}A."’ 314 Men‘s Suits, n all the latest shades, of all wool Canadian tweeds, my.de in accordance with the "latost New York models, retailers the counâ€" try oâ€"er are selling at $8 to $19; they go in this sale at ... $5 95 MEN‘S RAIN COATS3 $5.95 SHORTHORNS â€" Two Bulls one yeal old direct from impt. Sto€k. Ternr and prices reasonable. Apply J..K. Webetr, MEXN‘S SUITS t 6â€"11â€"1mo. Ernst‘s 11â€"2t Every one bnows what conditions bave been in the business North West for the past six month. The history bas been but a succession . of suszensions ud failures of every kind, which has put some of the clothinz menulacturers in bad@ condition. Knowing of this store:* tremendous A autvut in Berkinâ€" we were a»proached a lew days ago by the cMipors u_l ane of the la;grst ylantrfa':turers of highgrade clothing, would we consent Farm for Sale litstory las rot often recorded a sale of equal mazn‘tude and slaughter ol prices. The values offered will simply stagger you. This â€" faultâ€" le s shipment of garments cannot be beatcm, either in qualities of matertal or the smartness, cleverness and â€" classiness of style. This sale reâ€" prescrnis the go‘den opporturity for wise people who want to make one dollar do the work of two. Hlcre are but a fow of the many moneyâ€"saving bargzsims. Read on, read on, you must be interested. Farm for Sale Ard every garment will be sold to the people at prices thit positively do not represent the actual cost of the material f which they _ are mao>. It will be the clothing sale of the ycar, and to every one it will mean x L __S~ _ L3 ~~ *‘ Where The Good For Sale Sale Starts Toâ€"morrow morning 1. K. Weber, Hawkesville Hawkesville A Saving of 50 per cent. on the Dollar â€" $1 AND $1.35 MEN‘S SHIRTS, y NOW 69c. 6 _ This price hardly covers the _ cost â€" cf the material in these shirts; they ~~Men‘a BHalbriggan _ Underwear, â€"â€"well The Mercantile Fire INSURANCE COMPANY Government ... ... ...... $117,140.00 All policies guaranteed by the Lonâ€" don and Lancashire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets of $16,306,638. ALPRED WRIGHT, SECRETARY C. A. BOEHM, â€" _ District Agen Waterloo, Ont. Phone 246. INCORPORATED 1875 Head Office w W Subscribed Capital .............. Now men here is your chance to stock up. This lot comprises a speâ€" cial purchase _ in strong, durable maftcrial, m2de to give service, every one worth 75¢c, you can get them â€" at Hhis SAIG EOL .._...ss olll.. socs, BBR 100 Boys‘ two picce Siits, single and doutle breasted, in light and dark matcrials, knee pants, sizes 14 to 30, regular $4.50 and $5.00, to clkear this sale ....... .2..222 22222220 1298 Deposit with the Dominion made from imported smooth _ finished grcy and brown tweeds and worsteds, large fitting shazes and buckle bloomâ€" ers, sizes 29 to 34, regular $6.50 ano $7.50 values, in this sale .. ...... $1.90 250 Boys‘ doubls breasted Bloomer Suits, in serviceabt€ tTweeds, dark and med.um grey and prown, bloomer pants with strap and _ buckle at Imâ€"e, sizes 24 to 28, regular $5> and $6. valucs, in this sale ........... $3.95 Boys‘ Knickers, in sizes suitable for bovs five to ten years old, _ regulat 65¢c, sals price ... ... u2. 2220 3%¢ 15e MEN‘S WORKING SHIIRTS 59c It is deci¢edly worth your â€" while to get some of these, in all the new fansy effects, _ regular 25¢ and 35¢, S@l@ PFICC ....«.. ..2...222. 222222222 17e Men‘s and Women‘s Umbrellas, with fine cevers, neatly mounted, . showing a fine range of handles, regular $1.25 to $1.50, salte price ... ... 69 MEN‘S FURNISININGS are in all the popular paftetns of fnost shirtinrs. made, perfect fitting garments, in fine quality, shirts or drawets, _ summer weight, regular 50c per garment, sale PTIOB ......0.2 2222002 cslles sw 2. 38e %5¢ AND 35e MEN‘S FANCY HOSF 17¢c. Man with 20 years expetience in packing of all kinds of furniture _ and Pianos. No jobp to large and no job to small. All material furnished. Apâ€" Ply by phone to 353. 6â€"101f. C. A. BOEHM General Insurance Agent Established 1864 Office, Waterloo Mutual Building, King St. Business OfMce 249, House 209. Business solicited for first class Companies. Wanted This Store will be Closed Every Wednesday Afternoon During June, July and August Clothes Come From Wates lo . $250,000 34 * URESSMAN 1 7 Phone 185 3 ; King St. _ Waterioo ‘i sga0pA00A0AAAAAAAAAAAQ Girls Boots, in‘solid box cali and _ HALLB lighter weights, a number _ of the Winn Co. shpes in the lot, sizes J1 to 2, regular $2 and $2.50, this salt to DRESS @IG@B ...2.2 .222 2222222 22222220 $1.50 QLBLAGAAALARnAAAAAAAAAA Bigger varietics, bigzer values, bigâ€" ger savings. The shos dopartment bas contributed to this great event vwth tho greatest oficring yet offered, savâ€" iny no thought/ul woman _ or man can afford to miss. Study »wev iterm closely then act. Men‘s Shocs, spring we‘ght, box cali, patent colt an} gunmetal leathâ€" ers, blucher cut, regular $4.:50, this Women‘s boots, new stylish shapes, in vici kid, with dull lka tops, patâ€" ent toes, hobble toes and Cuban heels sizes 3i to 7, regular $3.00, sale PF CC .sclll22 s ns ce i. $1.98 Womcn‘s fine dress ‘Pumps, | strapâ€" less style, in gunmetal, tatent â€" colt and vici kid, Cuban shape leather heels sizes 3 to 7, regular $3.00, sale PFIC® .s....c00n ecculuee srecccice nds $2.00 Boys‘ Boots, in all substantial solid leathers, splondidly made weights for school and rough wrar, as well a5s weights for best and Sunday, sizes 11, 12. 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, ant 5, regiat $2.00, sale Price ... .202« $1.50 Men‘s Soft Hats, in smooth finish ani in telescope, fedora or megligee styles, colors light grey, dark grev, fawn and brown silk bards, _ regulat $1.50 to $2.00, sale price ...... $1.00 SHOES! Women‘s vici kid Oxfords, a ncat low cut shoc, _ with patent tocs. short vamp and Cuban hecl, regular $3.50, Salt pHICG ...) .2 ....s.cccs BL.TSB Children‘s Shoes, a large and varâ€" ied assortment, in all weights and leathers, every style and size to selâ€" ect from, sSizes 3 to 10}, _ regular $1.25, this sale ... «u.22220. 98c Misses and little gents shoes, butâ€" ton and blucher styles, well made and serviceable, dong. kid ani box kiv, sizes 8 to 101%, sale price ..._...} $1.25 small bank German Mills on Strasâ€" burg Road and near Doon, â€" former _ Geo. Wolfe property at For $3 per month 8 roomed SHOES:® SHOES! Rent house and barn near _ $1,000 REWARD years the Standard, prosâ€" cribed and Recomended by physicians. For Women‘s Ailâ€" ments, Dr. Martel‘s Female Pijls, at your druggist. Men‘s tox calf and vici kid ~boots, bluck>r cut, medium keavy, solid lea» ther soles, sizes 6 to 11, â€" regular 32.50 to $3.00. sale price ........ $1.98 Are You Coming West 1f so write or call on me. 1 have choice farms, all sizes, to rent on shares ‘or sell on crop . payâ€" ments. Choice land, good _ watet, close to school and town. The largâ€" est Waterloo County settlement _ in Sagkatchewan. Buy or rent a farm here. ‘Thousanas of yards of Valenciennes and Torchon Laces and Insertions, alâ€" so embroidery and ribbons, at . half pitce and in many instances less than half price. Full bleached. English _ Sheeting, plain or twilled weaves, good strong serviceable quality, 73 inches wide, regular 30c per yard, sale price 23c 3,000 yards of Dréssâ€" Goods, â€" plain and fancy worsteds, serges, lusters, cashmeres, wool taffetas, in biowns, tans, grey, navy and blacks, regular STAPLE DEPT. English Quilts, snowy white, eleâ€" gant designs, in foral patterns, full bed size, regular price $1.60, _ sale PHCB ... coeicas areiest areosenecs MLB® Crash Toweling, bordored or . plain, roller toweling, fast color bordet, splendid wearing quality, 17 Anches wide, regular 10c and 12%¢, sale pl’i(!‘ vervigers Senpnieren eeareren erecveeseiccect 8c Irish Table Damask, fully bleached, line range oi patterns, 50c to 60c per yard, sale price ... ... 390 Un‘bsleached or Factory Cotton, 35 inchs wide, good hsavy quality, regâ€" ular 9c per vard, sale price ... T¢ A .rush clearance of lovely Ginghams plaids, stripes and checks, in a varâ€" iety of shades, .lovely _ for _ dresses, waists and children‘s wear, regular per yard 123ic to 15c, sale price 9lc Canadian striped Flann:letts, _ fine weave, pood heavry quality, assorted light and dark stripes, 27 inches wide, regular per yard 9c, sale price For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts ol the person ar persons suflering fromt Nervous Delwulity, Fits, Skin Dis ease, Dlood Puison, Genito Urinary ‘Froubles, mnd ©hreme or Specia Câ€"plaints t‘ at eamnot be curet i & e Ootans Medical institut@ Â¥60â€"260 Yonps Sueet, Toronto@ Ernst‘s HALF PRICE FOR SUMMER MUSLINS. Forty years in wee, to 75¢ per yard, sale price _ 35c 8. B. BIEHN, Guernsey, Sask.