+1 14 School report of the senior division of the Public School for April. Names in ofder of Merit. Jr. IV.â€"Irvin _ Freeman, Florence Wright, Violet Schwartz, Vera Good, Nermon Good. Sr. IIIâ€"Elmer Koch, Earl Koch, Lydia Weber, Russel Snider, Wesley Koch. G k â€" Jr. IHLâ€"Livea Martin, _ Magda Weber, Mary Fenton, Gertie Wepplet, Lydia Hansen, Walter Knarr, _ Alice Koch, Gerald Struck, Aby Doetr. The average daily attendance lor: the month was 33. ‘ C.H. Becker, Peacher. ‘ Local and Personal.â€"Rev. and Mrs. C.W. Cosens of Elmira spent a â€" few days here last week visiting his parâ€" ishioners.â€"Mrs. _ John Gowell _ (nee Emina Trupp) of Battle Creek, Mich, «pent afew days here, and left again for home on â€" Tuesday. taking her moâ€" ther with her. Mr. H?arr\- Trupp will bave a sale of household effects _ on Saturday afternoom®. â€"Rev. J. Pembe of Hamilton, a former pastor of the Lutheran _ church _ here, called on friends hore last Sunday. _ He wus accompanied by his son Henry who is alstudent at the Waterloo Seminary. â€"Rev. .J. Reble, of Linwood calted on Rev. H. Hansen last week.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0. Stroh attended the funâ€" eral of the late Mrs. J.G. Stroh _ at Waterloo on Wednesday. Sr. II.â€"Emanuel Delion, I ydiaAnn Meber, Marie Kienzle, Annic Hill, Irâ€" vin Dahmer, Lovina Freeman, Gertie Scherer, Milton _ Wieland, Hermina Hansen. Jr. II.â€"Oliver Wright, Angus Marâ€" tin Salome Musselman, Hilda Koch, Florence Ebel. To All Women: I will sersl _ free, with full instructions, my home treatâ€" ment which positively cures lucorrâ€" hoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Fallâ€" ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods, Uterine â€" and Ovartan Tumâ€" ors or Growths, _ also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, Melancholy, â€" Paint _ in the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Blaider troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treatment at home _ at a cost of only about 12 cents a week. My book, ‘"Woman‘s Own Medâ€" jcal Adviser,"‘ also sent free on reâ€" quest. Write foâ€"day Address Mrs. M Summers, Box II\501, Windsor, Ont. SMART BOY WANTED TO LEARN printing _ trade. Apply Chronicle Telegraph. 141. , Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. â€" & complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at A Windsor Dady‘s Appeal Edison Phonograph on the table. For them and the young folks, the scope of the new Blue Amberol Records includes everything, from old time favorites to present day tunesâ€"popular and A classical. The real fun and enjoyment afforded by an Edison Phonograph is unequalied by any other instrument made. _A call on your Edison dealer will convince you. The old folks are never lonesomeâ€"they have company when there‘s an Our Busy Neighbors J.‘G. DOERSAM KING STREET ing, much to the general satisfaction of the public. ‘lbe old paper on walls and ceilings has been removed _ and been _ replaced â€" by a delicate tint of paint. The woodwork and seats have all been reâ€"varnished, and _ now Present a very pleasing aspect. New carpets have been laid on the _ alter and alter steps, while the aisles have been adortned with Coca matting. A large crowd was ib attendance at toth afternoon and evening services. â€" Rev. Mr. Sanderson of Berlin, pastor _ of the _ church occupied the pulpit _ at both services. The Choir of the Berâ€" lin Grace Congregational Church was present inâ€" â€"fullâ€"force andâ€" Tendered soine of their choicest ‘selections, in a most _ acceptable manner. â€" Beautiful bouquets of carnations and blossom laden plants, lent a charming â€" appear ance to the occasion. Great credit is due to the pastor Rev. Mr. Sanâ€" derson and his noble band of workets ;who have labored with untiting zeal during the past few weeks to _ bring about | t*is change. The offerings at both services which amounted to a neat _ sum will be applied _ to _ the church fund, towards the cost of reâ€" pairs etc. _ Services every Sabbath ufternoun at 3. pin. to which you are all welcome. Church Reâ€"openedâ€" The Congregaâ€" tional Church at Freeport which bad been closed for the past three weeks for repairs _ was reopened on Sunday aiternoon, May ith. Quite‘a _ transâ€" formation has been wrought '.htougbâ€"{ out the entire interior of the buildâ€" Pleasantly sUrPrised.â€" A _ large number of young people of this neigh borhood _ very _ pleasantly surprised Miss Clara Detweiler, of Spring Hill Farm, on Friday evening April 17th, on the eve of her departure for Toronâ€" to, where she expects to reside â€" for the next three years. Miss Detwiler though taken be surprise, graciously welcomed all her guests, who at once set in to enjoy â€" themselves. _ Games and amusements of all sorts were inâ€" dulged in, and music, both vocal and instrumental was also provided, and the happy hours sped by only too rapâ€" idly, but with them too there was an undertone of sadness, in the fact that Miss Clara would so soon be rensoved froni their social circle, where _ she was a general favorite. During . the course â€" of the evening Miss Detwiler was Presented with a handsome gold watch fob, beautifully engraved. The serving of a delectable luncheon and the _ taking of _ a group photo _ by flash light, brought to a close one of the brightest of social gatherings in this neighborhood. eâ€"they always Freeport: Mermer were in London last week in formality, if after you are not the interest of the London Developâ€" D-:lï¬v Mvfl resulte. . > ment Co. of New Hamburg. â€" Miss e recommend Rexall MoY Doilop, kesistng arint at ue | . Dofecsbentathets ind R. T. of T. concert held last Thursâ€" rimuumw_}gky-me day, was the guest of her friend Miss without eq ve prom Wilion at the home of Mr. â€" Jacob | _ Ttliet, siding to :,‘“‘;:‘,E‘h“}‘?’- GraG during her stay in town.â€" Mrs. strengthen the no‘r...":ï¬ John Messner spent last Wednesday thus promote perfect nutrition and in Torontoâ€"Mr. J. Vance â€" was a| _ Coffectunbealthy aeymptoms s10g" business visitor in Hamwilton _ last You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets week.â€"Miss Alvina Yeager of Shakesâ€" hubq-dq“on!nmm: peare is the g\?d her cousin, Miss A. G. HAEKHNEL. .&delyn Rau.-l:-. E and Mrs. Gide: Waterico The Pigmmm$) stere _ Ontarte eber of Monkton were the guests ‘There is a Atore in nearly her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler &Wï¬% last week.â€"Miss Edria _ Appel spent | . Remedy for illâ€" Tuesday with friends in Berlin â€"Mrs. rMm‘ Greem of Galt was the guest of her The u‘.&wm parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sehl last week. ‘__M“. Ratz is spending a 'ew“;::*. wuennmmmnmenpmsnmmgermmoneecunemennemempememmmemmmeempemeene with her daughter, Mrs. Schwicher in Crediton â€"Miss Florence Puddicombe Wellesley has returned {from a two months‘ ~~~ visit with her sister, Mrs. Smith, in .Pcfsomls.â€"Mr. and Hr‘sl. w? W;;s ‘Toronto. Miss Helma Boullee â€" and| Wil! s00n leave here for !‘.:r.;’: gt ; Miss Minnie Berlett are in St. Marys| WCSt has been manager of t/ an The is d ard Bank since it opened here and ha guests of the former‘s sister, Mrs f Charles Richardson.â€"Mr. O. H. Reckâ€"| been a good citizen, a courteous an er went to Exeter last week to deâ€"| E€:Tous officer of the Bank and gair liver a Ford car to Dr. Browning of|¢d many friends during his stay i that place.â€" Mrs. Scott of Toronto,| Well:sley, who regret the departure 0 with her little granddaughter, is the| Mr. and Mrs. _ West _ from our town guest of her friend, Mrs. Thomas| but join in wishing them a l!""'"‘ * Mitchell. â€"Miss McMasters and _ Miss|jOUrn and a prosperous life in . thei Chamberlain of Guelph _ were _ the|new field of lator. _ Mr. Gerdiner th guests of Miss Lucy Schmidt over the| new Bank â€" manager and his wife hay weekâ€"end.â€"Miss Clarence Buckel is | afTived hete. _ Nir. and Mrs. Harr visiting with friends in Guelph.â€" Mr. | Kreutzweiser _ amd Miss Florenc Walter Giebel of Killaloe is spending| Kreutzweiser spent ~Friday in Berli his bolidays _ with his parents, Mr. | on Special business. Mr. Leo. Rumi and Mrs. F. Goebel.â€"A number of the |our new hotel keeper spent last Frida young men of the town have invested | in ths twinâ€"city on business. Th in a couple of motor boats. The |sad news was received _ here of th boats arrived in town last week and|death of the 10 year old daughter c the boys are learning how to manage| Mr. and Mrs. .).G. Schmidt, Harriet them. They anticipate many pleasureâ€"| of Topping, who diel last Wednesda able outings this summer.â€"Mr. and|and the remains wetre interred in th Mrs. John Rumig attended the wedâ€"| Lutheran cemetery. in North Fas ding of the former‘s brother at Berâ€"| Hose. The fun>ral was largely atten lin on Monday last.â€" Miss Gordner | ded. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have th and Miss Pauli of Mitchell were the| keart felt sympathy of friends in thi ',guests of Mrs. Bd. Grundemberger at community in their sad afliction. M \ the Commercial Hote! last week.â€"Mr| Albert Berscht, general merchant wa Harry Hofheintz and â€" Miss Bessie| a business visitor at Berlin last Fr Il)opp were guests at the Albion Hoâ€"| day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bivguir wer tel in Wellesiey last Wodnesday evenâ€" \is:iting friends and â€" acquaintance ing.â€"The. many friends of Mr. Henty| jast Sunday _ in and around Mencton Weide are sorry to hear of his illâ€"| Mr. Charles Kochler, sr., has â€" beci ness and wish him a speedy _ recovâ€"| on the sick list forsoine time and i ery.â€"Rev. Mr. Cropp, pastor of the| now suffering from,. an attack of Salt ll\;etllodtstd;:lurcrt: [anq Ml;; George| theum. Mr. Albert Becker, of Betli ean, as delegate from the congregaâ€" s p 4 tion, attended the district mceting in SEent S“‘EM†Galt on Tuesday. â€" Mrs. _ Coprad a Wilker had ‘her limb badly bruised by Mannheim having a beavy plank fall on it when d es she was helping her husband _ unload| News Notes.â€"People in our vicinit some timber.â€"Mr. G. Bauer‘s many | are busily engaged gowing theit cor friends in town will be pleased _ to| and mangels. The meeting â€" of _ th know he is recovering from a severe| Edward VII Literary Sotiety whic attack oi pmeumonia.â€"Mr. and Mrsâ€"| was to be held on , Saturday nigh Robert Kerr left last week for their| May 17th was poa,pbned on accoun new home in Stratford. Mr. Herman| of the rain until the evening _ of, th Wilhelm who recently purchased their | 31st. home here moved in his household efâ€"| persqnals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Berge fects immediately upon their depa"â€"| visited with friends at Upper stree Local and Personal.â€"Mrs. W. H Boullee and Mrs. Simpson _ Merner were in Toronto lait week visiting the former‘s duughter, Mrs. _ Fred Becker.â€"Messrs. Stuart Winn and Ed. Trinity Lutheran church, with Mr Peine as delegate from the congrega> tion, attended the mecting of Synod in Waterloo last week. Onâ€" account: of the absence of the pastor no ser vices were held in the chugch on Sunâ€" day. Mr. Voelker also attended the Sunday Schovol Convention _ of the German EvangeMcal Lutheran Synod of Canada in Phillipsburg on Monday and was elected Treasurer of the disâ€" trict. The next convention will be held in New Hamburg.â€"Rev. G. W. Pust, pastor of the Baptist Church, has handed in his resignation and will preach‘his farewell sermon on Sunday June 1st. About the middle of July Mr. and Mrs. Pust intend leaving for Saskatoon, where Mr. Pust will take charge of a church. Mr. and Mrs. Pust have made many friends during their two years‘ stay in New Hamâ€" burg, and many will regret their deâ€" parture, but will wish them Godâ€" Married.â€"Rumigâ€"Polzin.â€" In Berlin, on Monday â€" at 9 o‘clock _ at St. Mary‘s R. C. Church the matriage of Mr. Leo Rumig, proprietor _ of the Albion Hotel, Wellesley, and Miss Annie Poizin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Polzin, of Betlin, _ was solemnized, Rev. Fathor Fischer offiâ€" ciating. Miss Lena Kieswetter, couâ€" sin of the groom, was bridesmaÂ¥d, and Mr. Fred Polzin,. brother of _ the bride,\ was groomsman. _ After the ceremony a reception was held ~ at the home of the bride‘s parents, _ 24 Cameron strect, and a number | o[ guests partook of a sumptuous wedâ€" ding breakfast. The groom is _ well known in New THamburg and h§s many fricnds wish him _ and his bride . a happy and prosperous wedded life. Mr. Framke, st., Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Framnke, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Franke and Mrs. Gocbel were in Baden on Sunday attending the funcral _ of the late Mrs. Kumpf, whose. deatb oceurred on Thursday. _ Deceased was the widow of theâ€"late Gottlich Kumpf who died many years ago. She is survived by a grown up family. The funeral took place on Sunday, the serâ€" vices being condveted _ in the Baden Lutheran _ church. Interment took place in the Zaden cemetery. speed on their journey and many blesâ€" sings in their future home and charge. Death of Thos. Somerville â€" ‘The death took place at Havsi¢ile on Sunâ€" day Igst of Mr. Thos. Somerville in his 68th year. The deceased was . a New Hamburg Personals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. W.B. West will soon leave here for Elmwvale. Mr. West has been manager of the Standâ€" ard Bank since it opened here and has been a good citizen, a courteous and gen:rous officer of the Bank and gainâ€" ed many _ friends during his stay in Well:sley, who regret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. _ West _ from our town, but join in wishing them a happy| so iourn and a prosperous life in â€" their new field of lator. _ Mr. Gerdiner the new Bank â€" manager and his wife have arrived hete. _ Nir. and Mrs. Harry Kreutzweiser _ amd _ Miss â€" Florence Kreutzweiser spent <~Friday in Berlin on special business. . Mr. Leo. Rumig our new hotel keeper spent last Friday in th: twinâ€"city on business. The sad news was received _ here of the death of the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. schmidt, Harriet, cf Topping, who diefl last Wednesday and the remains were interred in the L.utheran cemetery. in North East Hoze. The fun>ral was largely attenâ€" ded. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have the teart felt sympathy of friends in this community in their sad afliction. Mr Albert Berscht, general merchant was a business visitor â€"at Berlin last Friâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bivgur were visiting â€" friends and | acquaintances last Sunday â€" in and around Mencton. Mr. Charles Kochier, sr., has . been on the sick list for soine time and is now suffering from, an attack of Saltâ€" theum. Mr. Albert Becker, of Berlin sPent Sunday at his home here. Personals.â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergey visited with friends at Upper street on Sunday. â€"Mr.â€"and Mrs. P. Becket visited with friends at Berlin on Sunâ€" day. _ Miss Barbara Shantz, is spend ing a week with her sister. Mrs. Her bert Shantz at Waterloo. ‘Miss Ella Herner from Berlin,is spending a week in the neighborhood. ~ lifeâ€"long resident of the vicinity and was highly respected by . all who knew him. He was a member. of New Hamburg Lodge of the L.O.O0.F under whose auspfces the funeral was conducted on Tuesday. Interment was made in Pine Hill cemetery. Rev. Mi Johnston of Chesterfield Presbyterian church conducted the services at the house and grave. The deepest | syinâ€" pathy is extended to the â€" bereaved widow, who was Miss Mary Bruce of Blenheim. Funeral Largely _ Attended.â€" The funeral of the late Wm. Weber igok place on Friday morn‘ng at 10 a‘clock to the R. C. Church, where _ High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Klocpier, assisted by Rev. Father Arnold of Lucan and Rev. _ Father John Arnold of Drayton, cousins . of the deceased, and from there to Rivâ€" erside cemetery for _ interment. A large number of the,townspeople gathâ€" ered at the house and accompanied the remains to the church, thus payâ€" ing their fast tribute of respect to the deccased. Among those from out of town who were present at _ the funcral were Mf. and Mrs. John Lang (Mrs. Weber‘s parents), Mr. and Mrs. C. HM. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. George Lang, Nr. amd Mrs. Motz, _ Messts. C. H. Mills, M.P.P. for North Waterâ€" loo, Charles Crantz, Roos, _ J. T Ncellen, Rittinger and Merrick, all of Berlin, and Mr. Watson of _ Woodâ€" atock. News Notes.â€"People in our vicinity are busily engaged gowing their corn and mangels. The meeting â€" of the Edward VII Literary Sotiety which was to be held on . , Saturday _ night May 17th was vodpimed on account of the rain until the evening â€" of, the 31st. Does it not seem strange that So do not know how long the D.D.D. many people suffcr year in and yeurll,aboratoriu will continue the _ 25 out with eczema * ]cfnt offet; as the remedy is regularâ€" A 25 cent bottle of a simple wash ly so‘d only in $1.00 botties and has stops _ the itch and will sugely comâ€" never before been put on the market vince any patient. |ln Canada on any sPecial offers. ‘This wash is @omposed of mild and; If you want relief toâ€"night try _ a soothing oil ~ of wintergrern mixed;boltle at 25 cents on our petsonal with thymol and glycerine, etc., and’ernnondalmn‘â€".\. (i. Haehnel. kpown as D.D.D. Prescription, We! Druggist. 25C TO STOP THAT ITCH Catharine _ Elizabeth Kump{( was born the 26 November, 1828, in Apâ€" penrod, Germany, the fiith child _ of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Platzer. The late Mrs. Kumpf.â€"On Sunday May 18 the funeral of the late Mrs. Kumpi was held. he had been ill a Lout three weeks. C hss paronty 13 cavice am merel ie ons steiunt fos omm oi ipit a ents anatla ant m ."9 â€"and everybody took part. The es New Hamburg. Later she was married) of the evening was spent in vocal and to Mr. Earnst F. . l\“mp_l- (H.‘fs?‘en:instl'umental music, readingz and reciâ€" e se n c opan‘s | unial tns it o Li Dt & € + "®‘all joined hands to Auld Lang Syne, and 5 daughters. Mrs. Kump{ @lway$ they went their way homewards, 2ll enjoyed the best of health uP to _ 2â€" geclaring Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd capâ€" bout three months ago she com@lained ;t>1 host and hostess. of weaknoss of the beart and lvngs| Miss{Jean McAllister and Miss Allic ““‘:thm;l weeks aso she §an °_°"l‘“=ed; Bedford spent last week with Berlin "Oï¬ er bed, when death relieve § ©C ; friends. _ The Schrobers in this vicinâ€" soeine Pntaar morine uBdon it mtern in fhed cprecie jb t 8 | the cases are all < "I4 rnd so lar have the hymn she learned at confitmatio®n:| jimost all recovered. (hristi Blut und Gerechtickeit { mamnanamaiinrn se me.s Das ist mein Schmuck und Ehrenkleid . S f Damit werd ich vor Gott besteln %Minard's Linniment Co., Limited. Womig cal, mlr dicse stenge "PC0" _ |_ Dear Sirsâ€"Your MINARD‘S LINE s gu’;‘i, Peesslich se !MBXT is our remedy forsore throat, \i't"j ‘: 5 4 .:‘: und colds and all, ordinary ailments. :\'(‘:h'w:::n fvil;'fl(l‘:o::l tr::lz:]s:ine It never fails to relieve and . cure Nicht zu weichn von der Pflicht prowptiyâ€" CTIARLES WIIOOTEN. Bis das Aug‘ in Tode bricht Fort Mulgrave. Gott der alles weis und richtet t . Weis wie wir uns verpfichtet INi( ht su wechen von der pficht esc i ~ Tés des aug im Tode bricht.. , The late C: Merges.â€"Mr. C. Menges of Berlin was laid to rest on Sunday afternocwn in the Baden Cemetery. Rev Dr. E. Hof#man of Toronto officiated Mr. Menges was a resident of Baden for a mnumber of years an carried â€" on a shoe shop, employing as many as four journey men besides himself, but in later years _ when _ factory work came in he did most of the work bim self. _ About 12â€" years ago he moved to Berlin and lived with his daughter Nrs. Steppler. She died on May 15th aged 76 years 5 months and 18 days. Her hustand Gied the 26th October 1893. she leavâ€" es to mourn her loss 5 daughters _ 3 sons, 17 grand children, 2 great grand children, . Ich hab mich Gott ergeben Dem liebsten Vater mein Hierâ€"ist kein Immetleben Es mus geschieden sein, Der Tod bringt mir kein schaden Es ist mein besten Gwinn Durauf in Gottes Gnaden Fahr ich in Fricd dah n. ‘ The bereaved family pathy of their _ many sad affiction. Straifo copy Mr. Meages had lost the sight To be continued All this week. This Mammoth Sale Thornton & DougSlas, Ltd. Stratford, Guelph, Berlin, Hamilton. Baden 1 family have the symâ€" many friends in their Straiford papets Please OF MEN‘S HAND TAILORED SUITS i Pleasantly Entertained.â€"The ‘Freâ€" fail literary society mpt at the home |ul.\lr. and Mrs. J.1l. Shopherd last Wednesday evening and spent a Very :pleas:mt time. â€" The evening was ideal iund _ ncarly every miember was . preâ€" sent. The most important iten: on the programme | was the spelling imatch. which was very _ interesting â€"and everybody took part. . The rest |of the evening was spent in vocal and :‘instrumental music, reading and reciâ€" jtations, and alter a sumptous repast ‘all joined hands to Auld Lang Syne, , they went their way homewards, all declaring Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd capâ€" ,ital host and hostess. | â€"MissiJean McAllister and Miss Allic â€" Bedford spent last week with â€" Berlin | friends. _ The Schrobers in this vicinâ€" jity suffered an attack of measles, but | the cases are all = "I1 snd so far have |almost all recovered. _ Painful Injury.â€" Mr. Herbert Hartâ€" i®e5 of Philipsburg came with Mr. Berâ€" dus, to get a few head of cattle at the farm yf Mr. A.‘Wagler. â€" Before they left‘ Mr. Wagler had to raise a heavy beaim in the tank house, and all gave a helping hand. _ Mr. Harting felt a pain as scon as the beans was placed znd sat down, but was at once taken to the doctor, who found aiter examâ€" ining him that he was badly mptured.‘ He immediately removed Mr Harting to the B & W. Hospital where _ Irs. Gillespie and Andetson operated on him _ to save _ his life _ As to wound gungren> setting .in. _ This happened last Friday and he is doing as well usl can be expected. ' Rev. and Mrs. Voss, of IMespelet, spent a few da‘s in Baden last week. Mr. and Mrs. .‘uo Issler and children of New Hamburg visited her _ father en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Stock Ex M.P.P. Mr. and Miss C. Stock. . Mr. and _ Mrs. HIH. Sippel of Tavistock, Messrs Ernst and _ Theo Frank _ and their father, of New Hamburg, attend ed the funcral of the late Mrs. Kungof also, Mr. Wm. Stock and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock of Blanford. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. Sippel and children of Pright Mrs. Wm. sSwan and Mr. C. NVollmers havsen, Miss Minnie Sippel of Philips: bury. _ Mr. _ and Mrs. Ruben â€" Eby of New Dundes, Mr. .JIno Kesselring . of Berlin. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. Rau of New Hamburg visited at Mrs. Wm. Hiersch on Sunday. _ Mrs. (Chas. _ Ledertan. Mrs. Wm. Witt,Mrs Treusch of Rethn spent Sunday _ with relatives and friends. % He leaves a sorrowing widow _ two daughters and one son and one daughâ€" ter and a son died a number of years ago. one eye through illness _ and partial sight of the other which left him pracâ€" tically blind the past few years. Aâ€" tbout 10 days _ ago he had a Paralytic stroke which ended his suflering _ on ‘thursday motning. Bloomingdale We are extending the time of this overmake saile until the night of the 24th of May. This gives you another opportunity to get in right on your sult for Victoria Day. We have added a number of special lines, the overmake of our own workrooms which we securad last week. These are not misfits or job cloths, but the newest and best that an upâ€"toâ€"date tailor shop, run on the most sanitary daylight system can produce. T. & D. HAND TAILORED stands for all that‘s correct in style, fabric, fit and finish and are absolutely guaranteed. READ THIS LIST Reg. Reg. Reyg. Reg. $15 and $:16.50 Suits. gpecial 11,50 $18 and $20 guits. Special 18.50 $20 and $22.50 Suits. Special 15.50 $27 and $28 Suits. Special 21.5n ens of Elmira accompanied by Jan Phenton of Conestogo, made a P toral call at Fristone Villa on W n>sday of last weâ€"k.â€"Mrs. Hoski of Palmerston spent a few days week with her parents, Mr. and M Wm. Hardy.â€"On Tuesday, May 6 Miss Rosie Brohman of Winterbou! daughter of Mroâ€" Michael _ Brohm was united in, marrrage to Mr. Fr; Letson of Berlin, at the R. C. chu Berlin, by Father Kloepfer. T wedding dinner was served | at home of the bride‘s parents, w quite a large number of guests w .present. The evening was spent v enjoyably in music and dancing a other â€" amusemenis. Nr. and Mr Letson will reside in Berlinâ€" T Rev. Mr.‘Young of Stratford occupy the pulpit in Chazmers chu next Sabbath.â€"The Rev. Mr. C ; man, missionary from Jazan, gp:nicd by Mrs. Cowman, . were \Chalmers Church Friday evenin‘ las ‘Mr. Cowman gave a very graphic "scription of the state of ; society ~~ that jar away country and althou thay have hundreis of gods that the worship yet they have good _ schi 0 of learning and ncarly all kinds bi articles are manufactured. They hat electric and steam railways n1 mof ‘of the inventicns that we bave her ‘But they lack very much in _ mor reform. Mrs. Cowman‘s address w very touchin: indeed when she call the attention of the audience to :l} fact that the women were down tr0 _den in Japan, and that nothing | bt the Bible woufd iiit them up. _ M and Mrs. Cowman sang beautifully \duet in Japanese. A collection w !taken up and the meeting brought 1 \a close. Clothing Manufacturers. Items of Interest.â€"Mr. and w Lawrance of St. Clements visited â€" Mrs. Geo. Forwel‘s on _ Suncay. Miss Laura and Esther and bro Willian Sundayed at Elmira â€"Mi Flotcnee ond Mary Augden and MfZ Alvin Ottman Sundayed .with â€" Mréd Harry Wiler of Waterloo.â€"The tel®} phone men are erecting the new lined#® in this district.â€"â€"Mr. Gcorge _ Ston@g called on his daughter in F.lmllg‘ last Friday. Jus Certre Huron Liberals will hold _# demonstration in honor of Mr. _ Wilks iam Proudfoot at Goderich, May 30.%§ News Notes.â€"The Rev..W. B. C OF MONEY SAVERS Winterbourne Hwkesville