you» Wt " ttt"tqqtti-rgtgttt8tgett Wultt' . i' iiiU Store A dispute as to who was "wright ful owner ot ii pile at wood was ren- tilatod in Police 1'onrt on Wedrmsday afternoon, bvtore Magistrate Weir. It appears that our party had takrn sump Jcood from 1hr- now Post Omn- building, and, the nlllrr 1mm_¢lispulml his right. Thr was? “an Hummus"! as there was no msr made out, ’ T4tonqh stores in the Tuin Cifr win be dosed on Honda}, Mar bi. there will be no hunch!» m the schools, which will Haw In hr satisaU unh ttte Saturday lluluh}, ulwh ilu'y would have in am Mom. The \qu- day lollmvinz is an Man’s Mrth- day, but it Is not an of1irrial holiday. m next srhnol hnhrlm “xlllw June S, ttte Kincr,'s IIianlu. “him is " asp] holiday in t'anzla, aluminum-1 generally observed. "er friends ll Ill be pleased to learn at her stun-xx The weeklv market was as usually furgt-ly attrnded Sun-nhy morning hy both farmers and townsiolk. Produce. of all kinds was plentiful, hutter sold at 280 a pound, and rugs 18c per dozen Mr, John M. lliihn of Hridrltwrg is among. Hump passing, their rxamina- tions at the St'llmbl M Pharmacy, Tor onto. He Stands (sllLin the' honor list. Mr. ilorace L. Frick of New Hamburg is also among those who passed. nun. these gentlemen are wollknnun inlhis (min and their mam friends "ill wish 'r (hem continued sucress, About thirty-liw r'.lmirate.s or the 1.0.019. lodge journeyed to Waiertoo on Thursday err-"in; to perform the 1nitiatory Ungrn- "a four candidates. Following Hm iuitiatimierrmumy, a summ‘unns banquet was held, and a Titrht gnu-d limo smut. 'HI:- visitors left at a Late hour by autos for their homes. . The mdrket {his “wk will lip held on Friday, May 23rrl, IN mg to Saturday being i holiday. The name oi Miss.lerrine Wells, daughter of 1lr. and “ls. t'.W. Wells, Waterloo, appears in the lisl of SINK cossful students at thetmtario Coll, ego of Art. Miss Wells secured her certificate in Drawing and Painting tron, Lite and Modelling and honor- able monunn in Ilrmum; from Draped Figure. The Rom-r l‘nmmissiun Invl tttt Fri- day evening. The only business which was transactrd was tho awarding of the rontracts fur FmwPrs on MMâ€, Allen and l'uiun Sis. to Mr. Bergman Death called, another Md Waterloo resident, on Wed'meuray. in the person of Mrs. Mary Naylor, in her 1mm year. The funeral was hcld on. Saturday artrrnoon at 2 o'cloek from the house to St Suvinur's Anglican church for svniw, thence to Mount. Hope t'emetery for lutcnnrnt. Chief Flynn inf-mum! the writer Monday morning thatdogs running at large, will be taken in charge by the police. It would therefore he wise for canine-owners to tie up their pets, or thes. may he hailed into po- tice court ior not doing so. 'i Wine Apouulee In... 211 Intern. The death occurred Bear Erttsviiie on Wednesday oi Mrs. Louis Hergott, and " years. b' months and " days. Her husband died a tew weeks tt MKS In and Mrs. All '4anderson, and lasts C. and A, Huehnerr,ard came from 'loronto ott Monday in Mr. Itueh 'sergard's new Hudson car. Mr. ItortcGeiger, otHensalt, broth- er ot Messrs. Dr. Geiger and Oliver Geiger oi Waterloo, was successful in passing the annual qualifying examin- ation for Pharmaceutical t'hentists, with honors. "A Normal view oi Missions" was the 'suhiect of acharacteristically clear and practical address by Miss Muriel "otrkey at the Methodist lip- worth League meeting, Munday Pveu- tug. The Town Hall stall mailed the pull tar slips on Mummy, June 13th is the last day on whiehpayments can be tuede, and this war the law will be onlun'vd tothe Ir-tlt-r. Tho other tax slips will hemailed “illun the course of a low days. Chiet " Police Flynn and Fire Chief Ranges, at tended the civic funeral service is stratum! Thursday " hich was bald [or the victims at the Knox Presbyterian tower horror. A SMART BOY WANTED TO learn the dry goods business. Apply at once to J. L'nelmaun. Waterloo. ‘Mlllod {UPPLIIS At this mornings srssio the rnporb " thevorrtmittrr oi mnnwrmnrnt of the l,utheron Hunk Slow, "errrn, “an pttviented and allwptvd. It “as de rirlrd to serum a rrm,rP,ttter intorrst in this tiork 311nm: the launch. in order to improve the business interests, and onahlv thrrommittre to do greater worb. The trPasurrr's report was prc"tntrd " thnpast ymr, and re- H'alod the Sum! in a good Iinancml positinn When the sessions or the Evangeli- ml Synod of ('anmla opened on Thurs day aiternoon, Itev. Wm. IAN', on tw- half ofthe Twin-('iiy Ministrrial As- sociation delivered an address of wel- comp. Rev. NJ. Bichrr delivered greetings from the llinglish Lutheran Synnd oiCattasLa, and Rev. J. K. kitsch of "tiiialo delivered ',rreetitur,s from the New York Ministerial As- sociation. A hearty imitation was receivrCit,, tion: Mr. .lnhus ll. lions, TrrnSurer’f: of the Mutual Lift- Asylum-r Co. for h, the rtrray and dwhmnlr'; hump"! n the company's-now bun-lings, “hithlw was accepted, and appreciated. in Tim 1m'ecrrtary uppni n ted is itev. II. L. llcnkel at Pearl Lake, and the Treasurer Rev. E. Ilolnt, ol Wellesley. At the turning (it the NPS- sinn. In the aiternoon Itev. Loo delivered an address 'ur “Mi-mm- nu behalf oi the Twin City Ministerial Association. A sllnlmllous banquet was served at, 5.30 in the Linn-1:; Iran try the La- dies' Aidot tho Lutheran Church lo the clergy, delegates and members otthe church Board, about mm bring present. At the Ironquet tam“ speeches "ere made by HP“. .I.K. Kirsch HMalo, W.t. "when Berlin, “or. H. HaudeMt, tttToledo, and piano duets rendered by the Misses "ocketman. l rrrnnmwn-lnhun “3": passed that tertvs be funnulaiml so m to conttit thp funds at lwnmulrnrcs. Swami ot the nil-1T3 were elected at, .llw morning session. Iter. Dr. Hoffman was rock-010d President. The sessions Thursdav opened at fl o'clmk, with tu-ess/ies" Dr. llomnan presiding. The delegates handed in their credentials and answ- ered the roll call, after which Rev. it the work of the church will prosper faithfulness must he exorcism! string- ently. . The choir rendered srveral splmdid siehrctions, and the church was well lillml with (It-legams, 1aymm, and members ul the church. The sessions 01 the and “In! Evangelical Lutheran Synod at Cut ada In ope-2d auspldously on - yedday wetting. It". Dr: E, Hon- ma-u. 0.0.. ot Toronto, Preside) liven-d the sermon. and Rev. E. [bake], at Poul we autumn at. the altar. Rev. Dr. Hellman chose his texts front Hebrews 13 chapter, vents rt and IS, an! Acts and chap- ter, It verse. The reverend geutte- man dealt lrecly with his text, and in the course ul his remarks pointed out that it required the laithfulness of all in adhering to the church and the clergy. Continuing he stated that _ _" [,.i.lill.l'illtliltli)ill Mill Jtittii 'tvie Synod Delegates Welcomed Where the sessions ol the Lut heraa Sy.nod are being held tt,t'tte, of Annual Conference at Jo 's Church largely Attended by Clerical and Lay" Delegates ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. ' . . . t . h uuull Iraulll Illl' mun-n. I\Y". It. hey H†1."er WU?" "MSW“- Wiegand f,',',)',')',," to the children in Grr- an mzmng thr nwan-rs m New York . um the stmakrr. He told ot his tContinued m Fatter 8.) “ML 3mm": the ormiurritnts', of ham -----------_ my more received on their landing. DIES UP "I.ftttD-PolHo.NtNG. and 1xhat steps wrre taken to carp KtNG'.s"rttx-Mrs. Frank Acton, (pr thern until they left the mom-up!» hork street, isdoad as a n-srn of lis, Hr rolrrrml to the German 1sho,iood Poisoning resulting from prick- had 5.2.qu stolen trom hm. when hr'ing a pimplo n" tver hp (with a Imam rmvlml london. (m1. Hr said 'di) niue claw 3g... 31hr tt.ts Hunt war: IP’VJII prrmnnily 1sarrned him when of mm and leawshrr husband and in Jeu York, to deposit his money three children. Ilospeler, J. mnklry; John street; T. Atierkman, (HI. Hoffman, Norman street; F. Schultz. A fKhaeier; Nor- matt street; A. Wagner, C.U. Hons; Tatistoek, Mr. lit-my Weisgerher; A. Inn-ring. H. Stepplor; Baden, F. Rup- tml; George Leonhardt, William Henks; Robert. Mich-l, John Schacler King street; Valentine Fischer, .In- sum Ludwig; Drsboro, Joseph Gross, Elmira, Adam Meyer; L. Peine, Will- iam 1"ottrad; FreCAtrven, Henry Roc- Kel; Hanover at Berlin; A. Rocker. Jam}; llprhor; Jacob Hellman, F. Lantz, John street; 'r'1tTs1or'r,",. Ja colt Kress; Shantz Station, Julius (h-rmnn; Mr. troriman, John Lam, .lollh street; ttev. Harman, Germany, anrzzl' lioldllc, Waterloo. The session of the Evangelical 1,u- Hmran Synod on Thursday oven-(n; mum at partitmlar interest as it dealt “uh the probing of rtsiy'uonft. Two 1iplruMul atluresses were dMivered by spvakers who are well versed in théir “ark, and the lamp audit-nor Instrm‘d uith up! attention, disprayinsr, a deep interest in ilte work amongthe [or right-YR both in New York and the Not'thtuest. Rev. F. Veit, Fhl. Lipphurtlt; Ilev. J. Ftarenipier, J.ll. Runs; Rev, Fl. Seudnrfcr, Mrs. St-haeicr; Rev. E. Schroeder, F'rederiek Sh; Iles. J. Pcadke, H. Ziegler; llcv. J. Landmltm, Louis Foil); A lilnnk; Rev. Arendt, J.C. Mueller; RN. M. Maas, Itr.fhi- j.c1; Rev. IC. Seburlkr, ('. Huchn; (iiiil. Dr. Hoiiruatt and others, Rev. noclar1rttant Rev. H. Rembe, C. Woer 'lerit'ev. E. Holm, Mrs. ms. Boos; Rev. ILL. Henkel, Fred Keel; Re". At. Weig,anrl, Dr. Weidenharnmer, Rev. ‘JJHrackt-uhush and wire, Rel: Zarnke Berlin; Rev. G. Iraechsel, Seminary; no“. H. Twietmrrer. Seminary; Rev 'n. Hank-MU, H. Human; llev. Hock- vhnan. home; lhrv. P. Kleine, A. "ol- due, Pat M. Havant Mrs. I. Engol, 1iuvcn street; llev. t'. Zarake, home, Berlin, Rev. It. Linke; ---Heminary, llev. F'.. JoStinsk}, Mrs. Ilnltzwurth; Iles'. H. Ink-as. ill. Laing; REV.) o, "lir.whn," .L('. “Holler; Itrv, M. Vncl hr, Fi. Frcy; km; M. Noses', Henry Schaefer; ttev. ll. Hanson, li'. Raisig; Iler. W. Kuprer, c. Stoinhatjh; Rev. ml Mosix,' George Beam, Alumni street; Rev. Tr. Lamack, A. rilel- man; HP". 0. '4tocknran, A UiTelutani, Rev. h. Quintom, l Fromm; Rem G. “Tuning. W. Janke; RP". C. Zieg- ler, "(~an koehlery Rev. H. Shorten: “. Wor1ler; Ilev. “rumor, PM. Room. Paw. F. livers, and missionary Pw-l cr. Kinder, C. "nehnergard. Rev. Itehle, George Bolduc. I Thor toniiwing are the delegates from remgregations and the homes in “hid: they “Lil! be stationed." _ i The delegates to the Lutheran Sr rnod [rid in St, John's Church u‘cro entertained at the homes of, the menpiers nl congregation as"toltou s: Treasurer-ttev. E. “an... Welles- by. B The Vice-President was elected " this .ch'sion, so that the ret ot ol- iicem tor the coming year are: . minim-Rev. Dr. a. Help. B. D, Toronto. - . , Vice Presiderst.--itev.d, summon. Fecretary.-ttee. H. L. mud. Pearl Lake. Missions Were Discussed VISITORS BILL FrrED. them in tour individual class“. The first. thry are wonderful; the second, thev are mod Manse their romr trom " (and at Lore; third blessed Are his ways tor ther lead toheavem F'olloaing the snrmnn a wry im- "resisive ceremony took plate. “hen Holy Comrv,m.ton was orientated. In the atterttoon at 3 o'clock Sun- day Scimol was held, with Hev. F., Inwhelmnn, pastor M St. John's Chtrrrh leading the school, Rm: H. Wirgand spoke to the children in Grr- The sessions at the Evangcliral Lu- theran Synod were attended by rc- vord-brrakMg nouns on Sunday. n hon splendid scnnmw were delivered. At' the morning service RN. H. Musig ox-vupiml the pulpit. He took his text [rum Romans lllh chapter. TPOV es 'PM to 26, am] his sath.ieet. was "Re Praise the Words oi God." In speak- tttur, of His waists he referred to I Rev. (Ln. Tappfrtr, “morn... ctrair-l 'ram of-the Home Mission “alum -iir the Home ('mmcil was the nrxt speaker, and he spoke on “Home Mis- sinus.†P I [The congregation enjoyed Rev. Mr. Tappaht's address so well that the pressed a desire to hear him again on tho same subject. A very gen eruus collection was taken, which will he devoted to the missionary work in the West. Ho told ot the pioncrr work of Ttev. F'. You, who is now" stationed in Ta- TiStock and who is attending the con- ference. tre said that in 1888 he re- Mind a call trom the German Luth- eran people around Winnipeg, which he accepted. Continuing, tie said. that a church, the' “Holy Trinity" was founded by him at that point. thi. 251h anniversary at which is tre- ing hold'this year. and which Ttrv Mr. Vrit has been invited to attend. While there the work grew and now tttere are thirty-tuo pastors with torty-five congregations. In a batik for sure-el/iris-ai. 'llowizvcr he refused to do this as he would nut receive interest, and now he had lost it all. The church he said was in a position to win new members tor Christ, and the (mun-h as Scan as they came to a new land. He spoke at the Scamm's Mission where I,uthera prople were taken care or and adViS- ed as to the proper steps to take in a new country. Ile spoke oi the churclra,sAat waiting, (b) watching, (ey winning. t Interesting Sunday Services An inspection of the New Goods will prgve a pleasure to you, we are sure, and will be afheci- ated by us. EVERYBODY is invited to see our New Dress Goods, Silks, Gingham's, Voiles, Prints, Sat- teens, Mustina, Allovers, Laces, Wash Goods, New Coats, Waists, Skirts, whether you come to buy or merely to look. Agents for Lama’s Home Journal Patterns. J. Uffelmann _ "The Peoples' Store ‘Exhibif it Last year petitions were granted for tarvm. Pavements on “Imam, AI Ion and Park streets. His under- stool that these priitions have teen changed and that bitnlithie puw'mnh ‘arc to be laid on fir-So streets ittsn'ead in accordance with the wishes of citi- zvns rrsulmz maroon. It is expm'ied that the paving of “my: qupr‘s will be completed this Tear. Th.“ Ilmlhlhir [mung mmpanv has a has) scason a- head. The following children oi the first trarriage survive:-- Norman, Sidm‘y, Amalia and George who reside in the United Statpx, 31m. Lorus Grill. Hes- peler. Mrs. M. Bela-r, “Mum: Gcor- gins. Following. Mrs. Pabst, millpszpw lot is a sister of deceasrd. MORE BITUUTHIC PAVEMENTS T0 BE LAID The late Mrs. "nether was born in Genmny .mminn to this couutrw with her parents. She was: tirst married 'tn the 1.216 ," may. Rnrder and resided at Watrrloo for smut yrars until his death. 54hr- later ried the late Christ. ITv,eitrmr and any resided at Waterloo. After his death several years ago Irrs. Hut-that re- moved to "attalo whore we had since resided. A Smut-mus Twin City friends will re gret tohrarn of the death oturs, (‘hrist Ifuether, sum. of Mr. ('.A. Haehuel, Waterloo, wtppassrd away at Buiriild on" Wrvrvsrray, after a? month'g illness; She was“ yéiirs of age. The remains were thghL to Wat "100 and the {metal took plan from the residence of Mr. “A. Hae'" no], comm: of Albert and Young 'its. on Saturday afternoon at four o'clock to Mount. mom: Cenarterv. MRS. ll. HUETHER PASSES AWAY IN BUFFALO BERLIN BRANCH E. Ir." Lamprey, Manager. FARMERS to be r,ncccssful must be business men. They must have a Bank Account. h i, hetlcr to pay by chcquc than with cash. Better because simpler, more convenient and more business hkc. " Have your account with . EMEIETWMEIIEEEEEEiC-Eâ€"Iifflfl ['gw\\ liimmmv run THE noun": j THE BANK OF TORONTO. MAKING FARMING PAY Ml11riiiri'f,-Siiits," Waist Gloves, Hosiery, Under- OurtCoffcc trade has ihcrcascd 50 per cent. since Jan. Ist. There is a reason. In chm-k, plain, stripes and lmnlrn‘d anhyrs, in all shad- cs. fast. colors, ior morning dresses, ete., at per yard my and ........‘. I..., .tm'.trr.rr_wrr. lie Are "You Prepared foii 'ir-r/rr, 1itil'itlay , "l/i. We have added a Fish department to our business) where we will handle nothing but the very' best lines of; fresh fish. Give us a trial order We will surely i: please you. '1 Pineapple; are three weeks earlier than last year. They are now down to rock bottom prices. Get our prices before buying. _ - C 01,011 HD Dil Kss G 00 US What a pleasure it is for a salrsmgn when h? can fully rm eommend Wash Goods that does not fade from the light, sun or washing. We haw them here in colored .uunresis- ta, which makes good wearing dresses, skirts. knys’ went. an, 36 inches wide, at ppr yard .rr_r.m.. m.-e.m".. '-.rq..t.rt. 25c SCOTCH ZEPI [Y RS In plain and stripes, Hue ground, Mira good quality, " mert's shirts, Lays "war and Vwmm‘n’s house dresses, good washers, 28 to 30 incrtes wide. at rrr yard lik. 18c. and .-...--rr .rt..r.eitWtee, Me CASH AND ONE PRICE This store carries the vari " trmauzÂ¥.mrfs‘> ""--zau_, _ __" L' v, _ " In Ladies' F'uruishings at tuoderate prices; rehable in quality an up to date in style. tot"a'you purcture In this store you are m to be satisfied., or your Inn-my reluudn'd. Empire day is at hand it is considered the opening oi the holiday season. Any article a necessity or adornment to eousple?e your costume can be mil; procured here. Miller & Hohmeier . Bohlender, PIEPERZBLOGK 7 :BERLIII, "r. Home Roasted Coffee. Canning Pineapples. Fresh Fish. wear, Ties, etc. â€11an "new P. a. may“, Man-tor Cntton Koutard, tor fine cool dresses, in stripes and lancy, with minted ground, including black. 30 and 32 inches wide, at not yard Mc and _.-..... 35c Plain Dress Chamhrays, in all (hr new shades, 28' and 30 ittches wide, fast colors; Liv-so "tll make splendid wash drew cps, for houge and school wear. at per yard 12l,c and rtrer' 15c PLAIN C1IAMrtRAYs. CASH AND ONE PRICE. Splendid wearing quality, will anl plain, with marrow strips-s. ior man's and boys' Wahine,', Fast. colors, Mt inches wide, at per yam .r.-..'tm.t.. me COTTON FOI‘LARD "LACK I!CK sum'l'mo; Phone 205