Much sympathy will. go out. to the wile and family, as well as to a largo circle ot lricmls in the sore be- mvement caused by the death of Mr. Alexander Mellougal. who per- ished in the Chatham Planrt fire on Friday last, whose remains were found in the ruins. Mr. McDougall was a nephew of the late Dougal Mobougal, local Registrar at Berlin, and a cousin oi Mrs. J. F. Morlev, formerly ot Waterloo, at whose home he visited on skverat occasions, mak- ing many friends try his kindly dis- position and genial character. Mrs. Frank Haight was the hostess of a very enjoyable “Talent Tea" ior the Evangelical Ladies' Aid So- ciety last Thursday alternoun and ev- ening, when a large number ot the triettds availed themselves ot the opportunity ola visit to this hospi- tabla home, looking its best on this occasion with artistic decorations ul lovely bright spring flowers, txlsich with the impromptu programme ol musical selections contributed by the master oi the house, made the may quarters specially inviting. and a heat sum was raised to swell the hands of the Society. Mrs. E. W. Willsom ot "Hemlock Grove" Farm. spent the past week " the home of her sister, Mrs. M. E. Braemile, George street. where she enjoyed visits trom many of her old friends and acquaintances. In. w. M. 0. boobed and two chum uo spending . tortnight with he: lather, Mr. George Moore. and In: Mootoat out. Mr. Clayton Snyder has returned (tom a very mtioyattie holiday at #ey- eral weeks spent In visiting points ot inure“ in the Southern States. Mrs. Ttatt and family ut Pittsburg are waiting at the home " her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. G.K. Yungblm, Wong, St, Mr. Nelson Snider otEdmonton, who left Waterloo several years "ago [or the Weat in in town tor a few days renewing acquaintances. . It. In In. J. Etude: and [amily at New Hamburg are spending a law by: with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sch]. In. Wm. Woolams nnd lamily, at 'tmnttord, are guest: oiher parents Mr. will". Ali'mm, MennoSt. Royal City. I]. Crawford at Ottawa wu a Ink an! visitor with Miss Carrie Song John stun. It. F.1. Raschman of the stat! nt the Canadian Consolidated Rubber ('0 Ltd., Winnipeg, is visiting at his home here tor a few days. _ llcv. 0.3. Apple‘s": ot Gun wu a when visitor in the any on Tm- was. and» an». In. “In. Club. and Mrs Has More REAL Nutriment than any Flour we Know of. A Tip-Top Satisfying Measure "Ask Your Grocer" UBEAN FLOUR Flour um- Interim) AUTOIST AND MM1BT COLLIDE Mrs. Vickrey ot New York City, and her sister, Miss Spencer of Victoria, 13.0., who have been such popular visitors at "Honneck" with Mr. and Mrs. L, J. Bre.ithasurt, left. this neck for a short visit in Tot- onto, before going on to the Coast. Mr. F. G. Cham, has RiiiGrel1 from Battle Creek, Mich, where he visited Mr. Harry Toitoa in the Sam tarium ntthat city. He reports that while Mr. Toltun has been Seriously ill he has passed the critical stage and is now on a lair road to recovery. His Physician assures Mr. Tolton thathe will be able to return homelthe lat- ter part oi next week. GOOD PRICES ARE PAID FOR CA'ITLE The usual quintutlo of Waterloo's evenings was disturbed on Friday Mien ing by an accident. Between 8.30 and Eln‘clock a Berlin autoist in turning off King St. to HN, St. N., in his automobile came in collision with a hiryrle ridden by 1.2.14. Harris. Har, rm It ho was aiming trom the oppos- ite derection, apparently did nor, see thr auto. as he ran into it demotisth- ing the hunt mherl ol the black on- tirviy. He was thrown tothe paw mom and knocked tttteohm?totm. Dr. Fiwher “as called and the unhsrtun ate man “xix carried into the 11otasl I.tsis Hr way later takert lo his homo, nut seriously imurml. In: bums “rrv hrokrn mung, to the automobile going at a slow sprr'd Fhe “itncsws state that the mum? “as driving his car wry sloss h. and had tau-ion! his horn before mining the corner. _ Dr. Vogt was the guest of honor at a meeting held in the Hamilton Conservatory at Music last Monday evening. The leader of the Nendeis- solm Choir delighted the audience with an interesting talk nu his re- cent. experiences with things musical on the continent of Eurone. Mr. IA!. llallman, who is known as the rumor oi Imp cattle, recently sold 29 Al cattle " which he received "Yrr $2800, which amounts to nearly Slim a head. This is splendid show- ing, and one of whieh Mr. llallman an be proud of. Mr. J. manner al- so sold a lloilrr cow weighing 1500 El-s " n-nrly tum. Mr. Fischer ship- tlIt-sc on Monday, together with Bev- er"l other lots to Toronto for export, there being three car1oads in all. Mrs. P. V. Wilson, two sons and maid are spending a month in Pe- trolia. the guests of her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie. having been call- ed home on account at the death of Mrs. Wilson's brother. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Winter have re- turned to their home in Toronto, after a lurluight's snjoum at the Kress House. Preston, Mt]: pleasant week-end visits at the home at their daughter. Mrs. D. Alex. Bean. Roland street " l Mr. M. S. Mailman, Actuarv ot the Mutual Life of t'anada Mm a business visitor in New York, in attendant at the annual meeting (t the Actuar- ial Society at America. Messrs. Langstatt of the Dominion Life Assurance Co. and Hallman ot the Mutual Lite Assurance Co. are attending the convention ot the Act wary Society. in New York. Mr. 1aang.stalf, Actuary of the Do- minion I ire Assuranee ('mnpany was a business visitor in New York attending the annual meeting ol the Actuarial ."4uciety ot America. Mr. A. IIrirtttrecher, ot Boloit,Wisc. is a visitor in town, as he was called to the bedside of his sister Mrs. Hem? Iuelly, who is seriously ill. Miss Hazel Martin who has been a member oi the teaching star oi the Ileaconesses Home and Training School, Toronto during the past yer is home for several months. . Mrs. McBride and two children, who came up tor the funeral at her moth- er, Mrs. William Young, “turned to Toronto last Monday. Mrs. W. M. Reade returned on Wet. nesday irom a lorlnixht's visit with Toronto friends. Miss Hazel Martin at Toronto is speudlng her nation at her home in Waterloo.- _ Prof. Paul has returned Iron) attendinn the Antrican Federation of Musicians convention in Toronto. Mr. Harold Grisch, “Brandon, Spent‘Sunday in town renewing u:- quaintances. Mr. wjter-riuWr/rtcouoG-, is mu in: at the home ot hits parents to: a law data. ' Mrs. George A. Smith, a St. Louiq is visiting at the home ot Mr. aqd Mrs. J.K, Shim). Mr. Geo. Bricks! who hubs:- " tending Toronto luiVersity, arrived home on Saturday. Mr. had You; w" u "ritee Guava"!- this _ Mr. J. Mitchell olElnirn III Visitor: in town pa Sunday. in. J.S. “with! at Email. II a humus. visitor in town today- Mr. Ed. Morn has taut-oi Iran 3 131519“; "my, Few York. The funeral was held from the re- sidence I'lrb St, on Wednesday after- noon at 2.30 o'clock, to Mount Hope Cemetery {pr interment, after which amentoria1 service was held at Carmel Church, Berlin. (Mrs. Dr. R. Senna"), and Alberta] The llespetrr baneball team “rm. "erlin; lining and Nathaniel at home. {down to dekat on Saturday after '_--------.---.- noun before the Waterloo aggregation “hon the first baby is a boy it's a by the SPOTP ol 7-2. It was a splendid sum that the mother will make plans Came and several of the tans were on before he is outot the "an, tor his hand tonpe the game, and cheer .the inauguration as President. Porn on to victory. The seasun opens Wm. Fl. Davis, passenger tramc on sum“? May 31st. when Water- "mum-r of the ("and Trunk Railway loo will meet the Gale team at died in Montreal, in his 83rd year. (that place. In the mtantimv good A discussion followed and arcsolu- tion was passed that every minister haiaright to vote. and.those ot con- gregations who do mot belong to the Synod, but who hid): it along, also have aright. The other ministers have alright. to vote onall but fin- ancial questions. _ Deceased was a daughter of the late George Seiler, being born on the old homestead, two miles north of Wa- terloo. She had lived in this vicinity all her lite and was well known and much esteemed by numerous Iriends throughout the County. On Friday evening the laymen met to deal with the financing of the Lu- theran Book Room. Thev looked on the matter favorably and will ask their congregations tor aid. MRS l il. STROH PASSES AWAY Died on Sunday. Evening " Her 67th Year An aged and highly respected resi- dent ot Waterloo passed away, Sun- day evening, at seven o'clock, in the person of Lizzie Sailor, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob G. Such, after an ill- ness of several weeks. She was in her 67th year. llor husband and atamily of flve, children survirr, viz-Ella, (Mrs. Rudolph Potts) Toronto; Lorena. (Mrs. Dr. R. $011M"), and Alberta "wrlin; lining and Nathaniel at home. In 1869 she was married to Mr. Jacob Stroll. The tate Mrs. Stroh was for many years a taithlul Uten- dant at Carmel (‘hurch of the New Jerusalem, Berlin, M which she was a member. . A sacred picture in a (with in'stitr prariirtet will hehrld,so an to England “as defaced by mililallg, have another champion team this year At the session oi the Evangelial Lu- theran Synod on Friday afternoon the question under discussion wasas to the building ot the seminary. Al- though no resolution was passed it is likely that an appeal will y made to the congregations for aid. At a banquet given try the Y.P. S. in the evening presentations were made in three of the ministers. It nus the occasion of the 25th anniver- sary of entering the ministry. Rev. E llulm was Presented with a purse ot gold, and Itev's. Kaekeatruseh and Wie- gand were made the recrplents of sil- Ter tea sets. Rev. Dr. IIotitnan made an address, referring to the occasion as very ‘rare, that three ministers should celebrate it at the same time. Saturday morning Rev. H. Hallie], se- cretary, read a paper on "Who has, the right to vote in the Synod." _ Delegates Present Purse of Gold and Silver Tea-Sets to Fellow-Members IN 'MINISTRY 25 YEARS Phone 103 k Cool Underwear, Shirts and other Haberdashery. We've the best that's made. Store will be open Friday evening and all day Saturday atth. But will be closed all day Monday. Our showing of new Straw Hats, comprises all the good sorts in every shape that's correct, Sewrets, Split Straws, Mackinaws, Milans,, etc " - - LN, 2.00, aat 3.50, to $4.50 Cool Suits of Sages, Tweeds and Homespuns, two or three piecc styles. Every Suit Classy and different . - - Mk0th 12.50, MMO to $25.00 You’ll certainly wanPa New St for the 24th or for your outing Trip. low forth. Something Stylish and Uttht weight. Straw Hats and Panamas DETENBECK'S HONORED '0' "nm 310;: quantum King sf. 25!!! A portion of the spacious grounds at the rear of the head otfiee build- ing of the Mutual Lite is being utiliz- ed for recreation purposes. One clay court and several grass tennis courts as well as a Me bowling green 120x 120 feet are being put down. The clay court is completed and willbe ready for use in a day or two. WILL PETITION A petition for inmroved street light ing which will trepresented to the Counei1 at their next meeting, isbe- ing circulated among the ratepayers of Albert St. It is summed that more street lamps be installed and al- so that a Strmger light be furnished. It is Pointed out that now that the street is being paved, the time is op- Ponune tor making any desired Change in the lighting or the street with a view to the proper illumination of this thoroughrare, whirl: is perhaps On the other hand there are others who are strongly opposed to union and who are convinced that the inter esta oi Waterloo could beat b0 ser- veq by remaining a separate munici- The grounds surrounding the new home pl the Mutual Lite are being made exceedineg attractive, the site lending itself admirably to beautifica- tion. Along the trout ot the building there is a specially fine display of tu- tips which are very etteetively and artistically arranged. the town There is allowing number ot citi- zens who thin]? that union with the neighboring municipality would settle many contentious matters which are not conducive to a feeling of good will between the two places and who favor amalgamation providing, ot course, that afair and equitable ar- rangement could be brought about whereby the interests of Waterloo would be fully safeguarded. ; palitg. GRO|JNDS BEING PUT Ill FINE SHAPE l A citizen prominent in Municipal al- fairs suggests that aplebiscite be taken at,the New Years Elections on the question of whether Waterloo citi- i'ilfiiiii, the amalgamation of Ber- lin d Waterloo. The matter is a- gain being discussed in connection with the proposed enlargement or the Hymn Collegiate, made necessary to accommodate pupils lrom the various) municipalities. An expression ot opinion by the citizens on the subject would furnish definite in!ormation as to whether such union A was favorably regarded or Rot. To. Ascertain Opinion of Citi. zens as to Union of Berlin and Waterloo SUGGESTS h Waterloo Defeats Hespeler "est" residental street" futile a New Suit ['illli)2fiil]] THE COUNCIL Waterloo It Lowest Prices Allan A. Mayer "'hone 148 Copies of the Chronicle-Telegraph ot March 28 and 'Aptil 18, 1912, lor lyle. Any person bringing copies of these dates to this otmx, will receive a year's subscription to the Chron- icle-Telegraph tree. Mr-tr. Groceries' and 8 Clothing ll. F. 1nlMBLttT King St. ' Waterloo WANTED u-Bright girls to operate powerdriven. sewing machines. Good wages. light work, tight airy room. Apply The Ideal Shoe Um, Ltd., M't'gs Leather Shoe Uppers, EI- mira, Imt. 19-3t. This store is continually frieJtalf's2t and ATTRACTIVE SPRING MERCHANDISE such a, NEW SPRI G PARASOLS, in the leading shape. ' and colorant? at prices from 1.00, 1.25, 1.75 to $5.00. Also Children's Parasol: ah 25c, Sth: an 75c. F For Good Footwear King St. ENGLISH PRINTS S. B. Bllltll0llfllillt & 00. ...goto... Wanted ! OUR PRICES REMAIN LOW Lang Bros, and Go. We just received another big shipment at our Famous Eng. Remington Prim. in light, modjum and dark shades. You all how the value. tho price is per yard ...A...r.. ......... t....."-"...rero. ......... I....... .r..r.... tr.......... my: There are dozens at other Hm thin we would like to mention in detail but our advertising space will not permit. Let us ask 10tt to come in here on Sttumay, May 10th. and we'll show you NEW COTTONS. NEW llOSlERY, NEW UNDERWEAR. NEW LACE CURTAINS, NEW LiNOLEUMS. OILCLOTHS, ETC. W: was in shown in over 100 diluent patterns amt coloring, good width, anomaly [an colors, specul value a yard ._.......F.. ""r""e"'""""' 15o Waterloo & La dies' Ill: WORTH . WHILE READING Stylish Ready-to-wear Dresses are a great boon to many women. Not only is the convenienc? of gettmg a dress without the trouble pt fttirtg a great advantage, hut there is also the decided saving in cost.- Our showing of new Dresses IS attracting spreiat aMention and they are the finest and most attractive garments ever offered, tor sale by us. k} New Blouses, New Skirts, New t'oats Silk Dresses at $12.50, $1500, $1530 to Serge and Panama Dresses at $550, $7 Mt to White Norfolk Dresses at $4330 and Colored Dresses at. $173, $3.00, " M, $600 to See these on Saturday BEAUTIFUL SHOWING White Voile nressrs at $150, $53650 BENTON 8T. " Every tin or cream we receive is earisttury"snd homstly weighed sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured of a. correct _our butttrfat prices are always based on the true condition ot the butter market and we are not governed try what others pay. We need more cream In brder to meet the increasing demand tor our butter. report upon every shipmeilt. - - if a W We furnish free cans and my express charges. Our checks are issued every two weeks and cashed at "r. Write tor our booklet. New Silk I'oats, New Gloves, llnsirty and 1'nderwear We Want More Cream '" BERLIN GREAMEIIV " Dresses l $7 50 to New Suits, New Rain Coats, IEILI II I)". ' â€200 $20 00 318,00 85,00 $850 i)