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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 22 May 1913, p. 1

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r-' jig. G. WIN a co: ‘DON’T Miss BUYS' CLOTHING I ummuxs. , Phone 552 " Frederick St, Berlin i 'qqsH+H4"FFH444tt+H"Ft-t-rttt-r+t-rqtrtt+t-rtrt-i, The material usml in ttm manuhun turing of thPse trunsrrs is a gout] wearing English 1“le in fancy strip- ed brown, they are carriully iatlorm't, regular $2.00, Saturday........., 81.11) These are in. the Norfolk and dull ble breasted styles, 1"an pants, ',pliou- didlv made and the materials 1ltrouvdr, but are excellent, no srlipshod quanta; but firmly Woven and hard wearing, sizes 23 to 30, regular tro" to $33"! miles, on sale Saturday at .t. $2.98 BOYS' Sl‘l'l‘S FOR $2.98 St EN'S Sl'l'l‘S. This line rrprestmis all that "cor rest. and up'to-datp, madr front im- ported Firlissh and Sum-h 'l‘m-mL and tine worstmls. These are wry hixtrttas.s suits and unuld mako Emu! selters at Slli to $18, in sizes tosuit all men, Saturday ..rmt...F P--.. $1295 MEN'S TRIM HICKS AT $1 " This is a special purchase and, re tucts grral credit mum the "mat-r. The" came in the newest singlv Irteas, ted style, low cut vests, drep “MP trousrrs. straight or varsity hack and high shoulders. A completo line to lit any man. regular $100!] te, $12.00, Saturday tor _ .. . c.. $7 95 "match" in style, pattern and color, Clothes selected by noulleu expert», cut. by designers or moan, taitorv0. into the swell shapes with tlrousands ol stitches you ne‘er see and an top of all these a straight saving"! frnm ttttee to five gum] round dollars on MEN'S SI'I'I‘S VOL- 57. No. 21 The sort " Clothes a man wants when he Kors tratelliute-the apparel that makes the conductor comiiderate and the porter attentive, Suits that {to absolulel) up to lashiun’s latest three to five good over" suit otiered -+rrH+rt+rrt+t+Ft+rFr '4-FFFFFrq9q+Frqq..ttttH. ERNST’S J. G. WING & C0.. Berlin, Ont. Money to Loan, Conveyancing and Insurance The Clothes a Mam Wants for . His 3-1300 Hun Hi m~rv<, I "LION hum 51mm"! "nu l3! mum, t ”uh-s xr--m ”prim 5mm. “Tum $3M!" 321cm $3300 man" Hm: "In \ nu, x Hun Mun {m s REAL ESTATE In arms 1 mile It urn-s, 1 MAP Hum Ilerlm 7r, .u‘rvs. ll "-1va hum "erlrn um um“. M 1min Hum llv'rhu ,Irros 3T mi'to from nerlin “I.“ I the t Lil THE CHRONICLETELEGRAPH. ticey"11e, I) """ "can 3'; 'iifl; iii) IS nun SPECIALTY .ij,i, iiji u. tfimawm, 'tli, 24th fur urn-um: [vei,--stroue, rnmfurt our 1'hzl.lrvn‘s Show; has" the rtTu- itt' irom “Prim 2.31) pairsml Ladfes" "oots, nxiords and pumps, made from patent _ rult 1ici kid. tau Russian call and gun metal ieathers, bludm lace. button and our two and three eyelet tips, linollyrur welt and hand turned soles, all sires 2t to 7, all popular “Mills, special clearing price, Saturday 82.98 15!) pair of Men's Boots and Ox- 'iords, made from tan Russian call, Imx cali, "aunt colt, vici kid, Inuch- " cut. medium and hung. sulid oak tan Good, par “cited sales, all sizes fi to 11. regular vahu-s $3.50 to tcut Saturday -..P..t._ ..t...... .-.te. ...... $2.98 Boy" Knrc Pants of sturdy wek?r- ing dark grey tweeds, lined through nut. sizes 'dl to 33, tregular 75v. 85r. anal am». Saturday -Vr..r... ..t......... 50e 1'20 Pair Hors much” style Boots, strong box cal? leather with double solid'leather solos and heels, sizes 1 to 5, regular price $2.25, Saturday Nobody err: saw a pair of trousers lo equal these that sold 10! less than (rm-153.50 to $4Ar0. Come and see them and [IMF the style and tho splendid way they are taiiored, )vn can get a pair Saturday tor...... 82.38 Urn-km lines at Boys moomer Suits in a goo! assaartmerl oi patterns, nimble hunted Sula. in lawns. humus and new. [all litting bloom- vrs, straps and buckle. sizes Mto 28. regular 8.1m: and $5.50, Saturday L HM r'.s' ”OUTS Mi; lioys' Hummer Suits, with lung stylist mm. made tram dressy tweeds, with fancy weave, in grey and‘hwnn patterns, sizes 29 to 31. regular 56.5" to 5150, Saturday at M EX 'y', IV 'OTS "ttUSU" l‘th‘l-IS ON “DOTS AND l)\FlIl{l).\’ FOR y',.STUilDAY SELLING. MEN'S TROUSFHtti', FOR $198 uf Hrrlin Where the Good Clothes come from. Merl. /r."sro5eeq,'t'iiitfre1"ritt":' Holiday 81.95 l tllasr,r Ihmtttal held its regular meet- in: Last Tm-mlny Honing. The rtrst hlmness “as a petition from sowral rittemtserr, reqttrstine that tho "pen "itch at the Western part of the Vill- .a're bt' properlv attended to Thiv, "WHIP?“ “nu laid oter lill ttext meet In: . pl‘lltmn from Frank Itryer uni? “My-ml nthnr Citirrns :hkinu tor the "rtttitmaiiott of the «In»! sprink- ILtnus, ,at 0an sound.--- Several pmplo link“ here aiti.nded the I ierral “001mg: at the Arena at Toronto last Monday owning and worp delighted .uth Fir Wilfred Laurior's spetwlt. There is to hr a big day in Elmira on the 2ith at May. ltasehall. motor. quo races, t"alithumpian Parade, as {urn m a splrndid concert in the oven- "rvr,r---ttr, and Mrs. ll. Crooks attend- ml 1heiuneral of the late Miss Jane Franks “him was hold at Linwood last .caturtray.--Aoong the names of the xur'rrsxlul students u ho passed “no rerrnt Mmmnu'iunV at Toronto Ji) um.“ “as thatMhtr, Harl nan ot this place “bu took honors in his Ith \mr m F'.levtrical a'mTIrtet'ritt_tr,.-- Mr. \ Kick, 0f Watrrloo, spent Wednes- ular ave-mug with friends in Elmira. St'hm'l noard Mittttw $'?,3rto,-- Tho i.l..1. .teiierson." A meeting was held (ut Hugh Hotel last Monday (wen. !ur: ssith all the officers and a dele- Igalloui‘ the dilicrcnt Factories pre- sent, when the rules and regulations for the (‘luh were drawn was well as the schedule " the season. The hrs! game which is set for the leh of May wilt" he helwot-n the Elmira Furniture and Felt Co, and the Great Itrvit Felt Co. and the Interior 1Lard- ware. As the games last season cans ("I n :grrai deal of e.xciterwent, it is Min-Hod that the interest will run) own higher this .vear,-Mi'ss llortha thuzhor returned on Monday after a mm oi six weeks with her brother, Wk aft or-rs-tint- -sriurtttrtWr-wit Iilnrira friemls.-Mr. Rom-hon “ingot oi I'rrstnn, iormerlv oi this town “as reni'uing acquaintances here last Thursdav. Basetrilt \cluh organized-- A meetirw; for the purpose of re-organ- Ming the Factory liaSchall (‘luh for lla, mming season was held last week and the oihcers of the league arr as rollows: Pres. “m. Auman; Vice-Pres Fred Fritnl; Spry. W.A. Smith; Treats. _ Local and persoual.-Mrs. t'. Jan- sen oi Galt and three little children spent Sunday at the home oi Mrs. “by. in town. Dr. It. Kemming gt Pembroke spent mlew days with IU- mira friends last week. Ollicers bltec, ted'-.A meeting of the tennis etrtltu- siasts was new on Thursday even- ing for the Purpose of reorganizing for this year, in the Frohsintx Hall, The following members were elected to office: Pres. Mr. Geo. Otto; lst. Vice-Pres. Mr. AA'. Kimm:l; 2nd. Vice-Pres. Miss Edna F.rb; y'sec-Tr.as Mr. Geo. L. Ziegler; Social Commit- tee the Misses FioraWNeil1o. San- derson, Grace l'lrh, Edith Behrens, Adell Winger; Lawn Conan. Messrs Goetz, Arnold and Heinibecher.- At- ter the lirst oi June the Elmira Post unit-e wilt be moved temporarily to the building which has been used by the Deering implement Co., on Church St. Although it was said l-Ilmira Bas to have a Post [mice of 1shich it might be proud oi, there is not much signs of it as yet.-mr. R. Stewart spent Tuesday and Redness- day at the Dental Convention held at Toronto this week.-Met with ac.- eident,-Mr. T. O’Donnell hada very narrow escape from a serious accident last Wednesday when the horses which he was driving became frighten- ed and ran away, dragging Mr. tr'- llonnell some distance. Fortunately they were stopped before they had gone more than a block. The waggon passed over Mr. ()‘Donnell's shoulder and leg, breaking a small bone at the ankle, but beyond this and a severe shaking up he was not seriously in- jured and was able to be taken to his home in Waterloo try friends in an automobile-Meeting of the School noard:--A meeting oi this Board was held on the 2nd of May. The first item oi business was the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting which were accepted. It was then de- cided that the trustees asa whole he a eommittc to oversee the trimming etc of the numerous trees on the school grounds. Messrs Mariel lloll~ inner and I. "rutracher were appoint- ed as a eommitle to appear before the I'otrneil asking Int the sum of $23rro. lo defray expenses of the school until Ireremher 1913. After a few minor de tails ni busmrss were transacted the meeting was adjourned.- A number oi oddt"ellows of Lodge No. 181, of Wa- terloo visited their brother lodge here teresting and enjoyable limo was spent-urs. W. Bulmer and child re- turned to their home in Hamilton last “WWW _363HF363HH63t3k W WATIRLOO. ONTARIO. THUMDAV. MINING. MAY 88. "MB-- " PAC" WHO“ No. a... , Elmira W.A. Smith; Treats. l meeting was held ling cart Carther South on Arthur Kt. “as approved by the 1'ounvil ttrovirlirtg that suitahte [puns could he ma0e 1sith the driver " the can. "te request tron, the Sumo! Board fur the wm of $21.10 um laid m " fur irttiher combination, a“. gt. Post 0mm- Closed _-The Freeport post nmcr, whim has been tn exist- mu- " the past rrity yral’s or mow, “av closed last week Hy order of the Postmaster General. This MEN, iuhich was opehed in the early six- 'lirs. in the old academy building, (mm a mass of ruins), had for its jnrst postmaster Mr. Charlrs Lutz, Innlv tsrother of Mr. llv. Lutz of this pram. Later on it was trans- ir'frod to the hnuse now occupied by"i Mr Mam Srhrrnnm. tshen Mr. Jaw colt Lu!) father of the Lutz brolhors.| §2£m1kifsl are an)": the, latest lot of our good citizens to have tele- phones installed-Horn: In Preston, on April 30th, to Airfand Mrs. Her- heillertN 4aee-Cura- Farrow): a Henry Dippel and family ot near Bloomingdale have become residents oi this burg, having recently moved in with their brother-u-law, Mr. Adam Schumann ot Meadow Brook Karm.-Mr. J. Edgar Detwiler, ot Spring Hill Farm, our popular milk- man ior some years, has sold out " milk route to Mr. Israel Good ot near Limerick, also the owner or a milk ioute in Preston tor some years. Mr.' Good has secured the sch vices of Mr. Jack Tait ot Limerick to handle this new route. His many friends all join in wishing Mr. Good every success in his recent venture.-- Mrs. Jane Hewitt " 34 Raymor St., Gait. was a'welcome visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Erastus Cornell oi Limekiln House and. other old acquaintances in tMs burg tor n few days oi last weee.-Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon l’errin and their three chii- dren oi Saugel Avenue, Berlin; and Mr. Arthur Mussolman, also of Ber- lin, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hertel ot this place.- Mr. Joe Moyer, the well known CPR. conductor ot London, Ont., was calling on his old friends here recently, among them being Mr. land Mrs. Hy. Lutz and Mr. ll. c. [Gimbel ot River Lodge Mr. Meyer iis well and favorably Crown in this tvicinity, where he we? his boy- hood days prior to ht entering on the railroad, in which calling he has met with eminent succpss.-The many iriends here oi Mr. Josiah Bear, bro- ther oi Mrs. Irvin Shantz. will ten- der to him their heartiest good wishes on the occasion of his mar- riage to Miss Mary ()tterbein of Ber- lin, which happy event' was solemniz- ed on Tuesday, April '28th. Mr. and Mrs. Bear left last week for their home in Edmonton, Alters, where Mr. Bear will he Pr'r'v"iT' in’ real G,cue.-Uvi are sorry learn that In”. J. B. Gingrich of Little Para- dise, who Ms been ailing ior some. few years, is rather worse the past month or two. We. hope to hear ot his speedy Ttwoverr-- Mrs. Adam Scherman of Meadow Brook Farm visited with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert llertel on Wednesday, May 7th.-SIiss l'lssie Latseh oi Cen- trerillc attended the. wedding ot her cousin, Miss Laura Shantz to Rev. Mr. Burkholder at Breslau on Wed- nesday, May MIL-Mr. Abram Girnc bel oi Maplc‘Lanc Farm, and Mr. Local and Personal .--Mr. Mr. latest Mrs on the closing of the pirice he has been relieved oi its duties. With the introduction of the are: popularmra! mail delivery there is no call for this office, hence it was closed. 'Au revolr. 7,, __ _ ---N “on: ot Irrteit.-Farrnrm in our Virility are mom with their neod- ing and are now new“; m soil tog their hero”. Jnck "out In: Med very mm", of late but " " Impact that slight fame has been done, althou‘h we hear some [antlers complain that the etterrt and Plum blossoms hue enacted some- what. Mr. Henry Becker, purchased a tirtauto recently. The Beaver Lit- erary Society held a very sarcasm] meeting last Saturday evening. Mr. Allen lsrael sold his finetarmto Mr. David Schmidt, of Berlin, who took Possession at once. Mr. Israel has purchased a Property in Berlin on Ben ton St. The (‘entral Waterloo Far- mers Club will hold their next meet- ing on the 24th inst. Bom.-to Me. and Mrs. Edwin Hallman nsou. took over the omee. Next in *urn as postmaster came Mr. John Schlie- ter, who was -lollowed by Rev. J. B. Bowman with Miss Harriet Pogson as deputy. On the removal of Mr. Bowman to Berlin Miss Pogson as- sumed the duties of Itostrnistress, which she filled for some years. On her resignation the omee was moved to Centreville, with Mr. Ferdinand Latsch in charge. When he resigned Mr. Jamb' Ebel was appointed, in his stead, and for the past few years he has been our postmaster, until new PersottaU.-Mr. Henry Siecklc Br., who spent aweek with friends in Brantford and Dunnrilte came home last-Thursday., Mr. and Mrs. John Battier, spent Sunday with the lair tees Parents at Itosevine. Mr. Leet Swain from Berlin madea business trip through our burg last week. Mr Edward Becker ot Berlin, spent Sun-‘ day with his brother Henry. quite a number trom our vicinity attended the communion service at the U. B. church in Mannheim. The auction sale ot Farm stock and implements of Mr. Ephrain llillgart- Der, which was held last week, was well attended and good prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs. Milton. G. Weber spent Sunday with the 1atter's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Absalom Snider of Hespeler were week end visitors at "Maple Vil- ia." Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shah, ot Waterloo spent Sunday with the, lat- ters parents Mr. and Mrs. '4. E. Shantz. The Misses Stella and Lillie Wilmer, Lulu Reier and Lizzie Dwartz and Messrs.u\'illard Wilmer and Re- ginald Gushard visited lriends at Mannheim on Sunday last. Mrs. Hy. Shoemaker of Milwaukee spent several days at "Fair View" last week. Mr. Jos Shanta and little son ot Berlin visited at the home otMr. and Mrs. A. Lehnen last week. The heaviest storm brings no fear to the owner of a WEICHEL’S ASPHALT ROOF. BUT ON, THE OTHER HAND IF YOU BUY OUR WEICHEL'S ASPHALT ROOFING M. WEIGHEL & SON Weichel's Asphalt Ready Roofing night worrying it your root " tight If you put on a root you are a little in doubt as to quality-and are afraid it will not withstand the sun and rain, you will not trel sure that you are getting absolute prrrtettion from the rain - you will be worried every time there is a storm-you will not be satisfied until you insprrt the root and assuro yourself the first thing in the morning that it has not sprung a leak during the night and darn-. aged your property. 1 ply Weichel's Asphalt Roofmg. guaranteed 5 ycars, square ... .... 2 ply WPichel's Asphalt Rooflng, guaranteed 10 years, square m.. ..., 3 ply Welders Asphalt RooMg, guaranteed 15 yrars, square......-l Goods WF'.1CHFt's ASPHALT RIMFIXG costs loss, lasts longer, easy to "TV root that outlasls all other tools on the root." You still not wake up in the middle of tho Weatherproof - Guaranteed 15 years. Phone 215 Nine Pines Weichel's Weekly Store News Ed lay. We can save you monry Waterloo Low $1 Prices $300 (m

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