lst. Some had goodluck, Mr. Eu- gu'ne Smell!" who is working for Mr. David Shaun was.home over Sunday with his parents. Mr. Amil Keinap- pel gave ashort call at Noah Strin- mann's on Saturday evening with his valuable driver and rig. 1 This is Me growing weather at pre- sent. and the cherry trees are in full bloom. Every thing looks tine this spring. Farmers are almost done sowing around here. Mr. Noah S'teirr, mann is engaged at sawing at Mr. Caster's near Mannheim, as Mr. Cas- ter expects to rebuild his barn this summer. A good work was done in our P. School on Arhorday last Fri- day. Flowers were sown, planted and the yard looks splendid and clean for the children worked well. Mr. Jacob Kropf, wife and son Alvin trom Baden were visitors at John N. ()eschfs on Saturday. Quite a t1um- To All Women: I will send tree, with full instructions, my home treat- ment which positively cures lueorr- hoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Fall- ing of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarfan Tum- ors or Growths, also llot Flushes. Nervousness, Melancholy, Pair: in the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You ran continue treatment at home at a cost of only about 12 cents a trek. My book, "Woman's Own Merl- ical Adviser," also sent free on re- quest. Write today Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box Hdi01, Windsor, Ont. The luneral of the late Slella Laura ing ol music, recitatioZS. cut, was McLelan. only child oi3Iadaleine and wry ably rendered and highly ap- the late Thomas Edwin McLelan and predated by the large audience pre- granddaughter oi the Late llou. A. w. sent, McLelan, Lieut-Governor oi Nova Early Closingl Scotia, and of the late William Patti- Commencing on Monday, May 19th son of Fergus, took place irous 1913, the undermentioncd business “Ruthless†the residence of her men and tirms will cloge their Plates uncle. James M.M. Watt, £511., on of business every Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon May 7th, 1913 Thursday and Friday at6o'ctoek p. at two o'clock. !m. A llilborn. I1otgr mans: P. Pom. News Notes-Rev. J.A, Brown, at! News Netti--Mr. G. new - computed by Mr. Crawley, orga'ustsa number at workme- ensued In re- ot St. Asdren.cctusrets do rule-din; “Walnut; the root on It! “on hind. in! Ink: " Huntsville. During Mr. j Mr. Arthur Sputul rut-d in. crawlers ahlenle, Miss SadieArm-Hrum the Canadian Wert last week strong, will an " organist. Inland wilt spend the [m here. Ree. Fred Burt has lelt toe North Toronto l and Mrs. ALF. Stoltx are attending where he was recently operated upon iet, General mature-co or the U. B. Mrs. (Rel) ILA. um: and baby ot church in male. at nimble, Mich. Toronto are visiting her lather Dr. A Eur. Alex Wegemt ot Hamilton, Gram. Mr. C.M. Hughes, Newmar- ispent the week end with relative- ket, In. Holman, and Miss Jeangher mMr. and In. Eli Hiibom ot Fonyth, Berlin, Mes-rs llarold‘l' " spent Sunday with relatives in lllgiu. P.G. Petal, Toronto; Ernest t in. Rev. CAF. Backus ot Stevens- Luvreloe, Sault Ste. Marie; Thomas v He in spending a tew days here this Forryth, was; attended the lun- week. Mr. and Mrs. Jho Groh otHew. on] ot the late Miss Stella Laura peter visited with Mend: here on McLelan, on Wednesday afternoon Sunday. Mr. and In. Stone, toe- May 1th. Mrs. ulev.y Burnside Itus- merly ot Oshawa are visiting rela- Iell and little sonot Hamilton areitives in town and vicinity while en visiting her mother, Mrs. Pl). Ken- lroute to (‘alilornia. Mrs. F. John- nedy. Mr. Ed Lavery's many friends son and family inon totheir new will bepleased to learn that he is home in Berlin last Monday. Mr. A. recovering nicely at the RAM. Geiger moved into the residence he where he was recently operated (than 1 recently purchased from Ms. F. Join.- [or appendicitis. Mr. (XS. 1cwiteson, on Tuesday at this week. Mr. has -hased alille new seven pass" art+Mre.iHtttroreorretmirwmotor- edger Studebaker car with all the ed to town on Friday ot last week latest improvements. It is one ot and visited relatives here. A very the ftnest cars in this district _r.,suceesstui entertainment was conducv’ .r.u. Chapman is the local represent- ed in the Baptist Church last Friday ative. [evening under the auspices oi the Mis- The late Stella Melanin. fsion circle. The program, consist- The luneral of the late Stella Laura ing ot music, recitation. etc., was McLelan. only child onladalt’ilne "'"l wry ably rendered and highly ap- But it is more. It is practically unbreakable. A fall from the table won't smash it. And it is so sturdy that the results of the thousandth time you play it are as perfect as the first. Ask your dealer to let you hear them. no... A. an... Ue., loo Lulu“. Av... Drum. H. J., U. 3. A. I. A couple“ line " Edison hunt-plus and Record. with [and cl A Windsor Lady's Appeal is more convincing than honing chug In tone production lies the real test of any record. The Blue Amberol is the clearest, sweetest, inost lifelike record that has yet been made. A Blue Amberol Records Josephsburg J. il. 00liltlihllt KING STREET Our Busy. Hearing the new Edison " Items at Interest-The weather te) been very cold here during the past) few days, and especially on Sunday) _ night, when on the following morning I ice ore-quarter ol an inch thick could) be taken or pails of water standing _ outside. Many complaints are being; .nmdeltri the strawberry and other of the farmers expect to be through [runs being destroyed-The majority lwith their seeding this week and the land is in prime shape for it es- ipecially the low land which has he- Icome quite dry and mellow.- Mr. Ariaton Mitchell, who has been in ‘Vietoria. BA?.. during the past tour L-ll/TY, returned home a few days iar? on a visit with his parents, Mr. gand Mrs. James Mitehelh-Mr. Ren- tnie of Hull, Ont ' and lately from iScotland. with his wife and little lbny. moved to our village last week and is engaged to carry on the! blacksmith business vacated by Mr. Lesley 9miith.-- Born: To Mr. tel Mrs: John Pirrie, on. Thursday, May,'. 8th, 1913. a daughter.-- Mrs. iiiill Mitchell and her son George of Wat- erhm spent last Sabbath with her son Wiiliam am family at Winter- ltrourne--Htuue a number at trash 'tél'ephnne wires 1iavenieeTt" erected ttif “he different lines near this place..-- Miss Mabel Nairn of Detroit is spent- ing a few weeks at home with her inn-Ms, Dr. and Mrs. Nairn.- Mr. "lupshNritctt oi Toronto spent a few Mays last week visiting his parents. Dir. and Mrs. Walter Veitch. 1'ontmencing on Monday, May 19th 1913, the undermentioncd busintss men and tirms will close their Plans of business every Monday 'Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6o'ctoek p. m. A llilbol'n. flour mills; P. Path, planing mill and furniture dealer; I. Spreoman, blacksmith shop; Weber Bras, carriage works; FLT. Coleman & ('0.. hardware merchants; 'J. Greuiich, blacksmith shop; 'Buck &. Lautonschlager, general merchants; ll Kavelman a; t'o., general merchants. Winterboume ' I News .Note.q.-.Mt- Amy Shearer and Jean Chalmers of Listawel spent “he week end at their homes hete.- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dahms visited over Sunday with friends . Strat- tord --Miss Lena Schmidt 'tt last week tor Rochester, NJ", where she intends to spend the sttmtner-- Mr. and Mrs. G. Berkner ot Imverton spent Sunday with the lattrr's sis- ter, Mrs. Wm, Opprr.-Mrs. Dunbar of Newton was a visitor this week with Mr and Mrs. Thmr;Mayherrr- The Poole Football Club have entered a tram in the wet. and are busy prartiring. The boys are getting in- to shape tor the scheduled games, Good luck boys. Briets.-arr. Joseph Shantz has commenced operations at his chop- ping miil.-Some ot our farmers are through with their seeding and get- ting ready for corn and potato plant- mtt.--A large sauerkraut party gath- ered at Mr. and Mrs. .lno. Kirrh- net’s last Wednesday night, comprisP ing three wagon and hay rack loads from Hespeler. They all had a jolly good time after satisfying the inner ‘man with sauerkraut and speck. They lspent the remainder oi the evening In music and games until the small hours. All had a good time and en. ‘joyed the hospitality oi the host and hostess-Miss Vera Springer re turned home on Mond.ay after a 'io- journ at five weeks with her-brothers at Lndock. _ ' Kingwood Mr. Clarenre Yost, spent S.unday at his home here. We are glad to see Mr. Noah Leis Jr.. is able to be oat again alterasevere attack of ap- pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Jamb Schneider and daughter Ella and Mr. H. Schneider spent Sunday at Mr. A. Fjdt. Miss Maude Freeborne is at present visiting her sister Mrs. Levi Lichty of Wellesley. We are sorry In report the illness ot Mr. Ezra (Eascho who is very ill at present staining from Pneumonia. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. 'earn-Bak is just as good for ptles, abscesses, boils, scalp sores, blood poison, festering wounds, cuts, burns, scalds. bruises, eczema, eruptions, and all other injuries and diseases. All drygstists and stores 500. box, or psim-iha Co., Toronto, tor price. Refuse harmful substitutes. and imi- tations. . my work. I persevered with Zam- Bnk, with the result that the would is now petlectly muted, and the limb is assound and strong asever. To any person sutiermg from ulcerated sores I would say. 'try Zam-Buk." Have vou tried Zartr-rNk Soap? Me tablet. "My son had cured a bad cut on his finger by using Zam-Buk, and he ad- vised me to give this balmatrial. T did so. and in less than a week's time it gave me wonderful relief. It stop- ped the pain, which" had been so tad that many nights I did not grta wink of sleep. In avery short time the wound was so much better that I had no more sleepless nights, and was also able to move about and do " The sore then broke out badly, and the doctor told me Ahst the only thing that would cure it would be an operation, and that I should have to lay up tor? year. This, I knew, was impossible, asl had alamily to at- tend to. 1 For varicose sores, bad leg, or chronic ulcers, "dam-Buk is without ‘equal as a healer. A wool ot this is Just to hand from Montreal. Mrs. T, Edwards. of 16-1 Amherst St., writes: “Some time agoa bad sore broke out on my lett leg near the ankle. Fora week or two Idid not heed it, but it got sobad that I could hardly walk. Isent for our doctor, and he told me thatl would have to lay up with the wound. I did so tor three weeks. At the undo! twtime the .uloer~ healed a little. but I could only move about by using crutches. _ h Zam-Buk Cured Her WI So Bad She Had to Use BAD“ ULCERATFJ) LEG C. Bowman is shying with her ta- ther at [hawk-ville who in quite low at present. Mr. F. Lem shipped out 100 hogs on Monday to Toronto. th.ig Mother Gordo. visit“ at Mr. U. Bowman's 0.8%]. Mr. Geo. Richen aloud». â€an temple ot days MI. IIOI‘ the (had tart (weed. Mr. Edgat Bowman,D.L. S. has accepted a position in connection with surveying Inke- uid rivers in Sank. audio" (or that nevi-co on Honky. Mrs. Edw. Seat "t1ttyte. lerot moronic are vuitin‘ routin- here. Mr. ad In. E. Getty ot Gait. vililod Mr qrartttiraother In. J. C. Weber, on Sunday tart. Hill B. Miller whohu been unending some time " her cousin's Mr. E. Ktinck's, in tit. Jacobs, in home again. Mrs. News Nous-III. Fitm B. Mull If" a. no" at It. In)". Mum, cl Edo- Iln‘lh loralev an tart ' Th. 'ee Bilingual My “lam Poole This wash in commas"! of mild and soothing oil of 1sNntrrgreen mind with thymol and trlyrerinr. do, and known as D.D.D. Prescription. We Does it not seem strange that so mmy people sum-r year in and year out with eczema? A 25 cent, bottle ot a simple wash stops the itch and will manly con. Vtttre any pttient. . ter. ‘ 1 Local and Personal --u is expertrd Personal and Social-1‘19 Misses that the rather severe hosts or Fri- Annie and Mary ('halmor:. of Toronto day and Saturday niithts have dam- spent the week end with their aunt aged the early nun trees. Mrs. Bemis. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Omrrrs lilected.- The Methodist Pressman of "realm: and Mr. Alba Church Sunday school annual meeting Local and Persona1.-Mr. Merino Koch took business trip to Humbug; last week. Mrs. J.A. McAllister and children of Berlin visited here and Mrs. Alex. Me.Mlister's on Thursday. Mr. Ion Snyder at Berlin spent Sun- day at his home here. Mr. Eugene llrubacher spent last Sunday under his parents road. at St. Jacobi. Me. Wm. Speisman of Preston, was the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. Titus Snyder Inst Saturday. Mr, and ms. Hun spent awed: with relatives at De-' trait, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fer-' nando Snyder on April 21th adaughw ter. ‘ l Miss Margaret [innit of Berlin spent Sunda'y under t 1'rasentat root.Mr. Clayton P1aytord olWaterloo called on (‘ishill friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Foster and Miss Laura spent. Sunday with friends at "lawkesville. Mr. M. Birmingham of is‘tratiord wasa visitor Iseraroes-Nurt- day. Miss Maggie and Elsie Ham- wand of 1Cingwood spent last week with Mrs. Wm. Hammond: . I Local and Persona1.-Miss Squire of Becchvale spent the week end with Crosshill friemts.-.Mr. Israel Snider of Waterloo spent Sunday at Cross.. hill.-Nr. and Mrs. Omer Hastings ot Burns visited the home of the lat- ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murtdett.-Miss Anderson spent a few ‘days at her home near Wingham. --A number of our villagers spent the holiday on Monday on a fishing ex- cursimt.--The sacrament will be ote served in Boyd's church, Crosshill, next Sunday, May 18th. _ Briefs-Messrs. V Jno. JTirmitty,tsam, and das. Poote live gohe to Swat ford to work at tlt carpgntey trade. Gi========tttt== I E E Ce" E _ Bloomingdale BIC SALE IE (llillllll9il'8 FINE SUITS 25C Ti) STOP THAT Ira Crosshill " you want relief bottle at 25 calls rtto:nmendatton,-A. Druggist. do not know how long tho nun. Laboratories will continue the 2:: out utter. as the remedy is regular- lr Bold only in 31.00 bottles and has never Moro he": put on the market in Canada on any special offers. Allemang. of Waterloo, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cress- man. Mr. Geo. Francis of Hanover, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. “mums! on Sunday. Miss Baobman visited friends at Berlin on Sunday. Miss Abbie lletwciler and Miss Mina Bin- der ot Breslau, are renewing acquain- tances berg fora few days. Miss Pearl Redford ot Iterlin, Sundayed un- der the parental roof. l " WE HAVE just lately added a large new stock of Linoleums in ti widths and patterns, call in and see them. Our prices are vet reasonable. We also have the largest and best variety of medium priced Rug and Pr"'" and will he. pleased to show you our line whether you wish to bu; or no We Wish to Inform You of Our Beautiful Complete Line of Linohsutns, Bugs and Carpets ,1 Conestoga Think Of It, Mon. _ Those Tremendous Price Reductions. to-night try a on our personal G. Machine]. J. Letter a Son This Week was held last Thursday arming. when the following otlicers were elected: Supt, Wm. S. Wright; Vice Supt, Byron Schwartz; Sec‘y., W. J. Sni- der; Treasurer, Gen. Schinbein; Libr- arian, Hui. Freer, Asst. librarian, Elden Schinbein; Organist. [ Evalonn Schwartz, Asst. Organist. Hilda Snider. The l-Ipworth League an- lnual meeting was also held the same owning, wlmt the following omeer.,. Int-re olectml: "an. Pres,, Rev. ll. W. Coservs: Pres., Byron Schwartz; Isl Vice-Pres ' Milton Weher, 2nd 'Viee-Prrs, Lennra Snidnj-lnl Vice., Pros. Harriet Snider; 4th Yice-, Pros, llilda “Her. yier-Ttras ,“lllla l!st'jsicr.1-li)e, 314mg people hair up‘ janired a Tenn..s Club, with the tsol-', lowing officers: C. Becker, Pres,; _ Ieno.ra Snider, Vice-Pres, Gordon ':Grrmi, bieey.-Treas, 'the s,pcii,iiii,i) jaid out Mr. Walter Snider‘s lawn (into a Tennis Court and the young People are minim: these tine evenings in tennis playing-Mr, Val. (Hrs is Suing his hotrsr neuly paiP,tqur-lter H. P Hauser, attompattird by Mr ‘Gm. It. Dalmu-r. as delegate oi the Lutheran Hum-av school here, attetti- ed the Simon} Svhrml Convention lwlrl in 1hilipstrurx last Monday.- Rm" Hansâ€: is attending the sessions oh the Lutheran Canada Synod tshicht, me"Cq in Ratrrloo during the “Mk ho church or Sunday srhuhl wrnrm v.tll hr lwlzl in the Lutlmrun rlmrrln lirre tr'ht Sunnis} in order to tire "ratrttrdAtuthttt, Starting '10an lornlng,- lay 14th 1ttyy.yrfrtly_rrttppyhrtt If not In light and dark grey and brown mixtures, Leathers, blue greys, in Seoul Twreft {ind Elysijsh Wynn-dz, $15.50 SPECIAL $21.50 SPECIAL neg. no misuse I Personals-Mrs. Harbin Seteih( leit last ueek for her parental he: at Collingwood-hir. Jas. Stew oi Itochtster, N. Yi, is at pm; staying Mth his aaughte't, Mu. Al G'oo_L-.Mr. arm Mrs. Peter Shy Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. 4 Mrs. Ed H. (Sadr-Mr, and Mrs t'. l'mhach of Elmira spent Sun-J with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ts'chitioeitt, In greys, tawns, browns. Olive, thew-nest imported English Worsteds, in neat sell patterns. Reg. 327 and $28.00 everybody an oprortunit) to nth the services in the church at " loo. bl, 2 to Aug. I6 ARTS, EDUCATION, MEDICINE. SCIENCE. Including ENGINEERING Arts Sun-upgr- Sizes 37-40 Sizes 38-42 NIVTJTSJ Session "ttrmtAtttnttttttgt HOME STUDY The Arts can. - N uh- by annoys-d... bot It'd-It: - Ine to - nun nun-d In. union. For cab-dun write G. Y. CHOW" King-m. on.