The TMâ€! is in. menu cl an " lollol‘il. very interesting Jetter' iron: Mr. Goo. Vegan-i, My; Direc- ) In at the lutual [Ankh-um I “9..†who, with Mrs. Wanna)“, ' h a resent. enjoying T . tour through Europe , l'; West-an has kindly consented, "in; ttte course ol the trip. to' I t't the Telegraph with a number _ lens" deacriptive ot the points ' "tiled which will he read with much interest try lrirnds here _ it, " Trip Across Atlantic and Incidents During Voyage are graphically )ifne " My {flich th . are! at tum leti than on all: lulrullment ot my promise I shall endeavor to write you a trial ultimo ot our trip from time to 'iTe' an opportunity permits. As our funny is a rather extensive we. in ' hid! the time is Wery fully given to 'lh-'x1'el and sightseeing, I tear my _ lu- Mm letters will of messity be Ibo“. ones. As the majority of your “this it may sateli he assumed â€in not had I trip on an ocean lin- ce, my Brst letter mar appropriately be based upon that subject. Editor Daily Telegraph -ri, “Prime“ Irene" though not one ot the most modern vessels um "' In the ocean grey hound glass. "I -__ --- - v ., v U'tteverthetess a large and mil-ap- pointed steamer. In some respects-- notabiy in that ot its cuisine-it could scarcely be surpassed. Its carrying capacity is, as to psssrn- gets ahout 2300, and as to freight, many thousands: " tons. As In: Innu- indicates, she is a German vessel and naturally her ot-l Beers and crew are of that ivatioryur.-l tr-Me [allows all. In. respect up politmtetrs and attention to the cons-) fort of the passengers. they leave nothing to be desired. From the Captain down to the humbiest "hunch" .they exhibit at every turn a desire to serve and to please you. This is especially true ot the waiters in the dining mom who appear to become more and mot} attentive,eaeh succeeding day. " will be a delight to suitably reward these excellent fellows and all others who serve you at the: close at our journey at Nap- les. German discipline, as we know, is strict. and the training of these men, it is easily noticeable, has been ot the Sterne“ sort. ‘The passengers emprisc about 200} Brest Mass, an aqual number ot second [ class and some 600 3rd class, the last mentioned being mostly Italians re- 'ttrrtins home. The centre ol the res- sel is reserved tor first class passeu- gers, the stern for the second class, sad the how for the third class. These are separated from each other by Mimics, through which the freight is lowered there being a wide open - both in the bow and stern for this purpose. The second and third classes are of course kept apart trmn the first, and also front each other, and all one sees ot them is from the The sights ttrtd'scertes during om" tmrhauon at the pier just. teiorr', sailing, are always Mist intre.stityiti All is hurry. rxcitrtttrnt, and busily ‘Is anxious passemrers mum aboard,) accompanied by their friends and iiip gage. 'Everybody naturally is ans-" ions to see his cabin “hum. the next. 12 days are mostly to be spent, and so one goes there first. Mean- while the loading of belated freight. suppiies and baggage is going tttt, lifted from the pier to the hold oi the vessel by steam winches, the noise ot which, added to the rattling or chains, the shouting oi the long- qhoremen at work, and the chatter of Pe passengefs and "mu friends, nukes the last hour before depart- b0 8!"qu, lcvvuau ".9.†=eP-'ie"_'"'" .-' - T" lellows and all others who serve you] We have, amongst us several ex- It the: close ot our journey at Nap- cellmt singers, one of whom tavored lea. German discipline, as we knowlus with a most beautiful solo, at is strict. and the training of these the, torenoon service. This alternoon men. it is easily noticeable, has been she also sang for an- hour or more to at the sternest sort. the great delight of her audience On ‘The passengers emprise about goo each week dar, the Band gives a coo- Int Mass, an equal number ot second cert at 10.30 in the tarmac“. and al- rlass and some 600 3rd class, the last so plays during dinner in the evening mentioned being mostly Italians re- so that we have this very pleasing turning home. The centre ol the res- way of killing some. ot the time, rel is reserved tor first class passeu- The personnel at the ftrsHiass pas- tters, the stern for the second class, sengers is a very varied one. The and the how for the third class. majority are. Americans on a pleas- These are separated from each other ure tour. one group comprises Ito- by hatches, through which the height man Catholic priests who are on a is lowered there being a wide open pilgrimage to Home, another grann‘ - both in the bow and stern for . we learned are going to health _ re-i this purpose. The second and third sorts like Carlsbad, Baden-Baden classes are of course kept apart front etc. Then we have at least one bride' the first, and also front each other, and groom on their honeymoon lor and all one sees at them is from the the secret was confided to me by the upper deck. The third class are aghappy French Canadian groom who study especially during the mealhnnr hails trom Quebec; but there are when on rudely wo-ted t",t'dii'cli'iCik'i other couples under suspic- . . ~77 . esac--," _-_.- rr....l-..e.. ..s..suHtrr they are served lk ith macaroni, loaves' ot bread and dishes full of snmotning not easily drscrihrd, probably an "Italian strw," which is devoured with evident relish. Upon rme days, these people may hr mm on their deck, in groups playing cards, and curious other games, and judging from their grsticulations, recounting their exwricnces in America. an. one of great rsvitement. Pre srntly a bugle sounds a warning tor those not sailing to co ashore, and mm the last kisses are tttvert "100d bye" the bruins are lmm tle "and plus a stirring air and slowly the large vessel leaves her dork. On tho pier are hundreds of people waiving as good bye. some cheerfully, but moat of them (as well as their trirnda on board). snrmwtully, and with copious tears. Fran? thr time ul our departure Imm Waterloo can the toth inst. un- tit the limb, it#ained continunusly. New York harbor was tmveloped in fog so dense that our steamer had to proceed wry slowly, and at course the usual interesting sights as far out as Sandy; Hook had my missed For two days the tog runnnurd nec- running halt-speed, and the blowing ot the log-horn every few minutes. molar nI nun", nun“. WTr p... -e-- U r, - TW M chains, the shouting at the lungsl Finchat, the chiet town in the Mir moremen at work, and the chant-r oi! deira Islands, no wore informed Pe passengefs and their friends.) “mild he mir first stop, on Monday makes the last, hour below depart- rimming. thr 2le inst. at 8.30. For m, one of great exvitement. Pre- several days the chief topic oi cum-er» Brntly a bugle sounds a warning tt'satlon was on the subject, of when those nut sailing to go ashore, and‘iiiighl, could, would or should the done now the last kisses are gii'rn "C.'/li.trrs, All were eager to gn ashore bye" the bridges are lillrd the 'k,",','?)':,", alter sen-n days' of rather un- plays a stirring air and slowly the‘slr-ady walking on the decks, we Inge vesm-I leaves her dock, On the wrre all lungmg for a change to will pier are hundreds of people ,liliv'ir'Ci,iT/,,'U'/ We were delighted to find Ill good bye, some cheerfully. but on rising early On that warning that most at them las well as ihvirlmir ship was running on schedule. "lends on board). sorrowfuilr, and time. as before us ruse the "toutt- with copious tears. famous islands, bathed in glorious Fran! the time at our departure sunshine, and revealing everywhere hom Waterloo It“ the 10th inst. un- the same style of white buildings tit the limb, it‘rained continuously, rwith red roofs that we saw in The New York harbor was tmveloped in Azores. Soon we dropped anchor in fog so dense that our summer had lokthe harbor ot Fum‘lial. and werel proceed very slowly, and til course transferred lrnnr our steamer in the; the usual interesting sights as far rity “hart in gasoline launches. on as Sandy; Hook had my missed Funchal has probably 3,000 inhabi- For two days the tog continued neC- lama. mostly beggars. lt is the mutating halt-speed, and the blowing mosi curious place we have seen. The ot the mg-ttorn every few minutes. buildings are of the Spanish type. all of which had a rather dispirmng while evenihing else is hundreds ut effect upon lls. Fortunate" the years behind the limes. The native ocean has Sn tar i,rhaved Lurk “ell, mode at rniiveyaiire is an (“fall on there lining hem cotuparatitoly runners like our sit-mg, with a top smooth sailing. but there was her '0‘" it, and two seals inside Liking el'lheless ouch sea Sickness during pach other This wimriiani'e ls tte ftrst tew dais, which however. drawn tw tao oxen. led by a boy. Mrs. “(swim and I hate Nap-id. 'uilli a mull acting as comma": and 'itiiliirljfiirlia lm2lilthSt April 19th, 19t3 l Thy daily routine in board alter 1' lie" days Mimics monotonous. Aside iron; eating and sleeping, there is llittle to beguile the time uith ex- cept reading and playing simmer board. For tive days we saw noth- iii-,1 but sky and'water, except . Pass- in; vessel. Saturday morning. how- ever. we were all agog over the Mr- prmieh to the Azores, which allowed a change ot scene for some hours. Fl; grouprot glands, is mountainous, 'and inhabited by Portuguese and Spaniards. Their lam-s along the hillsides presented a beautiiul sight, while there white houses with red roots, strung along side by side re- minded one of the country district in the Province of Quebec, especially as here and there were to be seen large _ churches, which made the other buil- dings look diminutive. These island- ,'ers cultivate raisins, grapes and olives, but as our boat did not strip, Finn sully days. and I much war are: atmotspbere whilst in the Gull stream, created greater CW on board, with the mum that In have this umm- the am can!“ and evnyalo tools merry. l To-day, Sunday, was charred hy‘ religious services commencing at T a.m. with Mass, [allowed try an lI-(‘.l iserngrn. M eleven a Presbyterian; clergyman [mm Virginia held a ser-l xice which was well attended. We' were reminded rather start1inglv of the 'day being Sunday. by the brass- lbaml’ playing, shortly alter six o'clock ‘ am. that beautiful German choral "Wie school; _ leuchtcd der morgen stern." It was finely executed but Personally I would have preferred a (l,'ii,':'.r', hour tor it. " was done ,ol "fi"'"'"? to awaken the laithlul to be Iiin readiness tor the service above e',,"',,'),',',',',? but it aroused everyone [ on board, many at whom did not ex- 'ess delight at the incident. "ll-ca, u-u on v“. Fr"."- _-.- _____ -7 .. I could obtain my “Formation only. from travellers on board, ol whom there are always a few who know everything. ;inn. others ‘ are students taakingi 'i"the grand tour," clergyman going |lu the "My Lands, globe trotte15| [and others wlniso nationality and iestinuiyn are not disroveraMr--l zone most rrmarkabie looking man is} lan Arab, who speaks no less‘han is'tven languages. His peculiar 'ltr) nr-ss is to keep such gmuscmcnt rc-l Poms as 1'oney Island, New York] supplied with oriental jugglers, snake-) Tannin-rs. trick performers on: lie) l is now on his “a; rust ' for a fresh (supply oi such "artists." Many here , arr- ready to tell all about themsel- iii,;, and to fmd out all about. you, " given the least eneouragement. In alspite "I one's inclination to he re- rlservod amidst such a mixed com- -lpany, one has little dilliculty in se- "iectinr, congenial companions, and so ,',itt a low days, though all are strang- I'H-rs to one another, acquaintances are made ing. some ot them Enost ittterest- tstr'i'9tssit* amt. Tb that a. not - mil in. a h a.“ a! an m. nib and. by in. disk. has an. is s an d and. nil- my. tho an M dun by nabs, thdtiussewttietinsqt,tot. an about". The no to. motor an lot hire, but “an but not much room [or opinion, as the city inclines on. Nikita. all no". ot a. street: are too they to climb. tht ttto toe ad the mum- cm- lookin. Punch] no seven! (all hotels, and than no ruched by nu incline steam railway that made 01m tool rather nervous as to it! witty. Howe": we reached the summit without mishap, had a good with, and any“! a militia-u view over the wounding may, all at which is devoted to the culture ot fruit. if Vegetablel, grapes. ete., and also our ' the harbor in which lay a number at . large Veluls trom Various parts ot h the world. The descent to the town lil tram the top.ot the mountain is the experience of the day. [he can at . course return by railway, but the c, annular way is on a tortuous-i on a ,runners, guided by two men, one on each side. The lanes through which these ruo--tor they are quite narrow l are also stone-paved, and the weight ot the toboggan with its occupants (usually three wsons) down a de- clivity, at some points dangerous looking, carries it down quite easily and requires only to be guided by the rum, who run along in tront or he- hind, sometimes pulling and at other times riding on the runners behind when the pace becomes too rapid. ' Whae assured that this slide allairs I was guite sale and the men careful, ' one ot our party with his wile l lound it otherwise, as their sled in l some way upset while in rapid mo- ' tion, and dumped them out, the gen- , tleman going over the stonewall and t down the hillside. Fortunately he “as not seriously injured. Halt way l down the hill, the sled stopped and i we were inlormed that the work of 1 our men is hard, and that they trust I have a drink. This, like a good many other experiences of a like nature, was not in the program, but nothing 1 would do but to buy the.drinks. This over we started again at breakneck speed, and tiaally arrived at the loot of the slide 2100 feet from. above where again we were reminded hv the men that a little more wine would do them a world ot tood. Men, wo- men and children, especially the last F mentirnad go about the streets beg- ging, and otlering trinkets at extor- . tionate prices. Lace work, and all f kinds otJaney embroidery are the , chief articles exposed tor Sale. for F the reason, we were iniormed thatI . most ol the men are tazr and itttettw i Perate thus forcing the duty of sup- » porting. the lamily upon the Women . Besides raising fruit, vegetables andi ; the manufacture ot the lemon: Mt-i , deirn wine there does not seem much! to be done. and at best lite on these} - islands is one oi great proverty audi r hardship. This may, be interred tram; - the tact that strong men who Would - he better employed in some more . useful pursuit and countless boys, t make a livlihood by diving tor pen- -. nies thrown out trom the steamer l while in the harbor try tourists. This p, goes on all day long, and some won- r derrul feats of diving were seen. For deck and Climb lip to the highest deelrur' lilo feet from the water and dive down into the. sea-a daring performance indeed. Vendors of laces and embroidery and trinkets. at all sorts. are permitted in board the vessel, and before we left this port, .tlmrc was the keenrst kind M bar- gaining going on by the ladies, who knowing that a high price was asked because the vendor was prepared to come down. alien-d about one-hall ot the money demanded and just as the boat was ready to sail there were some astonishing bargains concluded. arsrhirllidg your diverGriit crawl up on a rope from his rowboat te the first The Orchestra piano to be used this snip-mot at the Auditorium picture show has arrived. Risa line in- strument. The chairs [or the main "our of the rink have also arrived. At 4 pmt. we weighed anchor and were on northwards towards Gibral- tar our next port of call, where I shall mail this letter. MIXARD'S LINIM ENT FOR SA L"? EV F,RYWHER H. SAM“. is the TtF.LIABLlP, CURF' tor Gall Stones, Kidney Trou- bio. Kidney Stones, Bladder stones. Gravel, Lumbago, ant all diseases arising from Urir Arid. Price $1.50. SAXOLW A?iTr-DtARF.THS ts the only remedy which han a record ot complete cure: tor Diabetes. Prior $200. WFrm- sale at, all Leading Druggists-- Allen a: Cocttrane, J. L. Rochester. Ltd. _ Send tor Free Literature. THF, SANOL M.tNtF'ACqrRtS0 MIV ARD'S LINIMENT CUR SS DANDRUFF. Dr. aeiriGu Femal‘ghï¬lï¬g iii' iurGarco.iLii'ieerevtret $luttll,,'8 M'rIahlE'l'lis co ' LTD., Winnipeg. Man. Geo. gbgenast. Patton My '.-Worn "can IICF “an: Pro-ton In - to ex!“- l-uce the not“ building m not enjoyed, 'reliph" on. a. and record attained last you. During theeorlrpartotthto-t. than “0,ch initiation that the string- 'ser (1.00 money and“ would have its-ft on building gum, in the to: » But tow penum- was: qrastted t . Jammy and funny. larch IH magma. but 1r.ite'rfat ' convict m'xrivat took MK. old permit. $1,000 in â€as: a the 'rst tour month ot last year Ind WE il- sued since January -- iieri2ti grinted'to April so, ma, Walkd to $131,000 and [or the corresponding period ot 1913, $123.- NEW HOURS RR HOTEIS . NEXT WEEK Toronto, Mm. 9.--The probabilities are that the new license law, closing hotel but: until 8 a.m., will he wt. into enact on Tuesday morning. May 13. The bill, No. I98, has not yet. been signed by the Lieutemuttt'over- not, but will be assented to this att- ernoon, along with several score ottr ers. The heavy frost ot Friday night-- some thermometers registering ten 'lgi,Ttiit believed to have caused avy (In to early Rum and some “9me5. In conversation with farmers at the market the Tel- Ietrrartrlearned that the damage in this districquiould be largely con- fated to earlyappla. cherries, plums land like fruits the trees ot which , were in tutr blossom The damage Ho tall and winter apples will be 1, Might on account. ot very few ot these "rees being in blossom. The notices will~bc sent out im- mediately the hill becomes law, and as they will likely be received on Monday.the law win so into went on 'lanesdav morning next. EARLY FRUITS _ NE DAMAGED BY FROST STRA'IWRD VOTES All) TO NEW PLANT Stratford, may tL-The ratepayers of Stratiord to-day passed a bylaw guaranteeing the bonds of Vlhcrsuat: Ford Mill Building Company tor tar,- 009, and -tbziag the manual; at 813,000 for ten years, in return tor) which the company agrees to erect a $60,000 plant for the ummlactnrc oi flour mill machinery and to employ v50 hands at the start, increasing to 1100 within three years. . The former mill' was destroyed by fire late last Fall. The vote was 973 mr, and 22 against. . HORSE RAISING - III ALBERTA IS PROGRESS“ t'algary, Alberta. May 8.-The re- mount question which has been "ou- bling the British government will be solved in Alberta. As a horse rais- ing province Alberta has always stood in the front rank and the gov- ernment has had the scheme of tuak- ing this section of the Dominion a nursery lor the empire's cavalry hor- Recently the government leased to a company a large area of [and on the Red Deer River tor 21 years, whim will be and to breed and train remounts tor the armies of the 1f.rrs. Fire. Thousands at young tnmunts bred by farmers and breeders will be gathered together on this training ground near Calgary and . developed until three years old. when r.'anada gets first call an them and the Brit- ish war office second. time past HOW To CONWER RHEUMAIIS " VOUR OWN HOME II you Many olyour {riot-d. an" tmm thou nut-pm. kidney disorder- or 91cm; ot unc um; and". I-menen. bore ache. mason-r par-M Mtl,") svmllul join“. pain in the huh- g'd at: diam": all Ph it‘chilg skin 'd mm noun! _ n In " you to u for I WI! #tif1'llertu)'i'ii', of my orett .. -., -‘A__.-_.. any: nine-nest!!! 'orite80%"'vrr - B.-....'-" w --. km". telltale We“. vim referemesnnd lull [suntan-n y malt tThis “not o D than!) No "an" how tinny any have kiln. In your one. let me more to yam tree " cod that "man-m- c-n war-end. -- marred! where all the nu Wm mm. M and rum" the mu. Alu- for ' weaktncd. rm-‘Inwn omriirrrrtt " thr u Mem, ymn will find Chanda-n I "rm: ly:,",':; ' - ‘.,._ A..m.-- - "metttr mm: - In n‘ PrWF." ‘._.____‘_w "iiauAtt-tattott male-o. Alu- for I ,rFaketted. Tll'M‘an oum‘liunn " the u Mem, you will tits" Chronic-re I "mat .ntieftt, torr (M - thnt n 4. w" feel Hun M: is warm rtvirt . “has: teft yw‘! head! O' m- tiherst Mir. not: and 0.1-!- for tttrgr ---- u ‘3!†nnq m I! warn: lulu. .""r" __ -. m- lilverll Mir. non nod tttut', tttrgr (In Pete. 'tdf". M. sun as. In under consideration tor some I "' ..........., r _ Hmong“. backacht. mason-r par-M Ilul. "on“ join“. min in the huh- '. din-nu: of. Ph lcd'",',', skin a new-uh n In " you to u . mu #,'Hf't'lht'e))'i'ii's'i'i my rely iii'" 'iiiiiiilr/li' igtii-it 1illlll, _ m BE 'ifiiiiiiiiil HOLIDAY Ottawa, May '.-4c+ Pr-.y-tgaturday, Mar an). is the statu- tory holiday. and that by will he observed, no proclamation ttein neon- Iary In elem. state. bee-HI: III by! circles. Although in m cm†a. asthma! in†"peeled that observance should he put. [onward to the wallowing Honky. Io odheial action to mt elect will he “he, May m: it the birthday ot Que I Mary, but it is not neon-ind in Canada a a holiday. Then is nothing to prevent -y place making Monday a holiday ot its on, by civic pruetamatims, though the Government could not utopia it at Victoria Dav. . , Tomato, "animal and London will all observe Saturday and no con- trary decisio- ns hm: heard. TWO CHATHAM PRINTERS 8ll2lililL'lrtj, DEATH. "mm." a7oaiaTa' TGGG -iaraa __'- Riot-31am Pm- this morning by Under Socrgtuy lst 1'tptevft: -- . _ _ .- . . . Chatham, out., Saturday, May IO-Two men were burned to death and three others had very narrow ensues when the Chatham Planet ollice was completely destroyed try tIre between' and " o'clock Friday night. Alex McDougal, loreman oi the composing room, and Robert Birch, a l-inotype operator, have not been seen since the tire was discovered, and although his ruins are too hot yet to search torient, there is mac doubt but that ther burned to death. Charles Hicklin "rtd H. Prune, press- lncl. and Arthur Cartier, linotype operator, had narrow escapes, but man- aged to get out ot the building. The oiNe and plant were completely de-' strayed, with a loss of $75,000; insurance is $50,000. The tiameq broke out in the stock mom at 9 o'ctock, and as the build- ing was very dry the ftre spread with great rapidity. Shooting up the elevator shit. the tire spread to the composing and press rooms. 'Thn tivo men were working together in the room, _and had to run ior nin- dows. It is thought. that McDougal and Birch were overcome hy the heavy smoke trom the ink before reaching the window: and fell back into the frames. _ . can be rebuilt. NAVAL CONTRIBUTION l, BILL PASSED l i' THROUGH COMMITTEE Ottawa, May li.-. Close to lour|mcn." commented Mr. Wilson ot o'clock on Saturday morning-not as'laval, alum a storm of Liberal ap- two-the naval contribution bill wasmrm'al. "Paying mm for his Na- rmally "jammed through" its eom-itionalist alliance.†supplemented Mr. mince stage in Parliament. It need-‘Hureau. . P ed more than 18t B1ryPra"?Fert clo- Grte hy one the leeral amend- sure to accomplish this. It needed ments were guillotined, and clauses 3, Governmental detitattte of all rules; g. 5 and "s, which were not reached violationsol all established Invariants!“ all.. steam-roNred through. The the employmw} at the Chair as a Liberals stubbornly fought each step, partisan expedient, and the PY le-Iii;';;;;?;", a division every time, Nth“ ot the mam-e will-mot per- the Government majority helm 3L mitting a single Lilla“ the right to Several of the Gtrvernrnrnt supporters regularly rrgitter ttit vo?'. . __. atrsented themselves, hence the small From out the wild and spectacular scenes ot tumult which characterized the rly morning hours there stand lurts‘the significant declarations oi responsible Canadians, men who have held the highest positicns in the gill. of their fellow-countrymen. men who spoke strongly and plainly. Stopping from his seat to the centre of the floor as Speaker Sproule rose to receive the report of the Deputy. Hon. Frank or ive? mourned tmpresitvely: "The prerogatives of Parliament have been usurped ter-night."---", stood his ground amid Liberal cheering. de- spite the angry cries of "Put him air" ochoiattin, on!" and other tempt-stuous uproar. from the Minis- terial benches. _ - _ A moateat later Hon. Wm. Pugsloy l arose and made the serious rharsr:) “The Deputy Speaker at ti,'dpl','l'. has madea fatse report." To is un- precedented arraignment “on. Geo. P. Graham, standing at his desk, ttdd- rd the. indictmrnt: "The rules have bot-n openly and detitreratF1y violated by the Chair." Augmenting the m. rihle directness of the charge Hon. Dr. Beland rose from another front desk bench and earnestly asserted: "Parliament has been degraded and dishonored try its Chair." Those were not the, ordinary parlyl allegations bandled from one side ot the. House to the other. They were l direct and defatite charges of tin-l utmost gravity made by men whnl have been Governmental advisers toi his Majesty. Yesterday Speakerl Sproule Ignored them, Tet-rived the) Import thus declared to be misc. amidl inn uproar in which niathing could be (heard, and wounded on a nod trom ’Premier Borden to adjourn the House. iAs he stepped trom the dais, the Irising ot Sir Wilfrid Lauri" mused a momtary lull in the tumult. The revered Liberal leader and oldest and most distinguished Parliamentarian spoke one impressive sentence: "shame upon the whole discreditatsie proceedings." CLOSURE SHOOR 110F317. WITH VIOLENT PASSION. The ftrst application ot closure rl to lorce through Parliament Can-l mm "freewill otter" ot mm ron-l triMrtion- came automatically u 2 o'clock. It shook the “am with pnssion, which time alter time threatened to develop pm rival con- mu. "Got them when we want ‘tlmn now?" shouted a Ministerial support" amid prolonged "ovum iment shouting and cheers. "Gag- ‘stn‘w WIS shamed bark for minim-s continuously at Premier Bordon "11’eq u'ili be published trom" The News olrim, until the building‘ iriiiGiGGao is afraid to tare the vote ot his Canadian ie1iorv-cqutttry- Grave Charges t'ttheeded. THROUGHOUT DOMINION WIFE WAN]?! OFFICE One by one the Llheral amend- ments were guillotined, and clauses 3, i. 5 and is, which were not reached at all.. steam-rollered through. The Liberals stubbornly fought each step, demanding a division every time, the Government majority helm 31. Several of the Government supporters ‘absenu-d themselves, hence the small Ciifiiirriii. " ' Automatically tne guillotine did Its work amid continued tumult. The. Liberals persisted in protest, _ the Conservatives continued to shout "Hurryaiomt." Meanwhile Mr. Hlon- din did his best to expedite the iam- ming through of the clauses. Man aiter man, Messrs. German, Pardee. Guthrie. Beland, McCain. Ross, Boivin, andothers, defiett him to override them by the refusal ot Ahe mamas: wtah-wmrtheir-rettv and their toree and determination en- abled them to catty their point., SUFFESSFUL hURh'K, Miss Marjorie Keyes. who is a nurse in tra'nltg at Toronto General Hos- pital. and who won the Arthur Mo- Collum memorial scholarship for gen eral proficiency in tho‘junior year, is the eldest daughter of Fire Chief John In'. Keyes and Mrs. Reyes, of Gait. lvnmcos: 1Ellllrtrtiliil,.ii0. nun-u. u... “may.-. .._..-___...v_ - - WV, .3 tt 1- buttoned rl:x borrat if! on... "tt.l'JlJ-eh%l',"a', mama. 1'a2a1TI.e ?tijaSt,tit"iir,1ui2'2'9tN't,f. KO IA.†'end',',',,',',"."?, sotrrrEN CONSENT. "NATL a. new, - --- W 8igS'fal"SPaht=u'l Lijigei. msi -or ml“ COttseN , nah" 'dlh"hhMa'tl'llva': . _ I 71l!TiiiiTririiEEEiGlEEl .OT'cE All letters from Canada must heuMRued - to our Dun-dim: Correspondence Depart- . 'g-r- ment in Windsor, Ont. It you desire to are â€many call " our Medical Institute in Detroit as we sec Ind that no " in our Windsor oftiees which are tor Cmcspondeno and hunter, " Candi-n bullncu only. Address an letter! " 50mm: "MW -iiatriiiiiiiioe a my, was.» 0... sputum-Mun. unions swan “in unsusam L" fatal: - we. w vu m. w‘, V__ -re-" __r _ ’33? {all cunbyoont \'iiiiiF'p, tFi"tf, Ot Durham [do tpr inâ€... Ce-ttWm. 'e. _o magma. "a": “my:£2:.:3-&;3:..‘F.1F..°"_':ߣ9"‘ ' -dkiiaigan â€(and Griswold M.. new. Mich. - so mm USED WITHOUT WTtrT'TEN mm. Continua to Ills Home tor Weeks. “no"! work. my!» Pp',2t and evil habits In youth mm on Tulane You; Vt her: I wot ed hard tho whit-f would bacon. Osmond! watsohentaid up mr O watt at o “no. My (an?! {physician tom mo an operation was my only ttttd u. I attended trim! govern wed-lists. but Mott' found out m ther wanted w my money. I minim-need to look upon on doctors as little truer than mum. Oiled-y 'str,lgr"tftSet, whyl v.aarot2 work» much and I you bin muses! 'lon. noodvls'd no to moan. Ln Room I Randy.†bod mien treatment. from Ibex: Mrs-1! and new they was nun-e Ind mural. t new them and got Tn: In )1:an Mfume: 1!pr was somewhat stow amt doth. the tttot month‘s (was I was Ionewhnt dimmed. However [continued tunnel» {or an. months langu- md no reward“! gm. gowpgetogun; [coma any thet-', o’erk I? I Intern. ,7, -____ _.._ - o __ ----'-- - - - Q 'or, ""' 't,%'lllTiGGras i; "'1" “'" "T"t ““ Hm†- ;ioiai CiUiiE W . flhmmwuyï¬nimmm . a, HENRY 0. menu: (lllllllllli.flllllltfil "fillllu-TlllB"t Yummy: owe., Human. w. “I lave been in Welter“: h business for A good my year. and tinny of my towmmen know that my health, for tomrrerio4r, m precarious. My trouble was ext'reme Hen/01mm“, brought on try Indigestion and Drs. pepsia. from which I “Bend in the most severe form. It we: to bed that [could not deep before about four in the morning. I noticed one“ your published testimonial! of he! mean. APPOINTED . PROVINCIAL Toronto, May 13.--tCanadiart Press) -Hon. Isaac Benson Lucas, member without pqnfolio ol the N Whitney {Cabinet since June 1909, who ttttsr. 'iheen doing the workpt the .Provitt- IHal Treasurer since tho death of Hon. io. A. Matheson,"was today sworn in: to that omce. F" had used "Fruit-ttver" lor similar trouble and asked Mr. Hunter, my druggist. his opinionon the nutter and he ndvised their at. I blindingly procured several bone. and I We“ to say that I now enjoy ttt hunt and could not yon-iii] at! better. I can eat with every degree of hum and sleep without an effort. I 1','rf2, advise anyone ruining from t " complaints, to commence ruin; "ttruititives". ALEX. MecARrER. The consequent bye-election will be held June 9. _ ,- Jr; Hon. Mr. Lucas was born in 1331. is married, a lawyer and a Medio- dist. He has represented Centre Grey since the. general election at 1898, [and has teen gunman of the Prints [Hills Committee at the Legislature. Soc. a box, 6 for $ size, age. At dealers or from ytroit.a-tives Lining Ottawa. mrmcmunn.u. , TmWIuc-ICVOI t nG,rva,maorramh A Baa-rv-aim-st mm . Campbell’s me Stall Beoaiewian,tevatiyuseeeiti' pine 5nish. It - * - m..,,iiii. _ ' “and '.'.teetitih;tgutS'fk"Lsqil.'hti {won 13 M BmRfin75rffdimE-E CONRAD BROS. â€MB? I in:le mung?“ ttt built I eel better. I '.eoNatiatnet1tm fort. IMF, in; he. t "