A r" J: “lb“ "nun , 'lll'iiaaiiiia-, {.-... It, t. " 'litiitFrtiriig More "ttNutt 'xii',',',,":" GI' (v'-inn'i')7g';'"7.' â€JESS The annual 'hnsinoss mreting or thvl others lion. "mi. Co 'r. "iid/Li.' Wumm's 11usicat Its. was held at “Ht W, 'r'.. Nitche11 If“ /iiii,iii'ii'. the home of 1hr President, Mrs. G ska. Gtfr: A. McCormick, within Moulhy last. Saturday afternoon, Imp. oil ir,".. F., Willson, goth Cam. mill a road attendance ot the mem- --ilrown (‘n Galt; H. Hilteartrut hers. Tht reports read slumml the City Hail offices, C. Prqurgnat. with 1y.irytri11'y? to have tw/m y.yfli.l, Bank oi Nam sham; A, I'rrprrtsnat, f'1'll'f"1""J.,1, and pro0tahle m own; with Rank of N tirotia: Irma “Hum [mm-ft. Pt mnmls programmc-s v0H aten. Mutual Lifr; [cum "tetd, gun. the ylu'o Calrttdar han been ta'ttmilsi tqcttierttoltr, Zinkann 1'tt: (f, Dillon. farnml out In the members, and the; Men. C. N. Huether'a- Co lt, ll. c, ittterc,t well sustained thrnnghmltm'ej _ . , ' t to w shoun In tho Inrz- attrmtamt of Itel unlit?! arc a sum pawpc r C mombors and' mums at each mart-1‘ position [mg Tho inlfmxinx: oak-rm wrrr C1ett I -_----...--- ited for 1913-tt, . l STORES T0 RFNitN OPEN .\1 \Y, llnn President-Mrs Wm. Metcalfe, “TH. Prrsidrnt--Mrs, C H Huwlhy. I . ifrr Prtssir1ent-51iss F Jackson. } The mrrvhanu oi Horlzn haw sien Ferret-art-Miss L. Hrvnhanpt. ' ed a petition aCrCPulr', to "ttserie Tr'easurer-Mrs, .l I'. Found]. 1 Mnndav. Ilttv 2nth." m a bnlulay. Hierutixe t'rtmmittor--Mrs, F. p“ "tstead of Sanmlm. Ira, 2m. 'lhvir smgmm. Miss l,, M, "turn, Mrs, II I stores will arrordrnaly wnmn upon M, Snyder, Miss L. Lynn and tho a. Saturday, and close on Monday omctrs, . Following sllulmls oi the Rrrl‘m Busims Cum-go have Just trutts to ruinous: N. Gallagher, stun. Worr, r-rtoldut. Co,', ll "owmam uilh Fittings. Ltd, Winnipeg; C. Herod. others lion. Ins. Cor, t. Holdmnu, nun W 1-1, Nitvhel1 I? (‘rossnnn stern. CrTi, A. McCormick, teith Imp. oil Co; IC, Willson, with Cam. Berttt-ilrowrt_Co,, Hall; H. "Himmler, City Hail offices, C. Prqut-gnat. with Bank of Sun: Stan's; A, I'equrertat, with Bank- of N tirotia: Irma Mylms stun. Mutual Life; Edna 'Ryul. strn. tqcttierttoltr, Zinkann Co: G. Dillon. Men. C. N. Huether's Co lt, H. tl counts arc a sure passport to a position The servicoxnn Snmlav evening at the Emanuel H.vamr,elical l‘hurch worn in charged Rev. .I.H_ 1turnot Medi- Hat, Alta, brothrr oi thr pastor “on H. Hum. lle chose for his subject “God's Guidance", and pointed nut the great necessity of having a guide, which must he a capable one. He Spoke of the need of His .stuidatwe, for which the ftnal outcome ml! he "He will rereive me into his glory." At thrvnrtrninur, srniyr Hm. F, Hum pastor, ‘drliu-rrd a Spit-mud 'sermon. Bpth services worn aitended by alrgr um attentive amlmnras. Tll disappear, when the new order 0 things has horn in Ioree for a row weeks. There is a well defined runt- 'm to the effect, however, that all the grunts are not living up totheir pte#gr to close, at fl o'vlock, ds it is claimed some hare been doing ttttir- ncss as late as 3.30 pm. A King‘St. Merchant to-day ex- pressed himself as of the opinion that the afternoon of Saturday, May 21th, should he observed as a holi- day by men'hunls. The stores could remain open in the monung when people could do their shopping and dose in the aitrrnoon. This pram-a tire, he said, was being followed in a number oi other practs this year. The grocery stores commencing May 5th, closed at tl p.m. and no letious inconvenience has been caused to the cllstmm-ts hy this early clos- ing. What little there has been will The annual meetin.tt of Ihtt Deanery of Waterloo (‘ounty of the Anglican Church will be tMit in Waterloo on Tuesday, May 20th. The citizens wilt have an opportunity ol hearing Dean Abbot of Christ Church Cathed, ral. Hamilton. who is one oi the most eloquent orators in the Dominion, and “ho will preach in the evening at St. Saviour’s Church. / The ftre department was called out to extinguish a tire on Weber street near the foyndry. The rout was, burned ind the interior was damaged by water. The Imuso was occupied by an Italian family and is odned by the Kalle Estate. Owing to a breahdown m comtN'- tion with one of our typesetting "ra- chines we, arc obliged to how or†a number ot important neik.q items until next week's issue oi the Chron- ieier'i'elegraph. The'whoopinr, cough "pit'.rtnic, which was training a lirnt hold among the school children as reported last work, is dyingnut. The warning which Dr. “autumn sounded has been heeded and children afflicted with the disease are being kept at home. Mr. Thos. ()‘nnnm-ll met with a painlul accident in F'.lmira on Wed- lpsday, when a small hone in his left foot was broken and his arm was slightly bruised. The prices at the regular weekly market. on Saturday remained stat- iotterr, Early vegetables “on- plan- ml ind were readily purchased by toutslolk. Deutsche Apotheke "in 111 Intuit» A SMART BOY WANTED TO learn the dry goods business, Apply at once to J. Utie1ntatus. Waterloo. The Ladies' Aid' ot Emmanuel Evangelieat ('hurch held a Talent To: on Thursday aitrmoon which proved to be very successful. tttttttttte W" Mrs. Allan A. Mayer spent Thurs- day and Friday with trimdsdu Tur- Tb programme's for the Dominion Day celebration have been issued and In view of the fact that a pare- ment is to be put. down this year and that, excepting main street, it is perhaps .the most travelled thor- oughfare in town, being also . the street leading to the park, it Was thought special (Jinn should he made in the way of properly illuminating It was suggested that the electric Iiullt posts be placed closer togethor and set the same distance apart as on other streets and also that a stronger light be furnished. It is probable that interrshd rate- payrrs “in he presrnt at the nrxt l‘ulmcil meeting to otier suggmtiuns as in question of imprnu-d lighting on ttte street. WANT IMPROVED -. STREET LIGHTING {A meeting of the ratepafers on Albert. Ht., was held, Thursday New mg. to discuss the advisability of petitioning the Council for improved lighting on this street. Mr. Miekus, the well-known auc- tioneer, knocked down the hoses, the highest Price paid fur a. lynx boring $3, I The box social which the members of the Y.ht.t'. oi Waterloo and their friends have been looking, forward to, was held in their hall on Allen St. on Wednesday evening with about Beventy-rrve present, and a splendid programme was provided. There were piano solos _ by Miss Gladys l'llelmnnn, and one by Mr. Ithisinharnt Uretmatm. vo- cal solos by Mr. J. Ellis and yr, McKenzie, and reritations by Miss Annie Thane and Mr. ll. Thane. A number which created roars of laugh- ter, and “him was excellently well rendered was a sketch, entitled "Cite." . Itev. A. 1.. G. name, Presidolit of the Hub occupied the chair. Albert S: SUCCESSFUL In the evening the W318. will all? a promenade Itand Convert, for 1shieh faluahlr prizes will be otrered.- For the championship races 2 pri, es will be orered, while lor the oth- er events there will be three races. It is exprcted that about 250 mm- or cyeiists will leave Toronto at r, a.m. on an endurance run to Water- loo. _ ' In addition tithe above races. there will he a bicycle race. under the auspices of the Grand Stand Co. The details of this race have as yet not been decided. The other numbers on the program at this date are, 10.15 o‘clock Nurse Show on the Market Suture. Ctte Mile Novice; Quarter Mile Cham- pionship; Trait Mile Champiratshitt; quarter Mile Walk (boys under 12); One Mile Championship ; tme Mile (Boys under 16) Five Mile Cham- piottship; One Mile, 2.fo Ctass . t'ive Mile Motor Cycle. 4 Horse Power; Two Mile Handicap; Three Mile Mo, tor t'vcle, 4 Horse Power. (open to Waterloo County); Whippet Racing .,'l, Three Mile Motor Cycle, , horse-IM‘I wer (winners of 5 mile race barred), A new feature, and one which tsill attract riders [mm all parts of the Dominion will tte the 20 Mile Dun» lop Road Race. which will leave Aa- tertoo at 10 o'clock. tt is expected., judging by previous years that there wilt be between 200 and 300 (attics in: this race. The course tor this nee will he decided within the next few days." The advance programme tur the elerenth annual meeting at the Calu- than Wheelmarths Association was mailed on Friday. to the prospective participants. The list ut races as outlined Ptomises to “was; atw- thing yet undertaken on the “to? loo track. 1 - Maddy lat 7 I Sundial Chara: I'PZEs ARilf.'rntAc'rrvE A LARGE :"ENDANCE New F-T,. ou,, Q'Hau a gtiihe, Wain!» BicyclelndMotorEnduw forRev. .Bumsof Annual Meeting BOX SOCIAL '; At once and Rustling. the' only â€lair that Mr. Seagram will haw to depend an atnottR the older division fat the cumin; mretitut, did a very ‘snurt mile considering track cotde (tions, in 1.1t; 1-.5. The Waterloo nasrlva0 teattt irtttr. 110' " toltrspeler on Saturday atirr- mm: and played an ethihition Fame. brine shut out by the Fu'ore oi 2 C. Th" ItesprVritrs srrnred but 2 hits "ri the local (with-rs while it hits were sr-rvrod oft the drliwrv nl tho "rs- _ lam-hm: sciati, The Ilmulfnu of the locals “as the In 2 errors. which annexed the only two runs scored. The two-year-olds from the pre%- dent-s farm all stepped l of a mile, the first pair to ahrear being Frms- sail and Extravagant. They were timed in .37 l-h. Dark Rnszllccn, Meissen and Son t.ord did the same distance in. .37 ttat. Toronto News :--The only work though oi any importance was that shown by the Seagran1 trio, Maid oi Fromme, Battle Song and Viovode, the former two working together, did a very handy mile in L47 2-5. Th6 first hall was reached in " C5. the 'l in 1.17 '2-5. Tiovode worked alone, and eoverpd the same, distance in a shade better time than his star ble ronmaninns, hr bring third in L17 Ilat, the half was shown in 19, 15, thr:,' in 1.16 l-5. At this point the Waterloo candidate appeared to tire, and as shown by the fractional time he was 31 seconds going the fmal quarter. SEAGRAM TRIO Homer Watson'k landscapes arr again marked by a rugged treatment m' simple, rural themes. "Evening at ter the Rain" _ comprises massive trees, a clearing sky, and cattle bang driven homrward in the dusk. “Past ing Wind Storm" shows driving clouds, and broken trees at which eattle nimble curinusly. Mr. Watson in his own imruldttat wuy ts a strong painter ot pioneer Untario. At the Canadian Art Club's Annual Exhibition, hold at Toronto on Fri- day, the work oi Mr. Home: Watson, of noon, who is one of (‘anana's torre most artists, was mnmentvd on new lammhly. The Toronto Globe, of Saturday, May 10th, has the follow- ing n-lcronce to thr landscapes eshttr. itrd by Mr. Watson:- _ HOMER WATSON’S LANDSCAPES The Emmanuel congregation begins this conference year with every indi- cation of abundant success. On Sunday evening Iter. ".r.. S. Rum of Medicine “at, Hash, Lroth- or of Rev. E. Burn will occupy the Pulpit. The Ladjes" Aid served refresh. mcnts at this juncture, after which Rev. Mr. Tturn sang $3010 in the Swiss language, he being a nativcxof that country. The solo was very much appreciated, and was heartily applauded. Itev. Mr. Burns replied in a Keeling manner. He said that in his twenty- two years of service in the ministry he had noVer been more kindly wok vomed than in Waterloo. lit express- ed the desire to be a true Hhepherd, a busy worker, a faithful watchman, and a winner of souls. Mr. o. M. Uaitiaeh, Superintendent of the Sunday School, who is also one ot the church trustees. occupied the ('hair. He addressed the meeting trrie0y. The Men's l'hoir at this junc ture rendered a selection, after which Mr. C. W. Schiedel on hehall in! the congregation, tandem. to the (pastor and his family, a most. cord- ial welcome. In opening, Mr. schie- del said, "Just a year ago, I had the honor ol performing a similar duty to Rev. Mr. Grail. and his wile. but “ho as you are aware, was with us only a short time, and in his death We as a congregation lost a dearly below-d pastor. Ilis sudden depart- lire was very keenly felt by us. He' stated that although the church was) not strong firtanciauy, they had al-' ways managed to pay all their ex~ Pemies, and the salarv ot their pas- tor. "l may tell you, not in a boastful way, however,.' continued Mr. Schiedel, "that the standing of the congregation is due to a great extent to the splendid management of the. various organizations connect- ed with the church." In concluding he expressed the hope that Mr. and Mrs. Burns and their family would feel quite at home in their midst. The reception mama by the con- gregatian d Emmanuel Bvugélical Church to their new pastor Ru. E. Bum, in the Public Library Ila)! on‘ Priday evening was a decided slo- uch. The attendant: I'll vert' lazy the Congxégation IWiathg the "r Portuaitr of taunting their new pas- tor. _ WORKING WELL ‘th hr happy and laughing. F.rerr ham shcmld cry an an average of m- ‘Imn or twenty minutes a day-that Us how he strenur,thens his lungs Rut. ‘nm'hrrs it your bahv gin"; sharp piercing "in or low snhhinz waits, he is in pain and needs attention. ,thlm: will "limo the little oy .wn qttivkly as Ham's Own Tablas Thin amulet“ the stomach and bowels. n- kl wnrrm. break up “this. and MM T;tke hahy Wall!“ and happy. The Tablets arts sold hr "teitieitte dealers " br mail at P.", tspttis a box 1mm Ttte Dr Wrltiams' Medicine Csr, Brockville, Ont. _ f The Town Comuttt paid a trip to ‘tho corner of I'ninn and King Hts., ‘on Monday afternoon, to look over _the ground to see where the much discussrd crossing should be laid. Af, ter lmking over tre ground the opin- ion or the 1'omici1 did not undergo much change, as the alderrren have not altered their opinions to any great extent. Thr citizens in that \irinity, however, have taken action. in Me that they are not done out of a crossing at the corner. and al, petition is lazing circulated to that} effect. This crossing gives promise} of becoming a live topic of diseus- sion at the next, (‘ouncil meeting. 1 When the hahy cries continua!!!" do not put it donn inppuro ttetiness - that is not thr baby's nature-it is WANT CROSSING The various commuters held meet- ings at g o'clock in the afternoon, pre paratory to the business sessions of to-day. The opening service was held last evening when Rev. bl. Hoffman, 11.0., Toronto, president of the Conference delivered the son mun. The closing session of thr- synod “ill be held on Monday afternoon. The mornjngs and afternoons will be de- voted to the business sessions. when several important. problems will be dealt with. Each owning. sermons will he delivered at 7.30 by various ministers. The 52nd annual 0(1th ace of the Canada Synod opened last night. All day pastors, and delegates from west- ern and northern Ontario, Quebec and the United States were arriving in town. LUTHERAN may _ {ANNUAL mamas 0mm WEDNESDAY! thi w. 1sult. WHEN BABY CRIB Men's Suits. Boys' Suits 'i, $5.00 to $15.00 $2.50 to $7.50 ',' l Childs Suits Men's Waterproofs , $1 to $3.50 l $5.00 to $15.00 i â€WY. pemiiture ul a good many dollars in the course ol a. yum. It is money, we will prove to 3ou cotwtusively opportunity your desire to get and our desire to give every\ possible cunt’s would of real value ior every dollar you spend for clothes. tlt,"0/frtttii,t The clothes you buy means quite a considerable outlay-the ox- That we do give you at this store the most real value tor thd Isn't it to your own best interest to J. (llfftshtiamt THE 'ihthtt! Our Goods are right Our Prices are right. Our Styles are right ht UNION ST. "The Peoples' Store BECAUSE ti, tlit lair in; I. Following 'rics. want: ttthire, she was presented with a Corina-n1" at life membership in the society, and a beautiful ghhl pin, [mm th mcmbcrs. SMART my WANTED TO LF.U'sN pi'inling trade. Apply 1'1irottic'.: Trix-graph. l m The following are th" omens M the coming year : 11om-Pres.-Olrs. J. u. Snyder. ', Pres.-Mrs. J. Hockey. ‘ 1'ice-Pres.--Mrs. ri. 1). Cunningham i Heeretary--Mrs. Wm. Bison. Corresponding Secretary - Miss Shuh. Treasuref-otrs. Geo. Wegerrast. An invitation 1.:ch hM-n "stetuied to the members' Ives"c..cds to lnnvh at'the church, 1nd C", large numhov were present. After Iunrh reports oi the omcers were prcscntml, and a programme rendered. I.EMtlmmWA@NrtraMRLrrNTCrtii' BJioFitIEi3IrmmiErrt' mimii'lll‘, 'eo-OM-ir-room-Mit-ro-idiom-tBE-mit The programnv- col'ISiMrd oi a read ing by Mrs. \. Foster on "Hur Work," a recitation “You hm? enough to do at "mm- " ltrs. A. F.. 0evitt, and an 3:111“; "Designated to China" by Miss Milne] 1lockey. In“! [RANCH t. W. Lamprcy. Manager. FARM HRS It? be succcssful must he husimss men. They must have a Bank Account. It it better to pay by cheque than with cash. Belle.’ bccausc simpler, more convenient and more husincss hke. Have your account with 0F W. tt S, Mo LAMBS All) grant the opportunity? it you will rire us the THE BANK OF TORONTO. MAKING FARMING PAY Ourfoifci trude h:.s increased so per cent. since Jan. (st. There is a ream". . Extraordinary Values in Ladies’lx " - Suifs for This Week - - Pineapples arc three weeks earlier than last year. They are now down to rock bottrm prices. Get our prices before buying. We have added a Fish department to our business where we will handle nothing but the very best lines of fresh fish.. Give us a trial order, . We will surely please you. D. Bohlender, Extra good value in this suit, made'very stylish, 1mm med with huuons and silk braid to match cloth, lined with best silk serge, Hm tit- tors. sizes " and 38, regular price $17.50 and $18.50. See tMs special line ior thisweek at ordy -.-..-... .u.....r. ...- t10.50 BROWN 5mm: $10.50. Navy blue Serge Suit, beau, lifrlly made and trimowd. 4 button from. marred collar, lined with gre) silk St'l'g‘l', high waist on skirt. sizes rm, 38 and 40, regular price SIRS." special for this week at $10.5!) This week will hr Bargain weMcin the Ladies' Sui! Department. All this sCRFion sityies, greatly rerlucml prices; made of Fund: and English Supp, in navy and Immn, brown Whipvunls and Arry Wor- sated. Hee thpse Bargains Nils week, _ NAVY SERGE y'st'hT $10.50 B.'5A61Ladi'rey'rFAisi( D! LADIES', SUITS :: AND COATS 2 Every garment new and up-to-date an POSITIVE BARGAINS. ..LATE DELIVERY SALE.. prices, but a personal visit an d inspertion of our Ladies' Salty will convince you that they are thusuine Bargains, not-zmtr rtu‘ the saving in lunacy but the superior quality ot materials, may style, lit and tiCsh. We “an! to impress you with this tact. They. Great Bargain in this season's represent, the cream Miller & Hohmeier- In quoting these prices they Suits at $8.15, $10, $12, $15 Home Roasted Coffee. Canning Pineapples. PIEPEIILBLOGK 'g' :BEIllll, Mfr. Fresh Fish. teu'ITH AT PRI Cl E. . oi this seasoa's Suits WATER“!!! [Mum P. J. Wright, Haunt Mat, , may look like any other advertised CASH ANDMONE PRICE. A wry tine Trey worsted Suit. a heaatitut shade and n swell fitter, trimmed with Fancy buttons and silk braid, lined with grey satin. sizes 34 36 and 38, the regular price of this suit was $22.50, spec- ial far this week at only A wry stylish suit in a ttvautiiul shade (If [an whip- cord, collar "it-oat is olplain tan hroadclotlt. notched collar high waist on skirt, Jinett with hest Trev satin, rhr,ular pncr. of this Sun was $20, special tor this week at only $15.00 “REY lt' "UcsTF.D SUITS q AT $15.00 “1111mm†sx'n‘s $15.00 Phone 205' M 31500