,fBuying News E Worth Reading _ ERNST’S i HATS. H4+49+FFH"H++FFH-F+Frrt-rt-eeettH-t.tetet.t. tri, III'I-' -- , sr I Oxfords a? if" h . ‘ m 2. Fah" M , I ‘ 'i F2 I lifi I , Illi t' ( IE LI , . l ' - w I " LI: , .. __ SEI MEI lili Ill A o It tl , ilE ill , ‘ ' ‘ i tg qlillll "if Q MII 'P, . "rrrr"+rFrrrrrrrrrt-ro q9+FFFFFFFH"H-rq+FH+q. Splendid blondrd colorirtrss, silk or silk knit. smartest client in [our in bands From the best hat sham ot Amer- " England, Austria and Italy. $1.00, $1.50. 83m», $2.50 Caps too $1.25. SUI", $75c..soc. SPRING' N BCKWl-n R That stand the laundry fast; I color, and well made fabrics that l wear. Emu-daily pleasing in the a tilled richness oi the patterns. “90. “.00, $1 The celebrated "fltrne,arry" an! Paramatta Raincoat, four exceptional special (matings. ' SHIRTS. RAINCOA'I‘S J. G. WING & co., Berlin, Ont. Phone 852 " Frederick at, Berlin Money to Loan, Convnyancing and Insurance There are a good "My men “ha are rGt-urto-date in all but one thing; they're behind the times in buritrg clothes, and they donit know it. They hacru't discovered that at Ernst's they can purchase a ready- to-wear suit that in fabric, tailoring and style is quite equal to any put. chatted elsewhere at from 25 per cent to 50 per cent. more. We have at- ways had‘a religion for qucoling the lowest prices, but we like boom- phasize now and then, this Itraiseworthy feature at our storekeepittg pol- icy and want to drive In ute the enumetiun that our prices arirattsouste- ly the lowest, quality considered by example rather than talk. 86,500 Buys Inn arms, H tttiles [rum Berlin. $t,500 Bugs in norm. li miles irmn Berlin. $7,200 buys 21 .'tl'ri's, Imiltt from "etlit1. " 83.500 Bins 7 acres in Bethrt. 83,700 Buys li acres. 3:, miles irorn llrrlin. $10,800 Buys 13t acres, 1 miles trom "erlin. 4,000 "Ins lti acrrs, ‘1 miles trom nrrlin. $4,200 Buys M urn-s, 6 miles from Berlin. . G. WING 8i CO. Summer Footwear if“. Mens’ Women’s and Children’s Oxfords, Slippers and Pumps $5.95, $8.50, $11.50, $tt.fro 57. No. " i1lglaltliilllRlllii1lRllgllliBlii 1lliillMllii'llRlliit8lilNllilllliigigliigig.i REAL ESTATE ZIBK'S SHOE HOME THE HOME OF 0000 SIIOES 39c anut 50(- Sull' and leather tutt am. special at [HUI Uslurias. l'rivp.v, aluuys right. such Wonten's and chilrlreu's Canvas 0x- All the "rural. styles, trr.st ma'irs, last will nub' ANVAH OXFORD SPECIAL. n spin-um! fitter with giigiiggagiggaggEgiigggM " Ask anyone at the many mothers who bring their buys here tor clothes, season after mason. what excellent values she gets ior her money. Ask any of the boys whose mothers buy 1thr clothes . here what "dandy" style, just like dad's that he gets in all his suits, then'come and see for yourself the new ones we are showing this season. _ $13.00. $10.00, $300, $0.50, $5.00, $1.00, $3.50, $2.40. BUYS' SPRING SUITS. . Light weight cashmere and Iattey lisle. all colors spill NG “USE. The right weight for swim. wear, shirts and drawers, per Suit l'NlH-thWEAR. agar, Where the Good Clothes come from. lir‘llnllu, l'lassic and 45c and GOe Phone " leather if} ", 25c We to $2.00 and 500 Ila): JIr. Jas. Kerr paid friends a short visit in Macton, last week. A numbn- trom here attended the Htm- riay Schunl thrttvention in Philipsburg mu Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Hor man and Muss Ella Ottmann'ol Wo- lvrlnu spent the week end and FNn- day here. HM. If, "attenborg" and, Iris m-nlirmation class went to New) Hamburg Mondar to have their photo itokrn. Ilr. .luhn lluras sold his III-'01 farm to W. Alex. McMillan tor the sun. uf $7000.11" and will take passes- .wm In thoiali. Miss Ina "ellinger, oi Philadelphia and Jhe Messrs Har old and George Belmurr of tle GoiWrt. West are at present \‘lsning’ al [hour home for the summn hnlr days. I Aivr ILunhurg's population, accortV inc lo the assessor is 1586, as arutiut LI 1'! Inst mar, :mmrrraw n! NFAt ll\\llÂ¥l RU GRIHHNG Laval and Pttsorri-The Misses Ja (uh Jivlterhorn, Henry "eckner, lly. Ultnnmn at yhlverton spent Fun- day ‘uilrrnoon in town with relatives and friends. Mr. Oscar and Miss An- " Orth oi Kurtzvillo were visiting friends herptor a few days. The Misses Sinner and Freitman oi Lina tsoorl made short calls here on Satur-) News Notes-Nr. and Mrs. Albert Becker oi Itoseviue visited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Becker on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Elias Irallnuan of New Mutt- tlee visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Kim-lite] oi llrrlia visited with friends and relatives in the neighbor- hood last ueek. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Hallmam and family visited with the, iormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi llullman on Sunday. Mr. sr) " Mailman 'sundared under tt iparental roof. Messrs. J. and A. Mailman of. Herlm Sundayed under the parental root. Mr. and Mrs. I. Mnghtnn and Alt. and Mrs. ii. Witmer tinted with Mr. and Nts. Aaron Mailman nn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E Becker and Mr. and Mrs. A. Israel Kunduyed “in: 1lr.sand Mrs. Fl. De- vitt. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shana oi Berlin visited with Mr. and Mrs. A- mus Shaun. on Sunday, The lu'dward VH.i.iterary Furcirtv will hold their meeting on Saturday night, May 17. Montrval, Mr. .1. Billings of Winni- peg, visiting thvir pareMs and friends. --Mrs. M. Fischer of Waterloo spent Sunday with her" mother, Mrs. J. Weiter. Flower Beds Destroyed-The public are warned not to pluck fiowers or destrny the flower beds of the [laden school property. There are several parties lrom both New Hamburg and linden “ho deliberately destroy tu- lips and scattered the Il.owers over the yard. They will likely get an in- (ritation to appear' before a, Justice lot‘ the Peaee.--Rev. MLBrenuer and (the teacher or the Lutheran Sunday School, went to Philipshurg on Mon- day to attend the convention held at that ptace.-- mi. Mr. Brenner will attend the Synod of the [Lutheran church at Waterloo this week. There, will be no services at the church in Baden on Sunday. May 18th. ..-.l Visitors to Baden the last week! were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lii’ing-‘ slon of Toronto, ltr/ Ed. Lierseh oi Mr. Chris Wine: ot “hint Tp. left on Saturday tor Toronto to he treated by an eye tspecialist.- Miss Tillie F'lanans was takenJo the B. k M. Hospital and was operated upon by Dr. Gillespie, who removed a tu- mor. The operation was quite sue- cessrul. Miss Flanans is expected 'to leave the hospital in a few days. - Mr. Victor Sherer is expected to leave the hospital this week alter being operated upon for appendicitis. -Mr.s. Fl. Kumpi, sr., is seriously ill and little hope is held out lo: her recovery. Death u P.. 'ichnerer.-- The sad news was received at Indra on Sun- day Nay the 3rd, that Mr. Emanuel Sthaefer. son ot the late C. Scharter, had died at Beaver Falls, Lewis Co., New York State. The late Mr. Sch- aefer had ailed tor some that; he went to the hospital, but his brother Ht'illiam took him to his home a [at was more he died. The cause at death was bright's disease. Mr. Sch- aefer was in his 27th year. His rev mains were brought over trom his bwthér’s ré§idence by Mr. Joseph Steinman to the Baden undertaking parlor, trom where the tuneral took, place on Wednesday, May 7th, ttr the Mennonite cemetery for burial. ‘ war-am. ONTARIO. THUMQAi mama. may 15.1.1}! ’Wno not. wuou No. as“ Wellesley Mannheim ' C "2T1. . I ilar 7;.- “5,5,1- ot!':".,',::.',':'?'-' . . . Fr". Jr"? - _ . r"_PVF Jp"' ' ' ' an, V , " ' ' .. . _ l ".L . s.' f 3 '3" b. . "m i . The death otcurred on Wednesday morning of Olive Florence Wilhelm, the nine war old daughter of Mr. llornun Wilhelm. The little girl sur- rumbrd to a very severe attack of l iliphthoria or three days' duration. The funeral, whtvh was whom. was held on Wednrsduy ant-moon to Riverside remelrry. Ttev, Mr. Mor. hwk nmrmu-d at the gram, To Mr. Wilhelm and Ins family the draped l A. Vance'ard Frank Field motored to Woodstock on F'umdar.--Mr. and llrs. A. Bean of Bright spent Monday with friends in totrn.--Mr. Otto Ritz was in Galt WI y1unday.--Mrs. Daniel Ritz arlMrs, Ruler are visiting Friends in Galt.--The members ot. Court SilVer Leaf." No. 90 C. o. R. held a wry super-53ml smoker inth' Town Hall on Monday evening, when an enjoyable evening was spent by the mrmbers.--The name of Mr. C. J. For was omitted from the report oi the Park Commissioners last week. Mr. Fox is very enthusiastic and one or the most active workers on the Commission-A number of members; of Trin.ty Lutheran church attended l the Sunday School Convention of the first district of the Lutheran Canada Hy nod on Monday which was held at Phmpsburg. The Synod will mmene next WMnesdav in St. John's Lutheran (hunch at, Waterloo. in Stratl'unl on Wednesday 'ast.-.cMr. Herman Appel was in Berlin on Wed- msdar--Mrmsr.s. Charles Merner and "rock Puddicomhe, who went, to Peru. Indiana. last week. returned on Fri- day in Mr. Irerner's auto, which he had left there for the winter months. -Mr. Louis Rertet is in Baden this week engaged in electrical work.-Mr. Wm. West, manager of the Wellesley trrar1th of the Standard bank. was in town last. week to bid good-bye to his many friends here prior to his Ieaxinrtor Allandale to assume the management of the Standard bank there. The best wishes of the New) Hamburg people go with Mr. and‘ Mrs. West lo their new home.- Mrs. David F.hy and children of Blden‘ u’isitetl with Mrs. Daniel Eby last 'week-_-vm, Missesllnllinger and Miss Barton oi Berlin were the guests of Mrs. G, Rehelski overtthe weekend. --Mr. James Kerr of Berlin was a visitor in town over sunday.-.-.)- - Interesting News Items.-Mrs Cook is the guest of her _aister, Mrs. Katzenmeier-Miss Ingold of Monk- , ton is spending a few days with Mrs. i Ittgold.--Miss M. Robertson is the ', guest ot her sister. In, Freehorn, . who with her daughter Grace and f mother Mrs, _'au,*t,Ptre'k Wallaby l left on Tuesday on extended "sit . with friends in Alttert-Mrs. Eptr- _ riam Smith was a Viitor in town ; last week. Mr. Smith who had been visiting with friends in town the past three weeks, and being much improv- ed in health, accompanied her to l their homo in Detroit on oursitr.L LMr. Feick was in Berlin on Wednes- dap tast.-Mr. hat. Mower spent a few days in Toronto last weee.--Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schultz spent Sun-, day withdriends in Brytretrurtts--Hrs: Bechtel of Baden was the guest ot her son, Mr. Ezra Bechtel over iriiiieiil Mrs. C. E. Warner left on Monday tor a two weeks' visit with her mo-l ther, Mrs. Osler, in Hamilton.- Miss! Englert is the guest ot Miss Weise.- Mrs. Harry Sltith of Toronto and her two sons Robin and Jack are guests of her mother, Mrs. Puddi- comhe. Miss Fanny Puddicombo ot Ayr is also visiting at her home. - Mrs. E. Bechtel and children were in Waterloo recently.- Rev. Litt ot Sebringrille conducted communion Ber- vices in the Evangelical church on Sunday. During his stay in town he was the guest of his cousin, Mrs. W. H. "ou1lee.- Mrs. titer.) Cropp and daughter Marjory are spending a low days w th herparents in Beachville. -Miss Groll and Miss Wilson spent Monday in Guelph-Mrs. Grosch of Attwood was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Grundenlierger at the Commercial Hotel last week-slr.' Wilmer Weich- pr, son of Mr. Jacob Welcher, left last week for Three Hills, Alberta, where he will go into business with [his brother, Mr. “heating scale inspector, was in town2ast week, testing the weights and measures at the business places in town. - Mrs. Fred Manny and son Edward are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fat. iii/ir-VU,, Maude llueglin of Wat- _ 1mm and Miss Mabel Mertz and triemis oi llamherg were also guests ot Miss Pfait last weelr.-Mr. and IIrs , Wm. Seyler were the" guests of . friends in Heidelberg on Sunday last. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier ol‘l' F'stratrord spent Sunday in town with ' his mother, Mrs. Meier.-- Mr. Fox, , manager of the Standard bank, was , Death of Olive Florrttee 1Tithehn.- I New Hamburg is proud ot her stu- dents who are distinguishing them- selves at the various seats of laertt- ing in Toronto and Kingston and ex- tend heartiest congratulations to Mr. James Vance on successfully compte ting his second year at S.P.S. To Mr. W. o. Erb who is attending Queen's University in Kingston and was successful in his examinations, being head at his class in mathema- tics. To Mr. Percy Buck who was also successful in his examinations at Me1iaster University, winning thr Irarris Scholarship in Greek. To Mr. Horace Feick, having finished his course in Pharmacy, and Mr. Nile Wing who completed his course at the Dental College. The boys are all home for their holidays, with the exception of Mr. Buck who left, last week for tho suburbs ot Ottawa, where he will have charge of two Baptist missions ttrr the summer} months. _ J Mid-Summer Millinery Opening. - Miss Robb’s milinery parlors were Nled with an admiring throng: ot ladies on Wednesday afternoon, when she displayed many' lovely créations in headgear tor matrons and maids. The R. T. of T. will hold a con- cert in their hall on Thursday evening the 15th inst., wheat Miss May Dun- lop, eloeutiortist, ot Woodstock, Mr: A. J. Smith, violinist ot Berlin, and Miss Eleanor Wilson, pianist. New Hamburg, will raider a higlrclass programme. sympathy of the townspeople is ex- tended. The week before he had bur- ied his little sun, and not a year had elapsed since his wife departed this lite. Besides the bereaved father two sisters and two brothers mourn the -loss ot the departed. Locat News.-arusaea Carrie and Jennie Brphman of Hespcler are homo tor two months holidays. Miss Sop- hia Jahneke spent an afternoon last last week with Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. M. Wolfe, ol Guelph, spelt. I few days loot week out on the larm. Mus An- nie Putter spent Thursday last at her home at Shana Station. Mr. And Mrs. J. Stewart, ol Bear Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. .Fe'. Wolle. Miss L, AtkinmL smut Sunday with Mrs. James Taylor. Mr. Fred Finder and Miss Lizzy Pringle spent Sunday with Mrs. James Had-, don. Mr. George Neary spent Sum. day at his home in Guelph. Ree. 0.1 ll. Buckland of Guelph, took eharge) of the opening of the Sunday School on Sunday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Berner called on Mrs. John Earner on Sunday last. a? M. WlltiMllHllllEL. & SON BrieU.--Hr. and In. Pinhr, spelt Sunny alarm with In. James Taylor. Mm Ruth Brydo. ot Guelph, spent Sunday with her grunt mother. Mr. A. 'Juckson ot Guelph, all“ on Mr. Wm. Rabi-mono day In? week. Miss L. Atkinson called on In. L. Btohmn on Sunday last. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Taylor and two children spent Sunday at Berlin- Every dwelling should be protected against flies, mosguitoes, and other winged insects, as it in known that they are carrigrs of contagion: _ _ _ We carry Lcompiete line ot doors-rand windows ia' all styles and sizes. Screen Doors and Window Screens is the best heat resisting material for this purer. in 3 sizes, at ......... ......»......_ 82.00 These prices are complete wats hin- ges, screws, pull:and hook. Stained Fancy Doors in t sizes at $1.50 Grained and Vanished Fancy Doors 2 styles, in 3 sizes, at .............. $1.50 Grained and Vanished Panel Doors,' High and low screens to open all Widths, at oath Me, 30c, 35c and 40c No. 301 1teirigerator, 28x19x52. at No. These Refrigerators are made with Mineral Wool as an Insulator tshich No. 12 ReMgerator, 27x18x-H, at..... No No. No. " Refrigerator, 31s'20xft, at Grained Doors in 3 sizes at sum High Class Refrigerators at Moderate Prices In sky, tan, black and pink, in checks or stripes, reg. Sth, a yard, special sale price .....-.t.... ..t......... 15c 20 Pieces German print, reg. 18c for .e.P...e.... ...'......... --'-,-'-. Me 90 Pieces Canad an Print. regular tk for ..L.... .....r... M...-.... ............ Bic 10 PIECES COTTON VOILE COTTON THREAD M inch Black Paulette Silk, will not cut or break, regular $1.00 yard, our very special price "h-.-... 69c 36 inch wide Paulette, Silks, In plain, stripes and shot enacts, our regular " to $1.50 a yard quality, all colors at ............ .................. 79c PRINTS. COLORED COTTON HOSE. All shade! of our regular 25c color- ed Hose, ladies' sizes only. special sale price C-'"""'". ......... ............ IK ian"iruriirtciiiriiire"Nilrru', .'rrtt"e my‘Corgym turges, SILK BARGAINS. SPECIAL Kin GLOVE BARGAINS LADIES' SUiT BARGAINS. Lon. Kid mam. tan: only. reg- Stout ladics' suits, in Rhipeords, ular 82.00 a pair. sale price ... $1.59 Ballard cords and Sergei, colors grey. Short Kid Gloves. In block and navy and black, menu. $18.50 ttgt-tes “as. “If†qualities 31.50 ial . bo . Our regular $1.25 Gloves at - Me ' ' spec: sttie "we - $14 " Our regular " Gloves at ..."... 190 ---'---------- Our regular 79c Gloves " ...... sth, -... _ - - - E/err 'iiaiiUskranums V v V Whip Cords and Surge: in ladiu’ ----------q---- and misses' suits. colon lawn, grey, HAND BAGS. navy and Mack. result: $21.00 Ind A large and and unortment of 33150- SPechl ale [Rico m... $15.05 line Herd Bags _ A Iryc11 gold; rmhgly White or black, Me ddr, 8tor 10e 39 Reirigerator, 23 Refrigerator, " Refrigerator, 28x18x45, at 28:20:56, at 28x19x52. at "am... um...- ...;..... yup. .......-Jun ............ "-""e. ... a"... â€c.0100. -......J . at ..-...-.. -- Black Sateen Underskitts. ladies' and misses sizes, special price for 8819 A' spec al purchase ot long -htsottas all diiereat colors, enables us to sell SATIN UNDERSKtRTs. For ladies and misses, colors cerise greens and blues, specially priced " special sale price .-A-............ KIMONA S. We have just received another large shipment ot beautiful waists in all the newest enacts, lines that . would sell regularly " 81.25 and 81.50 each Surges, Ahipeord 3nd Beaten! Cords colors tan, grey. navy and black, {gum 814.50 to 816.00, special Sale EMBROIDERED WAISTS. in ladies' and Mines Suits. 7 Gia; grey, brown, navy and black. regular $17 to 320. Sale ......... ......... $13.95 .o... gum... ......... tuud," AiiTa=-z=ih"rCL"'r, I v9~§v>l=“1‘1:l't“ :m. p" a 'lse, 'iiiiiy'fiildi y." pf"ti-i,: (c/ii, tet' F " i4:- iLPP-y Magh 1;: .37: , B.ilFlif,jji'//s, "ji'ii,ijf,liriift',('t ',-"i'i'i,iljil'li,.":),,lt'i. 'ii'gk'-/, 'i,iij.fiii;i9'jy'jisj, iii'it,iij'iiilri,iil' (tlille,, bat-5.3:???“ 'i:3"t , .1 , th' EE 'iif'iiiii?/i?i, li,'),), 32 iajf‘fï¬ 5 ', [iri'yri,ii'ri LI mfg??? , l U - , ,_ -. "a"... an"... s.4...........a... ~...,.J... â€1.. .0...»- §..~-.,.. ......... ..... $10 M . $20 M $15.00 $1800 $25 00 '.-...'..,... $1.85 ti?, ito well “0.95 980 ‘E