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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 8 May 1913, p. 9

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lfarmsfor 'tau] TI. “:siw onus lor sato I In": comprising " acres autumnal " I--- Idle. with a German mus. A low not: Muse. Must be will by lay Nth. Price um. Apply to I ' nuts. 50mm WOLFE. King and You; Sn. -151... Waterloo. on. _ And further take when that \u-l will imnmlinlwly "ire, the said lust mtaijoned Ilnlr proovd In dislrilullul the rslatr oi lllv snid 'ti.vvasid "in""!',; the pamios rnllllrul Hurt”, hasinur regard only to the claims oi “Inch? “e shall llu-n Itute miner. and Ihat we will nu! I.» n-qmnsihlv fur llu‘l assets of the SIM "RUN. or any purl; tr,ermrt, s" :lMHlmv‘d, to mu [mu-ml or Immune "I uhosr cluim “r shall [ml then hate Inn-(w- . "ated the Ilnl day of Aprd, 1913. l, NoliCr is hereby givon, pursuant to Tho 1'!"st Act (I Urum- V Chapter M, Section 55) that all Creditors and other persons having claims against the rstate oi Thu-ms Mark- ham, late ot the Village of Hawkes- will: in the 1'onnty of “'alrrlnu, tr- tFIul farmer, Mm died on or nbuul the 9th dav of Jun», I912, arp re- quired to send by post, prepaid, 'q to dolher to us the untrrsirytod, Ilu. en-cutnrs of ttt. last mu and Testa- went of the said tlvcvusml, ul' to tilhrr of us nn or mix-w th,, 1:131 tlay of May, HHS! their I'lmstmn and HIP names, allllrmsos and dcscriptum, IIs.. lllll particulars of lhnir claims. a sum-mm! at lhmr awn-um, and the nature ol the securities; tif am) lurid by them. The undersigned utters toe sale his tarm situated one mile northwest ot Mt. Agatha and 4 mile. north ot Baden, on Concession 1, Block B The [arm comprises about 125 acres. Faun (or sale In Muskoka. 120 an. sown in tall “twat, good ttretr ad with all kinds oi [wit trees. (in the farm is a good hank bun with silo, good a zoomed noose with ce- ment calla”, and good supply ot wa- ter. Also driving shed. woodslied and norm, well tiumered with utaple, birch. hemlock and other woods, there is a splendid sugar but: an tam. well watered by river and a - (ailing spring near house. House and barn with stoning, drive Mted, church 1 mile, store, P.0- II-‘hool and sawmill 5 minutes walk “out Farm. About I7 sues cleared. Chap. Possession at once. This tum is beautifully situated. Apply And Cake Notice that tertderi-ror" the completion of the said drainage work Bill he received by the under- signed, up to 2 o'elock Inn. of the said 2sth day of May, 1912, after which time commas " the said drainage work “ill be {IVPII otri. Plans and l’rplilos of the said drainage work mart" xv“: at my omce in "aden, at, all seasonal hours. The undersigned Mers tor sale his farm, consisting ml 18 acres suitable lot market. tanning; situated between Itumclbart't and Fatvsviile. Apply to T-tr. 25 acres bush and pasture, 100 acres under a good state of cultivation. Soil good ‘clay loam, good spring creek. 2 never failing wells, " storey brick house, bank barn, straw shed. For further pAstieutars apply to D. B. Shaun. Baden. u-u. Notice is hereby given that Town- ship liyvluw No. 501, curd as Mun- icipal Drain "y-Law No. I, in the 'rooship of Wilmot, will be finally Passed by We Municipal t'ouncil of the Township ot Wilnmt, on Wednes- day, the 30th day of April 19“, and it nu noun-o from any our, intending to have the said Bylaw or any part 1119mm, quashed, is received within l0 'lays lrom the sum day of April 1.913. Contracts will be tet for the conmletion oi the said Drainage work, on the 2tith day of May 1913. 15-1-1. Dated in Rule" this April mm. DRAINAGE NOTICE Farm for Sale Farm tor Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale 1,s'Altr.'l LI M1t,'htt vu, GILH‘I'Z \l.\l:kll IM. LOUIS S. HF'.RCAYT"i'. WM. G. CRryMF'ortD, Fraserburg, Muskoka, NOTIGE F.xe, Mun. 1lauk" trite I' ll um il 5t F. HULWI'ILL. Waterloo, l mt. Municipal Clerk. cMrd day of 18." It tloes nut, eontaimpoisorurus sugar " lead, nitrate or silver or sulphur hr any injurious ingredient. PARISIAN Sage, the Wliy,ltityl and iruimratinx luau tunic, is a true hair llohrishlt. It perwtrates into the scalp, 'TIS Ro the roots of the hair, kills the dandrutt germs, and suppms the hair with just the kind ot ttour irhutnt it mods to make it, grow abundantly. Fintto its iniroduct'.on into Canada v.'i'/,lf,'i,t'('1 Sago has had an itnnte"se "ale, and here are the masons: . Your Hair Needs Parisian Sage Highest market price paid. Load every second Tuesday. Next this-lent MAY 20TH, 1913. A meeting of the Waterloo Town- ship Board or “will: Was twld at Merlin iast week; at uhich 'l‘uwnzdlip usual spring cleaning up orders were Health matters were discussed. The issued: 'l‘hrrc were present. Reeve. Abra, .lmiah S'iaulier, Dr. Thompson, 1ltuhcal Ullivrr oi Health, Sanitary "csperior Dr. "enhoetier and Cler "to. A. Tilt. to handle iota In Puhuy Height: subdivision. Welland, Dunno: Tho lute-t polling to“ ll t'aaada,--M mun-tum; punts--- Rail- roads. Mi” Heights is the only Murcia: Residential subdivision within the City limits. Sove- mit- Iltcu walk trom the Pool. otNe.- Kuetrie Light, Sewers, Gas, Water, are all available. Car lines being extended to property. Thits in one ot the he” investments in Canada tse day. Apply with reteretteetc-Laugtr- lln Realty Limited, 33 Adelaide St. Local Re-teatire Wanted GEO. 0. MEMN & COMPANY Copies oi the Chronicle-Telegraph m March 28 and April 18, 1912, tor fyle. Any person bringing copies oi these dates to this "Hire. will receive a year's suhsériptinn to the Chron- iclemrlepirarh free. 18 tt. Shipping Hogs Wanted At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, mun- ber unlimited. East End Mill, llama. Agent. for Cypher: new. Brooders, etc. Write for prices and Maturation. MFI/anus. F Shipping Hogs Wanted m BA DEN NUMBER UNLIMITED Highest market price paid. Load epersc second Wednesday. Next ship- uzut Wednesday, May llth, lillli. Waterloo Tp. Board of Health Number unlimited. Highest market price paid. howl every second Tues IL”. Next shipnu-nt Wednesday May If. , Toronto. lith, PON. , - CLEMENS a: IIUNSBERGER. NE ly AN A intBssl.NG-- "ANI.sH DANDICI'FF - STOP FALLING HAIR AND SUALP ITCH. Medicine Hat and Calgary, Alt= Hogs Wanted AT BADEN C. G. Daefenbachcr Chartered Accountants. " King St. Ir. Tomato Krupp ' Master- I. Holman tr-at Allan A. Meyer Phone 148 Groceries and The Galt public school hoard is calling for tenders for a new srlnml luuildim; and as soon as: [how are awarded the rauTa.vers will Fo oskuul In vote II“ a Ity law. The nrr Lou of a up“ st-lmul Ir. an atos,olute nn-ossil). as all the schaali arr badly cnradml. , The present posh omee building was erectcd about twenty years ac" by the late C. Rump! who served as postmaster of Waterloo fur nearly halt a century. The building has been utilized for post office purposes tor that period of time, 12 years under the postmastrrsliip of Mr. Rump! and Pigllt' years under ltr. Geo. Pie- bcl, the present TtosNenaster. 'lh:" Inllmving had the conrractsior thy work in conuertion “ilk the crccticn oi the structure _ There has been a steadv increase in the volume oi business transacted at the Inca] postomee but the new quar- ters will furnish ample acortunarda- lion int this department oi the pub- lic service. NEW SFIIIKII. IN GAI.T, The main building is 58 IL, ll in. by ell It. Ctt the first tloot will Le located the post who: department. on the second floor the customs and In- lctri ltevenue Departments of the Public Seniue and the third t1oor wilt be occupied by the caretaker. The interior fittings on the first l'onr are of oak and present a very handmur appearance. (in the south side are the post (mice boxes which are now being allotted to patrons. next are two general delivery wie- nets. and Farther on the wickets for registering at letters and for Money Orders. There is every facility ior handling the mam; with promptness and dispatch. Rear Portion of Building. _ The rear portion of the building is 29xil It. 8 in. The ground "out will be used tor an examining warehouse, weighs and measures and tor mili- tary purposes. The second and third [loom are also intended for military purposes. Mr. Charles Moogk, town engineer, “as appointed by the Deparumnt of Public Works' to supervise the work of construction. It was his duty to see that all work was done in ac- "ordstwe with the specifications and to approve of all accoun(s belon- paymonts Were nude. F Interior Fittings-uv-ttell a Co, Alexandria, tmt. Painting-Jacob Irttirer. Phmthing--Itrowtt and Srmplc, Hroekville, Electric “irinz. tst,r.--Araterlco F.l- ectric Constructicrt I'o. Plastering-Nr. Mahoney, Guelph. Will be 'htqoktrd Ma IStb-Aas ttttLtd. y _sze in every prospect that IFat- uloo's intuit; new - building witt In and.“ and may [or oc- cum, by Mar 15th. Although one I period at two you: In our“! am the work a castratio- was can-um. it is 'satiauetorg to learn from We” authorities that it has been well and truty built. Every detail ot construction has been faithlully carried out under the competent supervuiou a! Mr. L. B. WW. ot Ottawa, who had the contract for the erection ol the building and his claim were 3th Be- conded try those to than he sublet the rations contracts for painting. installing interior fittings etc. in the contract and it was necessary to substituw another kind of stone which however, has worked out very satisfactorily in adding to the gener- al appearance or the structure. The brown stone used was obtained from New Brunswick. Other delavs inci- dental to the construction of large buildings also prevented earlier tom- pletion. Considerable delay was occasioned by the tart that the contractor was unable to obtain the stone specified King St. . Clothing " Lowest Prices The building cost aeoutt'r0,000 Had Contract for Work. lu'rected 20 Years Ago, Flammable Delays. Supervised Work. Main Building. Waterloo It ins the opinion of the Council that, to extend the tvatorworks lo that part at the [mug and In install a hydrant there would cut-mirage tru.- ldinz operations in that part and would be a good move. It was tity- Mr. Snyder thought it was only right the town should aid him in this. as he paid a large amount of taxes into the tronsnrv. He said he iutrndml building another hunsv ther" "ml, war, Mr. Rump! stated that the Cunt- mission eould not extend the mains unless they were assured the reeemts would amount to 10 per cent. of the debentures, and unless some. others were to build in that part ot the town ant have the water installed the price “mild be almost too high to Le borne hy one person. " the town would put another hydrant out there that u nuld be considerable help. A letter was received from the Water and Light Cotnutission stating that as soon as sixteen more hydr- ants were installed the rate per an- num “ould be reduced trom $10 Jo $35. It was thought that the rateoi $35 was rather a high figure, when other towns in the vicinity paid oly $25 and $30. Alderman Kutt said that the tire protection was not what it ought to he. Mr. Ford Rump! on behalf oi the Water and Light Commission replied that other plaees could not be com- pared with Waterloo, as: entirely different. mentions were encountered. "The conditirns mast be taken in- to consideration; eonsidering q the smell number oi hydrants we think that we are very liberal." he said. Mr. S. Snyder aMressxd the 1'otm- cil stating-tha' he was building ”.1 MW house on Itrb. street and Ito thought it “as! only right that 'the, water mains should be estrmivd to that point. The distance is about Gull fret. The Town Council met on Peer, night in the regular monthly meeting and did a large amount at business in the three hours in which they were in “Lon. About a alum rate- payers were present. mural of whom addressed the Council. while the oth- er: were interested nectators. and uctlnvit wag; mirding. An CN- tension at three months time was granted. The Board of Trade wrote request- ing that the Chief at Police be given power to enttr alt cellars to see that no (ombustible matter was about, and that the premises were free so that in can oi lire_the tiremen could make an easy entrance. “Our fire chief has been agitating that thing for the past. couple at years. but it set-ms he has no auth- ority to do it," said Aid. Mayer. l resolution was passed appointing the Chief ot Police, the Fire Chief and Alderman Kutt, Chairman of the Fire Committee, as a calamities: “Mi full pom-r to inspect all premises so as to see that they are kept in gin-Jul tonditiun. ‘-" A eommunication was read from the rum: ot Canadian Municipalities, asking that a resolution be passed by the Council endorsing the stand taken by the Union as regards a. . highway amass Canada. The wmmunivaLi-in also stated that the annual unveiling was being herd in Saskatoon, Flask., July 1:3, Mi, 17, and stating that Waterloo was entitled to a reprosem tame. The letter was filed as the sendiiu at a representative to Sask- aumn would entail a greater expense than the Council could atiord. The Inspector of Public Charities wrote asking that a schedule which was enclosed be lined in and rcturnmi. The letter was in regard to a Mr. Geo. Roche, a patient in the Htunit- ton asylum. The "ierk It as ordered In till in the schmlulr and the tirwn will have to bear the expense ot his keep in the asylum. _ The liquidatur oi the W. A. Greet Estate wrote reques'ting that the time be extended on the mortgage which the town held. as a sale whic.h would be a benrrd. to path the estate Decides That Outside Counsel be Engaged to Argue Street Railway Case Before Railway Board Wants Waterworks Extended Hydrant "enPi Fixed Will Not Send Delegate, To Inspect Cellars and to have the mmcm which has been 10931.; into the hydrant nucstion throughout the town "cont- mend that this hydrant be installed on Krt street. In the mun-s: dis- trict hydrants are placed 250 iret wart. tshite on the outskirts 500 met apart. Mr. Froehlich, assessor. asked that a committee be appointed to' assist. him in fixing the values of the lands. He said that rral estate had tncreas- ml so much within the last tew years. that ho thought it would save con- sidrrahlc “ark tor the 1'ourt of w. vision if he had a committee to as- sist him, He pointed out that m Berlin where an Assessrncnt Cttmnus, donor is appointed there was also a mmmittr-r. The Council looked favor- only upon the matter, and apptrmiod Mayor Fischer, me Kaufman, Du» My Rot-w st.lRe,.4,t and Mr. S. ll. Ilrirkrr as the committee. A mock in; a: thr contruittm, will he held In Monday evening at 7.30. . The decision or the Municipal and‘ Railway Hoard was considered a very important matter, even though! .thc presmit agreenwnt would expire‘ in tour years: it would govern the! future agreement to LfrTiui and it was decided to employ cxperQ col'ns-l. The Town (‘lerk was p-l strueted to write to Mr. rowan. t?1 'arr,eed the previous ease and ask him to take up the matter, - Wants Land Transferred: I Mr. Conrad Euler who lives on Snooker street, addressed the Coun- cil. asking that the nine feet. of land which he owns on the other side of we alley way adjoining his propertyhe mmhanged tor nine feet of the road which immediately joins his property. If this was done it; would not widen the street. but it would straighten the one side. whereas now there Is a jam in the road. Lash Year Mr. Euler wanted the Council to adjust the Lind it he would .move his house. but no action was taken. This year he. has repaired his house and is not Nity. anxious to more it. It was referred to the Board of Works to look :nto thejircumstances and report. at the next meeting. Mr. J. H. RODS said that he had been approached with the idt'a ot har- inn Ilttern' street opened. It this “as done there is admusc which would be in the cmlrc of the . mad v.hiclt would have to be man _ TU tpresHon was referred to the Board ot' Works Two petitions were presented st. guestng that lights In" plan-d nn streets. One was that lights be olac- od on Queen Ht. between Yonge and Spring Sis, uhile the other. askuut that two lights be placed on Norman St. Both oi these pet.itious “on: referred to the Light Committee to make a report. ' Mr. A. B. McBride, town sorwitor, “35 present and inlormed the t'otur- oil that the date [or the hearing ot the Waterloo vs. Berlin street rail- way case had been tized br May let. May 12th, was to have been the date, but it was loud necessary to make the change. He "eommen- ded that 'no outside, counsel be en- gaged on the case. He said that Mr. Sinus, on helm“ oi the corporation of Berlin admitted practically every- thing which Waterloo contended tor, the only argument being that irWat- erlou is allowed to collect taxes, thes, should have the same right. Berlin now suggested that they pay a lump sum, but he didn’t think that this should be accepted. When the agreur. nt was iirst reached, Water- loo asked that a lump sum be paid, but Merlin was not in favor of that. He didn't think that Waterloo should (totem. it now when Berlin saw that it was not in their interests. lie said that Berlin would send Mr. Sims to argue the case, it Waterloo salt either the Town Flori: or Lint. self, and in that way a hill ot u- pense would he saved. A ssessment Com mil tee A ppointed 19tuirrnan Flchiedeipreset1tod the ABUSY SESSION Should Queen St. Be Owned? Will Engage Counsel. t Finance Report Pet Minn: ; Ur. Sthicdol mm of the opinion that. tho Waterloo cummittee should tum-t the Berlin committee before any 'Nans wprp formulated, to see uhat the Berlin committee wanted. When it “as sot-n what was being asked fur, hit lhnuizht it would be thr prop" lime to int-cl. and see what Waterloo ,mmld do. , A tttert'.ng " the Joint Committee 'nl’ Burn" and Watprloo “ill hccalled at an party date to Lake up tlw mat ‘lrr and srr what agreement can he reached, The last mt'ptinp oi 1h" ‘ioiul t'ottttuitder “as ml-nnrlrul unlil Waierltro received the opinion of llt" solicitor as lo “bother it “as logs! to make a grant. . l The opinion oi the town solicitor :was received at the meeting ot the ,Cuuncil on Monday evening in regard in. the making of a grant to the Illerh‘n Colivgiate and Teortica1 In- !smulv, Mr. McBride was prrsent mm said that he [our] in set-Mon 587, sub-section 4 that it was legal tor a “grant to be-made. Mayor Kisthcr thought that the dif- ferent tommittres. from Waterloo slnuld get togrthtr and see what Waterloo was xxilling to do. Ile to". that if Berlin had to make an addzr tion to the present school. they should not be tsatisfied with a Small grant. lle said that the Waterloo cmnmiitvos might advance some other scheme. such as haung the tees rais- ed. . LEGAL FOR WATERLOO Til MAKE GRANT Mr. Kauhmn stated that the mat- ter was being adjusted and it was expect:d a settlement would shortly be reaehed. A by-law to authorize the issue of debentures for raising $6000 ior wat- " works extrusions. Mr. Hons also asked when Young Ft. would be completed ins he would like to see it ready for July lst. Every etiort will be made to hare it convleted by this date. collector at a salary of $250 per year and also a by-law authorizing the sending out of the tax troUees. A by-law providing for iateriag streets, the cost of work to he arr scssed against properties according to frontage system. It was pointed out, however that a man specially qualirn-d tor the work was required and a capable person cotthl not. be obtained lor a small salary. Ar by-law Providing for the appoint- ment oi Mr.. Herbert Smith as tax The Mayor Sig attention to the tact that nu ma master: a schedule ot wages or men tor operating road roller had been arranged for. " was however stated that the same men Mm acted last year continued to per- lurm the duties oi these positions. Mr. Schiedel stated that the M- ance committee had decided to hand urcr'all arrears of taxes to the town solicitor lor collection.. it was the desire to have manning cleaned up by next fall. Mr. Roos desired to know whether it was necessary to have an assiS' tant engineer and pay hint at the rate ot $80.00 per month and wheth- " a gun! smart b0v could nut be obtained to do the work at less was- mam-woman u- thhny-ntdm at It] We! accounts which was Room Kuhn- read are upon. ot the Bond a! to“: in which minus iln'l0\mtl in column:- wuh the roads, were “roman-led. Mr. haul- nn- stated an considerable of the work had aiready hoe- preceded nth. The upon was not. adopted. Loni". and it is probable that sex- eral may; will be made before it is presented at the nut weetittg. Stun. Sprinkling. Tum tenders new received for urea-t sprinkling, tia: from W. Ree at $31.00 per week and trout w. NW: at $20.00. The latter tender being the lowest was ameepted. Mr. Hons wished to know whether the H. N W. St. Railway had paid the tlilo owing the town.- _ " was decided to repair the road roller. The tulle! Ms been in use four years and needs new Mes. . t'otmcil adjourned at It o'cioek Desired Information. Repair Road Roller. Arrears ot Tpea. in“ at Iowa. By-I.aws Passed umumhanugu... 'd'a2h'Wgg'at'at ”MM no". 'tt1e"ttettitee-at WM: “all 'e-ttr-tit-ttu-. tttqt I. luv-Id. th-ttMr ttto-trt-ate-ee Mun-Indian. ”I. “when“! It was tin lily decided to meet up nmcials of the Company and cotttvr in regard to the matter with a view to coming to a definite decis- nun. SCHOOL BOARD m MAKE IMPROVEMI'MS A h-nco will also be armx'nd the school props “All keep the children tn ine on adjoining proper“ The old barn and henhouse on the school grounds will be removed. " Gas decided to call tor tenders tor thesie buildings. All of the members of the Board “(To present with the exception ot Messrs. Frirk and Dr. Noecker. . Alderman 1'tfelmann said the town, mum guard to put, in two crossing- and ttte-ears could stop at either 1119 - mayor stated that the tow. had been trying to do away with an ssings. The Alexandr}; be improved, by foot c building Alderman Kutt expressed himsel! "h as' in favor of a crossing in front ot ' the Mutual Life building. The can)»; puny had put up a frtry building cost- a? ing several hundred thousand dol- .,' hits, and pay taxesto the town, and e' had received no aid from the cams.. munity. He thought it a small lavor J to grant. 't crcssirpr,. Mr. Sugaitt here stated that it was j the intention to construct. a . side- .._ walk. in front oi the property ot Mr. cs' Altrman and others and a 'rrmuriV', would likely be put in at Union St. ' The Waterloo Schooi Board on J.' Monday afternoon made a tour of in. sprction of the grounds and decided : on several important matters regard- ' ing the ground. _ Alderman “ticker said he was not "fer opposing the Mutual Lite but he ":' thought it 1Rtuld set a bad _ FIN"? dent and he did not think the Cotm- l eil .should take any anion in bar-Rf cars stop in front of building. He ',t said there were a lot ot people who ti, got on at l'nion St. who were not j! xisitors ln’or had business at the .5 Mutual Life. . s' Deputy Reeve Schiedel said he had no objection to putting another crossing at the upper side ot L'IIIOI' Sn, but he was in favor ol putting a crossing in from. of Mutual building. He mould be in favor ttt putting a crossing in front ot any in- stitution of this kind. As to which crsssing the car would stop at this' “mid naturally be governed bv u, n mixer of passengers getting on and on at these points. . Alderman Itoos stated that in con- strueting a (Tossing in front ot tho Mutual Lite building, you would best serve the people. 75 per cent. of those who get all at this point com- ing and going have business with the company, and many strangers also so iutu the Mutual building. He naught that not unequarter would get on at Union hit. if the Mutual Life were not located there. Ile said that poo» plr who get on at Union St. go to Harlin. The question ttd placing a ennui-.1 in Iron a the aid Mutual Lilo up. dung as grwested' by the Faun-y; was axaik the subject ot a prolong. discuumn at the meeting ot tb ('olIL'II, Monday evening. Tttr In?“ ter was [ch in aheyuoa and thq t'otmeil wilt meet alien]: a ti- company today in reteretteq to a. May or Fischer did not thi'k it in right to put a crortsitttt in.» mid- dle of a block, but it Should " - sum-ted where the snack can“. lie also Mas not in (an): ot "riaq tuo crossings, one at Union St. III the other in [rout or the. Mutual Lib Building and did not dink a tttte lithic crossing should be put down. lie said he often ohserved u may as halt a dozen get on at l'uion Mt. and he did not think they shank] In obliged to walk up to the pronoun! crossing. It wauld be an inluatieq to people on Union St. inFrorttatNewhildine- , Reeve Kaufman thonght it - t small favor the company were uk- ing. The institution was an stain lent one and he was m favor ot our plyin; with their mquest. He tarttm a bitulithie crossing as it could b kept that! and w'ould tterve the pur- pose best. He would not we . practice of placing crossings in tp, middle of a block but in this can Ila, thought it all right. Council company matter. rm- will also be eonatrueted the school property, which ‘cp the children from treapame adjoining properties. Alexandra School ground: will rowed. by the laying ot an 8 cement sidewalk around the

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