', font the market Min; very active. . _ F. g Gocd "at calm are steady, but g i? gbt calm as); Ftreep and lambs,‘ P7507 hot champ and prices steady“ ",' in“ rattt..r light, run and munch ' an and atom. 5c. mum at vs.es/ Ps Jed and intend, ml V3.s0, l.o.b. ' vvne (hale: lot sold at tto, " cars. f " Toamto, April git-(in the local , " [Lin lmll tut day lush prices were t Inn. Business slows signs oi im- " llowcmrnt and a better itttuiry, but ' .ilrudy Genius are having trouble in A main; dlisery owing to the car y" "rrtuge at Lay tons. Quotations: 0m. la wheat, No. t winter, 910, amid; sccoruing to Malibu; Man- P Mom wheat, No. l tuathern. My. Fo. I rorthern, 96:12; No. a north- un, My. Oats, tannin western, Fo. 2, “a; No. 3 ('aluda western, "ic., at lake Torts, tor immediate 42.“ ment; "Mario No. 2 while, 33c. . . Ma, outside; on track, Toronto, . 37c. (g 380. Corn, American No. 3 yellow, 630., on track, Toronto, No. 3 yellow, Me. Peas, No. / 3. tt. Barley, 52c. (1: 58c., oatside. tor uniting. Buckwheat. 53c., ship- ]in; points. M.n;toba ttour-Usual quotations u. Toronto are: First qatmsts, $5.30aosecod patents, $4.80; mots mans. $4.50; "Mario Itour, will." ttour, 90 per cent. patents, _ .. 63.90, seaboard. MiMeed--.Uaoitota inn, $19.50 per ton; shorts, te, per ioa, tn track, Toronto. Jr. Iv.-Edna Shunâ€. ' Jr. Itt.-vrra Schmitt. Luella f .thantra, Maggie Snydvr, Herbert Wis- wer, Eldon Shaun, F.hter Wismer. (U Tollh. Alinl 'p.--iteceipts My 3 " tbs um "actual: were 101 -,' Gill. with t,NI head ot CAN-lo. 370 b. “has, MS hop, " sheep and lamb _ at It 503m. In?!“ tut that the run was a mod- ;muly light one "it" would pnr hotly lch cued on. As it was they _ held “only. with last now {than quotations. There were sane "ood hula ot choice cattle out-ring. ft? m: were slow. mouth ‘11an up ' " and hieher. There was a tair {gt-wiry tor good quality Indus (or thr"', but the high prices asked pm ttoss, lire C..,.. ..........q. Dictator ttotrr .....e... ....... 2.35 home‘s flour ......... ..q... 2.60 Iaple Leat Flour w........,..' 2A5 Snowdxm ttour .e..t.....q.... 2.80 in: tit-313i 'etdctitsg, ter ton ""'."" .. VP» 23.00 Butt: "em-.'.' _..""" "r'rrt NT .22: 31 Eggs per dam: ......" AT .P.t Chopped Screenings ..e'eee.. 1.10 1.10 Rolled oats ......... o........".. CM. 1.25 POI! ......... ..-.. ........t.q. 1.10 1.15 Barley ......t.. ....r_ .q..q..e.tq. .18 .50 Cab tr-..-'.'" W... ..-..e_.. ... .35 Hay. on ton ___... "'.,. .. .. 11.00 Straw. re: ton .-_ ., ...,__8.50 10.00 Potatoes per bag ... .. 1.00 Spring chickens ..m.t..e. .-..e. .10 .60 Pore, dressed ... .r.t_.er-..rt. 10.00 10.25 Quite: beet, hind .........l3.00 14.00 Quarter beef, trout .e...'... 8.00 9.00 Primer.-Westrm Frhndtt. Mattie “Salon Swan Hum. Hula Wil- helm. Lucint'a Wilhelm. T Thu "a but. little lite In the ITfitt, 9ftto yttutts yto"rret'r, Sr, IL-Ada Waging Katie Waglrr, Jmob bhantz, Edna Wilhelm, Sarah Lichti, orval Wismer nut presrnt in: all examinations. Jr. ".--Lloyd Flt-nu, “rlllngtun Wilhelm, _ ' Part 1.-1 cantata Wismrr, Clarinet- tb'ithrtm, .lrremiah Rist:rr. This “wk Lu: week . Two weeks nun Sung week 1912 "ll V ,. IMO _ . tro? REPORT OF s.s. NO. 16, WILMOT "ot BOY WANTED To learn printing trade, age about 15 years of age. Good wages. Apply at thtrmthtleNetgraptt Dillon, Waterloo. Ont. Highest Quotations This Week and Comparisons With Previous Years GUELPII MARKETS. GUELPH, MAY I, 1913. CATTLE MA RR KT Live Stock BA DEN. l To“ ".8.50 10.00 . 1.00 .-.... .40 .80 ..-. 10.00 10.25 7.25 5.25 4 M 4.75 14.0 720 1m 7.90 8.00 21.00 23.00 .9tt 2 60 2.85 2.70 kl†7.50 c, " 6 00 3-10 3t6 383 dull)â€: l.,..... ......... ......... n 101 “our. Ouu W..... ............ I.“ 1.. 310'mou. Auto ... ...... ...... no no mull-low. Eu. [Alb ... ... " 8.00 0r- ..r._w_m. ..._F.... ..... ... At .4. their... .m...e_.. .....-. ..m... ......." us w: sunny ".....er "rt ,,..,..... ' t .u. but Int pr -'...r.f...i....... T . 'tel od, Corn its my lot. w........... .18 JO, pnr stun-p. pot to. d....... at.†he! Potatoes, pet In; ....r. ... tas 1.45 In to I.l-ll __. "r... ...... ... .g. Oats ......... ......... ............ as Barter ......... ...... m..... .....q .30 {Conn ..t.tN... ......... ..........q. Flour ...-r.... ......... ............ " iiiii ttotgr ......... ..........q.... !Butter pug]: ......... .......t. .24 ICC]!!! ..t..N... ......... ......r Flour ...mw.... ......... ..... iiiii ttotgr ......... ........ Butter peril: ......... .. Eggs, [in mm .p. Fr» Hay per ton ..rt.t... .... iLard per lb ......... ..... lHam .mt.t.... Tr...-... ...... awnings, per [on ..e... fun. [rt ton ._ ... .... Potatoes on bag ...... [0,8, live .7 .. ' .. _. Hogs, dressed _ . . Hay per ton _..'.. ...... Strut per ton ..t...... . Wood, per cord ......... Export cattle ...... ..... Wheat tr.e.we.. ... ...... ......... .93 .05 Flow, lamily per art... 22.00 Bran, per ton 'tra..... ... - 32.00 Middlings. pct ton ..rer. 21.00 5.110114, per ton ..... ...t.. 21.00 Goose wheat ..-.w. ...... ...... .90 .93 Barley ......r ... ...r-im.." ...... Alt .50 Peas .. ... .. "er". .F."'w.. ...r.. so my Oats tt.....r. ......... ...... ...rr. .30 .38 Rye _........ trrrNrP'. B.tv..e.. ... .00 .65 Potatoes 'per tag .m. ._.P.v 1.00 1.05 Cop per bush. .t.-.e.F_ -... .08 .70 Hay per ton m........ ......... 10.00 12.00 "tttter per ltr 'r....... ..-,t_-.. .23 .21 Eggs. prr dozen , ... ".v.tv , .17 Lire hugs ......... ............... 8.00 8.25 Sheepskins "..i..F.. ... .....qt.. .25 .75 Tallow w.pr.mr.. .mm...-.. ......... .01 .05 Dried apples ......... ..-...rrr... .04 .01 Hams M-...'... tterr. .. .....-... i.. .11 .l5 Shoulders ..t..m..t ....q. ... ... .15 Bacon F.rFNPr.. .-""... ............121 .15 Potatoes per bag ...rr.... ".00 81.23 Wood, Brst class ...... ...t.q 5.50 8.00 - Potatoes, per h; ....r. Bum per lb .mm.9..r. . NEW HAMBURG MARKETS. NEW HAMBURG, MAY l, 1913, than H. "-N.. m..... ... ... . Oats ......... ......... ............ as . "our. Auto ... ...... ...... " Hour. Eu. [Alb ... ... " Flu .m...e_.. .....-. ..m... ......15 â€was: per lb tr....... . 't"" .u Fags rer dou- tm...' mm....... .18 Lard _....'".. 'm-r.... ............ .13 .I5 Apples per ham] ........t... " a... Wheat Fr....... .... .... .-....t.. Ars Hour. per 100 lbs w-....... 2,70 3.30 Bran, per ton _'"'..... ..-..-... 20.00 Oats ..memr.p Pt...e.r. t......rrrr. .38 " Shorts. per ton ... ...... 27.00 28.00 Peas .-..ee... ......... W........... 1.00 1.20 Barley -.-erd.m. ..trmtrF. W........ .654 .65 Rye ...... .. .q.-rP.0. ...... -q.... " " Buckwheat. m....-..- ..t... .m.-.. .53 .55 Huttermer lb. V_v_.. tmr"'... .32 Ezra. per dour: FVe .. .. Pr' .Is .20 Potators per bag 'Pm '__... .00 1.10 Chickens each -..... ..TFeT..._.. .50 1.50 Hay punton Fre"- ... ...-.; 11.01! 12.00 Straw. per ton ......... ...... 9.00 10.00 req _Pre.e ........... ...... ......0.0I] 11.00 Mutton, .....r... ...m..... qtre .... .10 .12 Pork m........ ..t'.".-. ...... .0.-.. .13 J4 Flour per 100 In: ". ......2.'Io 2.80 Bran rer 100 It: ....-. ...1.20 1.40 Mlddl ngs rrr 100 lbs. ...-.. . 1.40 Fer wings yet 100 In. .tttqW 1.40 Wheat 'er bush. .et... ...... .90 Bart y per bush ... ... ... .00 .70 Oats rer bush ..rer... Wwe.-. AO .45 Peas. per Baan., w....... ......... .75 .80 Potatoes, per bag' ..r.-t ... 1.25 Hay per wn ......._. ............ 15.00 Wood on cord ....P.Tt. ........l 6.00 7.00 Potators per ha: .-.r.. ... $1.20 1.30 Eggs. he: dozm .. ... ..e.e_ .18 .20 Butter -vv ...... ........ .m..P. .28 .30 Lard per lb. ...... - ... ... M .16 iraGa, 6335.61 TEE. __ -_"-- "to: kin-1M to away: 4Puttg'a"rgt'g vial and vitality. Fri-33a: "in. "and n all". This and: V _ V Last week Tr-er-rr Tun weeks :10 Name week 1912 1.911 (r (r' 'rv I910 190ft . 19tt8 _ .___ Nr 1907 . '.. _ ' marl-0nd '2."/r. 2:11! 221:3»;sz Electric Restorer for Men was 1904 um! 'ATERLOO warm. WATERLOO, MAY t, 1.13. ELMIRA MARKET. ELMIRA, MAY 1, 19t3. BERLIN MARKETS. BERLIN. MAY l, 1913. (i GALT MARKETS. um, MAY I, 1913. SI IF.EP MA RK ET LUII n... ...... ... ...t.c..s" ...... Alt 'er'". .F-V"M.. ...r.. so trrrNrP'. B..v..e.. ... .60 u, iii" - a' inn-ion" - ir.GatTaa Alll,); P ee, 1e11ree.t. ............... 3.00 Fe.... ......... .01 ... ..-.....r... .04 "... .....-.t21 ..... ......t-. .34 .35 .p. Fr» .r. " ... ......... 13.00 13.00 .. ............ .M .14 . ...... ...... .18 .20 ofiiCL' XML“: so ... ....-. AO $7.23 7.25 7.25 11:... L. t'f, 5.25 5.25 9. " â€.00 313.00 15.00 15.56 Aro .65 1.00 1.05 .68 .70 10.00 12.00 . .23 .21 , .17 8‘00 8.25 .25 .75 . .01 .05 . .04 .01 lit 12 " Lambs 5 " 22.00 32.00 21.00 21.00 22.00 21.00 $950 1.M 9 W 7.00 650 2.80 1.40 1.10 1.40 .90 .70 .45 .80 i 00 .93 .35 " .14 'U .25 'o Eye glasses that successlully meet “him-d conditions bring rest to over- wrought nun-s. Our optican has every scietAitic [acuity tor determin- ing sight. detects. Have him examine your eyes. " he advises glasses it will be with crrtaioty ot their need. This week _ last week V Two weeks no Fame week 1912 19†-r _ 19m _ . ,. . MM .. rr. .._ 190R VF..r... VF- H 1907 'r' __. .r.FF.. Notice is hereby given, pursuant u 1 The 'Insuae Act tt George V t hapter M, Section 55) that all t [Hilton ‘ and other "tsm" having claims against the "late ot Thomas Mark ham. late ol the Village ot Ilawkcs will: in the tounty t,t Watuloo. I. t red farmer, who died on or about' the .fth ' oi Jun, 1912, are re- quiret to send by post, Trtait', (I to de he: to Is the undersigned, the executors of the last Will and Testa- trent of the said decmsed,wr to either of us on or tetore the lust day of May, l9l3 tFoy christian and sur- names. addrtsstses and description, the tall particulars of their claims, a sta'emtnt of their accuunls, and tie naturo of the securities (it any) held by thorn. b, And turther tahe ttolde that wel will immediately alto: the said Ins" motioned date ptocwd to distribute the rstate of the said deceased among the Tilt entitled lbs! to, hating ter,ard on y to the claims of which “a . shall then ham: notice, and that 9. will not he rc-sponsihla for thel assets of the said rslate. or an: part! thereM, so distrtbctrd, to any person or rorsnn; ot whose daim we sha'l not then have notier Dated thy 3rd day at April, 19:3. ISABELLA MAHKH‘AM, (â€RACE MARKIIAM, ," . Fixeetltors. I Hangman: P.O. [and Heller Bros. 1905 not I 'tttil . "‘21 King West, Berlin Enables us to secur- ately measure a n y error of vision without fatigue to the patient-- once measured t n e correction i s easily made with the lenses we prescribe. Shadow Headache, nervous- ness and eyestrain are overcome with pro; c r glisses.’ We issue Manage Limaâ€. Btttee at Post 0ft'tee Berlin. Nerve Best HOG M A RK ET NOTIGE Jansen, Top price oti cars. $9.90 9.80 w_tr.rt , " 1 I Crt . _, 'o'""""'"""'"'""'"'"""'""""'" “éWANTEDé / i'., T0 LOAN t itil:; . won I 9.75 6.25 8.85 'Y,' ! geeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeg l " so write or call on mi. I have choice lama. all sizes. to {rent on shares or sell on crop pay- .ments. Choice-land. good water, close to school and town. Tho larg- [iii Waterloo County settlement in Saskatchewan. any or rent 3 tarm and what's-rub: a up; aloud "mum-In than“ than thy "ear _ pup m. We l LOCK Prat-My ya- uo an “no on u will†win lulu in a. In otder to out _ companion or this style a ttttcw we III would to an all orden when this â€than mind at - u desired. Remnant. it is only mic ot an N gauge wire instead od the - No. I my. thing OUR No. a. " in. at pct rod .'rte. . 290 No. 8. " in . at pet rod .._.8_.., 2h. No. 1. it n... at For Ind .......25r We also shocks POULTRY FENCE " in. high at. a tow price. And also all My. 9 wire (mgr. 3:! Gates at each . _ ...._ .. .rewt. "rel 3;“ Gates at each t..... e..... Ite.), 4x4 Gates at cactt et.-, .w..r.rrm..e $3.75', an Gates at each ._.... .-..tr'q. “no: um Gates at each .._... .r.r..__. t.459', 13x4 Gates at each ,rrr.rrr . _.. 85.00i last' Gates at each N..., .....r_.. $5.25; rue Gates at (at tte'...... wt. $5.50 Aho Sunk Coil Wire, No. ' Steel and No. 9 Steel Wire nun. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Staples. etc. " wilt pay you to DEAL HERE. FROST STEEL G ATES Are van . Coming West Hardware Merchant Opp., City Hall Be 'ion good first mortgage g tsecurity. Also several ' gather amounts wanted t tior mortgages Artt new t Edwellings in course of g t construction. t, Lincoln B. Snyder This week ,, Last week _ , Two weeks ago . Fame week 1912 I‘ll ‘. mo . l no» ., . . 19M Ct); I tfos PV . _ "of _ I‘m . 12mm _ * 1155. I-a mos. g Call, write or phone tto " K. missus, PHONE 217. OPP. CITY HALL i Phone 185 t King St. Waterloo gogngugeennneemn 208 Qua B, This store is headquarters tor the best 8t seed grain in Berlin, "trtcimrng CLOVER, TIMOTHY. ALSIKE, etc. Also big stock of BINDER TWINE. and COAL, the best obtainable. mum “WEI-l Berlin. Geo. Bramm the chem 11.1th style a: LOW PRICES GRA IN M A " ET South. Phone 201 and I. a. in“ at ,nilq sumxon to - 1mm, cumin-v. Sash. Fall Wheat Oats 1.02 " 1.05 1.21 9.5 .71 " L02 Mt " " 97 " that. Berlin " Mt in 55 II 41 M " 44 ll " " No'rNH, IS HEREBY GlVl-‘NI ttct a Hy-Law was passed by tk Municital 1oancit of the Formation ot the Town of Waterloo on the eighteenth 1'†of February, A. D. 1s13, providing tor the issue ot De- bentcres to the amount of 86.00030 for the purpose of paying the ex- tense of extensions of waterworks mains in th: said Town ; and that a liy~lrw was passed by the said (mm il II) the same day providing tor the issue of nicknames to the amount ot $3,000.00 tor the purpose of paying the expense ot extending gas mains in the said Town ; and that toth such Brtaws were regis- terrd in the Registry otrtee tor the Registry Divilirn of the (‘ounty ist Waterlm on the eighteenth day oi April; A.D. 1913. yam the Stuns-d, pm- ttriitqd and Rwanda! by physicians. For Women's All- monu, Br. llartol’s Female Pills, at your drugglst. ' ll. F. WIBILIIT Kin: St. Water For Good _ Footwear This week __ Last week _ T . Two weeks ago Same week 1912 1911 _ qrrFNV .-_ ,. mu ._. _ . 1909 H _ .. 1908 VFF .1 , T 1507 . 'rv _ I906 F-' , _ 1905 . mu . "ttit 1 'tr 1. . Fre 17-3t " SKIES 'SBHOULS Toronto, (kinda. include the Hum (‘orrrspomh 1m School, The Central Musing-s; College, 'llv Cottrai Telegraph & itari- and sumo}. an! Four L'itv Brunch Business Schools. All provide cxcdlrnt mun“ lead- ing to good salaried positions. Free catalogue on re'luest. Write tor it. W. H. SHAW, President. Head Unit-u. Yonge a Gen-rd Sta., Toronto. BY-LAW NOTICE BUTT ER M A RK ET. Farmers' Creamery Separator Prints T 27 29 . 29 31 " 31 ... '35 27 23 27 " M " IS " 22 " " 3 I no 23 21 20 2'). 2.3 ICast ueek . Two weeks ago Two weeks ago .. Run!- week 1912 19tl .w.rF' _ TTN Iftut " t909 no: PF- .. “‘07 _ mu; _ [PM . Fr tMt .. . T 1'303 .. C MOMMWWWW - .__ - " .5 ---- -----_ “W... We are prepared to repair and oil old harness and make it look like new. . Satisfaction guarantud. Repairing and Oiling Harness EGG MARKET. M. WILHELM 2,ttt""t'T2t', Ken Jam In In; 18 22 Hi 20 2" l9 lg " Ith " H Sorrel Mare, 4 yrs. old, , Dark Bay Gelding,3 yrs.old ahilouRhtShII This property is fitted up with modern nmchinery tor cider .pplo butter, syrup and jelly making. (No opposition). Also a steam boiling DIME 'trrup Plant of 600 pails. J. B. REINIIART. Sinner. out. 11-4atog MACIIINIST WANTED-- Good vise hand on traction engine work want, ed immediately. The Itobt. Bell Engine & T. Co., Ltd. 16-5t. Sealonh. mt. _ For information that wdl lead to the discovery or whereabouts ol the person or persons suffering from Nervous Dehrlity, Fits, Skin Die ease, Mood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chrome or Specia Complaints Hm cannot be furor t S're Ontario Meduml 1nMitutq 294-265 Yor'y Street, Toronto . $1,000 REWARD (Drivers.) W.,t.NT'ts'D- A good general put- poase horse. ll. NEWBBRY. Wi11ismtrtburg. . R. Route 2, Bully: Horses for Sale 15-4t.