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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Apr 1913, p. 8

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My. Mr. Doyle of Si. Clemens planing Manager hi the Standard ink during his absence.--Mr. and bt M, Wunder and family M Berlin guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. [muwlsu' at the Albion mi Sunk Ar-urs. A. Raw of New Ham- 'rd is visiting a few days at her 'ttr..-or.' “mister, Mrs. Graisterl bl Miss Bessie Murch went mi nation! Monday afternoon atrdl who” calls and on special Uusi-l 'ur farmers are very trusyl n! are not loosing any time to get Duet-ding done.--Mr. Wm. Ilngg an his fine and corniortable resi- hice to Mr. tlarry Kreutzwiser in: $100.00 who will take possession on “will. May Ist, next.-Mr. Menu “unwed on the Farm on Monday Welly occupied by Mr. Gem-Hum]: wild! he quite recently Lought, and h. Geo. Ifatehn moved into the hum? bully owned and occupied by Mr. Kano Leis.--.Ur. Len. Ruling of Her. In leased the Albion Hotel and might the stock and contents oi Mr. Br. Kreutzwiser, he llutol license ill] be transferred ":?s",i,tlli, lst, “hen It. Rumig will lake p ‘sossmn. Ile - highly reeoramended and will he a welcome citizen to uur town. Ema ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Haitse,-- """' - V-" Ir. and Mrs. n. M, Shoemaker visit, IN wuomon i at the home of their daughter. Mrs _ r. B. Obcrholtzer, on Sunday last.-- --..- [In Misses Loutsa Licllty, Ida and lidnmnton, April 22.-That Hon. A. limit Kesselring and Messrs Harvey G. Mackay was elected instead of A. hide: and Vernon Pressman of I'. lining is shown by returns from Strasbmg and Messrs. Gordon 3lus- "nuns of enquiry. He had eight, tral- llman and Ed. Hans oi \Vaterhmiluis passed in his favor yesterday, in: Sunday visitors at 1111:.th . ' and up Lul mu to-day ballad " It. and Mrs. Elias ylhantz.-- li/el'",':',',;'," making a total of 23. It has ' Shoemaker visited friends at been discovered that in Poll 41 ho " Tait last week.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wired 71 instead of 49 votes. Minnow \1siied their daughter, Mrs. Indications at this hour are that Lehman oi Puaestoso on Sunday last. he will be elected [iv 17 votes. News Notes.--Mr. and Mrs. Louis Enabler of Erhsville visited Milt Mr. pd Mrs. D. M. Shoemaker trct s'un p .er. and Mrs. Oliver Lichty and [it son of Tatton, Mr. and Mrs. Elna Elly ot wintieid and Mr. and . Alvin Sham: of Waterloo spent May at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _ cl Elmira renewed acatuain-" bl. Int week-Mr. and “It Cinema ot Brain: Sundayed Me. and Mrs, Christ Allemang. Ellie Rein, and Miss Hannah at Berlin spent. Sunday " the 's home, Mr. and Mes. Geo. EUR. and Mrs. Addison It. have again returned to his bra that! spending the winter n Fioradtc-Nitss Lorena of Berlin spent; Sunday m Parental root.-Mr. and A. Snyder ol Breslau visited cattd Mn. Ivan ('ressman last cciu Maggie Moyer is visiting r at Viiieland this week.--Mr. MeAttister ot Toronto called Us brother Mr. Alex. McAllister Moetdtty.-Mr. D. McKay Bends tried home trom a two months p to the West-Born to Mr. and '. Ezra Thomas, on Monday, April ' Hear it at your Edison deder’s today - A. _ Ue.. 1” Lat-1H0 Av... Own-lo. K. J, U. S. A. ,. A-teto.ooasoohossor-d'toeo"-tt"trr'e II S. Shari-Miss Selina Lichty " Sunday under the parental rum. it. and Mrs Geo. Aradt and fam- of Berlin spent Sunday at the last two weeks was ot Interest: Mr. and Mrs. k We". who were visiting friends "lathe: in New York "ity, for and In. Henry Scoble and “En ot Berlin visited “I on 'r'umtay.-Mr. Menu) Farthest {tom an investment standpoint, be- cause Blue Amberols will never wear and repro- duce less nerfectly than when mW, and will never " become ihiured by careless handling. The Blue Amberol is a Record for The money you inves't in%onograph Record.' _ goes farthest when you buy Blue Amberol Records Farthest from a musical stand g,'hti,1r'g,t,1"r',',', Blue Amberols have I finer tons (flan any other p 1onograph records and reproduce In alum; lifelike way. ' A The Edison Phonograph Nine Pines Wellesley 1""tnWBiir'iiiiiWlitl?r returned home at St. Clencens or the Standard , Busy Neighbors Local and P-at.---" nurt- Person] and Locals-Ir. and In.‘ " seeding Inn wee.--- did " in Hy. Ma attd Mr. end In. Inn-l the shade qatct you tor the middl- Bin-u and their three cmmn wove: "t April? Mr. Joe. Sold. null ar- " Sunny visitor: with Mr. and; tier, tor R. R. No. 3. Watetklo. in Mrtc Abnm GM! ot “I Lan., sporting a and new ri.--tio. that "rtn.--Mra. Merbeet local-wk and tbs (WU qraarted an mount Baby lunatic od no“ [Shir were the equal to the taxes on the courtly pie-u ot the lormer'n tsist.g-iwUmr, wad throw- the villa: tor with; In. Edgar Detviler, ot Sui-e Hill Sidewalks. wane ot thou-e whtett have Farm last west-Mr. and In. all. been my: dangerous tor some it!" Huron, at. were in Hauler he: snail-i be replaced heiore the summer Wednesdny, where they attended the is over-Rev. Terryherry ot PM (Mineral ot their cousin, the late Mr. ton maimed the pulpit in the Metho- David Rite.--Mr. Henry C. Gimttet oi Ast church on Sunday-4PM Sunday River Lodge was a business visitor School Convention d the Ceqttxat 'hr to Plum on Saturday glam. - tario District ot the CINE Synod Mr. J. Elton Martin ot Sprig Due Lutheran (hurdles will be held in Win. tett . tew weeks Mo tor Sal- ttte Lutheran church here on W! tau-Mu, when he will he emptar- Sunday, May 12th. More lame-Mu ed with a "" ot Civil Engineers. ‘1'lieo. Koch oi Taber. Mu. who in On the eve of his departure I large at present visiting friends iniOutario, number ot his intimate trutgds gatle ""tsited the Koch families here over ered at his home one evening to “and the Council outed an mt equal to the taxes on the county road tttrough the vlllau tor bunting sidewalks. m ut those whlch have been ranger dangerous tor some than shot” be replaced more the summer is over.-Rev. Terryherry ot PM ton occupied the pulpit in the team An church on Sunday-The Sande)" School Convention d the Centrtl 'tse tario District ot the Cabal: Synod Lutheran thurcttes will be held Mt; the Lutheran church here on Whit Sunday, May rgrh. More lawn-Mn Theo. Koch oi Tater, Alta.. who is‘ at present visiting lrieuds iniOutario, visited the Koch families here over Sunday in company with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hieru'ngen and family of ruerlin.-Mr. Elton Dalimer left last week tor Waterloo, where he ll work- 'ing with the masons.-- Mr. Louis Dunner. who has been boolrkeeper ut llibner's lurniture factory the past few years, left on Tuesday tor Win- nipeg, where he will enter the only-es oi the Massey Harrts ‘00. Success to you Louuc--Mias Maggie Maier at Hamilton, Out, is visiting here at the house oi Mr. and Mrs. Val. Gies. Death at Henry trstruth.-Tine label Henry Strulh was bum in (Berg-any in the year 1mm. When a youre, man he emigrated to Canada and settled in Wilmot township, Waterloo Co,. where he was employed as a tartu laborer. He was oi an industrious tlispositior' an: through his laithlul 1'hristiane life won the esteem ot the uhule neighborhood. "rceased wait in 'poor health the last year, dropsy and heart failure being the cause ot his death. He passed away Inn b'ritav morning. April 18th. at the age cl " years. He leaves to mourn hia loss' his surrowinz wire, one son and twat daughters. The bereaved. iamilv have the lu-urtlelt sunpathy ot their many friends and neighbors in this Karl hour. The funeral was held from his late residence, East Wiltaot, on Sun- day oiternoon, April 20th, to the Wilmut Centre church and cemetery tor service and interment. A large circle of friends and relatives girth ered to pay their last tribute ot respect. Rev. Murine}: of New Ham- burg preached an impressive duneral sermun, musing his text from Isaiah 38:1. One by one our friends are going “hum we uiten met before, That we must too we all are knowing May we be welcomed at the door. Yes, your work on earth is finished, Uh may you rest relieved and calm, Through him in Christ your sins de- minished, a This is for us a healing balm. HON h. il. MACKAY l ' WINS Ills SEAT Ill EDMONTON e tew hours with him socially. , on well as to extend to him their best wishes tor " future we“ and happiness in the western province; in which we all heartily ioin.-T'tte Con- gregational Church " Freeport has been cloned tor a tew weeks " the purpose of undergoing some much needed repairs, during which time the paper will be torn tront the wall! iii) ceilings. alter which thev will he in the hands at the painters and decorum tors. The seats will also be grained) anew, and all in all. when completed‘ the church will no doubt present an altogether dinerent aspect. When the repairs are completed there wilt be special reopening services, of which we expect to give due notice in these columns. It is hoped to have the church ready for reopening by the tirst Sunday in May.- Mr. George Smye, who has been quite ill (or the past tew months, whilst now some lwhat better is not making the satite iaetory progress towards movery that his many triends would wish for. We hope however, that as the warm spring days draw nigh he may soon regain his usual health and strength. --The many trieads of Mrs. Ferdinand Latsch will regret to learn that she is on the sick list. We one nndl all join in wishing her a spoily re- coveryv-Mr. Melvin Cornell tt again‘ hired as a farm hand tor the sum l mer months with Mr. Abram er) roth at near Chicopee.--Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shana. and lamily of Erin street, Waterloo. unwed down in their hand- some new touring car, -to the home ot Mrs. Shantz's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. My. C. (limbel at River Lodge on Sunday atternoom--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter ot Sault Ste Marie, ;0nt., have sent out cards to their ‘iriends here announcing the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth to Mr. Wesley J. Cornell of Verniillion. n‘llberta. eldest son at Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Cornell, oi Limekiln House, Freeport, on Wednesday, March 19m. 1913, at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The many [rienns- here of Mr. Cor- nell will join in wishing him and the bride ot his choice many rears ot happy wedded tite. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chmeck and family of Pres- ton have recently taken possession 05 their tarm here which they purchased trem Mr. S. S. Detwiler ot Spring Hill F'arm.--Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, who has hem staying at the home ot her brother, Mr. George Summit. dear New Dundee for the winter months, has returned to the home at ber daughter, Mrs. Abram Gimbet ot Maple Lane Farm. Her many friends are itll pleased to welcome her back to their anidst.-- Mr. Casper 11V roth of Preston visited with his sol Abram of Chicane last Friday.'--. NERVOUS DISEASES l IN TIE SPRING ”any", a...“ on.“ .9WB..9 v. .._- - .._..._.._. - n..- - __ ___ trouttles are at their worst, and that to. Uuartette--"tt I Were a Voice‘ then, more than any other time, a Misses kaereher and Appel; Messrs. Mood making, 'serve-restoring tonic llostetler and Wilhelm. is needed. ll. Fasturr-mow India is being The antiquated custom ot taking Won. Mrs. Wm. l’mbach. Purgatives in the spring is useless, 12. The duty olthe ehureh towards {for th- system reailv needs strength- the missionary. Mt. Morgan Wil- "ming, while putative: only gallop helm. ‘thrmlgh the bowels, leaving you 18. "ttering. " eaker. Dr. William' Pink Pills are M. Chortm-"Ralty Round the the best medicine, tor they actually Cross". Mission class. make the new, rich, red blood that Mi. lloxology. Benediction. feeds the started nerves, and thus Death ot Karl Network The cure the many forms or nervous dir death occurred in St. Jar-obs on orders. They cure also such other Wednesday. the 18th inst. ol tb lorm forms of spring troubles as heart " well-known and highly respected achrs, poor appetite, weakness in the resident at New Hamburg in the per- limbs, as well as remove unsightly son ot Mr. Karl ll. F. Metzdorl at. pimples and eruptions. in tact they!the advanced age of at years. De- Inlailingly bring new health and ceased was horn in Saxony, Germany “Truth to weak, tired and depress-Ion April 23rd, 1832 and came to this ed men, women and children. _ [country " the age ot 20 years. Fir, Sold by all medicine dealers or by many years he taught school in Wat,-. , mail at Mt rents a box or six boxes erloo and Perth Panties. In the tor $2.50 from The m. William’ year 1855 he came to 'itWet"'rf, ('l'RE‘D BY mxmo THE Iret AND ts'TRENGTHENiN0 THE NERVES. I ‘It is the opinion of the host medi-i cal authorities, after long otrserva-' tion, that nervous diseases are more conmmn and more serious in the spring than at any other time at the year. Vital changes in the system. after long winter months, may cause much more trouble than the familiar Spring weakness and weariness from which most people sinner as the re- sult of indoor lite, in poorly Venti- lated and olten overheated buildings. (Hiicial records prove that in April and May mnralgia, m. Vitus dance, PPilepsv and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that Hhm, more than any other time, a fhlnod making, 'serve-restoring tonic I is needed. The antiquated custom at taking\ purgatives in the spring is useless.‘ for th- systmn really needs strength- rning, while putative: only gallop through the bowels. Weaving you weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Um best medicine, tor they actually make the new, rich, red blood that feeds the starred nerves, and thus run the many forms at nervous dir orders. They cure also such other forms of spring troubles as helm PM“, poor appetite, weakness in the limbs, as well as remove unsightly pimples and eruptions. In tact they Inlailingly bring new health and strength to weak, tired and depress- ed men, Women and children. _ Medicine Uo., Broetvilte, Ont. Prosper! hm Km "-' Mr. "I In. an. swung at Plumm- but In! WM” in tomr.-Mr. J. R. m. wuhhl’ltlum day taat.-Mtm Chan ot Berlin - an as" oi In and, Mr. J. u. Chine-l on Wadi-by ot teat -e.--um. Pub: having spam “I chm with In: an“ In! Til-oi- ling. In tunnel! to to“ and in ma he: matter, In. R. T: win. ours. Puddleomhe spent Wellhead-y j with triads II tgtrattosd.-der. Her- ( nun Appel was in Berlin on Tues- _ Gilt-M's. H. H. Wylie ot TONI“). , was the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert lartia lalt week. Her little son Bobby who has - with his grandparents the past six weeks, returned with -.--aru" Lea- derman ot Mitchell " visiting with friends in towtc-Hitst, Nell Anderson Ielt tor Cobourg last week where she will spend the "rttmer.--Wurt' Parker ot Guelph is the guest ot her sister. Mn. Charles For-lk. and In, John Schmidt visited with friend! near \t’ellesley on stmdar.--Mitts Ida Grail has returned trom Toronto and has taken a position at the Brass Woru.--Rev. Mr. interlock attended lure Conlerenee ot the Evangelical Church held in Hanover last week. He was accompanied try Mr. Will hurry-Rev. H. u, Helmet ot Ham- 'ilton was the guest of his mother Mrs. the. Merl-er last week.-Mr. David Goetz was at m. Mary's last week to visit his son Mr. Wm. Goetz who has been ill, but who is recover- ing sakiBuctoriU.-Mss May Grail at Toronto spent the Week-embit- town with her Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Grail. Her mother Mrs. George Gran who has been with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dean. the past three weeks returned to Toron- Ito with her-Mrs. Maison and Miss Edna Appel spent Monday in Baden. Mr. Cecil IIar.tilton of Standard Bank stall spent Sunday with his parents in North Eaithope.-Miss Margaret Robertson of Welleslev is the guest ot her sister Mrs. Free- born.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner and little daughter spent Sunday at the home of Rev. Johnson. in Chel- tertield.-Misrs Lula Harrison " visit- ing her aunt Mrs. Tomatt.-Mrs. Pe- quegnat, Mrs. Lightheart and Miss Emma Becker spent last Wednesday with triends in Bertim-Mrs. Wm. Nchaat was at Chésley Inst week-at- tending the funeral of her brother- in-taw, the late John Brandt. be ceased was the lather or Mr. Mex. Brandt ot Elmira. a former operator at the G.T.R. Station here.-R-e. L. G. Pequegnat attended the regular meeting oi the County Council at Berlin last week.-Mr. Daniel Ptaif of Elmira is the guest ot his son} Mr. Edward Plan in towm-Mr. Wm. Burrows of Brampton visited with friends in town last weee.-Mrtr. James Cough and son who has been the guest of her mother Mrs. wt School the past lew months left last week for her home in Dryden. out. Her sister Miss Melvin Schaal ac- companied her as far as Toronto.--. Mr. E. M. Tracksell ot Ttacksen, Douglass a; Co. ot Victoria, B. C. is renewing acquaintances here.--TPe New Hamburg (‘ouncil No. 497 Roy- at Templars of Templerance will at- tend divine service in the Methodist 1 church on Sunday evening, April [ 27th. Rev. Mr. Cropp will preach. Special music will he rendered Pf Peters Lutheran Church will give a supper in the Wm. Tell Halt onWed- nesday evening, April 23rd.-Aht Sun- day evening, April 20th, owing to the absence ot the pastor Rev. M.I Morlock, the ;Y.P.A. of the Evangeli'j cat church had charge pt the service.‘ A programme was given by the mem- bers or the mission study classes which were held during the winter. The following is the programme ..- 1. Congregational singing. 2. Scripture. Reading-Mrs. A. Dorset. 3. Prayer-Mr, Morgan Wilhelm; 4. Essay-The Social Lite ot India --Miss Beatrice Katzetsnteier. 31'V1‘%}&;-3Tm Banner ot the Cross."-'"'-'"" squy tlate", 6. Essar--The Reggie“ Lite at India. Mr. Russel wnhelm. T,. Vocu solo-Miss Hilda Wilhelm. It.' Ksmsr-htdia's Womanhood. Miss Adelyn Ran. 9. _Chartrcter sketch - "Pandita llamakai". Miss T. Zurbrigg. Gii Ga" iiieiaiiGt at Editor at Local and Persmtat.-Mr. Ed. Ding-l, er underwent an operation tor appen- dieitis at the Gait Hospital last Fri- day, and at the time of writing his condition was as well as could be expected. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery.--Mr. E. 'L. , Frost, manager of the local branch of the Union Bank, spent the week end at his home in oratqreviue.-- Mr. Levi Bock oi Chatham spent the week end with relatives in town.-- Mr. Otto, Dinger ot Brantlord recently smut a! tew days at his home near here.-Ttii! Misses Bessie and Mamie .Baxter oi Drumho, were the guests ot Miss‘ Jessie McDonald last week. - Miss, Mary Wegenast is spendinz a tewl days with relatives in Merlin.-. ifil Frank Johnson has recent" disposed', ot her property here to Mr. Amos Geiger. I Early Closing.-- Curmmetteittg on Monday, May 19th. the following ptac- as: ot business will close every Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 o’clock p.m.: The general stor- es. hardware store, flour mill, Mack- smith shop, tunic“: ware-room, shoe repair shop and barber shop. The season tor maple syrup mak‘ ing was a good one, about the best tor 'reveraityears past. quite a large quantity ot the delicious liquid was! manufactured, However the number making syrup was somewhat less than a few years ago.--Many lumen; who sustained damage try the wind, storm have had their buildings re-l paired, others who have not treerr able to procure shingles are contemn plating the putting a metal root or some other ready rooting that has been on the market tor some time.- Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Kinsman and lane ily who have resided to! 'tet-kim-e.: "ifttarytrorough township have re- moved to their home in Woodstock.- Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray have moved into the house recently occupied by Mr. Simon Schatz, Wai1aceviue who has since lelt tor the West.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dell of Moorefield, visited at the home of Mr. WmJlolmes last week.-We are pleased to note that Mr. Wm. Heygate is “Covering from a lingering illness. the “(‘anadisches Vo1kstr1att" which' hosition he held tor sixteen years.‘ retiring in 1901 on account ot deco-) ing health. He was of a very getua't' disposition, and during his residence? in New Hamburg made many friends who regret his passing away. In politics he was a staunch Cotttrerea- tive and in religion a life long miller ent ol the Lutheran Church, and tor many years was Secretary of Trini- ty Qumran Church and Superinten- dent of the Sunday School here. The (mural took place from the residence of his daughter Mrs. l H. Thongs with whom he had made his home, gun Friday afternoon to St, Jaroh's tutheran Church when service was ‘held. The remains were laid to rest ‘in the Lutheran Cemetery in Ht. Jacobs. SANOL In .139 "RELIABLE CURE" tor Gait Stones, Kidney Tro. uble. Kidney Stones, Bidder Shut. Gravel, Lumbngo. Ind til disease. ailing trom Uric Acid. Price Ile. SANOL‘S ANTI-DIABETES nth only remedy which la: a record ot complete cure: of diabetes. Price " For sale at all leading drunk“. Bend tor tree literature THE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., WINNl-PEG. IAN. SA NOL' S ANN-DIABETES New Dundee Wallace is fast becoming the' most popular and generally worn clothing in Canada. We have agencies selling T. & D. clothes from Halifax to Vancouver and. the out put is only limited by our manufacturing capacity which we are increasing as rapidly " we possibly can. There must be merit in T. & D. clothes when they are so much appreciated. Let your Spring Suit be t & D. made this season and then you will know why t & D. Clothes are so much in demand. !'t1enrtseit.--r, Peel, April 7th. to l Mr. and Mrs. Pat Campbell, a son. 'Reiier.--rn Elmira, on April 5th, to l Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keller, B son. 'Lederman.-At Baden, April 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledernnn, a l daughter. _Mecorkingdate.-In Waterloo, on l April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son, J. McCorkingdale, a daughter, I (stillborn). 'roman.--To Mr." and Mrs. Ira TO-I mm. on Friday, April Itth, at New Dundee, a son. Congratula- Mons. Feu.-...At Conestoga, March 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fell, a daugtr- ter (stillborn) l Ktittek.--tts Woulwich. April 8th. ur, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Klinck, a daugh- ter. l Lorch.-ht Wallace, March 25th, to' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larch, a daugh- tar. Brunkhard.-In Peel, March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Melville Brunkhard, a Wetter.--rn Waterloo, on April gist,' to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, a daughter. . Cork.-ht Toronto, on Saturday. April 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Ernst Cork, 39 Summethill Ave., a Thomatc--rn moouinidau.irn April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tho- “mas, a gauging. - _ Dnwamr-Witd%etg.-h Preston, ; CI', Lepper.--rn iierrm, on April 14th to Mr. and Mrs. E. Upper, Quebec, Que., a son. Prevatt.--ht Berlin, on April 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. I'revatt, a daughter. April ll, Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wildfong to Mr. Zlos. Dawson of Toronto, torm- erly of Preston. Best-Tremble.-" Doon, on April lo, Mr. P. Best ot Windsor will. Tremble, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John Tilt. Cornett-Porter.--In Sault Ste. Marie on March 19, Mr. Weslev J. Conelt ot Vermillion. Ana., eldest mm of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cornell, of Free- port, to Elizabeth Porter of Sauit Ste. Marie. Btandt.--At Chesley John Brandt, father ol Alex. Brandt oi Elmira. "oos.--rn Waterloo, on April Mst, Mrs. Henry Boos. aged 66 years. 30-0-0-0_‘ THORNTON & DOUGLAS, Ltd. To achieve that grace of contour which is the key of the successful 191 3 costume, get the D. & A. or La Diva Corset best suited for your figure. Our illustrated catalogue will help you choose. Write for it today. We send it free. I613 lemma-sire... . “In: (NOTHING 8am thatty-to- 18.50 to 825.00 salts latte-menu" 15... to can and»; tttterqtqmtn 81m to and. Marriages Deaths clothing It". t)lhroniohr. Telegraph Our list is so arranged that our readers not only get the advantage ot very low prices, but unrulect inp- crs and magazines suitable tor every member of their lamilv. Make your selection and order at once. Semple copies on request. The papers here listed will be sent to diluent addres- ses it desired. The cttrotrieur-TeteeraIh, The Weekly Globe with lllustnlr- ed Supplement. ... ....r-t "....mr..q The Chronicle Telegraph. The Weekly Mail & Empire ......... The Chronicle 'Negrrsph, The 1 Family Herald. and Weekly Star, premium picture ......... The Chronicle Telegraph. I The Weekly Sun .-ct--. iThe Chronicle-Telegraph, I The Canadian Countryman _.. Or make your selection from this list:-- . Berlin Daily Telegraph .....q..r... ' Weekly Witnzss ......... _............... Farmers' Advocate ...... ... ...... Panama Fgrm and Dairy ...... {Canadian Farm ..._.-... v-.. ..v... Tomato Daily Globe ......” .._. WrGlobe, to persons receiving The ChronieK-Negraph, and any one of the papers below mentioned at the prices quoted. Both papers for paper by rural delivery ....t._e. $3.50 Toronto Daily Mail a Empire 4.25 Toronto Daily sfar ......... ...... 2.15 Toronto Daily News ........t. ..""". 2.25 Northern Messenger ........ ...v.. 1.30 Cash must. accompany all orders. Make remittance by postal ttote. money order, express order or regis- tered letter. ... T FOL-Ill Whitby. on Wednesday. April 18th, Miss Alice Fox at New Hamburg. "amnel.--rn New Germany, on April lttP, Mr. Joseph llummel, nod 96 years. Piddingtom--tn Unit, on Friday, April lath. Mrs. V. F. Eddington, and " yarn. "ilt.-At Had Arlee. Mich., on April Send in your trthacriptiotts early and get your trienda to truMeritte. TWO LICENSES CUT' OPP. WALKERtro.N.-At a meeting ot the License Commissioner: ot 801ml Bruce. held " the "ertler Home. here this afternoon, the liccnm ot the Station Hotel, owned by Mr. Jack McCain, and the local liquor store, which " conducted by Mr. T. J. Egan. were cancelled. L0NDON.-Eftorts are again being mule to have Pte. William Molt. who was sentenced to lite imprisonment to: the killing ol Sergt. Lloyd " Wolse- ley Barracks some reap ago, releas- ed from custody. I“: understood that on: citizen helluva the man was not entirely responsible on account. of being temporarily crazed by drink. . Real lovers never discover that the burden it brings in too heavy. Mrs. It. Sider of Berlin. thre.--At Toronto, April th. in- tant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cork. clubbing ("for "t2-attt8 WA) READ THIS LIST. NTS MOIR RELEASED. 81.50 $1.50 $1.75 $1.75 31,50 $3.00 1.75 2.25 1.76 1.75

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