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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 24 Apr 1913, p. 3

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ment. Momma the Light 1'ertuttussiavrs “us hold on Friday ssttrrnoon, with Chairutan Lippett, Miior Fiuler, hr. Walters. I Kranz, Sor'y 1larke null Stupor indent McIntyre prrsmt. tromtnernicarion “as read hum City Fntginerr Johnston rrgardinr, {he pavements which \u-ulll be laid this year, and askin; the l'mmmsr lion to make Oratever preparations would he necessary for 'duul;l(' track Pg and lightlnz. Sn tinlemlrnt 1lctntirr, repitinc) _ . , " . _ to 'tr,', communiratiorl, kave the Fin-c "h'""""!!?': for Mnn_llrr (nun glee Committee an estimato "ii, Such a',' lterlitt. 830,07tl tor double trawkitr; Rin,r .81.} Let us turn for a teu minuu's to trom Well-lulu" st. in the “Merl!” Ilmk at the msr ot tre smaller rm“: town limits. Mator link-r "durum! ‘munily. Morlin for mxldmv, which at the Commission that the Finotwe'the meson! time o;icrs it Kreat op- Committee mmlll rmmmxrnll to the portttnny ior carrying into oractire Council that a by lau for $30,000 be mum oi tttse theorirsi, mitted. . f “n artmnt of the singular Inva- ccttnertion “nth thrse pan-Tum and the fact any it is pram. ts the Mawr “as assured that rally a ran oi the dual toun, makes . Light Commissio:t would aot ch-HI nrrossan to approarh thr suhh'rl the work in any way. with hmal nwthods “hid! will not Should also report additions and changes in tttcr list oi subscribers, “that to the Loiurl Manager, 01- di- me}: to the Spain] Ag'er'.1s__pcpart I got my foot but") rammed latNv. t bathed it “PM with 1ttNIItIt'y; LINIMEN'I‘. and it “as as well ‘as iver next day. 2 its LIGHT COMMISSION ' WILL DOUBLE TRACK ems ... ...... ...... $111,140.00 All pouch. gtsaraurteed by the Lou- Ianl Miro Immune Com- - with Aaaeta of $16,306,838. l tonsil!” 1HNAftlt'S LINIMICNT the BEST Liniment in “so. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. is soon to print a new issue of its Omciat Telephone Diréctory for the district oi Western Ontario, ire cludh-g Parties who cuntcm'lale becoming Subscribers, or those “ho wish chan- ges in their presrnt r‘ntry should place their orOrs uith the Local Mulligan" at “nor lo insure insertion in this issur. CONNECTING COMPANIES Mat. C. A. BOEHM all! m. sullen" c. A. ”Bill. - District “as “who, on. Phone so. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE THE HELL TllF.P1loNrl CUM: PANT or' CANADA. El TtiTiuiiiP- "__-_" "tai-ua-tG-i..; h'4'll, n-_ tutht.',2gt4, 2nttt us.- Gum! Insurance Agent Established "." 0000. Waterloo Mutual Building. ’ King St. ”he. Utlice 249, Home 200. “an: solicited "or iirgrt class Companies. New Telephone Directory STRATFORD. (INT. Tho but practical train- ing schnul in "tttario..- Thee departnrnts (1»erth- c1AL, s'ntytt'HiA.N0 and TrPtFAHtAPHY. All courses are thorough and practical. Teachers are experiemmt a! graduates are placed tn posi- tiona. We give individual at- tention and students may pn- tre at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN, Fri-shut regular nwnthlv mpohn: WATEBLOO Would 1'ost 31mm"! Yours very truly, T. M MrMI’LH‘lX gr; a..." In, 0...}? In: of as held _ttv.eG.iii-LstmtTsiiiriotaidrtrii-trsiG"ii and. ' illngrs. Let us turn tor a to“ tuinutes to look ot the, new at Ire smaller come munity, Berlin tor msmmv, which at the Meson! time onus a Kreat op- ponumty ior taming, into Martin: Mva oi these theorieri, Mr. Lravitt was well. received and his careiully thougnbme: address was listened to with undivided attention He said:-- City lluilder Must Know Local Conditions. In planning for the future grnnth oi an existing City or Tuun, it becomes necessary to know first the emu-i conditions to be eonsidered--the toprr- graphy oi the country as it was ltr- [me the City was established and the changes which may have. taken place in the construction of the city; why the city was built. and if the same iu0ttences which originated this grimlh still exist and in what prol purtinni What other elements have developed to influence the growth ann prosperity of the city or town, nr what may have develnped to act in a contrary manner. Further what possilrilitiPs are there which- tvaveuot yet been developed and huw run will dexrlitpntent be brought abou', In the advantage oi the town. ltrauty Will Come uiih Proper Plan. If the work, necessary to bring about all that may he desired, is writ planned and properly mended, Ilie town will be made beautiful, even ii there are none of those traturos intrwhu-ed “him topttrarly it" by the Mine oi ornaments, _ The speaker Is one oi the most prominent experts in city planning on tho continent. He has travelled ex- tonsivcly and made a special study at the question. and has beea cum- missionml to plan for some. of the hum-st cities in the United states and also outline schemes for the beautifying of suburbs such as the Government [louse property in Tor- cnto and Pelham Park in Hamilton, His snggrstions will be most ttenert- cial to Berlin and Waterloo and will undoubtedly be the basis for the m, turc planting oi the two municipal'- ties. The address wa‘s'made doubly m- terosting by the display oi a series of views of the most mniful and picturesque cities oi Europe an! United States _ The chair was acceptably filled by Vice-President w, M. 11rpithaupt, Tsho hrirfly reviewed the development at Bt-rlin and the opportunities aiiorded tor the future dpvetopment of a beaMiiu) city. It was for the pur- pose ot receiving expert suggestions that lit. Leavitt was secured to ttsit Berlin. who In”; a sqn'ngg A trainload or more at lumber is; piled in the yards ot the Glengarry: l"'mtrr Co. along the lracksl of the (LTR. switch on the south side " St. Leger Mt., about the. height ot a car. President Breit-l haunt um. was in the vestibule with. the motorman at the time ot the ac- cident says it was the lumber which concealed the otwotuing train iron: view, which caused the accident. As the car was almost on the G.T.it. track before the train was seen, the! ilmtul'nlan put on full speed and tried to get across, but it was too iatel to avoid an accident. The car rel hit when it was about two-thirds of, the way across, knocking the body ott the trucks, and tilting it on "itl Side} The trout truck remained on C. W. Leavitt, New York Ex- pert Considers Time Oppor- tune for Beautifying Twin-City One of the most important and prtur treal addresses delivered in Bertin on many years was that given by Mr. Chas. w. Leantt, the well-known city planning expert of New York, in the Library "all 1. Friday "ruling un- der the auspices of the Civic Associa- tion of this city. ADDRESS 0N CITY PLANNING The car which Irtt Lvcidgeport at 10.45 am. was in charge ot motor- maa Rich. and conductor t'resa. C oi Tarmtoek, who was man-led to a Miss Wettiautit--Mrg. Junk Jorce tisitetl her mother, Mrs. P. Wleder- hold amoral 'ttsys.--- Miss Ziptrorah Hid! is at" present with her sister, Mrs Ell. Nirborgall on the Gravel Road --Mr. Edward and Miss Salome Planner and some at their friends of llorlm xisitrd our burg last Sunday m auto-The Mrssrs. Soylrr attend- ml the lune-ml or their new. Miss Lizzie Dot-ring at Mmertort last Sat- urdav -mss Tera Rid! of Waterloo sisuIgd under the parental rout last. The prisoner is se'vonteen years of age, and at good appearance. Crown A Mummy Bowlby expressing his opin- ion that he would never have taken hint for a criminal. When asked if he was guilty of the otiettce he pleaded guilty, giving no reason tor his conduct. In sentencing him to (‘rntral pri- Hm for six months Magistrate Weir expressed his hope that he would be a “ism-young man when he had set- ved his sentence. Local and Prrsonar-Mr. and Mrs, .\mlww hot-rim; and Mr. and Mrs. Mr! hurting attended the waldingui therrnerhrw, Mr. Worm-r Wittirh, A hearty vote ot thanks was tend- ered Mr. Leavitt on motion of Messrs H. J. Bowman and D. B..Detwikr, each at whom spoke highly ot the splendid address and the good re- sults which are bound " Idiiow, Dr. Clayton Wells ot Waterloo also spoke. briefly and expressed the ap- preciation of the. Waterloo delegation with the address of the evening. llc intimated that the union ol Berlin and Waterloo was bound to come some day and in the meantime the two towns should co operate in the future planning ot the great city that Is to be. In November hst he Purchased from M. Wildlang a suit of clothes and an own-cat presenting in payment a cheque drawn on the Merchants Bank tor 3.35.75. which was found to Dr " nrthless. At the conclusion ot the lecture Mayor Euler was called upon by the Chairman and hrietiy expressed his appreciation ol the visit of Mr. Ipa- vitt and regretted that owing to an- other meeting he was unable to hear the entire address. He, however, accompanied the lecturer around the city during the afternoon and was impressed with the suggestions he otiered to the Association. Sam ormstein, alias George Gray, alias Weber was sentenced to six mantis in Central prison for procur- ing gnods under false pretenees. The suburbs should be planned for ttits luture growth ot the city and particularly with respect to residett- tial zones. as well as tor manufactur- ing plants. There should be tlt gardens to supply the city mar ets, dairy and poultry farms. with radial and diagonal thoroughlams loading trout one suburh‘to another, and from the city direct into the rural dis- trims. were "nested, while put at the side - tlt. was forced in, demolishing seven! ol In A I the seats and partition. Although tn "but.“ them were ten people on the car . tew do at the time ot the accident, y no one via: seriously injured Mr. and although everybody "as badly [rightr ter ue I'? and, and some received matches and In Hamitts bruises about the head. but were Mr. and able to walk away unaided. Toronto, l President W. ll. Breithaupt’s ftrst concern alter the what, was ‘the wellare ot the passengets, but he qund no one to he seriously hurt. The car which has been renovated recently, is in a very had coalition, but it is thought it can be renaired for about 8200. President w. H. Hreithaupt inlurnis the'Telegraph that it will be Impossible to resume Hallie until ttr-morrow, as it will take em:- siaerable time to cltat away the wreck. The right or tae (Hengarry Lum- ber Co. to pile their lumber on the 1mm property cam:- up at the last mum-H mating, but nothing was dune with it. only draw up a plan to beautify a small portion of the town, but will outline a plan to govern all future developments tor many miles around. by [allowing generally a broad com- prehensive plan on lines of order and harmony with the existing conditions: SIX MONTHS FOR FALSE PRETENCE Lecture A ppreciatrd. Philipsburg Suburbs. sRttrtay- Mr, Herbert F1. Hide was the guest of Mr, Allan Rtttr, ot New Hamburg last Sunday- Mr. Wm, Irridmaa and Mr. Wm. W. Eidt each lost a valuable man-.19 latter havs in: rmntly bought his for a hand- some ihptre. Mr. It Wtscher wan voted to tho chair. and those warm were Mann. Ii. M. Devitt, N. lick. L. R. Drun- lwck, J. Ritzer, L. "rttrEntan, A. l'rstmlt. .l. Rerelott, J. Ziegler, J. 1'ftelmatt, A. Moyer, G. F. Yung- hint, and D. "ohtender. A meeting for orgmtiration and the election at omens wilt be held in the Council "tamber on Friday night, when it is rxprrted that about twen- ty-tive memhors will be enrolled. WATERLOII RETAILERS SIGN PETITIONS H the idea ever assumes definite shape, it will be sure to arouse strong ouposition. Both Chttreh and Albert Streets are among the most desirable residential streets of the town. Especially in the use of M- bert St. where a pernianent pave- ment is to be laid this yéar, would the construction of a railway de- tract from the Value of the proverb ies. Even the rumor that such a move is contemplated has had the tendency of malilng prospective pur- chasers hesitant about buying prm Petty on the street which illustrates the ettect such a proposal would have. any Town 1'ouneil would undertake to give a right ot way over a fine residential street tor a line oi rail- The Retail Merchants of Waterloo held a meeting in the Council Chane ber Tuesday night when Mr. Maher and Mr. K. ll. Trowetn addressed the gathering on the Workingmen's Compensation Art, the Bulk Sales Hill. the Business Tax. the Credit System, and several other topics oi vital interest to retailers. Those present showed their interest and ap- proval by attaching their names to the petitions which were circulated, one asking that the busimss tar be reduced. and the other asking that the retail merchants he exempted hum the Workingmen's Compensation Act. It is rumored that a movement is1 Mr. Wm Solder on Tuesday had on foot to extend the Berlin and tor luggueSt for a few short hours Waterloo Street Railway line to the Monsipor Breynat. the Catholic Waterloo Park by way of Church St. Missionary Bishop of Mackenzie Riv- or by opening a new road troro Ber- er. " was the Iirst occasion oo lin to this place reaching the park which Mr. Snider had. the pleasureol over- Albert' St. It is understood meeting the reverend gentleman, and that the agitation tor this extension this occurred through Mr. Wm. Sni- priginated in the neighboring City. Per.'s hiother-itrdaw Mr. L. (‘oniher Mayor Fischer, when approached in and his lamin living. in the same reference to the matter, gave it as diocese. In. Coniber's family have his opinion that the town would Delf- been living in the far north for a er consent to grant the privilege to year, and enjoy the northern lite any railway of utilizing a reiridtrt-ivery murh. tial street for this purpose as "i Monsignor Breynat, in conversation would have the etiect ot lowering with Mr. Snider, told him several Property vAlues and make the streets E interesting notes ot the northern used less desirable to live on. ,country. He stated that although way. In. L. Hottie. at m. Jacobo In“ Thad-y In tho eitr. um limo Bulb-M in spending a coupb ol day: s. Elmira. Mr. A. P. Cut tedt “I. 'rborD- in on n nun-Rm Bingo. 'ye. yoeris ot Toronto is . - It, the home a In. ll. H. 4ioihsr, In. A. Hanna» ot Calgary, Alta., ll . business visitor in the city tor 1 (en days. Miss Meta Huber Ien this alter- noun [or a three months' course in the Dramatic Selma-l of Oratory in Toronto. EXTEND RAILWAY Ti) THE PARK Mr. uni Mrs. Gordon Bricker, cl Toronto. were visitors in the city tor a few days. . Mrs. R. w. Winter of Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs. D. Alex. Bean, Roland St. _ Mr. A. P. Carroll, on his way to Chicago, is stopping on with Mr. Louis k. Swim-ta. Mr. Reinhold Lang is in Toronto today and will nut-lid no McCormick eoneert in Massey Hail this evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. A..Eby and damtts ter an ”ending Sunday with Mend: In Hamilton. The Nine: Blohman oi Guelph are the guests of Misses Schwartz, Wal- ter “not South.. A '"Tr"oTr"""'t'T'""""""""""'; illmilittitgigr mu LIKELY . Brim News il mom common ADDITIONAL WATERLOO NEWS Monsignor Breynat told of his trip to civilization having to travel 500 miles by dog-train, with the assis- tance ot the Indians to Fort Murray, riding horseback Hm another 250 miles to Athabasca MISSIONARY ? FROM NORTH l n is possible, however', that it either Alttert or Chttrrtt streets are paved that the street railway MII have the rails put down as the Com- mission has a .rttttrttt.ne, along these streets, as wrll as Erb strmf. Re- garding the claim that the street railway along these streets would de- preriate property aettltrett Supt. Moln- tyre Mated that the Commission Is being besieged in Berlin to have the Mreet railway. extended along some ot the leading residential streets. rador, hare nearly all taken their leave and are roaming the plains, as only about a dozen remained Fenced in, not being able to provide accom- modation for the large number sent m. s8r.tRT BOY WANTED T0 LEARN printing trade. Apply Chronicle Telegraph. 14M. suptrMc1nt.vre, of the Berlin & Waterloo Street Railway, was asked Wednesdav whether the Light Commission had any intention oi ex- tending the street railway to the Waterloo park as is reported in Wat- erloo today, and in reply stated that the matter has not been discus- st-d or even contemplated by the Commission. _ Trammnttrtrom where they connected! The Council had a busy session, with the train. The distance to he during which a large amount. of traversed try the train in this Coutk- routine business was transacted. con- try was so miles and it took one sisting of the adoption of the reports whole day to make the distance. of the various committees, the hear- Monsignor Breynat left last night tor ing of several deputations, and the Montreal, taking the boat from Attr passing ot several hy-laws. ablscn landing May 5th, it being The try-law, providing mr the rais- the first boat of the year. . ing ot $82,500 for the corttstrttctiott oi He expressed his pleasure at being able to visit Mr. Snider, and re- gretted not being able to stay long- er, but he was anxious to get back to his mark, having had to cancel several other engagements. HAVE NOT ' DISCUSSED EXTENSION Monsignor Breynat, in conversation with Mr. Snidcr, told him several interesting notes ot the northern country. He stated that although the butUlo were reported to be near ly extinct in that land that up in that district there were still about 500 roaming the plains. The deer which were Wst year taken up trom Pt Rev. M. (mm at tqtotttrvitte, on, in spending a few days in Berlin, and will conduct. quarterly communion services in Bethany Melanoma clean-b on Sunday. Mr. David Randall ot Dayton is visiting his patent: Mr. and In. Jone» Randall King St. We". foe I In. in". It. Niche] O'Brien, Inspector 0! Mn" whack is in “a city. the out ot his to. Mr. J. M. O'Brien, ot the Union M. ”Fun“ T"""" " " - “W: ." Representatives were present. trom Ttrest ot his ‘0- Mr. J. M. UBneI, Bmuord. Gait, I'restoet, ' Fergus, od the Union But. Paris, harm and other points. The Rev. .. C. Madam. D. D., and -ahers were Messrs. Jaliray, out, In. Henderson, ot Guelph, wen Uranium, Berlin, Jones, Brantiord, guests of Rev. H. W. and In. Crews e"eerueue--es---e..eeeepyee-,ee- during their Visit ht "D city. - ----- --- ---------- - -- Mr. and Mrs. J. 1ierke ot Hanover - __ - - - -e are visitors in the city (or a few , . days, as they are spending their hon- Members of Women s Musical eylnoon at the home a Mr. and Mrs. Club Del t a Large A. R. Stone, Weber St. E. Au ience A new tartory situated in Berlin to manufacture tramrtormem in not at all improbable. Superintendent McIntyre, at the meeting of the Light Commissimers Friday after- noon, stated that a Mr. (man: had spoken to him about the proposition. It " understood that the locational the factory lies between Salt and Berlin, and would emplov about 35 men to start. Mr. Oburu will be in Berlin next week to go over the pro- position. " What has trtome ionrd people “In" ll \RNI man thrv saw mm Rifle Wah' travohng or 14.1. place? The happy couple leave on the $.13 o'clock train on a Imnmmmm trip and will return on May Mh. A pretty marriage took place Turs- day at the "Widener ot the bride's sister, Mrs. W. H. Winter, Weber Ht., Berlin, when Miss Louisa Damn was happily weddef to Mr. Albert Kehl, both ot Berlin. The cercmnny was performed by Rev. W. C. Boe of Mi. Paul's Lutheran iidr'f,'P6d bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue “hipmrd with hat to match. The immediate relatives were in attendance. The shopmates at the W.G. & tt. tendrred the bride a granite shower on Friday rvenink “ho was tho recipient of many Mau, tiful and "will gifts. The by-law providing mr the rais- ing of $82,500 for the cnmtructinn oi the trunk sewer in the West Ward was passed as was also the try-law to raise $35,000 for cxtcnsims to the electric light plant. nix”. or these trr-laws will be validated by the (int- ario Municipal and Railway "ward. All the members were present' ex- cepting Aid, Detwiler. Oouuuuoouo 7000 06000 In order to proceed with the work as soon as possible the Council, at its regular meeting Monday evenhrg, decided to submit a hy-law to the. ratepayers to raise 830.000 lor the double-tracking of that. portion of King street. The by-law will be Tot- ed on on Friday, Mar 16th. . It is generally admitted that a mistake was made when the street rail- way was not doubletracketl between Water and Wellington streets three years ago when the pavement was laid. _ The Council had a busy session, r/r/lid-Jiri'" The Berlin Council does not propose to lose any time in having King Street paved between Wellington street and the Waterloo boundary line this year. The road is in a deplor- able condition and the members are unanimous in their opinion that this portion of Berlin's main thoroughfare should be prrmanently improved. Me. W. H. Breakup! ot Berlin Imompanid a Donation "my in; the and River Improvement. As- Iod‘iOI. which an“ on Hm. Mr. lit-lune. lining: ot Public Works. and Hon, Mr. Dull. Minister at Agri- eultun, in Toronto, on Wednesday. toe the Darvon ol aging the Gow 'retta-t to take tome step: to pre vent tin mailman; ofthe Grand River during the Indie“. $30 000 BY-LAW IO in; 3113mm» Berlin "Council will Double Track on King St. and Con- struct Permanent Pavement The Women's Musical Club cetebra- ted the close ol a nuccesslul season's work be an open meeting in the Knights ot Uo1umtttus'utui. on Friday evening. About two hundred friends of the club responded to the invita- tions that had been issued and were rewarded by a 1tigtrclass musical programme, that would have done credit to professional talent and “hid: needless to say, was much ttrv joyed. Afterwards those who took part were hospitahly entertained at the home of Mrs. Wr.) G. ll. Bowl- by, President ot the club. Before dis- persing the club members pleasantly surprised their president by present- ing Mrs. Bowlbv with two bandsorne- ly bound volumes of famous compos- ers as an expression of their apprec- iation of the very satisfactory man- ner in which she has ftlled the posi- tion during the year. . The ofticers of the club are :-Hott- orary President, Mrs. Wm. Metallic; P.resident, Mrs. G. H. llowlby iVice- President, .MiSS F. ‘Jackson ; Score tary, Miss Killian Breithaupt; Trea- surer, Mrs. J. F. Fennel. f has tytttttte of the old-rn<h-i people who used to ask own ': "an saw carryimr a vaTt.se if hr trawling or just going some K 1D1lL-0AUM OF MUSIC The frre brigade was rallrd on Sat- urday evening about 8.15 pm. to a fire at the roar of Bristol's grotsry store nn the corncr of Weber and Water strppts. The ftre was in the ham “birh was rented by Mrs. J. Hrislnl in connection wrth her store, but was owned by Mr. Svhwmtmr or Bridgeport. Thts blaze Ilrs‘Irnyt-d the root, a set. ot harness, a supply at hay, and the interior of the stable . s. badly burn- rd. It is vxpectrd urn-pairs can be made for about $50 nr 375 which is covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is .unknown. SMALL BLAZE ON SATURDAY NIGHT Chief O'Neill went to Stratford on Saturday and returned with Sam Urmstein, alias Geo. Grey, alias A. Weber, alias A. Grey. He is charged with obtaining a suit and overcoat from Br. JTiidfang's 'iurnishing 'stol'e last fall under'falsc pretenses. hav- ing presented a bogus cheque. He was arrested in Alilverton, where he received a three months sentence in the Stratfnnl jail on a similar charge. on his release he was im- mediately re-arrested on the request ot Chief O‘Neill. Apparently he prac- ticed the bogus 'Cid game in sev- eral Western ”Marin Towns, before being captured, as Chief O'Neill is in receipt or a letter from Brahm- tnl, requesting that he be held for them also. He will appear on Tues- day. V men“ were Mum why til-(low tar-mat. mm at but appoint a commission to report on the beet method at preventing tioods along the stream, Masts. Realms and Dutt were " tmttiee listeners and in warming up deputation stated that they tuny (incurred in the remarks ot thy span-rs and assured the dntrantes that "mum" tsould he serhmsly cottsidered by the Gowmueut. at an early Cur. WANT TRAFFIC REGULATED CHARGED WITH a charge of breaking into the hack kitchen ot Dr. l IQ "en's residence and stealing a coat, Test and pair ot trousers. He had the outlit in his possession when arrested. He was remanded until 'I'Uosday. l BOGUS CHEQUE ARTIST IS ARRESTED ni Kerr ot Fergus. apd, "In; at- The deputation was greatly with the cordial "eepttoa. A tat-”attended nwetitrr, ot the North Waterloo Automobile Club was held on Thursday evening in the moms ot the limpluyefs' Association at which the question ol better re gulation of the tunic along King street as related to in the Tele- graph yesterday was discussed. The Association has a mereisership of mu and arranrdtmeuts are being made to inaugurate a membership campaign. It is estimated that there are nearly 2M) cars in this city and Waterloo. Th, Asstwiation is pleased with the likelihood of King street bring pav- ed between the two towns this sum- mer. William Murphy, giving his address as Toronto, was placed under 'tr- rest on Friday by P. U. Meehan, on it was pointed out that autumn- bites are very numerous and conse- quently there are an unusually large number of "green' drivers in Berlin and Waterloo. The nurturisls declared tlu-msrlves ready to do their share in this mat- ter and will erpet "ranger" signs at uni-ms dangerous Corrurrs such as Inhy and King streets that have pro- u-u disastrous for several automo- biles during the Last year. W'- "n CLEANrsr. "MPTtevT,soartrrrt'.t_ DYE. on. an tsmv.N " ya“: dnn'l 'vrn luv. I know what [IND " C 'm!‘ Tr 1.1 (.0111! on and. Club ylphloc I?" ttr in" uh'r, A.“ m] 4.72.434 “a a.., MM. and ”In gm“. roan?" ' I hum mu an." _ TI. Manx-an :1“!va Lo, um, Moeteat I .rrortB. iihfiesut.1kTsJ. BL’RGIA RY.

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