. > Cays. \â€"_ Miss _\ guest « _: Abrens C Mr. . /‘ has be. l Mr. George Schneider who has been + spending several weeks in the Southâ€" ern States has returned to his home. *~ Mr. Donald C. MacGregor of ‘Torâ€" ‘onto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Howie at "Ellerslie‘" on Thursâ€" . day last. The well known nospitality of "Bleak House" was greatly . enjoyed by about forty ladies on Tuesday alâ€" ternoon when Mrs. J. B. Hughes was the hostess of a delightful thimble party, which proved to be a real reunion of all the old friends one loves to meet, when fancy stitches;, dainty needlework, and bright conâ€" versation, with many a good _ story and merry rexartee, were the order of the happy hours, which sred away. all too quickly, so much so that the guests tried to prevail on the . hosâ€" tess to make her party a semiâ€"anâ€" nual one in future. A delicious homeâ€" made supper was served at quartet tables, prottily decorated with â€" pink roses and ferns, when the wants oï¬ the guests were most attentively minâ€" istered to by the daughters . of _ the house, Mrs. C. W. Wells and _ Miss Laura Hughes; other capable assistâ€" ants being Mrs. F. G. Hughos _ and Miss Jessic Bruce. Miss Rogerson of Walkerton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rittinger, Ahrens street. "*Mt. J. A. Kruger of Edinonton who has becn visiting friends in town left Sor his hory on Thursday. ‘Attorney Bigelow and his _ mother of Detroit have been visitors at the home of Mr. smi Mrs. Wright, Mary street, this week. _ Mr. Gordon Motheral left last Tuesâ€" éay motning jor Detroit, where _ he has accepted a fine position. Mrs. M. â€" Snider left on Wednesday for her home in North Battleford, accompanied by her sister Miss Vera Hummel. ~â€" Mrs. D. M. Walton of Galt is visiting friends in Waterloo for a lew Mr. J. D. McLellan of Calgary is visiting friends in town for a few days. Miss L. Dumkin of Toronto is . a visitor in town for a few days. Mr. Adam Ritz, of Tavistock, was a business | visitor in town on Friâ€" day. ’ Mr. W.‘Comrad was a business visiâ€" Aoxr in Toromto on Thursday. . Mr. John Reide! of St.Clements was & visitor in town on Friday. The B.B.C. Club met at the home Of â€" iss Mary shubh Thursday evenâ€" . Mr. Robt. A. G. Vale of Paris was a business visitor in town Friday. Mrs. B. M. Walton of Toronto _ is rending a few days with friends in Has More REAL Nutriment than any Flour we Know of. A Tipâ€"Top Satisfying Measure "Ask Your Grocer" WM. SNIDER, DCEAN FLOUR Flour Mills Waterido â€" Happiness oiten consists of gotting the things we don‘t want The following _ officers were clected {for the year :â€" Prosidentâ€"Miss Hoober. F Nee â€"Treas.â€"Mrs. L. Flynn. Convener of Look Miter Conmsâ€"Miss \ima Wagner. Don t gat discouraged. Historty is full (4 "also tans."‘ It‘s better to deliver the goods than to be caught with them on vou. The mecting together oï¬ the _ two Leagues was mutually profitable and the evening was much enjoyed by all in attendance, about one hunsdred and twentyâ€"five hbeing present. The annual _ meeting of the Ladies Bible class of the Methodist _ Church wasâ€" hold _ at the home of the Presiâ€" dent, _ Mrs. . 0. Dobbin, Thursday evening. About thirty were in attenâ€" dance. Convener of Look Out Com.â€"Miss Nadia Strasser. Convener of Social Comâ€"Miss Hilâ€" da Revitt. Following the business meeting, the nt mhers of the Class enjoyed a social hour during which refreshments were served _ and all prosent appreciated the kind hospitality af Mrs. Dobbin. , Mr. and Mrs. M. Huehnergard _ are visitors in this vicinity. ‘They were here to attend the funeral _ of _ the former‘s father, which took place in Eimira. f Mrs. Milton Snyder of North Batâ€" ‘tl?tord, Nask., _ who spent several months at _ her home hbere return ‘nd to the West last week. She was accompanied by hey sister Miss Vera Hamel. \ Aiter votes of thamks to the Hespâ€" eler League for the excellent program provided and from the visiting | Leaâ€" gue acknowledging the hospitality of the Waterloo League, . the gatherâ€" ing dispersed, the visitors â€" returning to Hespeler at 10.45 o‘clock. HESPELER LEAGUE _ _ VISITS WATERLOO (On Monday evening, the members of the Hespeler Methodist â€" League to the number of over sixty were guests oi the Waterloo Methodist _ League. A special car was chartered for the trip over the G. P. & H. .Railway, the‘visitors _ arriving at Waterloo shortly after eight o‘clock. bers, a reading, a dialogue and an address by Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor of the Hespeler Church. Those present. aiterwards adjourned to the Sunday school room of the church where tables were laid and reâ€" ireshments served. Mrs. James Scott and her daughâ€" ters, Misses Alice and _ Vera, were the hostesses ol a most successful tea and.sale of homeâ€"made baking, canâ€" dics, etc., at St. Saviour‘s Hall on Thursday afternoon, in aid of the Choir fund. The Hall, which is an ideal place for such entertainments, presented a pretty and _ attractive scene, with a most tempting display of good things, _ which soon found ready purchasers, for these talentâ€"teas are a great boon toâ€" the busy houseâ€" holders, _ who _ gan not only replenish their larders, but enjoy _ a dainty cup of tea and delicious fare with their friends. : The visiting league furnished a pleaâ€" sing and enjoyable programme which fuctuted â€"vrocaiâ€"andâ€"instrementaitâ€"mom> Mrs. Alex. Howie accompanied Mr. an:l Mrs. George Wegenast as far as New York last Thursday, where she will pay a visit of several weeks . to Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Hilborn and othâ€" er members of her family | in the city, Messrs. Frank and Chisholm Howie. Mcs. Helem Wyrick Shafor of _ Deâ€" troit was the guest of Mrs. A. H. Spyder daoring her stay in town,. for whom she gave a charming _ supper party‘, for a few friends after _ the concett on Tuesday evenifg. Mr. Karl â€" Bezold _ of Nueremberg, Liermany, on his annual tour of the North _ American Continent in _ the interests of A. W. Faber is visiting his uncle Mr. Julius Knauft for a few days. ~Mt. R. M. Young who has been spending soveral weeks in the _ East visitAng friends in this vicinity | has returmed to North Battleford, Sask., where he has a good position on _ a weckiy publication ‘"The Optimist." Mr. J. R. Stricklanda recently comâ€" pleted forty years of service in _ the employ of the G.T.R. which is quite a unique record. Mr. Addison Erb who spent some time in the West has returned to this place and accepted a position with M. Weichel & Son. Mrs. _ Herman Fischer and family returned on Saturday after â€" having SPent several weeks in Detroit. Mrs, Canfield of Chicago spent Sunâ€" day at the home of Mrs. 0. M. Umâ€" Mr. J. Rheinhardt of Toronto spent Sunday at bis home here. Miss Tillie Forwell spent Sunday with friends in St. Agatha. Officers Elected 4* not | Mr. Geo _ Wegenast, Managing Dir-i Mr ector of the _ Mutual Life Assurance! Wate Co. and Mrs. Wegenast left Wednesday | in V; for New York City from which place|his b they will sail for Naples, Italy and city. proce>d _ through _ the various Counâ€"| tend trics of _ EuroPe on a three months‘ trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wegenast _ will spend several woeeks in (ireat Britain visiting various points of historic inâ€" terest in England and Scotland and A will return in July. 1 .. "Is anything being done about _ an Old T=ws‘ Reunion for Watetloo this simmer, _ as was spoken of in some quarters last summetr‘ was a quesâ€" tion asked a Chronicle sctibe Friday one in _ some quarters last summer, «â€"â€" and thore is no doubt that if it ~was| Mr. and Mrs. J. Contad and daughâ€" held that it could te made a _ great ter Gertrude left toâ€"day to spend a suce>ss 11 deserves carcfil r.-nsidor-'c'ouple of weeks visiting friends _ in ation, !\M\' York. Numecrous _ friends will wish them a pleasant vovage and a Safe returp. motning. This question was a _ live Ne:retaryâ€"Mrs. Wells. Assigtant Sceretaryâ€" Schmidt." Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Hughes The annual mecting of the Ladies‘ Aid of St. Saviout‘s Anglican Church was held Wednesday afternoon. The loâ€" cal society entertained at this meetâ€" ing the sister society of St. _ John‘s Anglican Church, Berlin. The reports showed a membership of 42 and â€" $30 surplus for the year, which will prove a splendid start for the new officets, who are as follows :â€" Presidentâ€"Mrs. A. B. McBride. Viceâ€"Prosidentâ€"Mrs. W. J. Sterlâ€" ing ST. SAVIOUR‘S The high standing and wide experiâ€" ence oi those prominently identified with the new corporation augur well for a promising future for the _ comâ€" pan, which will in course of / time doubtless beconie one of the â€" leading financial institutions of the province. The Waterloo County Loan and Savings Company have received their Charter and the necessary < license and have commenced business. The company have already placed several loans. The deceased was about 52 years of age and had lived in Elmira all his life, where h: was a _ wellâ€"known character. The tody _ when found between three and ‘clock _ was still warm, although life}) was _ exâ€" tinct. A thin rope\wagffound with the body, and it appears that it had been attached to the rafter, from where he jumped, thus breaking the rope. For the last few weeks the deâ€" ceased had beer living in the house all alone, his mother with whom he lived having been ill at the home of his brother. Friends who knew the deceased can attach no reason for his LOAN COMPANY STARTS BUSINESS act TRAGIC DEATH OF ELMIRA RESIDENT A very sad and tragic death occurâ€" ted in Elmira on Wednesday afternoon when the tody of _ Mr. William Batâ€" tenberg was found in the pbarmn > in the rear of his home, having . taken his own life. Left on a 1lrip to Europe What About Old Boys Phone 103 k ENTERTAIN sceretaryâ€"Mrs DETENBECEKES AIN "THE STORE OF QUALITY" King St. A very pretty masquerade party was h>ld on Monday evening, at the home of Miss Lulu Rafferty, about a score of friends being present. _ The address was read by Mr. Bart. Rafâ€" ferty and Miss Alma Schl presented Miss Rafferty with a beautiful goldâ€" headed parasol. Aifter a few pleasant hours together, a dainty lunch _ was served. 6 Mr. Douglas Colquhoun, a former Waterloo: boy who at present resides in Vancouver was martied on Friday his bride being a young lady of that city. Numerous friends here will exâ€" tend heartiest congratulations. Mrs. Wm. Hayes and Mrs. E. Bavâ€" ©r are spending the day in Elmira. The party who is suspected of havâ€" ing entered the machine shop of Mesâ€" srs. Bechtel‘s Limited this week and stolemn a set of tools worth $75, is thought to have taken his departure for the west. cases exist in the community. } The writer is informed that out of a total of about 625 pupils enrollâ€" ed at the Central and Alexandra Schools not more than a scote have failed to return to school owing _ to the order requiring all pupils to proâ€" sent certificates of successful vacciâ€" nation before being allowed to â€" atâ€" tend. Most nf these are menabets of the lower divisions. ‘ ‘ In refererce to the dissatisfaction of some citizens concerning the reguâ€" lation still in force prohibiting pupils from attending school unless vaccinaâ€" ted, it is understood that the Mediâ€" cal Officer of Health _ will communiâ€" cate with Dr. McNally, District Ofâ€" cer of Health, to ascertain â€" whether pupils can be legally excluded if they: fail te comply with the regulations, â€" at a time when no contagious _ disâ€" TO COMMUNICATE WITH DR. MNALLY The Park Board realizing the exâ€" tensive vsa the park has been put to in the past years, _ will have plans prepared by Mr. R. .}. Sim of the ad‘oining land â€" which has been used as farm lands, but which is part â€" of the park, and it will either be fixed uUp as a small athletic ground, or else trees plantgm,â€"as a place for Picâ€" In this beaï¬iifying process, the Board will in:pect the land on King St. which belongs Lo_ the tow!l, _and park. nics Property _ Commitifieeâ€"Mayor _ J Fischer, Chairman E. M. Devitt. Athleticsâ€"F. G. Hughes, E. F. Sea gram. Horticulturalâ€"C. W. Wells, J. J Winkler. Lightingâ€"F. S. Kump{, F. G. Hughâ€" es. PARK BOARD TO USE ! °* THE ENTRE PARK) ‘The Waterloo Park Board held its regular meeting at the Waterloo Club with all the members present, Mr. C. W. Wells taking his place for the first time. The various standing commitâ€" tees appointed are as follows :â€" Waterloo Boy Was Married Decamped for The West Be alive to the influence _ of warm _ sunshine and . budding time ! Gg meet the _ spring seascn halfway, clad in one of our handsome Spring Suits. We always _ pride ourselves on our lines, but this spring we have certainly beaten our The clothes we sell are charâ€" acterized by _ good taste in fabric, by correct style and by expert tailoring. Very fine quality, hand tailâ€" ored _ garments, . best linings and trimenings, not the cheapâ€" ly made stuff some people ofâ€" fer at bargains but quality and make fully guaranteed, at $15.00, $18.50, $20.00. Splendid quality tweeds and worsteds, two or three button coat, nice long taPels, quaranâ€" teed quality ... ... $12.35 owR Handsome _ grey and brown tweeds and _ worsteds, . very stylish, good â€" workmanship, worth $12.50 . ... ......$9.15 PA NS e sn t fix it up as a playground, or a Masquerade Party «o= | Have You Any Need Waterlog | _ The club for young men which | is being _ established in St. Saviout‘s Hall is meeting with splendid _ sucâ€" cess. _ The election of officerts was held on Wednesday and the following were appoinweg to look after the inâ€" terests of the club. Presidentâ€"Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Harold Suttor. Secretaryâ€"Harold Gellatley. Treastzerâ€"E. Playford. ‘ The rooms _ will be opened on Satâ€" usday, but the formal opening. will not take place until later. A box so-‘ cial is being planned for May 7th to1 get the niembers acquainted.s .______ Abowt +wenty young men wore . in attendance, representing several _ of the other churches, so that this club wili undoubtedly meet with the sucâ€" Ccess which it deserves. YOUNGS MENS CLUB OF ST. SAVIOUR‘S inmsmacy w . inbn mm iain dndionntonns toafic. 4. Mn nindninic ns ce inss sls tss dovlcthiiond Mictniindrttirete tet o itc Movict> Aillâ€"».d Bung alow Nets This popular material is also in a very large demand for Den and Sitting Room Curtains. Special from 50¢c, 60c, 65c to 75c a yard. American Material \' For Drawing Rooms wo show a very exclusive line in Raw Silk Effect with insertion at 75¢ a yard. Art Muslins for Bedroom Curtains This line is just IT, extra wide, pricad from 12:0, 25¢ to 60c a yard. ZLace Curtains Too many to go into details. Prices from 35¢ to $5.00 a pair. If so, we are in a position to meet your wants this ‘ Spring lfru-luulynuhmmutuabnmuruurt-uthflmllm‘; we will be satisfied. We know then that when you are ready this spring we will * run mighty good chances of selling you your Draperies. » Madras Muslins a;:‘.A__r!muuondmmhty.wmuofwdlmmo.fmmaqflto Headquarters for _ _ Ladies Dress Goods. . . Gives the Best Satisfaction for General Baking. Pastry Flour For Pastries. 5oc, 60c, 7J5¢c, 85¢c, $1.00, $1.25 up to $3.00 per yard. . Elegant Trimmings, such as Laces, Insertions Bandings, Bulgarian Braids Shirk & Snider, Ltd, S. B. BRICKER & CO. Daily Bread Flour are here in good choice, also a large stock of Silks in plain and _fancy, suitable for Dresses, Waists and T: rimmings. * We sell "Nemo" Corsets * W "Radium" Hosier "Perrins" Kz‘dy Gloves "Kayser‘ Silk Gloves No matter what is wanted, whether Suitings medium weight wool materials or the finest light weight :f;ol and silk g:o‘%s, we show every kind of weave in all the newest colorings at attractive prices. If you want a good choice in Dress Goods, you cannot d better than visit our Dress Goods Department.y Right n’;w wg the best choice of worthy goods and the kinds wanted by have wellâ€"dressed ladies. â€" For Curtain Madras Muslin or Lace Curtains? Phone 76. Lang Bros. and Co. C l U SE O N LY BENTONK ST. Every can of cream we receive is carefully and hol!stly;welghed sampled and tested. The producer is thus assured of «& _ correct repert upon every shipment. , We furnish free cans and pay express charges. . Our checks are issiued every two woeks and cashed at par. Our butterfat prices are alâ€"ways based on the true condition the btitter market and we are not governed by what others pay. We need more cream iu order to meet the increasing demand for our butter. & . % & Write THE BERLIN CREAMERY Co. for our booklet. Want More ‘Cream _ Phone 346 BERLIN ONT Bridgeport, Ont. of